HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem VI (B) Wetlands Mitigation Plan and the Mitigation Design for Hudson Commercial Subdivision AGENDA 6-15-93 "CENTER OF GOOD LIVING-PRIDE OF WEST ORANGE" Item VI B Ocoee J.M-L, I V ttivunr.%aImIr R CITY OF OCOEE COMMISSIONERS ON '" fJ r O. 150 N.LAKESHORE DRIVE PAUL W.FOSTER v O OCOEE,FLORIDA 34761 VERN COMBS :44 1 ?v (407)656-2322 SAM WOODSON yrF� AF G 00� , CITY MANAGER STAFF REPORT ELLIS SHAPIRO TO: The Honorable Mayor and City Commission FROM: Bruce C. Behrens, Director of Planning?' DATE: June 9, 1993 RE: REVIEW OF THE WETLANDS MITIGATION PLAN AND THE MITIGATION DESIGN FOR HUDSON COMMERCIAL SUBDIVISION BACKGROUND: Hudson Commercial Subdivision is a 17.45 acre tract located on the south side of West Colonial Drive west of and adjacent to the Ocoee Medical Center. The Zoning is C-3, General Commercial. No vested rights have been applied for. The preliminary plan was first submitted to the City of Ocoee for review on April 1, 1992 . It has gone through a number of revisions, the latest of which was submitted to the City on January 8, 1993. A portion of the land affected by the proposed subdivision is designated as Conservation Area on the Ocoee Future Land Use Map. The Ocoee Comprehensive Plan on p. 24 of the Future Land Use Element states that areas designated as Conservation on the Future Land Use Map " . . .will be delineated on a site by site basis as development proposals are considered. The Future Land Use Map identifies approximate general locations of the areas. " The proposed Mitigation Plans must be considered by the Planning and Zoning Commission and the City Commission at advertised public hearings. The report submitted by the Director of Planning must include the reports and recommendations of the various agencies (see attached Exhibit "A") . The Planning and Zoning Commission and the City Commission must act on the Mitigation Plans "prior to taking action on the subdivision" plan. The applicant has requested approval of the Mitigation Plans which identify certain wetlands which would be impacted by the proposed development and sets forth a proposed wetlands mitigation area (see attached Exhibit "B") . at, STAFF REPORT JUNE 9, 1993 PAGE TWO The proposed Mitigation Design and Wetlands Mitigation Plan must be reviewed in accordance with the criteria and procedures established under Article VII of the Ocoee Land Development Code. These procedures are separate and distinct from the procedures for review of the Preliminary Subdivision Plan. Article VII of the Ocoee Land Development Code contemplates that the Mitigation Plans will be : (1) Approved, (2) Approved with conditions, or (3) denied. If approved, a separate permit would be issued ("The Wetlands Mitigation Permit") . After issuance or denial of such permit, the Development Review Committee will complete its review of the Preliminary Subdivision Plan. DISCUSSION "The City of Ocoee, through an Interlocal Agreement with Orange County, monitors and classifies all wetlands affected by development, " (p. 18 - Conservation Element - Ocoee Comprehensive Plan) . The site inspection called for by the Ocoee Comprehensive Plan was completed with the assistance of Orange County on November 9, 1992 and the findings of that inspection are attached (see letter from Bruce McClendon, Planning Manager for Orange County, dated November 16, 1992, Exhibit "C") . Four wetlands were identified. Wetland #4 has been classified as a Class II Wetland, approximately 23 acres in size and extending off-site. Impacts and mitigation within Wetlands 1, 2, and 3 would be supported by the Orange County Planning Department. The letter from Orange County Planning Manager, Bruce McClendon goes on to say, "Wetland impacts proposed for Wetland 4 cannot be supported by the Orange County Planning Department since Wetland 4 extends off- site and is a viable system approximately 23 acres in size. " The attached letter (Exhibit "D") from Liz Johnson of St. John's Water Management District indicates that they had insufficient information from the developer to make any judgement at this time. Letters from various other state agencies who reviewed the Mitigation Plans are also attached (Exhibits C and D) . STAFF REPORT JUNE 9, 1993 PAGE THREE Orange County commented on the proposed Wetland Mitigation proposal in another letter from Bruce McClendon dated March 31, 1993 (see attached Exhibit "E") . McClendon says: "Preservation of this wetland which extends offsite does not appear to preclude the applicant from obtaining reasonable use of the remaining portion of the site. Impacts to a portion of this wetland have the potential to negatively impact wetland viability extending offsite onto properties adjoining the Hudson Commercial Development site. " Planning Manager McClendon's letter continues: "The equitability of planting a stormwater retention pond and enhancement of isolated wetlands interior of a commercial site as compensation for impacts to a wetland extending offsite is questionable. " The