HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem VI (E) Resolution No 92-20, adopting Infrastructure Deficiencies Map • AGENDA 10-6-92 "CENTER OF GOOD LIVING-PRIDE OF WEST ORANGE" Item VI E ` Ocoee LESTER DABBS,fix. die l' , • �: '�` ° CITY OF OCOEE RUS' IOIHNSON 0 150 OCOEE ORIDA 347HORE DRIVE PAUL W.FOSTER (!) (407)656 2322 VERN COMBS �f �, SAM WOODSON �, e' 0r 6000 ��,` CITY MANAGER ELLIS SHAPIRO STAFF REPORT TO: THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND BOARD OF CITY COMMISSIONERS FROM: JANET RESNIK, DEVELOPMENT ADMINISTRATOR, CONCURRENCY MANAGEME DATE: OCTOBER 1, 1992 SUBJECT: CONCURRENCY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM INFRASTRUCTURE DEFICIENCIES MAP AND FACILITIES REPORT ISSUE Should the Honorable Mayor and Board of City Commissioners approve Resolution 92-20 , adopting the concurrency assessment of infrastructure and in turn the resulting Infrastructure Deficiencies Map? BACKGROUND Article IX of the City of Ocoee's Land Development Code outlines the procedures the City must follow in implementing its Concurrency Management System. Section 9-5 (C) states that at the time of adoption of the annual operating budget and capital budget, the City Commission shall adopt an Infrastructure Deficiencies Map by resolution to be effective from October 1 through September 30 of the following year. The map may be reviewed more frequently upon a finding by the City Commission that there is reason to suspect that areas shown as having adequate levels of service do not and/or that areas shown as having inadequate levels of service in fact are not deficient. Section 9-4 (C) (4) also requires the Development Administrator to collect and make available to the public, information on the facilities as described in Attachment 9-1 of Article IX which is used to determine any deficiencies. This information is also to be available beginning October 1 and updated each August thereafter. DISCUSSION Attached is Resolution 92- 20 which includes the concurrency assessment report (the information required by the Land Development Code) . The report determines whether the City has any deficiencies in the areas of Traffic Circulation, Sanitary Sewer, Potable Water, Solid Waste, Stormwater Drainage, and Recreation/Open Space. The state requires that these six areas be monitored by the City and that the City ensure that they are available concurrent with the impacts of new development. • Page 2 Concurrency Staff Report October 1, 1992 The information contained in the attached report and utilized in developing the Infrastructure Deficiencies Map will be updated and reviewed against any new (proposed) development. Each developer must now apply for concurrency certificates as part of the City's development review process. The City Commission will therefore be approving the issuance of concurrency certificates as part of its review of development plans. The purpose of the Infrastructure Deficiencies Map is to show - in simplest form - whether or not there are any deficiencies and where they are in the City. The attached Infrastructure Deficiencies Map serves as the official document to show that there are concurrently no deficiencies in the City of Ocoee. RECOMMENDATION It is respectfully recommended that the Honorable Mayor and Board of City Commissioners adopt Resolution 92- 20 . 10/4/92 09:48 $407 648 1743 FOLEY & LARDNER Z002/003 RESOLUTION NO. 92- 20 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF OCOEE, FLORIDA, RELATING TO INFRASTRUCTURE DEFICIENCIES UNDER THE CONCURRENCY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM; ACCEPTING A CONCURRENCY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM INFRASTRUCTURE REPORT; FINDING THAT THERE ARE NO INFRASTRUCTURE DEFICIENCIES WITHIN THE CITY; ADOPTING AN INFRASTRUCTURE DEFICIENCIES MAP; PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the City Commission of the City of Ocoee has received a report from the Development Administrator on the status of all infrastructure covered under the Ocoee Concurrency Management System, said report being attached hereto as Exhibit "A" arid by this reference made a part hereof ("the Concurrency Management System Infrastructure Report") ; and WHEREAS, the Development Administrator has collected and made available to the public information on certain infrastructure facilities as required by Article IX of Chapter 180 of the Ocoee City Code; and WHEREAS, based upon the Concurrency Management System Infrastructure Report and in accordance with the procedures set forth in Section 9-5 of Article IX of Chapter 180 of the Ocoee City Code, the Development Administrator has prepared an Infrastructure Deficiencies Map, said map being attached hereto as Exhibit "B" and by this reference made a part hereof ("the Infrastructure Deficiencies Map") ; and WHEREAS, the Development Administrator has advised the Ocoee City Commission that, as of October 1, 1992, there are no areas of the City served by infrastructure which do not meet the level of service standards established by the Ocoee Comprehensive Plan. