HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem #03 Appointment to Human Relations Diversity Board AGENDA ITEM COVER SHEET Meeting Date: February 6, 2007 Item # 3 Contact Name: Contact Number: Jennifer Rittenhouse Ext. 1024 Reviewed By: Department Director: City Manager: Subject: Appointment to the Human Relations Diversity Board Background Summary: Members of the Human Relations Diversity Board serve two-year terms. Currently, the Human Relations Diversity Board has thirteen (13) members and their resolution allows no less than seven (7) members and no more than fifteen (15) members. Two applications were received from Mr. William E. Maxwell and Louis A. Fazio, Jr. with an interest in serving on the board. Issue: Should the honorable Mayor and City Commission appoint William E. Maxwell and Louis A. Fazio, Jr. to the Human Relations Diversity Board with a term ending May 2009? Recommendations The City's Human Relations Diversity Board is recommending that the City Commission appoint William E. Maxwell and Louis A. Fazio, Jr. to the Human Relations Diversity Board with term ending May 2009. Attachments: Board List Board Application for William E. Maxwell Board Application for Louis A. Fazio, Jr. Financial Impact: None. Type of Item: (please mark with an "x') Public Hearing _ Ordinance First Reading _ Ordinance Second Reading Resolution _ Commission Approval Discussion & Direction For Clerk's Deot Use: _ Consent Agenda _ Public Hearing _ Regular Agenda _ Original Document/Contract Attached for Execution by City Clerk _ Original Document/Contract Held by Department for Execution Reviewed by City Attorney Reviewed by Finance Dept. Reviewed by ( ) N/A N/A N/A Commissioners Gary Hood, District 1 Scott Anderson, District 2 Rusty Johnson, District 3 Joel Keller, District 4 Mayor S. Scott Vandergrift City Manager Robert Frank STAFF REPORT TO: The Honorable Mayor and City Commissioners FROM: DATE: RE: ISSUE BACKGROUNDIDISCUSSION 1 9 January 2007 Mrs. Martha Lopez-Anderson, Chair Person Human RelationslDiversity Board 150 North Shore Drive Ocoee, Florida 34761 Re: Completed Application for Ocoee City Board Membership Consideration Dear Mrs. Anderson: Thank you for the extension of an invitation to submit an application for evaluation and consideration as a member of the Human Relations Diversity Board (HRDB) for the city ofOcoee. The Board's consideration of my application represents a very special opportunity and platform from which I can begin to "Give something back" to the fine community that I have called home for almost two decades. Per your request, I have attached a brief summary of my qualifications and life experiences, which could possibly make me eligible to fill a position of membership on the board and begin serving the many human and organizational needs here in our rapidly growing city. Again, thanks you for considering me as one who might be worthy and eligible to serve in such a significant capacity. Sincerely, William E. Maxwell, CSP Attachments: 1. Personal Resume' 2. Completed Application for membership to HRDB 1. 2. CITY OF OCOEE APPLICATION FOR SERVING ON CITY BOARDS (Please Print Legibly) Name: MI}A1f1 E. fttAXWG L.l.- E-mail Address:tJelrJ.a;Y.(()M~AlJl.tt/~ Home Address: SSI WtJ()O,,/JJJ A"tr Home Phone: {'1''7'> I.#*, .. (!Jb:>~ City, State, Zip: t:>~ /')~c., f: L. .1~ 7" Business: Business Phone: Business Address: Brief Summary of Education jlnd Experience: JllAI"i((f; '$A1T ~",*,AlE~ '.If E. , 4. 0$. .. ~oJ6"i rJr~N"~1i ;-t'b,vT Are you a U.S. citizen? Yes ~ Are you a registered yoter? Yes --X-- Resident of the City for 6 months or longer? Do you hold public office? Are you employed by the City? Do you now serve on a City Board or Committee? PLEASE CHECK THE BOARDS WHICH INTEREST YOU: 3. 4. 5. r) ",- - ~cn" ,J No No District # 2- Yes ---X.