HomeMy WebLinkAbout04-15-97 MINUTES OF THE OCOEE CITY COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING HELD APRIL 15, 1997 CALL TO ORDER Mayor Vandergrift introduced Brian Pennington, student from Lakeview Middle School, as the Mayor of the Moment and read the letter that Mr. Pennington sent him. MOM Pennington then called the regular meeting to order at 8:00 p.m. in the commission chambers. Alfred Luck led in the prayer and Frances Watts led in the pledge of allegiance. The roll was called and a quorum declared present. MOM Pennington introduced his parents, youth minister, and best friend. PRESENT: Mayor Vandergrift, MOM Pennington, Commissioners Anderson, Glass, Howell and Parker. Also present were Interim City Manager Shapiro, City Attorney Rosenthal, Finance Director Horton, Planning Director Wagner, City Engineer Shira, Recreation Director Beech, Personnel Director Psaledakis, and Acting City Clerk Green. ABSENT: None. PRESENTATIONS AND PROCLAMATIONS MOM Pennington read the following proclamations: . Law Day, USA - May 1, 1997 . Municipal Clerks Week.. May 4 -10,1997 CONSENT AGENDA The consent agenda consisted of items A, B, and C. Commissioner Glass. seconded by Commissioner Parker. moved to approve and accept the consent agenda as presented. Motion carried 5-0. A. Approval and Acceptance of Minutes of City Commission Regular Meeting of April 1. 1997. B. Approval and Authorization to Award of Bid B97-07. Crude Solar Salt - Morton International Inc. C. Approval and Authorization for Purchase of Plave:round Eauipment for Central Park in the amount of $13.838.85 from Miracle Recreation Eauipment Company. COMMENTS FROM CITIZENS/PUBLIC Mrs. Frances Watts, 43 Shell Key Court, thanked all those in the City Clerks office for the fine job they do. Mrs. Patricia Tice, 1401 Center Street, expressed concern about teenagers hanging around the school bus stop near her home and asked if the City would consider lighting it. Interim City Manager Shapiro said that he would have Staff look into it. Ocoee City commission Regular Meeting April 15, 1997 PUBLIC HEARINGS FIRST READING OF ORDINANCE No. 97-10, AMENDING LAND DEVELOPMENT CODE RELATING TO PUD's, SPECIAL OVERLAY AREAS & TABLE 5-2. The second reading and public hearing will be May 6,1997 at 7:30 p.m. City Attorney Rosenthal read the proposed ordinance by title only. Director of Planning Wagner said he would defer the staff report to the second public hearing unless Commissioners had questions. The public hearing was opened. R.P. Mohnacky, 1820 Prairie Lake Boulevard, asked why the ordinance was needed. Mr. Wagner said that a much more detailed explanation would be given in the second public hearing. He explained that, in summary, the ordinance sets in motion a process for creating Activity Centers Interchange Impact Areas, and the Downtown Redevelopment Areas. He said it also provides for a few miscellaneous changes to PUD's to conform to that language and changes to some tables in the Code. The public hearing was closed. MOM Pennington announced the second reading and public hearing will be May 6, 1997 at 7:30 p.m. WINGATE MINI-WAREHOUSES PRELIMINARY!FINAL SITE PLAN. Director of Planning Wagner presented the staff report for the proposed development of approximately 83,000 square feet of mini-warehouse units with an office/caretaker residence. It is located north of Wal-Mart, just west of Maguire Road on Mercantile Court. He said the plan included additional landscaping at the northeast corner of the site to provide a screening from Maguire Road, the preservation of a 30 inch oak tree just inside the entrance to the complex, and construction of a cui de sac at the end of Mercantile Court. Mr. Wagner said the project had been recommended for approval by DRC and the Planning and Zoning Commission and concluded with staffs recommendation for approval. Referring to a note on the plan, Commissioner Anderson asked how "no commercial activity" could be regulated. Mr. Wagner explained the note was included to add enforcement power if someone should try to run a business from a mini-warehouse. He said there would be periodic inspections. In response to Commissioner Howell's concerns, Interim City Manager Shapiro said there would be incremental inspections of the buildings and contents to assure that no hazardous materials would be stored in the mini-warehouses. In response to questions by Commissioner Anderson, Mr. Don Wingate, the developer for the project, explained that there is one residence for the manager and his spouse, but 2 Ocoee City commission Regular Meeting April 15, 1997 that children would be prohibited from living there, and that there were no plans for outside storage with overhangs. The public hearing was opened, and as no one wished to speak, the public hearing was closed. Commissioner Anderson. seconded by Commissioner Howell. moved to approve the Preliminary/Final Site Plan for Wingate Mini-Warehouses. as date stamped received by the City on March 31. 