HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem #10 MI Ranchito AGENDA ITEM COVER SHEET Meeting Date: February 6, 2007 Item # J 0 Contact Name: Contact Number: Ryan P. Howard, E.\. (407) 905-3100 ext. 1506 Reviewed By: Department Director: City Manager: ~ Subject: MI Ranchito Background Summary: This plat is for MI Ranchito, a 4.59 acre commercial development. Issue: The Engineering Department requests that the Mayor and City Commission approve the plat of MI Ranchito commercial development. Recommendations City Staff recommends approval of the plat of MI Ranchito as submitted and authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to sign the plat. Attachments: Mylar Plat Financial Impact: Type of Item: D Public Hearing D Ordinance First Reading D Ordinance First Reading D Resolution ~ Commission Approval D Discussion & Direction For Clerk's Deot Use: D Consent Agenda D Public Hearing D Regular Agenda D Original Document/Contract Attached for Execution by City Clerk D Original Document/Contract Held by Department for Execution Reviewed by City Attorney Reviewed by Finance Dept. Reviewed by (Planning) D N/A D N/A D N/A Commissioners Garv Hood. District 1 Scott Anderson. District 2 Rustv Johnson. District 3 Joel F. Keller. District 4 Mavor S. Scott Vandergrift Citv Manager Robert Frank STAFF REPORT TO: The Honorable Mayor and City Commissioners FROM: Ryan P. Howard,E.I. DATE: February 6, 2007 RE: MI Ranchito ISSUE The Engineering Department requests that the Mayor and City Commission approve the MI Ranchito commercial development plat. BACKGROUNDIDISCUSSION MI Ranchito commercial development is located on the south side of Silver Star Road bounded by Taylor Street to the west, the railroad tracks to the east, and Lee Street to the south. This plat is for a 4.59 acre commercial development. All neighboring lots are residential with the exception of the Tricor Shopping Plaza to the east of the railroad tracks. . All required documentation pertaining to the platting of this development has been reviewed and approved by City staff. [POINT OF COMMENCEMENT """'.....,.,..,..... MNOftltftIESTOOllNERCI tHE. SOUlHEAST 1/4 01' st:CTlCIIte.~22 lJOO1tt, ltANljI[ 21 EAST ... , ....... --" -~ I'" p.o.a II) I"l I~ ~ t~ .:" t.~!'> ~~~~ Wac ~ 15tl ~ ~ ~ w ! '" I '" SHEET 1 OF 1 !1UNGU/1r CENrE/( A FEPLAT 01= THE Fa..LClWIO LOl8 70, 71, 72 BIld 73 a M. 8IotoIl EUlOl't8lN 01= LOT atE THE TONN 01= OCOEE ACCOfDNQ TO THE PLAT ltEfEOF /IS fECClfIJED N PLAT BOOK F, PACE _ AKJ LOl8 20 BIld 21 01= ElI..OCK 1 01= THE MAP 01= OCOEE ACCOfDNQ TO THE PLAT TJeEOF /IS fECClfIJED N PLAT BOOK A. PAC& 100 AKJ 101 AKJ L.Of 12 HX. a.AfI(E EUlOl't8lN ACCOfDNQ TO THE PLAT TJeEOF /IS fECClfIJED N PLAT BOOK A. PACE 18 AU. N THE I'tIII.JC FECOIlO8 01= aw<<:lE ootMY. A..ClfIDAl AKJ A YACAllON 01= A f'OfI1lON 01= ICIElEIM& Ave AU. WIIHN SECIlClN" ~ 22 8ClUTH, IWIQE 28 EAST, CITY 01= OCOEE, aw<<:lE ootMY. FI..CR)A LEGAL ~P11ON Lola 70, 71, 72 and 73 of a... sam. SuI>cfJYWon of Lot One of tM Town of 0c0M occordlng to the plot th..