JULY 28, 1992
PRESENT: Chairman Phillip Rowe, Members Frank Carlsson, Dave Rich,
Jim Sills, Madeline Shagner, Attorney Ike Cool, Building and Zoning
Official Don Flippen, Code Enforcement Officer Steve Ross, and
Deputy Clerk Sherry Seaver.
ABSENT: Ray Wood and Robert Imes, unexcused
The meeting was called to order at 7 :30 pm in the Ocoee Community
Center. Chairman Rowe led in the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag
and Mr. Carlsson led in prayer. Chairman Rowe stated for the record
that there was a quorum present.
Mr. Carlsson made a motion to approve the minutes of the June 23,
1992 Code Enforcement Board meeting as printed and distributed.
Motion seconded by Mr. Rich and approved unanimously.
No comments.
92-53, Charles Davis
At this time, Don Flippen and Steve Ross were sworn in by Deputy
Clerk Seaver. Mr. Ross defined this case as an undeveloped lot that
was overgrown. Mr. Ross stated that although the violation had been
complied with before the meeting, this case was brought to the
Board because it is a recurring problem. Mr. Ross stated that the
lot was mowed on July 18, 1992 . Pictures were presented to the
Board for review. Charles Davis was sworn in at this time by Deputy
Clerk Seaver. Mr. Davis stated that all the information stated by
Mr. Ross was correct except that the lot was mowed on Tuesday, July
14, 1992 . Mr. Davis stated that he thought he could take care of
the problem in the future. Mr. Carlsson asked if this had been '
cited many times before. Mr. Ross stated yes. At this time, Mr.
Henry Morgan was sworn in. Mr. Morgan. _lives at 304 S. Lakeshore
Drive, Ocoee. Mr. Morgan stated that he had lodged all the
complaints against the property and that. Mr. . Ross responded each
time. Mr. Morgan would like to get the lot mowed at a decent
height. Mr. Davis again spoke on a neighbors yard and was
interrupted by Mr. Carlsson because it had no bearing on this case.
Chairman Rowe asked Mr. Davis what it would take to assure that the
grass would be cut. Ms. Shagner asked what arrangements had been
made to have the lot mowed. Mr. Davis stated that he would call his
guy on a weekly basis if needed. Mr. Carlsson made a motion to find
Page 2
Code Enforcement Board Meeting
July 28, 1992
the Respondent in violation of Sec 11-23 but complied prior to
tonights meeting and the next time its in violation to be fined
$25.00 a day thereafter. Mr. Carlsson withdrew his motion. Mr.
Carlsson made a motion to find the Respondent in violation of Sec
11-23 but complied prior to tonights meeting therefor no fine but
the next time it's found in violation to be considered a repeat
violator and a fine would start immediately. Motion seconded by Ms.
Shagner and approved unanimously.
92-54, Bill Stapleton &/or Betty Pedrick
Mr. Ross stated that a mobile home was moved on to 129 Mobile Lane
without a permit. Mr. Ross read the violation. Mr. Ross stated that
on inspection of the trailer, it did not meet code. Mr. Ross stated
that it was a 1965 mobile home. Pictures were presented to the
Board for review. Mr. Flippen stated that the trailer could not be
rebuilt. Ms. Betty Pedrick was sworn in by Deputy Clerk Seaver. Ms.
Pedrick stated that the trailer was moved in without permission.
Ms. Pedrick asked Mr. Stapleton to move his trailer. Bill Stapleton
was sworn in. Mr. Stapleton stated that he had talked with Ms.
Pedrick before he moved the trailer on the lot. He stated that is
(ipw passed inspection with Orange County. Ms. Stapleton also stated
that he was going to court to determine if the trailer was his on
August 3, 1992 . Ms. Shagner asked Mr. Stapleton how he could move
the trailer on the lot without permission. Mr. Stapleton stated
that he had already talked to Ms. Pedrick. Mr. Carlsson asked Mr.
Stapleton how long it would take to move the trailer. Mr. Stapleton
stated that he would have to hire someone to move it. Mr. Carlsson
made a motion to find Mr. Bill Stapleton in violation of code
stated and to give him until August 4, 1992 to bring it into
compliance or to remove the trailer or to be fined $250.00 per day
thereafter. Motion seconded by Mr. Sills and approved unanimously.
Mr. Carlsson made a motion to find Ms. Betty Pedrick in violation
of code stated and to give her until August 5, 1992 to bring it
into compliance or to remove the trailer or to be fined $250.00 per
day thereafter. Motion seconded by Ms. Shagner and approved
92-49, W.A. Headley Development Group, Inc.
Mr. Ross stated that there were 39 lots overgrown in the Veronica
Place Subdivision. Pictures were presented to the Board for review.
Chairman Rowe stated for the record that there was no one present
to represent this case. Mr. Rich made a motion to find the
Respondent in violation of code stated and to give them until
August 3, 1992 to comply or to be fined $250.00 per day thereafter.
Motion seconded by Ms. Shagner and approved unanimously.
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Code Enforcement Board Meeting
July 28, 1992
City Manager - Not Present
Code Enforcement Officer - No Comment
Police Department - Not Present
Board Attorney - No Comment
Board Members - Chairman Rowe thanked everyone for attending the
Mr. Rich made a motion to adjourn. Motion seconded by Ms. Shagner
and approved unanimously. Meeting adjourned at 9:00 pm.
Philli Rowe, Chairman
4100 ATTEST: '
Sher , Seav4d1 reputy Clerk