HomeMy WebLinkAbout04-12-2018 CRA Agenda Packet COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCYREGULAR MEETING Ocoee Commission Chambers 150 North Lakeshore Drive Ocoee, Florida Thursday, April12, 2018AGENDA6:15p.m. CALL TO ORDER I.Roll Call and Determination of Quorum II.Public Comments III.Approval of Minutes of the January 16, 2018,CRA RegularMeeting IV.Staff Updates Assistant City Manager Craig Shadrix 1.CRA Board Meeting Overview Meet the Ocoee CRA Redevelopment Team Redevelopment Outlook Past Legislative Session CRA Actions Promoting the CRA & the City as a Whole Contract CRA Administrator GingerCorless 2.Fifty West –A Destination Branding & Marketing the Redevelopment District as a destination Designation of the Community Redevelopment Districtas Fifty West Contract CRA Administrator Ginger Corless 3.FY 2016-2017Annual Report CRAAdministrative Assistant ShannonHopper 4.Update of Ocoeecra.com 1-1 Urban DesignerPeter Kisickiand Contract CRA Administrator Ginger Corless 5.Greening upFifty West Old Winter Garden Road Median Plantings North Blackwood Avenue Streetscape SR50 Landscape Grant Contract CRA Administrator Ginger Corless 6.Fifty West Wellness Park Contract CRA Administrator Ginger Corless 7.Other Projects & Upcoming Activities Best Fest Participation Lake Bennet Fountain Update Turnpike Sign Update Story Road Repaving West Orange Times Wrap Banner Program Transformer Box Art Program Existing Business Outreach Program City Planner Mike Rumer and Contracted Economic Development Consultant Angel de la Portilla 8.Economic Development Update Assistant City Manager Craig Shadrix 9.Midyear Budget Modificationsfor Capital Projects City Attorney Scott Cookson 10.Colony Plaza Update V.Board Comments ADJOURNMENT PLEASE NOTE: IN ACCORDANCE WITH FLORIDA STATUTES 286.0105: ANY PERSON WHO DESIRES TO APPEAL ANY DECISION AT THIS MEETING WILL NEED A RECORD OF THE PROCEEDINGS AND FOR THIS PURPOSE MAY NEED TO ENSURE THAT A VERBATIM RECORD OF THE PROCEEDINGS IS MADE WHICH INCLUDES THE TESTIMONY AND EVIDENCE UPON WHICH THE APPEAL IS BASED. ALSO, IN ACCORDANCE WITH FLORIDA STATUTE286.26: PERSONS WITHDISABILITIES NEEDING ASSISTANCE TO PARTICIPATE IN ANYOF THESE PROCEEDINGSSHOULD CONTACT THE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK, 150 N. LAKESHORE DRIVE, OCOEE, FL 34761, (407) 905 -3105 48 HOURS IN ADVANCE OF THE MEETING. 1-2 CITY OF OCOEE, FLORIDA OCOEE COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY April 12,2018 CRA Board Members Rosemary Wilsen(407) 905-3112 office rwilsen@ocoee.org Commissioner/CRA Chair John Grogan(407) 905-3112 office jgrogan@ocoee.org Commissioner/CRA Vice Chair Rusty Johnson(407) 905-3112 office rjohnson@ocoee.org Mayor/CRA Board Member Richard Firstner(407) 905-3112 office rfirstner@ocoee.org Commissioner/CRA Board Member George Oliver III(407) 905-3112 office goliver@ocoee.org Commissioner/CRA Board Member Todd Duncan (407) 467-7702 cell todd.duncan@healthcentral.org Citizen CRA Board Member Randy June(407)325-1422 office randy@jec3.com Orange County CRA Board Member Staff Rob Frank (407) 905-3100 x 1500 office rfrank@ocoee.org City Manager/CRA Executive Director Craig Shadrix(407)905-3100 x 1081 office craig.shadrix@ocoee.org Assistant City Manager Michael Rumer(407) 905-3100 x 1018 office mrumer@ocoee.org City Planner Virginia “Ginger” Corless(407) 905-3100 x 1028 office vcorless@ocoee.org ContractCRA Administrator Shannon Hopper(407) 905-3100 x 1027 office shopper@ocoee.org CRA Administrative Assistant Legal Counsel Scott A. Cookson, Esq.(407) 581-9800scookson@shuffieldlowman.com Shuffield, Lowman & Wilson, P.A. COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY MEETING Ocoee Commission Chambers 150 North Lakeshore Drive Ocoee, Florida January 16, 2018MINUTES5:30 p.m. I.Roll Call and Determination of Quorum -5:30PM CRA Chair Wilsen called the Community Redevelopment Area Board to order at 5:30 p.m. in the Commission Chambers of City Hall. City Clerk Sibbitt called roll and declared a quorum present. Roll Call: Vice-Chair Grogan, Chair Wilsen, Member Johnson, Member Firstner, Member Keller, and Member Duncan. Also Present:City Manager Frank, Assistant City Manager Shadrix, City Attorney Cookson, and City Clerk Sibbitt. II.Public Comments -None III.Approval of Minutes of the November 20, 2017, Regular CRA Board Meeting-5:30 PM Member Keller, seconded