HomeMy WebLinkAbout08-15-06 Minutes
August 15, 2006 at 7:15 P.M.
Mayor Vandergrift
called the regular session to order at 7:15 p.m. in the Commission Chambers of
Commissioner KellerCommissioner Hood
City Hall. gave the Invocation and led the Pledge of
. City Clerk Eikenberry
Allegiance to the Flagcalled roll and declared a quorum present.
Roll Call:
Commissioner Hood, Commissioner Anderson (absent), Mayor Vandergrift,
Commissioner Keller, and Commissioner Johnson.
Also Present:
City Manager Frank, City Attorney Rosenthal, and City Clerk Eikenberry.
Presentation – Recognition of Police Officers for their Assistance in Responding to an
Alarm at Ocoee High School on June 17 – Sonitrol (Alarm Company). (Mayor
Chief Reffett and Bill Ford of Sonitrol Alarm Company
thanked the following members of
the Ocoee Police Department for their good work in handling a burglary alarm in progress at
Ocoee High School, where the fast action and response caused two suspects to be apprehended.
Communications Officer Kim Deloach
Communications Officer Mindie Stephenson
Sergeant William Wagner
Officer Paul Vega
Detective Granger Prunier
Presentation by Glenn Sangiovanni,Former Mayor of St. Cloud, Florida. (Mayor
Mr. Glenn Sangiovanni
gave a PowerPoint presentation on the WiFi Wireless Communication
system that was installed in the City of St. Cloud. He outlined the many ways the system will be
used as they go forward from the March 2006 installation, and how much money the City has
saved for themselves and their residents with wireless access to the internet. He advised in the
first 100 days, 55% of St. Cloud residents were registered and using the system. He said this
presentation is available on .
Ed Moore
, Ocoee resident, added that wireless systems are helping in many areas, in the
medical arena it is assisting nurses to monitor their patients from home.
Proclamation – Butterfly Season - August – October. (Mayor Vandergrift)
Lt. Brown, Sgt. McCosker, and Officer Maroney of the Police Department presented
Mayor Vandergrift
with a Russian butterfly in a shadowbox that they purchased from a street
vendor on their recent trip to Russia in conjunction with UCF.
Commissioner Johnson
read a letter to the Mayor from Butterfly World of Coconut Creek, FL,
thanking him for his longtime admiration and education of the butterflies.
City Commission Regular
August 15, 2006
John Resnick
, 407 Abbey Ridge Court, asked for permission to use Sorenson Field for the AAU
Baseball Tournament to raise money to play in the AAU World Series in Hawaii. He said he
recalls in February the Commission agreed to allow use of the fields as long as non-Ocoee
residents paid $15 per season.
Commissioner Keller, seconded by Commissioner Johnson, moved to grant use
of Sorenson Field to the AAU league for their tournament on August 25 – 27, at no
charge. Motion carried 4-0 with Commissioner Anderson absent.
Commissioner Keller
1) announced Ocoee High School Knight’s Football is having a Pancake
Breakfast this Saturday at 9:30 a.m. in the high school cafeteria, 2) said Ocoee High School
Band participated in a Battle of the Bands at Sunstate Ford, and won $2000.00 for third place, 3)
said the CACOFD “Fully Involved” program is having a work project removing low branches
and general cleanup at the home of Frances Watts in Pioneer Key One and they are looking for
volunteers. Work will begin at 8:00 a.m.
Commissioner Johnson
1) announced the next Founder’s Day Meeting on August 31, 2006, at
6:30 p.m. at the Beech Center, 2) said the West Orange Chamber of Commerce Mayor’s
Luncheon will be on September 13, 2006, at 11:30 a.m., at Tanner Hall in Winter Garden.
Manager Frank
advised in the past we have purchased a corporate table for this event.
Commissioner Johnson, seconded by Commissioner Hood, moved to purchase a
Corporate Table for eight for the Mayor’s Luncheon, at a cost of $208.00 from the
Commission Contingency fund. Motion carried 4-0 with Commissioner Anderson
3) announced the West Orange Candidate Forum, Florida House of Representatives District #41,
will be facilitated by Teresa Jacobs and Bill Donegan, and held on Monday, August 21, 2006, at
6:00 p.m. at Camp Down, 4) announced the West Orange Chamber Annual Golf Classic,
September 14, 2006, registration is at 12:00 noon. In the past we purchased a foursome, which
will cost $450.00 if we choose to do the same thing this year.
