HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem #09 Approval of Landscape Upgrades to Clarke Road AGENDA ITEM COVER SHEET Meeting Date: February 6, 2007 Item # 9 Contact Name: Contact Number: Steve Krug 6002 Reviewed By: Department Director: City Manager: /~ . et" .... Approve Landscapeljpgri1ctes to. Clarke.Road in the. A $2,193.60irl irrigation. upgrades and repairs Background Summary: Last year the City budgeted $20,000 for landscaping improvements and enhancements to Clarke Road. That funding was utilized to make improvements to the first three medians along Clarke Road from Highway 50 towards White Road. Valley Crest, one of the city's contractual landscape service vendors has submitted a proposal to complete the remaining four medians to complete the section between Highway 50 and White Road. The cost for these enhancements is $36,242.00, with an additional irrigation repair/replacement proposal for the area of $2, 193 .60. The Fiscal Year Budget for 06/07 has $40,000 programmed in Capital Improvements for landscaping and irrigation upgrades to Clarke Road. Issue: Should the City Commission approve authorizing a purchase order to Valley Crest in the amount of $36,242.00 for landscaping enchantments and $2,193.60 for irrigation upgrades and repairs to the Clarke Road Medians completing the project from Highway 50 to White Road? Recommendations Staff recommends that the City Commission approve a purchase order to Valley Crest in the amount of $36,242.00 for landscaping enchantments and $2,193.60 for irrigation upgrades and repairs to the Clarke Road Medians completing the project from Highway 50 to White Road? Attachments: Proposal Financial Impact: The Fiscal Year Budget for 06/07 has $40,000 programmed in Capital Improvements for landscaping and irrigation upgrades to Clarke Road. Type of Item: D Public Hearing D Ordinance First Reading D Ordinance First Reading D Resolution [8J Commission Approval D Discussion & Direction For Clerk's DeDf Use: [8J Consent Agenda D Public Hearing D Regular Agenda D Original DocumenUContract Attached for Execution by City Clerk D Original DocumenUContract Held by Department for Execution Reviewed by City Attorney Reviewed by Finance Dept. Reviewed by Utility Department \04/1 ~ N/A D N/A D N/A 't 'U~J-~ ':l:lt' r., I I to r:ror. -p '~\j ".1 It l:.f I toll to{:.a.. ~tl ~"II {I r... November 7, 2006 Stephen Krug Director of Public Works City of Ocoee 150 N. Lakeshore Drive Ocoee, Florida 34761 407 905-3100 ext. 6003 RE: Clarke Road Landscape Enhancement Proposal Remainder of Center Medians from West Colonial Drive up to White Road. Dear Stephen, T hank you, for the opportunity to present you with a landscape upgrade proposal for your property. We hereby propose to furnish all necessary labor and materials to perform the following work, as per ValleyCrest Landscape Maintenance plans and specifications. · Removal of plants and sod not to remain. · Installation of materials (i.e. plants, mulch, etc.), noted below. · A post planting fertilizer application for all new plantings. Special Conditions and Exclusions: 1) This proposal does not include any necessary irrigation repair and or retro-fit. 2) This proposal is based upon perfonning the work on straight time labor rates. 