by Member Johnson, moved to approve the CRA minutes of the Meeting on November 20, 2017, as presented. Motion carried 6-0. IV.CRA Board Member Appointment –Orange County Nominee, Randy June (Discussion Only)-5:30 PM CRA ChairWilsenshared that Orange County has made their nominee appointment to the CRA Board which will be approved this evening at the City Commission Meeting. Mr. Randy June was nominated to serve on the CRA Board. CRA Meeting 01-16-2018 Page 1 V.Extension of the Development and Economic Incentive Agreement for City Center West Orange Phase 1-5:31 PM City Planner Rumerbriefed the CRA Board on the extension of the Development and Economic Incentive Agreement for City Center West Orange Phase 1. He explainedthat a Second Amendment to the Development and Economic Incentive Agreement for City Center West Orange was presented to the City Commission and was approved, extending dates for the completion of the site work and submittals for the vertical work of the buildings.In part,due to the hurricane and some technical issues with Duke Energy,staff recognized that certain milestones within the original and first amended agreement neededadditional time;and therefore, a Second Amendment to the Development and Economic Incentive Agreement was required.He further explained they are on target to meet the constructiondeadlineof the infrastructure which includes public roads, water/sewer, and stormwater pond. With the extension of the Development Agreement the developer will have to submit the vertical building permit and acquire the permit. City Planner Rumerstatedhe has written a second letter to Duke Energy regarding the transformers being located within the City Center building so they arenot locatedwithin the right-of-way; and furthermore,the developer is designing the building to housethe transformers. He will keep the board updatedon when the vertical permits are submitted as that will be the determination of the actuality of the project. CRAMember Kellerinquired if the transformer issue was similar to the broadband communication box issue that many Cities areexperiencing. City Planner Rumersaid the transformers are strictly for power to the buildingsso this isnotthe same issue. Brief discussion ensued on thebroadband communication box issue. VI.Capital Improvement Update –Old Winter Garden Road Landscape Beautification-5:35 PM Urban Planner Kisicki gave an update on the Capital Improvements on Old Winter Garden Road.He provided apresentation that covered the existing conditions and the proposed median improvements from Maguire Road to Blackwood Avenueas well as theproposed overall concept plan for the landscape beautification.At the conclusion of his presentation,he shared that at the next CRA meeting he will havethe Blackwood Avenue update. Discussion ensued with regards to acrosswalk being located on Old Winter Garden Road near Walmartand if that location would be feasible for a crosswalk.City Attorney Cooksonshared that if they were to consider acrosswalkin that location,then the City wouldjusthave to comply with the regulations and standards that are in place for crosswalks such as flashing lights. CRA Member Duncaninquired if the landscape includes drought-tolerant plants.Urban Planner Kisickiansweredthat most of the plants are native plants and are drought tolerant. VII.Settlement Agreement –Colony Plaza Demolition Lien and Other Liens-5:47 PM Angel de la Portilla, Economic Development Manager/Consultant, gave a brief PowerPoint presentation that covered the history of the Colony Plaza, important timelinesin the settlement negotiations,and the demolition of the Colony Plaza along with the liens that were placed on this property. He further shared that the owner/developer are prepared to move forward with the redevelopment with terms set forth in the Settlement Agreement,and within 60 days the City’s CRA will receive the settlement amount of $1.1 million. The owner/developer has also agreed to redevelop the property to be consistent with the masterplans set forth in 2010 and has committed CRA Meeting 01-16-2018 Page 2 to complete Phase 1 of the development on or before December 31, 2018. Further details were provided on the CRA revenue projected once developed. CRAVice-ChairGroganinquired if the Old Winter Garden Road extension would tie into this project.Assistant City Manager