HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem V (A) Ordinance No 93-11, realting to Case No 1-4AR-93: Holzworth, Annexation AGENDA 7-6-93 Item V A ORDINIALCil NO. 93-11 CASE NO. 1-4AR-93: HOLZWORTH AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF OCOEE, FLORIDA, ANNEXING INTO THE CORPORATE LIMITS OF THE CITY OF OCOEE, FLORIDA, CERTAIN REAL PROPERTY LOCATED AT THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF SILVER STAR ROAD AND SECOND STREET, PURSUANT TO THE APPLICATION SUBMITTED BY THE PROPERTY OWNERS; FINDING SAID ANNEXATION TO BE CONSISTENT WITH THE OCOEE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AND THE OCOEE CITY CODE; PROVIDING FOR AND AUTHORIZING THE UPDATING OF OFFICIAL CITY MAPS; PROVIDING DIRECTION TO THE CITY CLERIC; PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY; PROVIDING FOR CONFLICTS; PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, pursuant to Section 171.044, Florida Statutes, the owner or owners of certain real property located in unincorporated Orange County, Florida, as hereinafter described, have petitioned the City Commission of the City of Ocoee, Florida ("the Ocoee City Commission") to annex said real property into the corporate limits of the City of Ocoee, Florida; and WHEREAS, the Ocoee City Commission has determined that said petition bears the signatures of all owners of the real property proposed to be annexed into the corporate limits of the City of Ocoee, Florida; and WHEREAS, notice of the proposed annexation has been published pursuant to the requirements of Section 171.044 (2) , Florida Statutes and Section 5-9 (E) of Chapter 180 of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Ocoee ("the Ocoee City Code") ; and WHEREAS, the Planning and Zoning Commission of the City of Ocoee, Florida, has reviewed the proposed annexation and found it to be consistent with the Ocoee Comprehensive Plan, to comply with all applicable requirements of the Ocoee City Code and to be in the best interests of the City of Ocoee and has recommended to the Ocoee City Commission that it approve said annexation petition; and WHEREAS, the Ocoee City Commission has the authority, pursuant to Section 171.044, Florida Statutes to annex said real property into its corporate limits upon petition of the owners of said real property; and WHEREAS, the Ocoee City Commission is desirous of annexing and redefining the boundary lines of the City of Ocoee, Florida, to include said real property. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ENACTED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF OCOEE, FLORIDA, AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. The City Commission of the City of Ocoee, Florida has the authority to adopt this Ordinance pursuant to Article VIII of the Constitution of the State of Florida, Chapters 166 and 171, Florida Statutes, and Section 7 of Article I of the Charter of the City of Ocoee, Florida. Section 2. The City Commission of the City of Ocoee, Florida hereby finds that the petition to annex certain lands, as hereinafter described, into the corporate limits of the City of Ocoee, Florida, bears the signatures of all owners of the real property proposed to be annexed into the corporate limits of the City of Ocoee, Florida. Section 3. The following described real property located in unincorporated Orange County, Florida, is hereby annexed into the corporate limits of the City of Ocoee, Florida: SEE EXHIBIT "A" ATTACHED HERETO AND BY THIS REFERENCE MADE A PART HEREOF (hereinafter referred