HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem VI (D) Aprove and Authorize Nayor and City Clerk to Execute Clarke Road Change Order #1 in the Amount of $222,480 AGENDA 10-6-92 Item VI D • . (° E " E. oor Goo?,/ JAMES W.SHIRR,P.E. dommwmoomoomI CITY ENGINEER/UTILITIES DIRECTOR 150 N.LAKESHORE DRIVE•OCOEE,FLORIDA 34761 (407)656-2322 MEMORANDUM DATE: September 30, 1992 TO: The Honorable Mayor and Board of City Commissioners FROM: James W. Shira, P.E. City Engineer/Utilities irector SUBJECT: Clarke Road Change Order #1 Attached for your review and action is Change Order #1 for the Clarke Road construction project. This Change Order covers ten individual changes. The majority of these changes are required in order to accommodate the development or access needs of property owners along Clarke Road. These types of changes have, with one exception, already been paid for, directly to the city, by the respective property owners. For these changes, this Change Order merely authorizes the payment of these funds to the contractor for the work involved. The items that fall into this category are numbers 1, 2, 4, 5*, 6*, 7, 9, and 10 as listed on the attached Table of Negotiation. Item #5 is unique in that $7,931.17 of the total $10,573.26 is owed to the city by Exxon Oil Co., and will be paid to the city upon commencement of construction of their project in the southwest corner of Silver Star Road and Clarke Road. In the interim, this $7,931.17 will be paid by the city to the contractor. The work involves extension of water service to the property, and it is in our best interest to do the work now, in order to avoid possible damage to the roadway by a future bore and jack operation. The remaining $2,642.09 for this item has been paid to the city by Amoco Oil Co. for utility service to their site on the northwest corner of this intersection. Item#6 is also different in that $44,284.20 of the$109,583.00 is being paid directly by the city for work which benefits the city, not the property owner. Due to the nature of the work, THE PRIDE OF WEST ORANGE The Honorable Mayor and Board of City Commissioners October 2, 1992 Page Two primarily involving water and wastewater lines, it is necessary to consider this as one change to the contractor, with the costs broken down as just described. The remaining $65,298.80 for this item has been paid to the city by the property owner. Item #3 is being paid entirely by the city, and is the result of negotiations with this owner for Clarke Road right-of-way. Item #8 is being paid entirely by the city. This item involved the relocation of an existing Orange County 24" water main that, if left in place, would have been under the pavement of the northbound lanes of Clarke Road. The relocation effort moved this water main so that it now lies between the curb and the right-of-way. In this location, should repairs to this water main by required, no damage to the pavement should result. In summary, of the total $222,480.00 amount of this proposed Change Order #1, $160,665.63 has been paid to the city by property owners, and $61,814.37 is being paid by the city with $7,931.17 of this amount to be