Shadrixexplainedthat it is part of the target area,but it is not part of this masterplan development project. Brief discussion ensued. CRA Member Kellersaid one of the potential businessesmentioned in the presentation was a bar,but he thought that bars were only allowed in the industrial areas.Assistant City Manager Shadrixstatedbars are allowed in some commercial zoning areas. CRA Member Keller, seconded by CRA Member Johnson,movedto approve the Settlement Agreement with the Owners (defined in the Settlement Agreement) by releasing all City liens, including the demolition lien, with the payment of $1,105,406.21; and further,permit redevelopment of the property consistent with the Concept Plan and Design Standardsattached to the Settlement Agreement. Motion carried 6-0. VIII.CRA Board Member Meeting Dates-6:01 PM City Planner Rumerannounced that the by-laws require they have four meetings a year. Tonight is the first meeting of the year. They have a list of dates before them in their packet and th only one date does not work,which is April 17.City Planner Rumerexplained they will need a meeting in April to go over the annual updates. After a brief discussion, consensusof the CRA th Boardwas to have a CRA meeting on Thursday, April 12at 6:15 p.m.City Planner Rumer further announced that the third and fourth meetingsthey have scheduled will be tied with the Budget Workshops in August. IX.Board Member Comments-None ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 6:05p.m. Attest:APPROVED: _________________________________________________________ Melanie Sibbitt, SecretaryRosemary Wilsen, Chair CRA Meeting 01-16-2018 Page 3 2017 ANNUAL REPORT IN MOTION Planning Ocoee CRA TABLE OF CONTENTS 407.905.3100 3 BOARD MEMBERS Rosemary Wilsen, Commissioner and CRA Chair 4 John Grogan, Commissioner and CRA Vice Chair Rusty Johnson, Mayor and CRA Board Member 5 Richard Firstner, Commissioner and CRA Board Member 6 Joel F. Keller, Commissioner and CRA Board Member Todd Duncan, Citizen CRA Board Member 8 Randy June, Orange County CRA Board Member STAFF 10 Rob Frank, City Manager/CRA Executive Director 12 Craig Shadrix, Assistant City Manager Michael Rumer, City Planner, Development Services 13 Virginia “Ginger” Corless, Contract CRA Administrator GREAT PLACES Shannon Hopper, CRA Administrative Assistant 14 LEGAL COUNSEL 15 Scott A. Cookson, Esq., This Annual Report serves to meet the requirements of Section 163.3 9 (c), Florida Statutes, whereas, each CRA in Florida must prepare a report Creating 2 | ocoeecra.com OCOEE CRA for Change CRAs Facilitate Community RevitalizationFifty West Community Redevelopment District Community Redevelopment Agencies (CRAs) are important in facilitating and validating the revitalization of economically Fifty West, was established in 2006 and consists of 1,070 acres underperforming blighted areas. CRAs are created at the local level centering on State Road 50, Ocoee’s primary commercial corridor. to provide not only a governing board, but also to gain access to tax With the District currently set to sunset in 2036, redevelopment as articulated by the District’s Vision Statement, Redevelopment Plan and subsequent planning initiatives, such as the Special Area Target TIF revenues are generated from increasing property values within Development Plan, is starting to be realized. a redevelopment district as public infrastructure improvements revenue over the level of the base year is paid into the District’s with increasing revenues and private reinvestment to create Fifty Redevelopment Trust Fund and is to be used only within the West as a thriving contemporary commercial destination that District as called for in the Community Redevelopment Plan provides diverse employment and annual budgeting process. opportunities and enhances the Tax increment revenues quality of life for not only the stay in the District, allowing CRAs use tax increment revenues to leverage other monies such as businesses and residents of the grants, public/private partnerships, as well as for the planning and the CRA to invest in public District, but the region. implementation of public infrastructure projects. infrastructure and stimulate private reinvestment. CRA TAX INCREMENT REVENUES HAVE INCREASED BY OVER THE LAST 5 YEARS 2017 OCOEE CRA ANNUAL REPORT | 3 429 To Sanford (Approx. 39 miles) To Apopka (Approx. 