Commissioner Hood, seconded by Commissioner Keller, moved to purchase a
Foursome at the West Orange Annual Golf Classic on September 14, 2006, at a
cost of $450.00 from the Commission Contingency fund. Motion carried 4-0 with
Commissioner Anderson absent.
5) announced the West Orange Hob Nob and Straw Poll on August 17, 2006, at 5:00 p.m., at the
Auto Auction in Winter Garden. They included 5 tickets at a cost of $21.00 each that they are
asking the city to purchase.
Mayor Vandergrift, seconded by Commissioner Johnson, moved to purchase five
tickets for the West Orange Hob Nob and Straw Poll, at a cost of $105.00 from the
Commission Contingency fund. Motion carried 4-0 with Commissioner Anderson
Commissioner Hood-1)
said the Ison Senior and Veteran’s Center is open Mondays and
Thursdays 8:00am – 4:00 p.m., contact Tommy Moldonato regarding veteran’s services, 2)
announced Youth Soccer Sign up at Jim Beech Center on August 19, 2006, at 9:00 am, August
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City Commission Regular
August 15, 2006
22, 2006, at 6:00 p.m. and August 27at 2:00 p.m. 3) said the Ocoee High School Jamboree
against Oak Ridge at 7:00 p.m. at Ocoee High School, 4) reminded residents to be cautious while
driving around, there are many sports activities (Pop Warner Football and Fall Little League)
going on at this time.
Approval and Acceptance of the Regular City Commission Minutes of August 1, 2006.
(City Clerk Eikenberry)
Reappointment to the Ocoee School Advisory Board. (City Clerk Eikenberry)
Members of the Ocoee School Advisory Board serve two-year terms. Currently the Ocoee School Advisory
Board has nine (9) members and their resolution allows no less than seven (7) members and no more than
fifteen (15) members. The two-year term of Sheila Grammer ends August 31, 2006. Mrs. Grammer has
indicated she is willing to serve another two-year term, if reappointed. Mrs. Grammer has attended fourteen
(14) out of seventeen (17) meetings with only 1 absence unexcused. There are no applications on file for
residents interested in serving on the board. Staff recommends that the Honorable Mayor and City
Commissioners reappoint Sheila Grammer to serve another two-year term on the Ocoee School Advisory Board
with a term ending August 2008.
Reappointment to the Board of Adjustment. (City Clerk Eikenberry)
Ordinance No. 516 on September 15, 1970, created the Board of Adjustment to hear and decide appeals for
administrative review, to hear and recommend to the City Commission variances to zoning ordinances. This
Board consists of five (5) regular members and two (2) alternate members. At this time there are five (5)
regular members and no alternate members. The three-year term of Bob Colburn and Patricia Tice ended May
2006. Mr. Colburn has indicated he is willing to serve another term, if reappointed. Ms. Tice does not wish to
be reappointed. Member Colburn has attended two out of three meetings during his current term beginning
May 2003. Staff recommends that the Honorable Mayor and City Commissioners reappoint Bob Colburn to
serve another three-year term on the Board of Adjustment with a term ending May 2009. Currently there are no
applications on file to fill the board openings.
Reappointment of Trustee for the Police Officers'/Firefighters' Retirement Trust Fund.
(City Clerk Eikenberry)
Trustees for the Pension Boards serve two-year terms. Two of the trustees are appointed by the City
Commission, two are elected from the employee body, and the fifth trustee is chosen by those four trustees and
presented to the City Commission for certification of the appointment as a ministerial act. Trustees of the
Police Officers'/Firefighters' Retirement Trust Fund respectfully request this Commission to certify the
reappointment of Nora Gledich to serve another term ending September 30, 2008. Trustee Gledich has
indicated she is willing to serve another term if appointed. At this time no other applications were received for
serving on this board.
Reappointment to the Community Merit Awards Review Board. (City Clerk
On January 15, 2002, Resolution No. 2004-09, was adopted creating the Community Merit Awards Review
Board, requiring five (5) members all serving two-year terms. The two-year term of Jim Sills expired in March
of 2006. Mr. Sills has indicated that he is willing to serve another term, if reappointed. Staff recommends that
the Honorable Mayor and City Commissioners reappoint Jim Sills to serve another two-year term on the
Community Merit Awards Review Board ending March 2008.
Approval of Change Order No. 3 Britt Construction for Public Works Facility. (Public
Works Director Krug)
This Change Order #3 in the amount of $3,910.45, is for the addition of items not included in the original bid
which includes (1) relocation of the electrical for the welder in the Fleet shop (2) addition of electrical for
proposed heavy equipment lift, and (3) additional electrical for proposed brake lathe. A 5-calendar day time
extension will also be required for Change Order #3.
