lbw HELD ON August 23, 1994
Chairman Sills called the regular meeting of the Ocoee Board of Code Enforcement to order
at 7:32 p.m. in the commission chambers and led in the pledge of allegiance. The opening
prayer was led by Vice Chairman Carlsson. The roll was called and a quorum declared
PRESENT: Chairman Sills, Vice Chairman Carlsson, Members Alexander, Chestney,
Lenko, and Alternate Glass. Also present were Attorney Cool, Code
Enforcement Officers Braddy and Simon, Deputy Clerk Seaver, and
Clerk/Stenographer Lewis.
ABSENT: Alternate Barnett and Member Shagner (excused).
This item consisted of the Minutes of the July 26, 1994 Code Enforcement Board. Vice
Chairman Carlsson asked for a correction on page 3 to read "Motion to amend carried 6-1 with
Vice Chairman Carlsson voting "nay." Member Alexander, seconded by Vice Chairman
Carlsson, moved to approve the Minutes of the July 26, 1994 Code Enforcement Board
meeting, as corrected. Motion carried 6-0.
There were no citizens comments at this time.
seconded by Member Lenko, moved to consider agenda items IV-A, G, H, and K before IV-B.
Motion carried 6-0.
Upon Chairman Sills' request, Code Enforcement Officers Braddy and Simon were sworn
in by Deputy Clerk Seaver. Officer Braddy testified that the case had originated on April 20,
1994 and a Notice of Code Violation was sent on the same date, followed by a Statement of
Violation after an inspection on May 10. The Statement of Violations and a Notice of Hearing
was on May 11 for the Board meeting date of May 24. For the record, the Notice of Code
Violations was never returned, although the Statement of Violations and the Notice of Hearing
came back to the City without a Proof of Service. The case was continued until receipt of the
Proof of Service on May 24. A Statement of Violations was again sent on July 18 and time
lapsed as there was no June meeting, therefore, on July 18 a Statement of Violation and a Notice
of Hearing was mailed. Proof of Service was received that was hand delivered on July 19 and
was received by Ed Mulcahy. Case 94-17 was presented on July 26 at which time Officer
Code Enforcement Board Meeting
August 23, 1994
Braddy was not present. The case has been continued by Officer Simon who stated that on
Chapter 115-1 for the trash and debris, the Board issued an Order of Continuance on that
violation which was an order of continuance. A lot of work has been done by Mr. Mulcahy who
requests an extension. A lot of work is still needed and the violation still exists. Major
improvements have been done on the property since the Board last heard the case on July 26.
Ed Mulcahy, 510 Hill Avenue, was sworn in by Deputy Clerk Seaver and said that the mail
had been sent in May to Jean Lepage Thomas's address in Orlo Vista. He had asked that
everything be sent to him as Ms. Thomas was in the hospital. He had been doing as much as
he could but has had health problems. He requested a continuance of 30 days. Member
Chestney asked if Mr. Mulcahy was getting rid of the stuff or moving it around, storing it
where no one could see it. Mr. Mulcahy explained that he was stacking, off the ground, some
of the good materials behind his fence and Officer Simon confirmed that was correct. Vice
Chairman Carlsson seconded b Member Alexander moved to find Jean Le l a.e Thomas
Case 94-17 in violation of Cha Iter 115-1 Nuisances Public Health conditions constitutin. a
nuisance and be .iven until Sep tember 22 1994 to come into corn s liance or be fined '.50 a da
thereafter. Motion carried 6-0.