3) This proposal includes (2) lane closures only. 4) This proposal includes mulching of new planted areas only. *Item #1 - Center Median #3 Beginning @ West Colonial (Additional Plantings): QTY. PLANT NAME SIZE/TYPE 6 Magnolia "Little Gem" 30 Gallon 92 Mulhly Grass 3 Gallon 8 Hardwood Mulch Cubic Yards $ 5,817.00 *Scope of Work: 1) Remove sod & install Little Gem Magnolias in (2) groups of (3) and install (92) Muhly Grass under Magnolias. Continued on Page 2 e Page 2 Clarke Road Landscape Enhancement Proposal (Continued) 11-7-06 *Item #2 - Center Median #4 North of #3: $12,542.00 QTY. PLANT NAME SIZE/TYPE 3 Magnolia "Little Gem" 30 Gallon 42 MuWy Grass 3 Gallon 8 Zamia fufuracae 7 Gallon 417 Blueberry Flax Lily 1 Gallon 495 Asiatic Jasmine 1 Gallon 30 Hardwood Mulch Cubic Yards *Scope of Work: 1) Remove mulch & Liriope on both ends and replace with (495) Asiatic Jasmine & (8) Zamia furfuracea. 2) Remove Liriope under Crepe Myrtles on N. & S. ends & replace with (232) Blueberry Flax. 3) Planting bed opposite AMC 14 Sign, remove Liriope and replace with (3) Magnolia, (42) Muhly grass and (185) Blueberry Flax Lily. *Item #3 - Center Median #5 North of #4: $ 8,904.00 QTY. PLANT NAME SIZE/TYPE 7 Zamia fufuracae 7 Gallon 210 Blueberry Flax Lily 1 Gallon 655 Asiatic Jasmine 1 Gallon 15 Hardwood Mulch Cubic Yards *Scope of Work: 1) Remove Liriope on N & S end and replace with (655) Asiatic Jasmine & (7) Zamia. 2) Remove mulch under Crepe Myrtles on S. end & replace with (210) Blueberry Flax. *Item #4 - Center Median #6 Ending @ White Rd.: $ 6,579.00 QTY. PLANT NAME SIZE/TYPE 3 Ligustrum Trees 8'x8' 42 Mulhly Grass 3 Gallon 3 Zamia fufuracae 7 Gallon 38 Blueberry Flax Lily 1 Gallon 280 Asiatic Jasmine 1 Gallon 10 Hardwood Mulch Cubic Yards Scope of Work: 1) Remove Liriope & Sago palms on N. end and replace with (280) Asiatic Jasmine & (3) Zamia furfurace. 2) Remove mulch & some Hex schillings under Crepe Myrtles on N. end & replace with (38) Blueberry Flax. 3) Add (2) Ligustrum trees to existing & under plant with (42) Muhly Grass. Continued on Page 3 Page 3 Clarke Road Landscape Enhancement Proposal (Continued) 11-7-06 *Item #4 - MOT Traffic Lane Closures (2 Lane Closures): $ 2,400.00 $ 36,242.00 *TOTAL CONTRACT AMOUNT: Respectfully submitted, ~4I~ Tim Harris (Account Manager - Landscape Enhancement) Valley Crest - Landscape Maintenance, Orlando "This proposal properly signed by your agent has been accepted as authorization to perform the work. An invoice will be forwarded to your office for payment when the work is completed. All work will be performed in accordance with the "General Terms & Conditions" which are printed on, attached and or incorporated herein by reference." Slwuld this proposal meet your approval, please sign and date below. Autlwrized Client Representative Signature Approval Date 4777 Old Winter Garden Rd. Orlando, Florida 32811 407292-9600 407291-4966 (Fax) --~ ValleyCrest Landscape :Maintenance 4777 Old Winter Garden Road Orlando. FL 328! I Phone (407) 192-9600 Fax (407) 291-4966 Contract and Authorization for Extra \-\fork Pa!'c: ClienUOwncr's BlIsmc~s Name: City of Ocoee Dal''':: [ 1/8/2006 ConmlctiAE\V No: 40175 Cltent/Owner's Bi!!in!J, Address: A 1111' lH~COl1mS P:wabTt ] 50 N L.lkcshon: Dr Oco.:.: FL 3476].2258 Job Name: eif); of Ocoee VCLJ\'l Job Number 3411900S99 Client Conlac!: Job Site Address: 150 N Lakeshore Dr ()coce FL ::1476] CJient/JobsHt phone no.: (407) 877,8420 ClieDt Fax it: Chell! EIl1;\jJ, Val[eyCrest Landscape r....lainrcnancc Rcprcsemati.ve: Lauren Manis! AE\V # 849569 SCOJH~ of 'York to Perform: Clarkt. Rd ls/.wu/ii R('pair:. Line Number Description 1.000 Head Replacement Pop Up Spray 12" Unit Extended Quantity 001\.1 Price Amount 10.000 EA 34.5000 ~4:'1,O() 2,000 Head Replacement Pop Up Spray 6" 26.C)(l(l fA 30.0000 71:\0. {)(J 3.000 Rtpl,IJ:.Y Broken ;-\ozzle 6.00(l EA 5.C(l(lO 30.00 Tax: Toht): 1,155.00 This hid is ralid lor 60 ('alelldar da.l"~ IlIt/~,,\'s ollzuwis'e apprm'cd by Fa/feyen:sl tandsCilfl~' MaintfnfUu;e. Sales Quote - This is Not an hll'Qice lnstmetinm:'in \\'011, is (Co be performed without this wrlHerl ;lulhurit:&ion Delllgcorrcctly eOllIJlld<,:(1 .ttJd ~igm:d by the ;luthorizd au.~m (,1' tbe CnlTlr;K't:x or OWl1er. TI1:s 1'.HJST he ,uhl11il1~d !';-Yii'ur b;-;meh officE' prornplly, lmtnluinns to COnLraelGr or Owner Tllis Sale, OIl(J(~, properly signed by ynur agent has been accepLed ;~:s <\I.tthoriz:ation to perform tbe work, An illl\,ic(: \,..'j] I lx, forwilrlJed it> your offIce for paymem whc'" the work lS <.:ompkld, All \..'ork wiJl be penorl11ed in ;;ccf,r(l'llJl:(;'; with the "Gcn<.:'ml Terms and Con.;litil.l:J, \v:li,::', ;l~l' prillled on, alladH:J and arc Lncorpoml"d 11;,:1''';'' hy n,r,,;,'r;n: x Appro\'t.'d by Vallc}'Crest Rl~presentative X Approl'cd by Client RepresentJ:ltive Date . , ._.."."......,-' ValleyCrest Landscape !vlaintenance 4777 Old Winter Garden Road OrlandD. FL 32811 Phone ~4(7) 292-9600 Fax {4(7) 291-.t966 Contract and Authorization for Extra \Vork Pai:!t:: Cht'lH./OwrWl'~ Bu~we~;, Name: Cin' of OCl"-'C Date: 1l/8/20lH'i Contracl1AEW No: .WIN Cht'nt/Ownc(~ Billing Address: Ann: Acc(lUllts Pavank 150 N Lakc"hote [)r O....,'el: FL JP61-::':5S Job Name: Cil~' of Ococe YCLIv'l Job Numbc[ 340900899 Oi,'IH Cnnt;l(:l: Job Site /\ddress: ISO N Lakcshore Dr Ocoee FL .i476l Oin;l/Johslle phone \lO,:j..l(PJ 877-8420 Clit:nt b, #: C!il~nt EmUll: ValkyCn:;,l Landscape IvlailllclliLnce Rcpn:st'nwll\c: L\l:rt~nMorri~/ AE\I,,' #: 349570 Scope of Work to Perform: Clark(' lld lsltwd... Upgrad.,s Line 1'\umbt.