HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem #01 Approval of the Minutes for the Regular City Commission Meeting held May 1, 2018 MINUTES
MAY 1,2018, at 6:15 P.M.
Mayor Johnson called the regular session to order at 6:15 p.m. in the Commission Chambers of
City Hall. The invocation was led by Commissioner Firstner followed by the Pledge of
Allegiance to the Flag led by Commissioner Wilsen. City Clerk Sibbitt called roll and
declared a quorum present.
Present: Commissioner Grogan, Commissioner Wilsen, Mayor Johnson, Commissioner
Firstner, Commissioner Oliver
Proclamations for May 2018
➢ Building Safety Month,proclaimed by Mayor Johnson but not read.
➢ Municipal Clerks Week, May 6 — 12, proclaimed by Mayor Johnson and read by
Commissioner Grogan. Proclamation was accepted by City Clerk Sibbitt.
➢ National Peace Officer Memorial Day, May 15th and National Police Week, May 13—
19, proclaimed and read by Mayor Johnson. Proclamation was accepted by Police Chief
➢ National Water Safety Month, proclaimed by Mayor Johnson and read by
Commissioner Firstner. Proclamation was accepted by Parks and Recreation staff
➢ Older Americans Month, proclaimed by Mayor Johnson and read by Commissioner
Wilsen. Proclamation was accepted by representatives from the West Orange Seniors.
➢ Teacher Appreciation Week, May 7— 11,proclaimed by Mayor Johnson but not read.
➢ Women's Lung Health Week, May 6 — 12, proclaimed by Mayor Johnson and read by
Commissioner Oliver
Presentation by Frank Parks with The Future Investors Club of America — Youth Summer
Camp for Financial Literacy and Wall Street Training.
Frank Parks, 2512 W. Colonial Dr., Orlando, FL,briefly explained the Future Investor Clubs of
America, Inc. Program which is financial intelligence training for young students to help them
learn and practice wealth strategies. A PowerPoint presentation was provided highlighting the
important components and benefits of the financial training camps offered by The Future
Investors Club of America. Commissioner Oliver further shared that he invited Mr. Parks to the
meeting this evening as he thought this was an outstanding program to introduce as part of their
initiative to invest in the youth of the City.
Mayor Johnson inquired from Mr. Parks if their organization was a 501C in which he advised
they were not. Mr. Parks further explained this is a youth camp for which parents would enroll
their child and pay tuition or a child could be sponsored into the program through a work study.
Mayor Johnson further shared that he agrees this is a good program but if seeking City
assistance will need to be considered during the budget process.
Regular City Commission
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Commissioner Wilsen inquired if this program is offered to adults. Mr. Parks shared they have
not offered adult training programs but may start to. Commissioner Firstner inquired about the
cost per person for the training camp. Mr. Parks explained that it is about $1,000 for the year to
participate in the training courses which includes the summer camp, monthly meetings, and
workshops, etc. He further shared that the price point does go down when there are more
participants enrolled in the program. For the field trip cost portion of their camp they will
sponsor fundraisers.
Presentation by the Ocoee Fire Department—Fire-Based EMS Transport Services.
Fire Chief Miller presented a PowerPoint presentation highlighting the strategic plan
accomplishments reached thus far by the Fire Department and the goals they are hoping to reach
such as Fire-Base EMS Transport Services. He explained that Fire-Based EMS Transport is
transportation provided by the Fire Department instead of an ambulance following behind the
fire truck. It was further shared that currently Ocoee and Winter Garden are the larger two cities
in Orange County that do not offer the Fire-Based EMS Transport. The PowerPoint presentation
further provided EMS/transport statistics, transport rates, payer mix, revenues/expenses, and a
During his presentation, Fire Chief Miller addressed questions by the City Commission on
transport rates, insurance collection anticipated revenues, and transport billing service.
