HomeMy WebLinkAbout09-26-1989 Minutes C
PRESENT: Chairman John Linebarier , Members Gary Carroll ,
Frank Carlsson and Pitt Varnes , Attorney Ike Cool , Code
Enforcement Officer Steve Ross , Police Lieutenant William
Walker, Clerk Teresa Braddy and Deputy Clerk Susan Swilley.
ABSENT: Vice Chairman Robert Imes and Members Ray Wood and
James Skirvin (all excused) .
Chairman Linebarier called the meeting to order at 7 : 32 p.m.
and led everyone in the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag.
Mr. Carroll led in prayer. Chairman Linebarier stated for
the record that there was a quorum present .
Mr. Carroll moved to waive the reading of the August 22 , 1989
Code Enforcement Board meeting minutes and to accept them as
printed. Motion seconded by Mr . Varnes and approved
Case 89-14 , New Life Fellowship of Orlando, Inc .
Code Enforcement Officer Ross was sworn in by Deputy Clerk
Swilley. He proceeded to testify that he received a
complaint about the property at the dead end of Starr Road in
May of 1989 . He stated that a notice of code violation was
issued to Christian Life Assembly, Inc . . He stated that
Reverend James W. Gowan, Pastor responded with a letter
asking for an extension which was granted. He further stated
that at the end of the extension period the property was not
brought into compliance and upon checking the records at
Orange County it was found that the current owner is New Life
Fellowship of Orlando, Inc . who was then issued a notice of
code violations on August 10 , 1989 . Code Enforcement Officer
Ross stated that upon reinspection on August 21 , 1989 he
found noncompliance and issued a statement of violations with
a notice of hearing. He then passed photographs to each
board member. Chairman Linebarier verified proof of service
and stated that no one was present to represent the
respondent . Mr. Carlsson asked if this property is the same
property the City is foreclosing on. Chairman Linebarier
answered that this is the property the City has a lien
recorded on but that foreclosure is being postponed. He
further asked that the Board not consider that case when
hearing this case . Mr . Varnes asked if the City could go in
and clean the property and record a further lien for the
work. Chairman Linebarier explained that a compliance order
was the correct action to take . Mr. Carlsson moved to find
the respondent in violation as cited and to give seven (7)
days after receipt of the Compliance Order to bring the
property into Compliance with a fine of $100 . 00 per day for
each day of noncompliance thereafter. Motion seconded by Mr .
Varnes and approved unanimously.
Case 89-15 , Amoco Oil Co.
Code Enforcement Officer Ross stated that this case goes back
for a while and that many complaints have been received. He
stated that he has had verbal contact and a letter from Amoco
and met with them on June 22 , 1989 to look at the building.
He stated that after that date and a phone call the problem
was not corrected so he followed up with a notice of code
violation on August 10 , 1989 . He stated that he reinspected
on August 23 , 1989 and found noncompliance , issued a
statement of violations with a hearing notice and received
proof of service showing the respondent received the notices
on August 30 , 1989 . Code Enforcement Officer Ross stated
that Amoco has proposed putting another type panel on the
roof which does not cause a glare. He stated that he has
received a sample from them along with a letter stating that
this type roof has an acceptable life and a cost of about
$15 , 000 . 00 . Mr. Carlsson stated that the Board did not need
to see the sample , that they were not engineers . Mr. Varnes
asked what the composition of the current roof was . Code
Enforcement Officer Ross stated that it is a metal veneer to
the best of his knowledge . Mr . Carroll agreed that the Board
did not need to see the material , that ordering the
respondent to come into compliance was the Board function and
how that was accomplished would be up to the City and Amoco.
Mr. Carroll then moved to find the respondent in violation as
cited and to give them until November 01 , 1989 to come into
compliance with a fine of $250 . 00 per day for each day of
noncompliance thereafter. Motion seconded by Mr. Carlsson
and approved unanimously. The Board asked that the
respondent be notified that the Board' s action in no way
approved the roofing solution presented and that the issue
would have to be decided by the City.
