HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem #05 Piggybacking Hernando County's Contract for Bulk Sodium Hypochlorite AGENDA ITEM COVER SHEET Meeting Date: February 6, 2007 Item # 5 Contact Name: Contact Number: Charles K. Smith, P.E. 407 -905-3100 ext. 4000 Reviewed By: Department Director: Charles City Manager: Robert Fran SlIbject: Piggybacking on Hernando County's Contract for Bulk SodiUQl Hypochlorite Background Summary: The City of Ocoee is currently purchasing bulk sodium hypochlorite from Odyssey Manufacturing piggybacking its contract with the City of Mulberry which was renewed from $.65 per gallon to $.75 per gallon. Odyssey has been awarded a new contract with Hernando County at $.70 per gallon whereas the pricing is fixed through June 19, 2008. There are no other conditional changes between the two contracts. Issue: Should the Commission approve piggybacking the Hernando County Contract with Odyssey Manufacturing for the purchase of bulk sodium hypochlorite for use by the City's water and sewer plants. Recommendations Approval to piggyback on the Hernando County contract (#G06-081/KC) with Odyssey Manufacturing for the bulk purchase of sodium hypochlorite for as long as the contract is valid, to include any renewals, and up to the budgeted amount for each fiscal year. Attachments: Letter from Odyssey and Hernando County Contract Award document. Financial Impact: Funds have been budgeted for the purchase of sodium hypochlorite in water and wastewater fiscal year 2006/2007 budget. Type of Item: (please mark with an "x') Public Hearing _ Ordinance First Reading _ Ordinance Second Reading Resolution ~ Commission Approval Discussion & Direction _ Original DocumenUContract Attached for Execution by City Clerk _ Original Document/Contract Held by Department for Execution For Clerk's DeDt Use: _ Consent Agenda _ Public Hearing _ Regular Agenda Reviewed by City Attorney Reviewed by Finance Dept. Reviewed by ( ) d4/:t N/A N/A N/A 1 SEP-'5-2006(MON) 12: 25 ODYSSEY MANUFRCTURING COMPANY (FAX)8136302589 P.001/022 ,.---= .~ ~ ODYSSEY MANUFACI'URING co. September 25,2006 Ms. Pat Cornell Utility Administration City of Ococc: Wastewa.ter Treatment Plant 1800 A.D. Mims Road. Ocoee, Florida 347G! Re: PROPOSAL TO SUPPLY BULK SODIUM HYPOCHLOIUTE 'J.'O "ra"E CITY OF OCOEEUT~ITffiSDEPARTMENT Denr Put, As a foHow-up to our phone conversation, the purpose of this letter is to providc [he City of Ocoee a proposal to use sodium hypochlorite at your Water Treatment (Wl') (lnd Wastewater Trea.tment CWWT) plants in bulk deliveries for the upcoming fiscn.l year. 1'0 recap, you arc currently "piggybacking" off of the City of Mulberry's sodiunl hypochloriLlJ bid @$.65 per gallon (my letter to you dated March 31,2006). This bid was recently tencwcd @$,75per sallon. F,or the upcoming year, Odyssey proposes instead for the City ofOcocc LO "piggyback" the recently bid Hernando -7'" County bid @$.70 per gallon for better pricing over a longer ~imeframc. 