11 miles) OCOEE E. Silver Star Rd. 438 Apopka-Vineland Rd. Lake N. Hiawassee Rd. E. Silver Star Rd. Maguire Rd. Apopka Lake Clarke Rd. t Starke e e r t S t n a l P 429 White Rd. Winter Garden Good Homes Rd. Story Rd. West Oaks Mall 50 50 To Clermont 408 (Approx. 16 miles) To Orlando O l d W in t e r G a rd e n R d . (Approx. 16 miles) 408 Maguire Rd. 429 Sanford Map of Surrounding Area 417 Gotha I-4 429 Apopka FLORIDA TURNPIKE Maitland Winter OCOEE Garden Kirkman Rd. 50 50 408 Clermont Orlando 417 429 FLORIDA TURNPIKE I-4 Windermere Lake Down UNIVERSAL Lake DISNEY ORLANDO Butler RESORT The Fifty West Community Redevelopment District sits along a 2-mile stretch of SR 50 and is easily accessible from the Florida Turnpike, the East-West roadway extensions serving the rest of the community. Ocoee is just minutes from downtown Orlando, Disney World, the Convention Center Area and the Orlando International Airport, as well as other large scale employers in the area. Fifty West is anchored by our beautiful 1.1 million square foot West Oaks Mall and Orlando Health Central Hospital, in addition to a full array of other retail and service businesses. All Roads 4 | ocoeecra.com Success FIFTY WEST FIFTY WEST currently serves as a primary Taxable Property Value increased from Commercial Corridor for the City $155,484,355 when the District was Citywide population has nearly doubled since 2000 – established to $227,014,355 in 2017 providing access to over 43,000 people 43,072 39,726 35,579% 26,546 INCREASE 46 2000 2010 20152017 Census Census EstimateEstimate BUSINESS FRIENDLY OCOEE • Development incentive program assistance FIFTY WEST IS HOME TO OVER • Tap into the City’s job-creation tax- abatement program • CRA public/private partnership 1/3 , 3508500 opportunities HEALTHCARE OR HEALTHCARE RELATED BUSINESSES EMPLOYEES Check out the City of Ocoee’s Economic Development Viewer Redevelopment District | www.ocoee.org/856/economicdevelopment 2017 OCOEE CRA ANNUAL REPORT | 5 SR 429 Master Plan and Overlay District The SR 429 Master Plan is a planning initiative in which the City of Ocoee, City’s Planning Initiatives assist in Creating Fifty Ocoee CRA and the City of Winter West as a “Regional Destination” Garden collaborated. The SR 429 Over the past year, the City has continued with planning and implementation activities related to the Downtown Master Plan and the surrounding the three interchanges along SR 429 in Ocoee. The Master Plan will have an immense impact on Fifty West in a manner that furthers the provided recommendations to enhance City’s Redevelopment District as a regional destination. connectivity, development standards and place making. The City of Ocoee has Downtown Master Plan and Implementation moved forward in drafting development standards for the areas within the City, Florida American Planning Association (FAPA), Award of Excellence, including areas within the Fifty West 2017 & the Florida Planning & Zoning Association (FPZA) Outstanding Plan Award, 2017 recipient. Redevelopment District. A major focus of the Plan is creating the SR 429 corridor as a choice location of high Downtown Master Plan. Using $43 million dollars’ worth of bonds, quality targeted industries. projects include stormwater, utilities, roadways, relocation of City Hall, expansion of the Lakeshore Center, and redevelopment of the Bill Breeze Park at Starke Lake. All these projects have been carefully planned in order to realize the vision for Ocoee’s Downtown as a viable mixed-use environment having a consistent design theme, which is connected to major roadways and the local network, including primary access from the south through Fifty West at Bluford Avenue. Planning 6 | ocoeecra.com Planning Leads to Redevelopment concentrated on implementing planning initiatives and programs as outlined in the award winning CRA Target Areas Special Development Plan focusing on the three target areas. Target Area 1: Located south of SR 50, west of Maguire Road, north of the Recipient of the FAPA 2011 Award of Merit Target Area 2: Located north of SR 50, east of Bluford Avenue, south of In the near future: Area will support urban land uses with a design focus that transitions from urban to suburban in nature, enhance roadway connections and integrate Lake Fifty West will include centers of Bennet as a park feature. vibrant, urban, mixed-use development providing