PRESORTS Vice Chairman John Linebarier, Members Gary
Carroll, Kathleen Shidel, Douglas Rush and James Skirvin,
Attorney Dwight Cool, Code Enforcement Officer James
Coschignano and Deputy Clerk Susan Swilley.
A$1T: Chairman Frank Carlsson (excused) and Member Joe
Marbais (unexcused) .
Chairman Linebarier called the meeting to order at 7:32 p.m.
and led everyone in the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag.
Mr. Carroll then led everyone in prayer.
BUM MQ alta V& Qt MIMQTis
Mr. Carroll moved to waive the reading of the minutes of the
June 28, 1988 Code Enforcement Board meeting and to accept
them as printed and distributed. Motion seconded by Mrs.
Shidel and approved unanimously.
Denver R. Harper S/or Emmett Harper - Case 88-23
Denver Harper and Code Enforcement Officer Coachignano were
sworn in by Deputy Clerk Swilley. Code Enforcement Officer
Coachignano stated that he received a complaint on the
property at 197 Ocoee Hills Rd. on July 25, 1988 and
investigated. He further stated that he took some
photographs on that date and passed them around to the Board
members. He stated that on July 26, 1988 a Notice of Code
Violation was issued to Mr. Harper for operating a commercial
business in a residential zone and construction of an
accessory building prior to construction of a main building.
Code Enforcement Officer Coachignano stated that on August
10, 1988 a Statement of Violations and Notice of Hearing were
issued to the respondent and that Proof of Service has been
received. He further stated that since then both Denver and
Emmett Harper have visited with him and that Building
Official Nagel, himself and Mr. Denver Harper have visited.
Code Enforcement Officer Coschignano then passed out a second
set of photographs taken on August 23, 1988. He then stated
that it does not appear that a business is still being
operated from this location but that the accessory building
still stands. He further stated that the dirt piles and
loading machine that were on the property earlier and
appeared to be part of the business operations were now gone.
Mrs. Shidel asked what kind of business was being operated.
Code Enforcement Officer Coschignano answered that it
appeared to be a yard for materials and equipment and that it
did not generate traffic. Vice Chairman Linebarier asked
Code Enforcesent Officer Coachignano if he was sure that the
business was out of operation. Code Enforcement Officer
Coachignano answered that to the best of his knowledge, yea.
He then stated that the only information/testisony he had on
the accessory building is that it is an accessory building
and that it stands on the property without a main building.
Vice Chairman Linebarier asked his if he was sure that it was
in the City and not in the County. Coda Enforcement Officer
Coachignano answered yes. Vice Chairman Linebarier asked if
there were any building permits secured for construction of
this accessory building. Code Enforcement Officer
Coschignano answered yes that according to Building Official
Nagel, there was a building permit issued to build this
structure and that it had passed all inspections by the City.
Vice Chairman Linebarier then asked Code Enforcement Officer
Coachignano if, to his knowledge, there were any plans to
construct the main building at the time of the issuance of
the permit. Code Enforcement Officer Coachignano stated that
he did not have any knowledge of that situation. Mr. Carroll
asked Mr. Harper if he had a legal description when he
applied for the permit. Mr. Harper answered that he was
unsure since it was many years ago and that Dean Harper had
secured the permit. Code Enforcement Officer Coachignano
stated that it was indeed several Building Officials ago and
that he was unsure. Mr. Rush asked what the intent of the
building was at the time of the permit. Coda Enforcesent
Officer Coschignano stated that he was unsure. Vice Chairman
Linebarier asked Mr. Harper if he contradicted any of the
testimony/comments heard ao far. Mr. Harper answered no.
Vice Chairman Linebarier then asked Mr. Harper if he knew the
use of the building intended when Dean Harper pulled the
permit and Mr. Harper answered no. Mr. Carroll asked Mr.
Harper what his future plans were for this building/property.
Mr. Harper answered that he was unsure but stated that he
would not use it as a business operation. He further stated
that he planned to fence the City property so it could not be
used as an access road to or from the County property. Vice
Chairman Linebarier questioned what type of fence would be
erected and stated that he felt a privacy fence would be
better than a chain link fence. Mr. Carroll stated that the
fencing was voluntary and whatever type fencing Mr. Harper
chose to use would be his decision. Vice Chairman Linebarier
stated that he was troubled by the 2nd Violation in reference
to the accessory building since the City issued a permit.
