HomeMy WebLinkAbout03-12-1984 Minutes MINUTES OF THE OCOEE CODE ENFORCEMENT BOARD MEETING HELD MARCH 12, 1984. Cle Present: Members: Linebarier, Bourdo, Sorenson, Garlington, Colburn, Barker, Carroll, Mr. Hatcher, Attorney, and Deputy Clerk Louloudis. Absent: None. CALL TO ORDER: The meeting was called to order by Chairman Linebarier at 7:43 p.m. . Chairman Linebarier pointed out that a quorum was present. APPROVAL OF MINUTES OF DECEMBER 12, 1984. Mr. Hatcher moved the minutes be read silently. Chairman Linebarier motioned to accept the minutes of December 12, 1983 as written, Mr. Sorenson seconded and the vote carried unanimously. OLD BUSINESS REPORT ON PROPERTY AT 630 KISSIMMEE Mr. Hurst, Building Official, stated they had made all necessary corrections, and he issued a certificate of occupancy on January 5, 1984. Sargeant Gailet, Ocoee Police Department, reported that the Police Dept. has written over 100 Notices to Remove in January and February of 1984, of which 10 did not comply. Sgt. Gailet explained that the Police Dept. only issues the Notices when there is visible signs of neglect. Mr. Hatcher suggested to give the Notice to the landlord instead of the rentor. NEW BUSINESS CODE VIOLATIONS AT 474 SOUTH BLUFORD AVENUE Mr. Griffin, Assistant City Manager, informed the Board that letters dated 1-9-84 and 2-29-84 were sent to Mrs. Mabel Howell, in care of Miss Phyllis Howell, Mrs. Howell's daughter. The letters were sent in reference to the two 1949 Ford vehicles parked in the drive at 474 S. Bluford Ave. , and that the property was in need of lawn care or maintenance. Mr. Griffin stated that Miss Phyllis Howell called City Hall twice, once on 1-23-84 when she stated she couldn't take care of the property then, it was a bad time. Her second call came on 2-24-84 when she stated she would comply with all the City Ordinances. Futhermore, Mr. Griffin stated he sent a list of lawn care companies to Mrs. Howell, in the case that she could not do the maintenance herself. Chairman Linebarier asked Mr. Griffin if the Board members could have copies of the letters sent to the person in violation, in the future. Mr. Griffin stated that in the future the members would have copies. Mr. Griffin, Assistant City Manager, also stated that the cars had current tags placed on them, since the letters had been sent. tior Mr. Garlington asked if Mayor Ison knew of this problem, he explained this situation needs to be handled with "kid gloves". Assistant City Manager Griffin stated that this was an administrative problem, not a political problem; the Mayor is a political official and has no impact upon this situation officially. Page 2 Mr. Garlington asked that the Mayor be made aware of this particular problem. Mr. Griffin stated he would comply. Mr. Hatcher explained that the cars, according to the definition of abandoned tor in the Ordinances, could not be applied to those vehicles as they had current tags placed on them; therefore the owner had shown an act of dominion. Mr. Hatcher continued the definition of junk according to the Ordinances, as inoperable, which the cars could be classified inoperable by having four flat tires each. Chairman Linebarier motioned to serve notice to Mrs. Mabel Howell to appear before the Board on April 9, 1984 and explain why she did not comply with the letters of 1-9-84 and 2-29-84 regarding lawn maintenance. The two automobiles parked at 474 S. Bluford are questionably operational; they have current license tags, but four flat tires. Mrs. Howell would not be subpoenaed about the vehicles, but the Board may want to discuss them with her. Mr. Colburn seconded and the vote was unanimous. Mr. Linebarier asked Mr. Griffin to write down any telephone discussions in the future. Mr. Griffin stated he would comply. APPOINTMENT OF VICE-CHAIRMAN Mr. Sorenson nominated Mr. Barker, who declined. Mr. Linebarier nominated Mr. Garlington, who declined. Mr. Bourdo nominated Mr. Carroll, Mr. Coleburn seconded. Mr. Linebarier moved to close. Mr. Gary Carroll was elected Vice- Chairman. ADMININSTRATIVE RULES - PROPOSED Mr. Hatcher motioned to accept the proposed Administrative Rules, Mr. Sorenson seconded and the vote was unanimous. HEARING RULES - PROPOSED Mr. Linebarier requested notice; copies of letters sent, cut off date two weeks prior to the meeting, copy of the code violated so the members can see the problem or violation given. Mr. Hatcher reminded the Board of the homeowners due process - which means the members may go look at the property but they may not get opinions of anyone. Mr. Garlington moved to accept the Hearing Rules with the correction of Form 1.612 should be 1.162, Mr. Bourdo seconded and the vote carried unanimously. CITY BUILDING OFFICIAL Mr. Hurst, Building Official, informed the Board that the trailer on Silver Star Road and Cumberland owned by Ruby Reeves was condemned in 1980. Mr. Hurst stated Ms. Reeves remodeled, replaced, and fixed the trailer up enough so it could be lived in, Mr. Hurst then let her re-rent the trailer. In (10 December of 1983 Mr. Hurst have notice to vacate immediately, as it was condemned once again. Mr. Hurst stated it will be on the agenda on the April 9, 1984 meeting, if Mrs. Reeves has not complied with her order to remove the trailer. Page 3 CITY MANAGER Mr. Griffin, Assistant City Manager stated he was speaking on behalf of Mr. Burgess, City Manager. REPORT ON UPGRADE OF LAWNS IN INDUSTRIAL PARK. Mr. Griffin, Assistant City Manager stated Mr. Linebarier, Mr. Burgess, and he had driven through Industrial Park and made note of those lots needing lawn maintenance. Mr. Griffin reported that there were ten (10) letters mailed out asking the owners to do some lawn maintenance on their property. Mr. Garlington stated he did not think the City should be "hard nosed" enough to only explain to Mrs. Howell the problem she needs to correct. Mr. Hurst, Building Official, stated "the City of Ocoee has always been a close knit City; but with new administration, from different states, the administration is only government, and the citizens and government are now growing far apart." Mr. Garlington stated that he felt someone should neighborly-like let these people know of their violation. Mr. Garlington stated he thought everything possible ought to be done before the problem is brought before the Board. Mr. Carroll stated he thought between the phone conversations and the letters, sufficient effort had been put forth, but the citizen who did not comply with the letters did not put out enough effort to correct the problem, as she had enough time to comply but didn't. Mr. Hurst stated he personally visits the people and talks to them before he sends out a letter. Mr. Garlington expressed anxiety about whether everything possible had been done to solve the problem before it came before the Board, for instance if an "old friend or neighbor had gone to Mrs. Howell and talked to her friendly" maybe the problem would have been corrected. Mr. Griffin apologized for not understanding what Mr. Garlington was speaking about. Mr. Linebarier stated, "regardless of who it is, someone should talk to the person in violation." Mr. Linebarier added, in this case the phone calls with Mrs. Howell was enough. Mr. Linebarier stated no one on this Board can go to anyone in violation to talk to them as it is a conflict of interest. Mr. Linebarier stated the next meeting will be on April 9, 1984 at 7:30 p.m. . Mr. Sorenson moved to adjourn, Mr. Bourdo seconded. The meeting adjourned at 10:42 p.m. . Respectfully submitted, k k Th rrak AAUCLuoLD Deputy Clerk