111is pricing would be e'Ffeotlve October 1,2006 and would be fixed through JUne 19,2008 (a two year period). This price is fi~ed and not subject to any escalation orful:l or oLher surcharges during this period. The City of Ococe woulcj"piggybnck" off the Hernando Count)' sodium hypochlorite bid., r have attached n copy oftl1e bid pnckage, bid, bid tab and a.ward letLer. Karen Crown is the Purchasing Manager for Hetnnndo County @3S2-S40-6241. Odyssey guarantees deliveries on 48 hours notice. Howevcr, in. no event, will Odyssey Manufacturing ever let you run out of bleach fOl. any reason and will make emergency deliveries on a mueh shotter notice with no minimum delivery required at no udditiomd charge. As we discussed, this proposal is based on "bulk" deliveries (typically tanks a.t lCllst 1,000 gilJ10ns) to customcr-owncd tanks. Additionally, Odyssey would agree to meet the '(Guarantees" on the uttuched specification entitled "Product Guarantees". As you know, chenucn.l prices have conLinuod LO escalate ~wer the past year. T have nttacheda copy of the Producer Price Index (PPl) showing a 19:3% increase in Lhe past twelve months. The proposed price increase of $.05 per gal10n is a.bout 7.7% which is less than the Producer PrIce increase. Despite the cost increases over the past year including incrl:'4Sc~ in diesel 'fuel [0$3.40 per gallon for the three months a.fter Hurricllne Kat.rina, we honored all of our commitments nnd never even attempted to r'o.l.ise the prlCl: or impose a fuel s~rcharge. Most of our cost increases have been from increases in fuel, encrgy and Insurance. Diesel fuel alone has morethan doubled during this period and our tankers only get about 5.5 mpg (this number Is soon to dropns new governmentregulntiolls with regard to emissions on new engines take effect which reduce our emissions by 5% but wUl r(;sul~ in 20% more consumption of fuel), Odyssey Manufactutlng is the largest sodium hypochlorite manufacturer in the sout11east and Cur sodium hypochlorite currently serves the majority of the water and wasteWnterplullts that use bulk blench inpenillsulnr Florida. We hrive also done a. significant number of "turn-key" instt~llaLions riml havenlso installed storage tanks at many locations and Msislcd customers with ~heir convcrslonl>. Afi , " " . "r 't! .. I. ..~,.I ~'. ~:'''\a~ --;.....,,~ ~ I~~ ~:~'J~",...)~""H:' .~..'"~~: .~., 1":'" .....,' ~.l.'.-!~':. .' ...;p...:' .,' '/, ~ ,...:~;. ~ .. ,..,.~ '. "~;,,'y t;I'" . ~ '~'<- ~~..., _ . '..t: !t~IU Rt: .:, ,..?.:.~. t,... "/,,.... ~'~"~'<Y ..;)-'1';1[ ",'="c- ~~ 'Jh:".\J~'. ... ttt,,"',..,~-::.~,:;~.Ii\ll 1f:J;r ~'j~: " .. ~ GI "...... ',," ',I '\/ J: '~""tj~*;: t;"'...~,' ..~..",...i1~ ';', '...1~ ',,3. . <~,\ I.,.~~,.. ..~ ,,~.' r,' ~:;-~':\:","," :'.1, "~I:~~~I~~,II:i;;;~.(~~~I.~ ':J...L: ..~ !' ,.. : 't I~' ~.."" '1' I " I;' .", ..'. ',,'.: :....1:.,. . OJ::..:'};:, ,," I' " THE c"l.lCAR' S6LU'TIO-N-""";"'-:J:':~;',':"'\jJ;:'''f'~:'r:i:,''~'':'' " ." ," , 1 '" . d ~'~'" . 1484 MASSARO BLVD 0 TAMPA. FL 33619 ~ (800) ODYSSEY. r-AX (013) 140-1629 SEP-25-2006(MON) 12:25 ODYSSEY ~ANUFACTURING COMPANY (FAX)81363025S9 P.002/022 .' part ofiLS chemical supply contract, Odyssey agrees to provide unlimited technical assistance at your plaTIts a1 no charge. As you are aware, we have provided you with a significant amOLlnt ofteohnical assistance alrea.dy this yenr. As we discussed, we manufacture only one product., sodium hypochlorite, utilizing a Kvaerner Chemetics chlor.alkali plant integrated with a Powell Continuous Bleach Plant. As the only chlor- alkali manufacturing