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF OCOEE, FLORIDA, AS FOLLOWS: 1. The above recitals are true and correct and are made a part of this Resolution. 2 . The City Commission of the City of O--oee hereby accepts the Concurrency Management System Infrastructure Report attached hereto as Exhibit "A". 3 . The City Commission of the City of Ocoee hereby finds that, as of October 1, 1992, there are no areas of the City served by infrastructure which do not meet the level of service standards established by the Ocoee Comprehensive Plan. 10/02/92 09:48 23'407 648 1743 FOLEY & LARDNER 0003/003 4. Pursuant to Section 9-5.0 of Article IX of Chapter 180 of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Ocoee, Florida, the Ocoee City Commission hereby adopts the Infrastructure Deficiencies • Map attached hereto as Exhibit "B". The Infrastructure Deficiencies Map will be effective from October 1, 1992 through September 30, 1993 unless revised at an earlier date in accordance with the procedures set forth in Article IX of Chapter 180 of the code of Ordinances of the City of Ocoee, Florida. 5. This Resolution shall become effective immediately upon adoption. PASSED AND ADOPTED this day of October, 1992. APPROVED: ATTEST: CITY OF OCOEE, FLORIDA Jean Grafton, City Clerk Lester Dabbs, Jr. , Mayor (SEAL) FOR USE AND RELIANCE ONLY BY THE CITY OF OCOEE, FLORIDA. APPROVED AS TO FORM AND LEGALITY this day of , 1992. FOLEY & LARDNER APPROVED BY THE OCOEE CITY CO MISSION AT A MEETING EKLf ON , 1992 By: UNDER AGENDA ITEM NO. City Attorney cawnsmocsvcomsntucnnuisiionmzIMOVEIPFn.-ge 2 . t EXHIBIT A CONCURRENCY ASSESSMENT OF INFRASTRUCTURE AND SERVICES The following inventories, in conjunction with the Infrastructure Deficiencies Map, shall be maintained by the Development Administrator to be used for the concurrency assessment of new development: I. TRAFFIC CIRCULATION A. Design capacity of different roadway types. The attached Table 1 outlines the capacity of all of the principal roadways located in the City of Ocoee. The total capacity shown for all roadway segments is for a Level of Service (LOS) D. The City has made application and is awaiting formal notification from the state to change Ocoee's designation from "Urbanized" to "Urban". The "Urban" classification allows a municipality to use LOS D in formulating its traffic volumes and capacities for all roadways under FDOT functional classification. Since it appears that it is only a matter of processing the necessary paperwork, the City used the LOS D in determining the capacities. B. The existing level of service measured by the average number of trips per day on a roadway as provided by the Florida Department of Transportation. Utilizing LOS D as explained in I.A. above, all road segments measured LOS D or above. C. The adopted level of service standards for all roadways classified under the Florida Department of Transportation's roadway functional classification system. The adopted LOS for all principal roadways is LOS D. D. The existing capacities or deficiencies of the roadway network. The attached Table 1 outlines the remaining capacities of principal roadway segments in the City. (These figures appear in the last column to the right. ) There are currently no deficiencies. Capacity as presented represents 100% of design standard. Page 2 Exhibit A Concurrency Assessment of Infrastructure and Services E. The capacities reserved for approved but unbuilt development. The City of Ocoee has resolved that "capacities reserved for approved but unbuilt development" for traffic circulation purposes will consist of any trips reserved as a result of a Certificate of Vesting, a Final Certificate of Concurrency, and/or a Transportation Capacity Reservation Certificate. Effective October 1, the only reservation of this type is the Certificate of Vesting issued to Plantation Grove PUD which vests the development for 322 single family residential units (3,075 average daily trips) and 110, 111 square feet of commercial space (7, 506 average daily trips) . F. The projected capacities or deficiencies due to approved but unbuilt development. The above mentioned trips reserved for the Plantation Grove PUD were factored into the traffic volumes for the three roadway segments along Maguire Road that will be impacted by this development. Table 1 shows those figures in the "Reservation" column under the heading "Daily Volumes" . G. The improvements to be made to the roadway network in the current fiscal year by any approved developments pursuant to previous development orders or permits and the impact of such improvements on the existing capacities or deficiencies. Hackney-Prairie Road is currently planned to be improved to a 2-lane, paved roadway, from Apopka-Vineland Road to its present terminus. The impact on existing capacity will be determined by subsequent traffic counts. H. The improvements to be made to the roadway network in the current fiscal year by the City of Ocoee, Orange County, the Florida Department