HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem #03 Emergency Item - Attorney for Rezoning of Schools
Emergency Item for meeting January 30, 2007 6:30 PM
Rezoning Ocoee High School Students to Apopka
I'm proposing that the city underwrite the expenses of James
A.Gustino an attorney to fight the rezoning of any Ocoee High
School students to the Apopka Relief School. A retainer fee of
$5,000 has been requested. This would be reimbursed out of an
account that has been set up for friends of OHS to donate funds.
This rezoning not only affects property values of the citizens
involved, but the long term values of taxable property that the city
will receive in the future.
Thanks for caring
Following information: Discuses why.. ...
Date for filing is before next regular meeting.. ..
By the way, the deadline for filinQ an administrative challenQe is very. very short. We have to file a
lawsuit within 10 days of last niaht if we are aoina to pursue a leaal challenae. AccordinQly,
YOU and your constituents/supporters need to meet ASAP on this issue and determine your
commitment to pursuinQ a challenQe.
Also, the lawsuit must be filed by parents with children affected by the adverse School Board
decision. My sUQQestion is to attempt to work throuQh the homeowners associations for the
neiQhborhoods affected; they Qenerally have deeper pockets than individual families.
Best. Jim
James A. Gustino
Florida Bar No. 612499
James A. Gustino, P.A.
P.O. Box 770759
Winter Garden, Florida 34777
407.905.8820 - telephone
407.905.9211 - facsimile
----- Original Message -----
From: Winn2692~aol.com
To: mavorscott~mavorscott.orq
Sent: Monday, January 22, 2007 4:59 PM
Subject: (no subject)
Mayor Scott. My name is Linda, and today when my son got home from school [he is in the
8th grade at Ocoee middle] he was so up set ,because they gave out news paper for Ocoee high
school and papers for them to fill out for next year, where my son is suppose to go, but instead
they are trying to send him and 249 other kids to Apopka. Tonight they are having an 8th grade
meeting at Ocoee High School to show the kids around and all that. How do you think these kids
feel not knowing and not being with there friends. This is a sad time for them instead of a happy
one. I know your doing what you can, but you know I don,t know how to comfort my own child
with this problem. He was with us 2 years ago fighting for my daughter to stay in Ocoee and here
we are again, splitting up family ties to their school. My son has played in Ocoee Little League for
his 9th season. He wanted to continue to play for his home town high school,and now he may
have to play for a town that he knows no one and a schools he considers not his. I am afraid of
what this is going to do to his grades which is very good now. HELP. Thank you, Linda
----- Original Message -----
From: Villane. Patricia A.
To: CFN 13 ; A+ Parent-Anqela Pittman-Leath; Apopka Chief; ASCD Smartbrief ; Carlos Molina:
Manaqinq Editor-EI Nuevo Dia ; Central Florida Advocate; Deb Wood -Southwest Bulletin; Donal
Huzzie-Central Florida Advocate; East Orlando Sun; EI Nuevo Dia ; Erika Hobbs-Orlando
Sentinel; Florida Courier; Florida Sun-Orlando Review-James Madison; FSBA Executive
Director-Wavne Blanton; FSBA Leaders Editor-Andv Williams; Greq Miller-Orlando Sentinel;
Hector Torres-La Nueva; Henry Duvall-Urban Educator; Insiqht East Orlando; Jane Healv-
Orlando Sentinel; Jeff Marshall-Metro Networks-Orlando; Jim Clark-Orlando Maqazine ; Joe
Rassel-Orlando Sentinel; Jose Dieppa-Univision WVEN TV ; Judith Smelser-WMFE ; Justine
Florez-Reqional Field. FDOE ; Kathv Marsh-WESH-TV; Kristen Stieffel-Orlando Business
Journal; La Nueva. WNUE ; LaPrensa ; Leslie Postal-Orlando Sentinel; Lisa Holm-WKMG ;
Lorena Arias-WOFL TV; Maqda Ivette Torres-En Aqenda Talk Show; Maria Hernandez-
Telemundo ; Mavor Scott Vanderqrift-Ocoee ; Metro News Orlando; Mike Griffin-Orlando
Sentinel; Monica Mav-Star 94.5 ; Nancv James-EDC; NEWS 13; News Near Bv; Oranqe
County Homeowners Assoc. ; Oranqe County Internet News; Orlando Reqional Chamber-Lisa
Winkelbauer; Orlando Sentinel.Com ; Orlando Times; Pine Hills Press; Sam Knapp-WKMG ;
