HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem III (A) - Approval and Acceptance of Commission Regualr Meeting Minutes of March 19, 1991 AGENDA 4-16-91 n Item III A MINUTES OF THE OCOEE BOARD OF CITY COMMISSIONERS REGULAR MEETING HELD MARCH 19 , 1991 The regular meeting of the Ocoee Board of City Commissioners was called to order by Mayor Dabbs in the commission chambers . Mayor Dabbs led in the prayer and pledge of allegiance . The roll was called and a quorum declared present . PRESENT: Mayor Dabbs , Commissioners Combs , Foster , Johnson, and Woodson. Also present were City Manager Shapiro , City Engineer/Utilities Director Shira, Planning Director Behrens , Building Official Flippen, Public Works Director Brenner, and City Clerk Grafton. PRESENTATIONS AND PROCLAMATIONS WalkAmerica Participation Mr. Buddy Elmore , Chairman for the West Orange March of Dines WalkAmerica , spoke briefly about the local drive scheduled for April 27 and introduced Miss Joanna Skubish, WalkAmerica Coordinator . Miss Skubish explained where the dollars go in March of Dimes programs and education and she advised that 60% of all the money raised here stays here in our community and the remaining 40% goes to the national level . Commissioner Combs , seconded by Commissioner Johnson, moved to donate matching funds uo to $500, for the money earned ty Team Ocoee, the City Employee team. Motion carried with unanimous vote in favor. CONSENT AGENDA The consent agenda consisted of items A, B , C , D, E, F, G, H, I , J, and K. Commissioner Woodson said that he did not want to pull any items but would like to have items C , H, and K explained. A. Approval and Acceptance of Commission Regular Meeting Minutes of March 5 1991 B . Approval and Authorization to Execute Purchase Agreement with 333 Enterprise , Inc . C. Approval and Authorization to Execute Change Order for Ad- ditional Funds in Amount of $13, 941 . 40 for Greiner-Clark Road D. Approval and Authorization for Parade Permit Request for April 27 WalkAmerica E. Approval and Authorization to Accept Lochrane Engineering Proposal for Chlorination Study F. Approval and Acceptance of Pulte Home Corporation/Sale to Hawthorne Properties , Ltd. /Transfer of Water and Sewer Capacity G. Approval and Acceptance of Wynstone Park-Final Plat H. Approval and Acceptance of Johio Bay Street Light Agreement I . Approval and Acceptance of Johio Bay-Final Plat J . Approval and Acceptance of Proposed Agreement with Orange County re : M & M Utilities K. Approval and Authorization to Execute Change Order for Drainage Revision - Clark Road Section "A" - GAI-Southeast After those explanations were made Commissioner Woodson, seconded by Commissioner Foster , moved to approve the consent agenda as presented. Motion carried with unanimous vote in favor . a Gd Page 2 Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting March 19 , 1991 COMMENTS FROM CITIZENS/PUBLIC Mr . Everette Eastham, Jr . explained that he is the court appointed guardian of his father who is in a nursing home , and that he wished to address Commission regarding a severe drainage problem at his father ' s home which is located at 618 E. Silver Star Road. The origin of the problem involves a ditch along Center Street which, bcause of a recent heavy rain, has overflowed causing a torrent of water to descend on the block wall behind Mr . Eastham ' s house, destroying the wall and the top soil on the property as well . Mr . Eastham, Jr . advised that he has in his possession a letter dated in 1973 from City Manager Vignetti assuring his father that the City would keep the ditch clear . Mr . Eastham, Jr . stated that the ditch has remained full of fallen trees and debris for many years and he asked that the City honor City Manager Vignetti ' s word regarding the cleanliness of the ditch. City Manager Shapiro responded that the matter would be investigated by the Public Works Department . OTHER BUSINESS 1989/90 Comprehensive Annual Financial Report Mr. Eldon McDirmitt, CPA, of McDirmit , Davis , Lauteria & Company, P .A. , CPA ' s , gave an overview of the Financial Report , pointing out the Certificate of Achievement for Excellence in Financial Reporting which was received by the Finance Department again last year . Mr . McDirmit stated that the Finance Department has already implemented his remarks made during the audit . City Manager Shapiro said that we have changed to a different computer company serving that department and the errors which had been made should be worked out now and future reports would reflect that change . RESOLUTION NO. 91-06 , "ADOPTING AND APPROVING JOB DESCRIPTIONS SETTING FORTH THE DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES OF EACH EMPLOYMENT POSITION IN THE CITY PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT; providing for severability; providing an effective date . " was presented by title. City