HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem III (E) Acceptance and Approval of Wesmere Village 5 -Final Subdivision Plans AGENDA 12-15-92 4 "CENTER OF GOOD LIVING-PRIDE OF WEST ORANGE" Item III E ° " '�° CITY OF OCOEEti e RUSE COMMISSIONERS "� a. 150 N.LAKESHORE DRIVE PAUL W.FOSTER C./ OCOEE,FLORIDA 34761 VERN COMBS e+�y (G_. ." (407)656-2322 SAM WOODSON jE Of G 009 > CITY MANAGER ELLIS SHAPIRO SRP-363 STAFF REPORT TO: THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND BOARD OF CITY COMMISSIONERS FROM: BRUCE BEHRENS, DIRECTOR OF PLANNING'c' DATE: DECEMBER 10 , 1992 SUBJECT: WESMERE, VILLAGE 5 FINAL SUBDIVISION PLANS ISSUE: Should the Honorable Mayor and Board of City Commissioners approve the Final Subdivision Plans for Wesmere, Village 5? BACKGROUND/PROJECT ANALYSIS: Zoning: Planned Unit Development (PUD) Proposed Use: Single Family Residential Site Area: 27 . 597 Acres 100 Yr. Flood Elevation: 124. 6 ' Number of Lots : 26 Gross Density: .094 DU/AC Minimum Lot Size: 7200 S.F. Minimum Lot Width: 60 Feet Floor Area: 1400 Square Feet Water Service: City of Ocoee Sewer Service: City of Ocoee Average Daily Trips : 260 School Age Population: 16 DISCUSSION: Staff reviewed the Final Subdivision Plans under the new Land Development Code (Green Book) . This project has been vested and is not subject to concurrency review. The Development Review Committee reviewed and unanimously approved the Final Subdivision Plan on December 1 , 1992 . There are no outstanding issues . Gam . Staff Report - Wesmere, Village 5 December 10 , 1992 Page 2 PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION: The Planning and Zoning Commission met on December 8 , 1992 and unanimously recommended to the City Commission to approve the Final Subdivision Plans for Wesmere, Village 5 . STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff respectfully recommends that the Honorable Mayor and Board of City Commissioners approve the Final Subdivision Plans for Wesmere, Village 5 . BCB/emk cc: Joe DoBosh, Project Manager, Arvida/JMB Partners Ray Bradick, Bowyer-Singleton & Associates File #89-082E 1'• OUNTY, FLO 11• CI 17Y OF ICID9 I 1UPIDIViAlLIDIC ARVIDA/JMB SHEET NO. DESCRIPTION COVER. SHEET 2 GENERAL NOTES 3 OVERALL SITE PLAN. 4 LOT & BLOCK GRADING PLAN 5 PLAN & PROFILE -COURT I'AI,COUR 6 PAVING & DRAINAGE DETAILS 7 SANITARY DETAILS WATER DETAILS CADE NO. AVH5:p,C*._10,( I. All construction to conform with City of Ocoee standards, and specifications, unless otherwise waived by the City of Ocoee. 2. The Engineer certifies that al/ roadways were designed to the applicable standards as set forth by the City of Ocoee and the Florida Department of Transportation Manual of Uniform Standards for Design, Construction, and Maintenance for Streets and Highways. 3. The Contractor shall coordinate all work within existing road right-of-ways with the City of Ocoee. 4. It wl/1 'be the responsibility of the Contractor to acquire the necessary Rlght-Of-Way Permlt(s) and provide for the safety and control of local traffic during construction. 5. It will be the responsibility of the Contractor to Insure that all required permits are obtained and IN -HAND before beginning any construction. 6. The Contractor shall be responsible for meeting all Inspection criteria and schedules, and for signing for sold Inspections. 7. All disturbed areas shall be seeded and mulched as directed by the field Engineer. Depending on the area, sodding may be required. 8. The Contractor shall be responsible for locating and verifying (vertically and horizontally) all existing utilities prior to construction, and for notlfying the various utility companles to make the necessary arrangements for any relocation, disruption of service, or clarlflcatlon of activity regarding sold utility. The Contractor shall exercise extreme caution when crossing an underground utility, whether shown on these plans or field located. Utilities which Interfere with the proposed construction shall be relocated by the respective utility companies and the Contractor shall cooperate with the utility company during relocation operations. Any delay or Inconvenience by the various utilities shall be Incidental to the contract. 9. The location of all existing utility services, facilities, and structural features shown on these plans have been determined from the best Information and are provided for the convenience of the Contractor. The Engineer does not guarantee the accuracy or the completeness of the location Information provided. Any Inaccuracy or omisslon In such Information shall not relieve the Contractor of his responsibility to protect such existing features from damage or unscheduled Interruption of service. Should a discrepancy arise between these plans and actual field conditions, which would appreciably affect the execution of these plans, the Contractor will halt all construction and notify the Engineer Immediately. /O. Water and wastewater service shall be provided by the City of Ocoee. The water distribution system shown on these plans shall be Installed by the Contractor and shall conform with the City of Ocoee standards. H. The Contractor shall not excavate,remove,or otherwise disturb any material, structure, or part of a structure which Is located outside the lines, grades, or grading sections established for this project, except where such excavation or removal Is provided for In the contract, plans, or specifications. 12. All work and all materials furnished shall be reasonably close In conformity with the lines, grades, grading sections, cross sections, dimensions, materia/ requirements, and testing requirements that are specified In the contract, plans or specifications. l3. Provisions for the maintenance and management of the common areas, walls, and landscaping facilities will be Included In Covenants and Homeowners Association Agreements. 14. The Contractor shall furnish, erect and maintain all barricades, warning signs, and markings for hazards necessary to protect the public and the work. 15. Fire protectlon shall be provided In accordance with Section 7.3.2 of the City of Ocoee Land Development Regulations. 16. Compact all utility trenches within roadways to 95% of the Modified Proctor Maximum Density w/thln first 2 feet and within other areas to 95%. 17. After the roadway has been constructed to subgrade It shall be proof -rolled to assure that proper compaction has been attained. The proof -rolling and compaction operations shall be Inspected and tested by a Florlda licensed Solis Engineer to assure that the specified compaction Is maintained and a1/ deleterious materia/ has been removed. l8. All water main fittings, valves, restraints, coup/Ings, pipe and In general those materials required for Installing the water supply system, shall comply with minimum material standards, ratings and classifications establlshed by the City of Ocoee. All 6" diameter or greater PVC water- malns shall be AWWA-0900-DR/8. All watermalns shall bear the NSF logo for approval for drinking water. 19. The F.D.O.T. Roadway and Traffic Design Standards (book/et dated January /990) to be used for drainage structures (Index numbers 200,201 and 2/0). 20. Instal/ valve boxes with al/ valves. Valve boxes under pavement shall have traffic -bearing covers. 21. Inspections must be scheduled with 48 hours advance notification. 22. No Inspection on weekends or after 4:00 pm. Monday through Friday. Burled lines shall be opened to Insure proper Joint connections. 23. The Interior street sidewalks will be constructed by the builder as the tames are built. 24. The Contractor shall Insure that proper soll densttles are achleved for placement of all headwall/endwall footings, retalning wall footings, and In general, any footing support described on these plans. It will also be the responsibility of the Contractor to Insure that sufflclent solls testing has been performed prior to constructlon. 25. In other areas which require fill material the Contractor will strip or otherwise remove all vegetation such as brush, heavy sods, heavy growth of grass, decayed vegetable matter, rubbish and any other deleterious material before embankment Is started. Immediately prior to the placing of fill materials, the entire area upon which fill Is to be placed, shall be scarified In a direction approximately para/lel to the axis of fill. The Solls Engineer shall approve the area prior to the placement of fill. 26. During construction, no direct discharge of water to downstream receiving waters will be allowed. The Contractor Is responsible for maintaining water quality, and shall route discharge water In such a manner to adequately remove silt prior to runoff from the site. 27. Al/ Reinforced Concrete Pipe (R.C.P.) shall be minimum Class ill. 28. A1/ signs to be single -mounted In accordance with F.D.O.T. Index No. 1/862 (70 mph. wind loading) and F.D.O.T. Index No.17302. 29. Pavement markings shall be placed as shown In the plans and F.D.O.T. Roadway and Traffic Design Standards (booklet dated January, /990). 30. For all sign details, refer to the "Manua/ On Uniform Traffic Control Devices" , published by the U.S. Department of Transportation, Federal Hlghway Administration - 1978 (ANSI No. 516J-1983). 3l. Water mains shall comply with AWWA standards and all pipes shall bear the NSF logo. All PVC pipe shall be D.R. 18 (C/ass 150). 32. All stormwater pipe lengths Include mitered end sections. 33. All excavations within /0. feet of the travelled roadway must be filled within 24 hours: by days end or heavily barricaded per F.D.O.T. Standards. 34. A1/ water mains to be /ald with a max. of 36" cover. Any deeper cut must be approved by the City of Ocoee. 35. All water services under pavement shall be encased In 2" diameter PVC sleeves. All services shall be stubbed -up between the curb and sidewalk. See detail sheet for more Information. 36. All rear lots abutting the conservation area shall be sodded with Bahia sod from natural ground (N.G.) to the first high point on the Lot and Block Grading Plan. The sodding shall occur immediately after completion of the lot grading. 37. Utility Crossings. A. Where water mains must cross force mains, sanitary and storm sewers, when a minimum clearance of l8" and a minimum cover of 3'-O" cannot be maintained, the water main shall be constucted of mechanical joint ductile Iron plpe providing a minimum of 0-6" cover and a minimum clearance between the water rrhaln and the other utility. Ductile Iron pipe shall continue until a minimum of 3'-O" cover can be attained by pipe deflection. B. Where there Is no alternative to sewer pipes crossing over a water main, the sewer shall be constructed of mechanical Joint ductile Iron pipe for /0 feet each side of the water main crossing. Provide for a minimum of l8" clearance between water and sewer. NO CONCRETE ENCASEMENT will be allowed. C. The lateral separation between force mains, sanitary and storm sewers, and water mains shall not be less than /0 feet. /f this separation cannot be maintained, then either of the two pipes shall be constructed of ductile Iron pipe with pressure -tight Joint. NO ENCASEMENT of the sanitary sewer or water will be allowed. D. Testing Contractor to test al/ water mains as per the. following: Hydrostatic test per AWWA-0600 (or M23) Standard, and Disinfection of water main per AWWA-0651. E. Reuse water mains shall maintain a 5 foot (center to center) seporatlon or 3 feet edge to edge from domestic water mains. F. Al/ water bypasses shall be constructed of ductile Iron pipe and shall be tie -rodded back to a "dead -man" anchor on both sides of the main. G. Where ductile Iron pipe Is required for watermains, It shall conform to ANSI/AWWA A21.5/. A minimum thickness of Class 50 per ANSI/AWWA shall be supplied. 38. Sanitary force main pipes shall be AWWA C900 DR25 Class 100 (100pst). 39. It Is the Contractor's responslblllty to obtain a copy of the Soll Englneers report for this project from Bowyer -Singleton & Associates, Inc. and meet the Soll Engineer's requirements for soil preparation on the site. The Contractors Soils Engineer shall certify a// site, utlllty and roadway compaction as well as underdroln and pavement construction to Bowyer -Singleton & Associates. 40. All lots adjacent to Wesmere Parkway, Roberson Road, and Maguire Road shall have access rights dedicated to the City of Ocoee. 41. Offsets for Inlets are to the Inlet Centerline per F.D.O.T. Index 210. 42. The Contractor shall submit all shop drawings to the Engineer for final conformance with the standards. 43. Eroslon Control Notes A. Provide effective temporary and permanent erosion control Following the requirements In Section 104 of the State Department of Transportation Standards Specifications for Road and Bridge Construction,1986 Edition. (F.D.O.T. Section 104) B. Control features, methods and conditions Included In this contract Include the fol/owing as Indicated by X In blank: I. X Coordinate construction of temporary erosion control features with permanent erosion control features. 2. _X _ Control operations which may result In Water Pollution. (F.D.O.T. Section 104-3) J.- Prov/de schedule for clearing and grubbing, earthwork operations and construction of permanent erosion control features and proposed. use of temporary erosion control features and proposed use of temporary erosion control features. (F.D.O.T. Section /04-5) 1 4. Limitation of exposure of erodible earth without temporary or permanent control features Is S.F. (F.D.O.T. Section 104-6J) 5. X Temporary Grassing 6. X Temporary Sod (104-6.4.3) 7. X Temporary Mulching (104-6.4.4) 8. Sandbagging (104-6.4.5 9. Slope Drains (104-6.4.6) 1O.