Sharon McBreen-Orlando Sentinel; Sonia Chopra-Freelance Writer; South Oranqe News;
Southwest Bulletin; Susan Jacobson-Orlando Sentinel; Telemundo ; Telemundo- Claribel
Collazo; Telemundo-Emilio Gracias ; The Pine Hills News; Tonva Harris-Urban Educator;
Univision. WVEN TV; Univision. WVEN TV; Walter Pacheco-Sentinel; WDBO; WESH-TV;
West Oranqe Times; WFLA ; WFTV News Desk; Winter Park-Maitland Observer; WKMG ;
WMFE; WOFL-FOX 35; WVEN-TV Channel 26
Sent: Wednesday, January 24,200712:01 AM
Subject: School Board Highlights -- January 23
News from Orange County Public Schools
School Board Meeting Highlights
The Orange County School Board met in regular session at 5:30 p.m. and here are
highlights ofthe January 23, 2007, meeting:
Attendance zones set for Apopka High Relief and GothalLakeview Middle Relief
The school board held a public hearing to receive community input on the recommended
attendance zones for new schools that will relieve Apopka High and GothalLakeview
Middle. After listening to parents and community members, the board approved the
.:. To adopt the advertised proposal for the Apopka Hi!!:h Relief
School, which is scheduled to open in Au!!:ust 2007; however, the
board approved a motion to direct the superintendent and staff to
brin!!: back more detailed information on two areas of the
advertised map for further consideration; and also approved a motion
for the superintendent and staff to bring back at a future board meeting an analysis
of the financial impact to the district of "junior privilege" - that is, allowing
juniors to finish 11 th and lih grades at their present high school
.:. To adopt the advertised Superintendent's Staff Recommendation for the
GothalLakeview Middle Relief School, which will open in August 2007. The
adopted plan will provide greater relief for Gotha Middle, decreasing its student
population from 1,551 to 1,229.
Board approves changes to student attendance policies
The board also held a public hearing for public comment on the district's student
attendance policies. New 2006 state legislation toughens school attendance laws and
makes the policy revisions necessary. The legislation was pushed for by the Orange
County School Board - especially Vice Chairman Jim Martin, who was chair of the
board's School Attendance Committee last year.
The legislation will allow school boards to develop/revise policies to crack down on
truancy, as well as unexcused absences. Under the tougher attendance guidelines,
students who have reached the age of 16 and have not graduated are subject to
compulsory school attendance under certain circumstances. Another major change is that,
in cases of truancy and habitual truancy that are referred for action by the child study
team, tardies may be counted as unexcused absences. For truancy purposes in child study
team documentation, five tardies to school will equal one excused absence. District
policy states that the principal has the authority to determine whether an absence is
OCPS has been praised for lowering its dropout rate, which at 1.9 percent, is lower than
the state's average of3.5 percent. After discussion, the board voted to approve the
These are the highlights of the Jan. 23 meeting.
The public is encouraged to attend school board meetings, which are held in the School
Board Meeting Room of the Educational Leadership Center, 445 W. Amelia St. in
downtown Orlando. The board normally meets on the second and fourth Tuesday of the
month at 5:30 p.m. For more information, call School Board Services at 407.317.3236.
Dylan Thomas/Patty Villane
Community Relations
The School Board of Orange County, Florida does not discriminate in admission or access to or treatment or employment in its
programs and activities on the basis of race, color, religion, age, sex, national origin, marital status, disability or any other reason
prohibited by law. The Equal Opportunity supervisor responsible for compliance is Patricia R. Brown, Labor Relations, who may be
contacted at the Educational Leadership Center, 445 W. Amelia Street, Orlando, Florida 32801, 407-317-3322.