~f oe re;corded ... Plat Book F. Pate 128 of the Public Records of 0r0l'l91 ColMty. Rorida; and lots 20 ald 21 of BIoek One of tile Wclp of 0c0M. accordIng to the plat thenof oe rKOrded In Plat Book A. Pages 100 and 101 of tM Public R.ccrde of Orange County, F1orido; and tot 12 of H.K. aerie. SUbdMIiIon of Block 2 occorcling to the plot. tMreof recorded In Plot 800Il A. Page 118 of the PubRc Records of Orange County. F1otfda; and that portion of U1. wcoted R1ght-of-Way 01 KlalmmM Avenue (60' ~t-of-Way) l)4ng South of SI'IIW Star Rood (State Rood No. 438) and North of lee Street (40' R19\t-of-Way) more partJc:uIorIy de8crbed 011 foIIowa: Commence at the Ncrthwat c:or"l*" of the Southeon ~ of 5ectfon US. Township 22 South, Range 28 Eo.t. Oronge County, t1or1do; thenctl run North 8T51'2e- EaSt along tho North line of mid Southeast Quarter 0 dhrtance of 638.05 feet thence RIll South 02"0B"34- East Q dlatance of 40.00 feet to the Int.-ctlon of the Sou"'-1)' RIght-of-Way line of $1__ St. Rood (State Rood No. 4J8 an 80' Right-Of-Way) and TQ)4cr Sbwt (a 8(/ R~t-of-Way) CIa It exiIIts today, .., point being the Point of 8eginnhQ; ~ run North 87"51'28" Eoat a&ong IlClid Scuth.-ty Rlght-ot-Way line of SI...... Stcr Rood a chtance of 785.!50 fMt to the CI.Jr'-..d w..terly RIght-of-Way 11M of Florida Central R13.-oad (a 8(/ fUght-ot-Woy) MIld curw concaw Southeasterly haYIng a rodIuI of 1854.4!5 feet (detto-onO,..... chord dtetance-2ge,19 feet. dlord bear1ng - South 10'0/5'06. West); thence run oion9 the arc of IICdd curved Right-at-Way line a dIlIt~ of 2517.10 fMt to the Nartherly RiWlt-of-Way line of L.ee Street (a 40' Rlght-ol-Way) thence Nfl South 89"57"11' West along ad Norttt.iy Rl9ht-of-Way 1"- a distance of 701.46 fMt to tM Eo8t<<1y Rtght-of-Way IIN of Ta)for str.et, th~ run North OO'6'M- w.t along aGId Easta1y RJgtIt-of-Wa)' IFie a d&ri:ance of 2S6.3e fNt to tM Point 01 8egInnln9o cont13Filng 199.446.61 8q. ft.. 4.57 ocnttI more Of" 1-. GRAPHIC SCALE 'h - -lJ-J - - (!If"") 1 tDcb _ flU It. JI.~L -R/W REC ajrJ' CJJl LB Pl10 _ lAST 1/4 CCIlNEJIt Of SEC1ION '" -~J~ '1' i ft/VI 1< 1< SILVER STAR ROAD - ~. 438 (80' RfWL (lULULA S1REET) .& A PO. !GO .... ---".,...,. ".03 toltIT51'26"'E 781.72' ,- 1< I I I 1<<\l;1:I~1 P.._'.1'G-12IJ I I I I I I I I I I LOT 11 I t ~.:::.;:......I .....:r~ I ~.:r........ (II",OT0€1QlMoIaTl€ OFUJfO€'IO'a<<<_ f1fLOllNtlr:Ml<:6"* ~'~I'G-"'m :::"'~po'oc:::g ~'~I'G-<<fg -<<= PAA.l'G-l00 ~ i~~ i: ~ -<<~ ~ P.8,I<.PO.I(lO ~~r >0 ~l!J ~ 8 '" ~ % ill S2.<> J ~ ~ LEE STREET (40' R/W).&, PO. ,. ..... R/_ -R/W1. 1 ~ I ............. "11. ."'"rl;~m1n ,k ow. a ~AI.. CXHiUl1JNG ENGMERS fa S. DENtINQ DRS\'E ...