requirement for wetland "Buffer Zones" is addressed in the Ocoee Comprehensive Plan in the Conservation Element starting on p. 30: Buffer Zones: In order to ensure the preservation of valuable wetland habitats, buffer zones shall be required for all developments adjacent to those areas. The purpose of setting aside buffer zones between a wetland and a developed upland area is to protect the integrity of the wetland's water supply, its water quality, and associated wetland-dependent wildlife. (A buffer zone can also be thought of as a transition zone between two different land uses that separates and protects one from another. ) The Land Development Code (Article VII, p. 18182) calls for Wetland Buffers to be a minimum of seventy-five (75) feet in width except where the City Commission finds that it is impractical to maintain that width. Other sections of the Land Development Code refer to Conservation Element policies that call for a minimum of a twenty-five (25) foot buffer. While buffering the fringe areas of the Wetland is vital to the Wetlands ability to function properly, a seventy-five 975) foot buffer at this location would prohibit development of a large section of the property's frontage on West Colonial Drive. The Ocoee Comprehensive Plan and the legislative intent of the Land Development Code, is clearly spelled out in Article I under the "Purpose" Section: "To preserve and protect the environment and natural resources and beauty of the City of Ocoee. " This must be carefully weighed against the property owner's right to the reasonable use of this property. STAFF REPORT JUNE 9, 1993 PAGE FOUR The review of the Mitigation Plans must be based on the standards set forth in Section 7-4 of the Ocoee Land Development Code; which includes the following: (1) The City Commission may require the rearrangement of lots in order to minimize impacts on the wetlands. (2) No excavation or filling can take place within a wetland unless the City Commission finds, based on reasonable evidence, that there is no practical alternative to filling. (3) Where wetlands are disturbed, new wetlands must be created at the rate of two times the area destroyed. (4) A minimum 75' buffer is required around connected (FDER Jurisdictional) wetlands unless the City Commission finds that it is impractical to maintain that width. (5) The City may require a conservation easement over the wetlands in order to assure that they are not disturbed. (Note: The City should consider requiring a conservation easement in all instances where wetlands are intended to be protected. ) RECOMMENDED FINDINGS OF FACT The Wetlands Mitigation Plan for Hudson Commercial Subdivision submitted February 19, 1993, identifies four wetlands on the property. Wetlands 1, 2 and 3 are poor quality isolated wetlands. Wetland 4 is a 23 acre viable wetland which extends off the property and serves a significant and productive environmental function. The mitigation proposed for impacts to Wetlands 1, 2 and 3 consists of on-site creation of wetlands of similar type, amount, and function as those wetlands impacted. A twenty-five (25) foot buffer zone adjacent to Wetland 4 is sufficient to protect the wetlands from adjacent development. RECOMMENDED CONCLUSIONS OF LAW The applicant's Wetland Mitigation Plan is consistent with the Ocoee Code of Ordinances and Comprehensive Plan except that no encroachment shall be allowed in Wetland 4 and a twenty-five (25) foot upland buffer shall be provided adjacent to Wetland 4. Wetland 4 shall be delineated by St. Johns River Water Management District and shown on final engineering plans. Avoidance of impacts to Wetland 4 will not preclude applicant from the reasonable use of the property. STAFF REPORT JUNE 9, 1993 PAGE FIVE PLANNING AND ZONING RECOMMENDATION The Planning and Zoning Commission met on June 8, 1993 and recommended the approval of proposed mitigation plan subject to approval of a permit by the St. John's Water Management District and subject to a subsequent review of plans and final engineering approval. The motion was carried 4-2 . PLANNING DIRECTOR'S RECOMMENDATION It is respectfully recommended that the Honorable Mayor and City Commission approve the Recommended Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law set forth above and the applicant's Wetland's Mitigation Plan except: (1) No Development Impacts should be permitted to the 23 acre Class II Wetland identified as Wetland 4. (2) The seventy-five (75) foot buffer requirement should be reduced to twenty-five (25) feet adjacent to Wetland 4 . (3) A Conservation Easement should be required by the City over Wetland 4 to assure that it remains undisturbed. SRP-389 ,.---/7 - ..._r=— Lawton Chiles \0,DEPgRT Governor �� FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES sectate JFF)W Bob Butterworth ti ��' Marjory Stoneman Douglas Building,4,.a.. . ., r-.r-'-...