PRESENT: Chairman Frank Carlsson, Vice Chairman John
Linebarier, Members Robert Imes, Kathleen Shidei and Douglas
Rush, Attorney Dwight Cool, Code Enforcement Officer
Coschignano and Deputy Clerk Swilley.
ABSENT_ Members Gary Carroll and James Skirvin (both
excused) .
Chairman Carlsson called the meeting to order at 7:30 P.M.
Vice Chairman Linebarier led everyone in prayer and then
Chairman Carlsson led in the Pledge of Allegiance to the
Mrs. Shidel moved to waive the reading of the minutes of the
September 27, 1988 Code Enforcement Board meeting and to
accept them as printed and distributed. Motion seconded by
Mr. Imes and approved unanimously.
There were no cases for the Board to hear this month.
Ordinance #88-33, relating to sign regulations
Deputy Clerk Swilley explained that the enclosure in the
packets was an amendment to Ordinance *88-25 simply to
correct some clerical errors.
Case 88-28, Shawn D. Gabbard &/or Donna M. Gabbard - staff
request to amend Compliance Order.
Code Enforcement Officer Coschignano stated that at the last
Code Enforcement Board meeting, the Board had issued a
Compliance Order in this case giving the respondent seven
working days (until October 04, 1988) to come into
compliance. He further stated that staff had been unable to
deliver the Compliance Order prior to the expiration date.
Code Enforcement Officer Coschignano then requested that the
Board reissue the Compliance Order with the Order stating, ••X
number of days after receipt of Compliance Order••. He stated
that this would make it easier for staff to deliver the Order
before it expired. Vice Chairman Linebarier asked if the
property was still in violation. Code Enforcement Officer
Coschignano answered yes and stated that parts of the front
were being mowed but that the rear yard is unmowed and the
house is vacant. Vice Chairman Linebariermoved to reaffirm
410, the Board's previous find of the property being in violation
and then serve the legal property owner with a Compliance
Order giving the respondent seven (7) days after notice of
service to bring the property into compliance with a fine of
$50.00 per day for each day of noncompliance thereafter.
Motion seconded by Mr . Rush and approved unanimously. Mr.
Rush requested that the order be sent to both addresses on
Case 88-25, Dept. of Housing & Urban Development - staff
Code Enforcement Officer Coschignano stated that the Board
had a letter from Don Asher requesting that the fine be
waived. Item 2 of the letter states that upon their
inspection, they found the Mortgage Co. mowing the property
so Don Asher disregarded the order to bring the property into
compliance since they assumed Chase Mortgage Co. would finish
the job. Vice Chairman Linebarier stated that there were 10
days from Don Asher's receipt of the Compliance Order until
they mowed the property and he felt that was too long. Code
Enforcement Officer Coachignano stated that he had been in
constant contact with Don Asher. Chairman Carlsson stated
that he felt a letter should be written stating that the fine
still stands. Mrs. Shidel stated that she agreed and that
this case could set a precedent and give Ocoee a reputation
as a clean City. Vice Chairman Linebarier stated that the
Department of Housing and Urban Development first received
notice from the City in July and felt they had plenty of time
to solve the problem prior to a fine accrual. Code
Enforcement Officer Coschignano stated that he felt that the
agencies were fighting among themselves as to who would pay
the fine. Vice Chairman Linebarier moved to reaffirm the
violation finding and the $250.00 penalty from September 15,
1988-September 23, 1988 on the subject property and to notify
the Department of Housing and Urban Development that the fine
still stands with a copy to Don Asher Realty as agent.
Motion seconded by Mrs. Shidel . In the discussion that
ensued, Chairman Carlsson asked Attorney Cool if the
notification process should be the other way around.
Attorney Cool answered no, that the motion was correct.
Chairman Carlsson stated that he felt a lien should be filed.
Vice Chairman Linebarier moved to amend his motion to read in
addition that, the City Clerk file a $2,000.00 lien on
November 24, 1988. Amended motion seconded by Mr. Imes.
Attorney Cool stated that the proper• procedure would be to
have the City Clerk record a copy of the notice assessing
penalties. Vote on the amendment was unanimous. Vote on the
original motion was unanimous.
Discussion of meeting date for December
Code Enforcement Officer Coschignano stated that he would be
on vacation the 27th of December when the next meeting was
normally scheduled. After discussion, the Board decided to
have the next meeting on Monday, December 19, 1988 at 7:30
P.M. The Board also directed the Deputy Clerk to confirm a
meeting place prior to sending out the Notices of Hearing for
the December meeting.
Code Enforcement Officer Coschignano stated that he
appreciated the Board changing the meeting date since he
would be out of town and staff has several cases for
December. Chairman Carlsson asked Code Enforcement Officer
Coschignano what the disposition was on the Don Owen problem.
He answered that since the City Manager has resigned and he
has not been able to talk to the Acting City Manager or had
any direction from the Building Official, he did not know.
He also added that the Pylant issue needed discussion from
the City Manager also but that Acting City Manager Finch is
very busy and he has not been able to get in to see him.
