HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem VI (A) - Presentaion and Ranking of Audit Selection - FY 91, FY 92 & FY 93 AGENDA 7-02-91 ` "CENTER OF GOOD LIVING-PRIDE OF WEST ORANGE" Item VI A OLESTER DABBS,JR. ::i'Pe.41;:lioe90‘ ° CITY OF OCOEE RUsr O SON a 150 N.LAKESHORE DRIVEPAUL.W.FOSTER OOCOEE FLORIDA 34761 (407)656-2322 VERN COMBS SAM WOODSON or Goo° CITY MANAGER ELLIS SHAPIRO MEMORANDUM M TO: The Honorable Mayor & hoard of City Commissioners FROM: Montye Reamer , Director of Administrative ServicesTh��� DATE: June 26 , 1991 RE : AUDIT SELECTION - FY 91 , FY 92 , F93 At the May 7th, 1991 Commission meeting , an Audit Selection Committee was authorized to evaluate audit proposals and return with its recommendation . Subsequently, an advertisement appeared in the Orlando Sentinel on May 12 , 1991 . Five ( 5 ) firms requested an RFP package , three ( 3 ) attended the mandatory pre-proposal conference , and two ( 2 ) firms submitted responses . The Committee ' s consolidated evaluation is attached . Based upon the Committee ' s evaluation , the firms were ranked : 1 . McDirmit , Davis , Lauteria & Co . 2 . Holland & Reilly The Audit Selection Committee respectfully requests that the Mayor and Board of City Commissioners ( 1 ) hear t,!":=_' firms ' presentations , ( 2 ) rank the firms , and ( 3 ) authorize the Audit Selection Committee to proceed with negotiations with the top-ranked firm. McDirmit, Davis, CONSOLIDATED Lauteria & Co., P.A. CITY OF OCOEE PROPOSAL SPECIFICATION EVALUATION CHECK LIST 1 . Did the proposal include : a ) Professional qualifications of the firm? Yes X No h ) Resumes of partners and managers to be assigned to the audit? Yes X No c ) Three references as evidence of experience in governmental accounting and auditing in the State of Florida? Yes X No d ) Address of the office from which audit work will be administered:' Y e s X No e ) An expression of agreement to meet or exceed the performance specifications stated in Section "C" of the RFP? Yes X No f ) Preliminary schedule for performing key phases of the audits? Yes X No g ) A brief description of the audit process to be followed including approach to staffing , scheduling and coordination of work involving various agencies? Yes X No Possible Criteria Points Score 2 . Understanding of scope of services : a. Does the proposal exhibit a clear understanding of the extent of work and coordination involved in the 0-12 audit engagement? ( 60 ) 51_ b. Does the firms approach meet or exceed the performance specifications as stated in Section C of the RFP 0-9 document? ( 4 5 ) 34 PAGE 2 AUDIT EVALUATION 3 . Qualification of staff to be assigned to the audit engagement? a. Do the audit supervisors ( i . e . : seniors , managers and partners ) have prior local government 0-i1 experience? ( 55 ) 49 b. Are the audit supervisors certified 0-3 public accountants? ( 15 ) 15 c . Is the firm' s office sufficiently staffed with experienced professional 0-3 personnel needed to conduct the audit? ( 15 ) 13 d. Is the office from which audit work will be administered in the Orlando 0-3 area? ( 15 ) 15 4 . Audit approach and plan: a. Is the plan specific and tailored 0-4 to the City? ( 20 ) 16 b. Does the proposal exhibit an ap- 0-3 preciation for the City' s needs? ( 15 ) _ 13 c . Is the firm able to meet the time 0-3 deadlines set forth in the RFP? ( 15 ) 14 ( as spelled out in the requested preliminary schedule ) d . Does the firm have a clear under- standing of the City staff parti- 0-3 cipation in the audit work? ( 15 ) _ 9} 5 . Commitment to government accounting and auditing : a. Is the firm involved in obtaining C . E . credits as required by the 0-3 Florida State Board of Accountancy? ( 15 ) 13 b. Does the firm exhibit a clear under- 0-10 standing of governmental GAAP? ( 50 ) _ 47 c . Does the firm have other local governments in Florida as references 0-10 for their audit services? ( 50 ) 47 PAGE 3 AUDIT EVALUATION 6 . Other services available : a. Can the