HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem #01 Approval of the Minutes for the Regular City Commission Meeting held July 17, 2018 MINUTES
JULY 17,2018, at 6:15 P.M.
Mayor Johnson called the regular session to order at 6:15 p.m. in the Commission Chambers of
City Hall. The invocation was led by Commissioner Oliver, followed by the Pledge of
Allegiance to the Flag led by Commissioner Wilsen. City Clerk Sibbitt called roll and
declared a quorum present.
Present: Commissioner Grogan, Commissioner Wilsen, Mayor Johnson, Commissioner Oliver
Absent: Commissioner Firstner
Also Present: City Manager Frank, City Attorney Cookson, City Clerk Sibbitt
Ivy Mary Lee Griffin, 528 S. Bluford Avenue, complimented the City on the beautiful palms
that were added onto Bluford Avenue.
Jean Grafton,former City Clerk and employee, also complimented the City for everything they
are doing with the Downtown renovations and encouraged the Elected Officials and staff to keep
up the good work.
City Manager Frank announced that staff will be asking to pull Item #2 from the Consent
Agenda and along with that request they will be asking the City Commission to take temporary
action to extend the current agreement until that item is brought back before them on September
18th. City Attorney Cookson explained that Item #2 was an amendment to the existing
Development Agreement for City Center. An extension of time was being requested on
completion of some of the development obligations. Staff is in favor of extending the time frame.
City Attorney Cookson further explained that before they finalize the amendment they would
like to examine the dates and the impact of the incentives the City offered. This evening they will
need an approval to extend the dates under the Development Agreement until September 18th
City Commission Meeting.
Motion: Move to pull Item #2 from Consent Agenda and further approve an
extension to the date of the City Center West Orange Development and Economic
Incentive Agreement obligations until September 18, 2018; Moved by
Commissioner Wilsen, seconded by Commissioner Grogan; Motion carried 4-0
with Commissioner Firstner absent.
City Attorney Cookson alerted the City Commission that he is in the process of drafting an
ordinance that will regulate screening of donation bins in the City. At the next City Commission
Regular City Commission
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Meeting when he presents this ordinance, they can discuss the issues that the City is experiencing
with regards to clothing donation bins. Commissioner Wilsen encouraged him to also consider
adding language about collection trailers as those have been appearing in the County and are
very unappealing.
Commissioner Oliver — 1) Announced that last Friday he had the privilege of taking part in a
ride along with the Sanitation Drivers and was able to see their level of customer service which
he was very pleased and impressed with. He further thanked the City staff and looks forward to
another ride-along. 2) Shared that when they get to the approval of the Consent Agenda he would
like to pull Item#13.
Commissioner Wilsen — Shared that she has a comment for Item #12 but does not want to pull
Commissioner Grogan—None
Mayor Johnson —Said that a few months ago they had a discussion on the naming of Russell
Drive Park to Frank Turner Park, and he would like to again discuss or vote on moving forward
with this. City Manager Frank advised that the discussion was to look at the policy; and
further, City staff has found that currently the City does not have any regulation or policy in
place for naming of facilities or parks. Should the City Commission like to proceed with the
naming of Russell Drive Park, then at this time a discussion and motion would be sufficient.
Motion: Move to approve the renaming of Russell Drive Park to Frank Turner
Park; Moved by Commissioner Grogan, seconded by Commissioner Wilsen;
Barbara Martin, 1238 Russell Drive, shared that she would also like to request permission to
purchase four (4) red Crepe Myrtles to donate to the City to place at the park. The City could
plant them. Brief discussion ensued with regards to irrigation at the park.
Commissioner Wilsen commented that the City may want to look into creating a policy for any
future requests. Commissioner Oliver inquired if they have checked with other cities to see
what their policies are. Mayor Johnson shared that they can have Parks and Recreation staff
look into a policy.
After a brief discussion, motion carried 4-0 with Commissioner Firstner absent.