-Sed/meet Basins (104-6.4.7) 1l. Artificial Coverings (104-6.4.8) 12. X Berms (104-6.4.9) 13. X Baled Hay or Straw (104-6.4JO) 14. X Temporary Silt Fences and Staked Silt Barriers (104-6.4JI) 15. X Floating Silt Barriers (104-6.4J2) 16. XRemove temporary erosion control features (104-6.5) l7. X Maintain permanent temporary erosion control features. (104-7) I8. _X_ This contract design has been approved by the OWNER and regulatory agencies having an Interest In erosion abatement. In Its final form the design meets or exceeds the minimum standards. All temporary erosion control features required during construction shall be constructed by the Contractor, and the cost thereof Included In the Contract Sum as a regular obligation Incidental to the Work. C. During construction the Contractor Is to Install a turbldlty screen along rear lot lines for all lots abutting Conservation Areas. D. The Contractor Is to submit an erosion control plan to the City of Ocoee for approval prior to the preconstructlon meeting for this project. E. The Contractor Is responsible for maintaining all erosion protection, especially In the Conservation Areas during the entire construction process Including repairs, etc. to prevent any siltation from entering these areas. 44. Blue Reflective Pavement Markers shall be placed In the center of the driving lane In front of al/ Fire Hydrants. 45. Existing contours shown represent mass grading. Wet season groundwater elevations are equal to or greater than 18" below bottom of pavement base. 46. Sanitary sewer shall be PVC S.D.R. 35 or DJ.P. class 50 (DJ.P. shall be po/yethelene-lined.) 47. All streets to be private and maintained by the Homeowner's Association. An easement will be granted to the City over and across all private roadways for access by emergency and maintenance vehicles per the Plat. 48. Water main Is existing. Contractor to add services, fire hydrants and relocate existing fire hydrants. Paint all fire hydrants OSHA yellow. Affix blue reflective marker to Indicate location of each hydrant In the complex, as per Fire Department specifications. 49. Contractor shall visit site to familiarize himself with existing conditions prior to bid. 50. Any sanitary sewer system built for phasing of the project shall have a /O' stabilized access road over the line and shall be constructed to and Including the next manhole with a !O' utlllty easement centered over the pipe and manhole. 51. The Final Subdivision Plan Is subject to the approved Final Development Plan. 10-21-92 ZMB REVISE NOTES •7,#51 PER D.RL REVIEW DESCRIPTION REVISION FIELD/ CADD BY: ZMB CHECKED BY: RM DESIGNED BY: ZMB SCALE: NONE t t 'I 52. Miscellaneous Engineer Notlflcotlons A. The Contractor shall provide the Engineer 24 hour advance not/flcat/on for the fol/owing construction and observation activities: a. Sanitary Sewer Lamping and T.V. Inspection b. Connections to Existing Systems c. Thrust Block Pours and Restraint Connections d. Storm Drainage Lamping e. Inlet Top Pours (Reinforcing Steel Check) F. Water & Force Main Pressure Tests g. Bacteriological Sampling h. Base Observation & Sounding I. Asphalt Placement J. Pre-Flnal Observation k. Final Observation B. The Contractor shall keep DAILY "As -Built" drawings and make them readily accessible. C. The Contractor shall prepare and submit to the Engineer a project construction schedule (Bar Graph) and update said schedule on a monthly basis. D. Any fuel storage areas shall have prior owners approval and appropriate measures shall be taken to Insure protection of groundwater and soil resources. E. The Contractor shall coordinate a// backfill operations with the Resident Solis Engineer and submit Test Reports to Engineer prior to beginning work on the next Item of work, I.e. subgrade prior to curb. F. The Engineer reserves the right to require the Contractor to uncover, retest and/or perform any action necessary to ensure that the Improvements have been constructed In accordance with the plans and specifications. G. The Contractor shall provide B.S.A. with a copy of the sanitary sewer TV results. 53. Any discrepancy between the dimensions and measurements shown on the i plans and the actual field conditions shall Immediately be brought to the Englneer's attention. Failure to do so, and to continue construction, Shall make the Contractor completely liable for whatever errors and/or problems that may subsequently ` arise. 54. Addresses: Owner Arvlda/JMB Partners j 120 International 'Parkway, Suite 220 Heathrow, Florlda 32746-5033 1-333-1000 Solis Professional Service Industries, Inc. Engineer Jammal & Associates Division 1675 Lee Road Winter Park, Florida 32790 (407)645-5560 Water/ City of Ocoee Wastewater 150 N. Lakeshore Drive Ocoee, Florida 34761 (407) 656-2322 Electric Florida Power Corporation 1/50 Orange Ave., Winter Park, Florida (407) 646-8300 Telephone United Telephone Service 850 E. Altamonte Drive Altamonte Springs, Florida (407) 339-181/ Cable TV Cablevision Industries 32 E. Cypress Street Winter Garden, Florlda 34787 (407) 656-8035 Mr. Bill Myer 55. Record Drawing: At the end of construction, the Contractor shall provide one set of drawings showing ALL CHANGES marked In waterproof red with the following Contractor Certification executed on EACH SHEET: The Contractor hereby certifies to the OWNER that Improvements covered by this drawing and the related details have been constructed as Indicated or as modified by the notes and graphics shown. Absent a note or graphic to the contrary, the Improvements have been constructed meeting Industry standard tolerances. Signed: Date: Authorized Contractors Representative bowyerms" eton & assoalates INCORPORATED - CONSULTING ENGINEERING : PLANNING : LAND SURVEY INIIG - 520 SOUTH MAGNOLIA AVENUE : ORLANDO, FLORIDA- (,q LORIDA (407) 843-5120 J WESMERE GENERAL NOTES VILLAGE 5 OCOEE, FLORIDA 1 DATE: 5 - 22 - 92 JOB NO. AVH5 - 2 -1 SHEET 2 OF 6 AVH5PGN.001 i "f N ro v tai N rn � N I. All construction to conform with City of Ocoee standards, and specifications, unless otherwise waived by the City of Ocoee. 2. The Engineer certifies that al/ roadways were designed to the applicable standards as set forth by the City of Ocoee and the Florida Department of Transportation Manual of Uniform Standards for Design, Construction, and Maintenance for Streets and Highways. 3. The Contractor shall coordinate all work within existing road right-of-ways with the City of Ocoee. 4. It wl/1 'be the responsibility of the Contractor to acquire the necessary Rlght-Of-Way Permlt(s) and provide for the safety and control of local traffic during construction. 5. It will be the responsibility of the Contractor to Insure that all required permits are obtained and IN -HAND before beginning any construction. 6. The Contractor shall be responsible for meeting all Inspection criteria and schedules, and for signing for sold Inspections. 7. All disturbed areas shall be seeded and mulched as directed by the field Engineer. Depending on the area, sodding may be required. 8. The Contractor shall be responsible for locating and verifying (vertically and horizontally) all existing utilities prior to construction, and for notlfying the various utility companles to make the necessary arrangements for any relocation, disruption of service, or clarlflcatlon of activity regarding sold utility. The Contractor shall exercise extreme caution when crossing an underground utility, whether shown on these plans or field located. Utilities which Interfere with the proposed construction shall be relocated by the respective utility companies and the Contractor shall cooperate with the utility company during relocation operations. Any delay or Inconvenience by the various utilities shall be Incidental to the contract. 9. The location of all existing utility services, facilities, and structural features shown on these plans have been determined from the best Information and are provided for the convenience of the Contractor. The Engineer does not guarantee the accuracy or the completeness of the location Information provided. Any Inaccuracy or omisslon In such Information shall not relieve the Contractor of his responsibility to protect such existing features from damage or unscheduled Interruption of service. Should a discrepancy arise between these plans and actual field conditions, which would appreciably affect the execution of these plans, the Contractor will halt all construction and notify the Engineer Immediately. /O. Water and wastewater service shall be provided by the City of Ocoee. The water distribution system shown on these plans shall be Installed by the Contractor and shall conform with the City of Ocoee standards. H. The Contractor shall not excavate,remove,or otherwise disturb any material, structure, or part of a structure which Is located outside the lines, grades, or grading sections established for this project, except where such excavation or removal Is provided for In the contract, plans, or specifications. 12. All work and all materials furnished shall be reasonably close In conformity with the lines, grades, grading sections, cross sections, dimensions, materia/ requirements, and testing requirements that are specified In the contract, plans or specifications. l3. Provisions for the maintenance and management of the common areas, walls, and landscaping facilities will be Included In Covenants and Homeowners Association Agreements. 14. The Contractor shall furnish, erect and maintain all barricades, warning signs, and markings for hazards necessary to protect the public and the work. 15. Fire protectlon shall be provided In accordance with Section 7.3.2 of the City of Ocoee Land Development Regulations. 16. Compact all utility trenches within roadways to 95% of the Modified Proctor Maximum Density w/thln first 2 feet and within other areas to 95%. 17. After the roadway has been constructed to subgrade It shall be proof -rolled to assure that proper compaction has been attained. The proof -rolling and compaction operations shall be Inspected and tested by a Florlda licensed Solis Engineer to assure that the specified compaction Is maintained and a1/ deleterious materia/ has been removed. l8. All water main fittings, valves, restraints, coup/Ings, pipe and In general those materials required for Installing the water supply system, shall comply with minimum material standards, ratings and classifications establlshed by the City of Ocoee. All 6" diameter or greater PVC water- malns shall be AWWA-0900-DR/8. All watermalns shall bear the NSF logo for approval for drinking water. 19. The F.D.O.T. Roadway and Traffic Design Standards (book/et dated January /990) to be used for drainage structures (Index numbers 200,201 and 2/0). 20. Instal/ valve boxes with al/ valves. Valve boxes under pavement shall have traffic -bearing covers. 21. Inspections must be scheduled with 48 hours advance notification. 22. No Inspection on weekends or after 4:00 pm. Monday through Friday. Burled lines shall be opened to Insure proper Joint connections. 23. The Interior street sidewalks will be constructed by the builder as the tames are built. 24. The Contractor shall Insure that proper soll densttles are achleved for placement of all headwall/endwall footings, retalning wall footings, and In general, any footing support described on these plans. It will also be the responsibility of the Contractor to Insure that sufflclent solls testing has been performed prior to constructlon. 25. In other areas which require fill material the Contractor will strip or otherwise remove all vegetation such as brush, heavy sods, heavy growth of grass, decayed vegetable matter, rubbish and any other deleterious material before embankment Is started. Immediately prior to the placing of fill materials, the entire area upon which fill Is to be placed, shall be scarified In a direction approximately para/lel to the axis of fill. The Solls Engineer shall approve the area prior to the placement of fill. 26. During construction, no direct discharge of water to downstream receiving waters will be allowed. The Contractor Is responsible for maintaining water quality, and shall route discharge water In such a manner to adequately remove silt prior to runoff from the site. 27. Al/ Reinforced Concrete Pipe (R.C.P.) shall be minimum Class ill. 28. A1/ signs to be single -mounted In accordance with F.D.O.T. Index No. 1/862 (70 mph. wind loading) and F.D.O.T. Index No.17302. 29. Pavement markings shall be placed as shown In the plans and F.D.O.T. Roadway and Traffic Design Standards (booklet dated January, /990). 30. For all sign details, refer to the "Manua/ On Uniform Traffic Control Devices" , published by the U.S. Department of Transportation, Federal Hlghway Administration - 1978 (ANSI No. 516J-1983). 3l. Water mains shall comply with AWWA standards and all pipes shall bear the NSF logo. All PVC pipe shall be D.R. 18 (C/ass 150). 32. All stormwater pipe lengths Include mitered end sections. 33. All excavations within /0. feet of the travelled roadway must be filled within 24 hours: by days end or heavily barricaded per F.D.O.T. Standards. 34. A1/ water mains to be /ald with a max. of 36" cover. Any deeper cut must be approved by the City of Ocoee. 35. All water services under pavement shall be encased In 2" diameter PVC sleeves. All services shall be stubbed -up between the curb and sidewalk. See detail sheet for more Information. 36. All rear lots abutting the conservation area shall be sodded with Bahia sod from natural ground (N.G.) to the first high point on the Lot and Block Grading Plan. The sodding shall occur immediately after completion of the lot grading. 