89-16 , Boren Development Corp.
Mr. Loren Howard was present to respresent Boren Development
Corp. and was sworn in by Deputy Clerk Swilley. Code
Enforcement Officer Ross stated that he was directed to
pursue this case by City Manager Shapiro. He stated that he
inspected and issued a notice of code violations on August
10 , 1989 . He further stated that he reinspected on August
23 , 1989 , found noncompliance and had a statement of
violations with a notice of hearing issued to the respondent.
He then passed photographs to the Board for their inspection.
Mr. Howard stated that the water lines on his property were
installed in 1986 and approved by the City. He stated that
permits were not required then. He stated that there are no
sewer lines on the property. Mr . Howard stated that he has
mowed the property since the notices were sent to him. He
stated that the issue of him allowing the property to be used
as a dumping ground did not make sense to him since the City
of Ocoee billed him $130 . 00 per month for
signs/barricades/lights/etc . to block the entrances and post
the property no trespassing/no dumping. He further stated
that he has removed dumping material from his grounds in the
past but that he cannot patrol the property at all times .
Mr . Howard stated that he has dealt with many City Officials
over the years in reference to this property including Dennis
Finch, Tony Ochuzzio, Ray Brenner, PEC and John Cockrell .
Mr. Howard stated that he can obtain minutes from many of the
meetings that took place between himself and some of the City
Officials if needed. He stated that he knows some of the
paving needs to be repaired and that the retention pond needs
to be fenced and that after he accomplishes these things he
will be ready for final platting. He further stated that he
is working with the bank but having some financial problems
which is holding up the project. He stated that when he was
working on the project a right-of-way utilization permit was
the only one required and he received it from Orange County.
He stated that the land clearing was done in 1986 . Chairman
Linebarier asked if Mr. Howard had obtained a land clearing
permit. Mr . Howard answered no, that it was not required by
the City then. He further stated that he has backup
documentation to support his claim. Chairman Linebarier
asked when the water lines were installed. Mr. Howard
answered, in 1986 and that it was approved by the City who
went along with it every step of the way. Chairman
Linebarier asked if the City was notified 48 hours prior to
the paving of the project as requested in one of the letters
which was presented to the board by Mr. Howard. Mr. Howard
answered, no and stated that Orange County had approved the
paving and that testing was done . Chairman Linebarier asked
who Mr. Howard was dealing with now at the City. Mr. Howard
answered, no one. Chairman Linebarier asked Mr . Howard if he
contacted the City in any way when notified of his code
violations . Mr. Howard answered, no, that he simply appeared
at the hearing as requested. Chairman Linebarier asked Code
Enforcement Officer Ross if he researched the Codes to find
out what would have been required of Mr . Howard at the time
his project was started. Code Enforcement Officer Ross
answered no, that he did speak with Building Official Flippen
but that he was unsure what was required at that time. Mr.
Carlsson moved to table any finding of violation of Ordinance
848 relating to failure to obtain City permits on land
clearing, water lines , sewer lines and road paving until the
next meeting so that the City could come back and tell the
Board if permits were required. Motion seconded by Mr.
Carroll. In the discussion that ensued, the Board asked that
the planning department as well as the building department be
present at next month' s meeting with accurate information
about City requirements of permitting in March, 1986 . Motion
passed unanimously. At this time Lt. Walker was sworn in by
Deputy Clerk Swilley. Lt. Walker stated that he has seen the
barricades blocking the entrance to the property as described
by Mr . Howard. Mr . Varnes then moved to find the respondent
in violation of sections 11-22 and 11-23 of the City Code
and to give them until October 15, 1989 to come into
compliance with a fine of $100 . 00 per day for each day of
noncompliance thereafter. Motion seconded by Mr . Carroll and
approved unanimously.
Case 89-18 , Richard A. Murphy &/or Penny M. Murphy
Cor Code Enforcement Officer Ross stated that the City has been
unable to serve the Notice of Hearing and asked for a
continuance to the October meeting. Continuance granted.
