HomeMy WebLinkAbout02-06-18 Agenda OCOEE CITY COMMISSION Ocoee Commission Chambers 150 North Lakeshore Drive Ocoee,Florida Revised FEBRUARY 6,2018 5:45 P.M. STATE OF THE CITY REPORT AGENDA 6:15 P.M. REGULAR CITY COMMISSION MEETING CALL TO ORDER Invocation Pledge of Allegiance Roll Call and Determination of Quorum PRESENTATIONS AND PROCLAMATIONS Proclamation -Black History Month - February 2018. (Mayor Johnson) COMMENTS FROM CITIZENS/PUBLIC STAFF REPORTS AND AGENDA REVIEW COMMISSIONERS ANNOUNCEMENTS CONSENT AGENDA ALL MATTERS LISTED UNDER THE CONSENT AGENDA ARE CONSIDERED TO BE ROUTINE AND WILL BE ACTED UPON BY ONE MOTION. THERE WILL BE NO SEPARATE DISCUSSION OF THESE ITEMS UNLESS DISCUSSION IS DESIRED BY A MEMBER OF THE COMMISSION,IN WHICH CASE THE MAYOR WILL INSTRUCT THE CITY CLERK TO REMOVE THAT ITEM FROM THE CONSENT AGENDA AND SUCH ITEM WILL BE CONSIDERED SEPARATELY. 1. Approval of the Minutes for the Regular City Commission Meeting held January 16, 2018. (City Clerk Sibbitt) 2. Approval of Reappointments to the Citizen Advisory Council for Ocoee Police Department. (City Clerk Sibbitt) Members of the Citizen Advisory Council for Ocoee Police Department serve three-year terms. The Resolution creating the Board allows no more than fifteen (15)members. Currently the board has eleven(11) members and no applications on file. The terms of Members David Ball, Jose Santana, Jr., and Adrian Hill expired on January 1, 2018. Member Ball and Member Hill have indicated they are willing to serve another three-year term, if reappointed. Due to failure of appearance to their regularly scheduled board meetings and no response via email and letter,Member Jose Santana,Jr.,is not being recommended for reappointment. Regular City Commission February 6,2018 3. Approval of Reappointment to the Planning and Zoning Commission. (City Clerk Sibbitt) On February 9, 1999, Ordinance No. 99-09, was adopted requiring nine (9) members, who are City residents and geographically diversified, to serve on the Planning and Zoning Commission. Members of the Planning and Zoning Commission serve three-year terms. Currently, the board has eight (8) members with two (2) members from District 1, two (2) members from District 2, two (2) members from District 3, and two (2) members from District 4. One member has a term expiring February 2018 and wishes to be reappointed. Member Jim Sills has stated his interest in being reappointed for another term. In 2017 Member Sills had attended 9 of 9 meetings. 4. Approval of the Ocoee Crown Point Planned Unit Development (PUD) Use Agreement. (City Planner Rumer) Mattamy Orlando, LLC, a Delaware limited liability company, is the owner and developer of Ocoee Crown Point PUD. The Preserve at Crown Point Homeowner's Association ("HOA") is the homeowners association for the Project. The HOA has requested the City of Ocoee enter into a Use Agreement with the HOA to allow the HOA to install, construct, and maintain improvements, in the form of additional landscaping and an irrigation system on public land identified as "Tract B," located in the northwest intersection of the traffic circle at Stonegate Drive and Ocoee Crown Point Pkwy. The HOA is requesting the Use Agreement in order to enhance the appearance of the entrance to the Preserve at Crown Point Subdivision. The HOA will plant additional trees and shrubs, provide maintenance to the area, and provide additional irrigation to adequately maintain the landscaping. The City in turn will be removed from maintenance obligations. The Use Agreement binds the property for a ten(10)year period. This will allow the transition of maintenance back to the City if at such time the HOA, which may be under the full control of the residents to remove the obligation without the necessity to amend the agreement before the City Commission. 5. Approval of Educational Affiliation Agreements. (Fire Chief Miller) The Ocoee Fire Department is seeking formal affiliation agreements with local schools. The affiliation agreements will allow personnel who are attending paramedic school the ability to complete their ride times on the agency's rescue units and receive credit towards school. 