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Item #06 Approval of Most Valuable Partnership Grants – Cycle 2017/2018
• ``1 ocoee florido AGENDA ITEM COVER SHEET Meeting Date: April 17, 2018 Item # 6 Reviewed By: Contact Name: Joy P. Wright Department Director: i '7 Contact Number: 407-905-3100 x9-1530 City Manager: Subject: Most Valuable Partnership Grants—Cycle 2017/2018 Background Summary: The Most Valuable Partnership Grants Program has been in operation for several years. The grant program assists Ocoee neighborhoods and organizations with projects that will enhance property values and improve the quality of life in Ocoee. The MVP grant program is a matching grant program held annually in November. The maximum matching grant award is $2,000. Funding is not given up front, but is reimbursed at the completion of the organization's project. Applicants pay for their improvement projects and then get a portion back, up to a maximum of$2,000. Four applications were submitted: Innovation Montessori of Ocoee, Sleepy Harbor HOA, Windsor Landing HOA and Woman's Club of Ocoee. The following three organizations are recommended to receive grants: Sleepy Harbor HOA, Windsor Landing HOA and Woman's Club of Ocoee. Innovation Montessori of Ocoee is not recommended to receive a grant. Innovation Montessori of Ocoee's grant request does not meet the MVP Grant criteria. The school is requesting a grant to purchase items related to their ArtEco event including signs, stage rental, art supplies, mobile app for the event, operational costs and clean up and maintenance. The three recommended organizations are requesting a total of $6,000. There is $12,000 in grant funding available. Issue: Should the Mayor and Commissioners approve the $6,000 funding recommendation? Recommendations: Staff respectfully requests that the Mayor and City Commission approve Sleepy Harbor HOA, Windsor Landing HOA and Woman's Club of Ocoee, provided these groups submit the necessary paperwork at the conclusion of their projects. Attachments: MVP Grant Applications Financial Impact: Total amount requested is $6,000. There is $12,000 available for the MVP Grant program in FY 2017/18. • Listed below are the three organizations recommended to receive an MVP Grant: 1. Sleepy Harbor HOA Paint subdivision wall, pressure wash, repair and prep stucco, paint wall landscape plants at entrance, replace dead and declining plants, replace sprinkler timer Amount requested: $2,000 Staff recommendation: $2,000 2.Windsor Landing HOA Purchase and install playground equipment near the basketball court Amount requested: $2,000 Staff recommendation: $2,000 3. Woman's Club of Ocoee Improve handicapped access to the building by making it non-skid, raise concrete and add ramp to southside entrance, add railing, add concrete parking pads at two handicapped parking spaces. Amount requested: $2,000 Staff recommendation: $2,000 Total Requested: $6,000 Staff Recommendation: $6,000 Type of Item: (please mark with an `x') Public Hearing For Clerk's Dept Use: Ordinance First Reading X Consent Agenda Ordinance Second Reading Public Hearing Resolution Regular Agenda Commission Approval Discussion&Direction Original Document/Contract Attached for Execution by City Clerk Original Document/Contract Held by Department for Execution Reviewed by City Attorney N/A Reviewed by Finance Dept. N/A Reviewed by N/A innvUct` '0n OflieSSogi d cot-e cp I w'°I•11` City of Ocoee Most Valuable Partnerships (MVP) Awards Ocoee's Neighborhood Matching Grants Program 2017/2018 Application Form and Instructions Deadline for Application is 5 p.m. on November 30, 2017 Final Report to receive grant monies is due August 3, 2018 Applications will be accepted by mail or hand delivery to: Community Relations, 150 N.Lakeshore Drive,Ocoee,Florida 34761 l ,JG� / : / I// s Date Received: / / ,_5 City of Ocoee Most Valuable Partnerships(MVP)Awards Ocoee's Neighborhood Matching Grants Program PLEASE PRINT OR TYPE Name of Neighborhood or Organization:Innovation Montessori Ocoee Project Leader:Cynd'I Maners Address for Project Leader:416 Tranquille Oaks Dr. Ocoee, FL 34761 Phone Nos.for Project Leader(Day) 407-654-2045 (Evening)407-654-2045 Email Address:cyndi@innovationmontessori.com Describe the neighborhood or project boundaries using streets&landmarks. The boundaries must be within the City of Ocoee. If the project serves a population without specific physical boundaries,please describe the population served: This event will be held at on the new IMO campus located at 1610 N Lakewood Ave. This event will serve children and families in the Ocoee community. FOR NEIGHBORHOOD GROUPS,PLEASE ANSWER THE NEXT SECTION ON FORMAL AND INFORMAL HOMEOWNERS' GROUPS. FOR COMMUNITY ORGANIZATIONS, PLEASE ANSWER l'HE SECTION FOLLOWING THAT. Does your neighborhood have an official homeowners' association(legal entity)? If Yes: (If No,skip to section on the next page.) When was it formed? How many members are in the association? Are the members all homeowners in the neighborhood? What is the official homeowners' association's organizational structure? (President,V.P.,Committees,etc.) How does the association elect its leadership? When and how often are elections held? If No: Do you have an active neighborhood group? When was it organized? How many members are in the group? How many homes are in your neighborhood? What is your group's organizational structure? (President,Vice-President, Committees,etc.) How does your neighborhood group elect its leadership? When and how often are elections held? For community organizations which are not"neighborhoods",please answer the following questions: What is the name of your organ»ation? Innovation Montessori Ocoee/The Green Team Is your organization a formal"non-profit",an informal civic group, or other(please explain): Public Charter School/Non-Profit How many people are members or clients of your organization? 400/10 Are all members or clients of your organization either businesses or residents of the City of Ocoee? n0 If not,how many(either by number or percentage)are? 100% of our employees will be working at the Ocoee campus by December 20th. Approx 40% of our students and families are located in Ocoee/Winter Garden. The rest are located in the West Orange area. All Applicants Should Complete the Remainder of the Application: Please list the activities and projects your neighborhood or orgini7ation has accomplished in the past two years: In the past two years our organization has doubled in size. We have purchased property in Ocoee and built our primary building. Our second, much larger building will be complete by the end of the year.We are extremely environmentally conscious. We are offering the Ocoee community a FREE unique education on a green friendly campus.We strive to "give back"and teach our students community pride. Please describe how your homeowners' association/neighborhood group is funded. (Mandatory dues, volunteer contributions,etc.) What is the percentage of homeowners in the neighborhood who contribute to the neighborhood group's funds? Our organization is funded through the public school system and fundraising. What is the name of the proposed project? arteco! (art and eco) What is the dollar amount being requested?(Remember,all dollar amounts must be matched by the neighborhood/organization and any partners. The maximum grant award is$2,000.) Briefly describe the proposed project: arteco fest is an event that will present the heart of Innovation Montessori Ocoee to the community of Ocoee.We will offer educational classes on art,music, and the environment.We will showcase local healthy food venors to allow residents to discover more health conscious local options. Local musicians and artists will be showcased.Attendees will have the opportunity to discover and explore our beautiful 18 acre enviromentally conscious campus. We hope to continue our trend of putting local businesses and individuals in the spotlight and celebrate what they contribute to the city of Ocoee! List the project goals: (1) Educate the local community on living environmentally conscious (2) Showcase local businesses (3) Showcase local artists (4) Raise funds for the school (5) Educate locals on healthy living choices • List a minimum of four homeowners' association/neighborhood group/community organization members who will serve as the MVP Awards Project Team. Only one signature per household.A Telephone number or email address must be provided for each person. Volunteer POSITION NAME ADDRESS Hours SIGNATURE Pledged Sherilyn Moore 847 Ayden Oak Lane 100 Ocoee, FL Project Leader 310-704-5295 �� 7 Michael Caruth 329 South Woodland St 100 Historian Winter Garden, FL (Photographer) michael@innovationmontess ori.com Shellie Braswell 638 Lost Grove Circle 100 Quarterly&Final Winter Garden, FL Report Coordinator president@ptoowls.com Cyndi Maners 416 Tranquille