recouped when the Exxon property develops. I recommend that the City Commission authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to execute Change Order #1 in the amount of $222,480.00. JWS/jbw Attachment * Adjustment as of Provisions to Private Change Order No. - 0 - Property Owners No. 1 (Short title of Change Order) CHANGE ORDER FORM CITY OF OCOEE PROJECT: CLARK ROAD CHANGE ORDER NO. 01 DATE: 9/25/92 CONTRACTOR: S&E Contractors, Inc. OWNER: CITY OF OCOEE, FLORIDA AGREEMENT DATE: November 1, 1991 The following changes are hereby made to the CONTRACT DOCUMENTS: Original CONTRACT PRICE $ 3,993,962.51 Current CONTRACT PRICE ADJUSTED by previous CHANGE ORDER* $ - 0 - Net (Increase) (Dccrcasc) Resulting from this CHANGE ORDER $ 222,448.00 The current CONTRACT PRICE including this CHANGE ORDER $ 4,216,410.51 ORIGINAL CONTRACT TIME: 400 Days Date 11/4/91 to 12[8/92 Current CONTRACT TIME adjusted by previous CHANGE ORDERS* Date Dec.8, 1992 Net (Increase) (Dccrca3e) Resulting from this CHANGE ORDER Days 56 Current CONTRACT TIME Including this CHANGE ORDER Date Feb. 2, 1993 CHANGES ORDERED: C.O. 11 -1- 0E-156/1.0 • • I. GENERAL This change order is necessary to cover changes in the work to be performed under this Contract. The GENERAL CONDITIONS, SUPPLEMENTARY CONDITIONS, SPECIFICATIONS and all parts of the Project Manual listed in Article 1, Definitions, of the GENERAL CONDITIONS apply to and govern all work under this change order. Change Order No. 01 II. REQUIRED CHANGES Parcel See No(s) Attachment 1. Add driveway entrance to Florida Power Corp. from Clarke Road. 107 1 2. Add turning lanes into Worsham's property 102 -& 103 2 3. Add relocation and extension of Mulvey's driveway. 112-114A 3 4. Delete Waterside/Candlewood Shores improvements. 128 4 5. Add Silver Star intersection utility changes for Amoco and Exxon. 127-127A 5 6. Add Lake Lotta changes. 104-106, 111 6 7. Delete Silver Ark entrance and driveway. 127A 7 8. Orange County 24" Water Main Relocation 108 8 9. Add U.S. Home turn lane and driveway turnout 125 9 10. Add Silver Star intersection changes for Amoco 127 10 III. JUSTIFICATION "1. Requested and paid for by Florida Power Corp. 2. Requested and paid for by Mr. and Mrs. Jay Worsham. 3. Requested by Mrs. Mulvey and paid for by City of Ocoee. 4. Changes were on drawings but not requested by Sumac Partners, and therefore needed to be deleted. 5. Changes were requested and paid for by Amoco and Exxon. Exxon costs to be collected at issuance of permit. 6. Changes were requested by Lake Lotta, Ltd and costs shared by City. 7. Changes were on drawings, but not required by Silver Ark, Ltd. , and therefore needed to be deleted. 8. Changes were directed by Orange County Public Utilities Division and paid for by City of Ocoee. '9. Changes were requested and paid for by U.S. Homes. 10. Changes were requested and paid for by Amoco. IV. PAYMENT Following change order approval, the contract price will be adjusted accordingly. V. NARRATIVE OF NEGOTIATIONS (See table next page) . C.O. #1 -2- 0E-156/1.0 0. V1 glagiiigg \D :►fi: ::::::::::::?: i. to rl as pp Net v W N O V1 Ob p g g O p O :...i O O N OO 00 M P M O; b , O M b .