- No Yes No~ Yes No~ Yes No-----X- 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. Indicate our de ree of interest as first choice - # 1, second choice - #2, etc. * General Employees' Retirement Trust Fund Board of Trustees * Board of Ad'ustment Citizen Advisory Council for Fire De artment Citizen Advisory Council for Police De artment Human Relations/Diversi Board Parks and Recreation Advisory Board Personnel Board * Code Enforcement Board Community Merit Awards Review Board * Plannin & Zonin Commission * Police Officers' and Firefighters' Retirement Trust Fund Board of Trustees **Education Commission * ** FINANCIAL DISCLOSURE FORMS ARE REQUIRED FOLLOWING APPOINTMENT What school does your child attend? (Only for Education Commission) 12. Why do you thiok you are qualified to serve 00 this board? . ~ ~ -i!1~iYr1!kli~~Y~~ ;1:r;~~ -'~ ~:~N. 0: BOARDLIS TS/BdApplJune2004.doc William E. Maxwell wemaxcom(iV,aol.com 558 Woodson Avenue Ocoee, Florida 34761 (407) 656-0054 (Home) (407) 656-2110 (Fax) OBJECTIVES AND GOALS: To acquire the position of Human Relations Diyersity Board Member. Working for an organization with your mission, goals and objectives would afford opportunities to combine practical experience with technical knowledge to accomplish assigned duties and responsibilities in a cost-effectiye manner. My primary goal will be to draw upon managerial experiences garnered from the Race Relations Training receiyed and practiced while serving as a member of the U. S. Armed Forces. Utilizing the experience from the many multi- cultural Projects, Facility Maintenance, Quality Assurance and Quality Control and Construction management procedures and techniques, I will assist in the resolution of issues before they become costly and disruptiye problems to our society. My intent will be to apply proyen planning techniques and methodologies of project management, information technology, communications, and leadership to assist in the formulation, implementation and execution of solutions to preyent potential problems in the area cultural diyersity in the workplace and the community. Secondly, to work closely with all members and committees to plan, direct, coordinate, monitor all services being provided by contracted firms; thereby, ensuring that their performance is in-keeping with the "Spirit of the community." Finally, to effectively assist and participate in the administration of a well- balanced program of communication through the application of genuine people-skills in a manner to motiyate and promote "Good Will" among and between citizens and merchants alike. In so doing, we may further enhance the concept of "Good Liying" throughout our city, county and state. Education: B. S. Degree in Aeronautical Science, Embry-Riddle Aeronautical Uniyersity Masters Degree in Project Management, Keller Graduate School of Management, DeVry University Significant Career Highlights April 2004 - September 2004 Orange County Facilities Management Division Job Title: Project Manager/Coordinator Summary of Duties and Responsibilities: To plan, direct, monitor, coordinate and control the activities of contractors engaged in the maintenance of county facilities in the Orlando - Downtown District. Administered contracts through Work and Change Order requests for added value and quality control of more than 30 on-going contracts. Formulated budget estimates and reyiewed contractor design specifications, to include schedule and estimates to complete new projects. Conducted staff briefings at all levels. Prepared and reported weekly summaries of project status of Orange County Government projects in Human Resources, Administration and the Courthouse. Worked closely with the legal staff of the Court on all Facilities issues. July 2003 thru April 2004 Independent Contractor - Self-employed Summary of Duties and Responsibilities: Engaged in home remodeling, home repairs to meet Customer needs and satisfaction. Engaged in commercial construction to include writing job Specifications, fonnulated budget and schedule and completed all projects within established Budgetary and schedule constraints. Note: Returned to school full-time in September of 2004, to complete a Masters Degree in Project