City Attorney Cookson shared that a resolution will be forthcoming for the next City
Commission Meeting so tonight they are just listening to the overview of what is being proposed
and getting all questions answered. At the next City Commission meeting they can take their
Commissioner Oliver inquired if there is any additional liability insurance impact that the City
would have to incur under expenses. Fire Chief Miller answered that he would meet with
Human Resources to be sure that through the City's liability insurance, there will be no
additional impact. Commissioner Oliver inquired if there are any thoughts about expanding
beyond Ocoee and providing transport to Winter Garden as well. Fire Chief Miller answered
that he believes Winter Garden is currently in the process of also implementing the Fire-Based
EMS and may begin before Ocoee. Commissioner Firstner inquired what the status was with
AMR ambulance services. Fire Chief Miller shared he spoke with their general manager who
advised that they have their general transport that they provide to Orlando Health and other
hospitals. They are a big company that services all the different counties but are aware that
established communities are making a transition. Commissioner Wilsen said she is assuming
since they provide fire service to Windermere that they would also be providing Fire-Based EMS
Transport coverage. Fire Chief Miller answered in the affirmative. Mayor Johnson inquired
where the funds would be allocated from if they approve this next week. Fire Chief Miller
advised this would be budgeted for next year. The only capital item needed currently is the
Rescue Truck, which is a leased item that he is working with Finance on, and would not affect
the budget.
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Assistant City Manager Shadrix announced that before them is the following:
Emergency Item - Approval for additional services in the amount of $17,598 to effect
design changes directed by the City and to extend the contract time to the end of the
construction schedule-Change Order No.2. (Support Services Director Butler)
He explained this is a Change Order to increase the amount of the purchase order for the
Lakeshore Center Expansion project. Through extensive review after the final set of plans were
produced, City staff discovered some needed items to add and reconfigure into the Lakeshore
Center Expansion project to make it more operable and secure in managing multiple events. The
amount of work imposed on the architect and design engineers have prompted a request to
increase the design fee by $17,598.
Commissioner Wilsen said that the Lakeshore Center was supposedly innovative with an
HVAC system that would adjust to the temperature based on the amount of persons in the
building and inquired if that system was functioning. Support Services Director Butler
answered in the affirmative. He further explained that they will be receiving a proposal on the
new control system which is anticipated to work multiple equipment, including the additional
HVAC system. Commissioner Wilsen further inquired if they are looking at solar for the
building. Support Services Director Butler answered they are not for the Lakeshore Center but
they are looking at solar as an add alternate for the New City Hall. Commissioner Oliver
inquired where the funds would be coming from and how soon is it needed by. Support Services
Director Butler answered the funds are budgeted under the currently available funding of $4
million for the project and would be needed by this Friday.
Motion: Move to Approve Change Order No. 2 and grant the City Manager
authority to approve adjustments to the contract within the scope of his purchase
approval authority: Moved by Commissioner Wilsen, seconded by Commissioner
Firstner; Motion carried 5-0.
Emergency Item—City/County Joint Planning Area Agreement. (City Attorney Cookson)
City Attorney Cookson explained on February 11, 1994, the City of Ocoee and Orange County
settled litigation between the parties by entering into a Joint Planning Area Agreement (JPA).
The JPA has been amended 18 times since 1994 and describes annexation boundaries for the
City, provides for joint goals in the annexation of enclaves, provides land use designations for
property within the joint planning area, provides for preservation of certain rural settlements, and
contains notification requirements for notice under the JPA. At this time, staff has reviewed the
JPA and believes the JPA has served its purpose but it would be more beneficial to seek to
negotiate with Orange County a more limited and specific joint planning agreement in order to
address items relating to specific planning needs that are beneficial to the City and the County in
the 21St century. City Staff believes the first step in negotiating a new JPA is to provide notice of
termination of the existing JPA. In order to terminate the JPA, a notice of non-renewal must be
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transmitted to the County Planning Manager and the County Administrator via fax, as designated
in the 17th amendment to the JPA. This notice of non-renewal should be sent to the County prior
to May 11, 2018 (nine months prior to the termination date of the current one-year period). Staff
recommends that the Honorable Mayor and City Commission approve and authorize the City
Manager to execute and transmit to the Orange County Administrator and Orange County
Planning Manager a notice of non-renewal of the JPA.
Commissioner Wilsen clarified that they would be developing a new JPA that is more
accommodating to Ocoee. City Attorney Cookson answered in the affirmative. Further
discussion ensued.
Motion: Move to Approve and authorize the City Manager to execute and transmit
to the Orange County Administrator and Orange County Planning Manager a
notice of non-renewal of the JPA: Moved by Commissioner Wilsen, seconded by
Commissioner Grogan; Motion carried 5-0.
Commissioner Grogan—None
Commissioner Wilsen — Shared that she is a member of the Ocoee Woman's Club and wanted
to announce that they are sprucing up their building to fall in line with the downtown
renovations. She hopes this will help the residents be proud of their community.
