PRESENT: Chairman Frank Carlsson, Vice Chairman John
Linebarier, Members Gary Carroll, Kathleen Shidel, James
Skirvin and Robert Imes, Attorney Dwight Cool , Code
Enforcement Officer James Coschignano and Deputy Clerk Susan
Swilley .
ABSENT: Member Douglas Rush (excused) .
Chairman Carlsson called the meeting to order at 7 :30 P.M. .
Vice Chairman Linebarier led everyone in prayer and then
Chairman Carlsson led in the Pledge of Allegiance to the
flag .
Mr . Skirvin moved to waive the reading of the minutes of the
August. 23, 1988 Code Enforcement Board meeting and to accept
them as printed and distributed. Motion seconded by Mrs.
Shidel and approved unanimously .
Brookshire Development Co. , Inc. - Case #88-26
4110, Brookshire Development Company complied prior to the hearing
and the case was dismissed by the City.
Don Owen, Case #88-27
Code Enforcement Officer Coschignano stated that the City did
not wish to present this case at this time. Vice Chairman
Linebarier asked him who was currently handling negotiations
with Mr. Owens. He further stated that the letters that the
Board had in front of them from Mr . Owen' s attorney to
various City officials were dated as far back as January,
1988. Code Enforcement Coschignano stated that
communications were open between many City officials and Mr.
Owens but that his contact was the Building Official . He
further stated that the Building Official is the one who made
the compliants against Mr. Owens and that he has had contact
only with Building Official Nagel and none with Mr . Owens.
Vice Chairman Linebarier stated that he would like to know
what was going on and that he would be quite hesitant to hear
this informationally incomplete case. Code Enforcement
Off icier Coschignano stated that under advisement of Attorney
Cool and the request of City Manager Ryan, the City would
like to dismiss this case, rework and bring back at a later
date. Attorney Cool stated that it would be proper to
dismiss since the City would need to reissue the Notice of
tow Code Violations and follow the same steps with a new case.
Vice Chairman Linebarier moved to administratively dismiss
Case #88-27 as requested by the City to have the case
reworked but that if the case came back before the Board with
these or any other violations, he asked that all City staff
concerned with the case be present to represent the City.
Motion seconded by Mr. Carroll . In the discussion that
ensued, Vice Chairman Linebarier stated that this is a big
problem with the City; lack of documentation, no backup and
proper personnel not present . Chairman Carlsson stated that
he felt the City would not have had much of a case if the
case had been presented. Vote on the motion was unanimous.
Shawn D. Gabbard &lor Donna M . Gabbard. Case #88-28
As a matter of record, there was no one present to respresent
Mr . or Mrs. Gabbard. Code Enforcement Officer Coschignano
was sworn in by Deputy Clerk Swilley . He stated that on
August 08, 1988 he received a compliant, issued a Notice of
Code Violations on August. 17, 1988 and a Statement of
Violations with a Notice of Hearing on September 06, 1988.
He further stated that on September 12, 1988, Proof of
Service was received . Code Enforcement Officer Coschignano
stated that there was still noncompliance as of 5:00 p.m.
September 27, 1988. He then passed photographs to the Board
members. He further stated that as pictured, the grass is
beyond the 10" level as required by Code . Mr. Carroll moved
to find the respondent in violation and to give seven (7)
working days (until October 04, 1988) to come in compliance
with a fine of 050.00 per day for each day of noncompliance
thereafter . Motion seconded by Mrs. Shidel and approved
unanimously . Chairman Carlsson signed the Compliance Order .
Correspondence from Attorney Cool , re: Proposed CEB Ordinance
Attorney Cool stated that he had written a letter to City
Attorney Rosenthal August 24, 1988 and received his reply
September 07, 1988. Attorney Rosenthal 's letter stated that
his firm received the proposed Code Enforcement Board
Ordinance in June and have been busy but that they would now
put this item at the top of their list.