---, - Attorney General 9l pJ --1 e_,f,. i, .. ....1„ �. ljRAL RES 3900 Commonwealth Boulevard"•,)I 1 y I �-` ' '¢ 'J Gerald Lewis Tallahassee, Florida 32399 13 {:•-.r 1U - j 'i l Virginia B.Wetherell P n r .?..i..._:L - >- -- ; i` State Comptroller Executive Director 1' ;l i i Tom Gallagher s ;1, 's =4: 4- �:f_, 'u State Treasurer March 15, 1993 s + Bob Crawford Commissioner of Agriculture L+ . 4 ,a t t. Betty Castor Commissioner of Education Mr. Bruce C. Behrens Director of Planning 150 North Lakeshore Drive Ocoee, Florida 34761 Re: City of Ocoee, Orange County Florida Hudson Commercial Subdivision Project Wetlands Mitigation Plans Dear Mr. Behrens : This is in response to your letter dated March 1, 1993, regarding the above referenced project. The subject site appears to be a wetland area and not subject to the Department of Natural Resources jurisdiction pursuant to Section 253 . 77 Florida Statutes . I hope this information is helpful . If you have any questions, please contact me at the East Central Florida District Office, 400 West Robinson Street, Suite 208-South, Orlando, Florida 32801 or call (407 ) 423-6816 . Sincerely, *144- i , Wilbert Hollid y, Planning Manager Bureau of Submerged Lands and Preserves Division of Lands WH/bam Administration Beaches and Shores Law Enforcement Marine Resources Recreation and Parks Resource Management State Lands • ."01714/77[. ;IIss psi ^rvuR--.'. Honry Doan.Exocut(vo Director 4 John R.Wehle,Assistant Executive Director WATER POST OFFICE BOX 1429 PALATKA, FLORIDA 32178-1429 WU:1WMANAGEMENT TELEPHONE 904/329-4500 SUNCOM 904/860-4500 DISTRICT FAX(EXECUTIVELEGAL)329-4125 (PERMITTING)329-4315 (ADMINISTRATION/FINANCE)329-4506 FIELD STATIONS March 17, 1993 616 E.South SIraet 7775 8aymeadows Way PERMITTING: OPERATIONS: Orlando,Florida 32801 Su*e 102 305 East DAH 2133 N.Wickham Road 407/997-4300 Jadtaonvies,Florida 32256 Mebourna,Florida 32904 Mabourne,Florida 32935-8109 9041730-8270 407/984-4940 407254.1762 Mr. Bruce Behrens o Director of Planning, City of Ocoee 150 North Lakeshore Drive Ocoee FL 34761 MAR 1 8 1993 'Re: Hudson- Commercial Site Application Numbers 4-095-0440A and 12-09-0092A CITY OF OCOEE, • Dear Mr. Behrens : • - The District has received your submittal regarding the aforementioned permit applications . Your cover letter requested the District comments and/or recommendations regarding the Wetlands Mitigation and Compensating Storage Plan associated with the aforementioned projects . At this time, staff is reviewing a Wetland Resource Management permit application and a Management and Storage of Surface Waters permit application. Enclosed for your review are the Requests for Additional Information (RAI) for each of the permit applications currently in-house . At this time, staff has no recommendations for the aforementioned projects . Recommendations for either approval or denial will be determined after the permit application files are determined to be technically and administra- tively complete. Thank you for your cooperation with District staff . I can be contacted at 407/897-4318 should you require additional information. Sincerely, ak)&16 Elizab th R. JohDo , rEn i�Csnmental Specialist Depa> ent of Reso J e Management ERJ:db Enclosures ( 2 ) r/ cc : PDS-GC, Pat Fro t, Mary E . Brabham, P.E . , Nancy Barnard Mr. William R. Holmes Conklin, Porter and Holmes - Engineers, Inc . 1104 East Robinson Street, Orlando FL 32801 Mr. Gary Exner, Environmental Management Systems , Inc . 393 Whooping Loop, Suite 1483, Altamonte Springs FL 32701 Mr. James Hudson, Triple H Properties 923 Observatory Court, Orlando FL 32818 • Joe E.Hill, CHAIRMAN Joseph D.Collins, VICE CHAIRMAN Jesse J.Parrish,III, TREASURER Lenore N.McCullagh SECRETARY LEESBURG JACKSONVILLE TITUSVILLE ORANGE PARK Merritt C.Fore Ralph E.Simmons Saundra H.Gray Patricia T.Harden James H.Williams OCALA FERNANDINA BEACH DE MIRY SANFORO OCALA • EX/e7 /r-4 ,jl. Q. � Ai'c. Florida Department of Environmental Regulation W° 1 �;i 1>, ,1'h�'2 Central District • 3319 Maguire Boulevard, Suite 232 • Orlando, Florida 32803-3767 i !t�'j�, p Virginia B. Wetherell, Secretary Lawton Chiles, Governor -414 OF F1.00 March 22 , 1993 OCD-WRP-93-0177 Mr. Bruce C. Behrens , +=:, - 1 - Director of Planning i _ ;: ; City of Ocoee 1,_ ! - ---- 150 N. Lakeshore Drive I W., ` iC,! Ocoee, FL 34761 y: Hudson Commercial Subdivision C377 -,OF OCOEE SJRWMD Application No. 12-095-0092A Orange County - WRP Dear Mr. Behrens: Thank you for your March 1 letter to Tamy Weingarden regarding the proposed wetlands mitigation and compensating storage proposal for the Hudson site in Ocoee. Although copies of the both the city and county codes regarding conservation were enclosed, a copy of the wetland resource permit application was not. As was stated by Elizabeth Johnson (St. Johns River Water Management District) in her February 9 letter to Mr. Hudson, the proposed mitigation won't be reviewed until the application itself is considered complete. In addition, a determination must be made that the wetlands impacts proposed have been minimized before mitigation will be considered. Therefore, until the Department has the opportunity to thoroughly evaluate the complete application, comments