HomeMy WebLinkAbout09-08-1986 Minutes MINUTES OF THE CITY OF OCOEE CODE ENFORCEMENT BOARD MEETING HELD SEPTEMBER 48= 1486 I. ROLL CALL PRESENT: Chairman John Linebarier, Vice Chairman Frank Carlsson, Members Gary Carroll , Joe Marbais, Bob Sorenson and Ed Foley, City Manager Ted Ryan, Attorney John Rhodes, Building Official Sam Gerace, Building Inspector Bill Hager and Deputy Clerk Susan Amesbury. ABSENT: Member Mary Ellen Frame. Alternate Donald Barker and Attorney John Hatcher (excused) . Chairman Linebarier called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. and led everyone in the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag. Mr. Sorenson then led everyone in prayer. II. REVIEW AND APPROVAL OF MINUTES Vice Chairman Carlsson made a motion to accept the minutes of the July 14, 1986 Code Enforcement Board meeting as printed, seconded by Mr. Marbais which opened the floor for discussion. Mr. Linebarier asked that Mary Ellen Frame be listed as excused for that meeting. Vice Chairman Carlsson amended his motion to include the correction, seconded by Mr. Sorenson and approved unanimously. III. VIOLATIONS HEARINGS 1111, A. Gerald Landis - Case 86-3.4 Building Official Gerace requested that Case 86-14 be continued to the next meeting. He explained that the Post Office returned the Notice of Hearing sent by certified mail as unclaimed. Vice Chairman Carlsson moved to continue Case 86-14 until the next meeting, seconded by Mr. Sorenson and approved unanimously. B. Gary Bruton - Case 86-15 Building Official Gerace and Mr. Bruton were sworn in by Deputy Clerk Amesbury. Building Official Gerace stated the vehicle was still in noncompliance per the 9/8/86 inspection by Building Inspector Hager. Mr. Bruton stated that the car belonged to his deceased father. He explained that the car was in the driveway and not tagged due to restoration costs and he would tag and insure the car when restoration was complete. Chairman Linebarier asked Mr. Bruton if there was a covered carport ar garage on his property. Mr. Bruton answered there was not. Vice Chairman Carlsson asked Mr. Bruton how long he needed to finish restoration and Mr. Bruton answered about 2 weeks. Vice Chairman Carlsson made a motion to give Mr. Bruton until September 24, 1986 to acquire tags with a fine of 025.00 per day for each day of 1 CEB 9/8/86 PAGE 2 noncompliance thereafter. Mr. Carroll seconded and the motion carried unanimously. As a matter of record, Mr. Bruton signed and was issued a compliance order. C. Gary and Wanda Grimes - Case 86-16 Building Official Gerace requested Case 86-16 be continued to the next meeting. He stated the post office returned the Notice of Hearing sent by certified mail as unclaimed. Vice Chairman Carlsson moved to continue Casa 86-16 until the next meeting, seconded by Mr. Marbais and approved unanimously. D. Beatriz Zimmerman - Case 86-18 Building Official Gerace stated Case 86-18 was dismissed by the City 9/8/86 as the respondent has complied. Mrs. Zimmerman was present and stated she has not yet received the Notice of dismissal. She further stated that she was insulted by the term "junk vehicle" and that the car in question belonged to her son. Mrs. Zimmerman introduced her son, Gerome Zimmerman. Vice Chairman Carlsson questioned Mr. Zimmerman about the vehicle location prior to being sold. Mr. Zimmerman stated that originally the car was parked in a covered carport until the Police Department issued a Notice to remove, at which time the car was moved to the back yard. He stated that he then received a Notice of Code Violation followed by a Notice of Hearing from the City. Mr. Zimmerman stated that at this point, he sold the car for 050.00 to avoid violating his probation. Chairman Linebarier thanked Mrs. Zimmerman for attending the meeting and apologized for the notice not being sent earlier. In parting, Mrs. Zimmerman stated that there were many violations in the City of the junk vehicle ordinance and she would like to see them cleaned up. Chairman Linebarier questioned City Manager Ryan about a Notice to Remove being issued by the Police Department for a vehicle parked in a covered carport where they are allowable by ordinance. City Manager Ryan stated that he would inquire of the 2immermans as to which officer issued the notice and investigate the matter. E. Publisher's Entry Service - Case 86-19 Building Official Gerace stated that the City dismissed Case 86-19 on 9/8/86. He further stated that Publisher's Entry Service at 2 Floral St. was no longer listed by the Telephone company and was no longer in business. IV. OTHER BUSINESS Chairman Linebarier asked the Board members for recommendations to revise and clarify sections 21-36, 21-39 (60 2 I CEB 9/8186 PAGE 3 and 21-40 of the City Code Mr. Carroll stated th t he would like. to set up a workshop with Attorney Hatcher pr sent. Mr. Sorenson stated that he would like a Police Officer present. City Manager Ryan stated that the ordinance itself seemed fine and that problems encountered were interpretive and administrative. He further stated that training sessions with the Police Department were needed to advise them of what they are enforcing. Chairman Linebarier stated that junk vehicles have been a constant problem for the past 6 years and that one of the problems is race. cars. He stated that it is morally difficult to let a citizen keep what appears to be a junk vehicle just because the citizen says it is a race car when another man who is trying to fix up a car must be told be get rid of his. City Manager Ryan stated that in cases like that he would cite the race car owner to appear before the Board and have him prove he is a true race car driver. Mr. Carroll remarked that the junk vehicle ordinance was rewritten in December of 1985 and felt another revision was not necessary. Vice Chairman Carlsson stated that Orange County was coming out with a new junk vehicle ordinance and that it would be interesting to see. Attorney Rhodes stated that he would try to get copies of several cities junk vehicle ordinances and review them with Attorney Hatcher. City Manager Ryan stated that he has seen a half dozen different junk vehicle ordinances and they are all about the same. Chairman Linebarier asked City Manager Ryan for a copy of the new Orange County junk vehicle ordinance. City Manager Ryan delegated this task to Building Official Gerace as a key staff member. City Manager Ryan stated that he has vast experience with code problems and would be available for consultation at any time. V. COMMENTS A. City Manager - None B. Fire Inspector - None C. Building Official - None D. Board Attorney - None i3. Citizens - None F. Board Members - Mr. Carroll inquired about the status of Case 86-10 on Shirley Belasky Cothern who was issued a Compliance Order at the July 14, 1986 meeting. Deputy Clerk Amesbury answered that Mrs. Cothern had complied and a copy of the Notice of dismissal would be provided in the next packets. VI. ADJOURNMENT Vice Chairman Carlsson moved to adjourn, seconded by Mr. Sorenson and approved unanimously. Meeting adjourned at 8:35 p.m. 3 CE8 9/8/86 PAGE 4 ahn Linabariar, Chairman ATTEST: Deputy Clerk Amesbury few 4