Commissioner Firstner—None
Commissioner Oliver — Provided a proposal and spoke with regards to a First Annual Ocoee
Youth Summer Job Fair that he would like to get support from the City Commission. In his
presentation he highlighted needs/problems, goals/objectives, procedures/scope of work,
timetable, budget, key personnel, evaluation and partners. In summary, he shared that his request
is to have the City sponsor a Summer Job Fair to bring in other businesses and organizations to
hire youth within the City limits; and, in addition, consider providing summer jobs within the
municipal structure as well. At the conclusion of his presentation discussion ensued among the
City Commission, and consensus was that they support the idea of sponsoring a Summer Job Fair
but would like to discuss the hiring of youth within the municipal structure during the 2018-2019
budget session. Mayor Johnson asked that our public relations City staff member be asked to
meet with Commissioner Oliver. Support Services Director Butler advised he would work
with Commissioner Oliver to bring forward an overall plan and budget on hosting a job fair
Mayor Johnson—None
Regular City Commission
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Consent Agenda Motion
Motion: Move to adopt the Consent Agenda Items #1 -#8.
Moved by Commissioner Grogan, seconded by Commissioner Wilsen; Motion
carried 5-0.
1. Approval of the Minutes for the Regular City Commission Meeting held April 17,
2018. (City Clerk Sibbitt)
Approved on Consent. Motion carried 5-0.
2. Approval of New Appointment to the Citizen Advisory Council for Ocoee Police
Department and the Citizen Advisory Council for Ocoee Fire Department. (City Clerk
Members of the Citizen Advisory Council for Ocoee Police Department (CACOPD) and Citizen Advisory
Council for Ocoee Fire Department(CACOFD)serve three-year terms. The Resolutions creating both Boards
allows no more than fifteen (15) members. The CACOPD Board currently has ten (10) members, and the
CACOFD currently has six (6) members. An application has been received by Adam Lovejoy, a resident of
District 3,who has shown an interest in being appointed to both the CACOPD and CACOFD for a term ending
January 2021 (CACOPD)and November 2021 (CACOFD).
Approved on Consent. Motion carried 5-0.
3. Approval of the Oak Trail Reserve Plat and Associated Traffic Enforcement
Agreement. (Development Engineer Womack)
The subject properties are located in the northeast quadrant of the intersection of Clarke Road and Clarcona-
Ocoee Road. The lots are identified as parcel numbers 04-22-28-0000-00-013, 33-21-28-0000-00-022, 33-21-
28-0000-00-021. The total area of the parcels amounts to approximately 38.62 acres. This plat is required in
order to create the 140 lots for the residential subdivision, associated street right-of-way and tracts for open
space, recreation, conservation, lift station, and retention facilities. The plat also includes easements for
emergency vehicle access, reclaim water lines, drainage, the stormwater retention pond, and easements for
other public utilities. The Oak Trail Reserve subdivision is platting prior to receiving a Certificate of
Completion; therefore, the developer is required to provide a Surety covering the proposed improvements as
approved in the Oak Trail Reserve Preliminary/Final Subdivision Plan.The Surety, in the form of a check,has
been provided by D.R. Horton via JP Morgan Chase. The check will first be deposited into the City of Ocoee
bank account; the amount is then recorded in the Oak Trail Reserve accounts receivable account. This will
ensure that funds will be available should the developer fail to complete the subdivision. The Surety will be
returned to the developer upon issuance of the Certificate of Completion for the subdivision. The Oak Trail
Reserve subdivision is a gated community; therefore, the Oak Trail Reserve Homeowner's Association has
executed the Traffic Enforcement Agreement to allow for police jurisdiction within the subdivision.As a gated
community, the proposed upgraded street lights are to be owned and maintained completely by the developer
and Homeowner's Association.
Approved on Consent. Motion carried 5-0.
Regular City Commission
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4. Approval of a Termination of Temporary Access Easement Agreement for Ocoee
Business Park,LLC. (Development Engineer Womack)
The Ocoee Business Park,LLC granted a Temporary Access Easement to the City for a stabilized cul-de-sac at
the western end of Ocoee Business Parkway to facilitate turnarounds of emergency vehicles. The Temporary
Access Easement was set to automatically terminate at such time as the recording of a Plat for the Ocoee
Business Park property located at 165 Maguire Road. This property is currently being developed by the
McCraney Property Company and will consist of three buildings of Light Industrial/Flex Office. Together the
buildings will consists of over 655,000 sq. ft. of Light Industrial/Flex Office space. This development will not
require replatting as the buildings will be leased rather than the entire property being subdivided;therefore,the
developer has requested that the existing temporary access easement be terminated. McCraney Property
Company has furnished the City with a Termination of Temporary Access Easement Agreement.
