AUGUST 28, 1990
PRESENT: Chairman John Linebarier, Vice Chairman Pitt Varnes , Members
Frank Carlsson, Ray Wood, Phillip Rowe, Attorney Ike Cool, Code
Enforcement Officers Steve Ross and Rod McDougal , and Deputy Clerk
Sherry Seaver.
ABSENT: Members Robert Imes and Gary Carroll (excused)
Chairman Linebarier called the meeting to order at 7 : 32 p.m. in the
Ocoee Community Center. Mr. Carlsson led in prayer and Chairman
Linebarier led in the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. Chairman
Linebarier stated for the record that there was a quorum present.
Mr. Carlsson moved to approve the minutes of the July 24 , 1990 meeting
as printed and distributed. Motion seconded by Vice Chairman Varnes and
approved unanimously.
At this time Code Enforcement Officers Ross and McDougal were sworn in.
Case 90-63, Scott C. Anderson, Excessive growth of weeds and grass
Code Enforcement Officer Ross stated the facts in the case. He stated
also that he had spoke with Mr. Anderson on the phone and advised him
that he should attend this meeting. Code Enforcement Officer Ross
stated that for the record that this violation has gone on for sixty
days without compliance. He then presented pictures of the property to
the Board. Chairman Linebarier stated for the record that no one was
present to represent this case. Mr. Carlsson made a motion to find the
respondent in non-compliance and to give him until August 30 , 1990 to
comply or to be fined $75. 00 a day thereafter. Motion seconded by Vice
Chairman Varnes and approved unanimously.
Case 90-77 , Georgie' s Trading Post, Engaging in business without a
City Occupational License; Storage and massive accumulation of articles
for sale outside of building not screened.
Georgie Carnegie was sworn in by Deputy Clerk Seaver. Code Enforcement
Officer Ross stated all the facts and inspections in this case. He
stated that at the end of the work day today a completed application
had not been turned in to the City. Code Enforcement Officer Ross
presented pictures to the Board. Ms. Carnegie stated that the facts in
the case stated by Code Enforcement Officer Ross were true. Chairman
Linebarier asked Ms. Carnegie if there were extenuating circumstances
that were delaying her from getting the license. Ms. Carnegie stated
that she could not get a drawing from Mr. Miller, owner of the
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August 28 , 1990
property, to complete the application. She also stated that the
building was too small to store all of the goods inside. Chairman
Linebarier asked Code Enforcement Officer Ross what the problem was
with the application. Code Enforcement Officer Ross stated that a
complete application has not been turned in. Chairman Linebarier asked
Code Enforcement Officer Ross if he had cited the owner. Code
Enforcement Officer Ross stated no. Chairman Linebarier asked Ms.
Carnegie how long it would take her to move all the goods into a
warehouse. She stated a week. Chairman Linebarier stated that she had
to take care of these two problems. Mr. Carlsson made a motion to find
the respondent in non-compliance and to give her until September 11,
1990 to comply or to be fined $50.00 a day thereafter. Motion seconded
by Mr. Rowe and approved unanimously.
Case 90-80, Dale P. Covino, Excessive growth of weeds and grass
This case complied before the hearing and was dismissed.
Case 90-81, Dawn A. Hearns , Storage and Parking of Recreational
Joseph Hearns, father of the respondent, was sworn in to testify for
this case by Deputy Clerk Seaver. Code Enforcement Officer McDougal
stated the facts and inspections in this case. He stated that he made
many attempts to contact someone in reference to this case. He spoke
with Mrs. Hearns on July 9, 1990. She stated that the violations would
be cleaned up. Code Enforcement Officer McDougal stated that he spoke
with Mr. Hearns on August 22, 1990 and advised him that he was trying
to deliver a Notice of Hearing. He stated that as of July 9, 1990 , he
dropped the charge of nuisance and menace to public health. He told Mr.
