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APRIL 23, 1997
Mayor Vandergrift called the budget workshop to order at 7:00 p.m. in the commission
chambers. The roll was called and a quorum declared present.
PRESENT: Mayor Vandergrift, Commissioners Anderson (arrived at 7:20 p.m.), Glass,
Howell, and Parker. Also present were Interim City Manager Shapiro, Finance
Director Horton, Personnel Director Psaledakis, Finance Supervisor Carter,
Budget Technician Strickland, and City Clerk Grafton.
Interim City Manager Shapiro reported that the City is in better shape than ever before with
revenues/expenditures and this proposed budget will reflect those items that were held in
abeyance early in the budget year and are now within reach. He stated that one goal is to change
the City's image by providing and using up to date equipment. He expressed appreciation to the
budget team: Finance Director Horton, Personnel Director Psaledakis, Finance Supervisor
Carter, and Budget Technician Strickland, both for their continued excellent work in controlling
the funds and in preparing for these meetings.
Mayor Vandergrift asked that, if it has not already been done, the new Commissioners be
provided with last year's budget as well as the current budget for purposes of comparison. He
suggested that at 10:00 p.m. a decision be made about continuing later or recessing to April 24 to
the "if needed" meeting. For this work session, he proposed using the same procedure as in the
past; i.e., going through the budget workbook page by page, stopping for discussion on any line
item that any Commissioner wishes to have explained or changed.
The following items brought discussion requiring either Staff action or change to the budget line
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3rd paragraph "...Additionally, a plan has been proposed to implement upgrading
of street lighting city wide increasing public safety." Mayor Vandergrift asked
if they will be able to see the plan. Interim City Manager Shapiro said they
would, and the plan would include generally those issues already discussed by
Commission, (neighborhoods and trailer parks), but majority ofthe funds would
go to the major thoroughfares that are unsafe (Silver Star, extension of Clarke
Road, A.D.Mims Road). Commissioner Glass mentioned that Palm Drive
should be included.
In response to Mayor Vandergrift's question regarding the line showing revenue
down in Fines and Forfeitures, Mr. Shapiro responded that the officers are
sensitive to the economic climate and are giving more thought before writing
tickets, and also they are so busy with calls they do not have time to write tickets.
Finance Director Horton advised that another reason would be that they have
Ocoee City Commission Budget Workshop
April 23, 1997
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not been collecting false alarm fees because of a flaw in the ordinance and an
amendment/repair to that ordinance will be proposed.
Line item 4001 -Mayor/Commissioner Fund. Commissioner Glass proposed
increasing this line item by $5,000. Agreed.
Mayor Vandergrift opened discussion for a gas allowance (in lieu of trip tickets
and reports), and was advised this has been discussed in the past and that the
attorney had advised it would not be an advantage tax-wise. Mr. Shapiro said he
would find the memo and distribute it to Commission, also would pursue
revision oftravellexpense requestfor reimbursementform.
There was discussion regarding when the salary increase goes into effect and
whether it will be for the entire Commission or only for those newly elected
officials. Need to research the law concerning seated elected officials voting a
raise for themselves.
Line item 8200 - Community Promotion. Commissioner Glass proposed adding
$3,500 to have a total of $5,000 added. Agreed.
Line item 4700 - Printing and Binding. Mayor Vandergrift asked that
Commission have some input in this Economic Development Brochure. Then he
talked about the Web site that is ours but is not done by the City. Shapiro advised
that a Web site is in the process and that Commissioner Anderson could provide
some information about it.
Commissioner Anderson arrived at this point in the meeting.
Mr. Shapiro reported about the Expo at the Mall on Saturday, April 26.
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Line item 3101 - Legal Expense. Mayor Vandergrift asked for discussion
regarding having in-house attorney/staff. Commissioner Glass gave some
figures and Mr. Shapiro pointed out some areas of concern and said he could
work it up when directed by Commission.
Line item 4602 - Building Maintenance. Mayor Vandergrift asked for canopied
access from Police Department to City Hall and was advised that the buildings
were not joined together because of building regulations but that staff would see
about a rain cover.
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April 23, 1997
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Mayor Vandergrift also brought up the fact that rain run-off makes walking
across the parking lot very difficult while it is raining. Mr. Shapiro said he
recalled that former Public Works Director Brenner was to take care of that and
did not.
Mr. Shapiro/Ms. Psaledakis discussed the fact that police officers have not been
hired because our standards and requirements are very high. They said that they
will soon be recommending an upgrade in salary and consideration should be
given to making our salaries competitive with Orlando's. Mr. Shapiro suggested
going to the Police Academy on their career days to entice good students to come
Mayor Vandergrift asked about starting an Explorers group again and Mr. Shapiro said he
would send a memo to Chief Mark.
Mayor Vandergrift proposed using the Indianapolis Plan for the police cars (or a modification
of that plan and let the officers make a decision about taking the vehicles home). Both Mr.
Shapiro and Ms. Psaledakis explained why the plan is not in use at this time.