facility in Florida, we can offer a unique combination of high quality combined with a very competitive cost structure. We make our raw materials (chlorine und cuustic) on-site OLlt of salt anddcmincrali~cd water utilizing a membrane cell electrolysis process. Not only docs this process result ill a. high quality blcach, but also makes our product cost very computitivc as we do not h.we to payout 0 f state ~hird parties tb make the raw materials for us and have \.hem sll Ipped down by mileat'. The following additional intormation is provided to ltssist in your rev lew of our proposal: "TrueCost" Odyssey's ullique manuracturil1~ process results in significantly higher quality sodium hypochlorite that does not breakdown and decompose like other sodium hypochlorite. Thus, you will probllbly save ubout 10% to 100% of your feed because of the higher quality sodium hYPochlorite which translates into a savings of about $.06 to $.65 per gallon. Tn a. recently d9cumented study, Charlotte County's Eastport WWT plant cut its sodium hypochlorite consumption by over 50% from FY 1999 to FY 2000 despite higher flows when they switched suppliers to Odyssey Manutacturing Co. Ploase call ollr current customers to con'firrn thisl Because of our munufacturing process, we make our own chlorine and c<llIsoe and thus uro nl)!: subject to the wide price fluctuations in this market or the avalla.bil ity of materia.ls. Thus, we are able [0 actually "guarantee" pricing for one or more years and would honor any contractual agreement. In .\ddition Lo the wide variations and availability of the chlorine and cuustic markcts1 Nhcr sodium hypochlorite manufacturers face multi-miUion dollar coststo in$t:all containmcnt and chlorine scrubbers for their chlorine railcars wldct' tho EPA's Risk Mana.gement Plan (RMP) mandme. The RMP requires any entity over the minimum threshold of chlorine to take ALL measures necessll1')' to protoct tho public. The only true measure available to protect the public is to ins(;all an cXPI.:nsivc chlorinc scr\.lb~cr system and containment building tor the chlorine railc<\rs. for a bleach manufactUrer with chlorine railcars, this expense would be several miUian dollars. As the only chlor- alka.li manufacturer intheState of Florida, we have no railcars of chlorine on~site and thus would nol. be impacted by this rcquircmen~. With regard to availability, Odyssey is the only sodium hypochlorite supplier that docs not rely on railcar shipmentc; of chlorine gas into 11le State of Florida. As YOll know, rnilc.u' shipnlents of chlorino gas Wl,.'t'C suspended on three occasions after 9/11 and tour occasions last summer beca.use of tho hurricanes. Reliabilitv OdY$scyls utlicjI,JC manufacturIng process provides its customers 11 high degree ofrelinbility: · Largest sodium hypochlorite mrumfucturing plant in Florida. · Largest provider to the water and wastewater market wi111 over 96% of the bulk ~()c.IiulTl hypochlorite market in peninsular Florida. · Odyssey's Ultrnch10r sodium hypochlorite is used at the majority Of power plants in Florida. · History of meeting gJl demands from all of our customers · Safest mlU11ltaCturing process in the Sta~o of Florida in thllt weare well under the RMP and the PSM thresholds for hn.zardouschemicals. SEP-2S-2006(MON) 