Consent Agenda Motion
Commissioner Wilsen shared that she received some concerns on Item #12 with regards to the
school crossing guard agreement and has forwarded the two (2) emails she received to the City
Clerk. She further shared the concern on the pay rate that will be implemented in which Police
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Chief Brown addressed the question. He shared that a majority of the school crossing guards
should be receiving pay increases or remaining at the same pay rate. City Manager Frank
shared that staff can place a clause in the agreement, if needed, to ensure that there is very little
change to what the school crossing guards currently get in pay rates if that is their concern.
Commissioner Wilsen shared another concern on the years of service incentive that the school
crossing guards would be losing once they are under a contract. Brief discussion ensued.
Commissioner Oliver inquired if anyone would be losing employment under this agreement.
Police Chief Brown shared that all the current employees have been invited to the meeting with
the new management team who will require that all employees meet the minimum standards
which would make them eligible for hire. He further shared that all current employees have
already met minimum standards for the City, and he does not see an issue with all current
employees being hired. Brief discussion ensued.
Commissioner Oliver said he would like to pull Item #13 for discussion as he had a concern
from a few citizens. He asked about revenue that stems from the red light cameras and the
number of crashes that occurred to warrant the cameras. His concern is that he does not want to
see our City place red light cameras in every corner of the City as there are many resident who
cannot afford to pay the tickets that they receive.
Motion: Move to adopt the Consent Agenda Items #1 - #14 with Item #2 already
pulled and discussed under Staff Reports and Agenda Review and Item #13 being
pulled for discussion and separate consideration.
Moved by Commissioner Wilsen, seconded by Commissioner Grogan; Motion
carried 4-0 with Commissioner Firstner absent.
1. Approval of the Minutes for the Regular City Commission Meeting held June 19,2018.
(City Clerk Sibbitt)
Approved on Consent. Motion carried 4-0 with Commissioner Firstner absent.
2. Approval of the Fourth Amendment to Development & Economic Incentive
Agreement for City Center West Orange. (City Planner Ruiner)
On September 6, 2016,the City Commission approved and executed a Development and Economic Incentive
Agreement for City Center West Orange Phase 1, by and between CCWO Development Management, LLC;
WSCC Development, LLC;MBII;the City of Ocoee, and the Ocoee CRA, for the development of City Center
West Orange. Subsequent to the execution of the Original Agreement, on October 13, 2016, CBPW acquired
the property in fee simple from WSCC Development, LLC, by a Special Warranty Deed. By its acquisition of
the above-referenced parcels, CBPW must undertake all obligations inuring to WSCC Development, LLC,and
CCWO Development Management, LLC under the Original Agreement. A First Amendment to Development
and Economic Incentive Agreement was approved and executed at the December 6, 2016, City Commission
meeting which amended Section 4 of the Original Agreement to include a provision allowing the economic
incentives to be used by the City Center West Orange project on all properties associated with the City Center
West Orange development within the Target Area 2. A Second Amendment was approved and executed at the
January 17, 2017, City Commission meeting which extended the dates for ground-breaking from January 1,
2017 to March 1,2017,and the site development completion date from August 31,2017 to December 30,2017
on all properties associated within the Target Area 2. A Third Amendment was approved and executed at the
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December 19, 2017, City Commission meeting which extended the Building Permit and construction
completion of Maine Street Section 2 dates from December 30, 2017 to July 2, 2018. The developer and staff
have recognized that a Fourth Amendment is now required to extend the expiration dates for Building Permit
submittal and construction completion of Maine Street Section 2 from July 2,2018 to July 2,2019.
Pulled and discussed under Staff Reports and Agenda Review.
3. Approval to Set the Proposed Tentative Millage Rate for Fiscal Year 2018/2019
Budget. (City Manager Frank)
The TRIM act requires local governing bodies to set a proposed tentative millage rate annually during the
month of July. The property appraiser is then notified of the rate and uses it to advise taxpayers of their
proposed tax levies for the next year. State Statutes provide for a maximum millage that can be levied by the
governing body with a majority vote. This maximum millage rate for the upcoming fiscal year, 6.9367, is an
increase over the current year millage 5.6546. The rolled back rate for 2018/2019 is 5.3819. This rate is lower
than the current year rate. The City's overall assessed value increased by$232,256,943. Staff recommends the
commission set the proposed tentative millage at 6.5000 mils. This is a tentative rate and will allow the
commission room to adjust during review and discussion of the proposed budget. This is an increase of
$1,273,921 at the current millage rate of 5.6546. The rate can be lowered during the budget hearings in
September and has historically been done so by the City.