Code Enforcement Officer Simon stated the description of the violation and the dates of the
inspections for the case. Ms. Simon testified that as of this date the van and trash were not
observed. It is a request of this officer that the property be found in non-compliance so that they
may be cited as a repeat offender at a later date if the van is brought back to the property or
untagged. Gerald Owens, 402 Center Street, was sworn in by Deputy Clerk Seaver and stated
that his wife handles all the mail which is thrown into a pile and is not opened until the first of
the month. It was after July 24 when the letter was opened and she gave it to him. Vice
Chairman Carlsson, seconded by Member Chestne moved to find Gerald and/or Elizabeth
Owens Case 94-40 in non-com s Hance as of Jul 24 1994 and no fine be im Dosed as the are
in compliance as of this date. Motion carried 6-0. Chairman Sills thanked Mr. Owen for
coming to the hearing and stating his case even though he had come into compliance.
Code Enforcement Officer Simon testified that on August 5, 1994 a Notice of Violations was
sent to Jean Lepage Thomas for Chapter 119, doing business without a City license, and Chapter
43-7, harboring of barn yard animals for numerous cages and rabbits in the rear yard area of
a residential area. Ms. Thomas was given until August 15, 1994 to comply and upon
reinspection on that date was found to be in non-compliance. A Statement of Violation and a
Notice of Hearing to this Board meeting was hand delivered to Ed Mulcahy, who accepted for
Jean Lepage Thomas, by the Ocoee Police Department on August 16, 1994. Officer Simon had
inspected the location from July 30 to August 23 with the cooperation of Mr. Mulcahy and as
of August 23, 1994 the cages with the rabbits, in the rear yard, had been removed. The sign
err 2
Code Enforcement Board Meeting
August 23, 1994
advertising the rabbits for sale has also been removed. Officer Simon said that Mr. Mulcahy
had made efforts to bring the violations into compliance and should be allotted additional time
to finish the effort.
Ed Mulcahy, 510 Hill Avenue, stated that the animals are angoras. Discussion ensued on
whether a rabbit is a barn yard animal. Vice Chairman Carlsson said that whether it is a barn
yard animal or a domestic animal Mr. Mulcahy can not raise a kennel or a hutch of rabbits
without a license or a permit. Officer Braddy explained that a maximum of three is allowed
at one location. Ms. Braddy then left the meeting to get a zoning book.
RECESS 8:10 - 8:18 p.m.
Chairman Sills reconvened the meeting and Officer Braddy gave the definition of a barn yard
animal which is not allowed in residential areas. Vice Chairman Carlsson, seconded by
Member Lenko moved to find Jean Le l a_•e Thomas Case No. 94-42 in non-corn s liance of
Cha I ter 119 - Doin. business without a Cit License and Cha I ter 43-7, Harboring of barn and
animals in a residential area as of Au.ust 22 1994 and in com.Hance on Au l ust 23 1994 and
that no fine be issued. Motion carried 5-1. Glass voted "nay."
Code Enforcement Officer Simon stated the description of the violation and the dates of the
inspections for this case. Upon reinspection August 23, 1994 improvements had been made on
the property for the Chapter 115 violation, Article I, by removal of trash. A lot of work was
still needed on the property before reaching compliance.
Vice Chairman Carlsson suggested as Mr. Mulcahy was not feeling well that both of the cases
had basically already been heard in separate forms. To save time he suggested that handling the
case the same as the other case that had involved Mr. Mulcahy. Chairman Sills asked if there
were any objections and there were none. Vice Chairman Carlsson, seconded by Member
Chestne moved to find Ed Mulcah Case No. 94-46 in non-com.liance of Cha,ter 119 and
43-7 .s of Au l us 23 1994 and in corn Ili.nce as of Au.ust 24 1994 with no fine bein l im Dosed
on those two I articular 'arts of this case• under the first mart of the case Chapter 115-1 find
Mr. Mulcah in non-com i Hance and live him until Se I tember 22 1994 to com el or be fined
$50 a day thereafter. Motion carried 5-1. Member Glass voted "nay" as he still had a problem
finding violation 43-7. The way he read the ordinance he did not think it was sufficient. He
agreed with what the Board was doing but could not agree with the violation of the ordinance.
Chairman Sills stated for the record that there was no one present to represent this case.