Management and pursue new career goals. This has been a full-time effort on my part, and I am now prepared to re-enter the professional work force. Began pursuit of General Contractor's License in October 2006. December 1995 thru July 2003 Orange County Convention Center - Construction Division Job Title: Project Manager/Coordinator Summary of Duties and Responsibilities: Responsible for day-to-day Contractor performance management, prepared eyaluations and reported project progress to upper management to ensure compliance to design specifications. Performed daily monitoring of "Life/Safety Equipment/Systems" installation. Followed stringent day-to-day Quality Control Procedures on all aspects of building construction to include: close observation of the "DesignlBuild" practices by all Contractors. Planned, organized and coordinated large staff efforts at all levels of management to resolye issues identified in the field, which could negatiyely impact project budget and schedule. Direct responsibility for supervlsmg the Consultant and Contractor's installation and construction of 1.5 million square feet of membrane roofing. Monitored all Waterproofing and Glazing throughout the building. Exercised direct management oyersight of nine (9) Contractors responsible for: Site Clearing, Grading, Paying, Landscaping and installation of an underground Irrigation System oyer a 248-acre site. Documented daily Progress Reports with digital photographs of the Construction Project to form a database of Lessons Learned, which could off- set future Contractor claims. Performed direct Contractor oyersight of $4.0 million dollars worth of Capital Improyements in Phases II and III of the original Convention Center as additional duties. Building Security/Event Security Coordinator - Monitored Life Safety Systems, operated and effectiyely controlled the Automated Fire Alarm System of a 4.0 million square foot Conyention Facility. Monitored and proyided Safety and Security for clients and employees, exercised effectiye crowd and traffic control measures. Performed inyestigatiye probes into all incidents occurring on County property and prepared, comprehensiye, and factual Incident Reports. Planned, prepared and participated in, Emergency Disaster Relief efforts as a safeguard against Acts of Terrorism and adyerse weather conditions. Performed supervisory function in rendering "First Responder" medical aid to clients attending Shows. Performed close liaison with Orange County Sheriff Department to reduce and preyent property losses due to theft. Supervised thirty-fiye Prime-Time employees during Shows, Exhibits and Eyents based on the needs of clients. Communicated directly with clients and resolyed their operational needs as required. AED Certified by Orange County. June 1985 - April 1995 TECH-DATA Management, Inc. Job Title: President, Owner & CEO Summary of Duties and Responsibilities: Owner-President of a Small Business providing technical support services in Systems Engineering, Training Material Deyelopment, Technical Publications, Audio Visual Productions, Office Automation and Marketing Research. Managed day-to-day operational control of 42 full-time and 8 part-time employees. Specialties included Program Management, Integrated Logistics Support, Quality Assurance Engineering, Systems Engineering, Engineering Testing and System Eyaluation, Documentation and Database Management; Deyeloping Systems Design Specifications, Systems Safety, Engineering Management and Human Factors Engineering. Conceptualized, planned, controlled, coordinated and directed the completion of a $2.5 million dollar Contract for the research, design, deyelopment, production, accreditation and worldwide distribution of a 4- Year, High School Curriculum for Army Junior Reserve Officer Training Corps. The program was distributed to 865 U. S. and Overseas High Schools, grades 9-12. A total of 136, 502 high school students located in 18 German cities, South Korea (Seoul), Guam, Puerto Rico, Panama, U. S. Virgin