Approved on Consent. Motion carried 4-0 with Commissioner Firstner absent.
4. Approval to Set Workshop and Hearing Dates for Fiscal Year 2018/2019 Budget
Process. (Finance Director Roberts)
Workshops are held during August for staff and the Commission to discuss the proposed budget for the
upcoming fiscal year. Public hearings are required by the TRIM Act in September serving as a mechanism to
notify the citizens of the proposed budget and allow the opportunity for their comments. Staff recommends the
Commission approve August 8th and 13th for the City budget workshops and September 12th and 26`h for the
City budget hearings. Workshops and hearings will begin at 6:00 p.m. at City Hall.
Approved on Consent. Motion carried 4-0 with Commissioner Firstner absent.
5. Approval to Piggyback on Collier County's Contract for Direct Mailing Services
Including Utility Bill Printing, Mailing and other Publications. (Finance Director
In 2008 the City decided an outside vendor would offer a more efficient process and a professional looking
product in generating the monthly utility bills and other publications compared to in-house production. Staff
reviewed several quotes and sample utility bill formats from various companies and decided on Southwest
Direct to provide these services. They offered a billing format that fit the City's needs and the ability to utilize
more than two colors of print on the bills. Collier County utilizes Southwest Direct as their vendor for utility
billing, printing and mailing needs. In 2013 the City Commission approved piggybacking on their contract.
The Collier County contract the City is currently piggybacking expires in July of 2018. Collier County recently
awarded RFP #18-7312 to Southwest Direct for direct mailing services including utility bill printing and
mailing. The contractual rates in the new Collier County Contract#18-7312 have remained the same. The term
of the contract is for three(3)years,with two(2)additional one-year renewal periods.
Approved on Consent. Motion carried 4-0 with Commissioner Firstner absent.
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6. Approval to Piggyback Bound Tree Medical's Contract #IFB-602936-17. (Fire Chief
The Ocoee Fire Department(OFD)utilizes Bound Tree Medical (BTM)to purchase the EMS supplies which
are stocked on all rescue and engine units and used by Department personnel on medical calls. BTM has
offered to extend the terms of its contract #IFB-602936-17 with Seminole County to the City of Ocoee for
OFD to utilize. The Department would like to piggyback off of this contract to secure the most competitive
pricing for the EMS supplies, pharmaceuticals, and narcotics necessary to effectively serve the community's
Approved on Consent. Motion carried 4-0 with Commissioner Firstner absent.
7. Approval of Change Order No. 2 (Final) for City Pond # 11 (Coventry) Restoration
from Hurricane Irma. (Public Works Director Krug)
At the March 20, 2018 Commission meeting,the repair to the Hurricane Irma damaged outfall structure of the
City maintained Pond#11 in the Coventry Subdivision was awarded to Central Florida Environmental (CFE).
Change Order No. 1 funding was approved at the June 5, 2018 meeting to cover additional damage from
unusually severe thunder storms. The final completion of the project required additional fill material and sod
not anticipated in the original scope or change order work. The total cost of the completed project is
$180,158.20.The current budget is$160,000.00.The extent of the severe weather damage could not have been
anticipated and$20,158.20 of additional funds are required to be allocated to cover the final cost of the project.
Public Works is requesting City Commission approval to allocate $20,158.20 of the Debt Service funds to the
City Pond#11 restoration project to cover the work in Change Order No. 2. The City continues to work with
FEMA for reimbursement of the pond restoration costs.
Approved on Consent. Motion carried 4-0 with Commissioner Firstner absent.