-mt p.... FURDA 32188 PH: (401) 1S22-8J22 fAX: (<t07) 822-t325 EMAl..:~COY 701.46 NCIR1HR/WLlME LEE sr. ~ - , ~ IIlmS;. ...... '" 19 $I6"0Y06"\/ 1. IUMm IWlEJ) CIN NOlt1H lIE OF SOO"HAST f/4 (E SEtftON 1.1, ~ 22 SOU1H. JtNrIiE . [A$T flOC Ie ent1'Z1"l. 2. " fIUlf'f:1UM. NON-rlIQ..U!IIt fASDIENT flit Aa;:ESS CMII AU. ~ ""'CO AIIEAS ..... LOT 1 15 HDlIIn' CIWfIID TO 1HE QTT or OCOEE AND 01tU N'f'I.JCMu: NJlHCII1ES RJR LAW EWalCDlIMT. fill[ "., 01HfJt BIIJlCiI!NCT l!IfJNCB. &A . .& , .... PO. ...... ".CI. .,... ... l;.. ... 1O ... ... lA ~ ... .... U.[. -.... ST". ROH) lJWIIl[ ClUI1'I' JUlUC RfCCIIDS :=-.., JEalllI$ (0lWIliE CQam') ....TY ....-T WilIIl;. A. 7. WHIQ.IlNl: lNGIlESS .llNDlQIllSSISLNtO to..\Gt SfAR aoM) (SJt. 4.31) NG TA..... SIf&T PER QlY ~ OCUE. PLAT BOOK PAGE MUNGUIA CENlER DEDlCA nON KNOW AU WDt BY lt€SE PRESENlS, lhat 1M ~ nMled beIow.bein9 theCJMWIll.........otthelondl~lll.thekn- P'9 caption to thII plat, hnby dd:GteI .ad .. .. pkt far h UMI and purJlOlMI hIrtIn ....... CJtd delIcateI the 10 fMt IOUtb of 8CIUttl R-o-W.... of Shw star ReS. IbMn hInon . hct A. to the COy" 0.-. .. 'IllNESS VOECF. .... CGlMd theM ~ to be ..,.. GIld atteated to b)'h offtcr named ~ and Ita (lOfpClr'GttJ... to IMt afInd hereto CIft the .,y~ ~5..~~~ ~ - RJJII)A .OOUNTY OF. ORANGE ntS IS 10 CERlIFY, That gn /)~kr #.~ "L1IPt. beberM,...ofIk:<<~autbclrtledtotaM~.. the stote and Ooultty abwakI, ptf'IOIl(ty~. . LECIrIEllUllUA .ofthe<lbovlllGn'ltdc;uporatkln incorpor<ltedundlrhlwaoflhestcd.eofAorldo. to_1lr..-. to be thebHdual cmcI ofIow.dacrtled n (WId 'Iho ~ Ute --"",--...- thereof to be thW .... act. _ died .. IlICtl oftIcer '*-'tto ""'.....................................-."'" afIIlDId", ondlhat theMlidDldlcutian II h oct and..., of .ud mporation. ;-t IN .-n€SS 1ttERE(lf', I fIlM bnunto ...my.....""'.........__ .. ~~~!o~;; CER1F1CA lE Of SURVEYOR KNOW ALL WEN BY "'HESE PRESEH1'S , 1Mt the .....,...., .., a IIceneed aid regI:IWed land ~, doa hereby ca-tIfy tnGt on . . he~tht...-.yofthe.......... ...~........ ""'or.. W .... plot II 11 COfNd f'llIPNIMtoUon of...,.... deecrIIed _ pIotMf .. ..... tMt. pem'mIIlt........., . IMM pieced or ... ..... .. ~ by ~.11? .. stcrtut..;.. ht.-J ..." Iocoted III f\ aty of.,....~, ~., _ Rorida. _~. ~........"j);.'o/"....-tl.. HlMIEt '..'. ,. . ,', Reg. No. 2 \. .... For the hl <<JolIn a WIbb" ~ hc...LB If7IJ 925 S. 0ennIllt Of'hoe. .... Pen. Aor1dI '12789 Examined .... --- B~~: - I 'Jo1:7 CIty Plcnmg Ohctor ~lf~ /f;....;f C, a-.. J~ U!P7 CIty rngne. Dele ........ed .... --- ~lfJ.~~F~ ~YOR """,.I-tS.too"! ~, Pnlt Nln<<. C'foWlo(S &. G....,.o...Jrf:. Cclmpany tIlAc:-r(( ....... '-41 J~. ~ RegIItNtionO~~~ ~(,"l,~ Bo$~H ~~ ntS IS 10 CERlFY. 1hot Clr\ the foregohg ptot or pkIn 1JOI ~ by the 90crd of at)' ComITlillrllclnen of Ocoee, F1orida. CIty Attomey -- .. ..... -. Clty_ CER1IFICAlE Of COUNTY CXlIIPlROUfll l.W'"~~n.-=-=-~"-"'n=. stotut.,<<id_fledfer....w<<L. . crt r:JtNo. .......- .. "'- """"" """" . D.~