I think this is the fastest the school board ever got out a press release, I got it at
12:01 AM this morning. My impression of the adoption was that only a small
peice that borders our normal zone will be considered for inclusion that would
send Winter Garden, Lakeview Middle School feeder back to West Orange.
Call me 407 299 5598
Thanks for caring
The bold underlined part of the press release above has nothina to do with the
portion of Ocoee that is assianed to Apopka Relief school. It is a add on. Or
"Tweak" to the zonina map that effects students beina transprted to lakeview
Middle school currentlv aoina to Ocoee that will be moved back to West
Oranae Hiah School that live in Winter Garden within % mile of OHS.
Mr. Martin.
I attended the school board meeting last night and let me say that I am very upset with the
outcome. I did not enjoy coming home and telling my son that he will have to change
High Schools next year, and leave his friends from an area that he has known all of his
life. I am also very upset that you, as an elected official (that I voted for), did nothing
during the meeting to ease the fears and concerns of the parents and students in your
district. Mr. Roach did a much better job supporting us and he does not even represent
our district!
It appeared very clear to us parents in attendance last night that the board had already
decided on the "advertised" map and had no intentions of reviewing it. Several parents
did send you options for redoing the borders, but each was systematically rejected with a
list of excuses on why they would not work. I suggested that the area east of Dorcher and
north of 50 go to Evans. Your excuse was that Evans was a failing school and that those
kids would only use the Voucher and go to Ocoee anyway. What that really means is that
you are pulling kids from Pine Hills to Ocoee and forcing my Son to go to a school
outside of the feeder pattern and away from Ocoee.
The only decent thing you did last night was to put in a motion regarding Junior
privilege. I sincerly hope this passes as this would benefit my son.
I was also upset with Mrs. Gordon's "speech" during the board discussions. She fell short
of calling us stupid and ignorant. She made us feel as if we were the ones at fault for the
rezoning. Her comment regarding parents coming in wearing Black and Gold was clearly
uncalled for. These were Parents and Students who are proud ofthier school and what the
school has accomplished! These were parents that have invested time and money in thier
school. These were parents whose children play on the Sports Teams or play in the band.
These were parents trying to do what was right for thier children and for thier
The one thing that was not discussed during the meeting, which I brought up during my
time was the safety of our children in the new school. As I stated, during the first year at
Ocoee, the police were called in numerous times to break up skirmishes. This was caused
by putting students from two rival schools together. The Apopka relief will be putting 4
rival schools together. You were more concerend about securing portables than our
child's safety at the new school.
Pupil assignment only looked at numbers when they redrew the lines! There were
originally three advertised options. Only one was shown last night. All three adverstised
options were almost identical with the exception of the north and north east borders. She
seemed to bumble through her numbers when the board asked her questions. In the
future, I think that there should be public representation during the redrawing of school
boundries. Not the here is the map, love it or leave it!
And lastly, I don't understand how Olympia was able to enlarge but no other school can. I
don't understand how they managed to get $7 million dollars that was not even on the
books last year. The board was concerned about the cost of busing Juniors and Seniors
but was not concerned about that $7 Million. Or did Olympia get the money because it
was in Mrs. Ardamans district. And if that was the case, why did you not fight to enlarge
Ocoee instead of rezoning and breaking up a community!
Wednesday, January 24,2007
RE: Re-Zoning Meeting for Apopka Relief School
Members of the Orange County School Board:
Thank you for taking the time to listen to the concerns voiced by the members of our
community at last night's meeting (January 23, 2007). As you can see, although we
represent only a small portion of our community, we are passionate about this particular
reZOnIng Issue.
I understand you have chosen to table this issue to be discussed at length at another time.
Thank you for taking a step in the right direction with your willingness to discuss it
further. I would respectfully request that as you prepare for that discussion, you consider
the following points:
1. Publicitv and Notification.
A. It appears obvious from the evidence presented at each meeting that the
residents of our community were not properly notified of any meetings involving this
rezoning issue. Ironically, those who might have been able to further support this
evidence were not in attendance at the meetings because of lack of notification. I have
personally not received any of the phone calls or literature that was to be disseminated to
the communities for each meeting. In speaking with my neighbors, I have not
encountered a single individual who did receive notification. To date, most of the
members of the community are being notified via email newsletters and word of mouth
initiated by Mayor Vandergrift and other concerned citizens.