Approved on Consent. Motion carried 5-0.
5. Approval of Large Scale Final Site Plan for Ocoee Business Park.Phase 2, Building
300. (City Planner Ruiner)
The subject property is zoned I-1 (Light Industrial)and is located on the west side of Maguire Road and south
of the Franklin Street. The subject site is approximately 10.86 acres in size, which is currently undeveloped.
The subject site Parcel ID Number: 18-22-28-0000-00-026. The applicant is McCraney Property Company.
The proposed Ocoee Business Park, Building 300, Large Scale Final Site Plan consists of 405,596 sq. ft. of
Light Industrial/Flex Office building space. The building is characterized as having bay openings on each side
as to allow processing and shipment of goods to enter from side of the building and loading and delivery from
the other side. There is no change from the proposed size in the Preliminary Large Scale Site Plan approval.
Access will be via an extension of Ocoee Crown Point Parkway and a second from a new driveway located on
the north side of the site from Maguire Road. Once Building 300 is developed,there will be internal drive isles
connecting Buildings 100, 200 & 300 to Maguire Road at multiple points. The site for Building 300 will
provide two additional stormwater ponds,which have been approved by SJRWMD. Water and sewer lines will
be connected to existing lines located on Ocoee Crown Point Parkway and looped to Maguire Road. Parking
spaces in the amount of 343 with eight(8)handicapped are provided.Adequate truck parking and circulation is
being provided in the rear. Landscaping will be provided which meets the LDC.
Approved on Consent. Motion carried 5-0.
6. Approval to Expand the Body Worn Camera Program. (Police Chief Brown)
The City of Ocoee Police Department implemented a trial program with 10 Body Worn Cameras (BWC)
during the Fiscal Year 2016/2017. In an effort to expand the program, the Police Department would like to
purchase 40 additional cameras with unlimited storage to outfit the remaining patrol officers. Each BWC
comes with unlimited storage and an electronic control device (ECD). The initial cost in this budget year
would be $78,541 with subsequent yearly costs for four years being $53,424 each year. In this current fiscal
year the Police Department received budget approval to purchase 29 ECDs at a total cost of$33,000. As the
contract for a BWC includes ECDs with each BWC,these funds could be a portion of the expansion costs with
the remaining funding coming from the Police Department's current budget.
Approved on Consent. Motion carried 5-0.
7. Approval to Replace the Prairie Lake Boulevard Railroad Crossing. (Public Works
Director Krug)
The City allocated $250,000.00 in capital improvement funds to replace the Clarke Road railroad crossing in
the 2015-2016 budget based on the conservative estimate provided by the railroad. The City was able to lower
the replacement cost to$135,956.34 by utilizing concrete panels removed from an existing crossing outside the
City road network. Public Works is proposing to apply the savings from the Clarke Road crossing to replace
the Prairie Lake Boulevard railroad crossing, which is the entry road into the Forest Oaks Subdivision. The
original rubberized grade crossing installed when the subdivision was constructed over 20 years ago is beyond
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the end of its useful service life, and Public Works has been in contact with the Florida Central Railroad, a
Pinsly Railroad Company, Inc., to coordinate upgrading the crossing using more durable concrete materials.
Similar panels are in use at the Clarke, Silver Star and Maguire Roads crossings. A portion of the allocated
capital funds will be used to provide a detour for motorists while the crossing is replaced as the normally
locked access to Hackney Prairie Road via Rich Drive will need to be utilized for the proposed 24 hour
closure. This is a sole source estimate as the specialized work is on railroad property, which the City cannot
contract out independently. Public Works recommends approval of this proposal to replace the grade crossing
using refurbished concrete panels as the pricing is in line with industry standards.
Approved on Consent. Motion carried 5-0.