•r g peps : v b try 1%J !! er M `i}}:Gi:p...xi: ;:.v�{.: '�'y4*'''''''"'":::•ti:':iiiii:>: 11�� .>irfi Ei:::.*:v:< : :•4'.:'c. g T3h H N O O� t� N p� ift 3 yy.� �°� i C7:Si%:? ::i%i:' b E'er M !� N M © �! '�! I .� h 11.11111111111:41.11,1g . D O M M O tiO O p 8 1400 e�NMh t� 00 b M e� re) � v PtAH H M `VM U? R vV U1 N N N N N N N N _ ''it SZ o� o� o� o1 a o- a 0 •11diiiiii:;:kipt — N N N e:N.-r .--i 42,11 N N Qr0'_ 72, N: >;;>: ri:A:»»` s N V V 4 'iiiot ;::!iii'"r t gig : S• ::'p `'i:i:`to° "'•,':;.'•ti::: i� i� i� is is i� is i� i► C .b L' .0 O • atLii; iii C.+y N p.U v +O 2 W M =O W �, : :'«�::: :>:r .b t `t g d • it ►moi P > v� v .rC� L .r d a� 33 C U A +. d O b� O C d a 3v 0 = Ha, M 'v� g H v , F �r by bn: b b � OO� b : b -b •a O Ob Ob cd b d A vbd d AAOa .40 eP al ... ::........ .-1 N M 0 V1 b h 00 CA • • VI. APPROVAL AND CHANGE AUTHORIZATION This proposed change to the contract has been tentatively approved by the City Engineer, but requires final approval from the City Commission. Acknowledgements: The aforementioned change, and work affected thereby, is subject to all provisions of the original contract not specifically changed by this Change Order; and, It is expressly understood and agreed that the approval of the Change Order shall have no effect on the original contract other than matters expressly provided herein. CONTRACTOR acknowledges, by its execution and acceptance of this Change Order, that the adjustments in Contract Price and Time shown hereon constitute full and complete compensation and satisfaction for all costs and modifications of performance time incurred by the CONTRACTOR as a result of this Change Order. No other claim for increased costs of performance or modifications of time will be granted by the OWNER for the Work covered by this Change Order. The CONTRACTOR hereby waives and releases any further claims for cost or time against the OWNER arising from or relating to the matters or Work set forth or contemplated by this Change Order. Change Order Request by: City of Ocoee, Florida Change(s) Ordered by: Jim Shira, P.E. , City Engineer RECOMMENDED BY: ACCEPTED BY: PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERING S & E Contractors Inc. CONSULTANTS, INC. Engineer Contr or l l By: p �• By: Signature Enn' eer of Record Si. `, ure Gr-•o M. Molin Date: ' cOct(gZ Date: Sept . •- 28, 1992 Title: Cor.2uco. 1 47) "..;/-C Aeric Title: Project Manager APPROVED BY: City of Ocoee, Florida Owner By: Signature Date Change Order No. C.O. #1 -3- 0E-156/1.0 • ,::> :.::.:':;::;::>::: .:..' :':'.:.;.; .<k'LORIDA..PO.WER CORP _,DRI VEW.,•- :FROM::CLARKS::; iA►NGEPROPOSAL#7 DATED FEBRUARY 28, 1992 .. Uuut . :.:. .. ....... Description Quantity Price Total' i':iii::iiA::.':?'r:ii''�:::i?::4:}iy:,.:;: ::::�':::��'i;ii:: .:::::{:i::::i:::i::�;::; .::yi:::::::::i:i`v:::::::;ii;i :a Oi i '; iiiiE:iiai:?i_'rr° iii{:i :ErE;: ti. Ei' c ':%•''r.: EEE: irri >;>r:?: i: :;: llatisiliviiiiiilitill ::AddEa<::1.0»:wadeti .6..::th�ok::;conorete driveway nd 7.....::: :::::.::.::.:::::>::::..:;........ . d. n t au�eaY�ee�:<o� �$»a�c�.re�r�fQrce co.. ore. e. pe::. ... :::.. . . .::. :::::..::::..:..�::: .::::::..