B. Ms. Simpson made refereJ)ce in her comments during the January 23rd
meeting that the community drew the zoning lines. This is an inaccurate statement. Not
only was the decision made for OCPS to draw the initial boundary lines, but the input
received from the community was reflective of residents of Apopka. Those affected in
the Ocoee area were not even aware we were being included in are-zoning.
Consequently, any input you received is skewed to reflect only the interests of those
residing north of McCormick Road.
C. Throughout this process, the relief school has been referred to as the
"Apopka Relief School". The zoning meeting was held at Apopka High School. This
further supports the assumption that the new school affects only Apopka residents. I
found it interesting that the information packet disbursed at the January 23rd meeting now
identifies the new school as "Apopka Ocoee Relief HS". While this change may have
been an attempt to clarify for residents the purpose of the school, some may argue that it
was political backpedaling.
2. Disruvtion of Community. The re-zoning boundaries as they now stand
severely disrupt the continuity of our community and isolate us from all other community
activities and associations.
A. Current feeder patterns show Clarcona Elementary feeding into Ocoee
Middle School and Ocoee Middle School feeding into Ocoee High School. The new
feeder pattern will remove our community from that natural progression. Our students,
beginning in 9th grade, will be segregated from every peer with which they have attended
elementary and middle school and will be forced to attend a high school with peers with
which they have no established relationship.
B. Rather than drawing north-south boundary lines along a main road, the
decision has been made to draw the line at Hackney Prairie Road. Please take the time to
drive this road. It is a two lane road with a 25 mile per hour speed limit. Children cross
this road often to play at the small park located on the road. Neighbors on either side of
the road interact with each other on a regular basis. Even more importantly, drawing the
boundary lines down this road divides a neighborhood in two. The larger section of the
Remington Oaks neighborhood is located north of Hackney Prairie Road, with the
smaller portion of the community on the south side. The smaller section also contains the
neighborhood pool and recreational facilities. Dividing this neighborhood in half simply
makes no sense.
C. You have been supplied with ample evidence that every activity and event
with which the affected families are involved lies within the current Ocoee High School
zoning boundaries. By re-zoning these students, they are not only taken from their peer
group at school, they are removed from their sports peer groups, their religious peer
groups, and virtually every community association in which they are now involved.
Two years, ago, when our community was re-zoned for Ocoee High School, the transition
was relatively smooth. The reason for this is the bulk of our community was re-zoned,
enabling peer groups to stay together and community continuity to remain intact. Other
than a pattern of continual re-zoning, there is little comparison between the Ocoee High
School re-zoning and the Apopka Relief School re-zoning.
There are many possible results of this re-zoning action, not the least of which is
the strong probability that these students will be unable to be successfully mainstreamed
into the new relief school. They will be the minority in a sea of over 2,600 students. Our
children will represent less than 10% of the total student population, with the majority of
the students established in the Apopka area. Our children will be expected to devote their
loyalties to the new school, while simultaneously maintaining loyalties to their Ocoee
friends and community. This results in a volatile and even dangerous situation for these
students. The more vocal and outspoken among our children will run the risk of being
involved in fighting, while the more timid will likely be intimidated into submission by
the majority of the students. The emotional toll on these children will be tremendous.
3. Future Plannin2 and Growth. It was pointed out at the January 23rd meeting
that at some future date an additional middle school and elementary school will be built
with the likelihood of our community being re-zoned for those schools. If you are
considering this information in weighing your decision, please also consider the
A. The middle school planned for Ingram Road is currently slated to open in
2010. The middle school and high school students you are considering disrupting now
from their community will not be impacted by this school opening as it is three years
away at best.