8. Approval of Interlocal Agreement with Orange County for Municipal Separate.Storm
Sewer System Permit Activities. (Public Works Director Krug)
The City is a co-applicant with Orange County for the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System
(NPDES) Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System (MS4) permit pursuant to the Clean Water Act and the
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency regulations which have been in effect since 2000 and are administered
by the Florida Department of Environmental Protection(FDEP). The most recent iteration of the MS4 permit
requires increased levels of water quality sampling, monitoring, data reporting and pollutant loading analysis.
FDEP has encouraged permit co-applicants to formally establish responsibilities for funding and implementing
permit-related activities and requirements through interlocal agreements. The agreement will allow the City to
utilize the County's established testing lab and procedures for consistent data reporting required by the MS4
permit. The agreement is for the term of the permit with annual financial support from the City in the amount
of$4,860.00. The City previously executed an interlocal agreement supporting the County Water Atlas as part
of the previous MS4 permit. Public Works recommends City Commission approval of the interlocal
agreement,which will provide the data as required for compliance with the MS4 permit.
Approved on Consent. Motion carried 5-0.
9. First Reading of Ordinance for Vaughn Property — 451 Ocoee Apopka Road
Annexation and Initial Rezoning; Project No(s): AX-03-18-72 & RZ-18-03-04. (Second
Reading and Public Hearing Date scheduled for May 15, 2018, Regular Commission Meeting at 6:15 p.m. or
soon thereafter) (Planner Jones)
The subject property at 451 Ocoee Apopka Road is located on the east side of Ocoee Apopka Road, 1,650 feet
north of Silver Star Road with a total of+/-0.83 acres.The Parcel Identification Number is 18-22-28-0000-00-
053. This parcel contains one (1) single-family residence. The applicant is annexing into the City limits to
receive City potable water connection. This property is located within the Ocoee-Orange County Joint
Planning Area(JPA) and is being considered for annexation as outlined in the JPA Agreement. City staff has
requested a City of Ocoee zoning designation of R-1A (Single-Family Dwelling) upon annexation. Orange
County has been notified of this petition in accordance with Section 171.044(6)FS and Subsection 13-A of the
City of Ocoee-Orange County JPA. The proposed annexation is a logical extension of the City limits, urban
services can be provided, and the annexation meets state and local regulations. The land use and initial zoning
are also consistent and compatible with surrounding properties. The owners wish to obtain water service from
the City.
a) First Reading of Annexation Ordinance
b) First Reading of Rezoning Ordinance
City Attorney Cookson read the titles of the Ordinances.
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Mayor Johnson announced that this will be presented as a second reading and public hearing at
the next scheduled City Commission meeting on May 15, 2018,at 6:15 p.m. or soon thereafter.
10. iFirst Reading of Ordinance Amending the Land Development Code (LAC)
Concerning the Planning and Zoning Commission/Land Planning Agency and the
Board of Adjustment. (Second Reading and Public Hearing Date scheduled for May 15, 2018, Regular
Commission Meeting at 6:15 p.m. or soon thereafter) (City Planner Rumer)
All City Boards and Committees were reviewed in 2016 for compliance with applicable laws (such as those
governing dual office holding), which through dialogue between the City Manager, Mayor, and members of
the Commission,have prompted closer review of how these groups functioned and whether refinements could
be made to better benefit the City and its citizens. Recent examples include the Code Enforcement Board,
which was split into a board/magistrate system in 2017; the Human Relations Diversity Board, which had
changes made to member eligibility guidelines in 2016; and the Violations Hearing Board, which with
commission approval will be moving to a magistrate system. Through extensive review of the statutorily
defined roles of the Planning and Zoning Commission and the Board of Adjustment as well as analysis of
similar local governments, changes to the Land Development Code governing the Planning and Zoning
Commission are proposed.Notable proposed changes include transition to a five member Planning and Zoning
Commission as well as dissolution of the Board of Adjustment and combination of its duties with those of the
Planning and Zoning Commission. A complete summary of the proposed changes to the Planning and Zoning
Commission and Board of Adjustment can be found on the staff report.
City Attorney Cookson read the title of the Ordinance.
Mayor Johnson announced that this will be presented as a second reading and public hearing at
the next scheduled City Commission meeting on May 15, 2018, at 6:15 p.m. or soon thereafter.
He further shared a speaker form was received from Greg Keethler, who he will allow to make a
comment this evening. He further advised Mr. Keethler that the City Commission did receive his
letter. City Attorney Cookson briefly cautioned the City Commission to not ask questions this
Gregory Keethler, Vice-Chair of Planning and Zoning Commission, shared his discontent with
the changes that are being proposed for the Planning and Zoning Commission. He asked the City
Commission to please review the proposed ordinance and he will try to make the May 15th City
Commission so he may discuss and answer any questions they may have.