enhanced pedestrian and Target Area 3: Located south of SR 50, west of SR 408, north of Old uses, diverse economic base, a mix of housing types, a shared responsibility of should continue the contemporary urban medical campus while enhancing transportation connectivity. and parks, creating an enhanced image and contemporary development form. Target Area 1Target Area 2Target Area 3 2017 OCOEE CRA ANNUAL REPORT | 7 THE CRA HAS MADE TREMENDOUS PROGRESS in facilitating the redevelopment of each target area. Through active negotiations, development agreements, and partnerships, private investment is occurring at a record pace and redevelopment goals are being achieved as demonstrated in the following development. Maguire-50 Located in Target Area 1, the redevelopment of this area is of Hotel; a major blight factor in establishing the City of Ocoee’s hours to gain control of the site including the implosion of the Colony Plaza Hotel in 2009 and in major settlement negotiations to clear land ownership issues. During 2016-2017, the City the current land owners that not only repays the CRA in excess of a million dollars, but also includes a site plan to move forward that follows the intent of the Redevelopment Plan and the CRA Target Areas Special Development Plan. Phase 1 of the site plan includes the construction of two buildings totaling 14,822 square feet and related parking and landscaping. At buildout, the site Target Area 1 may include up to 52,050 square feet. Potential tenants include both sit down and fast casual restaurants, grocery store, pub/brewery, hotel, light retail, The redevelopment of the site at buildout Breaking is estimated to increase the site’s taxable property value by an estimated $22 million. 8 | ocoeecra.com City Center West Orange Located in Target Area 2, City Center West Orange broke ground on Phase 1 of a major mixed-use development. When complete, Phase I will include an 8-story building containing 54,250 square feet of retail, 75,000 square feet of restaurant, 314 residential dwelling units. Also to be constructed in Phase 1, is a building that will contain 20,820 square feet of retail, 22,040 lushly landscaped, provide recreational amenities and an internal parking facility. Construction has initiated on the site, as well as on the master stormwater system and the extension of Maine Street to connect to N. Blackwood Avenue, providing direct Target Area 2 access to the development from SR 50. 54,25075,00060,000 square feet of retailsquare feet of restaurant Orlando Health’s Health Central Medical Campus Target Area 3 is comprised of Orlando Target Area 3 Health’s recently expanded Health Central Medical Campus. Major medical related construction is currently underway with the construction of the Orlando Health-University of Florida Health Cancer Clinic, a $100 million, 30,000 square foot facility. Additionally, Orlando Health is The Fifty West undertaking additional development Redevelopment that includes a 110 bed, Center for District is being transformed, 95,000 square feet with an estimated join us! also plans to construct a 31,000 square foot Skilled Nursing Facility in the near future. 2017 OCOEE CRA ANNUAL REPORT | 9 CONSTRUCTION WAS INITIATED OR COMPLETED on the following developments in 2017. Fifty West is booming and open for business. 11920 W. Colonial Drive 1234 Westrun Road 11920 W. Colonial Drive 11814 W. Colonial Drive Open Paws & Play Pet Resort 10 | ocoeecra.com DURING 2017 OVER 10 BUSINESSES OPENED IN FIFTY WEST, RESULTING IN OVER: 150,000302 10880 W. Colonial Drive 906 Oasis Palm Circle An average of 5 10923 W. Colonial Drive10870 W. Colonial Drive months between site plan submittal to permit. 2017 OCOEE CRA ANNUAL REPORT | 11 THE OCOEE CRA understands that promotion, marketing and the Ocoee CRA Promotes Fifty West sponsoring of special events are key to increasing the District’s regional recognition as a thriving urban commercial corridor and mixed-use In 2017, the CRA actively promoted destination. Marketing and promotional activities the Ocoee CRA Fifty West to local, regional, national and international business and real estate interests. On March 31st, the West Orange Chamber of Commerce held CENFLO BEST FEST in Ocoee. BEST FEST is the For the past nine years (2009-2017), the Central largest food tasting and business expo in Florida Film Festival has