will not be provided. Please contact me at 407/894-7555 if you have any questions. Sincerely, ...C_L Lbala 4-:L-L Barbara Bess Program Manager Wetland Resource Permitting cc: Elizabeth Johnson (SJRWMD/Orlando) Pet ix led Pa/mr h`78r1 � 41.4)3 Orange ,.4‘014Z L Planning Department tq Coun Bruce W.McClendon,Manager Jf= 201 South Rosalind Avenue,2nd Floor Reply To:Post Office Box 1393 Orlando, Florida 32802-1393 • Telephone(407)836-5600 March 31, 1993 Bruce C. Behrens, Director of Planning City of Ocoee 150 North Lakeshore Drive Ocoee, Florida 34761 SUBJECT: City of Ocoee, Orange County, Florida Hudson Commercial Subdivision Projecc Wetland Mitigation Proposal Dear Mr. Behrens: Per your request, the mitigation plan proposed for wetland impacts at the referenced project has been reviewed pursuant to the "Conservation Ordinance of Orange County" , (Orange County Code, Chapter 15, Article X) . As required by the Conservation Ordinance, . Section 15-417, a preapplication conference between the planning department and the applicant is held prior to mitigation plan submittal. The purpose of the preapplication meeting is to decide on the appropriate scientific evaluation methods to be utilized, types of information which may be required and to provide the applicant with preliminary comments and concerns. The Hudson Commercial Subdivision mitigation plans were submitted to the City of Ocoee without the benefit of this preapplication meeting. The following comments will serve to incorporate those issues normally addressed at the preapplication meeting with those comments regarding the proposed mitigation as submitted and dated "Received February 19, 1993 , City of Ocoee" . 1. Section 15-418. (1) (2) (3) (4) Proposal Submittal Requirements (1) (2) . Insufficient information has been provided regarding the description of the type and functions of the conservation area being impacted. Please provide a description of the flora and fauna of the wetlands proposed for removal or impact. To include those aquatic or wetland dependent species designated as endangered or threatened (pursuant to Florida Statute 581. 185, and Florida Administrative Code 39-27 . 003 and 39-27 . 004) , which utilize the area and an evaluation of the probable significance of the area to the listed species. (3) . Please provide specific details of the proposed hydrologic ' . ' • • �%xff7�lr� Bruce C. Behrens Hudson Commercial Subdivision March 31, 1993 Page 2 regime of the mitigation area including inflow quantities of water provided. What is the target hydroperiod? Provide calculations which demonstrate that the wetland hydroperiod will function as proposed. Provide documentation indicating type of substrate, location of the substrate source, specifications for substrate installation including depth, disbursement, and a dewatering plan if dewatering is proposed during stormwater retention pond excavation. (4) . The monitoring proposal shall be modified to include an eighty-five (85%) coverage rate of all planted areas will be maintained. 2. Evaluation criteria, Section 15-419 The degree of impact to the wetland functions, whether the impact to these functions can be mitigated, and the feasibility of cost-effective design alternatives which could avoid impact are All factors in determining whether a proposed mitigation measure will be acceptable. The site plan submitted denotes the removal of a Class II wetland in the southwest corner of the site. Section 15-362 (5) , Legislative findings of the Board of County Commissioners finds that "Where wetlands serve a significant and productive environmental function, the public health, safety and welfare require that any alteration or development affecting such lands should be . so designed and regulated so as to minimize or eliminate any impact upon the beneficial environmental productivity of such lands, consistent with the development rights of property owners. " Preservation of this wetland which extends offsite does not appear to preclude the applicant from obtaining reasonable use of the remaining portion of the site. Impacts to a portion of this wetland have the potential to negatively impact wetland viability extending offsite onto properties adjoining the Hudson Commercial Development site. On Class III wetlands are mitigated for at a type for type creation ratio of 1: 1. Class II hydric hammocks, bayheads and mixed hardwood swamps are required to mitigate at a 2 . 5: 1 type for type ratio. As proposed the mitigation ratio for wetland creation is deficient 0. 