HomeMy WebLinkAbout11-09-1987 Minutes MINUTES OF THE CITY OF OCOEE CODE ENFORCEMENT BOARD MEETING HELD NOVEMBER 09L 1987 I. ROLL CALL PRESENT: Chairman John Linebarier, Vice Chairman Joe Marbais, Members Frank Carlsson and Kathleen Shidel , Attorney Ike Cool, Building Inspector Bill Hager, Sergeant William Gailit and Deputy Clerk Susan Amesbury. ABSENT: Members Douglas Rush and Gary Carroll (both excused) . Chairman Linebarier called the meeting to order at 7:34 p.m. and led everyone in the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag. Mrs. Shidel led in prayer. II. REVIEW AND APPROVAL OF MINUTES Mr. Carlsson moved to waive the reading of the minutes of the October 19, 1987 Code Enforcement Board meeting and accept them as printed and distributed. Motion seconded by Mrs. Shidel and carried unanimously. Chairman Linebarier stated that Mrs. Olmstead has resigned from the Board and asked that the City Commission entertain nominations for a replacement. III. VIOLATION HEARINGS Jimmie Fortner, Case 87-36 Chairman Linebarier stated for the record that Mr. Fortner was not present. Deputy Clerk Amesbury swore in Building Official Hager. He stated that Mr. Fortner was in violation of section 11-23 of the City Code (excessive growth of grass/weeds) . Building Inspector Hager stated that he inspected 11A Sundial Key twice on November 09, 1987 and found him still to be in violation. Mr. Carlsson asked if the City had recieved the green card back from the Post Office. Deputy Clerk Amesbury answered that it has been returned and that Mr. Fortner signed for the Notice of Hearing. Mr. Carlsson asked if there was a trailer on the lot. Building Inspector Hager answered yes. Vice Chairman Herbals asked how the property looked. Building Inspector Hager stated that the front was not bad but the back and north side of the property were overrun with tall grass and weeds. Mr. Carlsson moved to find the respondent in violation and give him five (5) working days after receipt of certified compliance order to come into compliance with a fine of 550.00 per day for each day of noncompliance thereafter. Motion seconded by Vice Chairman Marbais and approved unanimously. L 1 CEB 11/9/87 PAGE 2 IV. OTHER BUSINESS A. Notice of Dismissal - Robert V. Davis, Case 87-29 Copies of the notice of dismissal were included in the Board packets. B. Copy of Ordinance #964 The Board was provided with a copy of Ordinance #964 for future case reference. This Ordinance prohibits advertising signs, billboards and trailer signs. Chairman Linebarier stated that the Ordinance did not appear to grant any grandfather privileges. He further stated that he thought it was a good Ordinance. Mrs. Shidel agreed. Chairman Linebarier asked how this Ordinance affects small signs such as political advertisements. Building Inspector Hager stated that he thought they were exempt. V. COMMENTS A. Building Inspector - None B. Police Department - None C. Board Attorney - None D. Citizens - None present E. Board Members - Chairman Linebarier asked about the Ordinance that Attorney Cool drafted updating the City Code Enforcement policies to bring them into line with the State Statutes. Deputy Clerk Amesbury answered that the City Attorney was reviewing this Ordinance and that the City Commission would hear it for first reading sometime in the near future. Chairman Linebairer also asked about the status of the prepaid legal insurance that the City proposed sometime ago. Deputy Clerk Amesbury stated that she would inquire and report back. VI. ADJOURNMENT Mr. Carlsson moved to adjourn. Motion seconded by Mrs. Shidel and carried unanimously. Meeting adjourned at 7:53 p.m. , 14/..t.110401414 it hn Linebarier, Chairman ATTEST: Deputy Clerk Amesbu gor 2