HomeMy WebLinkAbout06-08-1987 Minutes MINUTES OF THE CITY OF OCOEE CODE ENFORCEMENT BOARD MEETING HELD JUNE 08z 1987 I. ROLL CALL PRESENT: Chairman John Linebarier, Vice Chairman Frank Carlsson, Members Joe Marbais, Kathleen Shidel and Douglas Rush, Attorney John Hatcher and Deputy Clerk Susan Amesbury. ABSENT: Member Gary Carroll (excused) . Chairman Linebarier called the meeting to order at 7:35 p.m. and led everyone in the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag. Vice Chairman Carlsson led everyone in prayer. Chairman Linebarier welcomed the two (2) new members. II. REVIEW AND APPROVAL OF MINUTES Vice Chairman Carlsson moved to accept the minutes of the April 13, 1987 Code Enforcement Board as printed. Motion seconded by Mr. Marbais and aproved unanimously. III. VIOLATIONS HEARINGS Chairman Linebarier stated for the record that there were no cases to hear at this meeting. IV. OTHER BUSINESS Chairman Linebarier asked that there be a record that Member Bob Sorenson has resigned due to health reasons. He further asked that a new member be appointed to replace him and suggested Mr. Ed Collins of Forest Oaks. V. ELECTION OF NEW OFFICERS Chairman Linebarier opened the floor for nominations for Chairman. Vice Chairman Carlsson moved to reelect Mr. Linebarier as Chairman, motion seconded by Mr. Marbais. Vice Chairman Carlsson moved to close the nominations, motion seconded by Mr. Rush. Vote was unanimous on both motions. Chairman Linebarier opened the floor for nominations for Vice Chairman. Mr. Carlsson moved to nominate Mr. Marbais as Vice Chairman, motion seconded by Chairman Linebarier. Mr. Carlsson moved to close the nominations, seconded by Mr. Rush. Vote was unanimous on both motions. VI. COMMENTS Attorney Hatcher stated that he would have to resign from the Board due to new employement with Hartcourt Brace Jovanovich, Inc. He stated that it was a condition of his employment that he give up outside employement. Attorney Hatcher further stated that it has been a pleasure to serve the City and to work with all of the Board members and City staff. 1 CEB 6/8/87 PAGE 2 Chairman Linebarier stated that Attorney Hatcher has been an effective and reliable addition to the Board and that he has enjoyed working with him. Chairman Linebarier asked Attorney Hatcher if he had any suggestions for his replacement. Attorney Hatcher suggested John Rhodes. He stated that Mr. Rhodes has helped him a great deal on compiling Board rules and regulations as well as forma and ordinances. Attorney Hatcher further stated that he has been working on a new ordinance revising the City Code to reflect the recent changes in Florida State Statutes and that he would be submitting this to the City staff soon along with his formal resignation. At this time Chairman Linebarier introduced Mr. Jim Papendick with TVC Marketing Associates. Mr. Papendick presented to the Board an insurance package for prepaid legal expenses. He explained the plan in great detail and answered all questions from the Board about the plan. There was some concern from the Board as well as the Board Attorney about having the City pay for this coverage. There was a general opinion that it could be interpreted as a benefit and the City Code as well as Florida State Statutes dictate no benefit may be derived from sitting on the Board. Attorney Hatcher suggested review with the City Attorney prior to coverage. The general consensus of the Board was that if the City payed for the coverage and it did not present a problem Co in reference to benefits, they would elect to have the coverage. VII. ADJOURNMENT Mr. Carlsson moved to adjourn. Motion seconded by Chairman Linebarier andapproved unanimously. Meeting adjourned at 8:52 p.m. - aL_Id:.z) hn Linebarier, Chairman ATTEST: Deputy Clerk Amesbur 2