37. Utility Crossings. A. Where water mains must cross force mains, sanitary and storm sewers, when a minimum clearance of l8" and a minimum cover of 3'-O" cannot be maintained, the water main shall be constucted of mechanical joint ductile Iron plpe providing a minimum of 0-6" cover and a minimum clearance between the water rrhaln and the other utility. Ductile Iron pipe shall continue until a minimum of 3'-O" cover can be attained by pipe deflection. B. Where there Is no alternative to sewer pipes crossing over a water main, the sewer shall be constructed of mechanical Joint ductile Iron pipe for /0 feet each side of the water main crossing. Provide for a minimum of l8" clearance between water and sewer. NO CONCRETE ENCASEMENT will be allowed. C. The lateral separation between force mains, sanitary and storm sewers, and water mains shall not be less than /0 feet. /f this separation cannot be maintained, then either of the two pipes shall be constructed of ductile Iron pipe with pressure -tight Joint. NO ENCASEMENT of the sanitary sewer or water will be allowed. D. Testing Contractor to test al/ water mains as per the. following: Hydrostatic test per AWWA-0600 (or M23) Standard, and Disinfection of water main per AWWA-0651. E. Reuse water mains shall maintain a 5 foot (center to center) seporatlon or 3 feet edge to edge from domestic water mains. F. Al/ water bypasses shall be constructed of ductile Iron pipe and shall be tie -rodded back to a "dead -man" anchor on both sides of the main. G. Where ductile Iron pipe Is required for watermains, It shall conform to ANSI/AWWA A21.5/. A minimum thickness of Class 50 per ANSI/AWWA shall be supplied. 38. Sanitary force main pipes shall be AWWA C900 DR25 Class 100 (100pst). 39. It Is the Contractor's responslblllty to obtain a copy of the Soll Englneers report for this project from Bowyer -Singleton & Associates, Inc. and meet the Soll Engineer's requirements for soil preparation on the site. The Contractors Soils Engineer shall certify a// site, utlllty and roadway compaction as well as underdroln and pavement construction to Bowyer -Singleton & Associates. 40. All lots adjacent to Wesmere Parkway, Roberson Road, and Maguire Road shall have access rights dedicated to the City of Ocoee. 41. Offsets for Inlets are to the Inlet Centerline per F.D.O.T. Index 210. 42. The Contractor shall submit all shop drawings to the Engineer for final conformance with the standards. 43. Eroslon Control Notes A. Provide effective temporary and permanent erosion control Following the requirements In Section 104 of the State Department of Transportation Standards Specifications for Road and Bridge Construction,1986 Edition. (F.D.O.T. Section 104) B. Control features, methods and conditions Included In this contract Include the fol/owing as Indicated by X In blank: I. X Coordinate construction of temporary erosion control features with permanent erosion control features. 2. _X _ Control operations which may result In Water Pollution. (F.D.O.T. Section 104-3) J.- Prov/de schedule for clearing and grubbing, earthwork operations and construction of permanent erosion control features and proposed. use of temporary erosion control features and proposed use of temporary erosion control features. (F.D.O.T. Section /04-5) 1 4. Limitation of exposure of erodible earth without temporary or permanent control features Is S.F. (F.D.O.T. Section 104-6J) 5. X Temporary Grassing 6. X Temporary Sod (104-6.4.3) 7. X Temporary Mulching (104-6.4.4) 8. Sandbagging (104-6.4.5 9. Slope Drains (104-6.4.6) 1O.-Sed/meet Basins (104-6.4.7) 1l. Artificial Coverings (104-6.4.8) 12. X Berms (104-6.4.9) 13. X Baled Hay or Straw (104-6.4JO) 14. X Temporary Silt Fences and Staked Silt Barriers (104-6.4JI) 15. X Floating Silt Barriers (104-6.4J2) 16. XRemove temporary erosion control features (104-6.5) l7. X Maintain permanent temporary erosion control features. (104-7) I8. _X_ This contract design has been approved by the OWNER and regulatory agencies having an Interest In erosion abatement. In Its final form the design meets or exceeds the minimum standards. All temporary erosion control features required during construction shall be constructed by the Contractor, and the cost thereof Included In the Contract Sum as a regular obligation Incidental to the Work. C. During construction the Contractor Is to Install a turbldlty screen along rear lot lines for all lots abutting Conservation Areas. D. The Contractor Is to submit an erosion control plan to the City of Ocoee for approval prior to the preconstructlon meeting for this project. E. The Contractor Is responsible for maintaining all erosion protection, especially In the Conservation Areas during the entire construction process Including repairs, etc. to prevent any siltation from entering these areas. 44. Blue Reflective Pavement Markers shall be placed In the center of the driving lane In front of al/ Fire Hydrants. 45. Existing contours shown represent mass grading. Wet season groundwater elevations are equal to or greater than 18" below bottom of pavement base. 46. Sanitary sewer shall be PVC S.D.R. 35 or DJ.P. class 50 (DJ.P. shall be po/yethelene-lined.) 47. All streets to be private and maintained by the Homeowner's Association. An easement will be granted to the City over and across all private roadways for access by emergency and maintenance vehicles per the Plat. 48. Water main Is existing. Contractor to add services, fire hydrants and relocate existing fire hydrants. Paint all fire hydrants OSHA yellow. Affix blue reflective marker to Indicate location of each hydrant In the complex, as per Fire Department specifications. 49. Contractor shall visit site to familiarize himself with existing conditions prior to bid. 50. Any sanitary sewer system built for phasing of the project shall have a /O' stabilized access road over the line and shall be constructed to and Including the next manhole with a !O' utlllty easement centered over the pipe and manhole. 51. The Final Subdivision Plan Is subject to the approved Final Development Plan. 10-21-92 ZMB REVISE NOTES •7,#51 PER D.RL REVIEW DESCRIPTION REVISION FIELD/ CADD BY: ZMB CHECKED BY: RM DESIGNED BY: ZMB SCALE: NONE t t 'I 52. Miscellaneous Engineer Notlflcotlons A. The Contractor shall provide the Engineer 24 hour advance not/flcat/on for the fol/owing construction and observation activities: a. Sanitary Sewer Lamping and T.V. Inspection b. Connections to Existing Systems c. Thrust Block Pours and Restraint Connections d. Storm Drainage Lamping e. Inlet Top Pours (Reinforcing Steel Check) F. Water & Force Main Pressure Tests g. Bacteriological Sampling h. Base Observation & Sounding I. Asphalt Placement J. Pre-Flnal Observation k. Final Observation B. The Contractor shall keep DAILY "As -Built" drawings and make them readily accessible. C. The Contractor shall prepare and submit to the Engineer a project construction schedule (Bar Graph) and update said schedule on a monthly basis. D. Any fuel storage areas shall have prior owners approval and appropriate measures shall be taken to Insure protection of groundwater and soil resources. E. The Contractor shall coordinate a// backfill operations with the Resident Solis Engineer and submit Test Reports to Engineer prior to beginning work on the next Item of work, I.e. subgrade prior to curb. F. The Engineer reserves the right to require the Contractor to uncover, retest and/or perform any action necessary to ensure that the Improvements have been constructed In accordance with the plans and specifications. G. The Contractor shall provide B.S.A. with a copy of the sanitary sewer TV results. 53. Any discrepancy between the dimensions and measurements shown on the i plans and the actual field conditions shall Immediately be brought to the Englneer's attention. Failure to do so, and to continue construction, Shall make the Contractor completely liable for whatever errors and/or problems that may subsequently ` arise. 54. Addresses: Owner Arvlda/JMB Partners j 120 International 'Parkway, Suite 220 Heathrow, Florlda 32746-5033 1-333-1000 Solis Professional Service Industries, Inc. Engineer Jammal & Associates Division 1675 Lee Road Winter Park, Florida 32790 (407)645-5560 Water/ City of Ocoee Wastewater 150 N. Lakeshore Drive Ocoee, Florida 34761 (407) 656-2322 Electric Florida Power Corporation 1/50 Orange Ave., Winter Park, Florida (407) 646-8300 Telephone United Telephone Service 850 E. Altamonte Drive Altamonte Springs, Florida (407) 339-181/ Cable TV Cablevision Industries 32 E. Cypress Street Winter Garden, Florlda 34787 (407) 656-8035 Mr. Bill Myer 55. Record Drawing: At the end of construction, the Contractor shall provide one set of drawings showing ALL CHANGES marked In waterproof red with the following Contractor Certification executed on EACH SHEET: The Contractor hereby certifies to the OWNER that Improvements covered by this drawing and the related details have been constructed as Indicated or as modified by the notes and graphics shown. Absent a note or graphic to the contrary, the Improvements have been constructed meeting Industry standard tolerances. Signed: Date: Authorized Contractors Representative bowyerms" eton & assoalates INCORPORATED - CONSULTING ENGINEERING : PLANNING : LAND SURVEY INIIG - 520 SOUTH MAGNOLIA AVENUE : ORLANDO, FLORIDA- (,q LORIDA (407) 843-5120 J WESMERE GENERAL NOTES VILLAGE 5 OCOEE, FLORIDA 1 DATE: 5 - 22 - 92 JOB NO. AVH5 - 2 -1 SHEET 2 OF 6 AVH5PGN.001 i "f � 11, 4,�� - , . . � .. I ,. ;�� � : . I - �. . � .1 " * ­ ,- I I—_ _ � :,. � : i ,-1; �,-�. �' � �. - I I � -�., � 1 _ - "I I ". . , �� � I I : �_ m, , _ , I � I . � v- - , � i,�,�, � - - --- - , . ..... ,�,- I . , . . �, .1 I I I I I � .il I I :� " .d. , I , , I I 1. � ­-, . - � I ; � . , � � � �: I I I : � . � I � 11 , . 1-1 . - � � , T I . I I — � �. � , 11 , �� , . — � I , .1 , � � . . I I �_ � I " � , , I .�� � . � I . , . . � . ,�� � , , � � , , I , . I . 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I I . . � I � I , . ,OBTAIN A CERTIFICATE OF VESTING OR A FINAL CERTIFICATE OF ___ ''�, I , - , I � . I I I 11 . ­ _� " . ,_ �,�__­ . _ � .a a � I I I . I I � . . . - ­ 11 I I � I a I 1 � . I a . . I CONCURRENCY WITH RESPECT TO ALL OR ANY PORTION OF THE PROJECT' _ . I . I a I : " TIE -TO EXIST. a . . . � �'. I I . . , , a I . I . . �—i� �', -,� I— . I � . . I , . I MEANDERING . I . a . . _ la"_- , � I ­ I . � . . I . OR TO CREATE AM EXEMPTION FROM THE PROVISIONS OF ARTICLE IX I . I � ., . . I . I ,� . I I � SIDEWALK . I I 11. I . , . . I . � . I I ,�­',�-a. 1: � a . I � . OF THE OCOEE LAND DEVELOPMENT CODE. I . .- a . I . I I I I I . a , I I . - , I CITY IS SUBJECT TO THE TERMS. PROVISIONS. AND RESTRICTIONS OF ,.� , / I /I ., � . . <­1rPff46N1 I i . & J. THE . 1- I a - I I � -665Jig' I /,/ ''er- � I � , 1. � � . . R . F.S. CHAPTER 163 CONCERNING MORATORIUMS OF THE ISSUANCE OF I 1.11 I . � I . I � I I /11 . . . . I I . , ",(/, . I � L-13327,' . e / //, , . .1 a . . . , W. / . I '.. . 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I cy I I # ,,, , ,,* I � , �k � ------ - - ------ ------ ------- I ...... . . .. ..... ... _ � -- - - -- ------- ------ I ...... --- - - ------ -------- . .... ... � -- - - -- ------- ------ ------ --- -_ � f I I 11 _,,4� f ­_ J...- 1-1 -- * _.. , -i , # * fitl' 1� hill! 41. J,; / I - _/­ i__., .. _. N \ \ 1.�� : 1\ . \ '--.-- ­.­ : I # I 1. — u I \ ". ..... ....... b ...... : ...... ..... I ....... ....... . . .. ....... ....... ...... . I ; 1�1 I '_ ��_ �. . , I — — — --- ------- ------ ------ ------- — — -- ------ �v ..... ...... ----. — " \ I ", i, , ":1 I , , -, 1*0 ION . / . % .... . ...... ....... ....... SID I ., . . ., \ ., 11 I . ; , , ; END 7" MEANDERING � I I I I 6 1 1 ... I 11 J/ / / \ _­­.._ __­ . . ... ....... I .. .. . . ... ....... ...... ....... ... . . ... ...... ....... ....... __ ....... ...... ...... � . . ... ....... ...... ..... ­ " 11 #I . I . , \ - 119f: __\ 11 1:1 11 1# \ - . . . : 1 7 /0 01 I \ . I � I I # f! , 8 IV*," 1. / I/_ f \ I I . I 1 : , - . 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TOP EL. 125.0 : :: � If -1 - : . - , - \ : 1 . ...... ...... ....... . � � -- --- i-_ ---.-- I I 11 lfl' I : --, )�, . _-_..__­_­ 0 $I ii 1 ,:: -, I / I . \ I 'N BOTTOM EL. //O.O � 0s, q 1 pi I I I . _� I ! . 1; I ! : (14 -D 'i . (4 . --- --- ______._ --- \ O \ 11 'I'll ! : � . . I I . D.N.W. EL. 122.0 . . . I ; \ % � I - i I I i 11 . . I I I I " r� �u , % __­ - . ; . pi � . " 11 � 1�j :- . . \ 110 YR./24 HR. D.H.W. EL. 125.8 1 1 i , 1* I I . / . z . I/ ZIE N C) � : I I \\ Il lj� 1. ,,l i I I . I - I I \ 1 005 YR./24 HR. D.H.W. EL. 124.0 1 1 ,I . zz I I ., r Ili . ; I ! I % . . .1. ­_ - - _..... _ ..... 9) I \ " : : 1: : . . : / I -0 I I 1\ I i i 11 - I ! . i , /dO YR./24 HR. D.H.W. EL. 124.6 : � 4, !'I i ,11 \ : . I 1�­ .,� I IT". I I I . I i - I / (A I FUTURE u ii'l Ii V. (;., 'il 11 ,I � : i I W it , \ I f ... ZI i (4 V) I . '. � 1, i '.. A I I I ill I 1. , q - I k t � \ 11 . / 4 ! I .11 I I 'WESMERE `,, i I I'll I %'� \ '\ l�l \ I . ,/ k �, 0 1 1 � . N " � �l � i 11 (�D - \ . ?. �-- I ... ..... i I C) .. I I 4 l I � . . . I i ! ... _ ... _ — _ *1 . ', �,\ 1. li,'�, I � i 11 ­ ­­. — . —// I � `� %� ,� v Il - I , k I -, I � . 1� I I ; I . / , .1 : L4 I VILLAGES 9 . / It I 0 �'V \ \ . I . // 10. I i i : . . � , : . I � . . : * . , \,, I I I ...�"\ 'i . . : I . � I � . \ I (�� I . I I I I i I - I I :::� % I � I !.,.,, _\­_�' \ . I � A. 11 k 11 , , I . k . 11 \ 11 \ \ � \ I \ . . I I I I ,� — _ ...... .­_ ­... .