AUGUST 25, 1992
PRESENT: Chairman Phillip Rowe, Vice Chairman Jim Sills, Robert
Imes, Dave Rich, Madeline Shagner, Attorney Ike Cool, Code
Enforcement Officer Steve Ross and Deputy Clerk Sherry Seaver.
ABSENT: Frank Carlsson, excused
Chairman Rowe called the meeting to order at 7:30 pm in the Ocoee
Community Center. Chairman Rowe led in the Pledge of Allegiance and
Mr. Imes led in prayer. Chairman Rowe stated for the record that
there was a quorum present.
Mr. Imes made a motion to approve the minutes of the July 28, 1992
Code Enforcement Board Meeting as printed and distributed. Motion
seconded by Mr. Rich and approved unanimously.
No citizens present.
92-55, Louise T. Price
At this time, Mr. Ross was sworn in by Deputy Clerk Seaver. Mr.
Ross stated the violation and inspections of the property at 465
Ft. Collins Court. Pictures were presented to the Board for review.
Mr. Ross stated that there was no contact with Ms. Price except the
card signed for the Notice of Hearing. Vice Chairman Sills made a
motion to find the Respondent in violation and to give them until
September 1, 1992 to comply or to be fined $25.00 a day thereafter.
Motion seconded by Mr. Rich and approved unanimously.
92-56, Betty Pedrick •
This case complied prior to the Hearing and 'was dismissed.
p. "
92-5y, Diamond Two1 , Attn: Jasbir S. Kalsi
Mr. Ross, stated thatt<his was a 1920 's house that Vas gutted with
. fire. He stated that he had a phone -call from Mr. Kalsi-but :the
_property" was still in non-complian e.r Pictures were presented to
the :Board: Mr. Iines made a motion t`o table this'cases ''until the
.-r September Z2, 1992 inn eting. Motion 'seconded by=4Ms. Shagner and
#ppxo' unanimously. .�'
-. r
Page 2
Code Enforcement Board Meeting
August 25, 1992
92-59, Ted Molthen
This case complied prior to the hearing and was dismissed.
92-60, Gopaty Ramnarine
This case complied prior to the hearing and was dismissed.
92-61, Emmett D. &/or Denver Harper
Mr. Ross stated the violation and inspections for this case. He
stated he hand delivered the Notice of Hearing and spoke with Mr.
Harper. Mr. Ross stated that the property was partially mowed prior
to the hearing. Mr. Imes asked Mr. Ross if the property was county.
Mr. Ross stated no. Pictures were presented to the Board for
review. Mr. Imes made a motion to find the Respondent in non-
compliance and to give them until September 1, 1992 to comply or to
be fined $50.00 a day thereafter. Motion seconded by Vice Chairman
Sills and approved unanimously.
92-62, Circle K Corporation
Mr. Ross stated that violations and inspections in this case. Mr.
Ross stated that all violations had been complied with. Pictures
were presented to the Board for review. Mr. Ross stated that he
brought the case to the Board to make sure there would be no future
problems. Mr. Imes made a motion to find the Respondent in non-
compliance as of July 21, 1992 but came into compliance on August
13, 1992 and therefore no fine imposed. Motion seconded by Ms.
Shagner and approved unanimously.
92-63, Betty Pedrick
Mr. Ross stated the violations and inspections in this case.
Pictures were presented to the Board for review. Mr. Ross stated
that Ms. Pedrick responded by letter to Mr. Don Flippen, Building
and Zoning Official. Mr. Ross stated that the trash was still
present on the lot. Vice Chairman Sill asked Mr. Ross if this was
a repeat violation. Mr. Ross stated no. Mr. Imes made a motion to
find the Respondent in non-compliance and to give her until August
28, 1992 or to be fined $100.00 a day thereafter. Motion seconded
by Mr. Rich and approved unanimously.
92-64, Sharma Heeralal
This case complied prior to the Hearing and was dismissed.
Page 3
Code Enforcement Board Meeting
August 25, 1992
92-49, W.A. Headley Development Group, Inc.
Affidavit of Compliance.
92-54, Bill Stapleton &/or Betty Pedrick
Mr. Ross stated that the judge of this case had postponed it twice
but had determined the trailer to belong to Mr. Stapleton. Mr.
Stapleton asked for time until September 2, 1992 to move the
trailer from the lot. Mr. Imes made a motion to table the case
until the September 22, 1992 meeting. Motion seconded by Mr. Rich
and approved unanimously.
City Manager - Not Present
Code Enforcement Officers - No Comment
Police Department - Not Present
Board Attorney - No Comment
Board Members - No Comment
Citizens - Mr. Scott Vandergrift stated that he appreciated all the
Board Members for their time.
Mr. Imes made a motion to adjourn. Motion seconded by Mr. Rich and
approved unanimously. Meeting adjourned at 8: 19 pm.
Philli Rowe, Chairman
ATT:If :
Sh rry SeaIt
, Deputy Clerk