8. Approval to Award Bid #B18-03 Kimball Area Water Main Upgrade Project to
Central Florida Tapping and Construction Services, Inc., for $344,097. (Purchasing
Agent Tolbert)
In conformance with the policies and procedures of the City of Ocoee (City) and Florida Statutes, bids were
solicited from qualified contractors to construct the Kimball Area Water Main Upgrade(Project). All work for
the project shall be constructed in accordance with the drawings and specifications prepared by the City of
Ocoee Utilities Department. Bids include all items necessary for the furnishing, delivering, and installing of all
materials, equipment, incidentals and services including all labor for the Kimball Area Water Main Upgrade
with the work more generally described as the following: The project consists of the installation of
approximately 1,886 lineal feet of 6-inch and 1,677 lineal feet of 4-inch Ductile Iron Pipe water main by open
cut, and connections to existing water mains, valves, fittings, pressure testing, open cut and restoration of
approximately 3,461 square yards of roadway, removal and replacement of driveways and curb, sodding,
seeding and other restoration as may be required. All work performed will be required to be done while
maintaining the functional operation of the existing water mains.
This bid was publicly advertised on May 20, 2018, and opened on June 19, 2018. A pre-bid conference was
held on June 5, 2018. The City received seven(7)bids for this project. Staff recommends awarding the bid to
Central Florida Tapping&Construction Services, Inc.,as the most responsive and responsible bidder.
Approved on Consent. Motion carried 4-0 with Commissioner Firstner absent.
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9. Approval of Shortlist for RFP #18-001 Design-Build Services for New Ocoee City Hall,
Stage 1 Pre-Qualification. (Purchasing Agent Tolbert)
The City of Ocoee, Florida (City), in conformance with the Consultants' Competitive Negotiations Act,
Florida Statutes Section 287.055, and the policies and procedures of the City of Ocoee, is soliciting sealed
qualification statements from qualified Design-Build (DB) firms/teams, seeking to become pre-qualified to
propose the design and construction of the New Ocoee City Hall. The DB firm/team will be responsible for the
complete design and construction of the City's New Ocoee City Hall Project for the best possible value. The
City will be utilizing a two-stage process to procure these services: Stage 1: Pre-Qualification and Stage 2:
Design/Construction and Price Proposals. The RFP was advertised on May 13,2018, and was publicly opened
on June 12, 2018. There were six (6) responses submitted. The six (6) responses were evaluated by the RFP
Evaluation Committee. The first public RFP Evaluation Committee meeting was held on June 25, 2018. The
second public RFP Evaluation Committee meeting was held on July 9, 2018 for the purpose of interviewing
the top three(3)ranked firms and finalizing the shortlist for recommendation of award.
The Evaluation Committee recommends short-listing the top three (3) ranked firms for RFP #18-001 Design-
Build Services for New Ocoee City Hall, Stage 1 —Pre-Qualification and authorize staff to issue Stage 2 of this
RFP to the short-listed firms: Wharton-Smith, Inc.; McCree Design Builders, Inc.; and H.J. High Construction
Company. The award recommendation for Stage 2 of this RFP will subsequently be brought back to the City
Commission for award in September/October of 2018.
Approved on Consent. Motion carried 4-0 with Commissioner Firstner absent.
10. Approval of Federal Fiscal Year 2017 Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance
Grant(JAG) Program (JAG Countywide-State Solicitation). (Police Chief Brown)
This year, $10,549.00 has been made available for the City of Ocoee Police Department through the Edward
Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant (JAG). The Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant (JAG)
Formula Program Committee wishes to submit the attached 51% Letter to the Office of Criminal Justice
Grants in Tallahassee. This letter lists the various programs for which the participating law enforcement
agencies in Orange County plan to spend the $322,517.00 allocated to them. The letter and accompanying
grant application must be signed by the Mayor. If approved, the City of Ocoee will receive $10,549.00 to
purchase Forensic Equipment for the Crime Scene Unit.
Approved on Consent. Motion carried 4-0 with Commissioner Firstner absent.
11. Approval to Expend and/or Grant Forfeiture Monies to Law Enforcement Related
Uses and Charities. (Police Chief Brown)
The Ocoee Police Department recommends expending monies from its forfeiture fund to law enforcement
related uses as follows: $500 to Mothers Against Drunk Drivers (MADD), $750 to its Neighborhood
Restorative Justice Program, $1,000 to sponsor its Citizen Public Safety Academies, $1,000 to purchase
bicycle helmets to be distributed by the Department's Crime Prevention and School Resource Officer unit to
children in need at Ocoee schools and events. The Police Department recommends granting monies from its
forfeiture fund to the following non-profit organizations: $2,000 to Aspire Behavioral Healthcare, the facility
that trains our police officers how to deal with people in mental health crisis; and$2,000 to Crime Line, which
provides crime solving tips to the Police Department,as well as publicity and rewards to the public.