Case 89-22 , Lake Burns Groves , Inc.
Code Enforcement Officer Ross stated that he received a
complaint on August 22 , 1989 , inspected and on August 25,
1989 issued a notice of code violations . He stated that he
reinspected on September 05 , 1989 and finding noncompliance ,
had a statement of violations and a notice of hearing issued.
He further stated that proof of service was recieved by the
City showing that the respondent received the notice on
September 07 , 1989 . He then passed photographs to the Board
for inspection. Code Enforcement Officer Ross further stated
that the property was mowed on September 25, 1989 but that
he is presenting the case to the Board anyway since the
respondent is a repeat violator. As a matter of record, no
one was present to represent the respondent. Mr. Varnes
moved to find the respondent in violation for the 20 day
period from September 05 through September 25, 1989 , to waive
the penalty and to notify the respondent of the late
compliance . Motion seconded by Mr. Carroll and approved
unanimously. Chairman Linebarier stated that Code
Enforcement Officer Ross needed to send the respondent a
notice stating that a repeat of the same code violation will
result in an immediate notice of hearing and that other
notices would not be necessary. Attorney Cool suggested
having a standard form to use in this situation in the
future. Deputy Clerk Swilley stated that staff would draw up
such a form and forward to him for approval .
Case 89-23 , Odell Thomas &/or Earlene Thomas
The respondents complied and the case was dismissed by the
City prior to the hearing. A notice of dismissal was
provided for each Board member.
Case 89-24 , Betty Pedrick
The respondent complied and the case was dismissed by the
City prior to the hearing. A notice of dismissal was
provided for each Board member.
A. Memo from Attorney Cool
Attorney Cool stated that he has provided a copy of the
legislation changes along with his memorandum and the
'` proposed Ordinance to amend the City Code . Mr. Carlsson
�r moved to recommend the Ordinance to the City Commission for
adoption. Motion seconded by Mr. Varnes and approved
B. Ordinance 89-23
This Ordinance was provided for each member for future
reference .
C. Notice of Dismissal , 89-9 - Discount Deals , Inc .
Provided for reference only.
D. Notice of Dismissal , 89-11 - United Motor Co.
Provided for reference only.
E. Notice of Dismissal , 89-12 - Thomas W. Barnhill , Jr. &/or
Jean C . Barnhill
Provided for reference only.
F. Notice of Dismissal , 89-13 - Reinforced Plastics
Provided for reference only.
A. City Manager - not present .
B. Code Enforcement Officer - he stated that the police
department has been helping out with issuing notice to remove
citations on junk vehicles and that they are having a high
compliance rate of about 90% so that notice of code
violations don' t have to be issued.
C. Police Department - Lt. Walked mentioned that the police
department has cleaned up the lot on Silver Star and Taylor.
D. Board Attorney - none.
E. Citizens - none .
F. Board Members - Mr. Carlsson praised Code Enforcement
Officer Ross for a job well done and the general Board
consensus was the same. Chairman Linebarier asked Code
Enforcement Officer Ross if he had checked the commercial
vehicle limits in residential areas as requested. Code
Enforcement Officer stated that he had checked and that the
Code reads that not more than one (1) commercial vehicle
which does not exceed 1 and 1/2 tons ( 3 , 000 lbs . ) were
permitted plus no commercial vehicles are allowed which are
used for hauling explosives , gasoline or petroleum products .
Chairman Linebarier stated that there is a problem in his
neighborhood with commercial vehicles being used as family
vehicles and he asked Lt . Walker to have the police
department check out. Chairman Linebarier thanked Deputy
Clerk Swilley for her contributions for the last four (4)
years and then welcomed Teresa Braddy as the new clerk.
Mr. Carlsson moved to adjourn, seconded by Mr . Carroll and
approved unanimously. Meeting adjourned at 9 : 11 p.m. .
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J n Linebarier, Chairman
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Susan Swilley, Deputy erk