— — ­ ­­ 1,- ­ .... ...... ... * .. ... — — — --- ------ 1*1111, *­­ *1_111 1-*** — — /__1 ....... ....... ...... ....... ...... b _; / , - I \ \ 11 I .. — 11 k I I \ 1, I .... ....... ... � ... � ...... _ . . . . ... ...... .... � .. ....... ...... ..... _ / 1 . , — ....T ....... ....... ...... ... ... ­... —, K " I .I'-- — '*** .. ....... .. ­' ­ — _­ .... ­ .. 4 )% �'14 - *-- I I \ " , , , 11 I 1 - "' \ .1. - 11 \\ ____ -- —_ I , . . / I �\\", (�. \ .. N. I.-, .,-.. � I \ __ ­ I/ I .", Ir, �� : "I _­ . b . , I . ­_ ... . . . ...... ....... ...... . i .... .... 1. ..".., ...... I ... . . . .. ..... � . ....... .... — — : --I I . S, 0 , \ , , \ \ \ __ i -- --' .. ....... b ...... � ... � ... ....... ...... ....... ....... ...... _­ _­ . . I I ! �, \ \ lk .� 1. � . � _ , , — -, � I — .1 . . I I . I k , � t. - � I " , �,,' \ �,_, \ I \ , \ " , ,_ ? - . — I . I . I I A \ \,\ \ I '1\ % \. ,_ _� __­ / Sk- � , '. - - (1) . I ll -_ ! -1 11 . N 89,26,38F W 586Jr " ., tA , , _1\ N 32*0413Z W 11 , X " __ . , , , . ll�- 11 . ' l , . x I \ % . . \ I . V \� \"\, I I _�, \/' , / I i , . . ! I % \ ;l c, t ,,.-; * \\\ �_ ___ _ . \ -.1 .-�, I " " / 5 ;O I (�D . . . ... ...... ...... � ....... � I % - ,�\ , * " . `,i1 I �� I— ..... k-- . I � ,� ,.� � I , \ \ \�," ." , . \ — .— ... —, ... I .— .— _ .— .— —, . , , 1. — . � — _ _. _ .A — - I I I � / \ k I // ". . � I . . ..., \ ,,- . l I / % , \" ,),- � � ­_ 1, — \ k I ,, , — — I % , 1 \ — .. .. \ ,\1 . 7 .. .... __ __ __ _ .— 1. __ __ ." \ �. .1. - . , / %, , . I I — .— .... — ... " — - _ ­.. I .. I f* \ - ... _ __ — . — _ ..., — I I / - I % � ., \ _ \ \ 11 5 \ / ­ � 11 . . I IN',1'02'09' - I . J_ I . b I i V. I I A , I ��� r , / - '_ .. __ I _. - - — " I I Z%\ )a \ � I.- . % .1 I — . '. . I , !, I : 1. � . I I , - I , .. " i ­ L I \ .., .— -\\-- -, \\ �� X\ \\ : . I — \ , 1%, 0 \\ � I \ . I I . .. , � ,\\ \\ � I I . S 5r55-.E�8- W � \\ , I I __ _. I I I . I ! ... . 85.001 I .. ­ - - - . , ­ / ,\ I \ I " / I \ . I . - . � I I � I . . . L . . I I In . I . � . . I 1. -r- I I I FUTURE I .1. . . . � I . . I I WESMERE VILLAGE 6-7 � I I . . � I , . . , - - � . I . I I � . . I . . I . - � I . I I . . . I � '. � I I . . b . . : I a , I . I � I � I I I . . I � I 1 F7 1 1 . ­ ! � The Contractor . ? • . I � . I I . I . . hereycertIffes to the .OWNER that Improvements I e�nts covered drawing nI g . !Vand related detalls have been constructed os or as .nodffW by the totes and graphlos shown. Absent a tote or graphic to the contrary, the Improvements have been constructed meeting Indushy ­;� standard foleranoes. -. - . . I FI.ELDs AI V03 LEGEND DESCRIPTIONI I EXISTING PROPOSED SANITARY SEWER SYSTEM ----i - ,�---- 0 . STORM SEWER SYSTEM __ __ __ 0 __- I � - uddmbw WATER SYSTEM --- ><- — — - FIRE HYDRANT � CONTOUR 8& -------- SOILS DIVIDE .,.___�'-__ -- SOILS SOILS TYPE DRAINAGE STRUCTURE DJ SANITARY STRUCTURE . I S4 SPOT ELEVATION X89.80 I offm LOT GRADING TTS_T. . PROP. TYPE OF LOT GRADING . LOT NUMBER FINISH FLOOR ELEV. DRAINAGE DIVIDE DRAINAGE AREA . DIRECTION OF SURFACE FLOW SOIL BORING LOCATION A 8 1 FF. -1 ------ ( 2JJ6 Ac. ZEED MW 3. SET BACKSI . I FRONT I 20' � I . REAR 20' ASIDE ' O'/0' (ZERO LOT LINE HOMES WILL HAVEA . � . MINIMUM OF KY SEPARATION) STREET SIDE. 20' . .1 BENCHMARKS /. RAILROAD SPIKE IN CENTER OF MAGUIRE ROAD (N.E. CORNER, SEC. .31 T 225 R 28 E) ELEV. 127,655. . 2. NAIL AND DISK AT PJ. CENTERLINE OF MAGUIRE ROAD AND r ROBERSON STREET, BAH 1993.ELEV. 129.405. I LEGEND � (3% ST. JOHNS FINE SAND I (42 SANIBEL MUCK (44 SMYRNA FINE SAND LEGAL DESCRIPTION . I COMMENCING AT THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF SECTION 3I, TOWNSHIP 22 SOUTH, RANGE 28 EAST, RUN N89'5046*W ALONG THE NORTH LINE OF THE IVORTHEASTV40F SAID SECTION 31,A DISTANCE OF 1316.57 FEET TO THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF THE WESTV20F THE NORTHEASTV40F SAID SECTION 3I AND THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF PLANTATION GROVE WEST, AS RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 26, PAGES 2- 3, PUBLIC RECORDS OF ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA ,-. THENCE SOO-33-22W, ALONG THE EAST UNE OF SAID WESTV2 AND THE WEST LINE OF SAID PLANTATION GROVE WEST, A DISTANCE OF 1090-95 FEET FOR -A POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE CONTINUE SO(733'22ffW, A DISTANCE OF 533.88 FEET; THENCE DEPARTING SAID EAST LINE AND WEST LINE, RUN N8926'35"W, A DISTANCE OF 586-17 FEET; THENCE S70'06'28'W, A DISTANCE OF 159-33 FEET; THENCE S53*13'08`W, A DISTANCE OF 78.58 FEET; THENCE S71*00'51W, A DISTANCE OF 86-67 FEET; THENCE N8T02`09"W. A DISTANCE OF 33/ .00 FEET; THENCE N32'04'32"W, A DISTANCE OF //-90 FEET, THENCE ' S57-55128NW, A DISTANCE OF 85.00 FEET TO A POINT ON A CURVE, CONCAVE EASTERLY, HAVING A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 78'39V45' AND A RADIUS OF 884.58 FEET; THENCE FROM A TANGENT : BEARING ,OF N32*04'30W, RUN NORTHERLY ALONG THE ARC OF SAID CURVE A DISTANCE OF 1214.45 FEET TO THE POINT -OF TANGENCY; THENCE N46*35'12NE.A DISTANCE OF 186Z5 FEET TO THE POINT OF CURVATURE OF A CURVE, CONCAVE NORTHWESTERLY, HAVING A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 11*28'46ff AND A RADIUS OF 665J6 FEET;- THENCE RUN NORTHEASTERLY ALONG THE ARC OF SAID CURVE,A DISTANCE OF 133.27 FEET.- THENCE DEPARTING SAID CURVE, RUN S54*53'34RE.A DISTANCE OF 85D0 FEET, THENCE S65*03'01'E A DISTANCE OF 179.25 FEET, THENCE S46'03'04"E,A DISTANCE OF 83.24 FEET, -THENCE S21*15'54ffE, ' * A DISTANCE OF 144.2.3 FEET; THENCE SOO*33122"W,A DISTANCE OF 343.09 FEET, THENCE S89*26'38ffE, A DISTANCE OF 590.00 FEET TO THE. POINT OF BEGINNING. CONTAINING 27.597 ACRES, MORE OR LESS . I I . .. � . I I — .er—s 0 . Sfgned.Date: . I -' ZMB N Authortzed Contractor's RepresentatIve --CADD BY: metonassoc� ies - - Y: RM . � INCORPORATED I I I � . I I I � I .. . . . " I � I . I I . . . . . . 11-16-92 1 DIMENSIONS,SETBACKS PER CITY A DESIGNED BY: ZB,CLC . CONSULTING ENGINEERING, : PLANNING : LAND SURVE G� 1 � (\j . . . � I - � ��w Ln I I . NOTE: USE PLAT FOR , ALL CONSTRUCTION LAYOUT. . I . I I DESCRIPTION - 520 SOUTH MAGNOLIA AVENUE : ORLANDO, FLORIDA .. I I I .,,: , A�N 11m . . REVISION . I SCALES - 1'=100 I I (407) 843-5120 I - Ij % 1-1 . ­. . . . . I � . I , , I ­ I , � � , '-'� 1:1 - * I . 1. I . I . . I . : 'I- �', �-, , 1. , , - I ­ - - . I . � � I � , I I � 1, , � _ , ��' 111;1, '�.­��11'1­ : , , -1 - I I 1, I'. . - I " p I � I I I I I � I I � I I I - 1 1 1 � I OVERALL SITE )PLAN VILLAGE 5 . . I . I � DATE z 5 - 22 - 92 1 JOB NO. AVH5 - 2-1 1 SHEET 3 OF a CADE AVH5COS'.001'r I , � . I LEGEND DESCRIPTION EXISTING PROPOSED SANITARY SEWER SYSTEM---4��--• -- memo= m STORM SEWER SYSTEM WATER SYSTEM ---DQ---- 126.6 % - - FIRE HYDRANT CONTOUR 126.5 / 1 29.4 j SOILS TYPE , '' � / //�:•. s� j %`' 126.4 / - •' % '% �'' DRAINAGE STRUCTURE D3 /265 /26.2 SANITARY STRUCTURE S4 i -,j 1262 SPOT ELEVATION x89.80 , ffME • / A 1262 PROP. ,•� / /;' 126.5 LOT GRADING Exlsr. A A /� TYPE OF LOT GRADING A - LOT NUMBER 8 FFJ27.4 126.7 125.6 126.8 FF. 1282 24 FINISH FLOOR ELEV. / .3 1272 A DRAINAGE DIVIDE iRi f /%/' F.FJ27.2] 20 1272 /27.2 ' �%�• ~ Y .;'� j22,, 4 1252 �`. A DRAINAGE AREA GERD FUTURE VILLAGE I2- �� h,, / ,� - FFJ275 25 -/` a�1 2� DIRECTION OF SURFACE FLOW / j \ A 1` , ' F.FJ272 \ , / 127.0 �/ / / ' �s � ' A. .♦ 1267 � 6 � /2s�9 ♦ 9 26 E A9 ACs' \2a a� / /25.4 126.7 I F.FJ27A j /265 / , / '' /� ..� . \ 125.0 •/ "� �'` B 126.5 /; '1262 ♦ ' K I , r p • f.. s �o `, iT I F.FJ275 A B FFJ27.4 , �s / '7. Ac. 126.0 ° FJ= J275 126.0 / i /�r �! 125.3;. ♦ ` l6 126.( / �, % t ' • >B 126.0 ° 126.6 \ FFJ27.5 /26.0 ell%A/ AC. I �a 126.0 B,I t26.0 � \ ' 126o 2 \'.`� ,` �\ B 126.0 - F.FJ27.6 )2 .4 , / 126.0 125.0 _ t._ . \ 126.0 -- ;- oho / /4 /,, / F J27,5 / • 126J A 1 6 / 126.0 _ - 'a • 126.0 / IZ FUT URE ; i ,' ,r% ,/ A /257 r / 1 l26D EX. MITERED END SEC. I I I /,.I F.F127.8 126rC1 f / INV. 114.61 VILLAGES 9-I1 12 St 8 1 1258 FFJ 7 f I I r t 1262 ,._ - _. i 1 i1 ,, • 1259 , / ; EXIST. WATER ELEV. 12/.54 1269 (5/21/92) l r i! 1( • , •�/25.73 ,/ ,' 8 1 r 126.4 . �FFJ27.7 + fl i i1 CI} ♦ r • r r, , rl, 6 r, f ♦ , B 5 126.0. 7 .- / 126 f • !; ri 1' i !' FFJ27.4 ' i' ♦r' t tI FFJ 9 26.0 • r + ` B i! ♦ /259 F.f J27-4 ,' i r i 0 /26.0 126,0 ,� s / EXISTING RET ENT ION POND 60 126.0 /26.0 \•� / _ 126.0 , % \N, DNW 122.0 _ F o /0 YR/ 24 c D W ' �;- _ _. - -- - ., • - _ ,zso / , ' / H HR. 12388 _ 25 YR/ 24 HR.124.0 ` DHW /00 YR/ 24 HR. 124.6 OT, //p p ♦ , r a U, Q v - - 10-21-92 ZMB ADD NOTE PER D.R.C. REVIEW NOT Ee USE PLAT FOR ALL CONSTRUCTION LAYOUT. DESCRIPTION Ln REVISION N N 126.0 00, 126.0 oo, 126.0 Ems R/YV UNE 0 R/W UNE DT NUMBER YPE OF GRADING (RECTION OF URFACE FLOW MINIMUM INISHED FLOOR EL TYPICAL CAL LOT LAYOUT arrs Al NOTE I. ZERO LOT UNE HOMES WILL HAVE A MINIMUM OF IO' SEPARATION. The Contractor hereby certifies to the OWNER that Improvements covered by this drawing and the related details have been constructed as Indicated or as modlfled by the notes and graphics shown. Absent a note or graphic to the contrary, the tmprovements have been constructed meeting Industry standard tolerances. Signed: Date: Authorized Contractor's Representative - CADE AVH5CGP.001 PJ. EQUATION STA. 39-30.41 WESMERE PARKWAY EX. STORM MH 351 - le RCP a 0-337. EX. STORM MH 1066 CONNECT /8ff RCP c INV. 120.58 EX. 66a RCP rEX. STORM MH 067 CONNECT 301 RCP a INV. 119.55 , EX. 66& RCP EXIST. MIT. END SECTION INV. EL114BI RIGHT T 11 Jill -TRmSfr101v -- -- ---- -- tn 741, .30'DRAINAGE ESk-r.- O OI 0 F 24 52 1 EX. 66v RCP C;r - - - - - - - - - - - - 07 14 I H i III it SEE RIGHT A IV DI STA 11-63.00 INLET TYPE P-2 132 LF --BF PVC WATERMAIN EX. SAN. MH. NOTE STA 10+34.00 EXIST. 6WM. SAWCUT EXIST. MH" 66 MATCH EXIST. PVMT. EXIST. FIRE HYDRANT PUT PROPOSED TOP OF EL 125.46 REMOVE EX. PLUG, CONNECT 6ffxe REDUCER TOP SLAB a ELEV. 123-90 e PVC F.M. COURT IAI CURVE DATA (9 CURVE DATA Z CURVE DATA A - 60'2473" A - 43*2446' A - 43 *24464 R - - 105.640 R m 644.58 R - 115.00 L - 88.626' L - 19IJ4 L - - 84-987' T - 47J09' T - 96.277" T - 44 .539' C 86.05 C - 190.441' C - 83.066' P.C.STA. 47--20.93 P.C. STA. 46+09.56 P. C. STA 51-44.54 P. T. STA. 46+09.56 P. T. STA. 50#00DO P. T. STA. 52+29.53 02 S2 8"x8' TEE STA 50#46.00 255 I -F --e PVC 3-e G.V.'s INLET TYPE P-2 STA. 46-06.26. STD. SAN. MJ -1. 265 LF -B' PVC WATERMAIN STD. FIRE HYDRANT W1 G.V. ASSY. W - a IV PVC a 4007. 8'x4'x4w REDUCER 2 Sj 26 25 24 STA. 52 15ZO, 12 8y - 89 PVC /.007. -2 23 STD. SAN. M.H. f/' 15' PVA/r. TRANS 'P61 % -rF0 STD. FIRE HYDRANT W1 66 %14 Gy,.0 4.64- GV. ASSY. - 35Z j ------125 8'x4' REDUCER •in J9- ---------------- "20.93, STA 47 T 43'- 24v RCP 027. STD SAN. MUff. 1 11 1.3 14 N 16 20% % ss / DJ 12 STA 50-19DO 0*0* 850 LF --4' PVC WATERMAIN % 17 81 PVC a 0.327. INLET TYPE P-4 19 /21 30' RCP a 0D97. --------------- /0 COURT WAND COURT /B/ The Contractor hereby certifies to the OWNER that Improveffares covered by this drowIng and the related detaffs hove been constructed as Indlooted or as modified by the notes and gra#Wcs shown Absentia note or graph/c to the contrary. the Improvements have been constructed flxvtlng Industry standard tolerances. Signed: Date: Authorized Contractor's Represo-tatIve NOT E:USE FLAT FOR ALL CONSTRUCTION LAYOUT. CADE AVH5CPP.001 ----------- . ......................................... ............ Q) 84.99'PVMT. rRANS. EX. .1 EX 7 EX. RIM >-rORM MH 156 OP BOX 12- 125.47• �-33 t�n 0) Q1 In q: N Iq to Q. INV. 11?0.56 (/8ff RCP) (6 6 - z m NILn f% t 4-) -Z Ln LO Q (n LLJ EX.T0P ADJUST to 41 V) 4j EXIST.STORM )WH* --\ DI S/ S12 EX. TO 125.5 Q z Q) TOP TO 124B! i TOPE 88ZJ'PVM-r.TRM.3. IT, EXIST. ST EX. TOP 12.52 RM MH EL 124.68 12623 P EL f -DJ (n PROP05-ED EX. STORM MH rOP EXIST., AN. MH LID EXIST. SAN, GRAL)E EX. EX. BOX 12 /M 125.49 4-36 EX. TO F 125.2 DJ Sj EX. T 2P 1252 TOP EL. 124B6 TOP EL 125.55 D2 PROPOSED GRADE 1j EXISTING GROUND In LAj D2 IN TOP EL/24B6 4j, EXISIA "ING GROUND LU EL /2f P.00 125 125 -ojo;., 11 A 125 iI It II 11 It 1111 1 ---1,1__ 16' RCP It 11 11 E)(. POND 60 .300 RCP--�'j II /r-----------it 7W. Q;.42070 24' 120 EX. 54ft RCID, --- ---- ----------------- - 120 120 -- ------- T -it II EX. 66' RCP INV. EL 11920 (5) /NV. :L 120.65 EL 11878 6V) It I EX. B'Fvc EX. 66" RCP EX. 66' RCP 1 IM. EL 119-50 115 -- ----------- 115 INV. EL 119.82 INV. EL 119 20 ki, 1 - EL 120.00 it 115 ------------------------------ 1W. EL 11925 INV, EL. 114.61 INV. EL- 119.55 //0 //0 \INV. EL 11954 //0 EX. INV. 11470 INV. EL 11678 EX. INV.115.40 EX. /M. 116JO EX./NV. EX. INV. 119.6--" (30') EX. INV. 118D3 (54) EX. INV. (14.66 EX. INV. 1167! (66) 47 48 49 The Contractor hereby certifies to the OWNER that Improveffares covered by this drowIng and the related detaffs hove been constructed as Indlooted or as modified by the notes and gra#Wcs shown Absentia note or graph/c to the contrary. the Improvements have been constructed flxvtlng Industry standard tolerances. Signed: Date: Authorized Contractor's Represo-tatIve NOT E:USE FLAT FOR ALL CONSTRUCTION LAYOUT. CADE AVH5CPP.001 ----------- . ......................................... ............ NO PARKING ON CONC. S)DEWALK 24• PVM?. WIDTH VAR/ES 'dpi-.... .-�" l2' l2• �''` I %z' R •� `� I PLAN VIEW d PAVEMENT • `` f 1 I � •' . � ' • a ° •° •` •• ° - BASE / G i ZD •d ° • W did `� d �'� j �� •� W ! TRANSITION R '„ 'fiT?AB1L•l�E;>7� ' • • ' •6'(�Br;I�ADE' .. .. --- ------- • 55Rp • ' NO PARK/NG ' ON PVM'T. CURB T0 MATCH W DTH OFSIDEWALK MIAMI CURB DETAIL (TYPE 'B') o ' T �G STANDARD 2.0' A� 0 'Q� CURB & GUTTER 4• CONC. SIDEWALK rn %2• EXP. JOINT b / 6- 24' RIW SECTION A-A _ _ _ _ ' SIAP - ./2• 12• 6. • •' = = 6' TYP. RAMP FLOOR NO - AND SIDES %2' R 2' R PARK/NG STANDARD 2• CURB &GUTTER V ' EXP. JOINT d d 3� • R ON (REMOVE & REPLACE) /2 ' .. ' 3• R \ PAVEMENT PVM'T. . PLAN . NOTES: . �/L CUL-DE-SAC /.ENTIRE EXISTING CURB/NG SHALL BE REMOVED & REPLACED. 