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Line item 2303 - Accident/Disability Insurance. Mayor Vandergrift asked if this
was the result of an Employee Committee request. When advised that it was he
asked that a list of such Employee Committee successes be presented at the year
Commissioner Glass said that the CACOPD has indicated a desire for a
motorcycle patrol. Mr. Shapiro said that he and Chief Mark had discussed it
already and both had concern for safety vs benefit.
Commissioner Glass reported further that the CACOPD also asked that the City
spend more dollars in community policing - pens, pencils, candy etc. (Also
members had expressed concern that all the unmarked cars are white Crown
Victorias.) Mr. Shapiro will get with Chief Mark regarding these requests and
comments and advised that they already have junior police officer badges, etc.
Line item 6302 - Capital Improvements. Mayor Vandergrift asked about the
$10,000. Finance Supervisor Carter explained that this is to restructure the
communications center. Mr. Shapiro explained that for $200,000 the City could
go back to dispatching fire and police rather than continue with the First Response
Agreement with Orange County and this would be desirable. He explained
further that Windermere pays for fire coverage; however, new county
development will be receiving the same coverage without reimbursement to the
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Ocoee City Commission Budget Workshop
April 23, 1997
City, which is unfair.
Commissioner Howell asked about pension increases. Mr. Shapiro advised that will be
included in the regular budget instead of midyear.
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Commissioners Glass and Howell talked about the Code Enforcement officers,
whether there was a need for more overtime payor more officers to get the job
done. Mr. Shapiro advised that several officers had left, the training period takes
some time, and one position is now open. He said for the record that Ms.
Psaledakis does not make the choice of who is interviewed when jobs are
advertised, the Department Head does.
Line item 4609 - Park/Beach Maintenance. Mr. Shapiro pointed out this is what
has already been spent. Mayor Vandergrift asked for a weed whacker to knock
down between where the mower cuts and the water edge.
Commissioner Howell asked about maintenance on Clarke Road. Mr. Shapiro
explained that Clarke Road is about to be extended another mile and trees have
been put in the median also.
Commissioner Glass noted that there is trash at Walmart all the time. Mr.
Shapiro will contact them again.
Line item 6303-Sidewalk Construction. Mayor Vandergrift asked about this.
Mr. Shapiro advised this is the money from Orange County Commissioner
Freeman, and that, as Orlando Avenue itself may be scheduled later, that sidewalk
may be saved to do at the same time.
RECESS 8:45 - 9:00 P.M.
Commissioner Glass asked if the new school will use our crossing guard. Shapiro advised that
he will put one there when school is ready.
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Line item 6401 - Vehicle. Horton advised this should be changed to 1 vehicle.
Line item 6302 - Capital Improvements. Commissioner Glass asked about the
need to adjust the figures. Mr. Carter explained that the funds from the county
for the boat dock have not been received yet but that should be in this week.
Mayor Vandergrift asked to see the organizational chart for this department.
Line item 3400 - Contractual Services. Mayor Vandergrift asked if these figures
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April 23, 1997
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should be adjusted. Mrs. Horton said this was for a project they have not yet
received payment on. Mayor said to searchfor an answer for this one.
Solid Waste - Mr. Shapiro explained that when the fees were finally raised for
these services this budget was so far behind that it still has not caught up. He
proposed contracting out the trash service, which would enable the present staff to
take care of the garbage routes. He noted that a new route for garbage pickup
would be inaugurated at that time, and he suggested discussing the needs of that
department with Public Works Director Corwin at a special workshop or regular
Mayor Vandergrift asked about budgeting for Christmas lights. Mr. Shapiro
said that a report can be prepared for the full budget. Commissioner Glass
suggested contacting the West Oaks Mall about partnering with the City for lights
along the Clarke Road corridor.
Mr. Shapiro reported that with new computer system it would be possible to
accept Mastercard and Visa for utility payments, which the Finance Department is
Item 6302 - Public Works Facility Improvements. Mayor Vandergrift pointed
out a typo to be corrected. (Add the letter v in improvements.)
Mayor Vandergrift asked if the Police Department is getting/using cam corders.
Mr. Shapiro said that he would relate to Chief Mark the Mayor's interest in
pursuing the use of cam corders.
Mayor Vandergrift noted that with the present equipment it is not possible to include inserts in
the utility bills and he would like to see such equipment available. Mr. Shapiro will do a report.
Mayor Vandergrift reported that Mr. Broughton had accepted a position in Kentucky and asked
for the Commission's pleasure in calling a meeting to consider the next step for hiring a City
Manager. Consensus was reached to have this as an item on the May 6 regular meeting agenda.
Mr. Shapiro expressed appreciation for the support of the Department Directors and the Budget
Team in the preparation of this budget. The entire Commission commended Staff for ajob well
Mayor Vandergrift asked that a red carpet strip be placed in the lobby to help impress citizens
that the policy is to give the "red carpet treatment" in City Hall, and to help with the noise
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Ocoee City Commission Budget Workshop
April 23, 1997
problem in the lobby as well. After considerable discussion Mr. Shapiro said he would see
about a solution for the carpet/sound issue.
The meeting adjourned at 10:20 p.m.
City of Ocoee
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S. Scott Vandergrift, Mayoro
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