HomeMy WebLinkAbout03-28-1989 Minutes MTR !Ig QE THE QTTY QE QSQgg QQQM KNEMgMgNT EON MM€TING
MUNI: Chairman Frank Carlsson, Vice Chairman John
Linebarier, Members James Skirvin and Robert Imes, Attorney
Ike Cool, Code Enforcement Officer James Coschignano and
Deputy Clerk Susan Swilley.
AgMMMT: Gary Carroll (excused) , Kathleen Shidel and Douglas
Chairman Carlsson called the meeting to order at 7:33 p.m. .
Vice Chairman Linebarier led everyone in prayer. Chairman
Carlsson led in the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag.
Chairman Carlsson stated that Mrs. Shidel had notifed Deputy
Clerk Swilley that she is resigning due to other commitments
and that a letter of resignation is forthcoming. He further
stated that he understood that Mr. Rush has accepted a
promotion with his company and will be moving therefore
unable to continue serving.
Vice Chairman Linebarier moved to approve the minutes of the
41, February 29, 1989 Code Enforcement Board meeting as printed
and distributed. Motion seconded by Mr. Skirvin and approved
As a matter of record, there were no cases to present to the
Board for this meeting.
A. Copy of revised Ordinance, provisions related to parking
Attorney Cool stated that he neglected to included Churches
in excemptions and would add to the next draft. He suggested
that definition of a Church in the zoning code, Chapter VI, 1
(19) (page 1394) be used. The Board agreed that would serve
the purpose. Vice Chairman Linebarier questioned the wording
in the proposal, Section 2 (c) , "property which is located in
any single family dwelling district or one and two-family
dwelling districts". He stated that he felt the wording here
should refer to zoning not districts. He further stated that
if the wording was left as is, there would be loopholes.
Atorney Cool and Chairman Carlsson both stated that they felt
it was fine as is since section c is a two part exception and
Cope part two being that the property must be improved with a
dwelling would close the loophole. Vice Chairman Linebarier
stated that he wanted to see it pinned down to commercial
property. A lengthy discussion ensued over the distinction
between the terms zoning and district. As a result, the
Board decided to change the wording in Section 2, (c) to
read, "property which (1) is zoned R1, R1A, RIAA, RIAAA, RII
and PUD planned development and (11) has been improved with a
dwelling." Additionally, the Board requested addition of
item (d) to read, "property which has been improved with a
structure whose primary purpose is for religious worship,
which has at least weekly scheduled services and has a
congregation of at least fifty (50) members." Mr. Imes moved
to accept the new draft as amended and to authorize Attorney
Cool to put this in Ordinance form to be presented to the
City Commission through the City Manager. Motion seconded by
Mr. Skirvin and approved unanimously.
Notice of Dismissal, Case 88-25 - Dept. of HUD
The fine was paid by the respondent, the lien released by the
City and the case closed.
Notice of Dismissal, Case 88-33 - Sang M. & Jae B. Chung
The case was dismissed by the City.
Copies of correspondence relating to junk vehicle Ordinance
Deputy Clerk Swilley stated that the City Manager and Police
Chief were currently working on the Ordinance revisions for
presentation to the City Commission.
Code Enforcement Officer - He stated that in reference to
Don Owen, Case 89-1, the City has been unable to serve with
the Notice of Hearing either by mail or hand delivery. He
stated that the City Manager requested that he check with
Attorney Cool in reference to the property being posted.
Attorney Cool stated that the procedure to follow is outlined
in the new Ordinance and would require advertisement. Vice
Chairman Linebarier asked what there is to gain here. Code
Enforcement Officer Coschignano answered that he was unsure.
Mr. Imes stated the City should back off or run the ad and
clear up the problem but that this issue has been pending for
six (6) months. Vice Chairman Linebarier explained that the
proper procedure must be gone through, the hearing must be
held, the Board must find him in violation and access a
riter Police Dept. - None.
Board Attorney - He stated that he is in the process of
redrafting procedures, rules and regulations so that they are
in line with the new Ordinance.
Citizens - None.
Board Members - Vice Chairman Linebarier asked the status of
the burned house on Silver Star Rd. . Code Enforcement
Officer Coschignano stated that he had not had time to check
into it yet. He further stated that he felt that the
building department probably needed to start condemnation
procedures. Vice Chairman Linebarier made a motion to have
an official request to the Building Official to inspect the
migrant housing on Silver Star Rd. near Clark Rd. and Johio
Shores Rd. in the Davis Groves area to determine if they can
be condemned and if so, to start condemnation procedures.
Motion seconded by Mr. Imes and approved unanimously.
Chairman Carlsson stated that he and Vice Chairman Linebarier
had met with the City Manager and that Mr. Shapiro indicated
to them that he was in support of a full time Code
Enforcement Officer because a clean City raises home values.
Code Enforcement Officer Coschignano stated that the Codes
need to be rewritten. Mr. Imes stated that Mr. Harper has
started putting up poles for the fence. He further stated
that the poles have been up for three (3) months without any
further indication of completion. Chairman Linebarier stated
that he wanted a letter sent to the City Commission through
the City Manger requesting appointments for the two (2) empty
seats of Mrs. Shidel and Mr. Rush. Chairman Linebarier
requested a zoning map be supplied at each meeting.
Vice Chairman Linebarier moved to adjourn, seconded by Mr.
Imes and approved unanimously. Meeting adjourned at 8:38
P.M. .
- nk Carlsson, Chairman
Susan Swilley, Depu lark