1997. Motion carried 5-0. RECESS 8:35 p.m. - 8:50 p.m. OTHER BUSINESS Comments were made by Mrs. Tice at this point in the meeting, but are included under Comments from Citizens/Public. CONSULTANT CONTRACT WITH JHK & ASSOCIATES FOR TRANSPORTATION PLANNING AND TRAFFIC ENGINEERING SERVICES. Planning Director Wagner summarized the selection process from the November 5, 1996, approval by Commission to hire a consulting firm to the February 18, 1997, approval by Commission of the selection of JHK and Associates and direction to staff to enter into negotiations for a continuing consulting services contract. City Attorney Rosenthal said for the record, if Commissioner's should hear the name TransCore, JHK is in the process of changing their name or doing some consolidation, but at this point and time the contracting entity with the City still should be JHK & Associates. There is a possibility they may come back at a later time or they may do business as TransCore. Commissioner Glass. seconded by Commissioner Howell. moved to approve the contract with JHK & Associates. and authorize the Mayor and Citv Clerk to execute the contract. Motion carried 5-0. SELECT MEMBER OF CITY COMMISSION FOR AUDIT SELECTION COMMITTEE. Finance Director Horton said that Auditing Services were last competitively bid in 1992. The contract for Auditing Services between the City and the firm of McDirmit, Davis, and Lauteria, CP As expired at the end of fiscal year 1996. Responses to a duly advertised request for proposal had been received in a timely manner by the Buyer. A selection committee consisting of the Finance Director, Finance Supervisor, Director of Personnel and Employee Relations, the City Financial Advisor and a member of the City Commission will review and evaluate the proposals. Mrs. Horton requested that a member of the City Commission be selected to serve on the Audit Selection Committee. Commissioner Glass. seconded by Commissioner Anderson. moved to select Commissioner Parker to serve on the Audit Selection Committee. Motion carried 5-0. 3 Ocoee City commission Regular Meeting April 15, 1997 SET MID-YEAR BUDGET WORKSHOPS/PUBLIC HEARING. Finance Director Horton explained that the Proposed Mid Year Budget Amendment for fiscal year 1996/1997 involves some issues which would directly affect the budget for the next fiscal year. Staff would like to present these issues to the Commission for direction prior to the public hearing to be held on the Mid Year Budget Amendment. Staff requested that the City Commission agree to have at least one budget workshop to review and discuss the proposed Mid Year Budget Amendment and a Special Session for the first reading of the ordinance. Mayor Vandere:rift. seconded by Commissioner Glass. moved to set April 23. 1997. and if needed. April 24. 1997. for the budget workshops to review and discuss the proposed Mid Year Budget Amendment. and to set April 29. 1997. for a Special Session for the first reading of the ordinance. All meetings to start at 7:00 p.m. Motion carried 5-0. EMPLOYMENT AGREEMENT WITH JEFFREY BROUGHTON. Former Commissioner Gleason spoke to the issue. DIRECTION TO DISTRICTING COMMISSION. After brief discussion, Mayor Vandere:rift. seconded by Commissioner Anderson. moved to direct the City Clerk to arrange an organizational meeting for the Districting Commission as soon as possible. Motion carried 5-0. CITY COMMISSION BOARD RESPONSIBILITIES. EDUCATIONAL INCENTIVE COMMITTEE - MEMBER Commissioner Anderson. seconded by Commissioner Howell. moved to Commissioner Parker as Member to the Educational Incentive Committee. carried 5-0. appoint Motion PERSONNEL BOARD - MEMBER Commissioner Glass. seconded by Commissioner Parker. moved to appoint Commissioner Howell as Member to the Personnel Board. Motion carried 5-0. ApPOINTMENTS TO BOARDS CODE ENFORCEMENT BOARD - LARRY CHESTNEY RESIGNED - TERM EXPIRES JANUARY, 1999. ALSO, ALTERNATE FOR TERM EXPIRING SEPTEMBER, 1998. Commissioner Glass, seconded by Commissioner Anderson. moved to appoint Alternate Member Robert Godek to complete the term of Mr. Larrrv Chestney to January 1999. to appoint Mr. Alfred Luck to complete Member Godek's term as Alternate to September of 1998. and to appoint Mr. Randy Chancey to the vacant Alternate position for a term to expire October. 1998. Motion carried 5-0. STAFF REPORTS None. 4 Ocoee City commission Regular Meeting April 15, 1997 COMMENTS FROM COMMISSIONERS Commissioner Howell: I) Expressed surprise and regret about the resignation of Recreation Director Jim Beech. Suggested naming the new gymnasium for Jim Beech in appreciation for his contributions to the City over many years. There was consensus to take under advisement. 