Chairman Carlsson stated that he did not want these things to
fall through the cracks. Code Enforcement Officer
ibr Coschignano stated that he would get with Building Official
Nagel about Don Owen. Vice Chairman Linebarier stated that
if Mr. Owen was still in violation, he would like to see him
back before the Board. The Board as a group again stated
that if these kinds of cases would be coming before them,
they must be presented with proper documentation. Mr. Rush
asked Attorney Cool if it would be proper to have the Board
send Building Official Nagel a letter. Attorney Cool
answered yes. Mr. Rush moved to have a letter from the Code
Enforcement Board to Building Official Nagel requesting his
intention/disposition on the Don Owen case with a copy to the
City Manager. Motion seconded by Vice Chairman Linebarier.
Mr. Rush moved to amend his motion to include that the letter
request a reply in writing to the Code Enforcement Board from
Building Official Nagel . Motion seconded by Vice Chairman
Linebarier. The amendment passed unanimously. The original
motion passed unanimously. Vice Chairman Linebarier voiced
his concern about the Center Street property that he has
asked Code Enforcement Officer Coschignano to look into.
Code Enforcement Officer Coschignano stated that he has
looked at the property but does not really see a violation.
He further stated that there is a pool on the property which
seems to be a toy or child's pool but that it looks empty and
collapsed. Vice Chairman Linebarier stated that the pool has
never been full and that there are three (3) adults at the
address and no children. Code Enforcement Officer
stated that he would look at the property again. Chairman
Carlsson and Mr. Rush both stated that they felt the
violation might be that the pool is a health hazard with
stagnant water breeding mosquitoes. Mr. Imes suggested that
Code Enforcement Officer Coachignano try talking to the
property owner and that perhaps that would clear up the
problem. Vice Chairman Linebarier stated that he felt the
pool was full or adult size and that if it were, the Code
dictates a 5 1/2' fence to be erected around said pool and
that there is no fence in place. Code Enforcement Officer
Coachignano stated that he would look into the problem again.
Mr. Imes then asked Code Enforcement Officer Coachignano if
he had ever talked to Mr. Harper in reference to the fence
Mr. Harper had given his word to the Board to about erecting.
Code Enforcement Officer Coachignano stated that he had not,
that he had forgotten. Vice Chairman Linebarier stated that
he had driven by the property earlier in the day and seen a
semi on the City property loaded with sod. He further stated
that he has seen pick up trucks using the City property as an
access even though Mr. Harper promised the Board that he
would not use the property in that manner. The Board
suggested to Code Enforcement Officer Coachignano that he
pursue a series of notices to Mr. Harper and bring him back
before the Board if he was violating the Compliance Order.
Mr. Imes stated that he has also witnessed these violations.
Code Enforcement Officer Coachignano stated that he did not
see what good a fence would do. Vice Chairman Linebarier
explained that it would block the access from the County
property to the City property and also prohibit use of the
building which is also on City property. Code Enforcement
Officer Coachignano stated that he would check the property
periodically. Vice Chairman Linebarier stated that he could
see a blatant violation and asked if the Board could write a
letter to Mr. Harper requesting to know if he intends to
honor his promise to the Board on August 23, 1988 to erect
the fence to cease access from the City to the County
property. Attorney Cool stated that Mr. Harper had
volunteered to erect the fence and that the Board at the time
had felt that this was a partial solution as the barrier
would stop the activity on the City property . Chairman
Carlsson stated Code Enforcement Officer Coachignano should
keep a heavy eye on the property and talk to Mr. Harper when
he sees a problem. Mr. Rush asked about the accelerated
process afforded the City as proposed in the Ordinance
submitted by Attorney Cool. Attorney Cool stated that the
Board did not have those powers yet since the Ordinance has
not passed and is still in the City Attorney's hands. He
further stated that the Board could have a letter written to
the City Manager from the Code Enforcement Board, signed by
Chairman Carlsson requesting action on the issue. Attorney
Cool suggested copying to the City Commission and City
Attorneys. The Board then directed Deputy Clerk Swilley to
send the letter after first determining that the Ordinance
has indeed not passed yet. A discussion then ensued in
reference Code Enforcement being handled part time (2 days a
week) Mrs. Shidel asked if Building Inspector Hager could
help. Code Enforcement Officer Coschignano stated that he
could not address that issue. Chairman Carlsson stated that
he felt that the 10 hours a week that Code Enforcement
Officer Coschignano was directing toward Code Enforcement was
inadequate. He then requested additional manpower or
personnel from the City. Chairman Carlsson then requested
Deputy Clerk Swilley set up an appointment with Acting City
Manager Finch and the Chairman and Vice Chairman of Code
Enforcement Board to discuss these issues. Mrs. Shidel then
extended her wishes to her fellow Board members for a Happy
Thanksgiving. Mr. Imes wished everyone Happy Holidays as did
Chairman Carlsson.
Vice Chairman Linebarier moved to adjourn, seconded by Mr.
Rush and approved unanimously. Meeting adjourned at 8:50
_ . .. J ____ __
F Carlsson, Chairman
Susan Swilley, Deputy C