6. Approval of First Amendment to Agreement for City Wide Towing Services. (Police Chief Brown) The City of Ocoee utilizes a tow rotation and has contracts with Car Store Towing and Sly's Towing. The initial contract was a three-year contract beginning on March 1, 2014, and ending on February 28, 2017,with two automatic one-year renewable extensions.The first automatic one year renewable extension is set to expire on February 28,2018.The rates in the contract are based on Orange County tow rates. Since the initial contract date,the Orange County tow rates have been amended and the contract has a clause that allows for a change in tow rates, which is in the mutual interest of all parties. The initial tow rates in each category are remaining the same. Charges for some additional services, such as rate per mile, storage,time on scene, and immobilization, are increasing to the consumer of these services. Additionally, legal counsel recommended the removal of redundant language in Exhibit B. 7. Approval of Spectrum Bluford Avenue Overhead to Underground Conversion. (Public Works Director Krug) The City Commission awarded the Bluford Avenue Streetscape Construction Project in April of 2017. An integral part of this streetscape project in the Downtown Master Plan is the conversion of pole mounted overhead utilities to underground facilities. The conversion for electrical and cable utilities was incorporated in the projects funded through the General Fund bond. The City has coordinated with Spectrum Cable to complete the conversion and determined the work could be expedited at a cost savings by having City's Bluford Avenue corridor contractor,Oelrich, install the buried conduit portion of the system for approximately $150,000. Public Works has evaluated the Spectrum cost of$93,483.68 to complete their portion of the work and found it to be within industry standards. Public Works will be following this item in the near future with the conversion of the electrical service in the corridor as planned in the Bonded projects. Public Works recommends approval of this portion of the utility conversion in order to facilitate the completion of the Streetscape Project. 21 Page Regular City Commission February 6,2018 8. Emergency Notification Pursuant to Section 21.6, Chapter 21 of Code of Ordinance City of Ocoee; Emergency Gravity Sewer Main Repair on Olympia Park Circle. (Utility Director Smith) Both the Public Works and Utilities Departments were notified on November 16, 2017, of a possible sinkhole due to failing pavement and parkway on Olympia Park Circle. The soil subsidence appeared to be near the sanitary sewer lateral serving the home at 1354 Olympia Park Circle. This was confirmed when Utilities tried to camera the lateral,but could not due to it being inundated with wastewater from the home. Both attempts by staff to dislodge blockage and/or excavate the lateral for damage were unsuccessful. Due to the main's depth and a 48"reinforced concrete storm sewer pipe running parallel to the main in the same trench,the excavation and repair exceeded the capabilities of City staff. Sanpik, Inc., the contractor for the North Phase of the ongoing downtown sewer project, was mobilized to make the repairs. The main correction was completed November 21, 2017, and was found to have been caused by a damaged fitting where the lateral tied into the sewer main. Although, the sewer main was functioning with a damaged fitting, failure was imminent and would have resulted in 70 homes without sanitary sewer service, and backflow into homes would have been possible if not quickly discovered. A main failure would require bypass pumping. Due to excavation being necessary to determine the scope of repair, only repairing the main at the same time was considered. SanPik, already working for the City, was able to quickly mobilize. The repair of the gravity sewer main is coming from 407-535-00-6302 in the amount of$26,032.30. 9. Emergency Notification Pursuant to Section 21.6, Chapter 21 of Code of Ordinance City of Ocoee; Emergency Backup Generator Repair Ocoee Wastewater Treatment Facility. (Utility Director Smith) During the week of July 10, 2017, coolant water was found in the crank case oil of the backup generator's diesel engine at the Ocoee Wastewater Treatment Facility. Water in the oil is significant requiring immediate repair of the engine. Due to the size and complexity of the engine, Ring Power Corporation was contracted to remove and transport the engine to their facility, provide an assessment of the needed repairs, and then repair the engine. Repair was estimated to take a minimum of 16 to 18 weeks, and Ring Power provided a backup generator (rental) during the repair. Staff reviewed alternatives to the repair such as replacement, but elected the repair. A loss of shore (Duke Energy) electrical power in conjunction with the failure of the backup generator would result in complete