HomeMy WebLinkAbout08-13-1984 Minutes MINUTES OF THE CITY OF OCOEU CODs. ENFORCEMENT BOARD MEETING HELD AUGUST 13, 1984 PRESENT: ChaA unan L.Lneba,t Len, Baand Membeks Cakkott, Sorenson, James, Attonney Hatcher., Deputy C.eenk Jones ABSENT : Board Members Bound°, Caktsson, Banken ROLL CALL Chavcman Linebakkien Ca ted .the meeting to ander at 7:31 p.m. . Mn. L.Lnebann.Len then ted those pned ent .in .the ptedg e o S atteg.iance. APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES OF THE JULY 9, 1984 MEETING Mn. James moved to appnave the Juty 9, 198t4minutes and Mn. Cannon seconded the motion. The vote was catkLed unan,imousty. HEARINGS ON STATEMENTS OF VIOLATION PURSUANT TO NOTICES OF HEARING Royae Canadian Vevetopment CanponatLon - 84-3 The Ctenk swore .in Mn. Gn,iain and he .insonmed the Board that the Citation nu- mben 84-3, had camptLed. Mn. Ca.-vwU moved to 'Sind ,Royal Canadian Development Coup an .En -compe;iahce . and to dismiss the case.,! Mn. Sonens on seconded the motion and the vote was ccvtiiied una.n.imoud.ey. Cre Lamont J. Dederick - 84-0 Mn. Gu.iss.in neponted to the Board that the Citation number 84-0 had come .into compt ance. Mn. Cannott moved to Sind that the pnapenty at 1 East S Lven Stan Road wad in compLLance and to dismiss the case. Mn. Sanensan seconded the motion and the vote was cat ied unan.i,mousty. Fkank - 84-5 • Attorney Hatchet asked the Baand to tab.ee Citation 84-4, untit the end os the meeting. Ke tey T.i.2Qman - 84-1 _ Mn. Gki66in gave the status on Citation number 84-1, to the Board. Mt. Souensan moved to serve an Ondet oS Comp -Lance to Kettey Tatman, giving Sive (5), days to campey and ten (10) dottaks a day there aster Son every day Ke tey TiJ2man was in violation aster the Save (5) day grace. The date set Son Orden 06 ComptLa'ice was August 21, 1984. Mn. Cakkott seconded the motion and the vote was cat ied unanJmousty. Lams Hottey - 84-5013 (weMn. Gn 66in gave the Board the status on Citation Number 84-5013. Mn. Lours Honey was Swann .in and told the Baand that he had so-ed one os the vehicles and had put a Licenses on the second and drove it to the meeting tonight. Mn.. Souensan moved to give onden os compeLance and Mn. Cannon seconded the motion, The vote was cakkied unan.imousty Page 2 MINUTES OF THE CITY OF OCOEE CODE Lee Pape - 84-4 (ir MA. Ghii6in gave the Board the status on Citation number 84-4. The Board decided to table the case unt.i t September 10, 1984. Ra4.1 Handley - 84-4900 Mr. Gn,i 66 n gave the Board the status on Citation numbeic. 84-4900. The Board decided to table the case until the September 10, 1984 meeting. Cuntus G. BAown.Lng - Mt. stated to the Board that this case was pxematunet y put on the agenda and would be brought back on the September 10, 1984 agenda not complied with by that time. Rex Gann - 84-4844 Mr. Gai64in gave the Board the status on ease number 84-4844,a4 also being put on the agenda prematureey. The case was tabJ ed unt-i t the September meet- ing. Steve Ke.Pttey - 84-4923 ibe Mt. GAibiin gave the status on Citation number 84-4923. Mt. Caston moved to give Order o6 Compliance by August 28, 1984 and a ten (10) dottan 6Lne Lot every day after that Mt. Steve Kettey was not in cam- p.LLance. Mn.. Sorenson seconded the motion and the vote was catnied unan.Lmous.ey. Kathetyn Battey - 84-2 Mt. GAi66Ln gave the status on Citation number 84-2. Mn.. Cannon moved to give Notice o6 D-usm,ussae. Mt. Sorenson seconded the motion and the vote was cattied unan,imous.ey. OTHER BUSINESS City Bui td Lng O i 6.LcLa t - Mn.. W. H. Sparks Ma. Gaiii.Ln.int ioduced Mn.. -T.. Cohen as the new City Bu.LtdLng O66.Lc at. City Manager - MA. Ken GAi6iiLn No othen comments to make to the Board. CODE ENFORCEMENT BOARD ATTORNEY - MR. J. HATCHER Mn.. Hatcher gave to the Board new and AevL ed Code Enboxcement 6onms to be put into use at the Boards p.eeasune. Mn.. Hatchet went through the 6onms and gave dAtection on thein use and how to handle each, sot the Board:and the Deputy C.terk. Chairman L.Lnebataiex moved to adopt the new 6onms and Mr. Sorenson seconded the motion. The vote was cann.Led una ,Lmousty. Page 3 MINUTES OF THE CITY OF OCOEE CODE ENFORCEMENT BOARD MEETING HELD AUGUST 13, 1984 (re MA. Hatchet directed the Acting City Managers to have the pAopeA ionma iitteed and Wed with the County, on the 6.inez £ev.Led aga.in4t Mn. Seta1am and MA. ass coon az po44.ib.e.e. MA. Ca.vcott moved to adjouvi the meeting and Mn.. Sonen4on 4econded the motion. The vote was ca Aied unan imou.4J.y. The meeting adjouAned at 9:20 p.m. . Ni' / � , eputy �' o, t e :o, fl