of Transportation, or other public agency and the impact of such improvements on the existing capacities or deficiencies. Clarke Road is currently under construction and slated to be opened in early 1993 . Those roadway segments listed under Clarke Road on Table 1 currently show no existing traffic; however, the City will take traffic counts on those road segments about three months after the road opens to establish existing volumes. Page 3 Exhibit A Concurrency Assessment of Infrastructure and Services There are several roadway segments that will be affected by improvements made by either the City of Ocoee, Orange County, or the Florida Department of Transportation. Each respective governmental unit will monitor the affects of these improvements by taking regular traffic counts and the City will use those counts to keep Table 1 current. II. SANITARY SEWER A. The design capacity of the wastewater treatment facilities. The City of Ocoee has one wastewater treatment facility. It is currently designed to treat two (2) million gallons per day (MGD) . B. The existing level of service standard for average daily flows per equivalent residential unit. The existing level of service (LOS) for average daily flows per equivalent residential unit (ERU) is calculated by dividing the average daily flows into the number of ERUs represented by the existing customers. The average daily flows (average taken over the 30 day period for August 1992) is .791 MGD (791, 000 gallons per day) . There are 2, 314 customers in the system accounting for 3 , 099.5 ERUs which amounts to an existing LOS of 255.2 gallons per day per equivalent residential unit. C. The adopted level of service standard for average daily flows per equivalent residential unit. The adopted LOS per the Ocoee Comprehensive Plan is 270 gallons per day (GPD) per ERU. D. The existing deficiencies of the system. There are no existing deficiencies of the system. Page 4 Exhibit A Concurrency Assessment of Infrastructure and Services E. The capacities reserved for approved but unbuilt development. For concurrency purposes regarding sanitary sewer, the City of Ocoee defines "approved but unbuilt development" as any development which has an independent developer's agreement for sanitary sewer capacity. Capacity reservations have been prepaid and are detailed by developer on the attached Table 2. These reservations do not in any way reflect approved development. F. The improvements to be made to the facility in the current fiscal year by any approved developments pursuant to previous development orders and the impact of such improvements on the existing capacities or deficiencies (lines, lift stations, etc. ) . According to the City Engineer/Utilities Director, there will be no improvements made to the facility by any developers which would have an impact on existing capacities of the facility. G. The improvements to be made to the facility in the current fiscal year by the City of Ocoee and the impacts of such improvements on the existing capacities or deficiencies. The City of Ocoee is currently in the process of expanding its wastewater treatment facility. The project will expand the design capacity from 2 MGD to 3 MGD. The plant expansion is scheduled to be completed by January 1994. III. POTABLE WATER A. The design capacity of the water system. There are four water plants in the City of Ocoee permitted to pump a• total of 12 .61 MGD: Forest Oaks Plant: 2 .52 MGD Jamela Plant: 2.88 MGD Kissimmee Ave. Plant: 2 .89 MGD South Water Plant: 4.32 MGD Page 5 Exhibit A Concurrency Assessment of Infrastructure and Services B. The existing level of service measured by the average number of gallons per day per unit based on the average flows experienced. The average number of gallons per day based on a 12-month average is 2 .730 MGD. The adopted LOS is 300 GPD/ERU. There are currently 5,220 customers representing 6,956 ERUs in the system. Taking the number of ERUs and the average flow, and factoring 10% for unmetered losses for such things as hydrant flushing, leakages, and calibration variances in the meters, the existing level of service is 353 GPD/ERU. The City will monitor the flows to determine whether an adjustment is needed to the adopted LOS of 300 GPD/ERU. For concurrency purposes, the 353 GPD/ERU existing level of service does not signify a capacity deficiency. C. The existing potable water storage capabilities of the water system. The water storage capabilities are as follows: Forest Oaks Plant: 400,000 gallons Jamela Plant: 1,000,000 gallons Kissimmee Ave. Plant: 250, 000 gallons South Water Plant: 600,000 gallons Total storage: 2,250, 000 gallons D. The existing minimum water pressure. The Ocoee Land Development Code requires a minimum water pressure of 20 pounds per square inch (20 psi) . New development is required to show that it meets this requirement (which is usually done through computer modelling) . Existing development is tested by the Ocoee Fire Department on a regular basis through gauging fire hydrants. Page 6 Exhibit A