Oaks Dr 100 Partner/Volunteer Ocoee, FL Coordinator cyndi@innovationmontessori. corn How will the neighborhood residents/community organization members be involved with the project? Please be specific: As the date of our event draws closer, we will be asking for community volunteers. We hope that many Ocoee residents will attend our event and discover what our city has to offer! What is the location of the proposed project? If the project is not physical in nature,please provide a description of whom it will serve in what general area: The location will be held at Innovation Montessori Ocoee campus 1610 N Lakewood Ave, Ocoee, FL If the proposed project is a physical improvement(landscaping,sign,gazebo,etc.),please define the exact site location(s). Use street names and measurements from the curb,including measurements from sidewalks,if applicable. Also provide measurements of the project(height,width,length) and attach a drawing. (Please be specific with the details of physical improvements.) Exact Location: (show on attached drawing) Measurements of the Proposed Improvement: (show on attached drawing) If the proposed project is a physical improvement,it be located on: Public Right-of-Way: Private Property: Common Area Owned by the Homeowners'Association: (You will need to include written permission from the appropriate government agency for the public right-of-way or the owner of the private property or common area.) MOST VALUABLE PARTNERSHIP(MVP)AWARDS The City of Ocoee's Neighborhood Matching Grants Program 2017/2018 Proposed MVP Awards Project Budget Neighborhood/Organization: Project Name: PROJECT REVENUES: Cash from the City: $2000 Cash from the Neighborhood/Organi7ation: $3000 Cash from Partners(List of Partners and Cash Contributions): (Partners) $ (Partners) TOTAL CASH REVENUES: $5000 PROJECT EXPENSES: (List all expenses separately. Any expense over$1,000 must be supported by two written quotes. Please attach the written quotes to this project budget) Signage for event $400 gage) $900 xrt`supplies $800 (Axl erls8r event $900 bfettional Costs $900 tlenali)up/maintainace 900 ean)up/maintainace $800 (Expenses) 4700 TOTAL OF PROJECT EXPENSES: $ **Total Cash Revenues should be equal to or greater than total project expenses.** In-Kind Contributions: Estimated Value Gift Baskets/Raffles $1000 Carr ngcrowd control $500 (Contributions) $ (Contributions) $ (Contributions) Volunteer Labor 1 00 Hours x$10/hr $ A E Q ai 0 [FWD��]] a C H 0 0 (,) 7 U C - • C) C) 0- 0 0 7 C C 65 D1 m co E 5 co to w — -0 - (a co c _— c '-4 Oo •L. C C .L CZL 4744) >+ >+ U a) U a) • Mt VD P-i CD a a W r4 .0 et 5 44 1:1 P ' - 0) 00 cn a 0O CO 00 CO CO C A— 00 CO o es w 0_ .O N o � `CrN COCOCO d- 0 Vl Oa N • d ,moi 8 r r CO N— r r r ul . ' H N N N ' N N N N O U q N N N N N (N N COAz CO CO CO 00 CO CO v, O e c)p 0 /� ..0 s N . a _ ++ 0 U to c Cl) N Ct3 71 to C > 0 0 (1) o c/3 "C -F a) o 6 LL .46 O E c 2 .ta) °' C a) 2E 0 Q .N° ; art and Green Team 11/29/2017 Meeting location:Winter Garden campus SUITE 1300 5:30 PM In attendance:Cyndi Maners,Sherilyn Moore,Amber Boas, remotely:Michael Caruth,Eliana Gershon, Tiffany Gower,Michelle Finley 5:30 PM meeting opened Discussion of the City of Ocoee grant application was discussed. An estimate of planned expenses was determined. Vote to approve the grant application. All voted yes. Meeting with the City of Ocoee will be scheduled in January to discuss the donated parking,shuttles, police and other services. We received another vendor interest email and 4 were sent out today. Approval for the Sponsorships levels have been approved. We will meet on December 11 for the arteco discussion only. Walk of the Winter Garden Campus to discuss the plants and planter boxes/containers that need to be moved to the Ocoee campus. On the main playground:1 butterfly box-dirt only,the square box has plants that need to be dug up. The group of tall palms might stay. Sherilyn will speak with Winter Garden to make sure they don't want them left as they are beautiful and in a nice arrangement. The small orange tree will need to be transplanted. The small oaks are not healthy enough to move. They will be cut down to ground level. Fill dirt may need to be acquired to fill holes once plants are removed. The outer perimeter of sago palms will be dug up and donated to families. The sago palms will not be brought to the new campus. We have until January 15 to move the plants from the main field by the playground. On the Kindergarten patio. The green plastic planters will be removed by Amber. She will work with operations to determine a time during the school day. There are 3 wooden planters that need moved to the new campus In front of LEL there are 7 wooden planter boxes with dirt that need to be moved to the new campus. They should be able to be picked up as is. One is full of plants. May need to be thinned for transport. A SUG will be set up for movement of boxes. They will be stored to the south wall of the primary building until we can access of the main campus. We would like to move them prior to the move. Dec. 16 KaBOOM day We will not have water bottles onsite to hand out. We will use the glass mason jars and encourage participants to bring their own water bottles. Cyndi will head up the registration desk. Cyndi will confirm with Mistie to get the labyrinth materials for the afternoon build. SUG is already set up. An electronic message will go out once details with operations are verified. We will not meet again for the green team until January at the new campus. 7:00PM meeting adjurned Please complete the Project Plan and Timeline,the Volunteer Hours Pledge Sheet(s),the Project Budget, and Partner's Letter(s)of Intent. Instructions for completing these forms are listed on the page after each form. You must attach the meeting minutes reflecting the membership vote of approval for the proposed grant project.(See below if you don't have a formal association.) • We ce ify that o r membership voted and approved this 2017/2018 MVP Awards application on II /jq7 (date),and attached are the minutes reflecting this vote. Sim ' • . J"L p E Print n e of perso prep. g application ' nt Name of ,0b. •..,:..Organization Presi nt Signature . arson preparing application .'_•atur etghborhood/O/rgani7at.on President Date: I I-2 q I7 Date: I t I o2ct / /1" Completed MVP Awards applications must be received by 5 p.m. on November 30,2017. Deliver in person or mail to: Joy P.Wright,Community Relations, 150 North Lakeshore Drive, Ocoee,Florida 34761. Please call(407)905-3100 if you have any questions. CITY STAFF USE ONLY YES NO Has the applicant left any questions unanswered? Has the association listed the Project Team names,their full addresses and phone numbers?(7 minimum) _ _ Are all the Partner Letters of Intent attached? _ Have all the association's cash and in-kind donations been documented? Did the association attach the completed Plan and Timeline? _ Did the association attach the completed Volunteer Hours Pledge Sheets? — _ Did the association attach the completed Budget? _ If the project is a physical improvement,has a description and drawing been provided? If the project is a physical improvement,is the written permission from the property owner attached? Has the application been approved by the members and are minutes attached reflecting the vote? _ Is the application signed by the person preparing the application and the association president? _ 9 0000032 05/27/16 DR-14 Consumer's Certificate of Exemption R.10/15 Issued Pursuant to Chapter 212,Florida Statutes FLORIDA 85-8015691911C-8 07/31/2016 07/31/2021 SCHOOL-COLLEGE-UNIV Certificate Number Effective Date Expiration Date Exemption Category This certifies that WEST ORANGE MONTESSORI CHARTER SCHOOL INC 855 E PLANT ST STE 1500 WINTER GARDEN FL 34787-3166 is exempt from the payment of Florida sales and use tax on real property rented,transient rental property rented,tangible personal property purchased or rented, or services purchased. DR-14 / Important Information for Exempt Organizations R.10/15 FLORIDA 1. You must provide all vendors and suppliers with an exemption certificate before making tax-exempt purchases. See Rule 12A-1.038, Florida Administrative Code(F.A.C.). 2. Your Consumer's Certificate of Exemption is to be used solely by your organization for your organization's customary nonprofit activities. 3. Purchases made by an individual on behalf of the organization are taxable, even if the individual will be reimbursed by the organization. 4. This exemption applies only to purchases your organization makes. The sale or lease to others of tangible personal property, sleeping accommodations,or other real property is taxable. Your organization must register, and collect and remit sales and use tax on such taxable transactions. Note: Churches are exempt from this requirement except when they are the lessor of real property(Rule 12A-1.070, F.A.C.). 