12:26 ODYSSEY MANUFACTURING COMPANY (FAX)8136302589 P.003t022 .. Minimum amounts of chlorIne gas on-site which nre well under the RM.P an~ 1J8M'thrcshl1lds thus there is no likelihood of an accidental release which would cllrtail production. . Odyssey Manufacturing is IO,cated east of the City of Tampa in an industrial park. We arc nl..)C located on u peninsula or near !:he Gu! F or 13ay and thus are probnbly less prone to flooding damage from a hurricane than most other bleach manufacturers. . Odyssey Manufacturing Company'smanuf1tcturing f~cilily is the only facility in the State of Florida fed directly off of the transmission grid from its own substlttkm. Thu$, any s~rvlce restoration would most likely be signiticul1tly quicker in the event or a majl1r hurricanc. . Odyssey Manufacturing is the only 24 houri 7 day a weck sodium hypochlorite mam,lfacturing operation in the State of Floridtl with a manned control room. Thus, we can respond quickly to emergent customer-needs. .. Odyssey hus a.n agreement with a sodium hypochlorite manufacturer nffiHated by $l)mC Cl1mmon ownership (Sentry Tndu..o::trles in Miami, Florida) to serve as n bllckup source of bleach in the event of a c,'\castrophic event. Quality Our sodium hypochlorite .is a high strength product with superior ratio control and without all the impurities that most bleach contains. Our blench is NSF certified imd made [Tom a continuous ao; opposed to a. batch bleach plant. What this means to you, the Customer, is: . Low or zero metal contnmimmts resulting in significantly slower "Product degradation leading to o"el"nl1 cost llftvinl:!l due to reduced sodium I1vpochloritc consllmptlon . Lower Maintenance Costs caused by pluggages and woar because of impuritie..~ In the bleach . Irnp(ovcd Drinking and Eft1uent Water Quality . SUpl.lrior control of excess alkalinity ot'Product resultillg ill less overall chemical udditional requirements and more stable chemlcaJ feed rates ( e.g., better pH control ofyollr finished wlt(:er) . T..~ss O>''YBcn formation during storage and handling (e.g., which fonn bubbles in l:<mk itnd lines) resulting In reduced downtime and more accurate CI feed rates II Lower l~vels of sodium chlorat~ forma.tlon resulting ill improved water quality . Lower suspended solids resulting In improved water quality and less feeder maintemlllce . Minimal insoluble buildup on the insido of pipes and feeders rcsulting in better operations of the Customer's system . Significantly lower levels of bromate than other bleach manufacturers (thIs became regulated in . drinking Wl1ter for uB pllmts beginning January of2004) Based on ~cstins done by several water and wastewater plants, alongwitl1 Sentry industries, we rlre the only sodium hypochlorite manufucturer in Florida who always pnsses the 3-minute Filter Test procedure and have the best times ever recorded by Novilchem Laboratory which i:i imindustry loodcr in sodium hypochlorite testing. Service · Odyssey's delivery fleet oftrnctors llnd trailers is brtll1d new and our drivers uro Odyssey cmplQYccs. We dQ not use "contract baulers". Our tankers are "state ot'the art" FRP tankers and thus will not contall1il12.t" the product as can happen from the conventional steel~lined tankers. Additionally, potential contnminatioll isnlso eliminated since we only use out' tankers to haul sodium hypochlorite and DO other products. . WfJ arc the only sodium hypochlorite manufacturer who focuses primarily on lmlllieipal and private water and wa.