07 acres. In the case of Class II wetlands, the applicant shall provide reasonable assurance that the proposed wetland creation will be E--5,07.1/2r- d4 Bruce C. Behrens Hudson Commercial Subdivision March 31, 1993 Page 3 viable and will replace the habitat and functions performed by the Class II wetland destroyed. The equitability of planting a stormwater retention pond and enhancement of isolated wetlands interior of a commercial site as compensation for impacts to a wetland extending offsite is questionable. The applicant should also provide reasonable assurance that the proposed development has the financial and institutional stability to carry out the mitigation, monitoring and maintenance requirements. Reasonable assurance may include a performance guarantee as part of the project construction guarantee, cash bond or letter of credit. Thank you for coordinating with Orange County. Questions regarding this proposal evaluation may be directed to Paula Blazer, Senior Planner, at this office. Sincerely, •1 9 ‹ Bruce W. McClendon Planning Manager BWM/PAB/l j d EXHIBIT B Please see attached Wetlands Mitigation and Compensating Storage Plan. Orange County Planning Department Bruce W. McClendon,Manager 201 South Rosalind Avenue, 2nd Floor Reply To:Post Office Box 1393 Orlando, Florida 32802-1393 Telephone(407)836- 600 November 16, 1992 Bruce Berhens, Director of Planning • City of Ocoee - = 150 North Lakeshore Drive Ocoee, Florida 32761 CITY OF QCUE^ Subject: Conservation Area Determination for Hudson Commercial Subdivision (City of Ocoee) in Section 30, Township 22 South and Range 28 East (Application #92-41) Dear Mr. Berhens: • The Board of County Commissioners, at their November 4 , 1965 meeting, authorized County staff to assist the City of Ocoee in their review of Conservation Areas in conjunction with development permits. The following determination was requested by the Ocoee Planning Department for the Hudson Commercial Subdivision. Per a field investigation on November 9 , 1992 and based on Sections 15-364 , 15-378 , 15-379, 15-380, and 15-382 found on pages X-57 through X-65 of the Orange County Land Development Code ( see also these same sections found on pages 1040 through 1043 of the Orange County Code) , a Conservation Area determination has been performed for the referenced property. The Conservation Area Determination is as follows: Wetland # Class Remarks 1 N/A Existing borrow pit to be incorporated into retention/detention system. 2 III Isolated wetland area less than five (5) acres. 3 III Isolated wetland area less than five (5) acres. 4 II A bayhead/mixed hardwood swamp, which extends off site and is less than 40 acres. In those circumstances where development proposals will result in adverse impacts upon conservation areas, the development may proceed • by either complying with the provisions of Section 15-396 or under a mitigation plan approved pursuant to Division 4 of the Conservation Ordinance (copies have been attached) . 45reg/2r- Bruce Behrens Conservation Area Determination November 16, 1992 Page 2 The site plan dated, "Received November 11, 1992 , " depicts wetland impacts and the proposed mitigation. Impacts and mitigation within wetlands 1, 2 , and 3 would be supported by the Planning Department. Wetland impacts proposed for wetland 4 cannot be supported by the Planning Department since Wetland 4 extends off-site and is a viable system approximately 23 acres in size. This determination does not provide relief from any other local , state, or federal policies which regulate activities on the subject property. If you should have any questions concerning this review, please contact Paul Sebert, Planning Technician, of this office. Sincerely, Bruce W. McClendon Planning Manager BWM/PS/ljd Attachments cc: J. E. Hudson, Managing Partner; Triple H Properties; 923 Observatory Court; Orlando, Florida 32818 Sherry Williams-Hooper, AICP, Principal Planner Rick Baird; Environmental Protection Department . y/.1,7g it.,..b .. .. • . „::,,f..., .,..,....,., ;. .. Yoshio 9101/18111"•• — ------- - -•– . _ Honry Doan,Exocutrvo Diroctor John R.Wehle,Assistant Executive Director WATER POST OFFICE BOX 1429 PALATKA, FLORIDA 32178-1429 WNWMANAGEMENT TELEPHONE 904/329-4500 SUNCOM 904/860-4500 DISTRICT FAX(EXECUTIVEtEOAL)329-4125 (PERMITTING)329-4315 (ADMINISTRATION/MANCE)329-4508 FIELD STATIONS March 17 , 1993 618 E.South Street 7775 8aym.adowa Way PERMITTING: OPERATIONS: OrianJa.Florida 32801 Sub 102 305 East Orin 2133 N.Wickham Road 407/897-4300 Jaduon 1I..Florida 32256 Mobourn..Florida 32904 M.boum..Fond 32935 8109 904/730-6270 407/984-4940 407254.1762 Mr. Bruce Behrens Director of Planning, City of Ocoee .... ilim--.1. 150 North Lakeshore Drive / Ocoee FL 34761 MAR 1 8 1993 'Re: Hudson. Commercial Site Application Numbers 4-095-0440A and 12-09-0092A CITY OF OCOEE. Dear Mr. Behrens : • . The District has received your submittal regarding the aforementioned permit applications . Your cover letter requested the District comments and/or recommendations regarding the Wetlands Mitigation and Compensating Storage Plan associated with the aforementioned projects . At this time, staff is reviewing a Wetland Resource Management permit application and a Management and Storage of Surface Waters permit application. Enclosed for your review are the Requests for Additional Information (RAI) for each of the permit applications currently in-house . At this time, staff has no recommendations for the aforementioned projects . Recommendations for either approval or denial will be determined after the permit application files are determined to be technically and administra- tively complete . Thank you for your cooperation with District staff . I can be contacted at 407/897-4318 should you require additional information. Sincerely, Dn D-0 cd7- 1 ;'- Elizab th R. Johftso , Envi±( nmental Specialist Depac ent of Reso r e Management ERJ:db Enclosures ( 2 ) VC/ cc : PDS-GC, Pat Frost, Mary E . Brabham, P . E . , Nancy Barnard Mr. William R. Holmes Conklin, Porter and Holmes - Engineers , Inc . 