�....::.:::::.:::::.�::::._.:: : >i :<i:<::::::•'::::i:::::i_i:::..:::::: :ii:�:«:::::ii ;:;:: ii::i >>«:.:�:::.;:.>:.;:.::::>>:::: ::.:.:ii.!ii: t:.ends:of: ..........>:::<:»;«:>>:::><:::E:;::;::»::»ws.:::: :::::.:::.::.::..::::::::::.::.:::..: sa d..c en ..acs :.:::.::::.::.:;::::.::'.:.::.::::. .. ......................... ... ....... .. ..... ... ......:Fi,...,. ...... i.?::G ii<?:i':>:iii ii:{, I4: L?: iii:vCLYii :�i};:i"'riii:i ' : 1. 6" Driveway 22 SY $16.00 $ 352.00 2. 18" RCP 70 LF $18.00 1,260.00 Total (Rounded Oft) Attachment 1 $1,612.00 -1- OE-15611.0 • • • • TT ....:...:....:::<.: :<> : :: G LANES:YN'TU.:WOIrS A1VYS:PRI)PE"itti ADD.$iimi aili >'_ « <` `« ':im.:... '&E HANGS PROPOSAL#4;DATED MARCH 9 ;:1992 :`> ><« < " ;` > : > >'>` > ' _ Unit Description :: • ,,,< Quantity •••••:i:•••••••• •••::••:::::•••••••- Price Total Add two (2) turning Innes into the Worsham: ;;property from Clarke Road as:shown by dashed lines on sheets A 11 and A`12 of the contract rn ::draw. : ...::::::.:::.:.:: .............................:....................................................... 1. 7" Limerock Base 504 SY $ 4.25 $2,142.00 2. 128" Stabilization 571 SY $ 1.65 942.15 3. Asphalt 504 SY $ 2.95 1,486.80 4. Excavation 394 CY $1.00 394.00 5. Fill 394 CY $0.75 295.50 6. FC-2 504 SY $1.10 554.40 '' 7. Delete Sod 414 SY $1.00 (414.00) 8. Delete Top Soil 414 SY $0.20 (82.80) Total (Rounded Off) Attachment 2 $5,318.00 -2- 0E-156/1.0 AITACIIMENT 3 ' »::»>.<:::>::Rl� A N A1,VD TENS><4N'O)�` S. �XC7L'VEY 5 Dp►I�`EWA ni :::Relocate:::Nlrs.i:Mulve <s:drivewa .:entrances:and<extend .:: i :;.yards o�6:inch Iwerock base topped:with;1/. mch of :, •: is ii::::.�.:::•: .:. • • • `iii:::::;Y:Li:;•i :.:. :�. 1. 6" Limerock Base 161 SY $ 5.00 $805.00 2. 12" Stabilization 161 SY $ 1.65 265.65 3. 11A" Asphalt 2.40 SY $ 2.40 386.40 4. Tie-in to Existing Drive LS — 245.95 5. Survey Time LS — 310.00 t Total (Rounded Off) .. ,Attachment 3 $2,013.00' -3- 0E-156/1.0 ATTACHMENT 4 W !►TERSIDFJCANDLEWOOD S IORES: MPROVEMENTS., ELE .<:;:>::::>::::::;;>;::::::::»;::>:::::::<::<:>:: ..;• ::.:::: .CIANGE'PROPOSAL .....:. ... ...: :::..:: ... ..:: .. . .::..... • • • 5ubdtv�s�on:Dr�ve.:wa ;..E,ntrance .......... 'drawin • 1. Asphalt 230 SY $ 2.95 $ 678.50 2. Base 230 SY $ 4.25 977.50 3. Stabilization 257 SY $ 1.65 424.05 4. FC-2 230 SY $ 1.10 253.00 Total (Rounded Oft? Attachment 4 ($2,333.00) -4- 0E-156/1.0 • 5 SILVER STAR XNTERSECTION v.T.m TY CHNGES FOR AMOCO ASVD•EXXON{ADD} <<<< ni Description Quantity ; Price Total..;.: .. Add::uti it , an'"es_to the Silver Star/Clarke Road:: <:Inte ectioa.to:accommodate_futuxe construction of:. .. ::. ..... .. . ::an moco:'and; on S rvice:Station. . : ::;»<::;>>:> X 1. 8" 90° Bend 1 EA $457.29 $ 457.29 2. 6" X 2" Tee 1 EA $308.77 308.77 3. 8" C900 P.V.C. 110 LF $ 23.41 2,575.10 4. 8" Gate Valve 1 EA $773.00 773.00 5. 8" X-6" Reducer 1 EA $467.48 467.48 6. 12" x 8" Tee 1 EA $546.48 546.48 7. 6" Gate Valve & fire Hydrant Assembly 1 EA $1,925.00 1,925.00 Subtotal Exxon Utility Changes $ 7,931.17 'C CIi 10. Casing CREDIT 100 LF $ 24.00 (2,400.00) Restock Fee (20% of$2,400.00) 480.00 11. 