PRESENT: Chairman John Linebarier, Vice Chairman Frank
Carlsson, Members Gary Carroll and Joe Marbais, Attorney John
Hatcher, Building Official Cecil Hurst, Sergeant William
Gailit and Deputy Clerk Susan Amesbury.
ABSENT: Members Bob Sorenson, Cathie Pollack and Robert Imes
(all excused) .
Chairman Linebarier called the meeting to order at 7:27 p.m.
and led everyone in the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag.
Mr. Carroll led everyone in prayer.
Vice Chairman Carlsson moved to approve the minutes of the
February 09, 1987 Code Enforcement Board meeting with one ( 1)
correction, page 3, second paragraph, second word to read
"Linebarier" instead of "Carlsson" after the word Chairman .
Motion seconded by Mr. Carroll and approved unanimously.
A. Hylton Young - Case 87-11
fir+ Building Official Hurst was sworn in by Deputy Clerk
Amesbury. He then presented to the Board photographs taken
on March 06, 1987 and stated the blue Chevy pickup truck has
been sitting at 701 Wurst Rd. for several months. He
further stated that the tax rolls are incorrect on this
property and it has taken longer than usual to bring this
case before the Board because of the problem locating the
proper person to cite. Building Official Hurst stated that
Mr. Young is the tenant and also the vehicle owner according
to DMV records. He further stated that the vehicle has three
(3) flat tires and an expired tag. At this time Mr. Hylton
Young was sworn in by Deputy Clerk Amesbury. Mr. Young
stated that the truck was operable but needs four (4) tires
that he cannot afford to purchase at this time. He further
stated that he would purchase insurance, tag and license when
he could afford to. Vice Chairman Carlsson asked Mr . Young
how many days he needed to accomplish all of these and Mr.
Young answered two (2) weeks. Chairman Linebarier stated
that according to the documents he had, this has been an
ongoing problem since November, 1985 and asked Mr . Young why
he has not tried to comply before now or at least contacted
the City for an extension. Mr . Young replied that he was not
aware that he needed to contact the City about the
notices/extensions, etc. He further stated that he has had
financial problems of late. Chairman Linebarier asked Mr.
Young if two (2) weeks was sufficient time and Mr. Young
answered yes. Vice Chairman Carlsson moved to find Mr. Young
in violation as cited and to give him until March 23, 1987 to
remove the truck or have in running condition with a fine of
$50.00 per day for each day of noncompliance thereafter.
Motion seconded by Mr. Carroll and approved unanimously . As
a matter of record, Mr. Young signed and was given a copy of
the Compliance Order.
B. Roy Conrad - Case 87-12
Mr. Roy Conrad was sworn in by Deputy Clerk Amesbury.
Building Official Hurst presented to the Board two (2) series
of photographs, the first set dated in December, 1986 and the
second set dated March 06, 1987. He stated that there was
not much difference in the property between the two (2)
dates/sets of photographs. He further stated that the case
began prior to his employment. According to correspondence
in his files, the former Building Official, Mr. Sam Gerace
had been in contact with Mr . Conrad about having two (2)
trailers on one (1) lot. Building Official Hurst stated that
he had a letter in his files from Mr. Conrad requesting that
Mr. Gerace allow him to store the second mobile home on his
property for a sixty (60) day period. This letter was
received by the City on August 15, 1986. Building Official
Hurst stated that he received a citizen complaint about the
problem and he sent Mr. Conrad a letter on November 10, 1986.
He further stated that Mr. Conrad telephoned him and
discussed the matter at length. Building Official Hurst gave
the Board members copies of Florida State Statutes, Standard
Building Code and Zoning Code sections applicable to this
case. He then stated that the main problem is the fact that
there are two (2) mobile homes on one (1) lot and that it was
prohibited by the Zoning Code. He further stated that 7 1/2'
setbacks are required for mobile homes and that there was not
enough room on Mr. Conrad's lot at 126 Cockles Key for two
(2) mobile homes. Building Official Hurst asked the Board to
order the second (10' ) mobile home off the property.
Chairman Linebarier asked which mobile home was not HUD
approved. Mr. Conrad answered that the 1965 10' X 45' mobile
home on the west side of the property was the mobile home in
question. Mr. Conrad stated that he asked permission from
the City to assemble the two trailers together to construct a
double wide trailer but that he was told a variance would be
needed and that Building Official Hurst advised against the
construction. Mr. Conrad stated that he has not worked since
October, 1986 because of an injury and that it is too great a
financial expense to move the 10' mobile home now. He
further stated that he has now decided against joining the
two (2) mobile homes and will be moving the trailer as soon
as possible. Chairman Linebarier asked Mr. Conrad if he had
been in to City Hall to discuss the matter with Building
Official Hurst and Mr . Conrad answered that he had, but only
today (March 09, 1987) . Chairman Linebarier then asked Mr.
