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HELD MAY 20, 1997
Mayor Vandergrift called the regular meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. in the Commission
Chambers and introduced Mr. Charles Hooper, teacher of American Government at West
Orange High School, who brought his graduating class. Commissioner Anderson led
in the prayer and Frances Watts led in the pledge of allegiance. The roll was called and
a quorum declared present.
PRESENT: Mayor Vandergrift, Commissioners Anderson, Glass, Howell and Parker.
Also present were City Manager Shapiro, City Engineer Shira, City
Attorney Rosenthal, Planning Director Wagner, Senior Planner Horne,
Fire Chief Strosnider, Recreation Director Beech, Special Counsel Barice,
Public Works Director Corwin, Building Official Flippen, Public Works
Superintendent Smith, Recreation Supervisor Nordquist, Site Plans
Examiner Lewis, Capital Projects/Concurrency Analyst Resnik, Assistant
City Engineer Wheeler, and City Clerk Grafton.
Film - Empowering Florida's Governmentfor the 2pt Century: Your City's Role with
the Commission on Local Government II.
Mayor Vandergrift displayed a film on Empowering Florida's Government for the 21 sl
Century and said that the State of Florida was asking for the Commission's input in
regards to the questions asked in the film. Mayor Vandergrift then directed City Clerk
Grafton to note the dates that the commission meetings would be held in Orlando,
(August 7 & 8, 1997) and that a memo be put out so that Ocoee's City Commission may
attend these meetings. City Manager Shapiro suggested that staff collect the questions
asked on the film, that a work session be held for staff s input, and then bring their
findings back to Commission for review.
Former Commissioner Combs, standing in for Chairman Beatty, distributed flyers
prepared by Mrs. Martha Lopez-Anderson, thanked the Commission for authorizing the
mail-out for the Charter Review Commission and asked that Commission approve the
mail-out as presented.
Mayor Vandergrift suggested that (Mayor/Administrator) be inserted following Strong
Mayor Form of Government for better description of the form of government.
Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting
May 20, 1997
Commissioner Anderson. seconded by Commissioner Glass. moved to approve the
form of the flyer with the addition of (Mayor/Administrator) as suggested. Motion
carried 5-0.
Award of Stormwater Management Certificates by Public Works Director
a. Equipment Operator Ken Bruce - Class C
b. Public Works Operations Supervisor Buddy Elmore - Class A
Public Works Director Corwin introduced Bob Smith, the new Superintendent in
Public Works, and announced that Mr. Smith is a resident and a native of Ocoee. Mr.
Corwin then awarded Stormwater Technician Certificates from the Florida Water and
Pollution Control Operators Association to Ken Bruce, Equipment Operator, Class "C"
certification, and Buddy Elmore, Public Works Operations Supervisor, Class "A"
Code Enforcement Officers' Appreciation Week - June 16 - 20,1997.
Mayor Vandergrift proclaimed June 16 - 20, 1997, to be Code Enforcement Officers'
Appreciation Week.
The consent agenda consisted of items A, B and C. City Attorney Rosenthal pulled item
"C" because action had been taken at an earlier date.
Commissioner Glass. seconded by Commissioner Anderson. moved to approve and
accept items A and B as presented. Motion carried 5-0.
A. Approval and Acceptance of Minutes of City Commission Regular Meeting of
May 6, 1997.
B. Reappointment to Code Enforcement Board: Frank Carlson - 3 year term
expires June 1997.
Mrs. Zera Rodgers, representing the West Orange Community for "America Goes Back
to School Organization," announced an end-of-school year celebration in the form of a
picnic and entertainment at the Veterans Park in Winter Garden on May 31, 1997, from
10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m., and asked if the City ofOcoee would be a sponsor to this event,
either financially or in kind. Mayor Vandergrift asked if anyone from the Recreation
Department or the City was available to attend this celebration and help out in any way;
and then he made the following motion:
Mayor Vandere:rift. seconded by Commissioner Howell. moved to take $500 from the
Community Fund to support this event. Motion carried 5-0.
Mr. R.P. Mohnacky, 1820 Prairie Lake Boulevard, asked what type of development was
being constructed on the southeast corner of Clarke Road and A.D. Mims. Mayor
Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting
May 20, 1997
Vandergrift said it would be a housing development and each house would be receiving
three trees. Mr. Mohnacky then asked why they were removing the trees that already
existed just to plant new ones, and if there was a law against doing so. Mr. Shapiro
explained that this was a ore-approved plan from 1986 that was held in abeyance as a
result of Clarke Road being constructed. and basically they already had an approved set
of engineering plans that the City could not legally change. but the construction company
agreed to work with the City and plant three trees on each parcel of land and triple the
number of trees on the outside ofthe property.