2. LOW CURB & TRANSITION MAY BE FORMED AT THE OF ST!Q$IL/�LD �Ci S.IJQGRADE 55' R.O.W. CURB CONSTRUCTION. J. CONSTRUCT WITH CLASS A (3000PS9 CONCRETE. COMPAGTLD .:: •.� SUBBASE WHEELCHAIR RAMP 45' 2' 4' 4' SLOPE VARIES SEE SHEET 4 FOR GRADES MIAMI CURB STANDARD CURB & GUTTER DETAIL (TYPE 'A') 4' SIDEWALK PAVM'T. 2' MIAMI CURB (TYPE 'B') 7 _ TYP. TRANSITION FROM TYPE 'A' CURB & GUTTER TO MIAMI CURB & GUTTER SECTION A - A 1� I tih Q� , I CUL-DE-SAC DETAIL I TYPE 'A' CURB & GUTTER (TYPJ WESMERE I PARKWAY ----------- --- ------ -------------------- MIAMI CURB T TRANSITION > I Q i \ I PIAN L� I L 50' R/W MIAMI CURB 7'TRANSfrION STO.CURB I r & GUTTER SIDEWALK r� 25' tel. 25' TOP OF CURB " / I ' 14' it ( Il' � 4 4 PAVEMEW SURFACE ' • - a PROF/LE • �4 /� w FLOW UNE I RADE I • HANDICAPPED RAMP AND CURB TRANSITION AT 114 ET ��Z•/FT INTERIOR INTERSECTIONS w�„I�Ra M/AM/ CURB 4' CONC. WALK rT (BY OTHERS) pan, &GUTTER (BOTH SIDES) RB 8 4'-On 4'-6' STABILIZATION SER TO F.B V. 50 P.SJ. ARB P A.CS.C. TYPE S-3 '. �4+��� 6" SOIL CEMENT BASE COURSE ZR 12• COMPACTED SUB-BASE TO 95% e e e` e e d , d d . dEMMM/M MAX. DENSITY, AASHTO T-180 • AA!! . n .i v STD. CURB TO MIAMI CURB TRANSITION TYPICAL ROAD SECTION NOTES: j I. CONCRETE SHALL BE 3000 PSI. D 2. SIDEWALK SHALL BE 6' THICK AT ALL DRIVEWAYS. 4C1 n The Contractor SIDEWALK DETAIL v. hereby certlfles to the OWNER that Improvements covered by this draw/ng and the related detalls have been constructed as Jndlcated or as modlfled by the notes and graphlcs shown. Absent a note or graphic to the contrary. the Improvements have been constructed meeting Industry FIELD. WESMERE OCOEE, FLORIDA Q standard tolerances. - - CADD BYs NObowyermsinOeton & � /�iSigned: Date: _ _ssU tes Authorized Contractor's Rs esentativeprPAVING & DRAINAGE DETAILS - - CHECKED BYs RM INCORPORATED DESIGNED BYs ZMB CONSULTING ENGINEERING s PLANNING a LAND SURVEY) VILLAGE 5 DESCRIPTION 520 SOUTH MAGNOLIA AVENUE : ORLANDO. FLORIDA 28 m REVISION SCALES p q 1 =GOA (407) 843-5120 l' f/ �j� DATE s 5 22 - 92 JOB NO. AVH5 - 2-1 SHEET 6 OF 8 STO.CURB & GUfTER BACK OF CURB 1� FLOW UNE ,—EDGE .\7,.:..�CADE ..... OF PAVEMENT AVHSPPD.00I 6' BEDDING ROCK NOTES: 1. PVC EXTENSIONS SHALL NOT BE USED ON VALVE BOX INSTALLATION. THE ACTUATING NUT FOR DEEPER VALVES SHALL BE EXTENDED TO 2. COME UP TO 4 FOOT DEPTH BELOW FINISHED GRADE. PLUG VALVE AND BOX DETAIL (FIG203) OFFSET (AS REQ'D) EDGE OF CROSSCUT UNDISTURBED SOIL (TYP.) TRENCH WIDTH THRUST- - \ �- THRUST BLOCK FITTING i MIN \\-AREA (S0. FT.) CONCRETE TYPICAL SECTION THRUST BLOCK SCHEDULE FOR THRUST BLOCK AREAS PIPE SIZE (INCHES) 90 BEND (SO FT) 45 BEND (SO FT) 22-1/2 BEND (SO FT) 11-1/4 BEND (SO FT) TEE 8 PLUG ISO FT) DESIGN PRESS (PSI) AREA FOR 1.0 0.7 0.5 2.0 UNDISTURBED PLUG �� 6 AREA FOR TEE 2.3 SET TOP OF VALVE BOX 0.6 SOIL (TYP.) 150 B 7.0 TO FINISHED GRADE 1 2.0 1.0 7.0 I• 10 10.2 5.6 2.9 CONCRETE COLLAR 10.2 150 12 14.6 B.0 4.0 IN UNPAVED AREAS 14.6 150 PRE -PRIMED JOINT SURFACES PER SPECIFICATIONS WOOD FINISHED GRADE PRE -MOLDED (SEE DETAIL) JOINT SURFACES PLASTIC JOINT PROTECT VETM NOTE, THRUST BLOCK AREAS TO BE COMPUTED ON BASIS OF LBS. PER SO. FT. SOIL RESTRAINT (1.500 MIN) BEARING. SEE NOTE 5 • TO BE COMPLETED BY ENGINEER. WRAPPER EDGE OF( p 6; WRAPPER TO BE REMOVED) _ I Or > REINFORCEMENT AND JOIN 6' MIN. COMPLETED TYP.) (TYP.) DETAIL TO BE DESIGNED BY TRENCH THE ENGINEER AND i f 8" MIN. SOUEEZEIOUT APPROVED BY THE 9' 9f COUNTY. f +( BEDDING ROCK (TYP.) CAST -IN-PLACE AREA FOR PLUG _ CONCRETE BASE BASE i , I ADJUSTABLE CAST IRON VALVE BOX CROSS W/PLUG 1 CROSS W/ ; F SEE NOTE 2 �_ i WOOD FORM BOARDS BEHIND TWO PLUGS TEE TEE W/PLUG - BOX SHALL REST ON ROCK NOT BELL SHALL NOT INTERFERE 8 AREA FOR - AREA FOR BEDDING WITH JOINT (TYP. 45° BEND TEE M.J. PLUG VALVE -� ON VALVE OR PIPE AND SHALL BE CONCRETE THRUST WASTEWATER CENTERED ON BLOCK (TYP.) ()12 , FORCE MAIN OPERATING NUT - - - AREA FOR - - - - - - - - EDGE OF PLUG (TYP.) \ 6' BEDDING ROCK NOTES: 1. PVC EXTENSIONS SHALL NOT BE USED ON VALVE BOX INSTALLATION. THE ACTUATING NUT FOR DEEPER VALVES SHALL BE EXTENDED TO 2. COME UP TO 4 FOOT DEPTH BELOW FINISHED GRADE. PLUG VALVE AND BOX DETAIL (FIG203) OFFSET (AS REQ'D) EDGE OF CROSSCUT UNDISTURBED SOIL (TYP.) TRENCH WIDTH THRUST- - \ �- THRUST BLOCK FITTING i MIN \\-AREA (S0. FT.) CONCRETE TYPICAL SECTION THRUST BLOCK SCHEDULE FOR THRUST BLOCK AREAS PIPE SIZE (INCHES) 90 BEND (SO FT) 45 BEND (SO FT) 22-1/2 BEND (SO FT) 11-1/4 BEND (SO FT) TEE 8 PLUG ISO FT) DESIGN PRESS (PSI) 4 2.0 1.0 0.7 0.5 2.0 150 6 4.0 2.3 1.2 0.6 4.0 150 B 7.0 3.8 1 2.0 1.0 7.0 150 10 10.2 5.6 2.9 1.5 10.2 150 12 14.6 B.0 4.0 2.1 14.6 150 PRE -PRIMED JOINT SURFACES PER SPECIFICATIONS 4'-0' 5' MIN. a it DRE PRIMED PRE -MOLDED JOINT SURFACES PLASTIC JOINT PROTECT VETM NOTE, THRUST BLOCK AREAS TO BE COMPUTED ON BASIS OF LBS. PER SO. FT. SOIL RESTRAINT (1.500 MIN) BEARING. SEE NOTE 5 • TO BE COMPLETED BY ENGINEER. The Contractor hereby certlfles to the OWNER that Improvements covered by this drawing and the related detolls have been constructed as Indicated or as modifled by the notes and graphlcs shown Absent a note or graphlc to the contrary, the Improvements have been constructed meeting Industry standard tolerances. Signed: Date: Authorized Contractor's Representative r TEE W/ WYE END PLUG NOTES: 1. THRUST BLOCK BEARING AREAS SHALL BE POURED AGAINST UNDISTURBED MATERIAL. WHERE TRENCH WALL HAS BEEN DISTURBED, EXCAVATE ALL LOOSE MATERIAL AND EXTEND TO UNDISTURBED MATERIAL. 2. EXTEND THRUST BLOCK FULL LENGTH OF FITTINGS. JOINTS SHALL NOT BE COVERED BY THRUST BLOCKS. FITTINGS SHALL BE PROTECTED BY POLYETHYLENE FILM (8 MIL.)PRIOR TO PLACING CONCRETE THRUST BLOCK. 3. ROUGH BLOCKING FORMS SHALL BE USED ALONG SIDES OF THRUST BLOCKS,AS REQUIRED. 4. THRUST BLOCKS SHALL BE USED IN COMBINATION, AS REQUIRED,TO SUITE THE SPECIFIC FITTING ARRANGEMENT. 5. ALTERNATE DESIGNED RESTRAINING SYSTEMS SHALT_ BE PROVIDED WHERE STANDARD THRUST BLOCKING IS NOT SUITABLE AND/OR SOIL RESISTANCE BEARING IS LESS THAN 1500 PSF. 6. ALL WOOD BLOCKING SHALL BE PRESSURE TREATED WITH PRESERVATIVE. THRUST BLOCK DETAIL (FIG. 103) TRENCH WIDTH VARIES W/ SIZE OF PIPECROWN TRENCH IN �- UNIMPROVED AREAS (3' MIN.) GRADE (SEE NOTE 8) CO CD Z3 W SEE NOTE 4 ¢ m COMMON FILL PIPE 0.0. 12' (TYP.) - SELECT h/ COMMON oUj 1 / FILL m z UNDISTURBED - - - - HW SAR ET NOE 3) N NOTES:' 1. PIPE BEDDING,. SELECT COMMON FILL COMPACTED TO 957 OF THE MAXIMUM DENSITY AS PER AASHTO T-180. 2. TRENCH 'BACKFILL: COMMON FILL COMPACTED TO 95% OF THE MAXIMUMDENSITY AS PER AASHTO T-180. 3. PIPE BEDDING UTILIZING SELECT COMMON FILL OR BEDDING ROCK IN ACCORDANCE WITH TYPE A BEDDING AND TRENCHING DETAIL MAY BE REQUIRED AS DIRECTED BY THE COUNTY. 4. ("L15' MAX. FOR PIPE DIAMETER LESS THAN 24'. AND 24' MAX. FOR 'PIPE DIAMETER 24'AND LARGER. 5. WATER SHALL NOT BE PERMITTED IN THE TRENCH DURING CONSTRUCTION. 6. ALL PIPE TO BE INSTALLED WITH BELL FACING UPSTREAM TO THE DIRECTION OF THE FLOW. 7.'REFER 'TO SECTION 32.5 OF THE MANUAL FOR SHEETING AND BRACING IN EXCAVATIONS.. 8. FINAL RESTORATION IN IMPROVED AREAS SHALL BE IN COMPLIANCE WITH ALL APPLICABLE REGULATIONS OF GOVERNING AGENCIES. SURFACE RESTORATION WITHIN ORANGE COUNTY RIGHT-OF-WAY SHALL COMPLY WITH REQUIREMENTS OF RIGHT-OF-WAY UTILIZATION REGULATIONS AND ROAD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATIONS. TYPE'B BEDDING AND TRENCHING DETAIL (FIG. 100) r CROWN TRENCH IN UNIMPROVED AREAS TRENCH WIDTH VARIES 0 MIN.) (SEE TYPE B W/ SIZE OF PIPE BEDDING AND TRENCHING DETAIL FOR OTHER RESTORATION. FINISHED GRADE-\ / Z\ W N m o SEE NOTE 4 /y// Ld En COMMON FILL r / PIPE 0.0- :J LL J 12'(TYP.) _ � SELECT (D - COMMON o w SELECT COMMON I _ FILL c3m '- FILL / - \ z W L,, BEDDING ROCK °` a m PIPE BEDDING (SEE NOTE 8 & 9) (-- UNDISTURBED EARTH NOTES: 1. PIPE BEDDING:SELECT COMMON FILL COMPACTED TO 95% OF THE MAXIMUM DENSITY AS PER AASHTO T-180. 2. TRENCH BACKFILL:COMMON FILL COMPACTED TO 95% OF THE MAXIMUM DENSITY AS PER AASHTO T-180. 3. USE TYPE A BEDDING TO BE DETERMINED IN THE FIELD AS DIRECTED BY THE COUNTY. 4. ("):15' MAX. FOR PIPE DIAMETER LESS THAN 24', AND 24' MAX. FOR PIPE DIAMETER 24' AND LARGER. 5. WATER SHALL NOT BE PERMITTED IN THE TRENCH DURING CONSTRUCTION. G. ALL PIPE TO BE INSTALLED WITH BELL FACING UPSTREAM TO THE DIRECTION OF THE FLOW. 7. REFER TO SECTION 32.5 OF THE MANUAL FOR SHEETING AND BRACING IN EXCAVATIONS. 8. GRAVITY SEWERS SHALL UTILIZE TYPE A BEDDING, IF REQUIRED BY THE COUNTY. BEDDING DEPTH SHALL BE 4'MINIMUM FOR PIPE DIAMETER LESS THAN IT, AND 6' MINIMUM FOR PIPE DIAMETER 16' AND LARGER. 9. DEPTH FOR REMOVAL OF UNSUITABLE MATERIAL SHALL GOVERN DEPTH OF BEDDING ROCK BELOW THE PIPE. COUNTY SHALL DETERMINE IN THE FIELD REQUIRED REMOVAL OF UNSUITABLE MATERIAL 70 REACH SUITABLE FOUNDATION. TYPE A BEDDING AND TRENCHING DETAIL (FIG. 101) NOTES: 1. ABOVE DETAIL IS BASED ON ?COMBINATION AIR/VACUUM RELEASE VALVE.CHANGE PIPE AND FITTINGS ACCORDINGLY FOR OTHER VALVE SIZES AND TYPES. VALVE SIZES TO BE DETERMINED BY THE ENGINEER AND APPROVED BY THE COUNTY PRIOR TO INSTALLATION. 2. THE MINIMUM DIMENSION FROM TOP OF PIPE TO FINISHED GRADE SHALL BE 4.0 FEET. AIR OR COMBINATION AIR/VACUUM RELEASE VALVE DETAIL (FIG. 109) RAISED 1-1/2' LETTERS FLUSH WITH TOP OF COV F Now CONCRET ELEVATION 2 - NON PENETRATING PICK HOLES MACHINED MATING SURFACES 1-1/2' MIN. ). ••'• • • fl • • • .I TIG. 202) TROWEL -FINISHED I I CONCRETE BENCHING E BASE SEE MANHOLE CONNECTION Oo_ ► .O,`� DETAILS F MANHOLE FRAME & COVER FINISHED GRADE 0 i' MAX. (SEE STANDARD DETAIL PVC WATER MAIN SET COVERS FLUSH IN OR FORCE MAIN FRAMES BEDDED IN MORTAR - METALLIC LOCATING WIRE PAVED AREAS & AT ELEVATIIONS SHOWN IN UNPAVED AREAS. 2 COURSES OF BRICK (MIN.) 4 COURSES (MAX.) 6 3'-0' MAX.Cr 5 2'-0 > INSIDE M OUTSIDE WALL EPDXY COAL TAR COATINGS v, o PRE -PRIMED JOINT SURFACES PER SPECIFICATIONS 4'-0' 5' MIN. a it DRE PRIMED PRE -MOLDED JOINT SURFACES PLASTIC JOINT PROTECT VETM WRAPPER NOTES: 1. ABOVE DETAIL IS BASED ON ?COMBINATION AIR/VACUUM RELEASE VALVE.CHANGE PIPE AND FITTINGS ACCORDINGLY FOR OTHER VALVE SIZES AND TYPES. VALVE SIZES TO BE DETERMINED BY THE ENGINEER AND APPROVED BY THE COUNTY PRIOR TO INSTALLATION. 2. THE MINIMUM DIMENSION FROM TOP OF PIPE TO FINISHED GRADE SHALL BE 4.0 FEET. AIR OR COMBINATION AIR/VACUUM RELEASE VALVE DETAIL (FIG. 109) RAISED 1-1/2' LETTERS FLUSH WITH TOP OF COV F Now CONCRET ELEVATION 2 - NON PENETRATING PICK HOLES MACHINED MATING SURFACES 1-1/2' MIN. ). ••'• • • fl • • • .I TIG. 202) TROWEL -FINISHED I I CONCRETE BENCHING E BASE SEE MANHOLE CONNECTION Oo_ ► .O,`� DETAILS NOTES: 1. MANHOLE SHOWN IS FOR SEWER SIZE 8' THRU 24'. SEE SECTION 20.4.3 OF THE MANUAL FOR MANHOLE DIAMETER FOR SEWERS LARGER THAN 24'. 2. DROP CONNECTIONS ARE REQUIRED WHENEVER INVERT OF INFLUENT SEWER IS 24'OR MORE ABOVE THE INVERT OF THE MANHOLE. SEE MANHOLE CONNECTION DETAILS. 3. APPROVED CONCENTRIC CONE DESIGN MAY BE USED AS AN ALTERNATIVE. PRECAST CONCRETE MANHOLE PLAN AND SECTION tF7r� PRECAST TEE MANHOLE WALL INFLUENT SEWER (SEE NOTE 3) CONCRETE ENCASEMENT ,6. OF VERTICAL PIPE DROP PIPE INLET CONNECTION (SEE NOTE 1) AS REQUIRED 90° BEND 2' PRECAST STANDARD DROP DETAIL MANHOLE WALL TRANSITE COLLAR ENCASED IN NON -SHRINK GROUT FLUSH WITH MANHOLE WALL PVC OR DIP (SEE NOTE 2) PRECAST , MANHOLE WALL SPECIAL DETAIL FOR 24" DIAMETER PIPE AND LARGER STAINLESS STEE PVC OR BAND DIP STAINLESS STEEL PIPE CLAMP RESILIENT CONNECTOR STANDARD PRECAST MANHOLE PIPE CONNECTION NOTES: 1. DROP PIPE AND FITTINGS SHALL BE OF EQUAL SIZE AND MATERIAL AS THE INFLUENT SEWER. 2. THE COUNTY MAY APPROVE ALTERNATE WATER TIGHT CONNECTION DETAILS FOR CONNECTION OF 24' DIAMETER PIPES AND LARGER. 3. AN OUTSIDE DROP CONNECTION SHALL BE REQUIRED 'FOR ALL INFLUENT WHICH HAVE AN INVERT 2' OR MORE ABOVE THE MANHOLE INVERT. MANHOLE CONNECTION DETAILS IFIG201) VARIES VARIES w _ LOT LINE _ WYE WITH IZ 6' BRANCH SEWER MAIN a � i 6' 45 ° SIZE VARIES i CLEAN-OUT N 2 BEND z WYE WITH SEE NOTE 1 6' BRANCH 1 CLEAN-OUT ILREMOVABLE 6'45 ° WYE WITH SEE NOTE i IPLUG BEND 6' BRANCH LOT JI i LINE 3) DOUBLE ZI WYE �) PLAN ) FINISHED GRADE SLOPE TO 3I DEPT�HNAT 3I crT 1.0% MIN. Cr �(TYPI) ROTATE - -SPRING LINE TERMINAL DEPTH 30° (TYP.) AS REQUIRED FOR (SEE NOTE 3) I SEWER MAIN 'HOUSE'SERVICE (3' MINJ(TYP.) SINGLE 1 DOUBLE LATERAL LATERAL PROFILE NOTES: 1. CLEAN-OUT (SHOWN SHADED)SHALL BE INSTALLED BY THE BUILDER IN ACCORDANCE WITH STANDARD PLUMBING CODE. 2. LOCATE SINGLE LATERAL AS CLOSE TO LOT LINE AS POSSIBLE, 25' MAXIMUM. 3. INVERT OF SERVICE LATERAL SHALL NOT ENTER SEWER MAIN BELOW SPRING LINE. SERVICE LATERAL DETAIL (FIG204) METALLIC LOCATING WIRE F MANHOLE FRAME & COVER FINISHED GRADE 0 i' MAX. (SEE STANDARD DETAIL PVC WATER MAIN SET COVERS FLUSH IN OR FORCE MAIN FRAMES BEDDED IN MORTAR - METALLIC LOCATING WIRE PAVED AREAS & AT ELEVATIIONS SHOWN IN UNPAVED AREAS. 2 COURSES OF BRICK (MIN.) 4 COURSES (MAX.) I'-6' MIN. 3'-0' MAX.Cr 5 2'-0 > INSIDE M OUTSIDE WALL EPDXY COAL TAR COATINGS v, o PRE -PRIMED JOINT SURFACES PER SPECIFICATIONS 4'-0' 5' MIN. a it DRE PRIMED PRE -MOLDED JOINT SURFACES PLASTIC JOINT PROTECT VETM WRAPPER BENCHING PER SPECIFICATION p 6; WRAPPER TO BE REMOVED) _ I Or > REINFORCEMENT AND JOIN 6' MIN. COMPLETED SQUEEZE -OUT DETAIL TO BE DESIGNED BY JOINT WTH THE ENGINEER AND i f 8" MIN. SOUEEZEIOUT APPROVED BY THE 9' 9f COUNTY. f +( BEDDING ROCK 2' MIN. CAST -IN-PLACE I I PRECAST MONOLITHIC_ _ CONCRETE BASE BASE NOTES: 1. MANHOLE SHOWN IS FOR SEWER SIZE 8' THRU 24'. SEE SECTION 20.4.3 OF THE MANUAL FOR MANHOLE DIAMETER FOR SEWERS LARGER THAN 24'. 