Officer Braddy testified that on January 11, 1994 Building Official Flippen and she had gone
fir• 3
(110, Code Enforcement Board Meeting
August 23, 1994
to the residence on a Minimum Standard inspection where she had fallen through the (trailer)
floor and the roof was half caved in. Upon a letter mailed to Ms. Vela the next day, the
property was condemned, posted and was to be removed. A letter was sent to Ms. Vela on
January 12, 1994 and she was given until March 1, 1994 to comply. On April 20, a Notice of
Code Violation was sent to Ms. Vela that was not returned. Nothing has been done and upon
reinspection on May 10, there was jagged glass, windows broken out, and holes with jagged
glass in two sets of glass sliding doors. The trailer is not secure and is very dangerous for
children. Officer Braddy had cited her for a Minimum Standard Code of Ordinances, Chapter
108.35 Minimum Standard Code - Public Nuisance or hazards to public health, Safety and
Welfare. The "Posted - Condemned" signs had also been removed. Officers Braddy and
Simon stated the description of the violation and the dates of additional inspections for the case.
Photographs of the property in violation were distributed for Board review. Officer Simon said
Ms. Vela has refused all the other deliveries so it has been hand delivered. Ms. Vela was not
cooperating and has never made contact or arrangements to come into compliance. It is a gross
hazard for the kids in the trailer park. Member Lenko, seconded by Member Chestney,
moved to find Maria Vela, Case No. 94-19, in violation of the Code of Ordinances, Chapter
108-35 Minimum Standards Code: Public Nuisance or Hazards to Public Health, Safety and
Welfare and be liven until Au•ust 30 1994 to come into com'Hance or be fined '.250 a da
thereafter. Motion carried 6-0.
Chairman Sills stated that a letter from Dr. Robert W. Lawton states that Thomas John Wise
is the hospital and under his care at this time. Code Enforcement Officer Braddy said the case
had originated on March 10, 1994 and the Board had to continue the case. The property owner
is Betty Pedrick, the renter is Mr. Wise and it is hard to know who actually owns the trailer but
a neighbor has indicated Ms. Pedrick owned it. Ms. Braddy had spoken with Mr. Wise who
was in the hospital and requested another week or two (to comply). Vice Chairman Carlsson
asked if Mr. Wise must be served for the next meeting. Member Lenko did not support
continuing this case because it had been generated in March. Member Chestney, seconded by
Member Alexander, moved that Case No. 94-23 Thomas John Wise be continued at the
September 27 1994 meetin. because of his health. He is in the hos,ital. Motion denied 4-1.
Member Alexander voted "aye."
The case was presented. Officer Braddy stated the description of the violation and the dates
of the inspections for the case. Pictures of the property in violation taken on July 26, 1994 were
distributed for Board review. The windows are broken out and there was no change. Officer
Braddy had first cited Mr. Wise on March 10, 1994 and a Notice of Code Violation was mailed
to Thomas John Wise in reference to 81 Siesta Key Court. The letter dated August 23, 1994
Mr. Wise has requested additional time because he is in the hospital. Officer Braddy stated the
only improvements seen on the property is that the wood has been moved. The windows are
still broken and the other violations are still not in compliance. Member Lenko asked for
Code Enforcement Board Meeting
August 23, 1994
verification of the window replacement as the letter had indicated they had been replaced.
Officer Braddy said the windows had not been repaired and were still broken. Officer Simon
had spoken with Mr. Wise who said he only wanted an extension to complete the work.
Member Lenko, seconded b Vice Chairman Carlsson moved to find Thomas John Wise
Case No. 94-23 in violation of Code of Ordinances Cha•ter 115-1 and be riven until
September 6, 1994 to comply or be fined $50 a day thereafter. Motion carried 3-2. Members
Alexander and Chestney voted "nay."