5. It is a criminal offense to fraudulently present this certificate to evade the payment of sales tax. Under no circumstances should this certificate be used for the personal benefit of any individual. Violators will be liable for payment of the sales tax plus a penalty of 200%of the tax, and may be subject to conviction of a third-degree felony. Any violation will require the revocation of this certificate. 6. If you have questions regarding your exemption certificate, please contact the Exemption Unit of Account Management at 800-352-3671. From the available options, select"Registration of Taxes,"then "Registration Information," and finally"Exemption Certificates and Nonprofit Entities." The mailing address Is PO Box 6480, Tallahassee, FL 32314-6480. INTERNAL REVENUE SERVICE DEPARTMENT OF THE TREASURY P. O. BOX 2508 CINCINNATI, OH 45201 Employer Identification Number: Date: AUG 0 9 2012 90-0658753 DLN: 17053054336041 WEST ORANGE MONTESSORI CHARTER Contact Person: SCHOOL INC JOYCE DARBY ID# 95011 C/O BILL ORRIS, EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR Contact Telephone Number: 855 EAST PLANT STREET, SUITE 600 (877) 829-5500 WINTER GARDEN, FL 34787 Accounting Period Ending: June 30 Public Charity Status: 170(b) (1) (A) (ii) - Form 990 Required: Yes Effective Date of Exemption: April 12, 2010 Contribution Deductibility: Yes Addendum Applies: Yes Dear Applicant: We are pleased to inform you that upon review of your application for tax exempt status we have determined that you are exempt from Federal income tax under section 501(c) (3) of the Internal Revenue Code. Contributions to you are deductible under section 170 of the Code. You are also qualified to receive tax deductible bequests, devises, transfers or gifts under section 2055, 2106 or 2522 of the Code. Because this letter could help resolve any questions regarding your exempt status, you should keep it in your permanent records. Organizations exempt under section 501(c) (3) of the Code are further classified as either public charities or private foundations. We determined that you are a public charity under the Code section(s) listed in the heading of this letter. Please see enclosed Publication 4221-PC, Compliance Guide for 501(c) (3) Public Charities, for some helpful information about your responsibilities as an exempt organization. Letter 947 (DO/CG) -2- WEST ORANGE MONTESSORI CHARTER Sincerely, 140e,e1 Holly O. Paz Director, Exempt Organizations Rulings and Agreements Enclosure: Publication 4221-PC Letter 947 (DO/CG) -3- WEST ORANGE MONTESSORI CHARTER t INFORMATION FOR CHARTER SCHOOLS You are not subject to the specific publishing requirements of Revenue Procedure 75-50, 1975-2 C.B. , page 587, as long as you are operating under a contract with the local government. If your method of operation changes to the extent that your charter is terminated, cancelled, or not renewed, you will be required to comply with Revenue Procedure 75-50. ADDENDUM Pursuant to your filed Application for Registration of Fictitious Name filed with the Florida Secretary of State, your fictitious (doing business as) name is Montessori of Winter Garden Charter School. 1 1 1 Letter 947 (DO/CG) S\eep'.j 00.3111001111 41" • • City of Ocoee Most Valuable Partnerships (MVP) Awards Ocoee's Neighborhood Matching Grants Program • Y 2017/2018 Application Form and Instructions Deadline for Application is 5 p.m. on November 30, 2017 Final Report to receive grant monies is due August 3, 2018 Applications will be accepted by mail or hand delivery to: Community Relations, 150 N. Lakeshore Drive, Ocoee,Florida 34761 Date Received: ti / / By: 44,J6- i�U�r� City of Ocoee Most Valuable Partnerships (MVP)Awards Ocoee's Neighborhood Matching Grants Program PLEASE PRINT OR TYPE Name of Neighborhood or Organization: Sleepy Harbour HOA Project Leader:Jim Wortham Address for Project Leader: 104 Miller Court Phone Nos. for Project Leader(Day) 407-656-7303 (Evening) Email Address:jimpatwortham@cfl.rr.com Describe the neighborhood or project boundaries using streets & landmarks. The boundaries must be within the City of Ocoee. If the project serves a population without specific physical boundaries, please describe the population served: Sleepy Harbour Wall along Orlando Ave between Stinnett and E. Lakeshore Sleepy Harbour Community Lot. 717 E.Lakeshore Dr at Orlando Ave FOR NEIGHBORHOOD GROUPS,PLEASE ANSWER THE NEXT SECTION ON FORMAL AND INFORMAL HOMEOWNERS' GROUPS. FOR COMMUNITY ORGANIZATIONS, PLEASE ANSWER THE SECTION FOLLOWING THAT. Does your neighborhood have an official homeowners' association (legal entity)? Yes If Yes: (If No, skip to section on the next page.) When was it formed? 1974 How many members are in the association? 144 Are the members all homeowners in the neighborhood? What is the official homeowners' association's organizational structure? (President,V.P.,Committees,etc.) President, V.P., Treasurer, Secretary, Trustees 4 How does the association elect its leadership? When and how often are elections held? Annual Meeting in October with All Homeowners Invited Homeowners vote for Trustees on Board of Directors If No: Do you have an active neighborhood group? When was it organized? How many members are in the group? How many homes are in your neighborhood? What is your group's organizational structure? (President,Vice-President, Committees, etc.) How does your neighborhood group elect its leadership? When and how often are elections held? For community organizations which are not"neighborhoods", please answer the following questions: What is the name of your organization? Is your organization a formal "non-profit", an informal civic group, or other(please explain): How many people are members or clients of your organization? Are all members or clients of your organization either businesses or residents of the City of Ocoee? If not,how many(either by number or percentage)are? 5 All Applicants Should Complete the Remainder of the Application: Please list the activities and projects your neighborhood or organization has accomplished in the past two years: Community Yard Sales Please describe how your homeowners' association/neighborhood group is funded. (Mandatory dues, volunteer contributions, etc.) What is the percentage of homeowners in the neighborhood who contribute to the neighborhood group's funds? Homeowner Dues $75 per year. Approx 110 homes pay of 144 total. What is the name of the proposed project? Paint Subdivision Wall, Landscape Entrance Garden, What is the dollar amount being requested? (Remember,all dollar amounts must be matched by the neighborhood/organization and any partners. —he maximum grant award is$2,000.) .).)lODD Briefly describe the proposed project: Paint Subdivision Wall - Pressure Wash, Repair and Prep Stucco, Paint Wall Landscape Plants at Entrances - Replace dead and declining plants, replace sprinkler timer List the project goals: (1) Improve the appearance of the community entrance and the rec lot (2) Build Community (3) (4) (5) 6 List a minimum of four homeowners' association/neighborhood group/community organization members who will serve as the MVP Awards Project Team. Only one signature per household. A Telephone number or email address must be provided for each person. Volunteer POSITION NAME ADDRESS Hours SIGNATURE Pledged Jim Wortham 104 Miller Ct 20 Project Leader 407-656-7303 jimpatwortham@cfl.rr.com ok-,...1,--i- -- l 7 / ,i Mike Smarrito 602 E Lakeshore Dr 20 Historian salwtr@aol.com r iii (Photographer) Doug Nachtsheim 610 E. Lakeshore Dr 20 Quarterly &Final 407-656-2084 dnachtsheim@cfl.rr.com Report Coordinator k‘14.441--A- - Jerry Odom 400 E. Lakeshore Dr. 10 / Partner/Volunteer 407-656-6327 mojerry1010@hotmail.com /� Coordinator Pressure Wash Wall Don Cox 608 E. Lakeshore 10 C0 _ 407-506-3014 no email e"---ii- Paint Wall Doug Zander 721 Hamlin Dr 10 407-761-1915 dzander721@gmail.com ce Landscape Plants Pat Wortham 104 Miller Ct 10 Timer 407-656-7303 jimpatwortham@cfl.rr.com 7 How will the neighborhood residents/community organization members be involved with the project? Please be specific: Distribute Newsletter and e-mail to inform homeowners and boardmembers of upcoming Saturday workday and ask nicely for people to volunteer to work There is usually a good turnout. We keep having workdays until the work is done What is the location of the proposed project? If the project is not physical in nature, please provide a description of whom it will serve in what general area: Community Lot - 717 East Lakeshore Dr. at Orlando Ave. 2 Subdivision Entrances on Orlando Ave = 1. East Lakeshore and 2. Stinnett If the proposed project is a physical improvement(landscaping, sign, gazebo,etc.), please define the exact site location(s). Use street names and measurements from the curb, including measurements from sidewalks, if applicable. Also provide measurements of