HomeMy WebLinkAbout02-22-1994 Minutes MINUTES OF THE CITY OF OCOEE CODE ENFORCEMENT BOARD MEETING HELD FEBRUARY 22, 1994 ROLL CALL PRESENT: Chairman Jim Sills, Vice Chairman Frank Carlsson, Carolyn Alexander, Madeline Shagner, Scott Glass, Attorney Ike Cool, Code Enforcement Officer Teresa Braddy, Deputy Clerk Shelly Simon. ABSENT: Larry Chestney (excused) , Eric Barnett (excused) , Denise Lenko (excused) , Mark Slaby (excused) . The meeting was called to order by Chairman Sills at 7:30 in the Ocoee Commission Chambers, at the Ocoee Community Center. Chairman Sills led in the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag, and Vice Chairman Carlsson led in prayer. Chairman Sills stated that there was a quorum present. APPROVALS Carolyn Alexander made a motion to approve the minutes as printed and distributed for the January 25, 1994 Code Enforcement Board Meeting. The motion was seconded by VChmn Carlsson and voted on unanimously. COMMENTS FROM CITIZENS No Citizens HEARINGS ON STATEMENT OF VIOLATIONS PURSUANT TO NOTICES OF HEARING 93-62 Nancy and/or Douglas Pridgen Chmn Sills stated that there was no one present to represent Mr. and/or Mrs. Pridgen. At this time, the Code Enforcement Officer Teresa Braddy was sworn in by Deputy Clerk Simon. Ms. Braddy testified that this case goes back to 10/05/93 when 509 Nicole Blvd. was originally cited for trash and debris in the yard. Ms. Braddy testified that the location is currently complied but she wanted the Board to hear the case. Ms. Braddy stated that the owners had rented out the address and the yard had basically been trashed by the renter and the shewas unable to contact the owner since we had no other address except for 509 Nicole Blvd. The owner was finally cited when they came in for a Minimum Housing Inspection to get water turned on to move into the residence. She also testified that there has been improvements made to clean up the trash and what little bit of trash was left had already been scheduled to be picked up by the trash department. In her opinion the address was in compliance as of the date. Vchmn Carlsson made a motion to find case no. 93-62 Nancy and/or Douglas Pridgen in Page 2 Code Enforcement Board Meeting February 22, 1994 violation of Chapter 115-1, Chapter 115-6, not in compliance until 02/24/94 and no fine be issued at this time. VChmn Carlsson re- stated his motion; to find Douglas and/or Nancy Pridgen, case no. 93-62 in non-compliance as of 10/17/93 and as of 02/21/94 in compliance and no fine be issued at this time. The motion was seconded by Madeline Shagner and voted on unanimously. 93-64 Donald Joseph Crawford Chmn Sills stated for the record that no one in the audience to represent Mr. Crawford. Ms. Braddy stated that we did not have proof of service. She stated that she has made numerous attempts to delivery a Notice of Hearing to Mr. Crawford, to include having the Police Department Personnel go by and attempt delivery at various times at night and week-ends to no avail. VChmn Carlsson asked about using process servers at an approximate cost of $35.00. There was some conversation in reference to using this method. Ms. Braddy stated she would bring this idea to the Building Official's attention. Madeline Shagner made a motion to table the discussion until next meeting with the stipulation that the Code Enforcement Officer look into the possibility of using process servers with the City Manager. VChmn Carlsson seconded the motion and it was voted on unanimously. 93-70 Martha S. Turner Chmn Sills stated for the record that there was no one in the audience to represent Mrs. Turner. Ms. Braddy testified that the Police Department attempted to delivery a Notice of Hearing but was advised by the male resident that there was no one by the name of Martha Turner at that resident. However, Ms. Braddy was advised by a woman prior to the meeting that she is Martha Turner and Martha Phillips which is the next case. Ms. Phillips advised Ms. Braddy that Turner was here maiden name. Ms. Braddy advised that this case was now in compliance as of this date. Ms. Braddy stated that case no. 93-70, Martha Turner at 1213 Willowcreek Rd. was in violation of Chapter 115-1 Nuisances to Public Health, for trash in the yard. Chapter 115-6, for overgrown yard as of 10/05/94, and had until 10/22/93 to comply and did not. Scott Glass made a motion to dismiss case 93-70 and precede with case 93-71. The motion was seconded by Carolyn Alexander and voted on unanimously. 93-71 Martha and/or Bradford Phillips Chmn Sills stated for the record that no one was present to represent Martha and/or Bradford Phillips. Ms. Braddy testified that a Notice of Code Violation was sent to Martha and/or Bradford Phillips on 10/05/94. The violation was Chapter 115-1 Nuisances to Public Health, for trash and debris in yard and Chapter 115-6 overgrown yard and were given until 10/22/93 to bring the violation Page 3 Code Enforcement Board Meeting February 22, 1994 into compliance. They were not in compliance by the compliance date and were sent a Notice of Hearing which was signed for by an unauthorized party even though it was sent restricted delivery on 12/15/93. The Notice of Hearing was re-issued for this Board Meeting and was hand delivered and signed for by Mr. Phillips. Ms. Braddy stated as of yesterday the property was in compliance. VChmn Carlsson made a motion to find case 93-71 in non-compliance as of 10/22/93 but in compliance as of 02/21/94 and no fine be issued at this time. The motion was seconded by Scott Glass. Attorney Cool suggested if there were any pictures to introduce them. The motion was voted on unanimously. 93-72 Morris Jensen Chmn Sills stated there was no one present to represent Mr. Jensen. Ms. Braddy testified that we had not yet received the proof of service of delivery for the Notice of Hearing for this case nor on the following two cases. VChmn made a motion to table case 93-72 until the next meeting. The motion was seconded by Scott Glass and voted on unanimously. 93-73 James and/or Mazie Creech After a brief discussion about the renter/owner, VChmn Carlsson made a motion to table case 93-73 until the March meeting and seek information about hiring a private process server to hand deliver cases. The motion was seconded by Carolyn Alexander and voted on unanimously. 93-74 Judy Mercer Chmn Sills stated for the record that there was no one present to represent Ms. Mercer. Madeline Shagner made a motion to table case 93-74 until the next meeting. The motion was seconded by VChmn Carlsson and voted on unanimously. OTHER BUSINESS There was some discussion on the use of the video camera, and the Plans Examiner for the City pulling up signs in the road right of way on the week-end. VChmn Carlsson stated he would like for us to look into the possibility of using a private process server. COMMENTS City Manager- not present Code Enforcement Officer - Ms. Braddy stated she would send a memo to Don Flippen reference to the process server. Police Department - not present Board Attorney - no comments Page 4 (we Code Enforcement Board Meeting February 22, 1994 Board Members - There was further discussion on looking into the possibility of having a process server hand deliver some violations. ADJOURNMENT VChmn Carlsson made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Meeting was adjourned at 8:30 pm. A , a626 JSills, Chairman ATTEST: 60e101 A 01 AIL ell Sf on, Deputy Clerk L