Hearns that he would be back to deliver the Notice of Hearing. He
stated when he returned, Mr. Hearns refused to come to the door. He
then called for assistance from Sergeant Simon of the Ocoee Police
Department. The Notice of Hearing and Statement of Violation was
delivered by Sergeant Simon. Code Enforcement Officer McDougal added
that he made many attempts to contact someone at the residence. Code
Enforcement Officer McDougal presented pictures to the Board. Mr.
Hearns stated that the Code Enforcement Officer never gave him an
option to move the motor home to any other place. Mr. Hearns stated
that he received a notice in the mail on June 28 , 1990. He could not
believe that he got a notice after they just sodded the yard. He stated
that the debris was moved to the side yard until he could get it moved.
Mr. Hearns couldn' t get it moved until after the deadline. Mr. Hearns
presented pictures of his yard. He stated that Code Enforcement Officer
McDougal went looking in his yard instead of coming to the door to talk
to him. Mr. Hearns then stated that on August 22, 1990 when Code
Enforcement Officer McDougal came to the door, he told him it was his
nap time and Code Enforcement Officer McDougal was harassing him. He
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August 28 , 1990
also stated that he was awakened by a voice stating that he was a
Police Officer and then came into the bedroom to deliver the notice.
Mr. Hearns stated that he ran Code Enforcement Officer Ross down and
showed him his property. He stated that he did not want to live where
he was going to be harassed. Mr. Hearns could not believe that they
would send a cop into his house. He stated that the jeopardy that the
Code Enforcement Officer had put himself, Code Enforcement Officer
McDougal, and the Police Officer in was cause for great concern. Mr.
Hearns stated he wondered what would have happened if level heads
hadn' t been there and someone pulled out a shotgun on someone entering
their home. There could have been a death over this. He stated he could
have mailed it to him. Chairman Linebarier asked Mr. Hearns if he
contacted Code Enforcement Officer McDougal when he was at his
property. Mr. Hearns stated that he went out as far as he could but
did not. Chairman Linebarier stated that it was mailed restricted to
Dawn A. Hearns. Mr Hearns stated she did not live there and he could
not pick it up. Mr. Carlsson stated that the nuisance violation had
been dropped and he wanted to hear about the motor home. Mr. Hearns
stated that he wasn' t aware of anything but that it was four feet too
long. Mr. Carlsson stated that the code reads that no motor home over
twenty-four (24) feet can be parked in a residential district and that
there was no tag. Mr. Hearns stated that there was a temporary tag and
Code Enforcement Officer McDougal just didn' t see it. Mr. Carlsson
asked Mr. Hearns if the tag was still current. Mr. Hearns answered no.
Mr. Hearns stated that it was not in his restrictions. Chairman
Linebarier stated that it was not the responsibility of the City to
provide every agency with a copy of the codes. Chairman Linebarier
stated that in his opinion he would have gone to City Hall and asked
about the Codes. Mr. Hearns stated that he called City Hall and was
told there were no restrictions. He also stated that he never received
a copy of any codes. Code Enforcement Officer McDougal stated that
there were alot of things coming from Mr. Hearns that he had never
heard before. He stated that on August 22, 1990 when he met with Mr.
Hearns that it was very difficult to talk to him. Code Enforcement
Officer McDougal stated that he made many attempts to contact someone
to explain the violations to but no one responded. He stated he would
have been more than happy to give him a copy. Chairman Linebarier asked
Code Enforcement Officer McDougal about when the Police Officer entered
the, house was he invited in. Code Enforcement Officer stated that he
himself did not enter the house; he refused to. He stated that Sergeant
Simon did open the door because no one would answer the door. Prior to
Sergeant Simon' s arrival, Mr. Hearns told him to go away and come back
another day. Code Enforcement Officer McDougal stated at that time he
called for police assistance. He stated that Sergeant Simon opened the
door and announced who he was and asked Mr. Hearns to come to the door.
