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Ocoee Commission Chambers
150 North Lakeshore Drive
January 16,2018 MINUTES 5:30 p.m.
I. Roll Call and Determination of Quorum-5:30 PM
CRA Chair Wilsen called the Community Redevelopment Agency Board to order at 5:30 p.m.
in the Commission Chambers of City Hall. City Clerk Sibbitt called roll and declared a quorum
Roll Call: Vice-Chair Grogan, Chair Wilsen, Member Johnson, Member Firstner, Member
Keller, and Member Duncan.
Also Present: City Manager Frank, Assistant City Manager Shadrix, City Attorney Cookson,
and City Clerk Sibbitt.
II. Public Comments-None
III. Approval of Minutes of the November 20,2017,Regular CRA Board Meeting-5:30 PM
Member Keller, seconded by Member Johnson, moved to approve the CRA
minutes of the Meeting on November 20, 2017, as presented. Motion carried 6-0.
IV. CRA Board Member Appointment—Orange County Nominee,Randy June
(Discussion Only)-5:30 PM
CRA Chair Wilsen shared that Orange County has made their nominee appointment to the CRA
Board which will be approved this evening at the City Commission Meeting. Mr. Randy June
was nominated to serve on the CRA Board.
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V. Extension of the Development and Economic Incentive Agreement for City Center
West Orange Phase 1 - 5:31 PM
City Planner Rumer briefed the CRA Board on the extension of the Development and
Economic Incentive Agreement for City Center West Orange Phase 1. He explained that a
Second Amendment to the Development and Economic Incentive Agreement for City Center
West Orange was presented to the City Commission and was approved, extending dates for the
completion of the site work and submittals for the vertical work of the buildings. In part, due to
the hurricane and some technical issues with Duke Energy, staff recognized that certain
milestones within the original and first amended agreement needed additional time; and
therefore, a Second Amendment to the Development and Economic Incentive Agreement was
required. He further explained they are on target to meet the construction deadline of the
infrastructure which includes public roads, water/sewer, and stormwater pond. With the
extension of the Development Agreement the developer will have to submit the vertical building
permit and acquire the permit. City Planner Rumer stated he has written a second letter to Duke
Energy regarding the transformers being located within the City Center building so they are not
located within the right-of-way; and furthermore, the developer is designing the building to
house the transformers. He will keep the board updated on when the vertical permits are
submitted as that will be the determination of the actuality of the project.
CRA Member Keller inquired if the transformer issue was similar to the broadband
communication box issue that many Cities are experiencing. City Planner Rumer said the
transformers are strictly for power to the buildings so this is not the same issue. Brief discussion
ensued on the broadband communication box issue.
VI. Capital Improvement Update—Old Winter Garden Road Landscape Beautification-5:35 PM
Urban Planner Kisicki gave an update on the Capital Improvements on Old Winter Garden
Road. He provided a presentation that covered the existing conditions and the proposed median
improvements from Maguire Road to Blackwood Avenue as well as the proposed overall
concept plan for the landscape beautification. At the conclusion of his presentation, he shared
that at the next CRA meeting he will have the Blackwood Avenue update.
Discussion ensued with regards to a crosswalk being located on Old Winter Garden Road near
Walmart and if that location would be feasible for a crosswalk. City Attorney Cookson shared
that if they were to consider a crosswalk in that location, then the City would just have to comply
with the regulations and standards that are in place for crosswalks such as flashing lights.
CRA Member Duncan inquired if the landscape includes drought-tolerant plants. Urban
Planner Kisicki answered that most of the plants are native plants and are drought tolerant.
VII. Settlement Agreement—Colony Plaza Demolition Lien and Other Liens - 5:47 PM
Angel de la Portilla, Economic Development Manager/Consultant, gave a brief PowerPoint
presentation that covered the history of the Colony Plaza, important timelines in the settlement
negotiations, and the demolition of the Colony Plaza along with the liens that were placed on this
property. He further shared that the owner/developer are prepared to move forward with the
redevelopment with terms set forth in the Settlement Agreement, and within 60 days the City's
CRA will receive the settlement amount of$1.1 million. The owner/developer has also agreed to
redevelop the property to be consistent with the masterplans set forth in 2010 and has committed
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to complete Phase 1 of the development on or before December 31, 2018. Further details were
provided on the CRA revenue projected once developed.
CRA Vice-Chair Grogan inquired if the Old Winter Garden Road extension would tie into this
project. Assistant City Manager Shadrix explained that it is part of the target area, but it is not
part of this masterplan development project. Brief discussion ensued. CRA Member Keller said
one of the potential businesses mentioned in the presentation was a bar, but he thought that bars
were only allowed in the industrial areas. Assistant City Manager Shadrix stated bars are
allowed in some commercial zoning areas.
CRA Member Keller, seconded by CRA Member Johnson, moved to approve the
Settlement Agreement with the Owners (defined in the Settlement Agreement) by
releasing all City liens, including the demolition lien, with the payment of
$1,105,406.21; and further, permit redevelopment of the property consistent with
the Concept Plan and Design Standards attached to the Settlement Agreement.
Motion carried 6-0.
VIII. CRA Board Member Meeting Dates -6:01 PM
City Planner Rumer announced that the by-laws require they have four meetings a year.
Tonight is the first meeting of the year. They have a list of dates before them in their packet and
only one date does not work, which is April 17th. City Planner Rumer explained they will need
a meeting in April to go over the annual updates. After a brief discussion, consensus of the CRA
Board was to have a CRA meeting on Thursday, April 12th at 6:15 p.m. City Planner Rumer
further announced that the third and fourth meetings they have scheduled will be tied with the
Budget Workshops in August.
IX. Board Member Comments -None
The meeting was adjourned at 6:05 p.m.
Melanie Sibbitt, Secretary Rosemary W. sen, Chair
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