JULY 24, 1990
PRESENT: Chairman John Linebarier, Vice Chairman Robert Imes,
Members Gary Carroll , Pitt Varnes , Frank Carlsson, Phillip Rowe,
Attorney Ike Cool , Code Enforcement Officers Steve Ross and Rod
McDougal , Police Sergeant Chuck Seaver, and Deputy Clerk Sherry
ABSENT: Member Ray Wood (excused)
Chairman Linebarier called the meeting to order at 7 : 31 p.m. in
the Ocoee Womens Club. Mr. Varnes led in prayer and Chairman
Linebarier led in the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. Chairman
Linebarier stated for the record that there was a quorum present.
Mr. Carroll moved to approve the minutes of the May 22 , 1990
meeting as printed. Motion seconded by Mr. Carlsson and approved
Case 90-18 , Jim Mitchell , Engaging in business without a City
Occupational License.
This case complied before the hearing and was dismissed.
Case 90-21 , Domino ' s Pizza, Engaging in business without a City
Occupational License.
This case complied before the hearing and was dismissed.
Case 90-32 , Metmor Financial , Nuisance and Menace to Public
Health. Excessive growth of weeds and grass .
This case complied before the hearing and was dismissed.
Case 90-34 , Edward H. &/or Glenda Thomas , Nuisance and Menace
to Public Health. Excessive growth of weeds and grass .
Code Enforcement Officer Ross was sworn in by Deputy Clerk Seaver.
Chairman Linebarier stated for the record that there was no one
present at the hearing to represent this case. Code Enforcement
Low Officer Ross asked the Board for an order of continuance due to
the fact that there was no contact with the homeowners . Mr.
Carlsson moved to continue the case until the next scheduled
meeting set for August 28 , 1990 . Motion seconded by Vice Chairman
Imes and approved unanimously.
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Code Enforcement Board Meeting
July 24 , 1990
90-36 , Geraldine L. &/or Lois Hennessey Lovett, Junk Vehicle
and Nuisance and Menace to Public Health
This case complied before the hearing and the case was dismissed.
90-41 , Charles &/or Maryann Davis , Excessive growth of weeds and
grass .
This case complied before the hearing and was dismissed.
90-42, Carol Seagraves C/O Raymond Taylor, Junk Vehicles and
excessive growth of weeds and grass .
Chairman Linebarier stated for the record that there was no one
present to represent this case. Code Enforcement Officer Ross
stated the facts in this case. He also stated that Mr. Taylor had
agreed to remove the junk vehicles . Upon inspection that was
completed. However, upon inspection on July 24 , 1990 , the
violation of excessive growth of weeds and grass still remained.
Mr. Carlsson asked Code Enforcement Officer Ross about the
construction that had taken place at this address . Code
Enforcement Officer Ross stated that the construction was used as
a reason for the grass and weeds not being cleaned up but he
could not accept that for a feasible excuse. Code Enforcement
Officer Ross presented pictures to the Board. He stated that the
property still looks the same as in the pictures . Mr. Carroll made
a motion to find Carol Seagraves in non-compliance and to give
her until July 30 , 1990 to comply or to be fined $50 . 00 per day
thereafter. Motion seconded by Mr. Carlsson and approved
90-43 , Paul B . &/or Lucy Lowery, Nuisance and Menace to Public
Health, Junk Vehicle and Excessive growth of weeds and grass .
Mrs . Lowery was sworn in by Deputy Clerk Seaver. Code Enforcement
Officer Ross stated that he spoke with Mrs . Lowery on June 5, 1990
at City Hall regarding this case. Reinspection on June 25, 1990 ,
found only the Nuisance and Menace to Public Health violation
still in non-compliance . Code Enforcement Officer Ross stated that
there was an effort being made to clean it up but he wanted to
bring it before the Board. Code Enforcement Officer Ross presented
pictures to the Board. Mrs . Lowery presented a letter from a
doctor stating that Mr. Lowery could not do strenuous work. Mrs .
Lowery stated that they moved and did not have any place to put
the stuff and she was not going to throw it away. Chairman
Linebarier asked Mrs . Lowery for a specific date as to when she
could have the property cleaned up. She stated that she could have
it cleaned up by August 1 , 1990. Mr. Carlsson made a motion to
find Paul B. &/or Lucy Lowery in non-compliance and to give them
until August 1 , 1990 to comply or to be fined $50 . 00 per day
thereafter. Motion seconded by Mr. Rowe and approved unanimously.
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Code Enforcement Board Meeting
July 24 , 1990
90-45, W.E. &/or Gara Lowery, Nuisance and Menace to Public
This case complied before the hearing and was dismissed.