Mrs. Frances Watts, 43 Shell Key Court, expressed her displeasure at the moving of the
municipal election date from the first Tuesday in November to the fourth Tuesday in
Mrs. Wendy Koslan, President of the Sawmill Homeowners Association, expressed
concerns regarding; 1) the amount of traffic that Sawmill Boulevard would be receiving
once the extension of Clarke Road from A.D. Mims to ClarconalOcoee is opened. She
asked what regulations their homeowners association would have to go through to have
traffic calming measures put in place, and who would be responsible monetarily.
Planning Director Wae:ner explained that Sawmill Boulevard would not be a straight
shot through to Clarke Road. so there would be traffic calming measures already in place.
2) Three years ago an easement was agreed upon between the City of Ocoee, the Sawmill
Homeowners Association, and Dr. Shirer, owner of a horse boarding farm on the corner
of Apopka/Vineland Road and Sawmill Boulevard. The agreement permitted his use of
the easement to only 20 round trips per day and no parking on Sawmill Boulevard.
Recently, Dr. Shirer has been having birthday parties on his property. The people
participating in these parties and those who board their horses there have been parking on
Sawmill Boulevard and using the easement far more than first agreed upon. The Sawmill
Homeowners Association is requesting that no parking signs, with arrows pointing in
both directions, be placed on Sawmill Boulevard next to this easement. 3) The Sawmill
Homeowners Association recently learned that Dr. Shirer was trying to purchase the
property next to his in order to open a horse riding institute. The Association would like
to know that people would not be accessing this academy through Sawmill Boulevard.
City Manager Shapiro said that he would see to it that the no parking signs were put in
place and that people attending this academy would definitely not be using the easement.
4) Asked that yard waste pick-up days be changed back to mid-week instead of Fridays;
and 5) commended Code Enforcement and the Police Department for good prompt
RECESS 8:43 p.m. - 8:55 p.m.
City Attorney Rosenthal read this Ordinance by title only. He explained that Foley and
Lardner also represented American Portable Telecomm and, as they could not represent
Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting
May 20, 1997
the City of Ocoee in this matter because of a conflict of interest, the City has retained
special counsel to represent the City. Senior Planner Horne gave a presentation
showing pictures and graphics on the different types and heights of Telecommunications
Service Facilities and displayed a map showing areas where these different types of
facilities were allowed to exist.
The public hearing was opened.
Mr. Mark Schuh, representing AT&T Wireless, thanked the Commission for giving him
the opportunity to work with them and staff. Mr. Schuh then explained that the
ordinance being proposed by staff would severely limit co-location on existing towers
and encourage the construction of more towers. Also, this ordinance would not use
zoning to determine the location of where towers are to be constructed. Planning
Director Wagner explained that most of the towers in Area #1 were Guide Towers for
radio and television transmission, so there would not be a lot of dishes and equipment
mounted on them anyway. Co-locating would only add to the visual silhouette of all
those facilities, and what was explained to the representatives was that they could go up
under the innovative portion of the ordinance up to a 125 feet in height.
Mr. George Cohen, representing American Portable Telecomm, thanked Commission
and staff for working with the industry in coming up with a progressive ordinance, and
asked that the record reflect his views on the following issues found in the chapters in
pages 12,21, and 25 of the ordinance.
Page 12
Chapter 3, subparagraph "D", under "Design", the change from white to include
flat gray. In our opinion this would be more obtrusive than less.
Subparagraph "F", we believe that not allowing co-location on existing facilities
will mean more towers.
Page 21
Chapter 1, subparagraph 2, "D", the two elevations showing the proposed
structure, equipment shelter and apparatus in comparison to human scale, let the
record show that we feel this is a bit excessive.
Page 25
Chapter "I", Titled Reports. We feel this is excessive and oppose it.
Chapter "N", Non-Conforming Facilities. It won't allow for future co-location
and possibly will cause new towers to be built.
Mr. R.P. Mohnacky, 1820 Prairie Lake Boulevard, asked what kind of towers would be
placed in residential areas. Mrs. Horne said that only camouflaged towers would be
allowed in residential areas.
Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting
May 20, 1997
The public hearing was closed.
Commissioner Glass. seconded by Commissioner Howell. moved to adopt Ordinance
97-12. including Map 5-19. and the amendments as presented in Special Counsel Barice's
memorandum dated May 19.1997. Motion carried 5-0.