the project(height,width, length)and attach a drawing. (Please be specific with the details of physical improvements.) Exact Location: (show on attached drawing) Measurements of the Proposed Improvement: (show on attached drawing) If the proposed project is a physical improvement, it be located on: Public Right-of-Way: Private Property: Common Area Owned by the Homeowners' Association: (You will need to include written permission from the appropriate government agency for the public right-of-way or the owner of the private property or common area.) The Recreation Lot is at the corner of E. Lakeshore Dr and Orlando Ave. The address is 717 E. Lakeshore Dr. The Pavilion is the roofed structure on the lot. The Entrances are along Orlando Ave at E.Lakeshore and at Stinnet Dr. 8 Please complete the Project Plan and Timeline,the Volunteer Hours Pledge Sheet(s),the Project Budget, and Partner's Letter(s) of Intent. Instructions for completing these forms are listed on the page after each form. You must attach the meeting minutes reflecting the membership vote of approval for the proposed grant project. (See below if you don't have a formal association.) We certify that our membership voted and approved this 2017/2018 MVP Awards application on November 9,2017 (date), and attached are the minutes reflecting this vote. Jim Wortham Doug Nachtsheim Print ame of person prep ing application Print Name of Neighborhood/Organization President Sig ure of person preparing application Signature of Neighborhood/Organization President Date: / / ' 2- 5 - 2-- e2/7 Date: Completed MVP Awards applications must be received by 5 p.m. on November 30,2017. Deliver in person or mail to: Joy P. Wright, Community Relations, 150 North Lakeshore Drive, Ocoee,Florida 34761. Please call (407) 905-3100 if you have any questions. CITY STAFF USE ONLY YES NO Has the applicant left any questions unanswered? _ Has the association listed the Project Team names,their full addresses and phone numbers?(7 minimum)......_ _ Are all the Partner Letters of Intent attached? Have all the association's cash and in-kind donations been documented? Did the association attach the completed Plan and Timeline? ✓ _ Did the association attach the completed Volunteer Hours Pledge Sheets? ✓ _ Did the association attach the completed Budget? w _ If the project is a physical improvement,has a description and drawing been provided? i. If the project is a physical improvement,is the written permission from the property owner attached? l/ Has the application been approved by the members and are minutes attached reflecting the vote? v _ Is the application signed by the person preparing the application and the association president? 9 Q w Ca w w z w U C4 O L- a) E E X -o tD w) al 0 C _ a ° _ 4.1 CO o<4 4 UN C7 a its' W aW 0 t6 to act 0 CL : '" Co L P d a .N "ss m w N x cl co H oo 00 00 E ° a c 0 N N N N o a g o a a tD CD CO C a . a 2 2 2 -L azo < � U � v, cN = c O .� O ,N 00 L co — CO Q Q N 2 r .6 a r G = .Q CS Q. CD CI O L U) w N N N N U O U a li ¢ 00 U U D au (1) 0.. Q L U L L E 2 u) 2 c3 2 Cl) CI O =1:1 -0o co NCO c c O (O 03 tkot a) a O co CO 0) N O - -1-J Q U) z o 2 a) c C CD c 2 92 a z a Q a J MOST VALUABLE PARTNERSHIP (MVP)AWARDS The City of Ocoee's Neighborhood Matching Grants Program 2017/2018 Proposed MVP Awards Project Budget Neighborhood/Organization: Sleepy Harbour HOA Paint Subdivision Wall and Landscape Plants at Entrances Project Name: PROJECT REVENUES:we are unsure about how to complete the math in this section attached is our expense estimate Cash from the City: $ Cash from the Neighborhood/Organization: $ Cash from Partners (List of Partners and Cash Contributions): in-kind donations = 100 $in-kind donations=100 (Partners) hoa spending cash and receive match from city= (Partners) TOTAL CASH REVENUES: $ PROJECT EXPENSES: (List all expenses separately. Any expense over$1,000 must be supported by two written quotes. Please attach the written quotes to this project budget) see attached budget $ (painf)Subdivision Wall $ 1035 (Expenses) $ (En scape Plants at Entrances $605 (Expenses) $ (ivf'iscs- Printing Lunch Trashbags Etc $ 155 (Expenses) TOTAL OF PROJECT EXPENSES: $ 1795 ** Total Cash Revenues should be equal to or greater than total project expenses. ** In-Kind Contributions: Estimated Value (Contributions) $ (Contributions) $ (Contributions) $ (Contributions) Volunteer Labor 100 Hours x $10/hr $ 1000 13 • Instructions for Completing Project Budget Cash from the City is the amount requested by the applicant. The organization must match this amount. Cash from the Neighborhood/Organization is the amount of money the neighborhood/organization will be contributing toward the project. Cash from Partners is the amount of money others outside the neighborhood/organization will be contributing toward the project. Examples of partners who may be interested in contributing are: 1. The developer or builder who developed the subdivision or built the homes there. 2. A nearby business, church,or other who may benefit from the project as well. 3. Someone who may have rental property in the neighborhood who would benefit from the project. 4. Someone or a business who has a connection to someone who lives in the neighborhood. **Volunteer Labor is the amount of time people will donate towards accomplishing the project. Volunteer hours must total a minimum of 25%of the total neighborhood/organization match, but cannot exceed 50%of the total match. Take the total number of volunteer hours from your pledge sheet(s)and multiply it by$10 per hour. In-Kind Contributions are donations of any type from people outside the neighborhood/organization or special contributions made by members of the neighborhood/organization. A letter from the organization stating the in-kind service they are providing must be submitted with the Final Report. To illustrate examples of in-kind contributions, suppose a neighborhood is submitting a grant application to beautify its subdivision entrance. In-kind contributions could include: 1. The donation of irrigation pipe from a local supplier with a cash value of$40.00 2. A"free"tree for every two the neighborhood purchases for the project. Assuming the purchase of four trees,the two"free"trees would have a cash value of$100. 3. A person in the neighborhood happens to be a landscape architect and has donated her services to design the new landscaped entrance at a cash value of$200. * The cash values above were made up strictly for this exercise. The in-kind contributions are important in that the City wants to create a sense of community through this MVP Program. It is felt that if residents work with local businesses, it may start new relationships that will benefit both parties now and in the future. Project Expenses are things the neighborhood/organization will have to pay for to complete the project. Things like plants, wood chips, paint,etc.would be included using the above example. NOTE: It is important to complete the proposed budget as thoroughly as possible,thinking through every facet of the project's revenues and expenses. Please make sure that the budget shows that you will have enough cash to cover your expenses. If there is a small amount of overage, this may be used for a"kick off' party for the project or for refreshments for volunteers. 14 2017-18 MVP Proposed Budget-Sleepy Harbour HOA 2017-18 MVP Paint Wall and Landscape Entrances by Doug Nachtsheim Nov 26 2017 Paint Subdivision Wall-Pressure Wash, Repair and Prep Stucco, Paint Wall Pressure Washer rental -$75/day x 3 225 Stucco patch -25# 15 Caulking - 12 tube case= 25 Paint=20 gals 1100 length x 6 height= 6000 sq feet/300 sq ft= 20 gallons 5 gallon bucket=$125 each x 4= 20 gallons = 500 Airless Paint Sprayer Rental- $100 I day x 2 spray- ers 200 Rollers 30 Brushes 20 Paint Supplies 20 Total: Paint Subdivision Wall 1035 Landscaping at Entrances-replace declining plants-replace sprinkler timer Add plants at Lakeshore Entrance 10 x$10= 100 Add plants behind wall at Entance 10 x$10 = 100 Add plants at Stinnett Entrance 10 x$10= 100 Replace Sprinkler Timer 100 Replace Pygmy Date Palm 85 Add mulch to gardens=$60/truck x 2 120 Total: Landscaping at Entrances 605 Other Misc Printing -Newsletter Flyers Copies 60 Lunch 50 Ice Drinks 20 Gloves&Trash Bags 25 Total: Other Misc 155 Total Project Expenses 1795 Sleepy Harbour HOA Minutes from November 9th,2017. Pat Wortham made a motion that Sleepy Harbour HOA should participate in the 2017-18 MVP project. Doug Nachtsheim seconded the motion. All in favor. Doug Nachtsheim President Sleepy Harbour HOA 2017-18 MVP- Sleepy Harbour HOA Paint Subdivision Wall-Pressure Wash, Repair and Prep Stucco, Paint Wall Pressure Washer rental-$75/day x 3 225 Stucco patch -25# 15 Caulking - 12 tube case= 25 Paint=20 gals 1100 length x 6 height= 6000 sq feet/300 sq ft= 20 gallons 5 gallon bucket=$125 each x 4= 20 gallons= 500 Airless Paint Sprayer Rental- $100/day x 2 spray- ers 200 Rollers 30 Brushes 20 Paint Supplies 20 Total: Paint Subdivision Wall 1035 • 4 - . - _ • .e • • 2017-18 MVP - Sleepy Harbour HOA s - r _ E 0'6 ,{00f 0 .: m alsxipe :.