Approved on Consent. Motion carried 4-0 with Commissioner Firstner absent.
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12. Approval of Agreement with All City Management Services for Crossing Guard
Services. (Police Chief Brown)
The City of Ocoee Police Department currently manages a school crossing guard program consisting of 28
crossing guard positions and 31 employees. The Police Department is seeking to outsource the crossing guard
program to All City Management Services, who is a full service contractor providing crossing guard services.
All City Management Services currently provides crossing guard services to the City of Kissimmee and
Renaissance Charter School in Ocoee. All City Management Services would offer employment to all current
City of Ocoee crossing guards and provide them with the same equipment in order for them to perform their
job. Current City of Ocoee employees would not receive any deduction in pay. The police department would
designate a liaison between the police department and All City Management Services to address any future
crossing guard needs. The contract would begin on or about August 1, 2018, and end on June 30, 2019. The
estimated cost of this contract would be$272,903 and is a fully loaded rate to include recruitment,background
clearance,training, equipment, insurance, supervision and management. This estimate also includes adding an
additional crossing guard post and additional substitute crossing guards.
Approved on Consent. Motion carried 4-0 with Commissioner Firstner absent.
13. Approval for the Placement of Two Additional Red Light Camera Locations and Sixth
Amendment to City of Ocoee Services Two Phase Agreement with American Traffic
Solutions LLC (ATS) Pertaining to Red-Light Running Camera Enforcement System.
(Police Chief Brown)
The City of Ocoee desires to ensure the safety of the citizens who travel the roadways within the City limits.
The disregard of traffic control signals within intersections poses a threat to all citizens who travel our
roadways. The current contract between the City of Ocoee and ATS allows for the addition of red light
cameras. The City of Ocoee Police Department had ATS survey several potential locations for the addition of
possible red light cameras and obtained traffic crash data for these locations and recommends placing red light
cameras on north and southbound Clarke Road at Silver Star Road. The use of Automated License Plate
Readers(ALPR)technology helps ensure the safety of individuals who travel our roadways and live in the city
by identifying drivers with no licenses, suspended licenses, no vehicle insurance or registration information.
ALPRs can also help solve crimes or identify possible suspects who commit crimes,therefore making the City
of Ocoee safer for all who travel and live in the city. In the Sixth Amendment,the City of Ocoee has agreed to
install a total of five additional red light cameras. Two of those camera locations have been listed above. Three
additional cameras will be installed at a later time at previous existing locations, which are northbound and
southbound Maguire Road at SR 50 and Northbound on Blackwood Avenue at SR 50. Since the City has
agreed to install five additional red light cameras, ATS, through its subcontractor Cintel, LLC, has agreed to
provide the City ten ALPRs at no additional monthly cost per camera.
Mayor Johnson shared that he did not personally care for the red light cameras until he saw
some of the videos. He feels the issue is not if people can afford the tickets, but rather if people
are obeying the law. Commissioner Oliver shared he understands the safety aspects and is not
negating that concern as it is valid. He is just voicing the opinion that he does not see the need to
put the lights on every corner as an economic benefit. He further commented that he feels there
may be other measures they can take. He asked if he could be provided with the traffic survey for
the areas that currently have red light cameras. Mayor Johnson shared that the need for red light
cameras is not specifically for the number of accidents that have occurred, but for the number of
accidents that they have prevented from happening. Further discussion ensued.
Commissioner Oliver inquired in addition to the two (2) additional cameras being considered
for placement, how many more cameras is the City contracted or obligated to add. Police Chief
Brown advised there are no other cameras being implemented at this time. He further shared
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staff would come before the City Commission if there were any other warranted red light
cameras within the City. Police Chief Brown shared that the Police Department will push out on
their Facebook page some educational information about stopping at red lights. Commissioner
Oliver inquired if there is an amnesty program that is tied to the red light camera. Police Chief
Brown said there is not. He further shared that the Police Department will put out their flashing
signs at the intersections acquiring the new cameras, thus notifying residents that the intersection
will soon be enforced by a red light camera.