He stated that when there was no response, he entered the house and
while still announcing himself and telling him he had a service to
perform. Code Enforcement Officer McDougal stated that he assumed that
was when he went into the bedroom and delivered the notice. Chairman
Linebarier said that was what he wanted to know. Mr. Hearns stated
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that he spoke with Code Enforcement Officer Ross and he said he would
speak with Code Enforcement Officer McDougal . Code Enforcement Officer
Ross stated that Mr. Hearns did run him down and he did go by and Mr.
Hearns told him the pallets would be removed. Code Enforcement Officer
Ross stated that he did see the motor home and told Mr. Hearns that it
was a code violation. Chairman Linebarier asked the Code Enforcement
Officers if they told Mr. Hearns he could park the motor home behind
the front building line of his house. Both stated no. Mr. Wood stated
that he thought Mr. Hearns was confusing deed restrictions with City
Code Violations. Mr. Wood told Mr. Hearns that what American Title had
given him were deed restrictions. Mr. Hearns asked when the Codes went
into effect. Chairman Linebarier answered fifteen years ago. Mr. Hearns
stated that he would move the motor home if he had to. Mr. Carlsson
asked Mr. Hearns how long he would need to move the motor home. Mr.
Hearns answered about three weeks. Code Enforcement Officer Ross stated
he did not like the word harassment; Code Enforcement Officer McDougal
was just doing his job. Mr. Carlsson stated that they were not here to
hear about harassment, that was for the City. Chairman Linebarier
stated that they were not considering any harassment on the part of the
City, they didn' t believe it. Mr. Wood made a motion to give Mr.
Hearns until September 15, 1990 to move the motor home or be fined
$50.00 a day thereafter. Motion seconded by Vice Chairman Varnes .
Attorney Cool stated that they needed to amend the motion to Dawn A.
Hearns. Mr. Wood amended his motion to find the respondent in non-
compliance and to give her until September 18 , 1990 to comply or to be
fined $50. 00 a day thereafter. Vice Chairman Varnes seconded the
amendment and approved unanimously.
90-83, Robert Iles, Nuisance and Menace to Public Health and Unsafe
This case complied before the hearing and was dismissed.
90-85, Earnest G. &/or Jean D. Glisson, Storage and Parking of Camping
This case complied before the hearing and was dismissed.
Chairman Linebarier stated that the Board would be hearing Case # 90-96
since the respondent was present at the hearing.
Case 90-96, Eugene &/or Marie Missavage, Nuisance and Menace to Public
Code Enforcement Officer Ross stated that the violation was at 618
Palomas Avenue. He also stated the dates of the inspections. Code
Enforcement Officer Ross stated that the nuisance was the pool in the
back yard. He stated that there was a violation at the same address in
May with compliance prior to the meeting. He stated he inspected the
pool the day of the meeting and it found still in non-compliance. Code
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Enforcement Officer Ross presented pictures to the Board. Eugene
Missavage was sworn in by Deputy Clerk Seaver. Mr. Missavage stated
that the notice of hearing was the only notice he had received. He
stated that he had tried to take care of it. Chairman Linebarier asked
Mr. Missavage if he had a professional pool company clean it. He stated
no. Mr. Missavage stated that he had friends trying to clean it up. Mr.
Missavage asked why Code Enforcement Officer Ross didn' t just come to
him and talk to him about it. Code Enforcement Officer Ross stated that
notices had been sent. Mr. Missavage stated that with the rainfall he
couldn' t keep it clean. Vice Chairman Varnes made a motion to find the
respondent in non-compliance and to give them until September 11, 1990
to comply or to be fined $50.00 a day thereafter. Vice Chairman Varnes
amended his motion to read September 15, 1990. Motion seconded by
Mr. Wood and approved unanimously.