2) Asked for the status of Ursula Walker's water problem on Lady Avenue. Mr. Shapiro said the problem was due to low pressure in old lines that were too small. He said they were trying to get signatures in order to put in larger ones. He will provide written report on lab test results. 3) Reported finding the front doors of City Hall unlocked over the weekend for the third time. 4) Asked if there was construction being started on the corner of Lady Avenue and Wurst Road. Mr. Shapiro said that he was not certain. but that he would check on it and report. 5) Announced the RSVP line phone number 656-2218. Commissioner Anderson: 1) Reported that citizens watching on television have a problem hearing discussions when the speaker turns away from the microphone and asked about getting more sensitive microphones. Mr. Shapiro said that he would have Staff look into that as well as the lighting problem. 2) Asked for a status report on the City Hall air conditioning and siding. Mr. Shapiro said that. as soon as possible after a meeting on Thursday with the Attorney and the people doing the inspection. and after a report from the lab is in. he would provide a report. City Attorney Rosenthal explained further. 3) Asked for any ideas to remedy the shortage of parking so that the City could have a 4th of July celebration like the one in Winter Garden. Commissioner Glass: 1) Announced the particulars regarding Spring Cleanup Day Saturday, April 19 for those who have regular garbage pickup on Tuesdays and Fridays. Commissioner Parker: 1) Echoed Commissioner Howell's statements about the job Mr. Beech has done and about naming the new gymnasium after him. 2) Reported that she was approached by a couple of Sawmill residents regarding the retention area at the southwest corner where the sink hole was. Mr. Shapiro said that the City has hired. under small contract. someone to report on the hydrodynamics of it and then advise the action needed. Mayor Vandergrift: 1) Suggested running a strip of red carpet across the city hall lobby to help buffer the nOIse. 5 Ocoee City commission Regular Meeting April 15, 1997 2) Said he had enjoyed the school art in city hall and asked that it be made available agam. 3) Called attention to his letter of March 27, 1995, (which was distributed just prior to this meeting) expressing his concern about what is happening in our City school systems, and he said that he is trying to establish some concern and cooperation between city and county governments with the school system to meet the needs of our schools. He announced that he had scheduled a meeting in the commission chambers on May 29 at 7:30 p.m. to form a Commission on Schools and he invited both citizen and Commission participation. 4) Reported riding on a road canopied by oak trees which was very pleasant, and suggested the planting of more oak trees along Ocoee streets. 5) Noted that "Dead End" or "No Outlet" signs are placed too far into the area to help motorists avoid driving into those streets and asked that the signs be placed in highly visible locations at the beginning of such roads instead. 6) Asked for an update on the Gas Tax. Mr. Shapiro said that the County Commission passed it with a 5-2 vote. and basically the City of Apopka and Winter Garden advised the County that they would support the writing as it was. The City of Ocoee is on record as opposing the agreement as written. Mayor Vandergrift expressed appreciation for the efforts of County Commissioner Freeman in support of the City's position. 7) Asked about having a Lynx trash basket in the front of the Withers-Maguire House. 8) Expressed concern about the number of jet skiers on the lake and suggested putting limitations on them, such as "no spinning do-nuts within 200 yards of the shore" as those activities are hard on the shore line and the skiers are monopolizing the area. Mr. Shapiro advised that a staff committee is reviewing that and other areas of concern. 9) Announced that he needed support from the Commission as he has been nominated for the Possum Queen contest in Winter Garden. 10) Suggested that, in the future, Commissioners should raise a "point of order" and be recognized if they wish a speaker to be interrupted/cut-off. He requested that pamphlets of the basics of Robert's Rules of Order be provided at the dais. 11) Reported ground breaking for Viscaya Apartments on Highway 50 at Lake Lotta on Wednesday, April 16 at 9:00 a.m. ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 10:00 p.m. Attest: APPROVED: City of Ocoee '-.:::: S. Scott Vandergrift, Mayo ( 6