Chairman Sills stated for the record that there was no one present to represent this case. Code
Enforcement Officer Braddy stated the description of the violation, the dates of inspections
for this case, and testified that Mr. Rivenburg was in compliance as of August 23, 1994. Vice
Chairman Carlsson, seconded by Member Alexander, moved to find Robin Rivenburg, Case
64-29 in non-com•liance as of Ma 10 1994 but in com(liance as of Au.ust 23 1994 and that
no fine be imposed at this time. Motion carried 6-0.
Chairman Sills stated for the record that there was no one present to represent this case.
Officer Braddy stated the description of the violation and the dates of inspections for this case,
and testified that Ms. Pedrick, owner of the property, was now in compliance. Ms. Pedrick had
been cited under the old Code. Member Lenko, seconded by Member Chestney, moved to
find Bett Pedrick Case No. 94-30 in non-corn.liance as of Ma 11 1994 but in com(liance
as of August 23, 1994 and, that no fine be assessed. Motion carried 6-0.
Chairman Sills stated for the record that no one was present to represent this case. Code
Enforcement Officer Simon stated the description of the violation and the dates of inspections
for this case. She also stated that the Code Enforcement Department had received numerous
complaints by surrounding neighbors of excessive trash in the yard of 330 Little Spring Hill
Drive. Photographs of the property in violation were passed around for Board review. To date
the property is still in non-compliance, however, some improvement had been made on the
property. Officer Simon had been informed that day by Ms. Seaver, the Building Clerk
Supervisor, that she had spoken on August 22, 1994 to Mr. Wood who stated he no longer lived
there and was requesting an extension. Ms. Seaver had directed him to submit a letter of
request to the Board but no letter has been received to date by the Department.
Deputy Clerk Seaver was sworn in by Clerk/Stenographer Lewis and said that on August 22,
1994 Mr. Wood had called, questioning the hearing, and informed her that he was in the middle
of foreclosure on the house and was no longer living there. He was also in the process of filing
bankruptcy and stated that he was going out of town and unable to attend this meeting. She had
instructed him to be present to state his case and make some type of contact with the Board.
Code Enforcement Board Meeting
August 23, 1994
Although absent, Mr. Wood stated that he would furnish a letter to present to the Board. He
stated to her that the Board could hear the case and deny an extension but he was in the middle
of foreclosure and the Board would not be placing a lien on his property or it could give him
an extension until the next weekend at which time he would be back in town and would be able
to move the rest of the junk off the property. Member Chestney asked if Mr. Wood is still
responsible for that property until it forecloses and Attorney Cool stated that was correct,
pointing out that Mr. Wood is still responsible for the property as long as he owns it. The first
mortgage holder could foreclose and foreclose the City out but it does not stop the Board from
taking action.
Member Chestney asked if Chapter 115, Article I, trash and debris in the yard has been cleaned
up and Officer Simon said not entirely, that there have been improvements made on the
property but it is still not in compliance. Member Chestney asked if Chapter 108-23, Minimum
House Standards has not been corrected. Officer Simon said windows on the front of the house
are boarded, missing, inoperable, or no screens there. While it appeared that no one was living
there, a car with a valid tag was parked in the driveway. Member Lenko asked if the City
were to place signs on the property, a lien would not be placed on the house for three months,
according to the Code. Attorney Cool explained that a lien could be placed immediately on the
property but the City's lien could not be foreclosed for three months. Member Chestney,
seconded by Member Glass, moved to find Terry and/or Betty Wood,Case No. 94-39, in non-
(' of Chapter 115, Article I and Cha.ter 108-23 and be iven until the Se I tember 1
1994 to corns! with both Cha I ters or be fined 50 a day until they are in com'fiance. Motion
carried 6-0.
Chairman Sills stated for the record that no one was present to represent this case. Code
Enforcement Officer Simon stated that they had been unable to deliver the Statement or Notice
of Hearing to this meeting although several attempts had been made and she was unable to
notify them. She requested that the case be continued. Member Lenko, seconded by Vice
Chairman Carlsson, moved to continue Case No. 94-43, Penny and/or Richard Murphy, to
September 27 meeting. Motion carried 6-0.