Islands, the District of Columbia, and 44 states receiyed training under this new curriculum. Automated City Hall for the City of Apopka (Fire, Rescue and Administration with l6 computer workstations). December 1982 - June 1985 Electronics & Space Division - Emerson Electric Co. Job Title: Manager Quality Assurance/Quality Control Summary of Duties and Responsibilities: Developed and implemented a Program of Quality Assurance and Quality Control per the provisions ofMIL-Q-9858A and ANSI-Yl4.5, l4.6 and B46.1, which turned around the negatiye impact of a "Method C - Goyemment imposed Configuration Item Verification Reyiew, (CIVR)." Established Quality Assurance guidelines and assigned responsibilities to ensure that all Contractual Design Specifications were satisfied, monitored and controlled. This action cleared the shipping of eight months of previously rejected production items, due to the absence of a functional Quality Assurance, Quality Control Program. Planned, Directed, Coordinated, Monitored and Controlled all Contractual parameters of the Quality Assurance Program, presented it to customer's technical staff for review and approval. This action resulted in the final acceptance of all newly manufactured equipment for payment and subsequent completion of the Contract, which enhanced the corporate bottom line by $l7.0 million dollars. Conducted corporate level briefings weekly, keeping upper management informed of the operational status. Formulated and managed an annual departmental operating budget of $26 million dollars. Managed the day-to-day operations and actiyities of fifty-one (5l) Quality Assurance Engineers, Quality Control Inspectors, Test and administratiye personnel. Prepared individual Performance Appraisals. Planned, Directed, Coordinated, Controlled, Monitored and Eyaluated all equipment Reliability Testing for establishing systems Mean Time Between Failure (MTBF) and Mean Time To Repair (MTTR) benchmarks. Regained the goyemment inspector's respect, confidence and approyal on all Quality related issues. February 1980 - December 1982 Research & Development Naval Training Systems Center for Training Devices Job Title: Project Director for Quality Assurance & Test Summary of Duties and Responsibilities: Planned, directed, coordinated, controlled all authorized Change Orders for a $123.0 million Project. Managed and supervised a Project Team of 118 persons assigned to the matrix organization. Expertise spanned the disciplines of electrical, mechanical, industrial, ciyil engineering and management information systems. Responsible for planning, directing, coordinating and execution of all Quality Assurance, Quality Control Program related testing and item yerification and yalidation. Conducted all Reliability, Availability and Maintainability (RAM) testing to ensure System's performance compliance with the operational requirements of the Production Contract. Deliyered all End Items to the customer ahead of Schedule and below cost. Project Manager for the Multiple Integrated Laser Engagement System (MILES), Planned, Directed, Coordinated and Controlled the allocation and utilization of all authorized resources for the $l23.0 million dollar project. Chaired the Test Integration Work Group (TWIG) and coordinated all pertinent activities between the Materiel Developer; the Combat Deyeloper; the Operational Tester, Deyelopmental Tester, the Logistician and Contractors. This panel served as a "Sounding Board" through which all differences of opinion were aired and resolyed. Monitored all Logistics and System supportability concepts to ensure equipment functionality along with trained personnel. February 1977 - February 1980 Facilities Management: Facilities Engineers Buildings & Grounds Dept. Job Title: Project Manager Summary of Duties and Responsibilities: Planned and managed all capital improyement projects, installations and renoyations. Resolyed housing construction issues with local officials for code compliance. Reyiewed, approyed Change Orders Requests based