20" x 6" Tee with 6" x 4" Reducer 1 EA $1,175.42 $1,175.42 12. Survey 1 IS $ 480.83 $ 480.83 13. Testing 1 IS $ 397.21 $ 397.21 14. 4" D.I.P. 100 LP $ 12.82 $1,282.00 15. 4" x 4" 1 EA $ 763.63 $ 763.63 16. 4" Plug Valve 1 EA $ 463.00 $ 463.00 Subtotal Amoco Utility Changes $ 2,642.09 Total(Rounded Off) - Attachment S $10,573,00 -5- 0E-156/1.0 • • • Uwt EIERticcegg ..:..:....::TotOg.,.. y :<Su is 1. 12" PVC Force Main 200 LF $31.11 $6,222.00 2. 8" PVC Gravity Sanitary Sewer 140 LF $ 18.00 2,520.00 3. 16" DIP Force Main 2,236 LF $ 30.75 68,757.00 4. 16" x 12" Reducer 1 EA $780.00 780.00 5. 8" x 16" Tee 1 EA $1,116.00 1,116.00 6. 16" x 12" Tee 3 EA $1,225.00 3,675.00 7. 12" Plug Valve 2 EA $1,790.00 3,580.00 8. 8" Plug Valve 1 EA $1,415.00 $1,415.00 9. 12" Cap 4 EA $ 115.00 $ 460.00 10. 8" Cap 2 EA $ 100.00 $ 200.00 11. 16" Restrained Joints 144 LF $ 36.50 $5,256.00 12. 12" 45° Bend 1 EA $650.00 $ 650.00 13. Abandon 5' Section and Plug 1 LS $2,341.00 $2,341.00 14. 48" RCP 96 LF $ 63.00 $6,048.00 15. Survey 1 LS $2,282.00 $2,282.00 • 16. Line Testing 1 LS $3,781.00 $3,781.00 17. Rework Fee for Change Order 1 LS $ 500.00 $ 500.00 Total (Rounded Off) Attachment 6 $109,583.00 • -6- 0E-156/1.0 ATTACHMENT 7 Y F. F VER;.. RIVE • •SSU•w:.. '�itiGi;i:::i:'i::.�.:::..:.:::...:...:...:::::::!:iij�:::;:•}::}L4:.$:(?:r:ryi:i: :if::iii:iv: • i:::: ':is i::::i:ti::::ij :i:: jj;iiiii+?iiii::i+>'iv;vi j!i((::i.:i::i si 'ry>:i^;%:::ii}: i:::::::i:: !::i::iiS:`iviii ::;:{!• • s�i}S,}Y•is r{::.5;:• n >:z`:::>: ::<::>s'::>�'pTiCe::» tt ..:>. ......... :.: ...: <>:DeTete:>a2:::::wide:>:d�vewa ;>shown:.on:Sheet:C 20 at . ,.: ion . . ....:':.:.:.: ....::......................... 1. Type B Stabilized Subbase 286 SY $1.65 $471.90 2. 6" Limerock Base 26 SY $5.00 $130.00 3. Type S Asphalt (2") 26 SY $2.95 $76.70 Total (Rounded Oft) Attachment 7 ($679,00) -7- OE-156/1.0 • .::::::<:.:::::::.:: ..:::.:.:::::::.:..::.:.:.................................................::::::.::::....:........:...:....:.........:::........:.. TTA ........................ ..... ......... M. .:...:...:................:......:..�.:...:.....:�: .......a �E C()iCJNT�'24_ .t 1�A.IN:RELO�A...: 0.: Unit .:Description Quantity Pace Total :Oran"e Count Public Utilities Division directed the 1; Y :....:..........:. City o Ocoee to make changes to-the plans regarding the tie-in to the Orange County water .main after the Oontractor had already_accomplished some of the:work: 1. 24" 45° Bends 2 EA $767.71 $1,535.42 2. 24" DIP 53 LF $ 41.00 2,172.97 3. 24" Mega Lugs 5 EA $186.22 931.10 4. S.S. All Thread Rods and Accessories 4 EA $ 49.30 197.21 5. Concrete Thrust Collar 4.5 CY $ 494591...43340° 1.34 186.03 6. 892 Backhog 4 HRS $ 95.40 381.60 7. 936 Loader 4 HRS $ 52:25 209.00 8. D3 Dozer 4 HRS $ 33.00 132.00 9. Pickup 4 HRS $ 6.25 25.00 10. Labor 1 L.S. - 409.49 11. OH&P 1 L.S. 13% 938.38 12. Excavation and Removal of Existing 24" 1 L.S. - 756.00 Water Main 13. Delete Removal of 140 L.F. of 24" 1 L.S. - (378.00) Water Main Total (Rounded Off) - Attachment 8 $7,496.00 -8- OE-156/1.0 • • • ACHMEN <9 •::•• >>'> > <:°`> itlr.'' <°?