Chairman Sills stated for the record that no one was present to represent this case. Code
Enforcement Officer Simon testified that on June 28, 1994 she had observed an older model
white Ford truck with no tag at 1510 Mona Avenue and left a Notice of Violation door hanger
checking off the violation to include the compliance date. Ms. Pusey had been given a week
and contacted her via telephone that the truck was only used to occasionally haul dirt out of the
back yard. Ms. Simon explained the Junk/Abandoned Vehicle Ordinance to her and explained
that the vehicle must currently be tagged. Ms. Pusey had advised Ms. Simon that she had a tag
but did not put it on the vehicle because they have a teenage son. Ms. Simon stated the dates
Code Enforcement Board Meeting
August 23, 1994
of inspections for this case. As of August 23, 1994 the truck is still in the same place, in the
front yard, without a tag. Vice Chairman Carlsson, seconded by Member Lenko, moved to
find Emeline V. Pusey, Case No. 94-44, in non-compliance as of August 23, 1994 and be given
until August 30, 1994 to remove said vehicle or bring it into compliance or be fined $50 a day
thereafter. Motion carried 6-0.
Chairman Sills said that no one was present to represent this case. Code Enforcement Officer
Simon said that staff had attempted several hand deliveries by the Ocoee Police Department with
negative contact and requested that the case be continued until the September 27 meeting. She
will make additional attempts to contact and will recite them. Member Lenko, seconded by
Member Glass, moved to continue Case No. 94-47, Steve Haskell and/or Shirley Hewitt, to the
September 27, 1994 meeting. Motion carried 6-0.
Chairman Sills stated for the record that no one was present to represent this case. Code
Enforcement Officer Simon testified that on August 8, 1994 a Notice of Violation was sent
to 605 Wurst Road reference to 449 S. Bluford Avenue to Gopaty Ramnarine, the owner of
record as identified by Orange County Tax records, for violations of Chapter 108, Minimum
Housing Ordinance addressing windows and screens for housing without central air, and also
Chapter 115, public nuisance due to trash in the yard area, and gave the owner until August 18
to comply. She had met with Mr. Ramnarine on August 11 and explained the violations. On
August 18 she reinspected the property and found it to be in non-compliance. She had hand
delivered a Statement and a Notice of Hearing to this Board meeting to Mr. Ramnarine, meeting
again with him on August 23, 1994 and the trash had been cleaned up. She also cited him under
the new ordinance Chapter 115, Article 2, for the excessive growth that he had posted around
the property. As of August 23, 1994 a lot of work had been done to the property. The trash
had been removed and is no longer a violation. Some of the windows have been repaired but
there are still two windows which need work as well as replacement of some of the screens.
Mr. Ramnarine was going to the doctor and in the hospital for two days and asked that Officer
Simon request an extension until Friday, August 26, to repair the remaining windows. Member
Chestney, seconded by Member Lenko, moved to find Gopaty Ramnarine c/o Ramnarine
Ramnarine, Case No. 94-50, in non-compliance of Chapter 108, Minimum Standard Ordinance,
and be given until September 1, 1994 to come into compliance or be fined $25 a day thereafter.
Motion carried 6-0. Mr. Ramnarine had complied with Chapter 115 Public Nuisances.