been held at one of the West Orange County. The CRA staffed CRA’s most iconic and successful businesses; the West Orange Cinema, which an informational booth to promote the itself was renovated through an assistance grant from the CRA. Since being District to over 1,000 attendees. Film Festival was held during the Labor Day Weekend (9/1-9/3), with over As a member of the International Council of Shopping Centers (ICSC), the within the CRA by Festival participants. Films were submitted from 11 City and CRA attended events in both Las Vegas (May 21st-24th) and Orlando (August 28th-29th) where they provided Founders’ Day information on the District to potential retail business interests. during the event. In 2017, Founders Day was held November 3rd-4th and there was an estimated 15,000-20,000 attendees during the two-day event. Engagement 12 | ocoeecra.com Numbers Financial Reporting CRA REVENUES % 0 of the City Clerk and distributed to the taxing authorities paying into the % Redevelopment Trust Fund, including Orange County. 27 % 37 FISCAL YEAR 2016-2017 REVENUES The following were the revenues contained within the Ocoee CRA’s Redevelopment Trust Fund for FY 2016-2017: % 36 Opening Cash Balance $286,727 Property Taxes $480,381 $272,828 $207,553 Miscellaneous Revenue $9 CRA EXPENDITURES Fiscal Year 2016-2017 Expenditures % During FY 2016-2017, the CRA’s emphasis was on operational, planning 31 were $48,053 and $102,182 in funds were transferred out to the City of % 69 It is noted that $618,882 remained in the Redevelopment Trust Fund improvement projects for FY 2017-2018, pursuant to Florida Statutes. For more information on the CRA budget visit www.ocoeecra.com/268/CRA-Budgets 2017 OCOEE CRA ANNUAL REPORT | 13 Enhancing the Urban Environment spaces, parks, and stormwater facilities. Over the next year, the CRA will move forward with several capital projects meant to enhance the overall quality of aesthetics within Fifty West. A few of these include: • Old Winter Garden Road Median Landscaping lorida Department of Transportation (FDOT) has Old Winter Garden Road is located along the southern recently completed the reconstruction of SR 50 from a border of the Redevelopment District and functions as four to a six-lane facility from SR 429 to Good Homes an important east-west roadway alternative to SR 50. with FDOT to install median landscaping. Landscape landscaping between Maguire Road and S. Blackwood installation is estimated to begin in late summer 2018. Avenue. • Blackwood Avenue Streetscape Blackwood Avenue, north of SR 50, will serve as a major within an area is expressed through the overall Horizon entryway connection to the new Ocoee Town Center. visual characteristic of its built environment. Improvements include roadway resurfacing, sidewalk improvements, and landscaped medians. 14 | ocoeecra.com RUSTEAK review ratings: Trip Advisor Cultivating Facebook Google RusTeak at Maguire Crossings RusTeak’s menu changes seasonally and boasts RusTeak Restaurant and Wine Bar is owned and operated by two graduates In 2012, while visiting Ocoee, the owners decided to open a polished casual also feature over 200 wines from around the world, 22 later, RusTeak opened its doors at 1568 Maguire Road. handcrafted signature cocktails that change seasonally. RusTeak soon became one of the most popular restaurants and wine bars in West Orange County; and in late 2016, they expanded, nearly doubling in size. including their General Manager, Meaghan Halley, When the owners were asked to describe RusTeak, they responded: a longtime local resident. For reservations or “We are proud to be fresh, local, and approachable. Whether you are out for an information, contact RusTeak at 407.614.3765 evening of casual dining or dressed to impress, you are welcome at RusTeak.” or at www.rusteak@live.com. RusTeak won the Wine Spectator Award of Excellence in 2014, 2015, 2016, and 2017. Owners, Brian Buttner and Jonathan CanonacoFriday night dining at RusTeakGeneral Manager, Meaghan Halley The Ocoee CRA understands the importance of our new and existing businesses located within the Fifty West District and will begin highlighting one business each quarter. Check out www.ocoeecra.com Which business will be the next talk of the town? 2017 OCOEE CRA ANNUAL REPORT | 15 150 N. Lakeshore Drive, Ocoee, FL 34761 407.905.3100 x 1027 ocoeecra.com