Correspondence from Attorney Cool , re: Federal Agencies
Attorney Cool stated that the Board should all have found in
their packets his memorandum on this subject and that he
would be happy to answer any questions. Vice Chairman
Linebarier stated that it seemed clearcut to him that as
landowners, H.U.U. is responsible.
Ordinance #88-25, relating to sign regulations
The Board members were provided copies of this Ordinance in
their packets. Mrs. Shidel pointed out what she believed to
be a typographical error on page 8, paragraph 9, sentance
that begins, "The top of the sign " and continuing until
the end of that paragraph . She asked Deputy Clerk Swilley to
check into this as the exact same verbage appears on the
bottom of page 9 and seems more appropriate there. A brief
discussion ensued in reference to signs and the new sign
Update on Case #88-23, Denver R. Harper &/or Emmett Harper
Code Enforcement Officer Coschignano stated that per the
Board' s order, he reinspected the Harper property on August
24, 1988 and found that he was indeed in Compliance. He then
asked the Board for a dismissal . Vice Chairman Linebarier
stated that he has driven past this property and observed
some equipment parked next to the building . He further
stated that he would like to see the fence erected that Mr .
Harper agreed to at the last meeting . Attorney Cool
suggested that Code Enforcement Officer Coschignano contact
Mr . Harper and remind him that he promised to erect the
fence. Chairman Carlsson stated that if Code Enforcement
Coschignano felt that Mr. Harper was in Compliance, he would
need to file the proper paperwork.
Update on Case #88-25, Dept. of Housing & Urban Development
Code Enforcement Officer Coschignano stated that this case
was given seven (7) days after receipt of Compliance Order to
correct their violations. Since the Compliance Order was
signed for by the respondent on September 07, 1988 this would
set the date of September 14 . 1988. Code Enforcement Officer
Coschignano stated that he inspected the property everyday
from September 15, 1988 until his inspection on September 23,
1988 when he observed Compliance. He also stated that this
consisted of eight. (8) days of Violation at the fine of
$250.00 per day. He further stated that Don Asher is the
broker for H.U .D. and that his agent wanted to know what the
City was going to do. Mr . Carroll stated that the Board has
set the fine and now it is up to the City &/or the elected
officials whether or not to collect. Vice Chairman
Linebarier stated that H.U .D. was notified well in advance as
was Don Asher and that they did not take care of the problem
when they should have, therefore, he is in favor of the
penalty . Mr. Carroll moved to assess the penalty of $250.00
per day for the eight (8) days of noncompliance. Motion
seconded by Vice Chairman Linebarier and carried unanimously .
(1100 The Order Assessing Penalties was signed by Chairman Carlsson
and Attorney Cool directed Deputy Clerk Swilley to mail this
form to the respondent .
A. Code Enforcement Officer - he stated that he will be out
of town for next month' s meeting due to a Fire Prevention
Conference he would be attending. Deputy Clerk Swilley
stated that she also would be out of town due to her annual
vacation. Vice Chairman Linebarier moved to cancel the
October meeting unless an unforseen situation arose that
needed the Board's attention. Mr. Carroll seconded the
motion and approved unanimously .
B. Police Department - no one present (Sgt. Gailit has
school ) .
C. Board Attorney - none.
D. Citizens - none present .
E. Board Members - Vice Chairman Linebarier asked the status
of the Curtis Hodges/Reverend Pylant case and the collection
of the fine. Code Enforcement Officer Coschignano stated
thathe has asked and did not get an answer but would ask
again. He further stated that Reverend Pylant has built a
house on that property . Attorney Cool recommended to let the
City come before the Board since the forms were set up that
way and since nothing can happen if the City does not want to
pursue the fine. Chairman Carlsson welcomed the new member ,
Mr . Imes.
Mr . Carroll moved to adjourn. Motion seconded by Mr . Skirvin
and approved unanimously . Meeting adjourned at 8:28 p.m.
rank Carls.sor,, Chairman ATTEST:
Deputy Clerk Swill