Commissioner Wilsen announced that she received a text message from Rob McKey, who is
Chairman of the Planning and Zoning Commission, which she will send to the City Clerk to
make part of the public record.
11, Second Reading of Ordinance Amending Chapter 16 —Violations. (Advertised in the West
Orange Times on Thursday,April 19,'2018.) (Police Chief Brown)
As part of Ordinance 2013-005, the City adopted a Violations Hearing Board to consider appeals related to
Notices of Violations issued by the City of Ocoee Police Department, the Ocoee Fire Department, and any
other City employee as designated by the Chief of Police. With the growth of the City,consolidating this board
into the position of a Violations Hearing Special Magistrate is consistent with the City's business practices and
the Red Light Camera Ordinance. This change will standardize the appeal procedures for both citizens and
staff. The following items should be adopted following second reading and adoption of the ordinance: A
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resolution, adopting fines and fees for use by the Violations Hearing Special Magistrate, and an agreement to
retain Attorney Robin Drage to serve as Violations Hearing Special Magistrate.
a) Second Reading of Ordinance
b) Resolution Establishing Fines and Fees (this item is not a public hearing)
c) Violations Hearing Special Magistrate Services Agreement (this item is not a public hearing)
City Attorney Cookson read the title of the ordinance.
Police Chief Brown shared that staff recommends adoption of the proposed ordinance.
The public hearing was opened.
Victoria Laney, 828 Hammocks Drive, shared that she has been a member since the board's
creation and is sad to see this board dissolved. She further shared recommendations that she felt
the City Commission could do to recognize the members for their service and some suggestions
that she felt would help make Ocoee better for the citizens.
The public hearing was closed.
Commissioner Wilsen shared her discontentment with how the board members terms were
expired but also expressed that after recent meetings and discussions she understands the need
for a special magistrate as there are larger incidents happening in the City that need to be
enforced. Further discussion ensued with regards to other violations that are being witnessed
around the City.
a) Second Reading of Ordinance
Motion: Move to adopt Ordinance No. 2018-018, Amending Chapter 16 -
Violations; Moved by Commissioner Firstner, seconded by Commissioner
Grogan; Motion carried unanimously.
b) Resolution Establishing Fines and Fees
Motion: Move to adopt Resolution No. 2018-010, Establishing a Fine and Fee
Schedule as Authorized by Ordinance No. 2018-018; Moved by Commissioner
Grogan, seconded by Commissioner Oliver; Motion carried unanimously.
c) Violations Hearing Special Magistrate Services Agreement
Motion: Move to approve the Special Magistrate Services Agreement; Moved by
Commissioner Firstner, seconded by Commissioner Grogan; Motion carried
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Commissioner Oliver—None
Commissioner Firstner — Announced the City Pool is opening this Saturday, May 5th
Encouraged residents to go out and enjoy the pool but to also remember it is Water Safety
Commissioner Wilsen—None
Commissioner Grogan—None
Mayor Johnson— 1) Announced that he received a letter from the Florida State Coordinator for
Prayers who would like to host a Prayer Day at the gazebo located in Bill Breeze Park on May
Motion: Move to approve the Florida State Coordinator for Prayers to host a
Prayer Day at the gazebo located in Bill Breeze Park on May 3rd; Moved by
Commissioner Wilsen, seconded by Commissioner Firstner; Motion carried
2) The regularly scheduled Planning & Zoning Commission Meeting for next week, Tuesday,
May 8th has been canceled. 3) Coffee with a Cop is next week, Wednesday, May 9th from 9 am to
11 am at the Breakfast Club of Ocoee. 4) The Ocoee Police Department's 9th Annual
Community Picnic is Saturday, May 19th from 11am to 2pm at Freedom Park which is located at
351 Thornbrooke Drive. 5) Thanked the City for sending me, Kathleen Crown, William Maxwell
and Nichole Dawkins to Montgomery, Alabama for the grand opening of the National Memorial
for Peace and Justice last weekend. He further shared the HRDB members who attended will be
coming before the City Commission with a report.
Attest: City of Ocoee
Melanie Sibbitt, City Clerk Rusty Johnson, Mayor