~r Description 1.000 Shruh Risl'f t 22} (fj S2 LOCI 12"' Pop lip {61 (g' $34.50 1.000 DOM EA Unit Ilrice Extended Amount Qmmtity 669.0000 669.00 Tax: Total: 6(,9.00 HIL, bid i,\ l'Cilid li.IT 6() calt'lldar day.,. llllll:~'.\ r,(!lt'''''i..\t' apprarfd by "allcyCrt:'H l.andJC(IPt: Mr1i/llI~!lall[t', Sales Quote - Tbis is ~ot an lm'oice [nSlruCliot)s Ne, \~.cd; i~ 10 ht~ JWlform~d withoul ~his written "uthU;'il.;!lJ;;,n bl'mg ,;OlTCl'IJy L\,'mpkk~d .:md sig!wd by the J.uulu:n:d i.H!em of ,It:: C':J:I;I("[~a <'I {}~ n~r. This \tPST h::: .~utnnl1h"d 'ii,,''yll'llf br~Hh'h l{fk',,' pn)r11pl.Jy_ Itl!;lrudii)n;, l{' (:;mu';:.cl{ir nr OWfWr: Tl!isS,lk~ O!l(l:,~ plOpr:rlv ,i\CrA~d In '.',:1111 ag.;:nl hJS bc~'n accepted as :lllthorizat10n to pcrfl~rr" the \\,o:"k.' :\1; UI\';:'l~"':',\j:l1 fiJrn'2;rdeJ to YOlfr: otT~cc (01 paynl~~nl \\'11;;.~J11he- \\-'ork ik cunlrJt~!t~,d All \l,lc1, v..i be pLTfL'nncJ in ilcl'"rJ;llw: With the "Gcncr:.;1 '1 L.'nm JIlJ Cmdltlum" wrri;'J) ;;,;, printed ,:11. attached and itle rll"'orpnra,,,d btrL'in hy ,,,kl\~n('e x x ApI}roved by ValleyCrest Rcpresentative ApprOl'ed by Client Reprcsentathc DatC' o ValleyCrest Landscape Maintenance 4777 Old Wimer Garden Road Orlando, FL 32811 Phone (407) 292-9600 Fax (407) 291-4966 Contract and Authorization for Extra \" ork Page: 1 ClientiOwnt:.r's Bu!>jnt:.~:'; Name: City of OClJeC Date: I 1/8/2006 ContractlAEW No: 40173 ClicTI..liO.\vn..cr's Billin.~./\ddres.<;: Atm' Accounts Pa\'able 150 N Lakcshorc Dr Ococc FL 347612258 Job Name: Cit)' of Ocoee VCLM Job Numher 340900899 Clienl Contact; Job Sile Address: 150 N Lake&horc Dr Ocace FL 347M ClicnliJobsile phone no.: (4.{}7) 877-8.420 Client Fax #: Clien! Emait: Va!lcyCrest LandscJlpe 1\.'taimenancc Representative: Hamid Castro'! AE\V # 852364 S(~ope or Work to P(~rforlll: It:attac/i mb;,~illg zone (In't>>'ee,, 10-11) 10 existing 'Zone. Line Number Dcscription 1 ,000 M~lcl'ials Quantit), 1.00() llO1\'( EA Unit Price Extended Amount 204,6000 204.60 2.000 Electrical/Mainline Labor 3.000 HR 55.oont} 165.00 Tax: Total: 369.60 riltS bid is ~'alid.f(1r 60 caJl'lldardaJ's IIIlles,\' ot/u!rwiw: upprtll'/ul by V'lIIlfyCrL'.~t Lnnd,\capt Muillle/lt111ce. Sales Quote - This is Not an hnoice [nstm("llO[l~. No work tG 10 he jk'[rnrm~'d wichOllllhis wril1l'n autlKmJ,al~(ln b('ll1b! (",)I")"(<,:,ly nlmplcted and sl,!!Jled hy the iluthorized a~e:ll oj the Conl.ractor or Owner, This MUST be sllhm,rtted to"your ':lr;,;t1i:h ()ffin~ promptly, Instll.Ktions to Contractor Of Owner: This S<J"~s Quot,' proper;)' sii:m~'d hy YOJr agent hllS heen ac(:(~pted us <llllhorlmlton to perform the wo:k, .-\n illvoi,:c wdl bc forw:itnkd to your offIce for payment wlv~:1th,< wnrk IS compkto.:d AU '.,nrk wIll be pmi'Ol'med in acco,d..;KC with the "Gcner;d Terms and C()lIoJ\lon," ....hJch <lrt' ~lrir*,d ,II':, attached and are inmrpol'Uted ht:ri.,in try rl't"cR'oce, X ApprOH"d by ValleyCrcst Rcpresentative X Apprond b)' Client Representath'c Date