~tewater treatment along with industrial customers. SEP-25-2006(MON) 12:26 ODYSSEY MANUFACTURING COMPANY (FAX)8l36302589 P.004/022 . Odyssey guarantees delivery on 48 hours notice and most afthe time can make deliveries on 24 hours notice or shorter. . Odyssey has three "degreed" engineers in its company to provide support to its cuslomers. OUf Operations Manager is a Chemical Engineer who has extensive experience in the production of blench, hUDdling of acid and caustic, and repackaging of chlorine gas. Service Work 8Cltcr quality bleach has historically not been .wailablo uncil Odyssey began manufacturing QPcrations. TI1US, many customers who were satisfied with their current suppliel' becnme evcn morc satisfied with our bleach cU1d many report-cd lower consumption levels because of the l'educ~d degradation. Tn addition to a high quality sodium hypochlorite, Odyssey is willing to providu repair and maintenance services as requested. Odyssey Manufacturing has performud ovcr rour hundred ''turnkey'' sodium hypochlorite COnVCl'$it)n projects including Orlll1ge Coullt)' (ERF,NWRF, Cypress Walk WRF, University Shores WRF), Tampa. Bay Water (Cypress Creck and SurFace WT plants), Winter Haven Cypress Wl)od WWT plant, CasselbeIT)' WWT plant, Utilities, Inc. (Despinar, We kiva WTfWWT pla.nts), UCF WT plant, Titusville (B1\Jc Huron WWT plant and Osprey WW1' pianO, Manatee County WT plant, MUllat<<:e CountySW WWT plant, City of Brndentol1 WWT plant, Sarasota County Venice GardellsRO plant, Siesta Key repump station, Sarusota CoutJt)' repump Station No. I, City ofCnsselbeny 3~WT ph~l't.~, Crystal River WWT plant, Ci~y of Palmetto WWT plant, Sebring WW'1' aud 4-WT plant..q, City of. Mulberry WWT nnd 2- WT planL.~ Palm Coast RO plant and WWT plant, Mateo. Island RO Plant, Deltona J 7-WT plants, Jncksol1villo Utiliti~s Management WWT and WT pbU1ts, Lehigh Aeres Booster Station, Lee County North Reservoir, Gulf Environmental RO planf:, Lake Fuirwrtys WI plant, South Martin County WWT plant, and City of Stuart WT plant. We have assiRted with the' design, engin~cring, startup, tank Installation and perfomled service work on numerous other conversions. All told, we have done more conversion than ull the engineers and contractors ill the Sl:atc ofFJorida combined. As your chemical supplier, we are available to providr! any required a..",vis/ance you might request including at your Wi' and wwr plant,I'! TluUlk you for your consideration. J have previously provIded a product brochure, process llowchart., Material Snfety Data Sheet (MSDS), NSF certification, insurance cel1ificQ.te, bleach handbol,k, and a product specification for the 12.5 Trade Percent sodium hypochlorite tbryour perusa1. 