Approval of Waiver of Minimum Purchasing Standards. (Fire Chief Firstner)
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City Commission Regular
August 15, 2006
In the 2005/2006 Capital Equipment budget, $33,547 was approved for the replacement of the Hurst hydraulic
rescue tool. A committee of Fire Department personnel has selected Holmatro Rescue System after review and
demonstrations by four (4) different tool manufacturers. Their selection was based on fit and function, warranty,
and local sales and service. The Holmatro tool was selected as the best overall performance, with local service
available. Staff recommends that the City Commission waive the minimum purchasing standards and approve
the purchase of the Holmatro Rescue System from Ten-8 Fire Equipment Inc. which is the only authorized
Holmatro dealer in Central Florida, for the total purchase price of $33,000.
Approval of Amendment Extending the Term for Commercial And Multi-Family Solid
Waste Collection Franchise Agreement With Onyx Waste Services for An Additional
Two-Year Term. (Public Works Director Krug) **pulled from the agenda
On May 31, 2006, and pursuant to the franchise agreement with Onyx Waste Services, both parties should have
agreed to extend the term of the agreement for two years. Staff is recommending we proceed forward with
approving an amendment to the agreement extending it for an additional 2 year term.
This item was pulled from the agenda to be placed in a Workshop Session on August 21,
2006, at 6:00 p.m. prior to the budget session.
Approval of Progress Energy Lighting Proposals for Lakeshore Drive and Rachel’s
Ridge Loop. (Public Works Director Krug)
On June 7, 2005, staff presented the cost proposals submitted by Progress Energy for street lighting on South
Maguire Road. At that time City Commission instructed staff to evaluate other significant street lighting
candidate locations in the order of priority for inclusion in future CIP program. At the City Commission
Meeting on July 19, 2005, staff recommended the following locations which City Commission later approved at
the Budget Workshops in August of 2005, Orlando Avenue, A.D. Mims Road, and Maguire Road. City
Commission also included asking City Staff to get proposals for Lakeshore Drive and Rachel’s Loop. The
HOA on Rachel’s Loop within the White Hill Subdivision has asked for decorative lights, which is an upgrade;
the City will only pay the cost for standard lighting with Rachel’s Loop’s HOA being responsible for the
balance due to the upgrade to decorative lighting. The Rachel’s Ridge Proposal calls for the addition of 3
lights and light poles. The Lakeshore Drive proposal calls for 6 additional poles at the end of Lakeshore Drive
behind the school and close to Strake Lake. The cost for the installation of new lights and poles for Lakeshore
Drive is $3,500 and the City’s portion for Rachel’s Loop is $3,000. Also, there are additional monthly rental
charges depending upon type of fixtures chosen for implementation. Staff respectfully recommends the City
Commission approve the Progress Energy proposals for Lakeshore Drive and Rachel’s Ridge.
Consent Agenda Vote
Item #8 heard separately.
Bill Stubblebine
from Veolia Environmental Services explained his situation.
City Attorney Rosenthal
advised that the Code requires that commercial rates be set by
resolution, and adopted by the City Commission at an advertised Public Hearing. Secondly, the
agreement with the franchisee would need to be addressed, as it is an automatic extension at this
time, with the franchisee requesting a rate increase.
City Attorney Rosenthal
advised that the City entered into the agreement 2001 for a four year
term, which expires August 31, 2006. The agreement provided for an automatic two-year
extension, if the franchisee did not want the extension they were supposed to give notice at a
time that has already passed and did not do that; by the terms of the franchise it automatically
extended to August 2008; the rates in effect under the agreement also expired on August 31,
2006, and the franchisee missed the deadline to raise those rates; however, they were in
discussions with the City regarding that. We have no document that the franchise has
automatically extended, and the Commission needs to address the fact that Onyx is requesting a
rate increase. If the increase is agreed upon it will need to be implemented by amending the
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City Commission Regular
August 15, 2006
Franchise Agreement and adopt a resolution on the new rates. He said he would prefer to resolve
this issue before the contract expires on August 31, 2006.
Commissioner Johnson, seconded by Commissioner Keller, moved to pull Item
#8, regarding the Multi Family Solid Waste collection Franchise Agreement with
Onyx Waste Services, from the agenda to be placed in a Workshop Session on
August 21, 2006, at 6:00 p.m. prior to the budget session. Motion carried 4-0, with
Commissioner Anderson absent.