>`< ><1::: < --a:::. :<>:ATT : w>>:: ............................................. .:.:.:.::.:....:.:. >.....::...An „.S�: o s ` AN1 N10 nl� voYJ" :> > >__ r<` ........... ................ ...........::.. .::.:::: : :: :. ............ . .:::::...:::.::.:: :::::::::::::: Description ; : ... Quantity Price . ...... ... TotaX •Add Northbound median left turn'lane and driveway 1. Type B Stabilization (12") (Road) 266.4 SY $ 1.65 439.56 2. Limerock Base (7-1/2") 266.4 SY $ 4.25 1,132.20 3. Type S Asphalt Conc. Paving (2:) 266.4 SY 266.4 SY $ 2.95 785.88 4. Friction Course (5/8") $ 1.10 293.04 5. Direction Arrow (LT) 1 EA $42.00 42.00 6. 4" White Solid 75 LF $ 0.30 22.50 • dotal -......90„.„...,..:—.......,••-••••ned Off) Attachment 9f."'"''''''•'-:'•":,'..y...13'-00E::: -9- 0E-156/1.0 / 4 AITACHNIENT• 10 p-f:: ILVEic T E N<R A ADD oiii:>::<:::>>::!!!..1.,F:>;::>::>;::::>::::>;:;;:> :�<:>: <>:::><> : <::«:::::�>:::::.::.:5 5 _AR.>bVT�RS C�'I4:. .:..,,OAb'W X:.:CHANGES::(. )...::..:::::.::::: :. .. ::::::: ihiguilini:>>:::::::<:>:>:;::::::::<:::><:: TO.ACCOMMODATE AMOCO AND..EXXON STATIONS >>><:><:<> »:: ..........:. Unit r Descar ton tsuata ;: ice:>'< <<>: ,i Totail`«o<` ......... AI)►VSA`Y:::::>::»»::>:<:>::;::»:: >::<::::>:>::»<;:»::>::::::»::::::» ::>m::>:<:;<:>;>;<:«:>:::«><::>>>::i::il»>::;::>:::::>;>:><::<::<::::;:»»:>>»>:: ::<.>:.:i.;;;::.�;::;::::i<.:;:i:<:.r:: 1. 10" Limerock Base 2994 SY 7.35 22,005.90 2. 12" Type B Stabilization 2994 SY 2.50 7,485.00 3. FC-2 Friction Course 5/8" 2994 SY 1.10 3,293.40 4. TY-S Asphalt 300 lb./SY 450 TN 36.00 16,200.00 5. Concrete Traff. Separator 4' 404 LF 14.65 5,918.60 6. Fill 1116 CY 2.50 2,790.00 7. Excavation 7 CY 1.00 7.00 8. Sod 154 SY 1.00 154.00 Subtotal - Roadway 57,853.90 ' 1. Shoulder Gutter 457 LF 5:60 2,559.20 2. 18" Mitered End Section (SD) 5 EA 700.00 3,500.00 3. 24" Mitered End Section 2 EA 820.00 1,640.00 4. Inlet Type S 2 EA 1,345.00 2,690.00 5. Manhole P-7T 1 EA 1,500.00 1,500.00 6. 18" RCP (SD) 242 LF 18.00 4,356.00 ,7. 24" RCP (CD) 115 LF 22.52 2,589.00 8. Class 1 Concrete 330 CY 0.17 56.10 9. Remob-Demob Pipe Crew 1 LS 1,115.75 1,115.75 10. Covert P-5 to MH 2 EA 840.00 1,680.00 11. Install P-5 Structure 2 EA 1,550.00 3,100.00 Subtotal Drainage 24,786.65 -10- 0E-156/1.0 • • ATTACIIIVIENT 10 SILVER STAR INTERSECTION ROADWAY. CHANGES (ADD) TO;ACCOMMODATE AMOCO AND.'EXXON STATION5. »>»> Unit :,,;.... .: Description : Quantity..: ,..Pr1Ce .. Total 1. Dir. Arrow, Thermo 7 EA 42.00 294.00 2. Solid 6" White Thermo 1,133 NM 0.05 56.65 3. Solid 6" Yellow Thermo 1,133 LF -0.02 22.66 4. Refl. Pvmt Mrker Mono 13 EA 3.15 40.95 5. Refl. Pvmt Amber Bi-D 4 EA 3.50 14.00 6. Skip Stripe, Thermo 10-30' 400 GM 0.08 32.00 7. Solid Stripe 118" Yellow 60 LF 1.35 81.00 Subtotal - Signing and Marking 457.26 1. Solid Removable Pvmt. Markin 4" White 900 LF 0.17 153.00 2. Solid Removable Pvmt. Markin 4" 450 LF 0.17 76.50 Yellow 3. Refl. Pvmt. Marker, Amber Bi-Dir., 22 EA 3.57 78.54 (Temp.) 4. Add'l Barricades 840 EA 0.37 310.80 Subtotal - Traffic Control 618.84 E. LABOR AND E - 1. Clearing 1 LS 400.00 400.00 2. Remove Existing Headwall 1 LS 500.00 500.00 3. Survey LLS 1,450.00 1,450.00 Subtotal - Labor and Equipment 2,350.00 TOTAL A, B, C, D AND E 86,150.00 -11- 0E-156/1.0