Conrad why he waited so long after the letter from Building
Official Hurst dated November 10, 1986. Mr. Conrad replied
that he had discussed the matter with him on the telephone in
length. He further stated that the main problem now is the
$700.00 needed to move the trailer. Mr. Marbais asked him if
the trailer still has the axles under it and Mr. Conrad
answered yes. Mr. Marbais stated that in that case it should
not be a big expense to have a towing service in town haul
the small trailer away. Mr. Carroll moved to give Mr. Conrad
until April 09, 1987 to get the 10' wide trailer off the
property at 126 Cockles Key and until March 15, 1987 to clean
up the junk/debris and grass/weeds from his property with a
fine of 550.00 per day per violation for each day of
noncompliance thereafter. Motion seconded by Mr. Carlsson
and approved unanimously. Mr . Conrad signed and was given a
copy of the Compliance Order.
C. Edgardo Caruso &/or Natalie A. Caruso - Case 87-13
As a matter of record, there was no one present to represent
Cive Mr. and Mrs. Caruso. Building Official Hurst explained that
Mr. Caruso was in City Hall on March 09, 1987 and indicated
his only problem was that the tag was expired on his 1977
green Cadillac. According to Building Official Hurst, Mr.
Caruso could not be present since he had to accompany his
wife to Lamaze class. Mr. Caruso further indicated to
Building Official Hurst that he needed approximately seven
(7) days to purchase the tag. Vice Chairman Carlsson moved
to find Mr . Caruso in violation as cited and give him until
March 16, 1987 to have the vehicle tagged and registered with
a fine of 525.00 per day for each day of violation
thereafter. Motion seconded by Mr. Carroll and approved
unanimously .
D. Scott C. Anderson &/or Jennifer L. Anderson - Case 87-14
As a matter of record, there was no one present to represent
Mr. and Mrs. Anderson. Building Official Hurst stated that
they were close to compliance with one (1) of the two (2)
junk vehicles removed as of this date. He further stated
that the red International pickup that remained was in fairly
good shape with four (4) good tires, in operable condition
and really only lacked a current tag. Vice Chairman Carlsson
moved to find the Andersons in violation of sections 21-36
and 21-40 of the City Code on the red International pickup
only and to give him until March 16, 1987 to bring the
vehicle into compliance with a fine of $25.00 per day for
each day of noncompliance thereafter. Motion seconded by Mr.
Carroll and approved unanimously.
A. Susan C. Lowe, Case 87-2 - Notice of Dismissal
Mrs. Lowe complied and the case was dismissed per Building
Official Hurst.
B. David G. & Patricia M. Andredne, Case 87-5 - Notice of
Dismissal .
The Andrednes complied and the case was dismissed per
Building Official Hurst.
C. Gary L. Armstrong &/or Vickie L. Armstrong - Case 87-8
Building Official Hurst stated that the Armstrongs were found
in violation by the Board at the last meeting but that
attempts to serve the Compliance Order were unsuccessful and
that the order expired. He questioned Attorney Hatcher as to
the next step. Attorney Hatcher stated that it would be
appropriate for the Board to consider amending the Compliance
Order to give the respondents a number of days beyond the
date of service vs a fixed date of compliance. He further
suggested an unmarked car and plainclothes detective to
serve the Notice. Mr. Marbais moved to amend the original
Compliance Order dated February 09, 1987 in Case 87-8 to
change paragraph 2 as follows: remove the compliance date of
February 16, 1987 and substitute within " Five (5) working
days after the date a copy of the order is served on
respondent", and that the order stays the same in all other
aspects. Motion seconded by Vice Chairman Carlsson and
approved unanimously.
A. City Manager - not present
B. Fire Inspector - not present
C. Building Official - Building Official Hurst stated that
there were an amazing number of cases being handled without
an appearance before the Board .
D. Board Attorney - None
E. Citizens - None
F. Board Members - Vice Chairman Carlsson expressed his
appreciation to City staff efforts in Code Enforcement.
Vice Chairman Carlsson moved to adjourn, seconded by Mr.
Carroll and approved unanimously. Meeting adjourned at 9: 12
ohn Line arier, Chairman
Deputy Clerk Amesbu