Chairman Sills stated for the record that no one was present to represent this case. Code
Enforcement Officer Simon stated that on August 8, 1994 she cited 704 Malcolm Road and the
property owner, Mary Lou Stiene, for a No Permit Card on a carport that had been erected at
that address. She had given Ms. Stiene until August 18, 1994 to obtain a permit for the carport
Code Enforcement Board Meeting
August 23, 1994
erected at that location. Upon reinspection and on August 18, 1994 Officer Simon hand
delivered to Ms. Stiene a Statement and Notice of Hearing to this Board meeting who advised
Ms. Simon that her son-in-law erected the carport and she had no knowledge that a permit was
needed. The son-in-law had admitted to Ms. Stiene that he should have gotten a permit and was
attempting to get the permit when cited with the Statement. The permit was denied as a non-
conforming structure which did not meet the setback requirements. Officer Simon and the
Building Official had reinspected it that day and part of the structure had been taken down but
the poles had been left standing. The son-in-law had spoken with Mr. Flippen, after the permit
was denied, and said that the poles would be removed. Member Lenko said the Board did not
want to leave the posts standing as the roof slides easily back in place. Member Lenko,
seconded by Member Chestney, moved to find Mary Lou Stiene, Case No. 94-51, in non-
compliance of Chapter 51-27 Permit Card Required Posting as of August 23, 1994 and be given
to August 30, 1994 to corn.! or be fined '.25 a da thereafter. Motion carried 6-0.
The Affidavit of Compliance was presented to the Board for this case.
The Affidavit of Compliance was presented to the Board for this case.
The Affidavit of Compliance was presented to the Board for this case.
The Affidavit of Compliance was presented to the Board for this case.
The Affidavit of Compliance was presented to the Board for this case.
Chairman Sills stated for the record that there was no one present to represent the case. Code
Enforcement Officer Simon said that a Statement had been accepted by someone at the
residence. When the last Board meeting the Statement had been delivered to somebody at that
residence. Deputy Clerk Seaver said that after the meeting, a copy of the Compliance Order
that the Board had ordered was mailed to Mr. Healy. Two days later she got back in the mail
the original Notice of Code Violation and the Compliance Order that she had mailed, both
saying that Richard Healy had moved and left no forwarding address. She then contacted the
Water Department which informed her that the water account at that address was still in Richard
Healy's name. Charlotte Kelly, 27 years of age, accepted for him but the other was returned
indicating he had moved and left no forwarding address. Officer Simon had attempted contact
Lpr Code Enforcement Board Meeting
August 23, 1994
to find out who was living there. Mr. Healy is the owner of record and has a water account at
that address. Vice Chairman Carlsson, seconded by Member Alexander, moved to impose
lien and fine reference Case No. 94-35, Richard Healy. that he is not in corn s liance as of
August 23, 1994 in accordance with the City Code Enforcement Officer. Motion carried 6-0.
Attorney Cool explained the details of the revisions to the Florida Statutes, relating to code
enforcement, which were enacted in the 1994 session of the Florida Legislature. In the past the
Board has authorized him to draft a proposed ordinance amending the Ocoee City Code because
until the City Code is revised the City would not be able to take advantage of these changes in
the Law. Chairman Sills asked if, when they are having trouble on some of our cases notifying
the tenant or property owner, this gives the City the right to advertise in the paper. Attorney
Cool said the City already had the option to advertise in the paper, what this does is add another
option and that being to post at two locations, one of which is the property and the other is City
Hall. This would be yet another alternative. Member Lenko said regardless of what you do you
would still have to send out a copy of the certified letter. Attorney Cool said the distinction is
that you have to make an attempt but if that attempt is not successful then this would be another
way, in addition to the publication in the newspaper to have service on the violator. Vice
Chairman Carlsson, seconded by Member Chestney., moved to direct Attorney Cool to
reference his memorandum of August 12, 1994, Revisions to Florida Statutes, and draw up a
summa for the Cit of Ocoee's attorne to revise the Cit statutes. Motion carried 6-0.
THIS ITEM DID NOT APPEAR ON THE AGENDA - Chairman Sills said that a
memorandum from Member Lenko had been distributed for Board review and discussion.
Member Lenko said that she was requesting a written legal opinion about "legal aspects of site
drive by" after she had attended a teleconference. She was confused by the fact that she had
been told that if you do a site drive by that you should disclose it on record. Previously she had
been told it should not be disclosed on the record. The City Manager has told her that she must
bring it before the Board in the form of a vote in order to get the written legal opinion.
