PRESENT: Chairman John Linebarier, Members Frank Carlsson,
Douglas Rush, Gary Carroll and Phyllis Olmstead, Attorney Ike
Cool, Building Official Harvey Nagel, Sergeant William
Gailit, Detective Ted Silberstein and Deputy Clerk Susan
ABSENT: Vice Chairman Joe Marbais and Member Kathleen Shidel
(both excused).
Chairman Linebarier called the meeting to order at 7:29 p. m.
in the Community Center training room. Mr. Carroll led
everyone in prayer. The Pledge of Allegience to the flag was
waived since the flag was in use in the Main Hall for the
Commission meeting. Chairman Linebarier stated that there
was some discrepancy in reference to Member Phyllis
Q2mstead' s residence. He further stated that if she no
longer lived in Ocoee that she could not serve on the Code
Enforcement Board. Mrs. Olmstead stated that she was having
some difficulties at home but hoped to have them resolved
soon. Attorney Cool stated that there would not be a problem
with Mrs. Olmstead voting until the situation could be
Mr. Carroll moved to waive the reading of the minutes of the
August 10, 1987 Code Enforcement Board meeting and accept
them as printed and distributed. Motion seconded by Mr.
Carlsson and approved unanimously.
Glenda Hasty, Case 87-32
Chairman Linebarier stated for the record that Glenda Hasty
has married and that her name is now Glenda Kelly. At this
time Deputy Clerk Amesbury swore in Mrs. Kelly and Building
Official Nagel. Mr. Nagel stated that Mrs. Kelly was
originally in violation of sections 11-23, 21-36 and 21-40 of
the City Code in addition to the R. V. vehicle violation. He
further stated that she has complied with everything except
the R. V. vehicle violation as of October 19, 1987. Mrs.
Helly stated that she has a copy of the section of the zoning
code that she is supposed to be in violation of and that she
does not agree. She gave the Board some photographs of many
� PAGE 2
other campers throughout her neighborhood and wondered why
they were not also in court. Mrs. Kelly stated that she has
polled her neighbors and found none of them offended by her
R. V. . She stated that she purchased her home in 1971 and
that the Ordinance restricting R. V. vehicles being parked
within the front yard setback was passed in 1977. Mrs. Kelly
stated that she has no place to park her camper and feels
that she is being harrassed. She further stated that she was
not even aware of the Ordinance until she received the Notice
of Code Violation from the City. Mrs. Kelly stated that she
has owned her Cox camper since 1973. Attorney Cool read
Chapter 3, Section 8, Paragraph 3 of the Zoning Code.
Chairman Linebarier asked Building Official Nagel if he
considered the camper a trailer. He stated that he did.
Chairman Linebarier asked Mrs. Kelly if there was room in her
back-yard for the R. V. . She stated that there was not enough
room on either side of her home to get the R. V. into the
backyard. Chairman Linebarier asked Mrs. Kelly if she was
aware of the Board of Adjustment. She answered that she was
not. Chairman Linebarier explained the Board of Adjustment' s
function to her. Mrs. Kelly stated that she wanted to put up
a carport. Building Official Nagel stated that he felt that
there was not enough of a front yard setback for a carport.
Mr. Carlsson moved to find Mrs. Kelly in violation and gave
her until December 31, 1987 to either remove the R. V. vehicle
from her front yard or to construct a carport (within City
specifications) with a fine of $25. 00 per day for each day of
noncompliance thereafter. Motion seconded by Mrs. Olmstead
and carried unanimously. As a matter of record, Mrs. Kelly
signed and was given a copy of the Compliance Order.
Adison L. Hoequist, Case 87-33
Case dismissed due to compliance.
Richard E. Turner ider Martha S. Turner, Case 87-35
Mrs. Turner was sworn in by Deputy Clerk Amesbury. Building
Official Nagel stated that the original violations were for
nuisance/menace to public health. He further stated that
all violations have been cleared except the junk vehicle
which is a blue plymouth with no tag parked in the front
yard on a concrete pad. Chairman Linebarier at this time
asked Building Official Nagel to please take photographs so
that the Board could have a clearer picture of the
violations. Building Official Nagel responded that he would
do so in the future. Mrs. Turner stated that her husband
moved out of their home on October 13, 1987. She further
stated that he received all prior correspondence from the
(~ City, therefore, she had no knowledge of the violations until
she received the Notice of Hearing. Mrs. Turner stated that
the vehicle is registered in her name and is driveable but
does not have a clear title. Chairman Linebarier asked Sgt.
Gailit if the Officers leaving the Notice to Remove documents
could print the respondent name below the signature as the
Board had difficulty reading some of the signatures. Sgt.
Gailit answered that he would so instruct his Officers.
Chairman Linebarier asked Mrs. Turner how long she needed to
move the vehicle or get it tagged. She stated that the tag
cost was not the problem - insurance cost was the issue.
Chairman Linebarier explained PIP insurance to Mrs. Turner
and stated that although he would net recommend her driving
the car with this insurance, it was adequate to purchase a
tag and satisfy the City Code. Mrs. Turner asked to have an
extension until November 11, 1987. Mr. Carlsson moved to
find Mrs. Turner in violation and to give her until November
13, 1987 to come into compliance with a fine of $25. 00 per
day for each day of violation thereafter. Motion seconded by
Mrs. Olmstead and carried unanimously. Mrs. Turner signed
and was given a copy of the Compliance Order.
A discussion ensued between the police department
representatives and the Board members in reference to
complaints/procedures far Code Enforcement.
Memorandum from Attorney Cool, re: hard, dustless surface
Attorney Cool discussed the term "hard, dustless surface"
with the Board members. He stated that the term was
ambiguous and that although his memorandum will give some
insight into how courts have interpreted the pharse, it would
still be up to the Board to give the final interpretation of
the pharse. Mr. Carlsson stated that he felt the Board
should handle the issue on a case by case basis. Chairman
Linebarier stated that the Board could allow brick, concrete
or asphalt as a "hard, dustless surface" for a parking area.
Chairman Linebarier further stated that he would use this
memorandum for the Planning and Zoning Board also.
Proposed revision to Code Enforcement Board Ordinance
Chairman Linebarier stated that the Ordinance the Board has
before them effects changes for repeated violators and
reappointment to Board members. Mrs. Olmstead moved to
recommend the Ordinance be sent to the City Commission for
First Reading as written. Motion seconded by Mr. Carroll and
approved unanimously.
A. Building Official - None
B. Police Department - None
C. Board Attorney - Attorney Cool stated that if the
Ordinance passes, there will be some amendments/changes to
the Board rules and regulations/procedures and that he will
take care of them at that time.
D. Citizens - Mrs. Nagel was in the audience and introduced
herself to the Board.
E. Board Members - Mrs. Olmstead questioned who was
responsible for the empty lots in sub6ivisens throughout the
City. Attorney Cool answered that the lot owner was
responsible - whether it was the developer or if sold, actual
lot owner.
Mr. Carlsson moved to adjourn. Motion seconded by Mrs.
Olmstead and approved unanimously. Meeting adjourned at 8:30
P. M.
' ~ _ __ 6i_0.0
ohn Linebarier, Chairman
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Deputy Clerk Amesbury