FACILITIES. (Not a public hearing.)
City Attorney Rosenthal presented this Resolution by title only. Planning Director
Wagner was present to answer questions.
Commissioner Anderson. seconded by Commissioner Howell. moved to approve
Resolution No. 97-04. setting fees for Telecommunication Service Facilities. Motion
carried 5-0.
This resolution was presented by title only. Capital Projects/Concurrency Analyst
Resnik gave a brief overview of the staff report and requested that the public hearing be
continued to June 17, 1997, at 7 :30 p.m. in light of some issues that the Expressway
Authority is trying to resolve with a property owner in the area of Palm Drive.
The public hearing was opened.
Mr. Robert Morrison, representing the Britt Farming Company, said his client was the
one Ms. Resnik had been alluding to in regards to resolving issues with the Expressway
Authority. Mr. Morrison explained that his client had sold 40 acres of land to the
Expressway Authority with the understanding that their construction plans were final, and
they were not. Mr. Morrison concurred with staff in continuing the public hearing in
this matter so that he and his client could continue negotiations with the Expressway
Commissioner Glass. seconded by Commissioner Anderson. moved to continue the
public hearing to June 17. 1997. at 7:30 p.m. Motion carried 5-0.
City Manager Shapiro said that the correct appraisal has been distributed and that
Public Works Director Corwin was present to answer questions.
After lengthy discussion, Commissioner Howell. seconded by Commissioner Parker.
moved to allow staff to continue negotiations with the property owner toward the
purchase of the property. Motion carried 5-0.
Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting
May 20,1997
Fire Chief Strosnider gave a brief overview of his memorandum dated May 14, 1997,
explaining that the next step in the process for the construction of Fire Stations 3 & 4 is
the award of the construction contract. Staff recommended the approval of the contract
with Priority 1 Construction of Brevard, Inc. as low bidder, for the sum of $1,459,000 to
construct Fire Stations 3 & 4.
City Attorney Rosenthal pointed out that in section 4.3 there would be a slight revision
that dealt with alternate unit prices, and language would be added to clarify that the
language only deals with any additions or deductions and doesn't change the base
Commissioner Glass. seconded by Commissioner Anderson. moved to approve the
contract with Priority 1 Construction of Brevard. Inc.. for the sum of $1.459.000 to
construct Fire Stations 3 & 4. Motion carried 5-0.
Fire Chief Strosnider gave a brief overview of his memorandum dated May 14, 1997,
explaining that Fire Station One at the city complex is in serious need of expansion and
renovations. Such renovations would cost an estimated one million dollars. The
Department has located a two and a quarter acre tract at the corner of Bluford and
Columbus Avenue, which would be ideal for the relocation of Fire Station One. The
asking price for this parcel is $100,000. Staff requested authorization to have this parcel
appraised and move forward to purchasing this location for the site of Fire Station One.
The Department contacted the firm of Consortium Appraisal and Consulting Services Inc.
for a cost and time frame to perform the appraisal. The cost for this service is $2500.
The moneys for this cost will come from the Station One Impact Fee account.
Mayor Vandere:rift. seconded by Commissioner Glass. moved to appro?riate $2500 to
have this parcel appraised and move forward to purchasing this location for the site of
Fire Station One. Motion carried 5-0.
Assistant City Engineer Wheeler gave the staff report and requested approval of the
change order as presented.
Commissioner Anderson. seconded by Commissioner Glass. moved to approve
Change Order No.1 with Fossitt Groundwork. Inc. by increasing the contract amount by
$12.490.00. with an extension in contract time of forty-two days. and authorize the
Mayor and City Clerk to execute Change Order No.1. Motion carried 5-0.
Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting
May 20,1997
After discussion, Mayor Vandergrift announced that he would take Agenda Item VI. F
- Little League and AA U Baseball request to use Sorenson Field - out of agenda order
and that item was considered at this time.
Recreation Director Beech referred to his memorandum dated May 15, 1997, regarding
a letter from a Mr. Steve Roberts with reference to AAU Baseball in Ocoee, particular to
the use of playing fields in Ocoee. Mr. Roberts requests an opportunity to play one game
per week on Sunday, with the understanding that the Ocoee Little League will also be
using the field on Sunday. He is willing to schedule around their games. However, the
real issue is bringing AAU baseball into Ocoee. Mr. Beech said that Staff consensus at
the moment is to do more planning to be able to accommodate all.
Mr. Steve Roberts, 808 Apricot Drive, said that he had enough AAU players to field two
teams right now and that the majority of his players were from Ocoee. Also wanted to
clarify that he didn't have anything against the Little League.