Motion: Approval for the Placement of Two Additional Red Light Camera
Locations and Sixth Amendment to City of Ocoee Services Two Phase Agreement
with American Traffic Solutions LLC (ATS) Pertaining to RedLight Running
Camera Enforcement System; Moved by Commissioner Wilsen, seconded by
Commissioner Oliver; Motion carried 4-0 with Commissioner Firstner absent.
14. Approval for Acceptance of Change Order No. 2 for the Downtown & Western
Sanitary Transmission Project(North of Silver Star Phase). (Utility Director Smith)
The City of Ocoee is nearing the completion of the Downtown & West Sanitary Transmission Project which
shall shift half of the sanitary flow from the City's single existing forcemain doubling the City's sanitary sewer
conveyance capacity. The downtown project have been divided into multiple phases with a "North Phase"
project providing conveyance from just north of Silver Star Road running north along Lakewood Avenue to
Wurst Road,then turning east along Wurst Road to the City's wastewater plant. The North Phase also includes
a master lift station (#63) off of Lakewood Avenue at Security Circle. Change Order No. 2 addresses minor
changes in unit quantities and will amend the construction contract to the north phase project. Change Order
No. 2 also includes additional efforts required by the contractor that was not foreseen or identified in the
contract documents. The Bluford Avenue Street Scape Project effort includes the final phase of the Downtown
& West Sanitary Transmission Project forcemain construction. This includes a link of forcemain under Silver
Star Road which tied into the end terminus of the north phase forcemain. Both projects efforts were
coordinated together requiring the delay in the north phase. The north phase contractor agreed to the delay as
he was also a sub-contractor on the street scape project.
Approved on Consent. Motion carried 4-0 with Commissioner Firstner absent.
15. Public Hearing to Consider a Petition and First Reading of Ordinance Establishing the
Florida Real Estate Regional Center (FRERC) Community Development District
(CDD). (Second Reading and Public Hearing on the Ordinance is scheduled for August 7, 2018, Regular
Commission Meeting at 6:15 p.m. or soon thereafter. Advertised in the Orlando Sentinel on Thursday, June
21, 2018; Thursday, June 28, 2018; Thursday, July 5, 2018 and Thursday, July 12, 2018)
(City Attorney Cookson)
Community Development Districts are local units of special-purpose government created for the purpose of
delivering urban community development services within certain established areas. Chapter 190, Florida
Statutes, sets forth the exclusive and uniform method for establishing a community development district in
Florida. Generally speaking, if a property contains less than 1000 acres and is located entirely within a
municipality, a Petitioner can file a petition for establishment of a community development district with the
City's governing body. Orange West Development Company, as Petitioner, intends to establish within the City
of Ocoee("City")the FRERC Community Development District("District"). Petitioner received consent from
the owner of one-hundred percent(100%) of the property to be included in the District and, on May 15, 2018,
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filed a petition with the City asking that the City Commission adopt an ordinance establishing the District. The
law requires the City to establish the District in a public hearing, and the Petitioner must advertise the public
hearing four weeks in advance. City and Petitioner are complying with all public notice requirements.
City Attorney Cookson read the title of the Ordinance.
City Attorney Cookson explained the FRERC Community Development District is being
proposed where the City Center is being constructed. The developer will attend the public
hearing and second reading of the ordinance on August 7th and at that point will make a
presentation before the City Commission. A public hearing is required by statute for establishing
a Community Development District in Florida.
Jere Earlywine, Hopping Green & Sams, P.A., was present on behalf of the petitioner to answer
any questions.
The public hearing was opened. As no one wished to speak, the public hearing was closed.
Mayor Johnson announced that this will be presented as a second reading and public hearing at
the next scheduled City Commission meeting on August 7, 2018, at 6:15 p.m. or soon thereafter.
Mayor Johnson — 1) Stated he would like the City to be a sponsor for the Wounded Officers
Initiative Golf Scramble, which is being held on Saturday, August 11th at 8:30 a.m. at Reunion
Resort Golf Course.
