,. HELD AUGUST 12, 1985
Chairman Frank Carlsson called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m.
John Linebarier led everyone in prayer.
Ed Foley led everyone in the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag.
The Clerk of the Board called the roll. Present were:
Chairman Frank Carlsson
Gary Carroll, Vice-Chairman
Board Members:
John Linebarier
Joe Marbais
Bob Sorenson
Ed Foley
John Hatcher-Attorney
Ken Griffin-City Manager
Bill Hager-Building Inspector
Evelyn Nordstrom-Clerk of the Board
Board Member absent was Don Barker.
Frank Carlsson asked to dispense with the reading of the June 6, 1985 Code
Enforcement Board Meeting minutes, John Linebarier made a motion that the
minutes be approved as printed and distributed. The motion was seconded by
Joe Marbais and the vote was carried unanimously.
The following cases were dismissed prior to the meeting due to compliance.
Copies of the notices of dismissal were furnished to the Board:
85-18 Mr. Carson
85-21 Smail Beverly
85-22 James Moncrief
Ken Griffin asked that the board call on Bill Hager, acting as Building Official,
because he has first hand information on the cases.
Ken Griffin swore Bill Hager in.
85-19 City vs. Betra Torez, nobody was present to represent case 85-19.
It was confirmed that the green receipt(notifying certified mail deliverance)
from Betra Torez was returned to the city office.
Bill Hager said that the car was still sitting beside the house, on
the grass, inside of the fence and grass has grown up around the vehicle but
he could not tell whether or not the tag was invalid because the vehicle was
backed in toward the house.
The point was brought up that there was a discrepancy in names, the original
police department service report was signed by Petra Torres and the notice of
hearing was sent to Betra Tonez. So there was a doubt as to whom actually owns
the house or vehicle. It was recommended that the case be tabled until the
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next meeting in September in order to get a correct reading on the name of
the property owner. This recommendation was seconded and the motion carried.
Next case was called 85-20 City of Ocoee vs. Randy Cleever. Ken Griffin informed
the board that Randy Cleever had called the city hall about 4:30 that afternoon
and said that he had to work and could not attend the meeting at this time,
but he is still in violation which Bill Hager can testify. Randy Cleever was
cited for a red ford, expired tag, by police on June 17, 1985. Mr. Cleever
had signed the police service report on July 19, 1985. It was noted that the
car was originally in the street in front of the house but now it has been
pulled up onto the driveway.
Mr. Carlsson moved to enter an order against Mr. Cleever for proper registra-
tion and to have the vegicle in operating condition or remove the same within
ten days from August 12, 1985, failure to do so would result in a $25.00 a
day fine until the violation has been complied. Bob Sorenson seconded the
motion, motion was carried unanimously.
Next case 85-23 City of Ocoee vs. Randy Tinney. Mr Tinney was not in the
audience. Proof of service was signed by officer Steve Caples. Officer Caples
went to Mr. Tinney's home to give the notice of hearing to him, but he would
not take the notice, so officer Caples just layed the notice downon the ground
about two feet away from Mr. Tinney.
The violation is that there is a vehicle not in operating condition, grass has
grown up around the vehicle.
Frank Carlsson motioned that Mr. Tinney was not in compliance, he shall put
the said vehicle in operating condition, register the vehicle or remove it,
failure to do so will result in a $25.00 a day fine until said vehicle is in
compliance. Joe Marbais seconded the motion, motion was carried unanimously.
Deputy Clerk Nordstrom was introduced to the Board Members.
The first Proposed ordinance was just introduced at the last commission meeting,
it was proposed by the City Attorney. In John Hatcher's opinion the City
Attorney's proposal is not consistant as to what the board is doing. The
inconsistancies that Mr Hatcher brings up are: if you do not comply it is a
misdemeanor, but this board does not enforce misdemeanors, it is not a criminal
action that pends before this board, and also this proposal does not explain
that the non-compliance is going to come up before the Code Enforcement Board.
There is a rule that you have to remove property in violation within seventy
two hours, in this proposal it states that you have to remove the property
in violation within fifteen days; it is unlawful to keep property in violation
on public property more than seventy two hours.
This proposal does not address the substantial problems that the board has
been having concerning vehicles without current tags.
After much discussion, Mr. Hatcher said that the new proposal has the effect
of saying that the enforcement officer is right, unless the owner of the vehicle
comes before the comission and complains. This proposal is going to put a lot
of cases up before the commission meeting when they should be put before the
Code Enforcement Board. Also, this would not give the board any more authority
but an alternate route that really doesn't solve anything.
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Proposal number 2.-Junk Vehicles.
Regarding Section 3 Article C, there was a problem concerning grass growth,
the problem was that in the summer the grass will grow much faster than in the
winter, so depending upon the time of year that the violation takes place you
have a time frame of sixty days in winter to ten days in summer, as to when
the violation is to be removed. The City Manager said that you have to read
Section 3 Article A with sub paragraph A and B which are part of section
21-37 and are not addressed in this ordinance.
As far as recreational vehicles go, the proposal addresses these vehicles as
being allowed if in the back or on the side of a building but it does not
say junk vehicles are allowed anywhere on the property, it is either operable
or it is a junk vehicle. That is what this proposal is about, what's junk
and what's not, and how you go about getting rid of junk.
Mr. Hatcher suggested deleting the statement about value from the ordinance,
what should the value matter, either it is operable or it's not. Mr. Hatcher
also suggested that you make it a law for vehicles to have a tag if the vehicle
is qualified to have a tag under Florida law. So, sub paragraph a of 3 should
say: The absence of a current license plate on a vehicle shall be prima
facia evidence that a vehicle is not operable, then repel all language about
value, and then say unless that vehicle is not qualified for registration under
Florida law. Ken Griffin said then you have a problem; eg. Mrs. Howell went
out and put tags on her car which is still non-operable. Mr. Hatcher said
that is one clear indicator of non-operability, as well as high grass around
the vehicle. If the grass is dead under the vehicle or growing up along side
of it, then that is prima facia evidence that the vehicle is non-operable
(wie because it hasn't been moved. Now you have an alternate situation, no tag
dead grass/non-operable, no tag no dead grass/non-operable, current tag dead
Bob Sorenson roved to adjourn, Ed Foley seconded, approved unanimously.
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