90-52 , Christopher A. &/or Stephanie M. Wagner, Nuisance and
Menace to Public Health and excessive growth of weeds and grass
Chairman Linebarier stated for the record that no one was present
to represent this case. Code Enforcement Officer Rod McDougal was
sworn in by Deputy Clerk Seaver. Code Enforcement Officer McDougal
presented the facts and inspections in this case. He stated he had
made no contact with the property owner. The excessive growth of
weeds and grass violation had been taken care of except near the
site of the debris . Mr. Carlsson made a motion to find the
Respondent in non-compliance and to give them until July 30 , 1990
to comply or be fined $50 . 00 per day thereafter. Motion was
seconded by Mr. Varnes and approved unanimously.
90-53 , Robert G. Lyle, Junk Vehicle and Excessive growth of weeds
and grass
Mr . Robert G. Lyle was sworn in by Deputy Clerk Seaver. Code
Enforcement officer McDougal presented the facts in this case.
On June 29, 1990 , the violation pertaining to excessive growth of
weeds and grass was complied with but left the junk vehicle still
in violation. He stated he made many attempts to contact the
property owner. Code Enforcement Officer McDougal stated that on
July 24 , 1990 , he made contact with the Respondent' s wife. Mr.
Lyle stated that he has been trying to sell this car. He asked the
Board to give him until September 1 , 1990 to sell the car . Mr.
Carlsson stated that this period of time he was asking for was too
long. Chairman Linebarier asked Mr. Lyle if he could put the
vehicle under a carport. Mr. Lyle stated he would take care of
that this weekend. Mr. Carlsson made a motion to find the
Respondent in non-compliance and to give him until July 27 , 1990
to comply or to be fined $50 .00 per day thereafter. Motion
seconded by Mr. Rowe and approved unanimously.
90-54 , Mathew P . &/or Elizabeth M. McConnaughy, Excessive growth
of weeds and grass
Chairman Linebarier stated that Mr. McConnaughy was in jail for
Elizabeth' s murder. Code Enforcement Officer McDougal asked to
continue this case until the next meeting. Sergeant Seaver was
sworn in by Deputy Clerk Seaver. He stated that Mr. McConnaughy
was in prison but she was at the residence. He stated that she was
not the victim. Code Enforcement Officer McDougal stated the facts
of the case . He stated that as of the July 24 , 1990 inspection,
the violation was still in non-compliance. Mr. Carlsson made a
motion to find the Respondent in non-compliance and to give them
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July 24 , 1990
until July 30 , 1990 to comply or to be fined $50 . 00 per day
thereafter. Motion seconded by Vice Chairman Imes and approved
90-56 , Denver Harper, Junk Vehicle and excessive growth of weeds
and grass
This case complied before the hearing and was dismissed.
90-58 , Nancy Wiggins , Nuisance and Menace to Public Health and
Junk Vehicle.
This case complied before the hearing and was dismissed.
90-61 , Virginia Cartegena, Junk Vehicle.
This case complied before the hearing and was dismissed.
90-63 , Scott C. Anderson, Excessive growth of weeds and grass .
Chairman Linebarier stated for the record that no one was present
to represent this case. Code Enforcement Officer Ross stated the
facts in this case. He stated that he made many attempts to
contact someonein reference to this case . On July 23 , 1990 , Code
Enforcement Officer Ross received a phone call from Mr. Anderson.
Mr. Anderson stated to Code Enforcement Officer Ross that he had
not received anything in the mail in reference to this case. Upon
reinspection on July 24 , 1990 , nothing had been done to the
property. Mr. Carroll made a motion to continue this case until
the next meeting set for August 28 , 1990 . Motion was seconded by
Mr. Carlsson and approved unanimously.
90-64 , Ruby Reeves , Junk Vehicle, Nuisance and Menace to Public
Chairman Linebarier stated for the record that no one was present
to represent this case. Code Enforcement Officer Ross stated the
facts in this case . Code Enforcement Officer Ross stated that the
renter contacted him and stated that he was working on the
problems . Code Enforcement Officer Ross stated that the process
had been going on for thirty days and that nothing had changed.
Chairman Linebarier stated that Ruby Reeves was well aware of the
Code. Code Enforcement Officer Ross presented pictures. Vice
Chairman Imes made a motion to find the Respondent in non-
compliance and to give her until August 1 , 1990 to comply or to be
fined $50.00 per day thereafter. Motion seconded by Mr. Rowe and
approved unanimously.
90-65, H.P. Patten C/O Joseph Y. Sanale , Excessive growth of
Lir weeds and grass .
