HomeMy WebLinkAbout11-01-2017 Minutes CITY OF OCOEE
City Hall, Commission Chambers
Wednesday, November 1, 2017, at 10:00AM
TRUSTEES PRESENT: Patricia Gleason
Jean Grafton
Robert Godek
Robert Briggs
Gequita Cowan
OTHERS PRESENT: Jeanine Bittinger, Davidson, Jamieson & Cristini
Richard Cristini, Davidson, Jamieson & Cristini
Tim Nash, AndCo Consulting
Russ Wagner, Plan Retiree
Gene Williford, City Liaison
Lee Dehner, Christiansen & Dehner
Ferrell Jenne, Foster & Foster
1. Call to Order— Robert Godek called the meeting to order at 10:06 a.m.
2. Roll Call — As reflected above.
3. Public Comments — None.
4. Approval of Minutes
The minutes from the August 2, 2017, quarterly meeting were approved upon motion by
Jean Grafton and second by Gequita Cowan, motion carried 4-0.
5. Consent Agenda
The consent agenda was approved as presented upon motion by Robert Briggs and
second by Gequita Cowan, motion carried 4-0.
6. New Business
a, Trustee term updates
i. Ferrell Jenne advised the board that Jean Grafton was reappointed at the
August 15, 2017 Council meeting.
ii. Robert Briggs will be retiring from the City on November 17, 2017. Ferrell
Jenne commented she will work with the City Clerk to send out a notice to
the membership regarding the vacancy.
b. Quarterly Fund Activity Report for July 27, 2017 —October 25, 2017
i. Ferrell Jenne briefly reviewed the fund activity report.
The quarterly fund activity report for July 27, 2017 — October 25, 2017 was approved as
presented upon motion by Jean Grafton and second by Gequita Cowan, motion carried 4-
c. Discussion of Travel Policy
i. Ferrell Jenne commented that the board has adopted the City travel policy
per the plan's operating rules. Lee Dehner advised the board they are a
separate entity and can adopt their own policy. The board requested
Ferrell Jenne to provide a copy of the City's travel policy and for the topic
to be further discussed at the next meeting.
Note: Pat Gleason arrived @ 10:11 a.m.
d. 2018 Meeting Dates
i. Ferrell Jenne confirmed there were no conflicts with the FPPTA
e. Foster & Foster memo regarding online submittal of the valuation reports
i. Ferrell Jenne reviewed the online submittal process and additional work
that is required to comply with the State's mandate to file all valuation
reports online, using the State's portal.
The board approved the additional fees to electronically file future valuation reports using
the State's portal as outlined in the Foster & Foster memo upon motion by Robert Briggs
and second by Gequita Cowan, motion carried 5-0.
7. Reports
a. Davidson, Jamieson, & Cristini, Plan Auditor, Jeanine Bittinger
i. Audit report as of September 30, 2016
1. Jeanine Bittinger reviewed the plan assets, liabilities, deductions,
and net position.
2. Jeanine Bittinger commented that it was a great year for the plan,
with the end of year assets increasing from $31,379,117 as of
9/30/15 to $33,663,627 as of 9/30/16.
3. Jeanine Bittinger reviewed the new GASB requirements and
investment return measurement at fair market value.
4. Jeanine Bittinger reviewed the total administrative expenses and
stated that they were well below 1.0%.
5. Jeanine Bittinger reviewed GASB 67 and stated that the net position
as a percentage of total pension liability is 93.66%. Jeanine
commented that this is the highest funded status she has seen in
the thirty pension plans they audit.
6. Richard Cristini stated that there is typically a $2,000 fee increase
due to the new GASB requirements, but the fee was being waived
for this plan.
Note: Gene Williford arrived at 10:36am
7. Jeanine Bittinger reviewed the money-weighted rate of return
information and confirmed this is net of investment expenses.
b. AndCo Consulting, Investment Consultant, Tim Nash
i. The market value of the fund as of September 30, 2017, was $37,201,195.
ii. Tim Nash reviewed the asset allocation, commenting all allocations are
within the ranges stated in the IPS.
iii. Tim Nash reviewed changes to the portfolio, commenting that MFS Growth
has been added.
iv. Total fund net returns for the quarter were 3.05%, underperforming the
policy benchmark of 3.49%, placing the Fund in the 72' percentile on a
gross basis. Total fund net trailing net returns for the 1, 3 and 5 year
periods were 11.91%, 7.40%, and 8.77% respectively. Since inception
(4/1/2004), total fund net returns were 6.63%, underperforming the
benchmark of 6.91%.
v. Tim Nash did not recommend making any changes at this time.
vi. Tim Nash reviewed the compliance checklist and the investment
management, custodial and consulting fees.
c. Christiansen & Dehner, Board Attorney, Lee Dehner
i. Lee Dehner reviewed SB80. Ferrell Jenne commented she has sent the
posting requirements to the City and requested that they post the
information on the City's website and in the main administrative building.
ii. Lee Dehner reviewed the legal representation memo and commented that
he will continue to represent the board. Firm wide, they will continue to
represent approximately 100 pension plans across the state.
iii. Lee Dehner reviewed a request that members have asked to make
changes to normal retirement eligibility based on years of service and no
age requirement. Lee commented that the board should get a cost study
done by the actuary and then make a recommendation to counsel to amend
the ordinance.
iv. Gene Williford commented that a few members have requested a change
in the normal retirement eligibility by either remaining or lowering the age
v. Lee Dehner commented that a change to the normal retirement age will
probably be costly.
vi. Gequita Cowan asked approximately how many members have reached
27+ years of service, but haven't reached the age for normal retirement
eligibility. Gene commented that currently there are 2 or 3 members and
may be a total of 10 in the future.
vii. Russ Wagner cautioned the board to closely review the request as there
will be a significant funding increase.
viii. Gene Williford reviewed the option the members have to cease their
contributions once 81% of the AFC is reached.
ix. Lee Dehner reviewed the air time provision and Ferrell Jenne confirmed
that the plan allows members to purchase air time up to 5 years once a
member is vested.
x. Board requested Doug Lozen to discuss options for lowering the normal
retirement eligibility at the next meeting.
8. Staff Reports, Discussion and Action
a. Ferrell Jenne, Plan Administrator
i. Educational opportunities
1. Ferrell Jenne reviewed the upcoming Division of Retirement and
FPPTA conferences.
2. Patricia Gleason asked about being able to stay overnight for
conferences that are held in the Orlando area. Ferrell Jenne
commented that the board requested changes to the travel policy
be tabled until the next meeting.
9. Trustees' Reports, Discussion, and Action / City Liaison - None.
10. Discuss Agenda Items for Next Board Meeting
11. Adjournment— the meeting adjourned at 11:26 am.
12. Next Meeting —Wednesday, February 7, 2018.
Respectfully s •mitted by: Appro,ed by:
Na Fe ell Jenne Name: Robert Godek
Title: ' an Administrator Title: Chairman
Date Approved by the Pension Board: 1"o3cv(A'IC-\i