Mr. Fred Nielsen, 716 Kelly's Cove, representing the Jr., Sr. League, said that he had
550 players register this year and talked with Mr. Beech about using the fields, but agreed
that there wasn't enough room for another league in Ocoee.
Mr. Dean Ashton, President of the Ocoee Little League, gave a list of reasons why the
AA U should not be allowed to use the fields in Ocoee.
Commissioner Howell said that his heart has always been with the Little League and the
problem that he has with the AAU is that kids could sign up to play baseball and never
get to play.
Mr. Bill Burkhalter, spoke about his son's accomplishments in with the AAU and
encouraged the Commission to provide a place for the AAU in Ocoee.
City Attorney Rosenthal cautioned that if the Commission allows the AAU to use the
field, that they should be fully insured as the Ocoee Little League is.
Commissioner Glass. seconded by Mayor Vandere:rift. moved to allow the AAU team
on a trial basis for one year period to come and use the field on Sundays with direction to
work closely with the Ocoee Little League in scheduling conflicts and the other issues
addressed by the members ofthe Little League and that AAU provide adequate insurance.
Motion carried 3-2. (Commissioner Howell and Commissioner Anderson voted no.)
Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting
May 20, 1997
Commissioner Anderson moved to amend the motion to revisit the issue after the new
ball fields were built. Motion died for lack of a second.
Mayor Vandergrift announced that he would take agenda item VI. H - reconstruction
of Football Field at Central Park - out of agenda order and that item was considered at
this time.
Lengthy discussion ensued about the proper care of the football field, and City Manager
Shapiro advised that the football field was in very bad condition and would require
several months to prepare properly for use. Mr. Shapiro stressed the importance of the
community's cooperation in protecting the field. Mr. Shapiro then directed City
Attorney Rosenthal to prepare an ordinance containing trespassing laws that would be
necessary to protect the field.
Mr. Dean Ashton, President of the Ocoee Little League, assured Commission there
would be no Little League members on the field during that period.
Commissioner Anderson. seconded by Commissioner Howell. moved to approve the
complete restoration of this ball field with an estimated cost of $45.000 to be paid for
from contingency funds which has a current balance of$216.274. Motion carried 5-0.
Mayor Vandergrift. seconded by Commissioner Glass. moved to approve Change
Order No.3 with Southland Construction. Inc. by increasing the contract amount by
$54.778.88. with an extension in contract time of eighteen days. and authorize the Mayor
and City Clerk to execute Change Order No.3. Motion carried 5-0.
City Manager Shapiro gave a brief overview of the staff report and introduced John
Cassidy, President of Cassidy Construction and Management, Inc. Mr. Cassidy was
present to answer questions on the results of the investigation into the siding and
settlement problems at City Hall and the Police Department.
Commissioner Howell asked about the two different processes mentioned in Mr.
Cassidy's report as to the repair or replacement of the siding. Mr. Cassidy gave four
different alternatives and those were as follows:
1) Replace the exterior siding and trim with new siding and trim of the same material
and profile.
Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting
May 20,1997
lA) Replace exterior horizontal siding with a synthetic cement based siding. Replace
wood trim with new wood trim of same grade and profile.
2) Replace siding and trim in poor condition. Strip existing siding and trim to wood
surface. Treat wood surface for mildew, repaint, putty nail holes, and caulk joints.
3) Replace siding and trim in poor condition. Treat the painted and exposed wood
surfaces for mildew. Repaint surface with acrylic latex top coat with mildew
4) Replace siding and trim in poor condition. Cover existing surfaces with vinyl siding.
Commissioner Parker said that replacing the siding with the same substance would
provide the same results.
City Manager Shapiro said, for the record, "concrete siding was what staff
recommended in the beginning." Mr. Shapiro then said that there was $65,000 in the
budget, and asked that Commission take the additional funds from contingency in order
to go out to bid.
Mayor Vandere:rift. seconded by Commissioner Glass. moved to replace the present
siding with a Synthetic Cement Based Siding and transfer $88.214.00 from contingency.
Motion carried 5-0.
City Manager Shapiro directed attention to a staff report just distributed from
Recreation Director Beech requesting additional part-time summer recreation aides.
Commissioner Glass. seconded by Commissioner Anderson. moved to authorize the
addition ofthree positions for part-time recreational aides. Motion carried 5-0.