1104 East Robinson Street, Orlando FL 32801 Mr. Gary Exner, Environmental Management Systems , Inc . 393 Whooping Loop, Suite 1483, Altamonte Springs FL 32701 Mr. James Hudson, Triple H Properties 923 Observatory Court, Orlando FL 32818 Joe E.Hill, CHAIRMAN Joseph D.Collins, VICE CHAIRMAN Jesse J.Parrish,Ill, TREASURER Lenore N.McCullagh SECRETARY LEESBURG JACKSONVILLE TITUSVILLE ORANGE PARK Merritt C.Fore Ralph E.Simmons Saundra H.Gray Patricia T.Harden James H.Williams OCALA FERNANDINA BEACH OE BARY SANFORD OCALA tXg7giT', 05141 Orange -._..... . _ . _ .. _ Ou n l� Planning Department C1 Bruce W.McClendon,Manager 201 South Rosalind Avenue,2nd Floor Reply To:Post Office Box 1393 Orlando,Florida 32802-1393 Telephone(407)836-5600 March 31, 1993 Bruce C. Behrens, Director of Planning City of Ocoee 150 North Lakeshore Drive Ocoee, Florida 34761 SUBJECT: City of Ocoee, Orange County, Florida Hudson Commercial Subdivision Project Wetland Mitigation Proposal Dear Mr. Behrens: Per your request, the mitigation plan proposed for wetland impacts at the referenced project has been reviewed pursuant to the "Conservation Ordinance of Orange County" , (Orange County Code, Chapter 15, Article X) . As required by the Conservation Ordinance, Section 15-417, a preapplication conference between the planning department and the applicant is held prior to mitigation plan submittal. The purpose of the preapplication meeting is to decide on the appropriate scientific evaluation methods to be utilized, types of information which may be required and to provide the applicant with preliminary comments and concerns. The Hudson Commercial Subdivision mitigation plans were submitted to the City of Ocoee without the benefit of this preapplication meeting. The following comments will serve to incorporate those issues normally addressed at the preapplication meeting with those comments regarding the proposed mitigation as submitted and dated "Received February 19 , 1993 , City of Ocoee" . 1. Section 15-418. (1) (2) (3) (4) Proposal Submittal Requirements (1) (2) . Insufficient information has been provided regarding the description of the type and functions of the conservation area being impacted. Please provide a description of the flora and fauna of the wetlands proposed for removal or impact. To include those aquatic or wetland dependent species designated as endangered or threatened (pursuant to Florida Statute 581. 185, and Florida Administrative Code 39-27 . 003 and 39-27 . 004) , which utilize the area and an evaluation of the probable significance of the area to the listed species. (3) . Please provide specific details of the proposed hydrologic Bruce C. Behrens Hudson Commercial Subdivision March 31, 1993 Page 2 regime of the mitigation area including inflow quantities of water provided. What is the target hydroperiod? Provide calculations which demonstrate that the wetland hydroperiod will function as proposed. Provide documentation indicating type of substrate, location of the substrate source, specifications for substrate installation including depth, disbursement, and a dewatering plan if dewatering is proposed during stormwater retention pond excavation. (4) . The monitoring proposal shall be modified to include an eighty-five (85%) coverage rate of all planted areas will be maintained. 2. Evaluation criteria, Section 15-419 The degree of impact to the wetland functions, whether the impact to these functions can be mitigated, and the feasibility of cost-effective design alternatives which could avoid impact are all factors in determining whether a proposed mitigation measure will be acceptable. The site plan submitted denotes the removal of a Class II wetland in the southwest corner of the site. Section 15-362 (5) , Legislative findings of the Board of County Commissioners finds that "Where wetlands serve a significant and productive environmental function, the public health, safety and welfare require that any alteration or development affecting such lands should be so designed and regulated so as to minimize or eliminate any impact upon the beneficial environmental productivity of such lands, consistent with the development rights of property owners. " Preservation of this wetland which extends offsite does not appear to preclude the applicant from obtaining reasonable use of the remaining portion of the site. Impacts to a portion of this wetland have the potential to negatively impact wetland viability extending offsite onto properties adjoining the Hudson Commercial Development site. On Class III wetlands are mitigated for at a type for type creation ratio of 1: 1. Class II hydric hammocks, bayheads and mixed hardwood swamps are required to mitigate at a 2 . 