to as "said land") . Section 4. The City Commission of the City of Ocoee, Florida hereby finds that the annexation of said land is consistent with the Ocoee Comprehensive Plan and meets all of the requirements for annexation set forth in the Ocoee Comprehensive Plan and Ocoee City Code. Section 5. A map of said land herein described which clearly shows the annexed area is attached hereto as Exhibit "A" and by this reference made a part hereof. Section 6. The corporate territorial limits of the City of Ocoee, Florida, are hereby redefined to include said land herein described and annexed. Section 7. The City Clerk is hereby authorized to update and supplement official City maps of the City of Ocoee, Florida, to include said land herein described and annexed. Section 8. The land herein described and future inhabitants of said land herein described shall be liable for all debts and obligations and be subject to all species of taxation, laws, ordinances, and regulations of the City of Ocoee, Florida, and be entitled to the same privileges and benefits as other areas of the City of Ocoee, Florida. Section 9. If any section, subsection, sentence, clause, phrase, or portion of this Ordinance is for any reason held invalid or unconstitutional by any court of competent jurisdiction, such portion shall be deemed a separate, distinct, and independent provision and such holding shall not affect the validity of the remaining portion hereto. Section 10. All ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith are hereby repealed. Section 11. This ordinance shall take effect upon passage and adoption, and that thereafter the City Clerk is hereby directed to file a certified copy of this Ordinance with the clerk of the circuit court and the chief administrative officer of Orange County, Florida and with the Florida Department of State within seven (7) days from the date of adoption of this Ordinance. PASSED AND ADOPTED this day of , 1993 . APPROVED: ATTEST: CITY OF OCOEE, FLORIDA Jean Grafton, City Clerk S. Scott Vandergrift, Mayor (SEAL) ADVERTISED June 17, 1993 ADVERTISED June 24, 1993 READ FIRST TIME June 15, 1993 READ SECOND TIME AND ADOPTED Under Agenda Item No. FOR USE AND RELIANCE ONLY HY THE CITY OF OCOEE, FLORIDA. APPROVED AS TO FORM AND LEGALITY this day of , 1993 . FOLEY & LARDNER By: City Attorney 06••10.93 09:59 1:2407 648 1743 FOLEY & LARDER 4,..,()11) 017 . • i EXHIBIT A UNO OESCPIPTION: TILE WEST 150.01 FEET LESS THE WEST 30.01 TELT OF THE NORTH 206.11 ILI:-..1 FEET LESS THE SOUTH 30.01 TEE? OT THE SOUTHEAST 1/4 OP THE SOUTHEAST 1/4 OF THE NORTHEAST 1/4 OT SECTION 17. TOWNSHIP 22 SOUTH, RANGE 29 EAST AS DESCRIBED IN PUBLIC RECORDS OF ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA AND BEING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: FROM A FOIST 29.16 FEET EAST OF AND 30.00 FEET NORTH OF THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF THE SOUTHEAST 1/4 OF THE SOUTHEAST 1/4 OF THE NORTHEAST 1/4 OF AFOREMGNTIONED SECTION 17. SAID POINT LYING ON THE INTERSECTION Or THE EASTERLY AND NORTHERLY RIGHTS OT WAY LINES FOR SECOND STREET AND SHIVER STAR ROAD (STATE ROAD 1436) RESPECTIVELY. RUN 176.10 FEET, N01 35'O0"W ALONG THE EASTERLY RIGHT OP WAY LINE or SECOND STREET: THENCE 120.00 FEET. NS0.00'00"E; THENCE 176.10. 503 35'00"E TO THE NORTHEELY RIORT OF WAY LINE OF SILVER STAR ROAD; THENCE 120.00 FEET. 690'00'430N ALONG TRE NORTHERLY RIGHT Or WAY LINE OF SILVER STAR ROAD TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING. CONTAININQ SAF 1' • JQ' 0.415 ACRE. NOTES/LEBEND: 1. REPRODUCTIONS OF THIS SKETCH ARE NOT VALID UNLESS SEALED WITH AN MIMED SURVEYORS SEAL 2. LANDS SHOWN HEREON WERE NOT ABSTRACTED FOR RIPFT-Of-MAYS.EASEIENTE.WNERSNIP OR OTHER INS(f4RNENTS OF RECORD. 