'l'his proposld will expire in ninety (90) days from the' date of this letter. Please donothcsitalC to cont~~ct me at (800) ODYSSEY orccllular (8'13) 335-3444 if] can provide nny more infonnaLion. Sincerely, C: R.Waldrop,Oeoec SEP-2S-2006(MON) 12:27 (FAX)8136302589 OD~SSE~ MANUFACTURING COMPANY U.5~ Department of labor Bureau of labor Statistics . SLireau of l...;3bor Statistics CJlIC4I www.bls.gov ~ Search l/l-Z Ind::r. IlI.S IlQmq Il'rDllrDms & Survl!YII I Gilt Dllt;>lIod lOtntJ"tJes I Glussllry I Whilt'5 N~w I Plnll WIll DOl. Data extrOil<:ti:ld on: August 03, 2006 ((J~;aa PM) Producer Price Index Industry Data Serie$ catalog: Serlas ID: pcu:32518132!S:f.S1P Not seasonzslly Adjusted lndustry : Allcallefi',md chlorine Product: PrlmOlt'Y products Base ot.l~e : S012 Oaw: ?i\~ ~A.l ",......rH!> ': rn fit' '1'1. moPlJ'Tl\:!.' 37 'f. 1'1.'31.. @ ollc:k to 1:.qp' Y\I.W.lU..dl:!J .gr!1( P.l'.mlll~ntlv A!l~e.dJJu,Q&tiliM I Er..~..m....2Ll;Df~OIIlIJ:!.Qn.Ac:t I ~..!.!~tqmcai:SUI)f,l<,V. "r http://dntll.bls.Sov/cgi-binlsrgatc R/J/2006 P.005/022 SEP-25-2006(MON) 12:27 OO~S5E~ MANUfACTURING Kx Date/Tlma MAY-24-2UUb(WKOj .1~:la 3527S44199 PURCHASING ANO CO COMPAN~ (FAX)8136302589 3521544199 I.L.:.-- 13:21:30 Q!i~:l4~:lOoa. i ....__ _.1_._.._...__...--...____.._..._,.. . ! .! . , . . '. . ,." . ," .:j , i ! . i . '" . 'i: . . ....: '" r ", " ',' ' ,,' .' ',' . , , . .j ; , I H~~NA~bO:couNtY I PURCHASING .a~d:c~:r~r~9!f:~fD~~ARTMENT 20 NORTA~M~IN'.'STR):Er:.':RO.OM 265 aROOKs:vJri;'EJ....FLi.:3~G01.2~2B . ..'.. , . i '. BID'TABi.J~rroN': . i . " I .' I . ", ..... ',l :",SOL.;ICITAJ:ION1N.O;' o e..o,s'f/KC' . BID "Ji~E: :-rER:M:;CON::T:JYi;Ct;;F.CiR';UtQl.hO'CHl:.ORINE . BID OPEN1N~;'JMA:Y'2.k~OOG'A'T:3~OO..P.M. " . : I ". I L1Q.uJ.D CHLORINE EST. ... .GROUP'A ';. I GROUP B QUAN: . .: :.UNITrpRICE '.. UNIT PRice Group A . " ~09.500 .' .();700 Group B . . .. .' 47.880', . '__ .,~._ C~r106U~;'ci' ....'. ".:O,B99 " . 'Group,:B . : . : : ,:47:,8BO;." -. .'" . .', 'GroupA" .. . .' ;rC9;500 . '.:1.1'1 , Group "B. ... : '.4(.1360 ..' :. " Gra,up'A . 109 ;500 ~.rofjp B .'. '. '. .. '.. ':'47"860'.. ": .,.. ',~ ~. . I Group.A ,', , '" . ~ 09'500' I . '.. I. :Group:S.... '" ". '.,'" i' . " . . . . .., I .': :47.a80 .,::'". ''"' :" .' ':'.' .. 1.4t;lJJ , ... , .' ! BIDDERS odyssey ~al1\Jfac1uring 1484 Maslia(.O Blvd. Tampa, FL .33619 . Patrick Allman Gen'l Mor. . Allied UnN(lrsa! 31301 N.W. 1:15 Ave Miami, FL 33178 . Catherine GCiillarmod Harcros Chemicals, Inc. 5132 Trenton,$t. Tampa. FL '33619 , Thomas HlIlver DaVIS :Supply. Inc. PO Box 60095 Fert Myers, FL 33906-6095 James f..r.Davls , " The Dumont Co., Inc. 812 Eyrie Dr:'. Oviedo, FL32765 Ronald CartWriaht 0.915 ..' .' ',' . ..; I CifPli'" rlll/l4 tm """~ Us7l11UlJll!lll.AII& nII,ONLV DfFIiRJ'/IlIl;JllWp rlal.LT Ai lI'TlII.AIlIIIa IlI'&IIIliQ ca., AND ~Il. AU. OT>lfll o;'eM;.~",,""m.1N ~.I'O"P..~~/",'O~llnoH ~,irllim;:RiJ~ciT'D. ; L . . '. i'. . ., q>:,:>,:'>.:;:I, ' '"" . .. ,', :. . " '-:: I.' . . ,:., :",. ; " ,,'.. :,' .' " .... .,'.. j . . ,,' ',.,,:. . '!' I ." ';. '". . Extended : Prices . Group A $16,650.00 ,. : Group A I $98,440..50 : . ; . . GrQUp A , . $121,545.00 ' " : Group B " $43810.20 , , Group B I $67032.00 ::. ; . , : P,006/022 II.OU1 ,;. 1 /1 ',' . ;,. SEP-25-2006(MON) 12:2700Y5SEY MANUFACTURING COMPANY (FAX)8136302589 : ,.noara (!J" L-Ouncy '-.Om.'ITf,I~'fSJQn,erS e-.' . . , . . . I. . . I . IN' , . . t'." : . '. 1'1 1I......JCaI) Hernando Countu: . . . .. .... ,,'.11..'- ,r:".. . '.I' . .: , J,tYe i . ....... ; ': '.. ~.. . . ,,! *'....."...~... ; ':. ,:,:,:,:,:;,;:,";'~i,,:;,::./:,,;,:,::/:;~:"::'j'.' 20 North Main Streeti':Room idS ,. :.,.:; . . . 