Commissioner Howell:
1) Said that, regarding the sound problem in the lobby as discussed at the last meeting,
he had introduced Public Works Director Corwin to a building contractor who was
familiar with the process of using panels to break up sound, and he had provided
samples for Mr. Corwin's review. Mr. Corwin said the contractor had recommended
that the City use the same sound proofing material that Disney uses for their larger
areas called Sound Soak. Mayor Vandergrift asked that this issue be made an
agenda item for the next commission meeting, and suggested to Mr. Corwin that he
look at a material called magnetic screening presently being used by the Orange
County public works building at 4200 South John Young Parkway.
2) Asked for an update on Ursula Walker's water problem on Lady Avenue. City
Manager Shapiro said that he would ask staff for an update and get an answer back
to him within a day or two.
3) Announced the RSVP number 656-2218.
Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting
May 20,1997
Commissioner Anderson:
D Asked for an update on the Commission Chamber microphones. Mr. Shapiro
explained that it would be addressed in the next fiscal year budget.
1) Said he had been asked by the Recreation Advisory Board to present their position on
the naming of the new recreation center in appreciation of Mr. Beech's many years of
dedicated service to the citizens, and then he made the following motion.
Commissioner Anderson. seconded by Commissioner Howell. moved to name the new
recreation facility Jim Beech Recreation Center. Motion carried 5-0.
Commissioner Glass:
1) Announced a meeting being held at the Windermere Elementary School Cafeteria on
Wednesday, May 21, 1997, at 6:30 p.m. regarding the Belmere Development and the
proposed amendments to the Land Use Plan.
Commissioner Parker:
1) Announced that the Ocoee Fire Department is putting together a Community
Emergency Response Team Program (CERT) starting Thursday, May 29, 1997, at a
cost of $20.00. She encouraged each subdivision to have representatives in
attendance. For more information call Assistant Chief Firstner at the Ocoee Fire
Mayor Vandere:rift:
1) Thanked City Clerk Grafton for getting the basic parliamentary information to the
Commissioners, and asked for constructive criticism on how to run a better and
shorter meeting, and suggested that it be put on the next Commission meeting agenda.
2) Announced that Friday, May 23, 1997, 10:00 p.m. - 3:00 a.m. a Drug and Drunk unit
sponsored by Drive Smart Florida, Inc., would be working on Highway 50, between
Ocoee and Winter Garden.
3) Announced that Lifesavers, National Compliance on Highway Safety, (Quick Facts
Sheet distributed before the meeting) would be holding classes and workshops from
June 8 - 11 and suggested that some ofOcoee's safety people attend.
4) In response to Former Commissioner Gleason's statement at the last Commission
meeting that there had been a motion concerning the $75,000 that was put aside to get
new sidewalks on A.D. Mims Road and Orlando Avenue, he said that when reviewing
the minutes to those past meetings, all he found were comments, no motions.
5) Announced receiving a letter from the American Legion Auxiliary regarding Florida
Girls State, saying they would be representing the City of Ocoee in Tallahassee, June
6 through 13, and that they had asked for 25 sheets ofletterhead, 2 city limit signs to
post at the beginning and end of their floor at Landis Hall at FSU, some items with
Ocoee on them for 25 girls, issue a proclamation, etc. (He suggested that the City
Engineer prepare paper signs for the girls so that they would not need to return them.
6) Announced he needed someone to fill in for him over the weekend as he was leaving
on a mini-vacation on Friday and expected to return in time for the Memorial Day
services on Monday.
Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting
May 20, 1997
7) Project Help is having a cookout at Tiger Minor Park Saturday, May 24 from 11 a.m.
to 4 p.m. and he needs someone to stand in for him there.
8) Reported receiving a call from Mrs. Simpson on Silver Star Road regarding being
flooded out again because of the Center Street ditch. Asked that Orange County be
notified to do something about it.
9) Called attention to a handout he had distributed from the minutes of the City
Commission meeting of October 3, 1993 containing a list of directives to be followed
by the Mayor and Commissioners and said that written policies that are established
should be distributed and followed rather than verbal policies.
10) Asked that Wal-Mart be notified that its parking lot should be cleaned up and
potholes repaired.
11) Asked when Clarke Road was going to open up. Mr. Shapiro advised that it is nearly
done. a drainage pond has been a problem and the repair is almost complete.
12) Noted that a retention pond at Coventry needs grating or piping so that kids will not
get into it.
Noted again that a lakefront weed whacker is needed at Starke Lake. Mr. Shapiro said
there was no problem in doing it - iust waiting on the prisoners to get to it.
The meeting was adjourned at 12:35 a.m.
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S:Scott Vandergnft, Mayor .