Discussion ensued on guidelines for members of the Board as well as the use of video cameras
used in Code Enforcement cases. Attorney Cool said the job of this Board was to listen to the
evidence that is presented, whether it be by the Code Enforcement Officers on behalf of the City
or by other witnesses, whether they be the violators or other witnesses, and make a decision
based upon the evidence that is heard. Member Lenko, seconded by Member Glass, moved
hat the Board r-s uest written le al o s inion from the Board Attorne on the legal as sects
ramifications cons-s uences and s ossible I rocedural necessities as the relate to drivin b a
site and viewing the property that is a case that will be considered by the Code Enforcement
Board in a •ublic hearing and further that this drive b of the site does not include, and in fact,
precludes any contact with the respondent in the case or any adjoining property owners or any
other interested parties prior to the public hearing. Motion denied 4-2. Members Lenko and
(kw Code Enforcement Board Meeting
August 23, 1994
Glass vote "aye."
Vice Chairman Carlsson suggested the Board establish a complete set of guidelines for present
and future Board members. Vice Chairman Carlsson, seconded by Member Lenko, moved
to direct Attorney Cool to draw up a general Code of Conduct for Code Enforcement Board
members. Motion carried 6-0. Member Glass suggested that the attorney might want to check
with other jurisdictions in the area.
Vice Chairman Carlsson, seconded by Member Alexander, moved to nominate Jim Sills as
Chairman of the Code Enforcement Board. Motion carried 6-0.
Member Chestney, seconded by Chairman Sills, moved to nominate Member Alexander as
Vice Chairman. No action was taken. Member Alexander, seconded by Member Lenko,
moved to nominate Vice Chairman Carlsson as Vice Chairman. On roll call Member
Alexander voted for Vice Chairman Carlsson, Vice Chairman Carlsson voted for Vice
Chairman Carlsson, Member Chestney voted for Member Alexander,.Member Glass voted for
Vice Chairman Carlsson Member Lenko voted for Member Alexander and Chairman Sills
voted for Vice Chairman Carlsson. Member Carlsson received 4 votes and Member Alexander
received 2 votes. The new Vice Chairman will be Mr. Carlsson.
City Manager - not present
Code Enforcement Officer encouraged the Board members to become better educated on what
the State regulates for Code Enforcement and pointed out that there are seminars available for
them. She will find out something for them.
Police Department - Officer Simon commended the Board on doing a good job and said it is
good that the members have good attitudes as future meetings will be heavier and longer due to
the growth.
Board Attorney - None
Mayor Vandergrift:
1) Invited the Board members to visit him in his new City Hall office.
2) Announced the City Hall Grand Opening on September 17, 1:00 - 4:00 p.m.
3) Encouraged televising the Code Enforcement Board meetings.
4) Commended the Board for doing a good job in the mobile home parks.
Board Members:
Code Enforcement Board Meeting
August 23, 1994
Vice Chairman Carlsson:
1) Requested a definition of rabbits (whether they are considered barn yard animals).
2) Would like to know the number of pets allowed on property.
Member Alexander: None
Member Chestney commended Judie Lewis and thanked her for the good minutes (presented
at the meeting).
Member Lenko:
1) Explained the details of a letter from Building and Zoning Director Flippen that
Commissioner Combs had discussed with the Board of Commissioners regarding a
proposed code enforcement ordinance pertaining to private process servers. Director
Flippen wrote that in order to present the proposed ordinance to the Board of City
Commissioners, it will be necessary for the Code Enforcement Board to make a formal
recommendation to the Board of City Commissioners. The Board discussed costs of
using a private process server.
Chairman Sills - None
The meeting was adjourned at 10:47 p.m.
Attes City of Ocoee
She r Seaver, gputy Clerk i Sills, Chairman
.t%�6cc,CJ �4--,
die Lewis, Clerk Stenographer