B. The elementary school planned for Hackney Prairie Road is also slated for
2010. My information may be inaccurate, but it is my understanding that you have yet to
even secure all of the land for this project. Consequently, there is no guarantee that this
school site will ever become a reality. If, however, it does become a reality, it is logical
that those students within walking distance to the school will attend. The Prairie Lakes
neighborhood borders Hackney Prairie Road and will almost certainly be zoned for this
school. Yet they are zoned for Ocoee Middle School and Ocoee High School. This is a
key site because it demonstrates that there will almost certainly be more re-zoning in our
area within the next several years. Wouldn't it be more expedient to allow the current
students to remain at their high school until these schools are built and it is determined
whether or not the feeder patterns will change?
C. I understand there are no "current" plans to re-zone Evans High School. I
have heard this stated on many occasions. The word "current" seems to me to be the
disclaimer that will be used in the next 1-2 years when we see the reality that we all know
is inevitable. Evans will be re-zoned. It is both likely and logical that the section located
south of Silver Star Road and east of Apopka- Vineland Road which is currently zoned for
Ocoee High School will be re-zoned for Evans. At its farthest point, this section is only
1.2 miles from what is currently the Evans 9th Grade Center and is projected to replace
Evans High School. At its closest point, this zoning section is literally across the street
from the new high school location. From the farthest point in this section to Ocoee
High School, students must travel an unbelievable 10.70 miles one way to school! It is
certainly not efficient to bus children such a distance and I was quite shocked during
my research to find this area to be included in the Ocoee High School boundaries.
Further, the youth in this area do not have ties to the Ocoee area because they follow a
completely different feeder pattern.
D. You heard from many members of the Winter Garden community at the
January 23rd meeting, including their liaison, Matt McLaughlin. It appears unanimous
that these residents want their children to remain with their community through high
school. They are petitioning the board to discontinue splitting their neighborhoods in
half. They wish to continue their feeder pattern from Dillard Elementary to Lakeview
Middle School to West Orange High School. This is a win-win situation. I submit that
the School Board should grant their petition, which will in turn free up more space for
families interested in keeping their children at Ocoee High School.
Please consider these logistics and the likely future plans in our area before opting
to disrupt the children in our area. It is likely that we will again face a re-zoning in the
next few years and it is unreasonable to earmark an established community for such re-
zoning activities as often as every two years.
4. Successful Schools. Unlike some in my community, I do not believe
Ocoee High School to be the only high school in Orange County, Florida where my
children can obtain a superior education. I believe there are good teachers in every
school. It is through the combined efforts of teachers, parents, students and community
supporters that schools, and consequently individual students, become successful. I am
hopeful that the Apopka Relief High School will be just as successful as Ocoee High
School is proving to be. The Apopka residents have a great opportunity before them -
one to which I believe parents, students and community members will lend their support.
Our community, on the other hand, will be missing one critical factor in
this pattern of success - community support. Even if our parents and students were to
lend their full support to this new school, they would be left without any connection to, or
support from their surrounding community.
I certainly do not believe the Orange County School Board Members lay awake at
night thinking of ways to disrupt communities and emotionally cripple young lives.
Unfortunately, this will nonetheless be the result of such re-zoning action. I strongly
urge you to weigh carefully the extenuating circumstances surrounding this action and
consider revising the zoning boundaries to run along McCormick Road. Should that
change show an overcapacity at Ocoee High School, it would be prudent to return the
area south of Silver Star Road and east of Apopka- Vineland Road to its logical feeder
pattern. This would save money in transportation costs as well as avoiding the
disruption of the lives of the young people in our community. Additionally, granting
the petition of Crown Pointe residents will enable you to further decrease the numbers
at Ocoee High School and make it feasible to retain our community in the current
Ocoee High School boundaries.
Thank you again for your time. I welcome any comments you wish to share on
this matter.
Deanne Claiborne
8829 Hackney Prairie Road
Spouse: Jack Claiborne
Daughter: Courtney (2005 West Orange HS Graduate)
Son: Brady (current Ocoee HS senior)
Son: Austin (current Ocoee HS freshman)
Son: Garrett (current Ocoee MS 7th grader)
Son: Tanner (current Clarcona Elementary 4th grader)
Community members since 1996
Thanks for caring