3. BEARINGS SIOWN HEREON ARE RELATIVE TO THE SOUTH LINE OF THE S.E. 1/4 OF THE S.E 114 OF THE N.E 1/4 OF SECTION 17-22-26 AS BEING ASSUMED N90'00'co.E. E. ACCORDING TO THE NATIONAL FLOOD INSURANCE PROGRAM. 11000 INSURANCE RATE NAPS. COMMUNITY PANE N0. (20179 0175 C. REVISION DATE JUNE 15. 1984 THIS PROPERTY LIES IN ZONE 'C'. 9 Fare 1' IRR PIPE IWTERSECfIMI AT NOON AVEHE H90'00'00'E 120.00' ("FOLIC 1 Ur MIN PIPE RIM L Ur IRON PIPE4 a 0 M I,— y.lu WI. co SAO ilm u:3. tA7 Gs .r ..4 W b x 1.1.1 N7 En O a, b to 1' EEVE gi • + wowl ' = ci DI I. I5 11.50. FISC 2' Ilial PIPE --/40'24.4.324 OY 8IIEAD PROLINE EAST 20 Ir �N°1°' 05'Ef I/2' IRON Rat'1134 last FOLIC 1/r IRON R00•4139 $ sEr•r on DRI 590°00'08'11 120.00' 7.rIL.a.r2L a UTN ISI, • 1. 4WR 1r ,.;,'� . I-81VIER STAR ROAD (!' RIOT-ce-NAT) ,sourN uua se 1/4 50 Rr4 ME 114 SEC.M22-211 SA COMER tF 714E or 00'00'E 660.ar FW20 3' BRASS OI9( LE 1/A Cr THELE 1/1 EAR u4 come tf THE N.E. 1/A OF SECflal 17.22-23 S2ITia 17-22-21 • CERTIFICATE ``• WE HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THE ATTACHED DRAWING IS TRUE ANO CORRECT TO THE BEST OF OUR KNOWLEDGE .AFIQ:9E1.SF 15 PREPARE, UNDER DUR DIRECTION IN APRIL 1993. WE FURTHER CERTIFY THAT THIS DRAWING MEETS THE MINIMUM TECI[iIC.1L STANOAROS SET FORTH IN RULE 21HH-6 ADOPTED BY THE FLORIDA BOARD OF LAND SURVEYORS,PURSUANT TO FLORIDA STAWX '7' ^ ' � ' "0`..IFIED CORRECT Ta F1THE FIR( BT: FIRST UNION NATIONAL BALD( OF FLORIDA NAY 0 0 1993 GILLIAN J: tACZW.I ' WARLICRE. FASSS1T, DIVINE C ANTHONY, P.A. PROFESSIONAL.I.+WO•Si4VE1all CHICAGO TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY DATE FLORIDA.REGISURA=LON/R...'433A It ALEI 5 CEORGRNS PEROOHO ' .'1:T :2 r st -`; CAW FILE:PERMIT gfEG(1s ®POs99 tants, Il P0e" REVISION DATE DR F8/A6 Icx1 CMI ENGINEERING • MAPPING ' SURVEYING T 6900 SILVER STAR AM. SUITE 205 I mum S �IIDA 32918 T PIIf12FTT NO.677.001 (107)294-1722 LI. NO. 5257 $WImART SIFYEY 14/8/43_ ® 69/57-58 I Uti!10%93 U9:59 p-IU7 t543 1143 tULL1 LAttl) ER 4017, U17 • • EXHIBIT " A" • CITY OF OCOEE PLANNING DEPARTMENT VERIFIED LEGAL DESCRIPTION FORM The following legal description has been prepared by P a t Bond and submitted to the City Planning Department for verification. • `---P10—r 1160-4_ Signature April 28. 1993 Date APPUCATION REQUEST (OFrICE USE ONLY): ' FILE NO: /- +AR-41 HolZwp,7/ LEGA • SCRIPTION (TO BE TYPED BY APPUCANT): The West -1.01 feet less the West 30.01 feet of the North 206 .11 fret less the Sou 0.01 feet of the Southeast 1/4 of the Southeas 4 of the Northeast of Section 17, Township 22 South, Ran. - 8 East as described in Public •-cords of Orange County, Fiori ._ and being more particularly describe. •s follows: From a point 29.18 feet East of an. 1.00 --et North of the Southwest corner of the Southeast 1/4 of the S• t 1/4 of the Northeast 1/4 of aforementioned Section 17, sass saint lyi on the intersection of the Easterly and Northerl' -ights of way line or Second Street and Silver Star Road (S - Road #438) respectively, 176.10 feet, N01°35100" along th- -• sterly right of way line of Secon. reet; thence 20.00 feet, N90°e• 00"E; thence 176 .10, S01°35'00"E to the No .erly right of w• . ine of Silver Star Road; thence 120.00 feet. S90°i+ ' '0"W along ortherly right of way line of Silver Star Road to the Point of :-ginning. Containing 0.485 Acre.