PRESENT: Chairman John Linebarier, Vice Chairman Frank
Carlsson, Members Joe Marbais and Gary Carroll, Attorney John
(1100 Hatcher, Building Official Cecil Hurst, Sergeant William
Gailit and Deputy Clerk Susan Amesbury.
ABSENT: Members Bob Sorenson and Cathie Pollack (both
excused) and Member Robert Imes has resigned. Chairman
Linebarier asked that the City Commission be notified so a
replacement could be appointed.
Chairman Linebarier called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m.
and led everyone in the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag.
Mr. Marbais led everyone in prayer.
Mr. Carroll moved to waive the reading of the minutes of the
March 09, 1987 Code Enforcement Board meeting and approve as
printed. Motion seconded by Vice Chairman Carlsson and
approved unanimously.
A. Carl H. Humphrey, III &/or Traci R. Humphrey - Case 87-15
Deputy Clerk Amesbury swore in Building Official Hurst and
Mr. and Mrs. Humphrey. Building Official Hurst presented the
Board with (2) photographs of 1221 Little Spring Hill Dr.
taken on April 13, 1987. He then stated that all four (4)
wheels were off of the vehicle and that it was on jacks. He
further stated that on February 09, 1987 the Police Dept.
issued a Notice to Remove. On March 04, 1987 a Notice of
Code Violation was issued to the property owner. On March
18, 1987 a Statement of Violations and Notice of Hearing were
sent. Building Official Hurst stated that the car was still
on the property in the same shape. He further stated that
this was a standard case. Vice Chairman Carlsson asked who
the car was registered to and Mrs. Humphrey answered that it
was registered to her. She then took the stand and stated
that the vehicle in question was a 1969 Stingray Corvette
given to her. She further stated that she and her husband
were working on the car as money became available. Mrs.
Humphrey stated that when she received the Notice to Remove
from the Police Dept. in February that she was told if she
put a car cover over the vehicle it would be O.K. She
further stated that she purchased a $50.00 car cover and
thought the matter was resolved. Mrs. Humphrey stated that
she called City Hall when she received the Notice of Code
Violation letter by certified mail and was told a car cover
was not sufficient. She further stated that she has purchased
tires, wheels and a tag and that the vehicle is now
registered. Mrs. Humphrey stated that brakes were on order
for the vehicle and as soon as they came in that her husband
would install them and then put on the tires. Building
Official Hurst agreed that in the past some Police Officers
were informing citizens that a car cover was a solution to a
junk vehicle but that the misconception was now cleared up.
Vice Chairman Carlsson moved to give the Humphreys until
April 27, 1987 to bring the vehicle into compliance with a
fine of $50.00 per day for each day of noncompliance
thereafter. Motion seconded by Mr. Marbais and approved
unanimously. As a matter of record, Mrs. Humphrey signed the
Compliance Order and was given a copy.
A. James E. Moncrief &/or Meredith I . Moncrief - Case 87-4
The Moncriefs complied and the case was dismissed per
Building Official Hurst.
B. Gary L. Armstrong &/or Vickie L. Armstrong - Case 87-8
The Armstrongs complied and the case was dismissed per
Building Official Hurst.
C. Mrs. S.A. Reeves - Case 87-9
Building Official Hurst stated that the property at 501 W.
Franklin looks better than it has in twelve (12) years and
that enough had been accomplished on March 16, 1987 to note
compliance. He further stated that a Notice of Dismissal has
not been sent since Mrs. Reeves technically owes seven (7)
days of fine at $25.00 per day. Building Official Hurst
asked Attorney Hatcher what the procedure would be now.
Attorney Hatcher answered that enforcement of the fine would
entail putting a lien on Mrs. Reeves property. He further
stated that if the City did not want to collect the fine, the
Board could make a motion to amend the original Compliance
Order to eliminate the penalty portion. Attorney Hatcher
stated that it was up to the City whether or not to enforce
this issue. Building Official Hurst stated that he would
speak for the City in that the objective was to clean up the
property, not to collect a fine. He further stated that from
a cost standpoint it would be more feasible to dismiss the
fine than to go through the procedure to collect $175.00.
Chairman Linebarier asked if the property was in sufficient
Cie compliance. Building Official Hurst answered that she
complied with what was ordered. Mr. Carroll moved to amend
the original Compliance Order dated February 09, 1987 to
change paragraph three (3) assessing penalties from $25.00
per day to $-0- per day. Motion seconded by Vice Chairman
Carlsson and approved unanimously.
D. Hylton Young - Case 87-11
Building Official Hurst stated that Mr. Young was given until
March 23, 1987 to bring his vehicle into compliance. He
further stated that when he checked the property on that date
the new tires were standing beside the vehicle but not
mounted. Building Official Hurst stated that when he next
inspected the property on March 26, 1987 the vehicle was
gone. He questioned the Attorney and Board as to the next
step. Attorney Hatcher stated that the City could file a
Notice of Dismissal and close the case. Vice Chairman
Carlsson moved to find Mr. Young in compliance as of March
23, 1987. Motion seconded by Mr. Carroll and approved
F. Edgardo Caruso &/or Natalie A. Caruso - Case 87-13
The Carusos complied and the case was dismissed per Building
Official Hurst.
G. Scott C. Anderson &/or Jennifer L. Anderson - Case 87-14
The Andersons complied and the case was dismissed per
Building Official Hurst.
A. City Manager - None
B. Fire Inspector - None
C. Building Official - stated that Roy Conrad (Case 87-12)
has removed the second mobile home from his property, removed
all trash and rubbish and cleaned up everything nicely. At
this time, Sgt. Gailit read the memorandum from Deputy Clerk
Amesbury to City Manager Ryan referencing statistics about
Junk Vehicle enforcement. He stated that the memorandum
indicated over 100 junk vehicle complaints were being solved
on a monthly basis with 95% of these never reaching the
Board. He further stated that he is now on day shift and
tie personally handling junk vehicles and that he is aware of all
codes pertaining to these vehicles. Building Official Hurst
stated that citizen complaints on cleaning up the City have
helped and things are looking good. He further stated that
the City is conducting a beautification project with
shrubbery, sidewalks, etc. and a newsletter will be sent out
soon outlining these projects. Building Official Hurst
too PAGE 4
stated there was a problem with parking violations and the
411, Police Department's reluctance to issue tickets. He further
stated that the Zoning Ordinance does not contain a penalty
clause; therefore, tickets cannot be issued. He stated that
the City Manager discussed this problem with the City
Attorney Frank Kruppenbacher and was advised not to issue
tickets without the penalty clause. Mr. Kruppenbacher is
working on revising the Zoning Ordinance to resolve this
problem. Building Official Hurst stated that these problems
were rampant in the Industrial Park and that he would like to
have something done. Sgt. Gailit stated that he was not
aware of the problem until now, but now that he is aware, he
will see what he can do to resolve the situation. Building
Official Hurst stated that shoulder of the road grass parking
throughout the park from 18 wheelers to subcompact cars was
prevalent. There was lengthy discussion about the oil
dumping and parking problems in the Industrial Park.
Building Official Hurst stated that there was not enough
personnel in the Building Dept. to handle all of the problems
and that the City needs a full time Code Enforcement Officer.
Sgt. Gailit stated that the Police Dept. was now down six (6)
officers and possibly soon to be down nine (9) , he indicated
4111, he has the same problem with manpower.
Mr. Carroll moved to adjourn. Motion seconded by Vice
Chairman Carlsson and approved unanimously. Meeting
adjourned at 8:38 p.m.
:‘,1,._.k, _ - --
hn Linebarier, Chairman
Deputy Clerk Amesbury U