This case complied before the hearing and was dismissed.
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Code Enforcement Board Meeting
July 24, 1990
90-66 , Mathew &/or Gladys Bowling, Storage & Parking of
Recreational Vehicles .
Charles Bowling was sworn in by Deputy Clerk Seaver. Code
Enforcement Officer McDougal stated the facts in this case. Mrs.
Bowling stated to Code Enforcement Officer McDougal that the motor
home was her only means of transportation and that she wanted to
bring her case before the Board. Upon reinspection of the property
on July 24, 1990 , the violation was still in non-compliance.
Chairman Linebarier asked Mr. Bowling his relationship to the
Respondent. He stated that he was her son and that Mathew Bowling
was deceased. Mr. Bowling stated that the vehicle is being used
and is properly tagged. He stated that he doesn' t understand why
he can not keep the motor home on his property because it was
being taken care of and is in good condition. Chairman Linebarier
stated that if the motor home was in excess of twenty-four (24)
feet, it could not be kept at the residence. He stated that the
only way they would be able to keep the vehicle at the residence
would be to get a variance from the Board of Adjustment. Carol
Messina was sworn in by Deputy Clerk Seaver. Ms . Messina stated
that she was with her neighbor when she went to the City Manager
in reference to this subject. She stated that they were told to
Low come to this meeting and they would be given a waiver. Chairman
Linebarier stated that the Code Enforcement Board is in no
position to give waivers. He stated the Board can only makes
judgements on cases that are presented to them. Mr. Carlsson asked
Ms. Bowling if she planned on going before the Board of
Adjustment. She stated that she was not because she could not
afford it. Mr. Carroll made a motion to find the Respondent in
non-compliance and to give them until August 28 , 1990 before
a penalty is made. Motion was seconded by Mr. Varnes and approved
90-71 , Johnny P. Lott, Excessive growth of weeds and grass
Chairman Linebarier stated for the record that there was no one
present to represent this case. Code Enforcement Officer Ross
stated the facts in this case. He stated that he drove to Lott ' s
Concrete and spoke with Mr. Lott. He advised him that this case
was going to the Code Enforcement Board Meeting. On July 24 , 1990 ,
there was some work being done; however, grass still remained on
the west portion of the property. Code Enforcement Officer Ross
presented pictures to the Board. Mr. Varnes made a motion to find
the Respondent in non-compliance and to give them until August 1 ,
1990 to comply or to be fined $100 . 00 per day thereafter. Motion
seconded by Vice Chairman Imes and approved unanimously.
At this time , the Board discussed the accumulation of outstanding
cases that were not being paid.
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Code Enforcement Board Meeting
July 24, 1990
Chairman Linebarier asked for nominations for the position of
Chairman for the next term. Vice Chairman Imes nominated Chairman
Linebarier for the next term. Mr. Rowe seconded the nomination.
Mr. Carroll nominated Mr. Varnes for Chairman. Mr. Varnes politely
declined the nomination. Mr. Carlsson moved to close the
nominations. Motion seconded by Vice Chairman Imes and approved by
the Board unanimously.
Chairman Linebarier asked for nominations for Vice Chairman for
the next term. Vice Chairman Imes moved to nominate Mr. Varnes for
Vice Chairman. Motion seconded by Mr. Carroll . Mr. Carlsson made a
motion to close the nominations for Vice Chairman. Motion seconded
by Mr. Rowe and approved by the Board unanimously.
A. City Manager - No Comments
B. Code Enforcement Officer Ross - He stated that only a small
percentage of the Code Violations were brought to the Board and he
praised Code Enforcement Officer McDougal and Deputy Clerk Seaver
for their hard work.
C. Code Enforcement Officer McDougal - He stated that he was
impressed with the professionalism of the meeting and is proud to
be aboard.
D. Police Department - No Comments
E. Board Members - Vice Chairman Imes stated he was glad to be
back. Mr. Rowe stated that this was his first meeting and he was
proud to be apart of the Board.
F. Citizens - Mr. & Mrs . Johnson stated they wanted to see how the
meeting went. They were dealing with the Planning & Zoning
Department reference to their car dealership.
Mr. Cippollone wanted to ask for an extension on his Code
Violation. Chairman Linebarier stated he would have to see one of
the Code Enforcement Officers since it had not come before the
Lir Mr . Carroll moved to adjourn. Motion seconded by Mr. Carlsson and
approved unanimously. Meeting adjourned at 9: 30 P.M.
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Code Enforcement Board Meeting
July 24 , 1990
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She ry Seaver, Deputy Clerk John Linebarier, Chairman