on their technical feasibility. Responsible for New Construction Projects; reyiewed Project Bid packages for Scope compliance; assessed Contractor's financial and technical capabilities to perform the Scope of Work. Performed building threshold inspections, supervised facility maintenance for a community of 30,000 ciyilians and military personnel. Managed a multi-cultural work force offifty-seyen (57) indiyiduals. Supervised Plans and Specifications deyelopment and completion for the design and construction of a 5,000 foot Runway at Hanau Army Airfield in compliance with U. S. Army, German, NATO and International Flight Standards. Responsible for Budget and Schedule control. Completed the project ahead of schedule and well under the established budget of $3.8 million dollars. Project Manager: Planned and managed all capital improyement projects, installations and renoyations. Resolyed housing construction issues with local officials for code compliance. Reyiewed, approyed Change Orders Requests based on their technical feasibility. Responsible for New Construction Projects; reyiewed Project Bid packages for Scope compliance; assessed Contractor's financial and technical capabilities to perform the Scope of Work. Performed building threshold inspections, supervised facility maintenance for a community of 30,000 ciyilians and military personnel. Managed a multi-cultural work force offifty-seyen (57) indiyiduals. Speak, Read and Write German Language fluently. References: Personal & Professional Provided Upon Request. Jan.29, 2007 2:23PM FAAO COMMUNITY RELATIONS No, 2307 P. 2 CITY OF OCOEE APPLICATION FOR. SERVING ON CITY BOARDS (Please Print Legibly) 1. Name: L~~I$ A- F"",;;" i' tJ J (. E-mail Address:j....14j+f.1..ilL...))..~nkL./ M . C. o~ 2. Home Address: i Ii. f ~ \/ i L. 0 i I!) L#D P Home Phone: '1 0 '1.. IJ... sl; -? r h ~ City, S~ Zip: t..J i h 4. ~r ofb e..1C.. . F L j 't a (, 3. Business: 1!l.AJoo _.e. i~~~_m ~~. "'ILf "CI~usiness Phone: tit) ? _ .? t/s- 'S'~ (:) 4. Business Address: II~~' k.-'" ~ j/"J... i etl..l 1)..- CYc...O ~ e... 3 CC t6 / _ S. Brief summary~f1~duc~nandE~enee: ~ S u...",tV' ot- Jh- '-2-~h....d.o..:' e-'o/.e......~~.J..('o'\.. c.tP Ja... ,...;0....... . -& L...... -h .:.I .... ~ 4... F Lo r " d. oCt.. A-&oo....+-~ e -N- C) .... ~ Z 0 f"t ;/4-k " I.. ; .J.,;)r . '/'A ~ 4...v.-4. C. A-; r p. d..h 'D blIP - ~o 0::>. Y' .a.~ '-;... _l ;:-o~cJ" ,,.~D.A .;:l.. ~~ :t. /, L=<J~~..fl' (114- 6. Ate yon a U.S. citizen? Yes V No ~ 7 lZ. 0 ..... ,... r /... -Iy . Are you aregistered voter? Yes ~ No nistrlot # . ~ 7. Resident of the City for 6 months or longer? Yes No ~ 8. no you hold publio offioe? Yes No t...- 9. Are you empioyed by the City? Yes No """7" 10. no you now serve on a City Board or Committee? Yes No ~ 11. PLEASE CHECK THE BOARDS WHICH INTEREST YOU: Indicate our de ee ofinteresus first choice - #1 seoond choice - #2, etc. ". GeQera1 Employees' lletirement Trust Flmd Board otTI1I8tees * Board of A ent OtI!eD AdvIsory COllDclI for 'Fire e..' amen Advisory CoUDdl tor Pollee ~ rtment v Human l\elatio.ll5lDiv . Bolin! Parks and llecreaUon ActvUory Board * Code Enforcement Board Commu.DltyMeritA'WAtds Review Boant PersODDeJ Board CoDStradion Board of Ad'os1mmt and A * lIannin & Zouin Commission * Polite Oflken" and Flreflgbtel'5' R.etiremeat Trost Fund Board of Trustees i3'/ Tntl ~;:9 ~I~ 24 P **EdueatioD CoDllDissiOI2 * FINANCIAL DJSCLOSURE FORMS ARE REQUIRED FOLLOWING APPOINl'MENT What school docs yo>>!, child attend? (Qnly for Education Commission) III b t:-A..I t d. r -e- tt . *'" 12. 13. Please attach resume and/or other information to assist Commission in making appoinbnents. SIGNA~~ DATE:, J/;z-q/C;? Note: (I) AppliC3Uon effecu.ve for ONE YBAR iXoIn of c:cm'Plction. (2) If you have any questioos, piease caI1 the City Clerk's office at (407) 905-3105. O:BOARDUSTSIBdApplJune200Uoc Jan, 29. 