2. DROP CONNECTIONS ARE REQUIRED WHENEVER INVERT OF INFLUENT SEWER IS 24'OR MORE ABOVE THE INVERT OF THE MANHOLE. SEE MANHOLE CONNECTION DETAILS. 3. APPROVED CONCENTRIC CONE DESIGN MAY BE USED AS AN ALTERNATIVE. PRECAST CONCRETE MANHOLE PLAN AND SECTION tF7r� PRECAST TEE MANHOLE WALL INFLUENT SEWER (SEE NOTE 3) CONCRETE ENCASEMENT ,6. OF VERTICAL PIPE DROP PIPE INLET CONNECTION (SEE NOTE 1) AS REQUIRED 90° BEND 2' PRECAST STANDARD DROP DETAIL MANHOLE WALL TRANSITE COLLAR ENCASED IN NON -SHRINK GROUT FLUSH WITH MANHOLE WALL PVC OR DIP (SEE NOTE 2) PRECAST , MANHOLE WALL SPECIAL DETAIL FOR 24" DIAMETER PIPE AND LARGER STAINLESS STEE PVC OR BAND DIP STAINLESS STEEL PIPE CLAMP RESILIENT CONNECTOR STANDARD PRECAST MANHOLE PIPE CONNECTION NOTES: 1. DROP PIPE AND FITTINGS SHALL BE OF EQUAL SIZE AND MATERIAL AS THE INFLUENT SEWER. 2. THE COUNTY MAY APPROVE ALTERNATE WATER TIGHT CONNECTION DETAILS FOR CONNECTION OF 24' DIAMETER PIPES AND LARGER. 3. AN OUTSIDE DROP CONNECTION SHALL BE REQUIRED 'FOR ALL INFLUENT WHICH HAVE AN INVERT 2' OR MORE ABOVE THE MANHOLE INVERT. MANHOLE CONNECTION DETAILS IFIG201) VARIES VARIES w _ LOT LINE _ WYE WITH IZ 6' BRANCH SEWER MAIN a � i 6' 45 ° SIZE VARIES i CLEAN-OUT N 2 BEND z WYE WITH SEE NOTE 1 6' BRANCH 1 CLEAN-OUT ILREMOVABLE 6'45 ° WYE WITH SEE NOTE i IPLUG BEND 6' BRANCH LOT JI i LINE 3) DOUBLE ZI WYE �) PLAN ) FINISHED GRADE SLOPE TO 3I DEPT�HNAT 3I crT 1.0% MIN. Cr �(TYPI) ROTATE - -SPRING LINE TERMINAL DEPTH 30° (TYP.) AS REQUIRED FOR (SEE NOTE 3) I SEWER MAIN 'HOUSE'SERVICE (3' MINJ(TYP.) SINGLE 1 DOUBLE LATERAL LATERAL PROFILE NOTES: 1. CLEAN-OUT (SHOWN SHADED)SHALL BE INSTALLED BY THE BUILDER IN ACCORDANCE WITH STANDARD PLUMBING CODE. 2. LOCATE SINGLE LATERAL AS CLOSE TO LOT LINE AS POSSIBLE, 25' MAXIMUM. 3. INVERT OF SERVICE LATERAL SHALL NOT ENTER SEWER MAIN BELOW SPRING LINE. SERVICE LATERAL DETAIL (FIG204) METALLIC LOCATING WIRE FINISHED GRADE 0 i' MAX. (0 PVC WATER MAIN OR FORCE MAIN - METALLIC LOCATING WIRE -c1' MAX. i NOTES: 1. PVC PIPE SHALL REQUIRE INSULATED METALLIC LOCATING WIRE (14 GAUGE COPPER)CAPABLE OF DETECTION BY A CABLE LOCATOR 2. AND SHALL BE BURIED DIRECTLY ABOVE THE CENTERLINE OF THE PIPE. LOCATING WIRE SHALL TERMINATE AT THE TOP OF EACH VALVE BOX 3. AND BE CAPABLE OF EXTENDING 12' ABOVE TOP OF BOX IN SUCH A MANNER SO AS NOT TO INTERFERE WITH VALVE OPERATION. USE DUCT TAPE AS NECESSARY TO HOLD WIRE DIRECTLY ON THE TOP OF THE PIPE. PVC PIPE LOCATING WIRE DETAIL TIG.Im 2-1 ' SHEET T OF 8 rAnF Avuc;prn nnl UNDISTURBED SOIL (TYP.) -� MW AREA FOR PLUG AREA FO° TEE TRENCH- (TYP.) CROSS W/PLUG CROSS W/ WOOD FORM BOARDS BEHIND TWO PLUGS TEE TEE W/PLUG BELL SHALL NOT INTERFERE AREA FOR WITH JOINT (TYP. 8 45• BEND CONCRETE THRUST BLOCK (TYP.) �2112 , OFFSET (AS REO'D) EDGE OF CROSSCUT UNDISTURBED SOIL (TYP.) TRENCH WIDTH THRUST - •- - WOOD BLOCKING (TYP.) AREA FOR PLUG AREA FOR TEE AREA FOR TREGE NCH PLUG tTYPJ -� TEE W/ WYE END PLUG NOTES: 1. THRUST BLOCK BEARING AREAS SHALL BE POURED AGAINST UNDISTURBED MATERIAL. WHERE TRENCH WALL HAS BEEN DISTURBED, EXCAVATE ALL LOOSE MATERIAL AND EXTEND TO UNDISTURBED MATERIAL. 2. EXTEND THRUST BLOCK FULL LENGTH OF FITTINGS. JOINTS SHALL NOT BE COVERED BY THRUST BLOCKS. �- THRUST BLOCK FITTINGS SHALL BE PROTECTED BY POLYETHYLENE FILM FITTING I MIN. AREA (SO. (8 MIL.)PRIOR TO PLACING CONCRETE THRUST BLOCK. CONCRETE 3. ROUGH BLOCKING FORMS SHALL BE USED ALONG SIDES OF TYPICAL SECTION THRUST BLOCK THRUST BLOCKS,AS REQUIRED. 4 THRUST BLOCKS SHALL BE USED IN COMBINATION AS SCHEDULE FOR THRUST BLOCK AREAS SET TOP OF VALVE BOX 90 BEND (SO FT)(SO TO FINISHED GRADE 22-I/2 BEND FT)(SO CONCRETE COLLAR TEE 8 PLUG (SO FT) IN UNPAVED AREAS 4 FINISHED GRADE ( (SEE DETAILS) 1.0 0.7 0.5 i ADJUSTABLE CAST IRON 150 SEE NOTE 2 VALVE BOX 4.0 BOX SHALL.REST ON 1.2 RESILIENT SEAT BEDDING ROCK NOT 4.0 M.J.GATE VALVE ON VALVE OR PIPE g 117.0 r AND SHALL BE 3.8 WATER CENTERED ON 1.0 MAIN OPERATING NUT UNDISTURBED SOIL (TYP.) -� MW AREA FOR PLUG AREA FO° TEE TRENCH- (TYP.) CROSS W/PLUG CROSS W/ WOOD FORM BOARDS BEHIND TWO PLUGS TEE TEE W/PLUG BELL SHALL NOT INTERFERE AREA FOR WITH JOINT (TYP. 8 45• BEND CONCRETE THRUST BLOCK (TYP.) �2112 , OFFSET (AS REO'D) EDGE OF CROSSCUT UNDISTURBED SOIL (TYP.) TRENCH WIDTH THRUST - •- - WOOD BLOCKING (TYP.) AREA FOR PLUG AREA FOR TEE AREA FOR TREGE NCH PLUG tTYPJ -� TEE W/ WYE END PLUG NOTES: 1. THRUST BLOCK BEARING AREAS SHALL BE POURED AGAINST UNDISTURBED MATERIAL. WHERE TRENCH WALL HAS BEEN DISTURBED, EXCAVATE ALL LOOSE MATERIAL AND EXTEND TO UNDISTURBED MATERIAL. 2. EXTEND THRUST BLOCK FULL LENGTH OF FITTINGS. JOINTS SHALL NOT BE COVERED BY THRUST BLOCKS. �- THRUST BLOCK FITTINGS SHALL BE PROTECTED BY POLYETHYLENE FILM FITTING I MIN. AREA (SO. (8 MIL.)PRIOR TO PLACING CONCRETE THRUST BLOCK. CONCRETE 3. ROUGH BLOCKING FORMS SHALL BE USED ALONG SIDES OF TYPICAL SECTION THRUST BLOCK THRUST BLOCKS,AS REQUIRED. 4 THRUST BLOCKS SHALL BE USED IN COMBINATION AS SCHEDULE FOR THRUST BLOCK AREAS PIPE SZE (INCHES) 90 BEND (SO FT)(SO 45 BEND FT)(SO 22-I/2 BEND FT)(SO II - I/4 BEND FT) TEE 8 PLUG (SO FT) DESIGN PRESS (PSI) 4 2.0 1.0 0.7 0.5 2.0 150 6 4.0 2.3 1.2 0.6 4.0 150 g 117.0 TYP.EACH VALVE BOX. 3.8 2.0 1.0 7.0 150 IO 10.2 5.6 2.9 1.5 10.2 150 12 14.6 8.0 4.0 2.1 14.6 150 _ z w STAMP AS REO'O (SEE NOTE 1) AROUND ANCHORED IN UNIMPROVED AREAS TRENCH WIDTH VARIES I 7DISC CONC. PAD STAMP (3' MIN.) (SEE TYPE B W/ SIZE OF PIPE NOTE. THRUST BLOCK AREAS TO BE COMPUTED ON BASIS OF LBS. PER SO. FT. SOIL RESTRAINT (1.500 MIN) BEARING. SEE NOTE 5 . TO BE COMPLETED BY ENGINEER. HYDRANT OPERATING NUT REQUIRED, TO SUITE THE SPECIFIC FITTING ARRANGEMENT. 5. ALTERNATE DESIGNED RESTRAINING, SYSTEMS SHALL BE PROVIDED WHERE STANDARD THRUST BLOCKING IS NOT SUITABLE ANO/OR SOIL RESISTANCE BEARING IS LESS THAN 1500 PSF. G. ALL WOOD BLOCKING SHALL BE PRESSURE TREATED WITH PRESERVATIVE. THRUST BLOCK DETAIL (FIG. 103) 1 6' BEDDING ROCK 6' BEDDING ROCK M J ANCHORING RESILIENT SEAT GATE COUPLING VALVE AND BOX (SEE DETAIL) NOTES: NOTES: 1. PVC EXTENSIONS SHALL NOT BE USED ON VALVE BOX INSTALLATION. 2. THE ACTUATING NUT FOR DEEPER VALVES SHALL BE EXTENDED TO 1. FIRE HYDRANT SHALL BE SUPPLIED WITHOUT'A WEEP HOLE, COME UP TO 4 FOOT DEPTH BELOW FINISHED GRADE. OR WITH A PERMANENTLY PLUGGED WEEP 'HOLE. ENCASE SINGLE SERVICE IN FIELDS t 1' 2. THE DEVELOPER MAY INSTALL THE SHEAR PAD RECESSED UP TO r, •/ i 1 / LOTS (TYP.) SERVICE (TYP.) /• s 1 i� •1 SCALES NO' ,1 _ 3. CLEARANCE BETWEEN BOTTOM OF BOLTS AND TOP OF SHEAR PAD % 24'x 24'x 6' THICK CONC. PAD 1 II SHALL BE A 6' MINIMUM. 1 D.C. GATE VALVE AND BOX DETAIL TYP.EACH VALVE BOX. AROUND IFIG. 400) . 3' DIA. BRONZE DISC BACKFILLsuM J HYDRANT SEE NOTE 3 ANCHORING TEE 1 6' BEDDING ROCK 6' BEDDING ROCK M J ANCHORING RESILIENT SEAT GATE COUPLING VALVE AND BOX (SEE DETAIL) NOTES: NOTES: 1. PVC EXTENSIONS SHALL NOT BE USED ON VALVE BOX INSTALLATION. 2. THE ACTUATING NUT FOR DEEPER VALVES SHALL BE EXTENDED TO 1. FIRE HYDRANT SHALL BE SUPPLIED WITHOUT'A WEEP HOLE, COME UP TO 4 FOOT DEPTH BELOW FINISHED GRADE. OR WITH A PERMANENTLY PLUGGED WEEP 'HOLE. ASPHALT SURFACE I 1 BASE i I 4' x 4'x 18' LONG VALVE BOX (MIN.)PRECAST POST AND COVER WITH 3' DIAMETER (TYP.) BRONZE DISC SET IN GROUT AS SHOWN IMPROVED CONDTITION ABOVE. NOTES: 1. BRONZE IDENTIFICATION DISC SHALL BE REQUIRED FOR ALL VALVES 16'AND LARGER,OR AS REQUIRED BY THE COUNTY FOR CRITICAL OFFSITE VALVES. 2. VALVE COLLAR DIMENSIONS MAY BE REDUCED TO 18' X 18' X 6' WHEN THE BRONZE IDENTIFICATION DISC IS NOT REQUIRED. VALVE COLLAR DETAIL (FIG. 107) ENCASE SINGLE SERVICE IN FIELDS 2. THE DEVELOPER MAY INSTALL THE SHEAR PAD RECESSED UP TO r, CHECKED BY: RM LOTS (TYP.) SERVICE (TYP.) 4 INCHES BELOW FINISHED GRADE AND SOD THE RECESSED SECTION. SCALES NO' 3. CLEARANCE BETWEEN BOTTOM OF BOLTS AND TOP OF SHEAR PAD % 24'x 24'x 6' THICK CONC. PAD ENCASE' SERVICESI iN 2' II SHALL BE A 6' MINIMUM. 2' BLOWOFF VALVE ( PVC LIN ER PAVE�ENT- GATE VALVE AND BOX DETAIL TYP.EACH VALVE BOX. 4. ALL HYDRANTS TO BE PAINTED OSHA YELLOW. IFIG. 400) . 3' DIA. BRONZE DISC - FIRE HYDRANT ASSEMBLY DETAIL ANCHORED IN CONC. PAD #4 BARS ALL (FIG. 400 (6' MINIMUM) CROWN TRENCH IN _ z w STAMP AS REO'O (SEE NOTE 1) AROUND ANCHORED IN UNIMPROVED AREAS TRENCH WIDTH VARIES I 7DISC CONC. PAD STAMP (3' MIN.) (SEE TYPE B W/ SIZE OF PIPE SIZE OF VALVE AS REO'D. BEDDING AND TRENCHING L�-_j 4' WATER �� -- TYPE OF VALVE is ' :;, , DETAIL FOR OTHER 6' FIRE ' u' SERVICEy B RESTORATION.FINISHED PVC WATER MAIN GRAD :1 , DIRECTION & NO. n •• �, OR FORCE MAIN T UTILITY ESM'T.(TYP.)1 4; OF TURNS TO , CURB J Zn WATER • • METALLIC LOCATING WIRE r J Y N MAX. - RIGHT OF WAY LINE (TYP.) �, , 07 Q Uj 1. ANCHORING TYPE 90'BEND SHALL ONLY BE USED WHERE RIGHT-OF-WAY 2500 P.S.I. INSTALLATION OF A STRAIGHT X Q = Z CONCRETE MIN. C SEE NOTE 4, / /r (n �: W N v COMM\FILL` PIPE 0.0. \ E M, IN. J UNIMPROVED CONDITION TOP FLUSH WITH 12' (TYP.) FINISHED GRADE SELECT c� COMMON I r SELECT COMMON FILL m Z Z] FILL /t _ BEDDING ROCK w a w i PIPE BEDDING (SEE NOTE 8 & 9) UNDISTURBED EARTH / NOTES: 1. PIPE BEDDING:SELECT COMMON FILL COMPACTED TO 95% OF THE MAXIMUM DENSITY AS PER AASHTO T,-180. 2. TRENCH BACKFILU COMMON FILL COMPACTED TO 95% OF THE MAXIMUM DENSITY AS PER AASHTO T-180. 3. USE TYPE A BEDDING TO BE DETERMINED IN THE FIELD AS DIRECTED BY THE COUNTY. 4. (1):15' MAX. FOR PIPE DIAMETER LESS THAN 24', AND 24' MAX. FOR PIPE DIAMETER 24' AND LARGER. j 5. WATER SHALL NOT BE PERMITTED IN THE TRENCH DURING CONSTRUCTION. 6. ALL PIPE TO BE INSTALLED WITH BELL FACING UPSTREAM TO THE DIRECTION OF THE FLOW. 7. REFER TO SECTION 32.5 OF THE MANUAL FOR SHEETING AND BRACING IN EXCAVATIONS. B. GRAVITY SEWERS SHALL UTILIZE TYPE A BEDDING, IF REQUIRED BY THE COUNTY. BEDDING DEPTH SHALL BE V MINIMUM FOR PIPE DIAMETER LESS THAN 15', AND 6' MINIMUM FOR PIPE DIAMETER 16' AND LARGER. 3 9. DEPTH FOR REMOVAL OF UNSUITABLE MATERIAL SHALL GOVERN DEPTH OF Q BEDDING ROCK BELOW THE PIPE. COUNTY SHALL DETERMINE IN THE FIELD REQUIRED REMOVAL OF UNSUITABLE MATERIAL TO REACH SUITABLE FOUNDATION. l TYPE A BEDDING AND TRENCHING DETAIL V IFI& 1011 r - - 0 1 DESCRIPTION N �^ REVISION rn o ASPHALT SURFACE I 1 BASE i I 4' x 4'x 18' LONG VALVE BOX (MIN.)PRECAST POST AND COVER WITH 3' DIAMETER (TYP.) BRONZE DISC SET IN GROUT AS SHOWN IMPROVED CONDTITION ABOVE. NOTES: 1. BRONZE IDENTIFICATION DISC SHALL BE REQUIRED FOR ALL VALVES 16'AND LARGER,OR AS REQUIRED BY THE COUNTY FOR CRITICAL OFFSITE VALVES. 2. VALVE COLLAR DIMENSIONS MAY BE REDUCED TO 18' X 18' X 6' WHEN THE BRONZE IDENTIFICATION DISC IS NOT REQUIRED. VALVE COLLAR DETAIL (FIG. 107) ENCASE SINGLE SERVICE IN FIELDS DOUBLE r, CHECKED BY: RM LOTS (TYP.) SERVICE (TYP.) DESIGNED BYs ZMB SCALES NO' 77 -v % 24'x 24'x 6' THICK CONC. PAD ENCASE' SERVICESI iN 2' II METALLIC LOCATING WIRE 2' BLOWOFF VALVE ( PVC LIN ER PAVE�ENT- TYP.EACH VALVE BOX. \ (SEE DETAIL) FINISHED GRADE 3' DIA. BRONZE DISC - _ ANCHORED IN CONC. PAD #4 BARS ALL 3' DIA. BRONZE (6' MINIMUM) + _ z w STAMP AS REO'O (SEE NOTE 1) AROUND ANCHORED IN w TUBIING SDR9 I 7DISC CONC. PAD STAMP i' MAX. SIZE OF VALVE AS REO'D. o L�-_j 4' WATER �� -- TYPE OF VALVE is ' :;, , MAIN (MIN.) 6' FIRE ' u' SERVICEy B PVC WATER MAIN II(SEE NOTJ 1) :1 , DIRECTION & NO. n •• �, OR FORCE MAIN T UTILITY ESM'T.(TYP.)1 4; OF TURNS TO , CURB OPEN VALVE BOX Zn WATER • • METALLIC LOCATING WIRE AND COVER MAX. - RIGHT OF WAY LINE (TYP.) �, , 07 _c1' 1. ANCHORING TYPE 90'BEND SHALL ONLY BE USED WHERE RIGHT-OF-WAY 2500 P.S.I. INSTALLATION OF A STRAIGHT ASSEMBLY. CONCRETE MIN. ANCHORS M, IN. UNIMPROVED CONDITION TOP FLUSH WITH FINISHED GRADE ASPHALT SURFACE I 1 BASE i I 4' x 4'x 18' LONG VALVE BOX (MIN.)PRECAST POST AND COVER WITH 3' DIAMETER (TYP.) BRONZE DISC SET IN GROUT AS SHOWN IMPROVED CONDTITION ABOVE. NOTES: 1. BRONZE IDENTIFICATION DISC SHALL BE REQUIRED FOR ALL VALVES 16'AND LARGER,OR AS REQUIRED BY THE COUNTY FOR CRITICAL OFFSITE VALVES. 2. VALVE COLLAR DIMENSIONS MAY BE REDUCED TO 18' X 18' X 6' WHEN THE BRONZE IDENTIFICATION DISC IS NOT REQUIRED. VALVE COLLAR DETAIL (FIG. 107) WATER SERVICE LOCATION DETAIL (FIG. 404) ENCASE SINGLE SERVICE IN FIELDS DOUBLE lj{' PVC UNDER PVM'T. CHECKED BY: RM LOTS (TYP.) SERVICE (TYP.) DESIGNED BYs ZMB SCALES NO' LINE (TYP.) r, ENCASE' SERVICESI iN 2' II 2' BLOWOFF VALVE ( PVC LIN ER PAVE�ENT- \ (SEE DETAIL) WATER MAIN F_ (6' MINIMUM) + _ z w 200 PSI POLY' ------ -------- --I w TUBIING SDR9 I 1¢ L�-_j 4' WATER �� -- 4'x6' OR ' REDUCEI4 MAIN (MIN.) 6' FIRE ' u' FITTINGS AS 'HYDRANT ASSEMBL REQUIRED (TYP.) II(SEE NOTJ 1) :1 RIGHT OF WAY LINE -•-I T UTILITY ESM'T.(TYP.)1 CURB WATER MAIN 2' (TYP.) SIDEWALK (TYP.) - RIGHT OF WAY LINE NOTES: 1. ANCHORING TYPE 90'BEND SHALL ONLY BE USED WHERE RIGHT-OF-WAY CONSTRICTIONS WILL NOT ALLOW INSTALLATION OF A STRAIGHT ASSEMBLY. WATER SERVICE LOCATION DETAIL (FIG. 404) CORPORATION \ STOP (1' MIN.) <r Wor L[� - w a 3 200 PSI POLY TUBING SDR9 SINGLE METER BOX AND WATER METER (BY ORANGE CO.) SINGLE SERVICE AWWA TYPE CC THREADS SADDLE - NOTES: 1. PVC PIPE SHALL REQUIRE INSULATED METALLIC LOCATING WIRE (14 GAUGE COPPER)CAPABLE OF DETECTION BY A CABLE LOCATOR 2. AND SHALL BE BURIED DIRECTLY ABOVE THE CENTERLINE OF THE PIPE. LOCATING WIRE SHALL TERMINATE AT THE TOP OF EACH VALVE BOX 3. AND BE CAPABLE OF EXTENDING 12' ABOVE TOP OF BOX IN SUCH A MANNER SO AS NOT TO INTERFERE WITH VALVE OPERATION. USE DUCT TAPE AS NECESSARY TO HOLD WIRE DIRECTLY ON THE TOP OF THE PIPE. PVC PIPE LOCATING WIRE DETAIL TIG. 108) Y -FITTING 3RANCH FITTING U -BRANCH FITTING CURB STOP CORPORATION (1' x 3/4' x 3/4') (SEE NOTE 3) STOP (iY2' MIN.) (NOTE: BRANCH FITTINGS TO HAVE LOCKABLE WINGS) MARK WITH W000 PAINTED CURB STOP BLUE & WITH LOT NUMBERS z MARK WITH WOOD PAINTED BLUE & WITH LOT NUMBERS w 3 200 PSI POLY TUBING SDR9 2 -DOUBLE METER BOXES' AND WATER METER (SERVICE & IRRIGATION) DOUBLE SERVICE CORPORATION STOP & FITTING (NORMALLY OPEN) TO METER BOX ASSEMBLY 200 PSI POLYETHYLENE TUBING SDR9 (i' MIN.) e"30 DEG. WATER MAIN NOTES: 1. ALL FITTINGS SHALL BE BRASS WITH COMPRESSION/PACK OR FLARED JOINT TYPE CONNECTIONS. 