Manager Shapiro advised that some of the descriptions are for non-existing jobs right now but in looking to the future he felt it appropriate to include the descriptions now to avoid the necessity of amending the resolution when the positions are indicated for smooth, efficient handling of citizens ' needs . Mayor Dabbs pointed out a few typos in the descriptions and said that it would be acceptable to adopt the resolution and permit the correction of the typos after adoption . Commissioner Combs , seconded by Commissioner Johnson, moved to adopt Resolution 91-06 subject to the correction of certain non-substantive typographical errors . Motion carried with unanimous vote in favor . JU JdaJ - Page 3 Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting March 19 , 1991 BOARD APPOINTMENTS RECREATION ADVISORY BOARD - Mr. Shidel ' s term expires April Commission was advised by memorandum that Mr. Timothy Shidel , whose term was to expire in April , 1991 had sent word that job responsibilities would prevent his continuing to serve on the Recreation Advisory Board for another two year term. Mayor Dabbs proposed the appointment of Mrs . Caroline Alexander , 1412 Kirby Street, to serve in Mr. Shidel ' s place. Commissioner Combs seconded the nomination and vote was unanimous in favor for the appointment . PUBLIC HEARINGS (CONTINUED FROM 2/19/91) Prairie Lake PUD also Second Reading and Public Hearing of Ordinance No. 90-52 : Case No.1-15 R-90: Silvestri Rezoning City Attorney Rosenthal advised that the Developer Agreement for Prairie Lake has not yet been finalized and he recommended continuing these public hearings for another month. Mayor Dabbs and City Manager Shapiro both expressed their reluctance to permit this developer to have advantages not provided to the other developers who completed their paper work on time , and it was agreed that this would be the last time this issue would be continued. Commissioner Foster, seconded by Commissioner Combs , moved to continue the Prairie Lake PUD Amendment and the second reading and public hearing of Ordinance No. 90-52 to the April 16 City Commission meeting. Motion carried with unanimous vote in favor. STAFF REPORTS City Manager Shapiro reported that the Historical Society, accompanied by Mayor and Board of City Commissioners had gone to Tallahassee to lobby for the Withers-Maguire House Grant . The feeling at this time is that , even though Governor Chiles wiped out a lot of the grant money, this project still is in the running. City Manager Shapiro thanked the Historical Socity for an awesome job of lobbying. COMMENTS FROM COMMISSIONERS Commissioner Woodson expressed his family ' s appreciation for the comfort given in the loss of his mother . Commissioner Combs : 1 . Said Happy Birthday to his bride; 2 . Thanked City Manager Shapiro for taking care of the tree problem; [-Jd Cl Page 4 Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting March 19 , 1991 3 . Recalled that a newsletter had been produced by the Planning Department in the past that was distributed to the citizens for their enlightenment and he asked that this be done again. 4 . Talked about drainage problems ; 5 . Said that he wants the City to have a July 4th celebration. City Manager said that we can support such a celebration with enthusiasm but not money. Commissioner Foster : 1 . Read from the Florida League of Cities Legislative Bulletin items that he feels our City should take a stand against ; 2 . Asked about cancelling the April 2 , 1991 regular Commission meeting. After a discussion wherein it was revealed that the majority of the Commission wished to be out of town that week , Commissioner Johnson, seconded by Commissioner Combs , moved to authorize Mayor Dabbs to cancel the April 2 regular Commission meeting at his discretion following the staff meeting on Wednesday morning. Motion carried with unanimous vote in favor . Commissioner Johnson: 1 . Asked that a list of previous commissioners be prepared. City Clerk advised that she is working on one . 2 . Asked that Citizen Mona Best be kept in the prayers of all . 3 . Asked that staff and employees remember that we are still a small town when talking to the citizens , as he has had reports that some employees are not being courteous when dealing with citizens . Mayor Dabbs 1 . Reported that he had received a letter requesting that he appoint one adult and one youth to represent Ocoee at the National Conference of Mayors . 2 . Asked who is going to the Mercedes BBQ and ECFRC meetings so that transportation can be coordinated. 3 . Announced Supervisor of Elections Open House April 6 from. 10 : 00 a.m. to 4 : 00 p.m. 4 . Announced the holiday schedule for garbage service for March 27 , 28 , and 29 . ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 8 : 57 p.m. APPROVED City of Ocoee Attest: Lester Dabbs , Jr. , Mayor Jean Grafton , City Clerk