Commissioner Keller, seconded by Commissioner Johnson, moved to approve
Consent Agenda Items 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, and 9, as presented by staff. Item #8 was
pulled and voted on separately. Motion carried 4-0, with Commissioner Anderson
Proposed Ordinance Chapter 136 - Sexual Offenders and Sexual Predators – Child
Protection Recommendation Committee.
(Second Reading and Public Hearing should be continued
(Deputy Police Chief
until September 5, 2006, to allow time for Advertisement of Public Hearing.)
The Child Protection Recommendation Committee (CPRC - a citizen board authorized by the City Commission
to make recommendations to help keep children in the community safe) is deeply concerned about recent
occurrences in our state and elsewhere, whereby convicted sexual offenders and sexual predators who have
been released from custody repeat the unlawful acts for which they had originally been convicted. The CPRC
recommends City adoption of an ordinance that provides heightened protection of the lives and persons in the
City of Ocoee and would prohibit sexual offenders and sexual predators from establishing a residence within
two thousand five hundred (2,500) feet of certain locations within the City. The Child Protection
Recommendation Committee recommends that the Honorable Mayor and Board of City Commissioners adopt
the proposed City Ordinance Chapter 136 - Sexual Offenders and Sexual Predators and that the City implement
a background check application for people who volunteer for City boards and who help with City programs.
The ordinance allows for a $1000.00 a day penalty for violations of the ordinance. As violations could result in
imprisonment, the cases have to be heard by a criminal court judge. Nominal court fees may be assessed to the
City if the violator is found “not guilty.”
Mayor Vandergrift announced this item has been postponed due to complications
with advertising, and the second reading and public hearing will be on September
5, 2006.
Discussion Regarding Creation of Landscape Committee.
City Clerk Eikenberry
explained that they contacted previous members of the Landscape Board
and four members, Beavers, Behrens, Burgess, and Dowler, responded that they were interested
in serving on the board again. She also advised that Commissioner Anderson had discussed
having members of each HOA, and that a list of approximately 50 HOA members was
distributed to the Commission. She asked for direction on how large they want this board to be.
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City Commission Regular
August 15, 2006
Commissioner Keller, seconded by Commissioner Hood, moved to appoint
former members of the Landscape Committee Rose Beavers, Kay Behrens, Gayla
Burgess, and John Dowler to the newly formed Landscape Committee for a one-
year term and confirmed that Commissioner Anderson would be the Commission
liaison to this board. Motion carried 4-0, with Commissioner Anderson absent.
Consensus of the Commission was that Commissioner Anderson should meet
with the four members to determine the board membership, and the terms of the
Emergency Item – Approval and Execution of Non-Exclusive Temporary Construction
Easement Agreement-7 Avenue and Moore Road
City Engineer Wheeler
advised that the City needs a small parcel of land, approximately 60’ X
100’ from the Orange County School Board to allow the road to be completely within the city
Right of Way so that construction can be continued. We will do a warranty deed for the transfer
of the property. The School Board advised if the City approves it tonight, they will respond
accordingly to avoid stopping the construction.
Commissioner Hood, seconded by Commissioner Johnson, moved to approve
and execute a Non-Exclusive Temporary Construction Easement Agreement for
the area of 7 Avenue and Moore Road per staff recommendations. Motion
carried 4-0, with Commissioner Anderson absent.
Discussion Regarding Schools. (Mayor Vandergrift)
Mayor Vandergrift
said he has been thinking about whether to call a town meeting, or form a
committee, and said he is open to suggestions.
Commissioner Hood
said he has an issue not related to Evans, but wanted to express his
concerns about kids who are 1.8 miles from school having to walk along Clarcona Ocoee Road
with no sidewalks, although two buses go right in front of the subdivision every morning. School
Board Member Jim Martin has not answered his email in over a week. He is also concerned that
there is no elementary school planned in the next five years for the NW sector (District One) and
Clarcona Elementary already has over 30 portables. Spring Lake Elementary is also
overcrowded. They no longer have playground areas due to portables.
Mayor Vandergrift
said we previously passed a resolution offering to assist with building
sidewalks and the School Board did not respond. We may need to start talking about Charter
Mayor Vandergrift
Schools again. said they never even had planners at the School Board until
they hired one 3 years ago, and they have a 2.8 billion dollar budget.
Commissioner Hood
said the newspaper is endorsing new candidates to be elected to the Board.
Commissioner Keller
said you no longer have to get permission from the School Board to start
a Charter School; it is approved at a different level. He thinks we should look seriously into
creating the school district, starting with a town hall meeting, and getting the Ocoee School
Advisory Board involved.