Concurrency Assessment of Infrastructure and Services E. The adopted level of service standards for the potable water facility components. The adopted LOS is 300 GPD/ERU. F. The existing capacities or deficiencies of the system. The existing capacity of the system is obtained by taking the total designed/permitted capacity and subtracting the current flow (12.61-2 .95) . There is 9.65 MGD of existing capacity to handle future growth. G. The capacities reserved for approved but unbuilt development. For concurrency purposes regarding potable water, the City of Ocoee defines "approved but unbuilt development" as any development which has an independent developer's agreement for water capacity. Capacity reservations have been prepaid and are detailed by developer on the attached Table 3. These reservations do not in any way reflect approved development. H. The improvements to be made to the facility in the current fiscal year by any approved developments pursuant to previous development orders or permits and the impact of such improvements on the existing capacities or deficiencies. According to the City Engineer/Utilities Director, there are no improvements planned by developers that would impact existing capacities. I. The improvements to be made to the facility in the current fiscal year by the City of Ocoee and the impact of such improvements on the existing capacities or deficiencies. The current water system is being reviewed to determine optimum site(s) for new wells. Page 7 Exhibit A Concurrency Assessment of Infrastructure and Services IV. SOLID WASTE A. The percentage of the total amount of solid waste disposal capacity allocated to the City of Ocoee by Orange County or other applicable solid waste disposal facilities. The City of Ocoee currently provides residential solid waste collection services. Commercial garbage is franchised to a private contractor. The City of Ocoee does not have a contract with Orange County for a certain allotment of solid waste disposal capacity. Orange County has not notified the City of any limitations or of any maximum allowable waste that will be accepted from the City. To this end, the City will permit additional customers until notified otherwise by the County. B. The existing level of service measured by the solid waste per pound per capita per weekly collection. Orange County currently places no limitations on the amount of solid waste generated by the City of Ocoee; however, the City does limit the amount of solid waste it collects from its residential customers and anything over that limit is only collected after the customer pays an additional fee. The current LOS for residential customers is 6. 0 pounds per capita per day. Service is provided as required by state statute for the separation of Class I garbage from recyclables and yard waste. The latest figure for residential garbage transported by the City of Ocoee to the Orange County landfill is 4,923 tons per year (or 410 tons per month) . Converting the tonnage to pounds (820,000) and then dividing that by the number of customers (4,531) , equals 181 pounds per customer per month or 6 pounds per customer per day. C. The projected capacities reserved for approved but unbuilt development. Because Orange County has not placed any limitation on the amount of solid waste generated by the City of Ocoee, the City will reserve capacity for approved but unbuilt development in one-year increments through Final Certificates of Concurrency. • Page 8 Exhibit A Concurrency Assessment of Infrastructure and Services V. STORMWATER DRAINAGE A. The existing level of service measured by storm event as determined by the City of Ocoee and its consulting engineers. The basins are currently being analyzed. Data collection should be completed by the end of 1992 . Analysis is being accomplished on a basin-by-basin schedule. B. The adopted level of service standard for storm drainage. The LOS for stormwater/drainage is the ability to contain a 25 year/24 hour storm event, consistent with Chapter 17-25 of the Florida Administrative Code. Development must meet all requirements for stormwater/drainage as outlined in the City of Ocoee's Land Development Code or other such stormwater drainage approvals as may be required by the Land Development Code or state agencies. VI. RECREATION AND OPEN SPACE A. The existing acreage of park land. There are more than 330 acres of park land in the City of Ocoee. B. The existing level of service measured by the number of acres of park land available per 1,000 residents of the City of Ocoee based on an inventory of park lands in the City and the population of the City. The City of Ocoee is currently in the process of amending its Comprehensive Plan's Recreation and Open Space Element. The concurrency requirements have been amended to coincide with that amendment. Based on the proposed Comprehensive Plan Amendment, the LOS for recreation involves requirements for three different types of parks, each with their own levels of service: Page 9 Exhibit A Concurrency Assessment of