Case 90-86, Bennie D. Jr. &/or Sherry J. Oliver, Storage and Parking
of Hauling Trailers
Case 90-87 , Bennie D. Jr. &/or Sherry J. Oliver, Junk Vehicle and
Nuisance and Menace to Public Health
Chairman Linbarier stated that these two cases would be heard together
as the respondent was the same. Code Enforcement Officer McDougal
stated the inspections in this case. He stated that the nuisance and
menace violation had been complied with before the meeting on case #
90-87 . He stated that upon inspection on August 28 , 1990, the junk
vehicle was still on the property. Code Enforcement Officer McDougal
stated that he spoke with Sherry Oliver on the phone on August 27,
1990 and was told it would be moved. He stated that this was his first
contact with the respondents. On August 28 , 1990, Code Enforcement
Officer McDougal went by the residence and Ms. Oliver was working on
cleaning up the property. He stated that the trailers were still in
violation. Code Enforcement Officer McDougal stated that he thought the
respondent would be at the meeting. Code Enforcement Officer McDougal
presented pictures to the Board. Mr. Carlsson made a motion to find the
respondents in non-compliance and to give them to until September 11,
1990 on case 90-86 and until September 11, 1990 on case 90-87 to comply
or to be fined $50.00 a day thereafter for both cases. Motion seconded
by Mr. Wood and approved unanimously.
At 9:05 p.m. Chairman Linebarier called a short recess.
At 9:10 p.m. Chairman Linebarier called the meeting back to order.
Case 90-91, Ralph &/or Irene Bosco, Junk Vehicle
This case complied before the hearing and was dismissed.
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Case 90-94, Richard T. &/or Betty A. Wimer, Excessive growth of weeds
and grass, Nuisance and Menace to Public Health
Code Enforcement Officer McDougal asked the Board for an order of
continuance for this case due to the fact that there was no proof of
service by mail or delivery. The Board discussed the fact that there
was a refrigerator on the property. Chairman Linebarier asked that this
refrigerator be taken of immediately. Mr. Wood stated that the police
department would be able to take care of this. Vice Chairman Varnes
made a motion for an order of continuance with the provision that tis
case be first priority. Motion seconded by Mr. Carlsson and approved
Case 90-34, Edward H. &/or Glenda Thomas , excessive growth of weeds and
Code Enforcement Officer Ross asked the Board for an order of
dismissal. Chairman Linebarier suggested that an order of continuance
be granted instead. Code Enforcement Officer Ross agreed. This case
will have to be advertised because of no contact. Mr. Carlsson made a
motion to continue this case until the meeting set for October 23,
1990. Motion seconded by Mr. Rowe and approved unanimously.
Case 90-54, Mathew P. &/or Elizabeth M. McConnaughy, Excessive growth
of weeds and grass
Code Enforcement Officer McDougal asked the Board for an order of
dismissal for this case because during last months meeting there was a
mistake in the case. He stated that there was no proof of service mail
for this case. He stated that he was contacted by Jean McConnaughy to
let the City know that she had power of attorney. Chairman Linebarier
asked Attorney Cool if the Board could reverse the compliance order
that was instituted at the last meeting. Attorney Cool stated that the
Board could reverse the decision by an order of dismissal. Mr. Wood
made a motion for an order of dismissal on this case. Motion seconded
by Vice Chairman Varnes.
Chairman Linebarier discussed with the Board case # 90-26 for the
Maguire Road Corp. . Code Enforcement Officer Ross stated that the
Maguire Road Corp. was in fact the correct property owner of the
dumping site. The case was dismissed.
Chairman Linebarier asked Code Enforcement Officer Ross if the City had
a way of cross referencing the cases other than memory. Chairman
Linebarier asked that the Code Enforcement Officers let the Board know
when a case has been through before.
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A. City Manager - Not Present
B. Code Enforcement Officer Ross- He disscussed the fact that the
computer will be taking care of the cross referencing of the cases.
C. Code Enforcement Officer McDougal - No Comments
D. Police Department - Not Present
E. Board Attorney - Mr. Cool stated that the Affidavit of Compliance
was being used correctly but if it was recorded then the Board would
have to vote on an order of acknowledgement.
F. Board Members - No Comments
G. Citizens - No Comments
Mr. Carlsson moved to adjourn. Motion seconded by Mr. Wood and approved
unanimously. Mee 'ng adjourned at 9:45 P.M.
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