-0+ 4 I ":.0, 0:2 f 4 t, 1, [ 0. 'S F:: 7@ !n..». p ua,r w..... ® .ie. 0 ilei:....•..,04 0.x.Ja,.,•. ?000-2700 PSI Pressure Washer PRS Pau}`Sprayer DESCRIPTION DESCRIPTION __i inn r,� L '-- '`�j. i __ _-._. _. -_ ®44' Rental Pricing IN: Fa+ti f.. RaRW YrR1R0lor: ux.wr.,,• . 0 -�'Y .... - 570.00 S400.00 we a 1 :S53.00 . 5304.00 r,,A•,^ 1 ..“-....•5'100.00 c� 51,200.00 iiiiiO I 576.00 Pxaw' $912.00 -122•- 0 Compare }l Compare ! STUCCO Kt K 1 2( at' -:: PATCH -1 1 . PLOS r n ron,t l .: 01 2.Ps rK P,S,Wr - -r2 ✓':-, Z^�1 rdISE' amce ea - 2 Gp:tmsivailab)e DAP Alen Plus 10.1 or.White Acrylic Rapid Set 25 lb.Stucco Patch Latex Caulk Plus Silicone(12-Pack) Model*71020025 BEHR Premium 5 gal.Elastolrieric 4:rdeW'5456 *****(14) Masonry,Stucco and Brick Paint ****/ 11011 ••--- SI Oso a Modelle 06905 S23gg„tee i 7R'*'*'** (217) a if it irfy4 imore521.491twe .0 � Delivery from store available s 00 at Schedule as soon as next-day 1 � free shipping with$45 order t:,- V .3 in stock to pickup today hit d Free shipping with$45 order v' 38 in stock to pick up today Check nearby stores r Check nearby stores • II 2017-18 MVP - Sleepy Harbour HOA Landscaping at Entrances-replace declining plants-replace sprinkler timer Add plants at Lakeshore Entrance 10 x$10= 100 Add plants behind wall at Entance 10 x$10 = 100 Add plants at Stinnett Entrance 10 x$10 = 100 Replace Sprinkler Timer 100 Replace Pygmy Date Palm 85 Add mulch to gardens=$601 truck x 2 120 Total: Landscaping at Entrances 605 Need to replace Declining plants sprinkler timer Orbit 6 hyve 6-Station Indoor/Outdoor Sprinkler Timer with .Model+!57 5)4 - - ****i-(2 19) o0 • k d Free shipping t;in stock to pick up today Chuck nearby stores Add To Cart a Outdoors • Plants&Planters r Plants.Bulbs&Seeds -, Tropical Plants 1 3-Gallon Pygmy Date Palm(L7542) Q w /� giro n3Sis.'.9 Mode a MIRtERY ***'**' (3 Revisers) '84.00 • PspA } ' ' fig YElFoa�".. - i m S$ • ... Y `� €„a ,' Tills des,s Ima aaaaa k M 'TM"'- lo chest avallat iter(3f. Aisle 41.Bay 4x RI In-Store Map • Missing palm 2017-18 MVP- Sleepy Harbour HOA Other Misc Printing- Newsletter Flyers Copies 60 Lunch 50 Ice Drinks 20 Gloves&Trash Bags 25 Total: Other Misc 155 4 , \/\Jko� Lanchr f 4• r 0111111101111111 City of Ocoee Most Valuable Partnerships (MVP) Awards Ocoee's Neighborhood Matching Grants Program 2017/2018 Application Form and Instructions Deadline for Application is 5 p.m. on November 30, 2017 Final Report to receive grant monies is due August 3, 2018 Applications will be accepted by mail or hand delivery to: Community Relations, 150 N.Lakeshore Drive,Ocoee,Florida 34761 Date Received: l/ 5 6 I By 4' � �` City of Ocoee Most Valuable Partnerships (MVP)Awards Ocoee's Neighborhood Matching Grants Program PLEASE PRINT OR TYPE Name of Neighborhood or Organization:Windsor Landing Project Leader:Norb Weller Address for Project Leader:3312 Kentshire Blvd Phone Nos. for Project Leader (Day) 407-4964900 (Evening)407-876-6357 Email Address:norbweller@aol.com Describe the neighborhood or project boundaries using streets& landmarks. The boundaries must be within the City of Ocoee. If the project serves a population without specific physical boundaries,please describe the population served: The project involves the purchase and installation of new playground equipment for children of various ages. This equipment to be located near the current basketball court in Windsor Landing. FOR NEIGHBORHOOD GROUPS,PLEASE ANSWER THE NEXT SECTION ON FORMAL AND INFORMAL HOMEOWNERS' GROUPS. FOR COMMUNITY ORGANIZATIONS, PLEASE ANSWER THE SECTION FOLLOWING THAT. Does your neighborhood have an official homeowners' association(legal entity)? Yes If Yes: (If No,skip to section on the next page.) When was it formed? 2001 How many members are in the association? approx. 215 Are the members all homeowners in the neighborhood? Yes What is the official homeowners' association's organizational structure?President, VP, Treasurer (President,V.P.,Committees,etc.) Secretary, Various Committees 4 How does the association elect its leadership? When and how often are elections held? We have annual elections. If No: Do you have an active neighborhood group? When was it organized? How many members are in the group? How many homes are in your neighborhood? What is your group's organizational structure? (President,Vice-President, Committees, etc.) How does your neighborhood group elect its leadership? When and how often are elections held? For community organizations which are not"neighborhoods", please answer the following questions: What is the name of your organization? Is your organization a formal "non-profit", an informal civic group, or other(please explain): How many people are members or clients of your organization? Are all members or clients of your organization either businesses or residents of the City of Ocoee? If not,how many(either by number or percentage)are? 5 All Applicants Should Complete the Remainder of the Application: Please list the activities and projects your neighborhood or organization has accomplished in the past two years: Upgraded community landscaping. Cameras purchased and installed at both inbound and outbound entrances at Maguire Road & Thornebrook Road. Raised the entrance key pad to provide easy access for school buses. Please describe how your homeowners' association/neighborhood group is funded. (Mandatory dues, volunteer contributions, etc.) What is the percentage of homeowners in the neighborhood who contribute to the neighborhood group's funds? Mandatory dues, paid semi-annually by all homeowners. What is the name of the proposed project? New Playground Equipment What is the dollar amount being requested?(Remember,all dollar amounts must be matched by the neighborhood/organization and any partners. The maximum grant award is$2,000.) $2000.00 Briefly describe the proposed project: Purchase and have professionally installed new playground equipment for use by children of various ages. List the project goals: (1) To provide children with a safe and secure area in which to play and get physical exercise. (2) (3) (4) (5) 6 List a minimum of four homeowners' association/neighborhood group/community organization members who will serve as the MVP Awards Project Team. Only one signature per household.A Telephone number or email address must be provided for each person. Volunteer POSITION NAME ADDRESS Hours SIGNATURE Pledged Rita Watson Project Leader Norb Weller Historian (Photographer) • Norb Weller Quarterly&Final Report Coordinator N/A Partner/Volunteer Coordinator 7 How will the neighborhood residents/community organization members be involved with the project? Please be specific: Residents attend HOA meetings and have repeatedly voiced the need for new playground equipment. What is the location of the proposed project? If the project is not physical in nature,please provide a description of whom it will serve in what general area: Adjacent to current basketball court. There at benches in the area, a fishing dock and gazebo for the use of all homeowners and their guests. If the proposed project is a physical improvement(landscaping,sign, gazebo, etc.),please define the exact site location(s). Use street names and measurements from the curb, including measurements from sidewalks,if applicable. Also provide measurements of the project(height,width, length) and attach a drawing. (Please be specific with the details of physical improvements.) Exact Location: (show on attached drawing) Measurements of the Proposed Improvement: (show on attached drawing) If the proposed project is a physical improvement, it be located on: Public Right-of-Way: No Private Property: No Common Area Owned by the Homeowners'Association: Yes (You will need to include written permission from the appropriate government agency for the public right-of-way or the owner of the private property or common area.) 8 Please complete the Project Plan and Timeline, the Volunteer Hours Pledge Sheet(s), the Project Budget, and Partner's Letter(s) of Intent. Instructions for completing these forms are listed on the page after each form. You must attach the meeting minutes reflecting the membership vote of approval for the proposed grant project. (See below if you don't have a formal association.) We certify that our membership voted and approved this 2017/2018 MVP Awards application on 11/30/17 (date), and attached are the minutes reflecting this vote. Norb Weller Rita Watson Print n e of person re.. ' g application'pi, if:attire of person preparing applicationPrint Name of Neighborhood/Organization President Signature of Neighborhood/Organization President Date: 11/30/17 Date: 11/30/17 Completed MVP Awards applications must be received by 5 p.m. on November 30,2017.Deliver in person or mail to: Joy P. Wright, Community Relations, 150 North Lakeshore Drive, Ocoee,Florida 34761. Please call(407) 905-3100 if you have any questions. CITY STAFF USE ONLY YES NO Has the applicant left any questions unanswered? _ Has the association listed the Project Team names,their full addresses and phone numbers?