Infrastructure and Services "Community" parks must be a minimum 20 acres in size and serve a population of 10,000 in a 3-mile area. "Neighborhood" parks must be a minimum of 4 acres in size and serve a population of 7,500 in a 1/2-mile area. "Special Purpose Facilities" do not have a minimum acreage since they are based on the facilities provided. Each serves a population of 10,000 in a 3-mile area. The Comprehensive Plan Amendment will delete formal requirements for number of facilities such as tennis courts, ball fields, and playground equipment. These facilities will remain an important part of the Recreation Element but they will no longer be part of concurrency management insofar as requiring so many facilities per so many people. The state has indicated to City staff that it is amenable to such an amendment. The LOS for open space is 25 acres per 1,000 population. C. The existing capacities or deficiencies of the recreation facility system. The current population figure for the City of Ocoee as provided by the Bureau of Economic and Business Research at the University of Florida (the official state agency for the estimation of population) was 15, 107 as of April 1992 . Using that figure the City would need one community park, two neighborhood parks, and one special purpose facility to meet the concurrency requirements. There are currently two community parks, four neighborhood parks, and four special purpose facilities in the City of Ocoee and they are as follows: COMMUNITY PARKS: Central Park Complex (23 +/- acres) John Vignetti Park (21 +/- acres) NEIGHBORHOOD PARKS: Municipal Complex Park (10 + acres) Parkside Park (4 +/- acres) Silver Glen Park (5 +/- acres) • Tiger Minor Park (5 +/- acres) SPECIAL PURPOSE FACILITIES: Middle School Gymnasium (2 +/- acres) Municipal Golf Course (240 +/- acres) Sorenson Field (8 +/- acres) West Orange Girls Club (12 +/- acres) Page 10 Exhibit A Concurrency Assessment of Infrastructure and Services Using the population figure of 15, 107, the City would need 375 acres of Open Space to meet concurrency. The City defines "open space" as park areas, lakes, wetlands, and a percentage of rights-of-way within the City. According to the City of Ocoee's Planning Department, the City has a total of 1,736 acres of open space. D. The capacities reserved for approved but unbuilt development. For concurrency purposes, the City of Ocoee defines "approved but unbuilt development" as any development which has a Certificate of Vesting or a Final Certificate of Concurrency. Plantation Grove PUD is the only development to date which has a Certificate of Vesting and there have been no Final Certificates of Concurrency issued. The additional population which will result from the 322 single family residences which were vested for Plantation Grove PUD is estimated at 966 (3 .0 persons per single family unit) . This additional population would not increase the requirements for parks. The 966 added to the 15, 107 for a total of 16,073 would now require 400 acres of open space. E. The projected capacities or deficiencies due to approved but unbuilt development. Plantation Grove PUD does not in itself affect the number of parks needed. The additional population creates the need for an additional 25 acres of open space. There is sufficient capacity in both parks and open space to handle the impacts of Plantation Grove PUD. F. The improvements to be made to the recreation facilities in the current fiscal year by any approved developments pursuant to previous development orders and the impact of such improvements on the existing capacities or deficiencies. Developers currently must provide a certain amount of private recreational/open space to meet the needs of their residents. Developers also pay recreational impact fees towards community- wide and neighborhood recreation. The recreational impact fees are then used by the City to fund improvements to the overall recreational facilities including the addition of land and facilities and/or the improvement of existing land and facilities. Page 11 Exhibit A Concurrency Assessment of Infrastructure and Services G. The improvements to be made to the recreation facilities in the current fiscal year by the City of Ocoee and the impact of such improvements on the existing capacities or deficiencies. There are improvements slated for the 1992-93 fiscal year for facilities within existing park lands but these improvements will not affect the existing capacities since they do not involve the purchase of additional park lands. p 4 4 4 c 7C z n n o CO �. y 0. a cA ) 0 5 ,v 73 P. a FL a ,b m• 7d 7d o 0 0 7d w sv w 0 7d 0. 7d �• g. 0 7d 1r H VI V1 ~ ~ •.. •0 V1 fyd r. .y r.1 .y W ..�.•. o o `C M W W C. %C a, W W CD p .... CD `C O �- _ 00 P \ \ 0 w CO .1 (D (D 00 ` 00 " 0 \ 0 v 7d 0 7d `D 7d 7d a ... a a s 7d a Accl CD oma 0. 7d Q. a a . . c Cl) a \ - CD \ '- o •0. tr c4l7 n -1 . v� co .. n DO E,.1 K M a H o c c 7d 0. 0. c(D 7I ° a c 7d ►i " o ., 5' •a .0 co a n 5 o cD •0 A CO F. 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