2. NO SERVICE LINE SHALL TERMINATE UNDER A DRIVEWAY. 3. EACH SERVICE SHALL TERMINATE AT A CURB STOP(S)WHICH SHALL BE BURIED APPROXIMATELY T BELOW FINAL GRADE AND SHALL BE CLEARLY MARKED WITH A 2'X 2'X 18' STAKE WITH THE TOP PAINTED BLUE AND MARKED WITH THE NUMBER OF THE LOT(S) TO BE SERVED. 4. METER BOX TOP SHALL BE INSTALLED FLUSH WITH FINAL GRADE. WATER SERVICE CONNECTION DETAILS assoxnates. bowyer�sfioeton8� INCORPORATED CONSULTING ENGINEERING s PLANNING s LAND SURVEYIN 520 SOUTH MAGNOLIA AVENUE : ORLANDO, FLORIDA 3 01 (407) 843-5120 Jj �l2 The Contractor hereby certifies to the OWNER that Improvements covered by this drawing and the related details have been constructed as indicated or as modified by the notes and graphics shown. Absent a note or graphic to the contrary, the improvements have been constructed meeting Industry standard tolerances. Signed: Date.- Authorized ate:Authorized Contractor's Representative WESMERE OCOEE, FLORIDA WATER DETAILS VILLAGE 5 DATE : 5 - 22 - 92 JOB NO. AVH5 - 2-1 SHEET 8 OF 8 CADE AVH5PWD.001 FIELDS CADD BYs ZMB CHECKED BY: RM DESIGNED BYs ZMB SCALES NO' CORPORATION \ STOP (1' MIN.) <r Wor L[� - w a 3 200 PSI POLY TUBING SDR9 SINGLE METER BOX AND WATER METER (BY ORANGE CO.) SINGLE SERVICE AWWA TYPE CC THREADS SADDLE - NOTES: 1. PVC PIPE SHALL REQUIRE INSULATED METALLIC LOCATING WIRE (14 GAUGE COPPER)CAPABLE OF DETECTION BY A CABLE LOCATOR 2. AND SHALL BE BURIED DIRECTLY ABOVE THE CENTERLINE OF THE PIPE. LOCATING WIRE SHALL TERMINATE AT THE TOP OF EACH VALVE BOX 3. AND BE CAPABLE OF EXTENDING 12' ABOVE TOP OF BOX IN SUCH A MANNER SO AS NOT TO INTERFERE WITH VALVE OPERATION. USE DUCT TAPE AS NECESSARY TO HOLD WIRE DIRECTLY ON THE TOP OF THE PIPE. PVC PIPE LOCATING WIRE DETAIL TIG. 108) Y -FITTING 3RANCH FITTING U -BRANCH FITTING CURB STOP CORPORATION (1' x 3/4' x 3/4') (SEE NOTE 3) STOP (iY2' MIN.) (NOTE: BRANCH FITTINGS TO HAVE LOCKABLE WINGS) MARK WITH W000 PAINTED CURB STOP BLUE & WITH LOT NUMBERS z MARK WITH WOOD PAINTED BLUE & WITH LOT NUMBERS w 3 200 PSI POLY TUBING SDR9 2 -DOUBLE METER BOXES' AND WATER METER (SERVICE & IRRIGATION) DOUBLE SERVICE CORPORATION STOP & FITTING (NORMALLY OPEN) TO METER BOX ASSEMBLY 200 PSI POLYETHYLENE TUBING SDR9 (i' MIN.) e"30 DEG. WATER MAIN NOTES: 1. ALL FITTINGS SHALL BE BRASS WITH COMPRESSION/PACK OR FLARED JOINT TYPE CONNECTIONS. 2. NO SERVICE LINE SHALL TERMINATE UNDER A DRIVEWAY. 3. EACH SERVICE SHALL TERMINATE AT A CURB STOP(S)WHICH SHALL BE BURIED APPROXIMATELY T BELOW FINAL GRADE AND SHALL BE CLEARLY MARKED WITH A 2'X 2'X 18' STAKE WITH THE TOP PAINTED BLUE AND MARKED WITH THE NUMBER OF THE LOT(S) TO BE SERVED. 4. METER BOX TOP SHALL BE INSTALLED FLUSH WITH FINAL GRADE. WATER SERVICE CONNECTION DETAILS assoxnates. bowyer�sfioeton8� INCORPORATED CONSULTING ENGINEERING s PLANNING s LAND SURVEYIN 520 SOUTH MAGNOLIA AVENUE : ORLANDO, FLORIDA 3 01 (407) 843-5120 Jj �l2 The Contractor hereby certifies to the OWNER that Improvements covered by this drawing and the related details have been constructed as indicated or as modified by the notes and graphics shown. Absent a note or graphic to the contrary, the improvements have been constructed meeting Industry standard tolerances. Signed: Date.- Authorized ate:Authorized Contractor's Representative WESMERE OCOEE, FLORIDA WATER DETAILS VILLAGE 5 DATE : 5 - 22 - 92 JOB NO. AVH5 - 2-1 SHEET 8 OF 8 CADE AVH5PWD.001 } b®wyer - singlet®n associates INCORPORATED 520 So Magnolia Avenue Orlando, Florida 32801 407-843-5120 AK SECTHON 31, TOWNSHIP 22 SOUTH -H, RANGE 28 EAST CHTY OOCOEE, ( COUNTY, 1 ' I . O R 1 11)A NOTICE: THERE MAY BE ADDITIONAL RESTRICTIONS THAT ARE NOT RECORDED ON THIS PLAT THAT MAY BE FOUND IN THE PUBLIC RECORDS OF THIS COUNTY. DESCRIPTION COMMENCING AT THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF SECTION 31. TOWNSHIP 22 SOUTH, RANGE 28 EAST, RUN N89'52'46"W. ALONG THE NORTH LINE OF THE NORTHEAST 1/4 OF SAID SECTION 31, A DISTANCE OF 1316.57 FEET TO THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF THE WEST 1/2 OF THE NORTHEAST 1/4 OF SAID SECTION 31 AND THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF PLANTATION GROVE WEST, AS RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 26, PAGES 2-3. PUBLIC RECORDS OF ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA THENCE SOO*33'22'W. ALONG THE EAST LINE OF SAID WEST 1/2 AND THE WEST LINE OF SAID PLANTATION GROVE WEST, A DISTANCE OF 1090.95 FEET FOR A POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE CONTINUE S00'33'22"W. A DISTANCE OF 533.88 FEET; THENCE DEPARTING SAID EAST LINE AND WEST LINE, RUN N890 26'38"W. A DISTANCE OF 586.17 FEET; THENCE S700 06'28"W. A DISTANCE OF 159.33 FEET; THENCE S53013'08'W A DISTANCE OF 78.58 FEET; THENCE S71'00'51"W. A DISTANCE OF 86.67 FEET; THENCE N87002'09"W. A DISTANCE OF 331.00 FEET; THENCE N32004'32"W. A DISTANCE OF 11.90 FEET; THENCE S57'55'28"W. A DISTANCE OF 85.00 FEET TO A POINT ON A CURVE CONCAVE EASTERLY, HAVING A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 78'39'45' AND A RADIUS OF 884.58 FEET; THENCE FROM A TANGENT BEARING OF N320 04'32"W. RUN NORTHERLY ALONG THE ARC OF SAID CURVE. A DISTANCE OF 1214.45 FEET TO THE POINT OF TANGENCY; THENCE N460 35'12"E. A DISTANCE OF 186.35 FEET TO THE POINT OF CURVATURE OF A CURVE. CONCAVE NORTHWESTERLY. HAVING A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 11°28'46' AND A RADIUS OF 665.16 FEET; THENCE RUN NORTHEASTERLY ALONG THE ARC OF SAID CURVE. A DISTANCE OF 133.27 FEET; THENCE DEPARTING SAID CURVE. RUN S54°5334"E. A DISTANCE OF 85.00, FEET: THENCE S650 03'01"E. A DISTANCE OF 179.25 FEET; THENCE S460 03,0411E. A DISTANCE OF 83.24 FEET; THENCE S21'15'54"E. A DISTANCE OF 144.23 FEET; THENCE SOO*33'22"W. A DISTANCE OF 343.09 FEET; THENCE S890 26'38"E. A DISTANCE OF 590.00 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING. CONTAINING 27.597 ACRES. MORE OR LESS. SHEET I OF 2 PLAT 11300K PAGE LAKESIDE DEDICATION Limited KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, That the Partnership named below, being the owner in fee simple of the lands described in the fore- going caption to this plot, hereby dedicates said lands and plat for the uses and purposes therein expressed and dedicates the ------------------ - --------------------------------------------- ----------------- --------- --------shown hereon to the perpetual use of the public, and ----------------------------------------------- ---------- ---- IN WITNESS WHEREOF, has caused these presents to be signed and attested to by the officers named below and its seal to be of - fixed hereto on -------------- ------------------------------ --------- Arvida/JMB Partners,L.P-II a Delaware limited partnership by Arvido/JMB Managers, 1 I, Inc., an I II inois corporation, a general partner. DAVID L. GUY Vice President Attest: DAV I D L. F RAM E , Assistant Secretary Signed and sealed in the presence of: LORI A. POWERS MARY L. OTTO STATE OF_ -__-___F LORI DA ---- COUNTY OF ------ 0 RAN G E - THIS IS TO CERTIFY, That on-___-_ ---- _-- ------------- _- ---- _.__ before me, an officer duly authorized to take acknowledgments in the State and County aforesaid, personally appeared ---- Dav_id__L„__Cuy---------------- - -------------------------_ and ------------ David _L __ F rd m e ------------ respectively_____ Yi c e--_ --- President and ___ A ssi sta n t --Sec ret ary-------- - of the above named corporation, incorporated under the laws of the State of . DelaW(IrP....... who did not take an oath and who are personally known to be the individuals and officers described in and who executed the foregoing Dedication and severally acknowledged the execution thereof to be their free act and deed as such officers, thereunto duly authorized; that the official seal of sold corporation is duly affixed thereto; and that the said Dedication is the act and deed of said corporation. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereto set my hand and seal on the above date. JOINDER AND CONSENT TO DEDICATION THE UNDERSIGNED HEREBY CERTIFIES THAT IT IS THE HOLDER OF A MORTGAGE UPON THE PROPERTY DESCRIBED IN THIS PLAT, WHICH MORTGAGE IS RECORDED IN OFFICIAL RECORDS BOOK 4407, PAGE 183: 4429, PAGE 2814: 4429, PAGE 2825: 4429 PAGE 2835: 4429. PAGE 2888, AND 4429. PAGE 2905, PUBLIC RECORDS OF ORANGE COUNTY. FLORIDA AND THAT THE UNDERSIGNED HEREBY JOINS IN. AND CONSENTS TO. THE DEDICATION OF THE LANDS DESCRIBED ABOVE AND ANY EASEMENTS. RESERVATIONS, AND RESTRICTIONS SET FORTH HEREIN FOR THE PURPOSE OF SUBORDINATING ITS MORTGAGE INTEREST TO SAID DEDICATION. IN WITNESS HEREOF. THE UNDERSIGNED HAS SET ITS HAND AND SEAL ON THE ...........DAY OF ............ 1992. SIGNED AND SEALED IN CONTINENTAL BANK OUR PRESENCE AS WITNESSES: .................................... BY:.................................. .................................... ATTEST: ..................................... SIGNED AND SEALED IN BANK OF AMERICA NATIONAL TRUST OUR PRESENCE AS WITNESSES: AND SAVINGS ASSOCIATION ............................... BY.,................................... ................................... ATTEST: STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF ORANGE I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT, BEFORE ME. AN OFFICER DULY AUTHORIZED IN THE STATE AND COUNTY AFORESAID TO TAKE ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS. PERSONALLY APPEARED ................................... ....... CONTINENTAL BANK. WHO IS PERSONALLY KNOWN TO ME AND WHO DID NOT TAKE AN OATH, AND THAT THEY ACKNOWLEDGED EXECUTING THE FOREGOING INSTRUMENT UNDER AUTHORITY DULY VESTED IN THEM BY SAID CORPORATION AND THAT THE SEAL AFFIXED THERETO IS A TRUE AND CORRECT SEAL OF SAID CORPORATION. WITNESSED MY HAND AND OFFICIAL SEAL IN THE COUNTY AND STATE AFORESAID THIS ........... DAY OF .............. 1992. NOTARY PUBLIC ............................ MY COMMISSION EXPIRES: ................... STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF ORANGE I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT, BEFORE ME. AN OFFICER DULY AUTHORIZED IN THE STATE AND COUNTY AFORESAID TO TAKE ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS. PERSONALLY APPEARED BANK OF AMERICA NATIONAL TRUST AND SAVINGS ASSOCIATION WHO IS PERSONALLY KNOWN TO ME AND WHO DID NOT TAKE AN OATH, AND THAT THEY ACKNOWLEDGED EXECUTING THE FOREGOING INSTRUMENT UNDER AUTHORITY DULY VESTED IN THEN BY SAID CORPORATION AND THAT THE SEAL AFFIXED THERETO IS A TRUE AND CORRECT SEAL OF SAID CORPORATION. WITNESSED MY HAND AND OFFICIAL SEAL IN THE COUNTY AND STATE AFORESAID THIS ........... DAY OF..................11M. NOTARY PUBLIC ............................ MY COMMISSION EXPIRES: ............. NOTARY PUBLIC LORI A. POWERS My Commission CERTIFICATE OF SURVEYOR KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, That the undersigned, being a licensed and registered land surveyor, does hereby certify that on ...... . ..................................he completed the survey of the lands as shown in the foregoing plat or plan; that said plat is a correct representation of the lands therein described and platted or sub- divided, that permanent reference monuments have been placed as shown thereon as required by Chapter 177, Florida Statutes, and that said land is located in Orange County, Florida. Dated................................. ................ Registration No .... 34.21 .... , . . 'DENWIS L. DEAL CERTIFICATE OF APPROVAL BY BOARD OF CITY COMMISSIONERS THIS IS TO CERTIFY, That on the foregoing plat or plan was approved by the Board of City Commissioners of Ocoee, Florida. Mayor of Ocoee City Attorney ATTCCT: City Clerk CERTIFICATE OF APPROVAL BY CITY ENGINEER Examined and Approved City Engineer Date CERTIFICATE OF APPROVAL BY CITY PLANNING DIRECTOR Examined and Approve d City Planning Director Date CERTIFICATE OF COUNTY COMPTROLLER I HEREBY CERTIFY, That I have examined the foregoing plat and find that it complies in form with all the requirements of Chapter 177, Florida Statutes, and was filed for record on ------------- -___.---- ---------------------- - at No. County Comptroller In and for Orange County, Fla. BY------------------------------------------------------------------- D.C. FORM 4 LOCATION MAP N NTS McGEE HWY. (HWY.50) FLORIDA'S WINTER TOMYN RD. WESMERE . G PKWY. o T G�ti ` SITE ( _ W W 0 MOORE Z ROBERTSON RD. 3 RD. SHEET I OF 2 PLAT 11300K PAGE LAKESIDE DEDICATION Limited KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, That the Partnership named below, being the owner in fee simple of the lands described in the fore- going caption to this plot, hereby dedicates said lands and plat for the uses and purposes therein expressed and dedicates the ------------------ - --------------------------------------------- ----------------- --------- --------shown hereon to the perpetual use of the public, and ----------------------------------------------- ---------- ---- IN WITNESS WHEREOF, has caused these presents to be signed and attested to by the officers named below and its seal to be of - fixed hereto on -------------- ------------------------------ --------- Arvida/JMB Partners,L.P-II a Delaware limited partnership by Arvido/JMB Managers, 1 I, Inc., an I II inois corporation, a general partner. DAVID L. GUY Vice President Attest: DAV I D L. F RAM E , Assistant Secretary Signed and sealed in the presence of: LORI A. POWERS MARY L. OTTO STATE OF_ -__-___F LORI DA ---- COUNTY OF ------ 0 RAN G E - THIS IS TO CERTIFY, That on-___-_ ---- _-- ------------- _- ---- _.