APRIL 27, 1993
PRESENT: Vice Chairman Jim Sills, Frank Carlsson, Madeline Shagner,
Larry Chestney, Carolyn Alexander, Attorney Ike Cool, Code
Enforcement Board Officer Teresa Braddy, Sgt. Chuck Seaver, Deputy
Clerks Sherry Seaver and Shelly Simon.
ABSENT: Chairman Phillip Rowe, Robert Imes, Excused
David Rich, Unexcused
The meeting was called to order at 7:30 pm in the Ocoee Community
Center. Vice Chairman Sills led in the Pledge of Allegiance to the
Flag. Mr. Carlsson led in prayer. Vice Chairman stated for the
record that there was a quorum present.
Mr. Carlsson made a motion to approve the minutes of the February
23, 1993 meeting as printed and distributed. Motion seconded by Mr.
Chestney and approved unanimously.
No Comments
At this time, Code Enforcement Officer Braddy was sworn in by
Deputy Clerk Seaver.
93-05, Richard L. &/or Brenda Johnston
This case complied prior to the hearing and was dismissed.
93-06, Jeffrey V. &/or Elizabeth A. Weierbach
This case complied prior to the hearing and was dismissed.
93-08, Roy Lamar Conrad
Vice Chairman Sills stated for the record that there was no one
present to represent this case. Ms. Braddy stated that she and the
Building and Zoning Official had made contact with Mr. Conrad on
this day. Ms. Braddy stated that Mr. Conrad asked for a forty-five
(45) day extension to remove the junk from the property. Pictures
were presented to the Board. Vice Chairman Sills asked Ms. Braddy
if there had been any compliance since the notice of March 29. Ms.
Braddy stated no. Mr. Carlsson asked Attorney Cool if a court order
(10, will allow him to miss this meeting. Attorney Cool stated that
either himself or a representative should attend the meeting. Mr.
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Code Enforcement Board Meeting
April 27, 1993
Carlsson made a motion to continue this case until the May meeting.
Mr. Carlsson rescinded his motion. Mr. Carlsson made a motion to
give the Respondent until May 25, 1993 to comply or to be fined
$100.00 a day thereafter. Motion seconded by Ms. Shagner. Further
discussion, Mr. Chestney believes that this is too much time. Ms.
Shagner asked Ms. Braddy why Mr. Conrad asked for 45 days. Ms.
Braddy did not know. The vote was Mr. Carlsson - yes, Mr. Chestney
- no, Ms. Alexander - no, Ms. Shagner - no. Motion was defeated.
Mr. Chestney made a motion to give the Respondent until May 4, 1993
to comply or to be fined $25.00 a day thereafter. Motion seconded
by Mr. Carlsson and approved unanimously.
93-09, Jerry L. Jones
Vice Chairman asked if there was anyone present representing this
case. Ms. Braddy stated the violation and inspection dates to the
Board. Pictures were also presented to the Board. Mr. Carlsson
asked Ms. Braddy to read the section of the Code that references
this violation. Vice Chairman Sills asked Ms. Braddy if there was
a permit obtained for this fence. Ms. Braddy stated there must have
been a permit because she did not cite him for not having one. Mr.
Chestney asked if the fence was put up prior to this code being in
effect. Ms. Braddy stated no. At this time, Mr. Neil McShane
approached the podium to represent the Respondent. He stated his
address as 836 Highland Avenue, Orlando, Florida. Mr. McShane
stated that he on rare occasion represents the City of Ocoee but
did not feel that it was a conflict of interest. Mr. McShane asked
the Board for a one time 30-day continuance so that they could
present video and 35mm pictures to the Board. Mr. Carlsson asked
Mr. Jones if he was not aware of the violation on the Notice of
Code Violation sent on January 29, 1993. Vice Chairman asked that
Mr. Jones be sworn in. Mr. Jerry L. Jones was sworn in at this time
by Deputy Clerk Seaver. Mr. Carlsson restated his question. Mr.
McShane stated that he received the notice on Thursday to attend
this meeting and was asking for a continuance. Mr. Carlsson asked
Mr. Jones if he contacted the City in reference to this violation.
Mr. Jones stated that he had contacted the City twice but he did
not feel that his fence was in violation. Mr. Chestney asked Ms.
Braddy if the fence was measured. Ms. Braddy stated yes. Mr.
Carlsson asked if the street was platted. Ms. Braddy stated yes.