1 . Brooksvill~. Florida 3460J-282$ , ;. . I (352) 754.-4020 I Sunc'Om 669-40~O ., . ',' ,1 Fax (352) 7S4J419~ ,. '. ," P.007/022 Purchasing and Contracts June 21, 2006 . . . : :.,' " . . ".!i . ": , ,..' I " .! . '1 , .. ' .! "Odyssey Manufacturing .... ;, i 1484 Massaro Blvd. , ..';" , .j Tampa, FL..33619 ,', .', : ',' :.1 : " .,.1' . Attn: 'Patrick AlIrnan, General Manager.' ';:... . ! :,' .j " . ~ I " :... ": 1 RE: SOLICITATION NO. 06-081 " ;. '..' . ! SUPPLY/DELIVERY OF LIQUID ,CHlORJ.N-E .! .0 ;, " I ' i Dear Mr. Allman: i .! ',." ' ."; .. I I Please be advised that on June'.20, '2o,ci6,:':t~~ 'Herna'ndo COLJnty Water and Sewer!District Board has approved the award iOf-subjecl:cdntcact;(Grbup A) to your firm. effective ~ . immediately for a .twenty-four month .jnitial'1erni. Attached is one original executedicontrac::t document'for your file. ..' ! . I .' ~ : I Thank you for your interest in ser:ving the, needs 6fHetnando. County. If you have any further questions, prease contactMr. Ron .Dilts;, 'Storekeeper ~t .352..754-4090. . . . . ; ! ! . Very truly. yours, f(ClMJ ~ ......, ... .M~mes'D. Gantt, C.P.M., CPPO:. .:'....:' '., V . - [rector ' . .' . '.:: "/KAC ., : , '::- -..:. ' j ..' .' , ",i. I ' J ,I I ' . i . , I . .1 '. '! 1 ' , ! .1 cc: . Clerk of Court . .' . : , Finance. Dept. :. ,... ". " ' :" !..,' i Kay Adams, Directori HCU D '. . , :--:' i , " " . ! Sharon Stansbury, Filianc~'Coordin~tqr", . . :. " FileNo. 6-081 i. i ," '., .. . :,1 I, . . . "1 . .: .' . ':....; ..,..1 .' ,.,,'. f . .!. '." " . : ',j , '! . . '.:. I . . ", '.' i.. . , ~ 0' .' I . ': I . '. I' . . , . MANUFACTURING COMPANY (FAX)8135302589 . :. .....;'...>: :;-"',::i Y?NiA7';:.~:.'..i' I 6-081 . ' . ...,.. 'IlUU"'lrnIDO"f~TO; : ': ': ";'. ". :1 .CLERK'OFTHECIRCUITCOURT I . J i 20 NORTH MAIN STREET, ROO~',131 : BROOKSVllLE, FI.. 34601..~8qO .(';::;,^~;~J~~~:~i C'~~~~.urt . . ....Si-~~I~,';j'~;ltlVj\~'t:I:Ct.N. ' '. . . ,0, ;,~..~Ii;~ ~"~~:MI~,~ :'i,;iI,t:, :' P.008/022 5EP-25-2006(MON) 12:27 ODYSSEY I\nOHNO: ' /liI'Il"'_UL:u; OS1/KC .~v 3. 2065 :. : llY: . . " BOARD'OF .COUNTY COMMISSIO"'ERS . .HERNANDO COUNTY, Fl.ORIDA '. Diane 8. Rowden. ChaIrperson Hannah M..Roblnson, Vioe Chairperson , Robert C. Schenck . Jeff Stabiflll . Chri~to~her K1nQsl13v . !' ! ,'.. . ... ...- .. ... ,I " . ,'I .. .., so OffeRS IN~1WQ (2)'OflIOINALS;.FOR FURNISHING >fHa.aERYIGeS\;sUPP.l!:U;S'9R:r;:QI!lIP MeNi .oEseR/BED HIiREIN WII:l BE'.RCCEIVr;D-"AT":f1li~~F.F1CE -Ie clSU<oFni~C1~UITCOURT.~OOM 131,I:lE~NAflOO ~~uN"rf:..GOV~MENT#ENi$.20NOI\iH MAIN STREe-r. DRooK$Viw:,jFr.:34so'1-2BDO, IJNTll P. M.. ON, MA" 24~ 2006.' NO a/Do~l'e~S WILL 61;'ACCEfl:t'EO"AF:JER 'l'HE ABOVE'STIP,UlA'rEO DATE AND TIME. THIS IS AN AO\I!RTlsEO $QucrrATION THE!.OF'FJ;RS WILI:.'~E P!JBUCI.Y OPENED IN THE; PURCHASING .4,Ntl:'CONTRACT.tl~F!AQiME~, ROOM ~S5, HERNANDO OOUNTY ~OVl;~NMeNT CENTER I:OO.P.M~10N::rf:{e..SAMe DATE. . ". . ." . I. . .4 NO. . ~ . ': DESCRIPTION OF SERV/CElSUPPl:IES/EC UIPMENT IQTY' UNIT UNli PRICE , TOTAL AMOUNT TERM;COlilT~Cr; WIT/:! RENEWAl,;'C~l:ISE;,F.O~. . . f " SOPPLYIDELIVERY OF.13I:1LK I.!QUIO CHI:.ORINE',Tp~e.vyAreR ' I : .( , AND seWER ,DISTRICT BSARO, HERNANOO'90YNl)",;FLORID,A. i'" , . 70'. S 76,~ 650 'l..lOUlb CHLORINE (As per$per;l~caticn'8 on.J;'ages'1"~15)":" ,;, 108,500 Gallon s upA ,I ..