5: 1 type for type ratio. As proposed the mitigation ratio for wetland creation is deficient 0. 07 acres. In the case of Class II wetlands, the applicant shall provide reasonable assurance that the proposed wetland creation will be Bruce C. Behrens Hudson Commercial Subdivision March 31, /993 Page 3 viable and will replace the habitat and functions performed by the Class II wetland destroyed. The equitability of planting a stormwater retention pond and enhancement of isolated wetlands interior of a commercial site as compensation for impacts to a wetland extending offsite is questionable. The applicant should also provide reasonable assurance that the proposed development has the financial and institutional stability to carry out the mitigation, monitoring and maintenance requirements. Reasonable assurance may include a performance guarantee as part of the project construction guarantee, cash bond or letter of credit. Thank you for coordinating with Orange County. Questions regarding this proposal evaluation may be directed to Paula Blazer, Senior Planner, at this office. Sincerely, /C3% - (~ 9171" 1°`-‹ Bruce W. McClendon Planning Manager BWM/PAB/ljd WETLANDS AREA 1 Impacted area 1.15 acres ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS,INC. 800/654-5176 Ltd WETLANDS AREA 2 WETLANDS AREA 3 Impacted area Impacted area 0.18 acres 0.02 acres ® = Impacted wetland areas. WETLAND IMPACTS HUDSON COMMERCIAL SUBDIVISION WETLANDS AREA 4 Impacted area 0.36 acres FILE NAME: HUDSON-1.DWG DATE: 10/26/92 SCALE: 1=200 SHEET N0. 2 PROPERTY BOUNDARY I I I I � ' ,Q ,o I Iz D LUNDARY WETLANDS � I I2 0 3 i W 0 to C13 ;o C3 a la O Q 3 i WETLANDS AREA 1 Impacted area 1.15 acres ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS,INC. 800/654-5176 Ltd WETLANDS AREA 2 WETLANDS AREA 3 Impacted area Impacted area 0.18 acres 0.02 acres ® = Impacted wetland areas. WETLAND IMPACTS HUDSON COMMERCIAL SUBDIVISION WETLANDS AREA 4 Impacted area 0.36 acres FILE NAME: HUDSON-1.DWG DATE: 10/26/92 SCALE: 1=200 SHEET N0. 2 WETLANDS �OUNDARY orc a ' 3 0 m EA 0 a LEGEND PROPERTY BOUNDARY � I I WETLANDS BOUNDARY .o O M Ld i� lO WETLAND PRESERVATION & ENHANCEMENT 0.74 AC CREATED WETLAND 1.03 AC ® = Impacted wetland areas. ® = Preserved/enhanced & created wetlands. raw ■ ENVIRONMENTAL WETLAND FILE NAME: HUDSON-2.DWG • MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS,INC. PRESERVATION & ENHANCEMENT DATE: 10/26/92 800/654-5176 HUDSON COMMERCIAL SUBDIVISION SCALE: 1=200 SHEET N0. 3 EXISTING PRESERVATION_ AND ENHANCEMENT Wetlands 2 k 3 shall be preserved. These areas will be enhanced by removing all Australian Pines, Chinaberry, and Ear trees. Treated stormwater shall diverted Into the Northeast corner of Wetland 2 and allowed to sheet Row through this area that maintaining the existing hydroperiod. An impervious barrier shall be used In the berm between Wetland 2 and the wetland creation area to prevent Iola of water from Wetland 2. ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS,INC. 800/654-5176 MITIGATION ZONE A I ZONE B MHW = 113.0 ZONE A CROSS SECTION A — A N.T.S. PLANT LIST FOR CREATED WETLAND TREES ZONE SPACINGUo ANTITY Red Maple - Acer rubrum A 10' O.C. 29 Dahoon Holly- ilex cossine A 10' O.C. 29 Sweet Boy- Magnolia virginiono 8 10' O.C. 20 Labially Bay- Gardenia loslonthus B 10' O.C. 20 Pop Ash- Frcxinus earoliniona 8 10' O.C. 20 HERBACEOUS Cordgrose - Sportino bakers Sort Rush- Juncus A 3' O.C. 655 effusus Chain Fem- Woodwardia virginico 8 B 3' O.C. 3' D.C. 70 70 Swamp Fem- Slechnum serrulotum B 3' O.C. 70 Note: Zone 'A' is 115' to 113.5 Zone 'B' Is 113.5' to 113' Note: All tree species shall be of 6' - e' ht.. all herbaceous species shall be In liners or barerooL SPECIFICATIONS MAINTENANCE EXISTING GRADE THE PLANTED AREA SHALL SE MAINTAINED MONTHLY FOR THE FIRST QUARTER. THEN BI -MONTHLY FOR THE NEXT THREE OUARTERS, THEN OUARTERLY FOR THE NEXT YEAR. EXOTIC AND NUISANCE SPECIES SHALL BE HAND -REMOVED SO THAT THEY DO NOT EXCEED TOX OF THE TOTAL BIOMASS. MONITORING THE PLANTED AREAS SHALL BE MONITORED SEMIANNUALLY FOR 5 YEARS MONITORING REPORTS SHALL BE SENT TO THE DIRECTOR OF RECORDS AT ST. JOHNS RIVER WATER MANAGEMENT DISTRICT. P.O. BOX 1429. PALATKA. FL 32078-1429, AND TO THE DEPARTMENT OF RESOURCE MANAGEMENT OF THE LOCAL DISTRICT OFFICE. Ae—Rtnf T MONiTORfN . REPORT THE FIRST MONITORING REPORT SHALL BE SUBMITTED WITHIN 30 DAYS AFTER COMPLETION OF THE InTIGATION. AND. IN ADDITION TO THE BIOLOGICAL REPORT, SHALL WOLUDE AN AS—BUILT SURVEY (CERTIFIED BY A PROFESSIONAL SURVEYOR). THE SURVEY SHALL INCLUDE: LIMITS OF MITIGATION, TOPOGRAPHY. SLOPES, SURFACE OR GROUNDWATER ELEVATION (WHICHEVER IS APPROPRIATE). AND LIMITS OF PLANTED AREAS. ALL ELEVATIONS SHALL BE RELATIVE TO NCVD. THE MONITORING REPORT SHALL INCLUDE, AS AN OVERLAY 70 THE SURVEY: 1 THE LOCA71CN OF THE VARIOUS PLANTED SPECIES. 