HomeMy WebLinkAbout05-23-1989 Minutes MINUTES OF THE CITY OF OCOEE CODE ENFORCEMENT BOARD MEETING HELD MAY 23, 1989 ROLL CALL PRESENT: Chairman Frank Carlsson, Vice Chairman John Linebarier, Members James Skirvin, Pitt Varnes and Ray Wood, Attorney Ike Cool , Fire Inspector James Coschignano, Code Enforcement Officer Steve Ross , Police Lieutenant William Walker and Deputy Clerk Susan Swilley. ABSENT: Members Gary Carroll and Robert Imes (both excused) . Chairman Carlsson called the meeting to order at 7 : 31 p.m. . Vice Chairman Linebarier led everyone in prayer and Chairman Carlsson led in the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag. REVIEW AND APPROVAL OF MINUTES Mr. Skirvin moved to accept the minutes of the March 28 , 1989 Code Enforcement Board meeting as written. Motion seconded by Vice Chairman Linebarier. Vice Chairman Linebarier mentioned that he was referred to as the Chairman once in the minutes . Chairman Carlsson moved to correct and accept as amended, seconded by Vice Chairman Linebarier and approved unanimously. HEARINGS ON STATEMENTS OF VIOLATION PURSUANT TO NOTICES OF HEARINGS OTHER BUSINESS City Manager to address Board As City Manager Shapiro was not present, the Board decided to come back to this item later in the meeting. Code Enforcement Board recommendation to City Commission, re: collection of fine owed by Sterling Pylant Deputy Clerk Swilley stated that City Manager Shapiro wanted a recommendation from the Board in the form of a formal motion as to the disposition of this case . Vice Chairman Linebarier moved to request that the City Commission authorize the City Attorney to proceed with foreclosure in lieu of payment of the fine owed on Case #87-43 , Carl C . Hodges as carried to Reverend Sterling Pylant when the land was sold. Motion seconded by Mr. Wood and approved unanimously. Revised Administrative Rules , revised Hearing Rules & Forms Attorney Cool stated that the forms presented represent changes made necessary by recent Florida State Statute changes and the new Ordinance passed by the Ocoee City 1 CEB tow 5/23/89 PAGE 2 Commission. He further stated that he cleaned up any inconsistencies . Attorney Cool stated that the Application to Foreclose (Form 1 . 173) would be the next form for the City to file in reference to Reverend Pylant with the Board filing the Order Authorizing Foreclosure (Form 1 . 174) . Vice Chairman Linebarier made a motion that if the City files the Application to Foreclose , to give Chairman Carlsson authority to execute Form 1. 174 , Order Authorizing Foreclosure on behalf of the Board. Motion seconded by Mr. Wood and approved unanimously. The Board had further discussion about the new forms and procedures . City Manager Shaprio arrived at 7 : 53 p.m. . Vice Chairman Linebarier moved to adopt the revised Administrative Rules and revised Hearing Rules and Forms . Motion seconded by Mr. Skirvin and approved unanimously. City Manager Shapiro introduced himself and Steve Ross , new Code Enforcement Officer to the Board at this time. Chairman Carlsson stated that the Board has not had any new cases before them for the last three (3) months and questioned why. Captain Coschignano stated that he gets compliance in most cases . City Manager Shapiro stated that he would arrange for Code Enforcement Officer Ross to provide monthly compliance reports (score cards) in the future to keep the Board informed of activity. He further stated that as Mr. Ross is trained, there will be an increase since he is full time. Lt. Walker stated that the Notice to Remove forms the police department issue are effective and that about 75% comply and are never even turned over to City Hall . City Manager Shapiro stated that he intends to give Code Enforcement Officer Ross the right to issue non-criminal citations . He stated that he feels this can be a more expedient way in some cases where the respondent would go to County Court rather than to the monthly Code Enforcement Board. He further stated that reports will still come to the Code Enforcement Board so that they stay informed. City Manager Shapiro stated that the parking Ordinance recommended by the Code Enforcement Board is scheduled for first reading on June 06 , 1989 . He stated that he appreciates the effort and welcomes other recommendations . Vice Chairman Linebarier asked about the migrant housing issue. City Manager Shapiro stated that the building department is working on condemning the middle two (2) structures . Vice Chairman Linebarier then asked the status of the Owen property. City Manager Shapiro stated that he hoped to re-cite Mr. Owens when the new Ordinance becomes effective. There was some discussion about the new newspaper publication to satisfy proof of delivery problems . Vice Chairman Linebarier thanked City Manager for the full time Code Enforcement Officer . 2 CEB 5/23/89 PAGE 3 Copy of memorandum from Chief Boyd to City Manager Shapiro Lt. Walker stated that dispatch would field complaints and assign to either patrol or refer to Orange County Animal Control or assign to Code Enforcement Officer Ross depending on the problem. A lenthly discussion ensued over animal control and concluded with the realization that things are getting better since Orange County has adopted new Ordinances for better control and since Ocoee has adopted Orange County' s Ordinance also. Vice Chairman Linebarier asked that each Board member be provided with a copy of Orange County' s Animal Control Ordinance. Lt. Walker stated that he would do so. Copy of Ordinance 89-06 and 89-07 The Board members were provided copies of the Ordinances for future reference. COMMENTS City Manager - none. Code Enforcement Officer - none . Police Dept. - none. Board Attorney - Attorney Cool distributed a revision to the parking Ordinance that the Board has been working on. He requested that a copy be provided to the City Clerk since this is scheduled for first reading June 06 , 1989 . ADJOURNMENT Mr. Skirvin made a motion to adjourn, seconded by Chairman Carlsson and approved unanimously. Meeting adjourned at 8 : 52 p.m. . • F -nk Carlsson, Chairman ATTEST: Susan Swilley, Deput Werk 3