shutdown of the wastewater plant. During the engine repair, Hurricane Irma interrupted shore power for 2.5 days, where the rental generator's use was required. The repair of the generator engine was completed by Ring Power at a cost of$82,210.00,taking three months to complete. The rental cost$30,696.50 for a total emergency cost of$112,906.50.A replacement backup generator is estimated at $225,000, with an anticipated delivery time of 26 weeks (rental cost estimated at $62,000) for a total replacement cost of$287,000. The backup generator was scheduled to be replaced in fiscal year 2022,but will be evaluated, due to current improvements, for extension further out in the wastewater treatment facility's ten- year maintenance program. 10. Approval of Resolution Relating to Property Acquisition for the Lift Station No. 66 Project. (Assistant City Manager Shadrix) The City needs to acquire certain property for the Lift Station No. 66 Project. 11. Approval of Settlement Agreement - Alexander Joseph Antolic Irrevocable Special Needs Trust. (Police Chief Brown) The Ocoee Police Department is a Member Agency of the Metropolitan Bureau of Investigation (MBI). On August 23,2012,MBI was named as a beneficiary of the Alexander Joseph Antolic Irrevocable Special Needs Trust.A lawsuit has been filed in the Ninth Judicial Circuit in and for Orange County over a dispute related to the disbursement or non-disbursement of trust funds to Alexander Joseph Antolic, which named MBI and its Member Agencies a party. This was solely based on MBI being named as a remainder beneficiary of the Trust. This settlement agreement releases MBI and its Member Agencies from any and all claims, debts, liabilities, damages,causes of action,attorneys' fees,costs or lawsuits related to this lawsuit. It also releases MBI and the Member Agencies as a party to the pending lawsuit.There is no financial impact to the City. PUBLIC HEARING - None Wage Regular City Commission February 6,2018 FIRST READING OF ORDINANCE 12. First Reading of Ordinance Amending Section 5-12 of the City Code Governing Absentee Voting to Designate such Absentee Voting as "Vote-by-Mail," as is Consistent with Recent Changes to the Election Statutes. (Second Reading and Public Hearing scheduled for February 20, 2018, Regular Commission Meeting at 6:15 p.m. or soon thereafter) (City Clerk Sibbitt) The City has determined that citations to State Statute contained within and incorporated into Section 5-12 of the City Code governing absentee ballots are in need of correction in light of a recent amendment by the Legislature to the relevant election statute. The Legislature has recently amended the election statutes to use the term"vote-by-mail"ballot instead of"absentee"ballot, and the City finds that it is appropriate to similarly amend Section 5-12 of the City Code with respect to such terms. SECOND READING OF ORDINANCE—None REGULAR AGENDA 13. Appointment of Members for the 2018 Canvassing Board. (City Clerk Sibbitt) In accordance with Section C-50 of the Ocoee City Charter, the Canvasing Board will consist of three (3) citizens appointed by the City Commission. On February 5, 2013, the consensus of the Commission was that the Mayor and two (2) Commissioners whose district seats are not part of the election should each select one (1) member for the Canvassing Board. In keeping with that practice, Mayor Johnson, Commissioner Grogan and Commissioner Firstner would each need to appoint a member for the Canvassing Board. The Canvassing Board will meet on March 13,2018,at 4:00 p.m.,at the Supervisor of Elections Office, 119 West Kaley Street, Orlando.The process of canvassing and auditing the election results may take several hours. 14. Discussion Regarding the Broadcasting and Use of the City Commission Chambers for the Political Forum Hosted by the GFWC Woman's Club. (City Clerk Sibbitt) STAFF ACTION ITEMS COMMENTS FROM COMMISSIONERS ADJOURNMENT PLEASE NOTE:IN ACCORDANCE WITH FLORIDA STATUTES 286.0105:ANY PERSON WHO DESIRES TO APPEAL ANY DECISION AT THIS MEETING WILL NEED A RECORD OF THE PROCEEDINGS AND FOR THIS PURPOSE MAY NEED TO ENSURE THAT A VERBATIM RECORD OF THE PROCEEDINGS IS MADE WHICH INCLUDES THE TESTIMONY AND EVIDENCE UPON WHICH THE APPEAL IS BASED. ALSO,IN ACCORDANCE WITH FLORIDA STATUTE 286.26:PERSONS WITH DISABILITIES NEEDING ASSISTANCE TO PARTICIPATE IN ANY OF THESE PROCEEDINGS SHOULD CONTACT THE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK,150 N.LAKESHORE DRIVE,OCOEE,FL 34761,(407)905-3105 48 HOURS IN ADVANCE OF THE MEETING. 4IPage