Mr. McShane again asked for a 30-day continuance on a ten year old
fence. Further discussion continued on this matter. Mr. Carlsson
made a motion to continue to hear this case. Motion seconded by Mr.
Chestney and approved unanimously. Mr. McShane asked that Mr.
Chestney and Mr. Carlsson excuse themselves from hearing this case
because he felt their decision was already made concerning this
case. Mr. McShane also pointed out that there was a clerical error
on the Statement of Violations referencing the address. He also
stated that a Notice of Code Violation was not attached to the
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Core Code Enforcement Board Meeting
April 27, 1993
Statement of Violations. He also stated that this was not an
intersection and that his motion was never addressed. Mr. McShane
asked for a dismissal or continuance of this case. Mr. Carlsson
asked if the address was incorrect. Ms. Braddy stated that there
was a clerical error. Mr. Carlsson made a motion that this case be
continued until the May 25, 1993 Code Enforcement Board Meeting.
Ms. Braddy stated that the complete packet will be redone. Mr.
Carlsson's motion was seconded by Ms. Alexander and approved
93-10, Emily T. Daniels &/or James H. Daniels
This case complied prior to the hearing and was dismissed.
93-11, Jessie M. Pettis &/or Edwina A. Pettis
This case complied prior to the hearing and was dismissed.
93-13, Jeffrey Wayne Dusek
Ms. Shagner made a motion to continue this case until the May 25,
1993 Code Enforcement Board meeting because of no receipt of mail.
Motion seconded by Mr. Carlsson and approved unanimously.
93-16, James E. &/or Connie M. Elmore
Ms. Braddy stated the violation and inspection dates to the Board.
She also presented pictures to the Board. Ms. Braddy stated that
the tenants abandoned the property on April 26, 1993 and left the
property in a worse condition. James E. Elmore was sworn in by
Deputy Clerk Seaver. Mr. Elmore asked the Board for fifteen ( 15)
days to bring the property into compliance. Mr. Carlsson made a
motion to give the Respondent until May 18, 1993 to comply or to be
fined $25.00 a day thereafter. Motion seconded by Ms. Alexander and
approved unanimously.
93-17, James E. &/or Nancy M. Wiggins
This case complied prior to the hearing and was dismissed.
93-18, Roger Freeman
Ms. Braddy asked that the case be continued because there had been
no receipt of notification received. Mr. Carlsson made a motion to
continue this case until the May 25, 1993 Code Enforcement Board
Meeting. Motion seconded by Mr. Chestney and approved unanimously.
93-19, Florence M. Atchison
4b. This case complied prior to the hearing and was dismissed.
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Code Enforcement Board Meeting
April 27, 1993
93-20, Estate of Clyde Fair
This case complied prior to the hearing and was dismissed.
93-21, Patrick L. Julian Jr. &/or Paula L. Julian
Mr. Carlsson made a motion to continue this case until the May 25,
1993 Code Enforcement Board Meeting. Motion seconded by Ms.
Alexander and approved unanimously.
93-23, Sharon S. Owen
Ms. Braddy asked that this case be continued because the address
was incorrect for delivery. Mr. Carlsson made a motion to continue
this case until the May 25, 1993 Code Enforcement Board Meeting.
Motion seconded by Ms. Shagner and approved unanimously.
93-24, Abel &/or Teresa Aguitar
Mr. Carlsson made a motion to continue this case until the May 25,
1993 Code Enforcement Board Meeting because of no receipt of
411, delivery. Motion seconded by Ms. Shagner and approved unanimously.
93-25, Garfield Holmes
Mr. Carlsson made a motion to continue this case until the May 25,
1993 Code Enforcement Board Meeting because of no receipt of
delivery. Motion seconded by Ms. Shagner and approved unanimously.
93-27, Stanley A. &/or Catherine W. Craw
This case complied prior to the hearing and was dismissed.
Vice Chairman Sills stated that Cases 93-01 and 93-04 had complied
with their compliance orders.
City Manager - Not Present
Code Enforcement Officer - No Comments
Police Department - No Comments
Board Attorney - No Comments
Board Members - Mr. Carlsson asked how long you had to give for
Statements of Violation. Further discussion of Board procedures.
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Code Enforcement Board Meeting
April 27, 1993
Ms. Alexander made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Motion seconded
by Mr. Chestney and approved unanimously. Meeting adjourned at 8:30
epSills, ice Chairman
ATTEST: � / '
.herry See- , Deputy Clerk