(7 minimum) _ Are all the Partner Letters of Intent attached? _ Have all the association's cash and in-kind donations been documented? _ Did the association attach the completed Plan and Timeline? • _ Did the association attach the completed Volunteer Hours Pledge Sheets? _ Did the association attach the completed Budget? _ If the project is a physical improvement,has a description and drawing been provided? _ If the project is a physical improvement,is the written permission from the property owner attached? _ Has the application been approved by the members and are minutes attached reflecting the vote? Is the application signed by the person preparing the application and the association president? _ 9 Instructions for Completing Project PIan and Timeline The purpose of this form is to identify the tasks and resources necessary to successfully complete the MVP Awards project. Please list the primary tasks needed to implement and manage your project. When completed,the Project Plan and Timeline serves as a guide for your project and a tool for monitoring project progress. The project team will be able to use this Project Plan and Timeline to delegate tasks and to use its resources, while monitoring the progress of the project. The Task column refers to primary tasks,which need to be completed. Some examples could include contacting a business who is providing in-kind services, or prepping a sign for painting, or scheduling a workday to install playground equipment. The Start Date column refers to the date when the task needs to begin in order to finish the project on time. The Completion Date column refers to the date the task is expected to be completed. The Person Responsible column refers to the person or group charged with carrying out a specific task or activity. The Resources column refers to the cash,type of in-kind services, and/or volunteers needed to accomplish the task. For example,the dollar amount, value of donated space,professional services, materials, plants,computer software,volunteer hours, etc. Please make additional copies of this form, if necessary. REMOVE THIS INSTRUCTION PAGE BEFORE SUBMITTING YOUR APPLICATION 11 Instructions for Completing Volunteer Hours Pledge Sheet Please list the name, complete address, and telephone number of each volunteer, along with the number of hours pledged and the task the volunteer will perform. The hours should reflect all volunteer hours including planning stages and project implementation. Some projects such as neighborhood entrance beautification will require on-going maintenance. Please include these additional hours. Volunteer hours must total a minimum of 25 %of the total neighborhood match, but cannot exceed 50%of the total of the neighborhood match amount. The 25%minimum total of the volunteer hours must be from residents or homeowners of the neighborhood. Additional hours can be derived from other organizations or individuals that do not reside within the neighborhood. Volunteer labor does not include in-kind services or goods that businesses donate. Please make additional copies of this form, if necessary. REMOVE THIS INSTRUCTION PAGE BEFORE SUBMITTING YOUR APPLICATION 12 { i A A W c c c c c c w CQ U ~ c c z z z z z 2 0 0 � 0 0 'II CO Ci) CO.st6w _i_• m O '1CO O }' O CO a O p m c6 m O CO CO � a z = Q _'' Q ' Q Q a c I OC I CL I I w ▪ h � a P p co CO CO CO CO CO CO CO e "l-' N— T- T- N- T- Z .0 .( O O - L[) � O V) O F .� a N N co ,— r- N-- r- CO a Q N M `t d- LC) LC) LC) ▪ruaZ 0 o o = -o 0) p ��i C v N 7 -L O 2 c co co co o) caCO CO CO CO CO C4 .�'..' al L- 0 (0 s r- O 'a 0 cd a c A r- N ...... d\' \ L) ` M E, m d' lC) s o m p Cr) 1 E . N 1:.pQ =p c c m Z p ,3 _ -0 c o ? m ts E3 0 9 0 Z i. W ° o O .y ,Co V U .- L T T C o .4 •V a • 4-' CO m N „� Cq ( ; y O > a. S � a z H d) m s CI z Q co o MOST VALUABLE PARTNERSHIP(MVP)AWARDS The City of Ocoee's Neighborhood Matching Grants Program 2017/2018 Proposed MVP Awards Project Budget /4"PC 2"9"�� Neighborhood/Organization:� l / Project Name: /t/eh! 77Z/i1)/ /2a/L,J PROJECT REVENUES: Cash from the City: $2000.00 Cash from the Neighborhood/Organization: $0 Cash from Partners (List of Partners and Cash Contributions): 00 (oprtners) $ $0 (Partners) j TOTAL CASH REVENUES: $0 PROJECT EXPENSES: (List all expenses separately. Any expense over$1,000 must be supported by two written quotes. Please attach the written quotes to this project budget) TBD (Expenses) (Expenses) (Expenses) (Expenses) (Expenses) (Expenses) TOTAL OF PROJECT EXPENSES: $TBD ** Total Cash Revenues should be equal to or greater than total project expenses. ** In-Kind Contributions: Estimated Value $0 (Contributions) (Contributions) (Contributions) • (Contributions) Volunteer Labor Hours x$10/hr $0 13 • Instructions for Completing Project Budget Cash from the City is the amount requested by the applicant.The organization must match this amount. Cash from the Neighborhood/Organization is the amount of money the neighborhood/organization will be contributing toward the project. Cash from Partners is the amount of money others outside the neighborhood/organization will be contributing toward the project. Examples of partners who may be interested in contributing are: 1. The developer or builder who developed the subdivision or built the homes there. 2. A nearby business, church, or other who may benefit from the project as well. 3. Someone who may have rental property in the neighborhood who would benefit from the project. 4. Someone or a business who has a connection to someone who lives in the neighborhood. **Volunteer Labor is the amount of time people will donate towards accomplishing the project. Volunteer hours must total a minimum of 25%of the total neighborhood/organization match, but cannot exceed 50% of the total match. Take the total number of volunteer hours from your pledge sheet(s) and multiply it by$10 per hour. In-Kind Contributions are donations of any type from people outside the neighborhood/organization or special contributions made by members of the neighborhood/organization. A letter from the organization stating the in-kind service they are providing must be submitted with the Final Report. To illustrate examples of in-kind contributions, suppose a neighborhood is submitting a grant application to beautify its subdivision entrance. In-kind contributions could include: 1. The donation of irrigation pipe from a local supplier with a cash value of$40.00 2. A"free"tree for every two the neighborhood purchases for the project. Assuming the purchase of four trees, the two"free"trees would have a cash value of$100. 3. A person in the neighborhood happens to be a landscape architect and has donated her services to design the new landscaped entrance at a cash value of$200. * The cash values above were made up strictly for this exercise. The in-kind contributions are important in that the City wants to create a sense of community through this MVP Program. It is felt that if residents work with local businesses, it may start new relationships that will benefit both parties now and in the future. Project Expenses are things the neighborhood/organization will have to pay for to complete the project. Things like plants, wood chips,paint,etc.would be included using the above example. NOTE: It is important to complete the proposed budget as thoroughly as possible,thinking through every facet of the project's revenues and expenses. Please make sure that the budget shows that you will have enough cash to cover your expenses. If there is a small amount of overage, this may be used for a"kick off'party for the project or for refreshments for volunteers. 