Motion: Move that the City be a Hole Sponsorship ($500) for the Wounded
Officers Initiative Golf Scramble being held on August 11, 2018 at Reunion Resort
Golf Course; funds for the sponsorship will be disbursed from the Contingency
Fund. Moved by Commissioner Grogan, seconded by Commissioner Oliver;
Motion carried 4-0 with Commissioner Firstner absent.
2) Announced the Parks and Recreation Advisory Board currently has four vacancies. If you are
interested in applying to be on this Board, please visit the City's webpage for more information.
Whenever possible, appointments to the Board may include one member from each of the
following organizations: Ocoee Little League, Ocoee Youth Soccer League (OYSL), Ocoee
Bulldog Pop Warner Football, and West Orange Senior Citizens Association. 3) Casting with a
Cop is Tuesday, July 31st, 8:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. at Starke Lake for ages 5 to 13. Registration
can be found on the City's website; closed-toe shoes are required. 4) Community Grant Program
Applications are currently being accepted. The submission deadline is July 31st. 5) City Hall is
closed on Monday, September 3rd in observance of Labor Day. Discussion ensued regarding
upcoming meetings which may need to be canceled.
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Motion: Move to cancel the City Commission Meetings scheduled for September
4, 2018 and November 6, 2018; Moved by Commissioner Wilsen, seconded by
Commissioner Grogan; Motion carried 4-0 with Commissioner Firstner absent.
7) The City's First Budget Workshop is being held Wednesday, August 8th, and the Second
Budget Workshop is scheduled for Monday, August 13th. The City's Tentative Budget Public
Hearing is scheduled for Wednesday, September 12th, and the Final Budget Public Hearing is
scheduled for Wednesday, September 26th. All meetings will begin at 6:00 p.m. in City Hall.
Commissioner Grogan—None
Commissioner Wilsen — 1) Stated Montgomery Avenue Park is starting to come alive with
walkways, parking spaces and a pavilion, but she has heard from many residents who would love
to have a dog park. She believes there is enough land at the Montgomery Avenue Park to house a
dog park and asked the Board's support on pursuing this dog park. 2) She also would like the
City to consider an ADA accessible park, which would be accessible to a variety of different
disabilities; and further, suggested maybe looking at Young Pine Park. Commissioner Oliver
stated he has also heard from a lot of residents who would like a dog park. Mayor Johnson
recommended staff research the dog park and the budgeting for an ADA accessible park. City
Manager Frank suggested that be heard in the upcoming budget workshop.
Commissioner Oliver — 1) Shared he has worked with residents on petitioning FDOT about
installing a signal at Ingram Road and Clarcona Ocoee Road, and he asked for the Board's
support to send a letter to Orange County and FDOT about this matter. City Planner Rumer
advised that Clarcona Ocoee Road is a County Road, not FDOT. Consensus of the City
Commission was to send a letter to Orange County and FDOT about installing a
signal at the intersection of Ingram Road and Clarcona Ocoee Road for safety
Mayor Johnson inquired about the intersection of Fullers Cross Road and where that stands.
Public Works Director Krug explained staff is currently working on an interlocal agreement
with Orange County and with that securing pricing from a design consultant to utilize a
development agreement to move the project along faster. He stated an agreement should be
forthcoming within the next month. Discussion ensued regarding the timetable of this upcoming
project. City Manager Frank explained he has been in communications with the County
Commissioner to which the City is assertively moving this along.
Mayor Johnson inquired about the street lights on Ingram Road at the end of Maguire Road.
Public Works Director Krug advised this project is in the upcoming proposed budget, but the
City is waiting on numbers from Duke Energy. Mayor Johnson indicated the Admiral Point
homeowners are requesting a caution light be installed on Montgomery Avenue. Public Works
Director Krug said he will look into what type of warning will be most effective.
Commissioner Wilsen inquired if there are any accommodations being made to keep the State
Representative and Senator located within City Hall. City Manager Frank indicated there will
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not be room for them within the new city hall, but there will be room within the building they are
currently in. Discussion ensued regarding where certain City departments may be potentially
located along with the State Representative and Senator.
Attest: City of Ocoee
Melanie Sibbitt, City Clerk Rusty Johnson, Mayor