2007 2: 23PM FAAO COMMUNITY RELATIONS No. 2307 11681 Vicolo Loop, Windermere, FL 34786 (407)905-8580 Phone (407)947-0142 Cell (407)905-85B9 Fax Ifa2lol6l manhetm .com louis All Fazio, Jr. ObJecti~~~__ .Experlence Education To further develop my knowledge of Human Resources and to tearn how It relates to Improving the relationshIp between company leade~ and the success of the organization. 2002-20006 Manheim's Florida Auto Auction of Orlemdo Ocoee, fL Community Reiations Manager . Liaison between community and Manheim's Florida Auto Auction . Liaison between Florida Independent Automobile Dealers Association and Manheim FlorIda R.eglon. . Governmental etffcllrs liaIson . Education and training . Assisted in the development and performed the facllitation of "Taking the Initiative". (Employee Trainrng program) 2001-2002 Central Florida Auto AuctIon Orlando, FL Dealer Service Manager . AssIsted customers in the buyIng and selling process at auction. . Worked in conJunction with Sales and Marketing as It related to our customers. . Supervised activities related to Improving customer satisfaction. 1987-2001 Manheim's Florida Auto Auction of Orlando OCoee, FL Limo/Shuttle Manager. PR . Coordinated customer transportation. D Coordinated vehicle repair and service for auction fleet . Coordinated vehicle repair for customers with variOUS dealerships. . Responsible for dealer tag Inventory and mail room operations. Summers 1984, 1985 &. 1986 UnIVersity of Arizona TUl:son, Al New Student OrIentation Counseior . Assisted new students with scheduling on Initial semester dasses. . Spoke to parents on transition from home to college. . Acted CIS a resident assistant to all Incoming freshmen over summer. 1982-1986 UnIversity 01 Arizona Tucson, A2. . B.S., Education, speclallzation R.ehabilitative Counseling. 04/19/1985 UniversIty of Central Florida Orlando, FL . Human Resourc;e 12/06{2000 Rollins College Winter Park, PL. Supervisory Leadership 2000 Dale Carnegie Maitland, Ft. Interests and Achievements SkydiVing, sWlmmlnQ, theater, reaaing, politics, community InYolvement, education, philanthropy P. 3 07 .J'l;j,~ :"-:.: 5~ 24 f't~1 HUMAN RELATIONSIDIVERSITY BOARD Created by Res. #2003-21 on 9/16/2003 Res. #2003-21 amended by Res. # 2004-11 changing quorum (2 year terms) No less than 7 members, no more than 15 members Member District Phone Number Term Ends 1. Fay Alston 4 407-292-7121 (H) May 2008 340 Sterling Lake Drive falston@aol.com 2. Martha Lopez-Anderson 2 407-293-9333 (H) May 2008 2438 Alclobe Circle 407-352-2445(W) 407-399-1039 (C) MlopezAnderson@aol.com 3. Carmen Arzola 3 407-443-2269 (C) May 2008 206 Bridge Creek Blvd. venusblu80@msn.com 4. Lester Dabbs Jr 3 407/656-4332 (H) May 2008 619 Caborca Court 5. Sandra Davidson 4 407-299-9328 (H) May 2007 2632 Homlake Circle 407-836-5404 (W) 407-832-0793 (C) sandy407 @hotmail.com 6. Dorcas Dillard 4 407-290-9795 (H) May 2008 2783 Cullens Court 407-352-0520 (W) 407-694-2057 (C) ddillard@srgmac.com 7. Karen Lee F art 4 407/654-5805 (H) May 2008 2026 Applegate Drive 407/237-5720 (W) kleefatt@cfl.rr.com 8. Phillip Lee Fart 4 407-654-5805 (H) May 2008 2026 Applegate Drive 407-830-2797 (W) 321-239-2486 (C) leesvcs@hotmail.com 9. James Fleming 2 407-656-3838 (H) May 2008 511 Orange Avenue 407-656-5683 (F) flemi43@aol.com 1 10. Matt Garland 1102 Ursula Street 1 11. MaryEllen Murray 581 Buckhaven Loop 3 12 Dr. Prann Kelley Rodriguez 4 2749 Cullens Court 13. Danny Vereen 3570 Strachey Court 2 14. 15. Ex-Officio Members S. Scott Vandergrift, Mayor Staff Liaison Jim Carnicella, HR Director Clerk Jennifer Rittenhouse HRDB/07.05.2005/jr Resigned Debra Booth (Resigned 01/04/2006) John & Kitsy Phillips (Resigned (May 2006) 407-619-0754 (C) 407-654-0470 (H) wotrumpet02@aol.com 407-905-0116 (H) 407-929-7206 (C) marvellenmurray2@aol.com 407-292-7273 (H) 407-291-8686 (W) drfrann@drfrann.com 407-814-1880 (H) 407-623-1304 (W) 321-303-4750 (C) grandpa4xt02@yahoo.com 407-299-5598 (0) 407-291-7126 (H) Mayorscott@cfl.rr.com svandergrift@ci.ocoee.fl.us 407-905-3100 ext. 9/1032 J Camicella@ci.ocoee.fl.us 407-905-3100 ext. 9/1024 irittenhouse@ci.ocoee.fl.us 2 May 2007 May 2007 May 2008 May 2007 Appt. 05/04/04