14 , C (4- (Dcoe City of Ocoee Most Valuable Partnerships (MVP) Awards Ocoee's Neighborhood Matching • Grants Program • • • • • 2017/2018 Application Form and Instructions Deadline for Application is 5 p.m. on November 30, 2017 Final Report to receive grant monies is due August 3, 2018 Applications will be accepted by mail or hand delivery to: Community Relations, 150 N.Lakeshore Drive,Ocoee,Florida 34761 t. Date Received: ii 7v !J-7 By: , let_ (;{za_ • Program beset ptlrin The basic premise of the MVP Awards is to improve the quality of life in Ocoee by assisting Ocoee residents and organizations in making improvements to their neighborhoods or creating programs which benefit our citizens. Who:is Eljgble Neighborhoods,civic clubs,religious groups and other organizations may apply as long as they can demonstrate that their project provides a benefit to the community. These groups should be located in Ocoee and serve the Ocoee community. Addit onalrRequued Documents Each organization must have its organizational structure vote on and approve a motion to participate in the MVP program. Minutes reflecting the vote must be attached to the application. Each organization must have a Tax Identification Number(TIN)or Employer Identification Number(EIN)on file with the City of Ocoee. You may obtain an application (form SS-4)for an EIN by contacting the IRS at(770)455-2360 or visiting their website at www.irs.gov.Applicants will be required to submit a W-9 with their application. Please plan ahead;this could take up to 4 weeks. For those applicants who don't have a formal organizational structure,the application must contain a petition (as outlined in the application)in place of the meeting minutes. Those applicants will use the City's purchasing system so they do not need to submit a TIN,EIN or W-9. Eligible Projects Projects should benefit a certain segment of the population in Ocoee whether it be a neighborhood or other group. Neighborhood residents or organization members should be directly involved in all phases. Projects should be able to be completed in six to nine months. Grant funds may not be used to supplement regular operating budgets. A Final Report must be submitted to receive grant monies. **Final Report is due by August 3, 2018*. Applhcatton Process The Community Relations Division must receive all applications no later than 5:00 p.m. on November 30, 2017.No late applications will be accepted. REMOVE THIS INSTRUCTION PAGE BEFORE SUBMITTING YOUR APPLICATION 2 Application Process Requirements (1) Ail applicants are strongly encouraged to contact city staff with any questions while completing their application. (2) Grant applicants must determine all necessary permits required for the projects and all permit costs should be reflected in the project budget summary. (3) Each organization is required to have at least seven volunteers who will assist in completing the project. Volunteers will be required to sign a volunteer list that will be submitted as part of the application. Only one signature per household will be allowed.Management companies can be used to file reports, obtain quotes,and assist with the project management;however,there should be at least seven members of the organization who are familiar with the project specifics and who are committed to ensuring the project is completed on time. (4) Applicants must submit no fewer than 2 and no more than 5 photographs showing the physical location of their project. These will be considered"Before"photos. Once grant recipients are chosen,they will also be required to submit 2-5 photos depicting workdays. These will be considered"During"photos-. Lastly,2-5 photos showing the final product or end result of the grant will be required as the"After"photos. (5) Each organization must submit two written quotes for any cost of more than$1,000 on a proposed project. The applicant doesn't have to go with the lowest quote,as long as there is a valid reason for using another business. REMOVE THIS INSTRUCTION PAGE BEFORE SUBMITTING YOUR APPLICATION 3 City of Ocoee Most Valuable Partnerships(MVP)Awards Ocoee's Neighborhood Matching Grants Program PLEASE PRINT OR TYPE ff r` Name of Neighborhood or Organization: GRA) t d vr'n(2.4 .•S dial) v Oc' c.. f Project Leader: "1/17241 j l2 e4z-- Address for Project Leader: Pt 66 X 5 3 0 Wu- L. 3 416 Phone Nos.for Project Leader(Day) 70 17 Evening) Email Address: t!( .t-fZ 'rn.b &jC}"i e l f... Describe the neighborhood or project boundaries using streets&landmarks. The boundaries must be within the City of Ocoee. If the project serves a population'without specific physical boundaries, please describe the population served: WOMa-A 'S CtUS DCe,oec. /LS LOC,44 ted .4 yid Lakzu)04t , Od,oce r FL. if is lA,c ir1 krse.e:'wn d'nict 1 cuyt La.. oce 1+ l s / /, LOQ Sou-A or ,11ie 6:.i1 FOR NEIGHBORHOOD GROUPS,PLEASE ANSWER THE NEXT SECTION ON FORMAL AND INFORMAL HOMEOWNERS' GROUPS. FOR COMMUNITY ORGANIZATIONS, PLEASE ANSWER THE SECTION FOLLOWING THAT. Does your neighborhood have an official homeowners' association(legal entity)? If Yes: (If No, skip to section on the next page.) When was it formed? How many members are in the association? Are the members all homeowners in the neighborhood? What is the official homeowners' association's organizational structure? (President,V,P.,Committees,etc.) • 4 How does the association elect its leadership? When and how often are elections held? If No: Do you have an active neighborhood group? When was it organized? _How many members are in the group? How many homes are in your neighborhood? What is your group's organizational structure? (President, Vice-President, Committees, etc.) How does your neighborhood group elect its leadership? When and how often are elections held? For community organizations which are not"neighborhoods",please answer the following questions: What is the name of your organization? bFGO ttip in/11\PS 6LuA 0-c Uco e IsQyour organization a formal ``"non-profit",an informal civic group,or other(please explain): NOn- ,404 f 4-zi`acytti (ZQ.d Z ,i in bile. oi' 'Me Lt)oeC-aS /3-Nd -/- t 'omen's volt .11 Sew-yr a, orceyeinlz-a !ts, How many people are members or clients of your organization? 3 27 Are all members or clients of your organization either businesses or residents of the City of Ocoee?ttNQ If not, how many(either by number or percentage)are? l q i tF�'Si de. !n ' e C.l TL, oP }ee-, /5 iytu 1 bas ays i esidAn&s p c i ui 60uacten , 601-6o,- «nd (c) O ay)cto 5 All Applicants Should Complete the Remainder of the Application: Please list the activities and projects your neighborhood or.organization has accomplished in the past two years: O€e L P.cC .s1OAS etiC.hei9' on • •�1') .ade. 51wt.im t,:h( o•-c 0Gve. seJii ils pcue pa.k song S, Cc.rc t" e?.l t'_ kms- ,fi(�' e,1- on Gt y &t,iu. es'et ) U)F7riaf Oda b• Sell()/Ct/ecJ s �a C,t` 012 e.)e ee kesiclo.f s taw r2O '1C. ax)cI /,c) .f. De iq Selwais . PO/ijin. � • ,i in 4e k..tq° aces ` c'` m�# izzjes i.; i ((M s yds 14e.41 circ. as de eribe how your homeowners association neigh bor oo group is nded. Mandator ues, volunteer contributions, etc.) What is the percentage of homeowners in the neighborhood who contribute to the neighborhood group's funds? Club Vibe'spmf ertn/Iu.ffG duc.s 5O. (Que.. dctbhorts - ,.s a.voJ/a.6le At v41-1- av .z yiteral r,a)lr 147,n14.1 1&J►C}i cot 1` aGtcu...ke /l?e4,rr /72 ftp /2 1e , INCA)j Attnd e ' fry ��re.l Lfl Ct.s m rfl/}fit.. SAL,e. What is the name of the proposed project? Imp ave..rY&1+ Oi //i dre •p neceSS What is the dollar amount being requested?(Remember,all dollar amounts must be matched by the neighborhood/organization and any partners. The maximum grant award is$2,000.) 1,2,oar Briefly describe the proposed project: /P17 2L u t 4(indl ACCESS f221 detu'ic nbn -ska d ; ka.r,si_ cnaieee cry/ 0 ,eczr p 1t ;$U/L1-6 si de_ en fea nCt d u/i n 1 a Li Col c tk 1tu,b-+'1 / ?etas a 1 h ncLJ c�{a p ade.tthj GpoFs. List the project goals: (1) e,oncee.l-c. &.n eax c .j non- std . (2) 401d iiet4e1ciACAp e.tzrn p (3) A,Lci. 11.¬ rC°- ° IL to (4) 1I-4.d- WTI eia- . ( ± h CLI166 pPratt /-' - - (5) is, )Mere) Ve Ap11 acc6r5 6 ,aF rrl- c 1 A- ')n'F 7 1 -V • V -iy- ,� �, GFWC Woman's Club of Ocoee General Meeting �.,,iii_ �•�n_ =nn ►, , 7:00 Meeting came to order-devotional read, Pledge to the flag honored, roll call taken and minutes read from October loth meeting. 7:40 Speaker-Bob Godek and guest spoke about senior awareness and how to understand your medical plans. 7:55 Jackie introduced 2 potential members. ^ei.rwmi♦taa R©nnrba= ARTS- Doris hopes many members participate in submitting a craft for the upcoming fair. EDUCATION — Lillian is still collecting school supplies for the Creative Expressions event possibly in May. Home Life: Gail-Jill Romy will be speaking at the November general meeting about our community, taking a survey on what you want for the senior community. They wiii provide dinner. PUBLIC ISSUES: Rosemary-All the remainder Chick-fil-a calendars are at the club and have been paid. The money we collect from sales go to the club. f1L 4 T r"1L ��,.uvivi"Vr•1 T kin.)rse. Lvitic at iu JaCl�i2 li is i et 11tai G51iCGI ICI vvaa I cuvi 1c i'y Dottie and we thank you for doing that. BIRTHDAY LUNCHEON: Rosemary.& Patti- Comp tickets for tables at 2 each. The TI�w �C Mra Si i And anunnrr raTlnv thio HANG Tnr-h.!r i-,f ki i- in an i/anter.rr r the whole table. Discussion about the menu, tableware and table door prizes were discussed and will continue to be updated, i INFI ficwrr ,- March is needed to chair on hospital board to maintain our seat. Rosemary and Michelle have applied for the West Orange Healthcare District Board. Di iirriir,.- i r,r,rl,,Icrinc ,t4r•_r-,rr,nr •-ti-4-Inc r•„rrr,r,a- Kiri r%4 C.A If 1 -1nri rta2T.r4 2r.".