Consensus of the Commission was to have Administrative Aide Cowan try to
coordinate a Town Hall Meeting for the first week of October.
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City Commission Regular
August 15, 2006
Report on Cemetery Conditions. (City Clerk Eikenberry, Human Resources Director
Carnicella, and Parks and Recreation Director Hayes)
City Clerk Eikenberry, Human Resources Director Carnicella, and Parks and Recreation
Director Hayes
gave a brief presentation to the Commission outlining the maintenance problems
at the cemetery. They showed photos of items, tree plantings, and borders that had been placed
in and around grave sites that need to be removed because they are in violation of the Rules and
Regulations of the Cemetery. They also discussed City maintenance issues such as sodding,
Ms. Eikenberry
irrigation, mowing, and fencing. advised that her office is in the process of
developing a web-based database and mapping system, approved in last year’s budget, which
will link owner and deceased information with actual physical grave site mapping and photos.
Once that data has been input, it will help the notification and tracking process of these
violations, as well. The cemetery is sold out at this point, and there is concern that all of the
plots purchased will not be available in the future due to obstructions and past burial procedures
that may have one plot infringing on another.
Consensus of the Commission, without objection, was to send notification,
including rules and regulations to all owners of the cemetery asking them to
correct any issues they may have that are in violation of the Rules and
Regulations. Further consensus was to appoint Commissioner Johnson as
Commission Liaison to this committee, and to appoint Jean Grafton and Sam
Woodson to assist with notification of owners. This committee will be an ad hoc
committee which will exist until the cemetery issues have been addressed, and it
would not be subject to the Sunshine Law.
Request for Road Closure – McCormick Road and Ingram Road
City Engineer David Wheeler
advised the Commission that the developer for McCormick
Woods subdivision is required to rebuild a section of Ingram Road from McCormick south to
their south property line as part of the approval for that property. They need to level the road,
ensure drainage, curb and gutter, install sanitary sewer and water, and install reuse and
stormwater pipelines. They don’t feel they can keep a temporary road open and would like to
close the road for four months from after Labor Day to before Christmas.
Consensus of the Commission was that they could not allow that road to be
completely closed, and directed Mr. Wheeler to talk to the contractor about
alternatives, such as doing the work at nights, or trying to create a temporary
lane to allow traffic through.
Steve Krug,
the new Public Works Director, introduced himself and said he is looking forward
to doing a lot of good things for the City.
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City Commission Regular
August 15, 2006
Commissioner Hood – Public Works Director Krug
1)askedto look into the corner of Wurst
Road and Adair Street; there are barricades that are covering a hole and grass is growing up over
them. He does not know if work is scheduled to be done there, 2) thanked staff for the great job
so far on the Lady Avenue project and asked when the landscaping would be done.
Works Director Krug
advised we are getting revised proposals for long-term landscaping that
Assistant Public Works Director Elliott
is low maintenance before they install anything.
added that they are seeking additional funding to finish the traffic circle and complete the
; Commissioner Hood
landscapingit should be completed in the next two weeks. asked that, in
the meantime, we take care of the weed growth, 3) asked for an update on Jamela, and
Director Smith
said the dismantling of the tank is scheduled for November 13, 2006, unless
they can get it scheduled earlier, 4) asked when the Street Parking ordinance was coming before
City Clerk Eikenberry
the Commission and advised it was heard by the P & Z Board at their
August meeting and it will be coming before the Commission in September, 5) asked if the First
Mayor Vandergrift
Baptist Church issue is over, to which advised he met with them this week
and they intend to make a presentation at our September 5, 2006, Commission Meeting.
Consensus of the Commission was to have Community Development Director
Wagner advise them to bring an alternate plan for the type and/or size of the
cross that the Commission could also consider, so that something can be worked
Commissioner Johnson
1) asked if we can have a city LOGO placed on the front of the dais,
because the other one is always covered by the projector screen, 2) thanked Jamie Croteau and
the Public Works employees for the work that is being done on Maguire, it is starting to look
very good.
Commissioner Keller
1) said the Florida League of Cities conference was very good, he
particularly liked the classes on public schools and grant writing, 2) said the mowing on Prairie
Lake did not go as close to the lake as usual and he is hearing complaints from residents.
The meeting adjourned at 9:35 p.m.
Attest: City of Ocoee
____________________________ _____________________________
Beth Eikenberry, City Clerk S. Scott Vandergrift, Mayor
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