__ before me, an officer duly authorized to take acknowledgments in the State and County aforesaid, personally appeared ---- Dav_id__L„__Cuy---------------- - -------------------------_ and ------------ David _L __ F rd m e ------------ respectively_____ Yi c e--_ --- President and ___ A ssi sta n t --Sec ret ary-------- - of the above named corporation, incorporated under the laws of the State of . DelaW(IrP....... who did not take an oath and who are personally known to be the individuals and officers described in and who executed the foregoing Dedication and severally acknowledged the execution thereof to be their free act and deed as such officers, thereunto duly authorized; that the official seal of sold corporation is duly affixed thereto; and that the said Dedication is the act and deed of said corporation. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereto set my hand and seal on the above date. JOINDER AND CONSENT TO DEDICATION THE UNDERSIGNED HEREBY CERTIFIES THAT IT IS THE HOLDER OF A MORTGAGE UPON THE PROPERTY DESCRIBED IN THIS PLAT, WHICH MORTGAGE IS RECORDED IN OFFICIAL RECORDS BOOK 4407, PAGE 183: 4429, PAGE 2814: 4429, PAGE 2825: 4429 PAGE 2835: 4429. PAGE 2888, AND 4429. PAGE 2905, PUBLIC RECORDS OF ORANGE COUNTY. FLORIDA AND THAT THE UNDERSIGNED HEREBY JOINS IN. AND CONSENTS TO. THE DEDICATION OF THE LANDS DESCRIBED ABOVE AND ANY EASEMENTS. RESERVATIONS, AND RESTRICTIONS SET FORTH HEREIN FOR THE PURPOSE OF SUBORDINATING ITS MORTGAGE INTEREST TO SAID DEDICATION. IN WITNESS HEREOF. THE UNDERSIGNED HAS SET ITS HAND AND SEAL ON THE ...........DAY OF ............ 1992. SIGNED AND SEALED IN CONTINENTAL BANK OUR PRESENCE AS WITNESSES: .................................... BY:.................................. .................................... ATTEST: ..................................... SIGNED AND SEALED IN BANK OF AMERICA NATIONAL TRUST OUR PRESENCE AS WITNESSES: AND SAVINGS ASSOCIATION ............................... BY.,................................... ................................... ATTEST: STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF ORANGE I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT, BEFORE ME. AN OFFICER DULY AUTHORIZED IN THE STATE AND COUNTY AFORESAID TO TAKE ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS. PERSONALLY APPEARED ................................... ....... CONTINENTAL BANK. WHO IS PERSONALLY KNOWN TO ME AND WHO DID NOT TAKE AN OATH, AND THAT THEY ACKNOWLEDGED EXECUTING THE FOREGOING INSTRUMENT UNDER AUTHORITY DULY VESTED IN THEM BY SAID CORPORATION AND THAT THE SEAL AFFIXED THERETO IS A TRUE AND CORRECT SEAL OF SAID CORPORATION. WITNESSED MY HAND AND OFFICIAL SEAL IN THE COUNTY AND STATE AFORESAID THIS ........... DAY OF .............. 1992. NOTARY PUBLIC ............................ MY COMMISSION EXPIRES: ................... STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF ORANGE I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT, BEFORE ME. AN OFFICER DULY AUTHORIZED IN THE STATE AND COUNTY AFORESAID TO TAKE ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS. PERSONALLY APPEARED BANK OF AMERICA NATIONAL TRUST AND SAVINGS ASSOCIATION WHO IS PERSONALLY KNOWN TO ME AND WHO DID NOT TAKE AN OATH, AND THAT THEY ACKNOWLEDGED EXECUTING THE FOREGOING INSTRUMENT UNDER AUTHORITY DULY VESTED IN THEN BY SAID CORPORATION AND THAT THE SEAL AFFIXED THERETO IS A TRUE AND CORRECT SEAL OF SAID CORPORATION. WITNESSED MY HAND AND OFFICIAL SEAL IN THE COUNTY AND STATE AFORESAID THIS ........... DAY OF..................11M. NOTARY PUBLIC ............................ MY COMMISSION EXPIRES: ............. NOTARY PUBLIC LORI A. POWERS My Commission CERTIFICATE OF SURVEYOR KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, That the undersigned, being a licensed and registered land surveyor, does hereby certify that on ...... . ..................................he completed the survey of the lands as shown in the foregoing plat or plan; that said plat is a correct representation of the lands therein described and platted or sub- divided, that permanent reference monuments have been placed as shown thereon as required by Chapter 177, Florida Statutes, and that said land is located in Orange County, Florida. Dated................................. ................ Registration No .... 34.21 .... , . . 'DENWIS L. DEAL CERTIFICATE OF APPROVAL BY BOARD OF CITY COMMISSIONERS THIS IS TO CERTIFY, That on the foregoing plat or plan was approved by the Board of City Commissioners of Ocoee, Florida. Mayor of Ocoee City Attorney ATTCCT: City Clerk CERTIFICATE OF APPROVAL BY CITY ENGINEER Examined and Approved City Engineer Date CERTIFICATE OF APPROVAL BY CITY PLANNING DIRECTOR Examined and Approve d City Planning Director Date CERTIFICATE OF COUNTY COMPTROLLER I HEREBY CERTIFY, That I have examined the foregoing plat and find that it complies in form with all the requirements of Chapter 177, Florida Statutes, and was filed for record on ------------- -___.---- ---------------------- - at No. County Comptroller In and for Orange County, Fla. BY------------------------------------------------------------------- D.C. FORM 4 LAKESIDE SECTHON 319 7COWNSff3Il[P 22 SOUTH9 RANGE 28 EAST CHTY OF OCOEE9 ORANGE COUNTY9 1E'][.O7[87III➢A 1 0 100 200 300 GRAPHIC SCALE IN FEET - SCALE: 1" - 100' CURVE DATA NO. BEARING CHORD DELTA RADIUS LENGTH TAN C1 N40'50'49"E 133.04' 11'28'46" 665.16' 133.27' 66.86' C2 N40'50'49"E 141.55' 11'28'46"• 707.66' 141.78' 71.13' C3 N34'25'05"E 271.74' 24.20'13" 644.58' 273.79' 138.99' C4 N89'44'10"E 36.48' 93'42'04" 25.00' 40.88' 26.67' C5 S00'28'38'E 34.06' 85'52'19" 25.00' 37.47' 23.26' C6 S32'21'15"W 234.95' 20'12.32" 669.58' 236.17' 119.32' C7 N10'01'00"W 31.88' 79'13'35" 25.00' 34.57' 20.69' C8 N38'05'30'E 183.05' 16'59.25" 619.58' 183.73' 92.54' C9 N84'20'530E 30.62' 75'31'21" 25.00' 32.95' 19.36' CIO N05'39'070W 86.96' 255'31'21" 55.00' 245.28' 71.00' C11 N88'24'48"W 35.36' 90'00'00" 25.00' 39.27' 25.00' C12 N01'35'120E 35.36' 90"00'00" 25.00' 39.27' 25.00' C13 N40'50'490E 150.05' 11'28'46" 750.16' 150.30' 75.40' C14 S76'18'36"W 89.06' 251'52'46" 55.00' 241.79' 75.87' C15 S25'33'00"W 508.93' 37'36'07" 789.58' 518.18' 268.81' C16 N40'46'460E 153.83' 11'36'52" 760.16' 154.09' 77.31' C17 S37'25'52"W 65.22' 4'55'03" 760,16' 65.24' 32.64' C1B S42'09'300W 60.18' 4'32'14" 760.16' 60.20' 30.11' C19 S45'30'24"W 28.65' 2'09.35" 760.16' 28.65' 14.33' C20 S41'15'54'W 85.01' 6'10'18" 789.58' 85.05' 42.57' C21 S35'41'17"W 68.64' 4'58'56" 789.58' 68.66' 34.35' C22 S30'42'21"W 68.64' 4.58'56" 789.58' 68.66' 34.35' C23 S25'43'25"W 68.64' 4'58'56" 789.58' 68.66' 34.35' C24 S20'44'46"W 68.51' 4.58'22" 789.58' 68.53' 34.29' C25 S12'30'160W 158.36' 11'30'39" 789.58' 158.63' 79.58' C26 S40'19'080W 50.00' 4'16'46" 669.58' 50.01' 25.02' C27 S35'41'17"W 58.20' 4'58'56" 669.58' 5B.22' 29.13' C28 S30'42'21"W 58.21' 4'58'56" 669.58' 58.22' 29.13' C29 S25'43'25"W 58.21' 4'58'56" 669.58' 58.22' 29.13' C30 S22'44'28"W 11.49' 0'58'58" 669.58' 11.49' 5.74' C31 N29'47'14"E 1.09' 006'04" 619.58' 1.09' .55 ' C32 N32'33'21"E 61.85' 5' 43'18" 619.58' 61.87' 30.96' C33 N38'13'270E 60.64' 5.36'37" 619.58' 60.67' 30.36' C34 N43'48'29"E 60.07' 5'33'26" 619.58' 60.09' 30.07' C35 S77'51'46•"E 37.57' 39'56'38" 55.00' 38.34' 19.99' C36 N57'58'270E 45.08' 48'22'55" 55.00' 46.44' 24.71' C37 N20'11'210E 25.85' 27'11'18" 55.00' 26.10' 13.30' C38 N13'28'35"W 37.75' 40.08'32" 55.00' 38.53' 20.10' C39 N54'38'32"W 39.59' 42'11'22" 55.00' 40.50' 21.22' C40 S89'42'52"W 27.63' 29'05'50" 55.00' 27.93' 14.27' C41 S60'52'34"W 27.15' 28'34'44" 55.00' 27.43' 14.01' C42 S08'30'090E 72.35' 82'15'16" 55.00' 78.96' 48.03' C43 S55'19'29"W 42.45' 45'24'00" 55.00' 43.58' 23.01' C44 S89'11'46"E 24,33' 25'33'31" 55.00' 24.53' 12.47' C45 N65'59158"E 19.89' 20.50'05" 55.00' 20.00` 10.11` C46 N42'54'53"W 24.12' 25'20'04" 55.00' 24.32' 12.36' C47 N19'35'08"W 20.35' 21'19'25" 55.00' 20.47' 10.35' C48 N06'39'470E 29.56' 31'10'24" 55.00' 29.92' 15.34' C49 N63'19'51"W 17.03' 39'50'05" 25.00' 17.38' 9.06' C50 S69'49'07"W 22.65' 53'51'59" 25.00' 23.50' 12.70' C51 N24'58'42"W 15.81' 36"52'12" 25.00' 16.09' 8.33' C52 N20'01'18"E 22.36' 53"07'48" 25.00' 23.18' 12.50' C53 N24'50'47"E 495.21' 36'04`43" 799.58' 503.49' 260.41' r NOTICE: 'fHERE MAY BE ADDITIONAL RESTRICTIONS THAT ARE NOT RECORDED ON THIS PLAT THAT MAY BE FOUND IN THE PUBLIC RECORDS OF THIS COUNTY. / S � a - 11028'46" 9� air R ` 665.16 so •O0 F QQj• L - 133.27' ti v� so G / gsse 10 22 9 os sR 6 • ec o''0 'i�. a SO 6S03. ab 6 6e, �p y0 P �b:r pO ..ry `Sv 24 SQ �F m C40 1��21 k �2 d. pi o� �O V. / yq, �rO •0096• � �S, SF 20 00 •v� N ch, � ,'sa 26 F �13° M W 9 09 60 / 3 . c'y n m 2 rbc 60 vv 00, 910" 38.07' 6 26 �o.6F 00 00 0 G� F C37 R S83°2418 E C4 pS6y/ e0 60''^Z q,2P O 24.60,N 83°24 .,? O C49 QEF �O OO. 'P OQ 2� S. C9 �6 9 V 20 60 2h �6� h 011 \/0 , OO 14.5 q . y9S �Sv So\tiO s x�pbpp 4p 00 'S y� �� 18 6v.00. ��.��. 17 -r- y eS1 y y9J� ��S 0. 16 / O`ar VZ 7a0 9 0.ts� Q 0. F rL'o S. 1 �O vB O 41'E 240.09 15 LP 53.56' M9 25 s h ^ c °3 14\ c? `� `Set • .p 0 O� ay.0i9. 4j Zia QQ V Nai 1?p4� Oj 42� 4 y8• \ OO�y O 13 p� Ses'q 4 0. �0 .6S o �N v 120 0 03 E V �P 6o.`�v. m o o ' h 96. o1 let _j^N 5 C30a 25 12 Z s`�3 A o ® o; e O S71.4 NR . v O\30.00, A 0' N W 93.00 �9 yf 38.86v NsT Qbco9 1to 6 $81• 35"`N °E0 O�"!y 96• W OLjjd N81 4' 35 y vNe �p Ra N.R 51 81 C46 A m Q CS p� (( rno S81° R ' 44.72 0'45 C44 G ti v rn ;V LLJ6 N• 0 9V�. a�1 mM t► j� CD o U u? . W o t�0 �st.�i9. 6.79 2 co U � _ N N - ; O N� 7 N y N t0 03 , 10 •fit W to V ^ .' `U n 8 N ft m CIL! �y j' 2 .r _N J J 60.00. 60 2 2 9By 60 9� v 00' 4 �� 0 S78•37, " 60.00. 9 •,� to JE 282.02. 90.64, p09�p^ Cu Q) (a is m Q 0) al P In v m � r C N a �� 9 I� f e cn A N •N u� N a • NN N NNI 'l$• p0 p2 GJ yo N87'02 095W 331.00 p2 $16-p 1 N32004'32"W a� ,(ohs 20 11.90' 9-1\0 11.90, 5� NOT i SHEET 2 OF 2 - NOTES 1. 0 DENOTES P.R.M. (04 C.M.) P.L.S. #3421. 2. 0 DENOTES P.C.P. P.L.S. #3421. 3. 0 DENOTES CHANGE IN DIRECTION NOT PERMANENTLY STAKED. 4. RAD. - DENOTES RADIAL LOT LINES. 5. N.R. - DENOTES NON RADIAL LINES. 6. A 10' UTILITY EASEMENT IS RESERVED ALONG ALL LOT LINES ADJACENT TO RIGHTS -OF -WAYS, UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. 7. A 5' UTILITY EASEMENT IS RESERVED ALONG REAR AND SIDE LOT LINES, UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. 8. TRACTS B AND C ARE OPEN SPACE AND LANDSCAPE BUFFERS AND ARE OWNED AND.MAINTAINED BY WESMERE MAINTENANCE ASSOCIATION, INC. 9. TRACT A IS LAKE/OPEN SPACE AND IS OWNED AND MAINTAINED BY WESMERE MAINTENANCE ASSOCIATION, INC. 10. ACCESS RIGHTS TO WESMERE PARKWAY FROM TRACTS B & C ARE DEDICATED TO WESMERE MAINTENANCE ASSOCIATION, INC. ACCESS RIGHTS MAY NOT BE RELEASED WITHOUT THE PRIOR WRITTEN APPROVAL OF THE CITY OF OCOEE. 11. THE CITY OF OCOEE IS SUBJECT TO THE TERMS, PROVISIONS, AND RESTRICTIONS OF F.S. CHAPTER 163 CONCERNING MORATORIUMS ON THE ISSUANCE OF BUILDING PERMITS UNDER CERTAIN CIRCUMSTANCES. THE CITY HAS NO LAWFUL AUTHORITY TO EXEMPT ANY PRIVATE ENTITY, OR ITSELF, FROM THE APPLICATION OF SUCH STATE LEGISLATION AND HEREIN SHALL BE CONSTRUED AS SUCH AN EXEMPTION. PRIOR TO THE APPROVAL OF BUILDING PERMITS FOR THE PROJECT, OR ANY PORTION THEREOF, THE APPLICANT/OWNER WILL NEED TO APPLY FOR AND OBTAIN, A FINAL CERTIFICATE OF CONCURRENCY PURSUANT TO ARTICLE IX OF THE OCOEE LAND DEVELOPMENT CODE. NEITHER THE REVIEW OF THE APPLICATION/PROJECT BY THE CITY NOR THE GRANTING OF ANY APPROVALS IN CONNECTION WITH SUCH REVIEW SHALL BE CONSTRUED TO GRANT THE APPLICANT/OWNER ANY ENTITLEMENT TO OBTAIN A FINAL CERTIFICATE OF CONCURRENCY WITH RESPECT TO ALL OR ANY PORTION OF THE PROJECT OR TO CREATE ANY EXEMPTION FROM THE PROVISIONS OF ARTICLE IX OF THE OCOEE LAND DEVELOPMENT CODE. 12. THE DEDICATOR HEREBY GRANTS A PERPETUAL NON-EXCLUSIVE EASEMENT FOR THE PURPOSES OF INGRESS AND EGRESS, ALONG THE PRIVATE DRIVEWAYS, PRIVATE ROADS, PRIVATE SIDEWALKS AND OTHER PRIVATE AREAS, AS APPLICABLE, AS SAME ARE FROM TIME TO TIME CONSTITUTED AND LOCATED BY THE DEDICATOR, ITS SUCCESSORS OR ASSIGNS, OVER AND ACROSS TRACT A. FOR THE USE OF THE OWNERS OF LOTS WITHIN THIS SUB- DIVISION. THEIR HEIRS, SUCCESSORS. ASSIGNS, TENANTS, LESSEES NE Cor., W 1/2, NE 1/4 AND INVITEES, AS WELL AS FOR THE USE OF THE CITY OF OCOEE OR SEC.3I-22-28 �N OTHER APPLICABLE AUTHORITY FOR POLICE, FIRE AND OTHER EMERGENCY N. LINE, NE 1/4 ° Avis SERVICES. THE DEDICATOR FURTHER GRANTS A PERPETUAL NON-EXCLUSIVE EASEMENT FOR THE INSTALLATION AND MAINTENANCE OF UNDERGROUND SEC 31-22-28 NE COR., SEC 31-22-28 ,NNtP PUBLIC UTILITIES (AND ABOVE GROUND APPURTENANCES THERETO, N89'52'46 " � .>a BUT ONLY AS AND TO THE EXTENT REQUIRED) OVER, ACROSS, UNDER AND W-�- THROUGH TRACT A TO THE CITY OF OCOEE. ALL WORK RESPECTING SUCH 1316.57' ►I� EASEMENTS SHALL BE PERFORMED SO AS TO MINIMIZE DISRUPTION 1 OF THE APPLICABLE PORTIONS OF TRACT A. TRACT A IS TO BE NW COR., Plantation Grove West OWNED AND MAINTAINED BY WESMERE MAINTENANCE ASSOCIATION,INC. N 13. BEARING STRUCTURE IS BASED ON THE NORTH LINE OF THE NE 1/4 a m ! OF SECTION 31-22-28 (NB9' 52' 46"W) .ro rn Q to to o 71' \ m O W C z v^ N N _ 3 3 N � N N FAI RFAX VI LLAGE m I W N N o = 06 P. B. PG. rn TRACT A C Lake/Open Space) PLATTED ---P- --- - - t .1 .' 0) ro I 'Q' Bowyer singleton associates I N C O R P O R A T E D 520 So Magnolia Avenue Orlando, Florida 32801 407-843'5120