~ . LIQUID CHLORINE (S~all.Qu.a~trtles) (specs Pages.13..1'5)'" ':: NO Bin ., up 6 '17.880 Gal/on $ $ i I ~g.lBllnd Nfg. Company-Ultra'Ch~or . I c .n . ys ey I , ;"0) I Jal ! it- 48 i : c: Delivery made withIn hours aft~r ;~ : i ;N notiflcatlon/ord.er. , iN 2'S' . . '. i ;~ Contact P.el'Son for Deliveries/Phone: .' " .,'. ! ~ Pat. Allman. ... 1(813),6'35-03'39' i ' ;:II:: I ; c".) . , . . . i I : .... Contact Person forPlckups/Phone: : i 'en. .~ n/a, . . .1 ., rOil . . I .. Contact p'e:rzc.m 2+HOl.irE,me~n7iresp-on.se/Phdn~:':'..: j, .. , '. -: I ; I Pa t Al man I 1. 63.5-03'39' ':. . ! tSeE AT.T'ACHEO SPECIFIOATlONS'; DEl.lIIS'ty eCHEOCl\.Ei ..'. ..' . . ..: . I ," I '.: \ '. ',,' _4 ~ '. .1 I I .. . . .", " pOI ," . . .:. . ':. .;..~Q;~~IEIR':;' 'I.. . ..:,.;,..'-'it:"(.:~~.."", I .' " 6RMS,:CO'NDITlONS ~O;SP.eCiF.lC;t\:lioNs,;Me;Il(~cd.JCED~AS'PA~TS HEREO ;OMPUIMICEWITH THEAB:ove;'THE UNO!;RS.lGNEO",;8eING:oeL'f.1\!1T:tl9~~fJt'10:~IGN1:F.US;BIO F.ORJHE'f110DER, MR~STHAT IFiffllS OFF.ER IS'ACCEPTEO !'HIN S.o1)AYS'I?~OM THe flJO OPENING tJATE"r;rO'FURNIS~'TO:l'leRAAN/jO'COUN1'Y'ANY:ANtl AlJ.lTSMS FOR WHIOH PRICES AReJoFFEReO IN THIS BID UCI'l"AilON A TTHE ?RICf(S) SO OFfERED, OELlVEREO AT OESIGNA n;O"~OIN!(SkWmlIN THE TIME PERIOD SPEOIFIJ:O, ANOATTHE,IJ"5RMS AND CONDIilONS STIPULATED N 'tHE S01.IC/rATION'FOR BIDS. ." .' '. ..... .. ,. '. ' . ~COUNT'FOR:PRaMPTIPAYMENT: ". % ~o CAl.l;NoAR'DAYS, " . '.'h.:!Q:CAl.ENOAR,OAYS . 'Ii CALENDAR DAYS , OERS COMPIINY JotM\l!, foODl\E;Sl; foNOPHON~. NUMBER ......... " ~~E'~ND.Tl:n.~ O. lil160 AUTHORllIio 'fa SIGn IlID.OffER; i .' Odyssey Ma~u~acturJ;ng Company' .:. :<~... ...... ..p~t;C:.J;ck AJ.lm, eneral Nana e'r' 148~ lvtassa:l;'oBlvd. .' ....:. "<>..IlI.ooeR'lnr . R I OI'l'llRtlATIi Tampa, 1"1 33619 Ph9n~~~.13)~~S~?~~:9) ::'.~>.-::: :...}'.~ ; 5/22io6 .. . ,,",' ';AW!A:R:D1:;: . /. , 'b:R;'di~t~B~COj:".'., ;' ., ,! ;" OAL NOTE: { '., ". "",', /.: ," ':..... . ' ., REVIe:~ED AS TO FORM AN~ leGAl. SI,1FFICIENCY' :;.:: ':Sr:'.' ,.~. . ~I!PTl!li loa TQlTEM(8) NO; . , . .G:r:QUP A . PMIT INVCI= TO: Name1 Name2 ADDRESS CITY STATE STEFANUS JIIRHELMA PIETERSE 3057 KENTSHIRE BLVD RICHARD/ANGELA MILES 3197 KENTSHIRE BLVD JAY/JANET DENNISON 3213 KENTSHIRE BLVD SHIRLEY D KAMENSKY 3361 KENTSHIRE BLVD HADIIHRISOULA SIMAAN 3407 KENTSHIRE BLVD MARGARET P AUERBACH 3419 KENTSHIRE BLVD RONNEY/DA FE MAYRA OLIVEIRA 3110 KENTSHIRE BLVD ALLISON/MICHAEL SAUNDERS 3484 KENTSHIRE BLVD LANDRY ROBERT M JRIWENDY 3290 BEAZER DR KARST CRAIG/DENISE M 3304 BEAZER DR FLORMARI BLACKBURN 3400 T ABREEZE CT JERRY/BACH-HUE REID 173 CALLIOPE ST THOMAS /LAUREN M WAYNE 214 CALLIOPE ST FRANK SNIVIAN E CONENNA 233 CALLIOPE ST ANH VAN/AMY THI DANG 256 CALLIOPE ST FASIU SYED 299 CALLIOPE ST ANTHONY/ELENA ARANGO 388 CALLIOPE ST GHULAM/SALlMA S HYDER/JASSANI 401 CALLIOPE ST MARl CrrOMIKO N TSUNODA/NIOSI 424 CALLIOPE ST ELLIS DIAZ 64 CALLIOPE ST DAVID DESHAW 140 SAGECREST DR DAVID/RAJKUMARIE OUTAR 178 SAGECREST DR SANJAY/SHEFALI GOYAL 274 SAGECREST DR LYNDON STJOHN 97 SAGECREST DR TODD P OSTER 84 BREALOCK DR CAROLlNA/CECILlO SANABRIA 214 BREALOCK DR JEANNE S/LARRY G THOMAS 226 BREALOCK DR KET AN/RAXA SHAIH 79 BREALOCK DR CRAIG/FRANCES HOFFMAN 137 BREALOCK DR WILLIAM/SHANNON BARNHILL 153 BREALOCK DR