+krAr D•."_GF ^, Gp.Ar('�nr�i„�i,�� f It i!r t;aysa�p! h/lc a;ina(`nt-stir,i.a.-! Discussion of payment method by credit card on your phone with a 2.7%fee attached. Motion made and all agreed. Tables-2 round and 1 long was purchased and received. NEW BUSINESS: Hospitality sign-up sheet—ail are filled, but need iviay L0i8 Founders Day parking-We appreciate all who have helped with the event. Jackie applied for the CMA grant and was approved. She is also applying for the MVP grant to help with the renovation. Dnliti'p! Frain rrciack a ;-!»irrlarsnn f.- ariipr\, We will place a cigarette butt depository outside the building for smokers. HELPFUL SUGGESTIONS: What would you like to see the club do for fun or different for a fundraiser! COLLECT! Meeting adjourned at 8:44 p.m. List a minimum of four homeowners' association/neighborhood group/community organization members who will serve as the MVP Awards Project Team. Only one signature per household. A Telephone number or email address must be provided for each person. POSITION NAME ADDRESS Volunteer SIGNATURE Hours Pledged Project Leader C Y )3cS r' are "iffy* �Si- // ‘r(4 G Historian Shewa 11 `jGil Stcif-cif-reit/LAeit �/ (Photographer) / ,$A111, , !�,�t 1 71-r* _3 tga/-e-- 0,0„ Quarterly& 0205 s .'cAa de_. azycz Final Report Coordinator �` cve /D° Partner/ i 5 - 764 gmti c Volunteer > A aiS C� 6 /� Coordinator C r r� L �' f� !_ y'4 I = I IP .I 3s-7S7 13r 24/ / �lc/ c le!L /a we _ 7G,l 2 - iP--K-G'✓ c.cJ /6_3 Aelf//d 4') ' z„°(2)'. 04 ,P 3-2PA1,611 // -e 9,4 , ,, hlay &z_ 3 ei,cc?- ;- .-t---- sit,-4 CA154, 3.1s/d/ Ablipvvy /0, 4 4/471 /�� " r`2 *se..4,spi ` 7 List a minimum of four homeowners' association/neighborhood group/community organization members who will serve as the MVP Awards Project Team. Only one signature per household. A Telephone number or email address must be provided for each person. POSITION NAME ADDRESS Volunteer SIGNATURE Hours Pledged Project Leader Historian (Photographer) Quarterly& Final Report Coordinator Partner/ Volunteer Coordinator (Da i- f3/L, Co(ie. 1$'4461 V 3g-7,/ „,,,7 How will the neighborhood residents/community organiza ion members be involved with the project? Please be specific: na.i''i J 11 twa �a it.C.�.�.t. ' O- Mt. pe-d,y ,ett; ixess lattedise yAko W I*S k. ,C'.ur����t�.; .1afrouri5 let,evisvitpt (2, 4irtxrtA) fie. 0-g aims j Lt±dripl Neel �- Op / . C t ' /'°,VYl�z rc( cDUt,/"sr�e pryzc 7"l c-ka7 PA" QC L57-e What is the location of the proposed project? If the project isnot physical in nature,please provide a description of whom it will serve in what general area: P./1- �Q.!)C.&S of mi. zl217)a_n all off' ©oJ) 4 Leal OC)Oc/ -D . °epee. rt- 3(176t If the proposed project is a physical improvement(landscaping,sign,gazebo, etc.), please define the exact site location(s). Use street names and measurements from the curb, including measurements from sidewalks, if applicable. Also provide measurements of the project(height,width, length)and attach a drawing. (Please be specific with the details of physical improvements.) Exact Location: (show on attached drawing) Measurements of the Proposed Improvement: (show on attached drawing) If the proposed project is a physical improvement,it be located on: Public Right-of-Way: N t, Private Property: q La..�c-t(..Ock 6>L O CD e ms. Common Area Owned by the Homeowners' Association: (You will need to include written permission from the appropriate government agency for the public right-of-way or the owner of the private property or common area.) kir OU CAp 14-4.4kOU RC-UA5rj n671716/ G7ed 8 . . \'‘‘ i________I 4. \.-\---,,:-L, c:----rA,\ '--- '-- r.--TA-• ie 1 4 ----4 _ • , ( i 7 I -I, VI ---:\- ,,,t, t--Ra T41- 0 r i (._ r-------\'' • N 1 --,.. ,- . . N( \_____ _ si_ ' I N -N N 1 - ' N '' i ------7------ r`11 ' . ---*-- --- - --"! _ J _ ..2. • . i 1 - - - - ii 1 ..._. V\I ri\v‘ ) . . f J.E w W ALKV1 X 1) . 1 - ..,, , ---,,, .. i s. -,. . .,..., ..... t....... .........i., .....01 ..' 1 - . -1 I 1 i f 1 I I i i ( . . ., • ' , __5.1-'. \Ai ,\ . ..,. . • • Please complete the Project Plan and Timeline, the Volunteer Hours Pledge Sheet(s),the Project Budget, and Partner's Letter(s)of Intent. Instructions for completing these forms are listed on the page after each form. You must attach the meeting minutes reflecting the membership vote of approval for the proposed grant project. (See below if you don't have a formal association.) We certify that our giembership voted and approved this 2017/2018 MVP Awards application on NOV' )4, 11 (date),and attached are the minutes reflecting this vote. 1e�5c�. f.,-r,pfl S (n in , -ieL e Z Pript n me of person preparing application Print Name in President ''' A I W ) , 1/11 ") S' nature of person prepa.ing application Signat�Neighborhood/Organization President Date: /I• h la ' 1 7 Date: 1i-i to '17 Completed MVP Awards applications must be received by 5 p.m.on November 30,2017. Deliver in person or mail to: Joy P.Wright,Community Relations, 150 North Lakeshore Drive, Ocoee,Florida 34761. Please call (407) 905-3100 if you have any questions. CITY STAFF USE ONLY YES NO Has the applicant left any questions unanswered? _ Has the association listed the Project Team names,their fitll addresses and phone numbers?(7 minimum) ___ Are all the Partner Letters of Intent attached? _ _~ "Have all the association's cash and in-kind donations been documented? Did the association attach the completed Plan and Timeline? _ Did the association attach the completed Volunteer Hours Pledge Sheets? Did the association attach the completed Budget? _ If the project is a physical improvement,has a description and drawing been provided? _ lithe project is a physical improvement,is the written permission from the property owner attached? Has the application been approved by the members and are minutes attached reflecting the vote? — Is the application signed by the person preparing the application and the association president? __,_ _ • 9 MOST VALUABLE PARTNERSHIPS(MVP)AWARDS The City of Ocoee's Neighborhood Matching Grants Program 2017/2018 Project Plan and Timeline Project Name: /rfl 2O if e.... �. t 4 , ,i 0* ifrn 44 c-( pe-A /h^�.,&s Neighborhood/Organization: ��T t(,>C. W OYY1 ants `-'t� 0-0 ooze.. TASK STA_RT DATE, COMPLETION DATE. PERSON RESOURCES NEEDED RESPQNSTBLE •. ��Cm6VC DI)GC //6@ ,M ,m o11 OG . ! amI CO�/ /g( y Remoy1U��� PlayaJgat� � y���, ( �1 it ' Jl <she go,iirofie 15A(I t/? iffiril -20 g M4 . 'C 19 Viz, ZI-G fit‘7c,0aFr leciit1 ly V :oI7 ) 6 .g Q 1 g rp c_ i i_c pr io 6h z r z r �y 6'1 � 4l 7 (bb bars 4sL lU Handicapped ramp improvement: Proposal 4 N Lakewood Dr Ocoee Scope of work: Remove existing planter and ramps and part of existing sidewalk Replace planter area with poured concrete slab/platform across front of the building extending to both door entrances.This platform will slope and reduce to an ADA ramp to two ADA parking spaces to the South of the building. From the platform out to sidewalk will be two steps with handrails leading up to platform and entrances. Along south side of building the existing concrete sidewalk will be removed. Job Cost Concrete$5,000.00(possible price increase) Hand rails to be determined Dumpster Fees quoted$160.00 Site work demolition of existing concrete/some volunteer done Cost $5,160.00 -$10,000.00 MOST VALUABLE PARTNERSHIP (MVP)AWARDS The City of Ocoee's Neighborhood Matching Grants Program 2017/2018 Proposed MVP Awards Project Budget Neighborhood/Organization: g-Flit)C t0e)MO/115 Ch)b D £CQ e e Project Name: ,1{-►'J v-t"m e r 7-' ,f 1'«D A cc-esS PROJECT REVENUES: / Cash from the City: $ a©C ).Qd Cash from the Neighborhood/Organization: $ E5 0(, 4 C) Cash from Partners(List of Partners and Cash Contributions): TOTAL CASH REVENUES: $ 'S 0 O,&) PROJECT EXPENSES: (List all expenses separately. Any expense over$1,000 must be supported by two written quotes. Please attach the written quotes to this project budget) MC; i pi t'1 d it y Aria/J t//1-v 47. 5' $ 81 ['JO. 60 TOTAL OF PROJECT EXPENSES: $ A-dO,O ** Total Cash Revenues should be equal to or greater than total project expenses. ** In-Kind Contributions: Estimated Value $ Volunteer Labor 2 q6 Hours x $10/hr $ //Ca 00 13 D -I ; aCA -1 (1) -0 E > c- -I I CA a s c o a4 - c et �- co c 7 0 0 Dn °�' �' oo v 0' 0 n (yD� rt 3 ani 0. o. v,' p 3 o �.�. n m a c CU v 0°co c v i 7 pa Q C a _,, Cr n < n M 0 ¢; p 2 r-r = Cl co x- rt .G ►�`G IC A 1p rN 7 ,G S co m cr Q - O ,�,: 10 0 O S �^ 2 C = r0D ca) s x a- = cD n3 - C 0 � - G ! (0 CD n O 0J "to n cn -., �, N 0 `C n n 2 m f)CD 0 O CD 0 . -0 O of C ro O IA CD OO p W O Q * A M V) rL p O N - O a O' N p 01 j v In (� '.� F, Oi .'* C b r W N 0 v' v n C 0 o o � 3 ah, o ra fD V 00SI) CO n CC 0 o 4. CD B MICD 0 3. ' 0'0 0 0- 0) n O A- > O rt a 0 W CD O r* w a n O 0 ro n -s C CD .< -n CD 0 n 0 'ts 3 cm a 0 O m a = -. 0. 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