HUM: Chairman Frank Carlsson, Vice Chairman John
Linebarier, Members Gary Carroll, Robert Imes and James
Skirvin, Attorney Dwight I . Cool, Code Enforcement Officer
James Coschignano, Deputy Clerk Susan Swilley and Assistant
to Police Chief Russell Hickmon.
ANNENTa Members Kathleen Shidel and Douglas R. Rush, both
Chairman Carlsson called the meeting to order at 7:30 P.M. .
Vice Chairman Linebarier led everyone in prayer and then
Chairman Carlsson led in the Pledge of Allegiance to the
Vice Chairman Linebarier moved to accept the minutes of the
December 19, 1989 Code Enforcement Board meeting as printed
and distributed. Motion seconded by Mr. Carroll and approved
Case 89-1, Owen Properties, Inc.
Code Enforcement Officer Coachignano stated that there had
not been proof of service for this case and asked the Board
for a continuance so that staff could instruct the Police
Department to hand deliver the notice of hearing. Vice
Chairman Linebarier asked how much it would benefit the City
to pursue this case due to Mr. Owen abandoning his projects.
Code Enforcement Officer Coachignano stated that he was
unsure but that he was directed to pursue the issue by City
Manager Finch when he was with the City and also by Building
Official Harvey Nagel. Vice Chairman Linebarier asked if the
property has been altered other than the sand piles. Code
Enforcement Officer Coschignano answered that the Building
Official had stated to him that the ditch had been altered
but that he himself could not make that statement since he
had only inspected the ditch afterwards. He stated that
there is no activity on the property now. Mr. Carroll asked
if the property had trees. Code Enforcement Officer
Coachignano answered that no, not to his knowledge. Mr.
Carroll then stated that the sand on the property would
probably benefit the surrounding land since that area is low
and has drainage problems.
Case 89-2, Veteran's Affairs Administration
Code Enforcement Officer Coachignano stated that the
respondent brought the property into compliance and that a
Notice of Dismissal would be provided in the next agenda
Case 89-3, Charles H. Davis &/or Mary Ann Davis
This case was dismissed by the City and a notice provided to
each Board member.
Copy of Ordinance 89-01
Deputy Clerk Swilley stated that this was provided for
informational purposes.
Notice of Dismissal, Case 88-28
Code Enforcement Officer Coachignano stated that the property
was brought into compliance and the case was dismissed by the
Copy of Affidavit of payment/release of lien - Case 88-25
Deputy Clerk Swilley stated that this was provided for
informational purposes and that as soon as the lien was
released by Orange County, she will close the case and
provide the Board with a notice of dismissal.
Memo from Mr. Finch to Finance Dept. , re: Don Owen
Deputy Clerk Swilley stated that she had provided this for
informational purposes especially since Mr. Owen was
scheduled to appear before the Board at this meeting.
Copy of memo to City Commission, re: Code Enforcement
As instructed by the Board, Deputy Clerk Swilley sent a memo
to the City Commission. She stated that she has had no
response so far.
A. Code Enforcement Officer - He stated that he wondered
about the parking issue discussed at the last meeting. Mr.
Cool stated that he has a proposed change to the City
Ordinance. He then passed around drafts for comments,
changes, etc. . Mr. Imes and Code Enforcement Officer
Coschignano both stated that they felt the proposal was too
stringent end might even prohibit parking on an individual's
own property. After some discussion, the Board unanimously
agreed that Section 1 of the proposal was fine but that
Section 2 was too stringent. Code Enforcement Officer
Coachignano asked if church property is considered private
property. Attorney Cool answered yea. Code Enforcement
Officer Coachignano stated that the proposed change will
cause a problem with all of the churches in the City which
use grass for parking. Mr. Imes added that the same problem
would be found with bailfields. After much in depth
discussion about Section 2, it was decided that instead of
addressing all private property, that any private property
not zoned residential be addressed and that churches, schools
and recreational areas be excempt. Chairman Carlsson asked
Attorney Cool to rework and bring back at the next meeting.
B. Police Dept. - Vice Chairman Linebarier asked if the
proposed changes would help with the police department
enforcing parking problems. Mr. Hickmon answered that
anything was possible if an Ordinance were passed but that if
there was not a penalty included, the police department did
not have the ability to enforce. He further stated that a
ticket cannot be written unless a penalty accompanies the
Ordinance and a desire exists by the City to prosecute.
Attorney Cool stated that you could not ticket on private
property anyway and that you must rely on the Code Board for
enforcement. Mr. Hickmon then passed around a copy of the
section of the code pertaining to junk vehicles, sections 21-
34 through 21-43. He then read from section 21-39 and stated
that to tow vehicles in the manner allowed was excessive and
that he had a problem with section C relating to appeals by
the vehicle owner. He further stated that in an appeal
situation, the police department would be responsible for
storing and caring for vehicles during the appeal process.
Mr. Hickmon also asked if the Board were prepared to
reimburse the respondent if they ruled in favor of the
respondent. He also brought up the issue of whether to tow a
car or leave in the the area ticketed during the appeal
process. Mr. Hickmon stated that he is putting together an
alternative to this code section. He stated that when you
impound a car, you must be careful and that his
recommendation to the Chief is that the police department
take no enforcement action at this time, only verbal
persuasion. Vice Chairman Linebarier asked how long it would
take for the revision. Mr. Hickmon estimated 60 days
minimum. Chairman Carlsson thanked Mr. Hickmon for his time
and helpful information. Chairman Carlsson requested that
Deputy Clerk Swilley set up an appointment for himself, Vice
Chairman Linebarier and City Manager Shapiro for the middle
to the end of March on a Tuesday afternoon to discuss Code
Board Attorney - None
Citizens - None
Board Members - Vice Chairman Linebarier questioned the
migrant housing on Silver Star Rd. near Clark Rd. . He
wondered about the gutted building and why it still stood.
Code Enforcement Officer Coschignano stated that the property
is destined to be cleared with the Clark Road Extension. He
further stated that he would check into the issue and talk
to the Building Official about condemnation.
Vice Chairman Linebarier moved to adjourn, seconded by Mr.
Carroll and approved unanimously. Meeting adjourned at 8:53
P.M. .
Frk Carn, ATTEST:
- Itka-ELL5.11Susan Swilley, Deputy erk