Mr. Carroll stated that he felt it would be a hardship to
tear the building down and since the City granted a permit,
he would not vote to have the building destroyed. Vice
Chairman Linebarier stated that it was not *orally right
since Mr. Harper met all of the City requirements. Mrs.
Shidel agreed that she could not see penalizing Mr. Harper
for the situation. Mr. Rush stated that he had the same
opinion and asked what the City wanted. Code Enforcement
Officer Coachignano stated that he was unsure. Mr. Carroll
moved to dismiss the second part of the Violation
(Construction of accessory building prior to construction of
main building prohibited) based on the fact that the City
issued a permit for construction of the building. Motion
seconded by Mr. Skirvin and carried unanimously. Mr. Carroll
then moved to postpone ruling on the first part of the
Violation (Commercial business in residential zone) until the
next regular meeting of the Board so that the property could
be reinspected by Code Enforcement Officer Coachignano to
insure compliance. Notion seconded by Mr. Rush and approved
unanimously. Vice Chairman Linebarier cautioned Mr. Harper
about any future use of this property or building in a
commercial manner and stated that the Board would not have to
go through the same procedure but would take immediate
action. He then thanked Mr. Harper for his attendance and
Paullette Billson - Case 88-24
Ma. Billson complied prior to the hearing and the case was
dismissed by the City.
Dept. of Housing t Urban Development - Case 88-25
Code Enforcement Officer Coachignano stated that on July 26,
1988 he received a citizen complaint and on July 27, 1988 a
Notice of Code Violations was issued. He further stated that
on August 10, 1988 a Statement of Violation and Notice of
Hearing were issued. He also stated that Proof of Service
has been received and that today the property looks the same
as it did on July 26, 1988. He then passed photographs to
the Board members. Code Enforcement Coachignano stated that
. he has received correspondence from H.U.D. and passed a
photocopy for the Board members. He stated that this form
referred him to Don Asher Realty who handles the H.U.D.
property in this area. He further stated that this Realty
also handles the Vetrana Administration property in this
area. Code Enforcement Officer Coachignano stated that Don
Asher Realty informed him that they have not received this
property yet but when they do, they will cut the yard and put
up a for sale sign. Vice Chairman Linebarier asked who was
taking care of the front yard. Code Enforcement Officer
Coachignano stated that he did not know. Vice Chairman
Linebarier stated that he felt H.U.D. should contact their
agent after receiving notice from the City instead on
asking the City to contact the agent. Code Enforcement
Officer Coachignano stated that he has the same problem with
some property on Lady Ave. owned by the V.A. Mr. Skirvin
stated that he would like to know who is taking care of the
,, front yard. Mr. Carroll moved to find the respondent in
violation and to give seven (7) calendar days after receipt
of Compliance Order to come into Compliance with a fine of
8100.00 per day for each day of noncompliance thereafter.
Notion died for a lack of a second. Mrs. Shidel moved to
find the respondent in violation and to give seven (7)
calendar days after receipt of Compliance Order to come into
Compliance with a fine of 8230.00 per day for each day of
noncompliance thereafter. Motion seconded by Mr. Rush.
Motion passed with all members voting AYE except Mr. Carroll
who voted NAY.
Notice of Dismissal, Gary F. Hoffman - Case 88-18
A copy of the Notice of Dismissal was supplied in the
Notice of Dismissal, Donald R. Tyndall - Case 88-21
A copy of the Notice of Dismissal was supplied in the
Code Enforcement Officer - He asked Attorney Cool for any
direction/advice in reference to dealing with these H.U.O.
and V.A. properties. He stated that it is not an isolated
problem and could use some help. Attorney Cool stated that
he would check into federal laws, etc. and report back.
Police Department - Not present, Sgt. Gailit had school but
will be present for future meetings.
Board Attorney - None.
Citizens - None.
Board Members - Vice Chairman Linebarier asked to check into
the update on the Code Enforcement Board Ordinance. Mrs.
Shidel asked to have copies of the new sign Ordinance
supplied to the Board members.
Mr. Carroll moved to adjourn, seconded by Mr. Skirvin and
approved nanimous . Meeting adjourned at 8:27 p.a.
- -11- s e4441:41
J n H. Linebarier, Vice Chairman ATTEST:
- 1
Deputy Clerk Swilley