firm offer a broad range of man- 0-6 agement advisory consulting services? ( 30 ) 25 b. Does the proposal address the firm' s approach to the preparation of the 0-5 management letter? ( 25 ) 23 T . Other considerations : a. Is the recent , current and projected workload acceptable to facilitate the City ' s business , especially related to the volume of work 0-4 previously awarded to this firm? ( 20 ) 14 b. Is the proposal neat and well 0-2 organized? ( 10 ) _ 10 c . Is the proposal in the format and 0-4 order recommended in the RFP? ( 20 ) 17 d . Did the firm follow all instructions 0-2 in submitting the proposal? ( 10 ) 10 TOTAL 100 ( 500 ) 4351 Holland & Reilly CONSOLIDATED CITY OF OCOEE PROPOSAL SPECIFICATION EVALUATION CHECK LIST 1 . Did the proposal include : a ) Professional qualifications of the firm? Yes X No b ) Resumes of partners and managers to be assigned to the audit? Yes X No c ) Three references as evidence of experience in governmental accounting and auditing in the State of Florida? Yes X , but 2 of 3 were from City of Orlando and all 3 were for audits N o _ completed prior to the formation of the Holland & Reilly firm. d ) Address of the office from which audit work will be administered? Yes No X , not specifically. e ) An expression of agreement to meet or exceed the performance specifications stated in Section "C" of the RFP? Yes No X f ) Preliminary schedule for performing key phases of the audits? Yes X _ No g ) A brief description of the audit process to be followed including approach to staffing , scheduling and coordination of work involving various agencies? Yes X No Possible Criteria Points Score 2 . Understanding of scope of services : a. Does the proposal exhibit a clear understanding of the extent of work and coordination involved in the 0- 12 audit engagement? ( 60 ) 41 b. Does the firms approach meet or exceed the performance specifications as stated in Section C of the RFP 0-9 document? ( 4E1 31 PAGE 2 AUDIT EVALUATION 3 . Qualification of staff to be assigned to the audit engagement? a. Do the audit supervisors ( i . e . : seniors , managers and partners ) have prior local government. 0-11 experience? ( 55 ) 46 b. Are the audit supervisors certified 0-3 public accountants? ( 15 ) 12 c . Is the firm' s office sufficiently staffed with experienced professional 0-3 personnel needed to conduct the audit? ( 15 ) 10i d. Is the office from which audit work will be administered in the Orlando 0-3 area? ( 15 ) 12i 4 . Audit approach and plan: a. Is the plan specific and tailored 0-4 to the City? ( 20 ) 14 b. Does the proposal exhibit an ap- 0-3 preciation for the City' s needs? ( 15 ) 11 c . Is the firm able to meet the time 0-3 deadlines set forth in the RFP? ( 15 ) 8 ( as spelled out in the requested preliminary schedule ) d. Does the firm have a clear under- standing of the City staff parti- 0-3 cipation in the audit work? ( 15 ) 13 5 . Commitment to government accounting and auditing : a. Is the firm involved in obtaining C . E. credits as required by the 0-3 Florida State Board of Accountancy? ( 15 ) 12 b. Does the firm exhibit a clear under- 0-10 standing of governmental GAAP? ( 50 ) 43 c . Does the firm have other local governments in Florida as references 0-10 for their audit services? ( 50 ) 40 PAGE 3 AUDIT EVALUATION 6 . Other services available : a. Can the firm offer a broad range of man- 0-6 agement advisory consulting services? ( 30 ) 24 b. Does the proposal address the firm' s approach to the preparation of the 0-5 management letter? ( 25 ) 23 7 . Other considerations : a. Is the recent , current and projected workload acceptable to facilitate the City' s business , especially related to the volume of work 0-4 previously awarded to this firm? ( 20 ) 14 b. Is the proposal neat and well 0-2 organized? ( 10 ) 9 c . Is the proposal in the format and 0-4 order recommended in the RFP? ( 20 ) 15 d . Did the firm follow all instructions 0-2 in submitting the proposal? ( 10 ) 8 TOTAL 100 ( 500 ) 387