2 11HE LOCATION OF THE PROPOSED BELT TRANSECTS OR QUADRATS AND THEIR ELEVATIONS. 3 THE LOCATION OF PIEZOMETERS OR STAFF GAUGES (NOTE ALL PIEZOMETERS OR STAFF GAUGES SHALL BE SURVEYED TO NGVD). 4) THE LOCATION OF PANORAMIC PHOTO POINTS AT EACH MITICATION AREA. N ADDITION. THE AS—BUILT MOM70MNG REPORT SHALL DISCUSS THE HYDROLOGY OF EACH MITIGATION AREA AT THE 1IME OF PUNTED. THE SOIL CONDITIONS, ANY ECOLOGICAL OBSERVATIONS (EARLY INVADING SPECIES. ETC.), AND ANY FIELD CHANCES TO THE W71GA71ON PLAN AND THE REASONS FOR THE CHANGES. SeMIANNLIAI RfPORTe THE FIRST SEMIANNUAL MONITORING REPORT IS DUE 6 MONTHS AFTER COMPLETION OF THE MITIGATION WORK, IF THE MITiCARCN IS DONE N PHASES, THE REPORTS SHALL BE SUBMITTED 6 MONTHS AFTER COMPLETION OF EACH INDIVIDUAL MITIGATION AREA. THE SEMIANNUAL REPORTS SHALL INCLUDE: 1 A VISUAL ESTIMATE OF THE x SURVIVAL OF EA. SPECIES. 2 A VISUAL ESTIMATE OF THE X AERIAL COVERAGE IN EACH MITIGATION AREA. 3 CALCULATIONS OF DOMINANCE. DENSITY, AND DIVERSITY FOR EACH OF THE BELT TRANSECTS OR QUADRATS. 4 GROWTH MEASUREMENTS FOR A REPRESENTATIVE SAMPLING OF TREES AND HERBACEOUS SPECIES. S A DISCUSSION OF THE HYDROLOGY OF EACH MITIGATION AREA IF STANDING WATER IS PRESENT. THE ELEVATION RELATIVE TO NGVO SHOULD BE REPORTED. IF STANDING WATER IS NOT PRESENT. SOIL HYDRICITY SHOULD BE DISCUSSED. 6 A UST AND DISCUSSION OF NVADNG EXOTIC AND NUISANCE SPECIES. A DESCRIPTION OF MAINTENANCE EFFORTS (LAST DATE MAINTAINED. NEXT DATE TO BE MAINTAINED). L1 A PANORAMIC PHOTOGRAPH OF EACH MITIGATION AREA, TAKEN FROM THE SAME LOCATION EACH TIME. HUDSON COMMERCIAL SUBDIVISION FILE NAME: HUDSON-3.DWG DATE. 10/27/92 SHEET No 4 SCALE: 1=200 ti LEGAL DESCRIPTION THE WEST 1/2 OF THE NORTH 1/4 OF THE NORTHEAST 1/4 OF SECTION 30 TOWNSHIP 22 S RANGE 28 E IN ORANGE COUNTY FLORIDA. LESS THE NORTH 75.00 FT. LESS THE NORTH 300.00 FT. OF THE EAST 200.00 FT. OF THE ABOVE DESCRIBED. CONTAINING 17.45 ACRES SITE DATA TOTAL AREA: 17.45 ACRES MIN. PROPOSED LOT SIZE: 0.73 ACRES PROPOSED No. OF LOTS: 8 EXISTING ZONING: C-3 TURNPIKE BUILDING SETBACKS: FROVICINITY NONE MAP ,,� SIDE: NT. NONE REAR: 20 FT. 3 j � I i 3 z I < I -------------- 3 I 7 o j (l i 4, 3 I EXIST. URI1 I I � a l i_ ; r q` I E I l 2 nr 3 •1y~g qq�2 L 1 ISI 3 [ q I EX. SAN. M.I-i. TOP 114.41 I I� :NV. E 107.3 i 107.03t 4 t j I 1 UJI Sw I 7; I� I N ��� I i � � I•,. � �v""y- � � QT t� Irl, •�, .. . 3 I EX. SW M.H. j Top 115.62 j€ INV. E. IM.05 ; ! INV. N 108.16 (' I EXIST. DRIVE �q i � 3 qq qqC EXIST, DRIVE INV. 108.83 cl -12 WV. 102.03 EXiS Ii`G ZONING C-3 5:1 SLOPE 10' WETLANDS AREA 2 & 3 BERM 20' TO REMAIN UNDISTURBED EXsSTIIi 9 ZONING C-2 UNPLA T TE N 00" 20' 58" E i t �t\4� �tl MITIGATION & COMPENSATING STORAGE AREA 168.45' 20' 5' 22.50' 33.36' 22.50' NAT'L GND. r �f BOTTOM EL 113.00 BOTTOM EL. 112.50 SECTION A -A ACTIVITY NAME Conklin Porter and ®117 eS DESIGNED BY: C.D.R. ENGINEERS, INC. DRAWN BY: C.D.R. 1104 EAST ROBINSON STREET CHECKED BY: W.R.N. ORLANDO, FLORIDA 32801 TEL 407-425-0452 APPROVED BY: WM. R. HOLMES FAX 407-648-1036 REGISTRATION N0, 98o1 R�. 50 GRAPHIC SCALE 0 25 50 100 IN FEET I inch = 50 ft DATE 3-92 4 12-15 AM RET. MEA/VM AREA STORM DRAINAGE PIPES WRH 3-92 3 8-29 REV DRAIN PIPE TO EARTHEN BERM PER WRH WRH 2 8-28 REV. PER OWNERS REQUEST WRH 1 6-4 REV. PER CITY COMMENTS (4-7-92) WRH N0. DATE REVISION APPROVED OWNER: TRIPLE H. PROPERTIES 923 OBSERVATORY COURT ORLANDO, FL 32818 407-299-4595 ENGINEER: CONKLIN,PORTER & HOLMES - ENGINEERS, INC. 1104 E. ROBINSON ST. ORLANDO, FL. 32801' 407-425-0452 SURVEYOR: GRUSENMEYER-SCOTT & ASSOC. 5400 " E. COLONIAL DR. ORLANDO, FL 32801 407-277-3232 SOILS CONSULTANT - AMERICAN TESTING LABORATORIES, INC. ' 1650 ACME SL ORLANDO, FL. 32805 407-843-1310 ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTANTS: ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS 393 WHOOPING LOOP STE. 1483 ALTAMONTE SP. FL 32701 407-260-0883 r` EXISTING ZONi�iG PS UNPLA F ED 5 dQ cn u') U) rn 00 z I EXISTING ZONING A--1 UNPLAT;ED CITY OF OCOEE. SCALE: 1" = 50' WETLANDS MITIGATION & DATE: FEB. 1992 COMPENSATING STORAGE PLAN JOB NO. T1201.00 SHEET NO. HUDSON COMMERCIAL SUBDIVISION 1 OF 1 AGENDA 6-15-93 OCOEE FLAItemVIB T1201 WM.DWG I,.0,11993 ' r-�(AA:5&6-L l� f.-tI)/`'I' tZ- LL- t I'*-- < L), . IARTICLE VII , • PART I eteAu4-14 INATURAL RESOURCE MANAGEMENT 1-L n <krif 3 I § 7-1 GENERAL PROVISIONS A. Authority, Purpose, and Intent 11 (1) This Article is adopted pursuant to Article 163, Florida Statutes, andP ursuant to the adopted Comprehensive Plan of the City of Ocoee, with specific reference to the IConservation Element. (2) The purposes of this Article shall be: i (a) To protect areas designated in the adopted Comprehensive Plan as being environmentally sensitive through the establishment of appropriate land use and development regulations; (b) To protect significant wildlife habitat and prevent the further net loss of areas essential for the well-being and survival of native and endangered Iwildlife species; (c) To protect welifields through the establishment of appropriate land use and Idevelopment regulations and standards; and (d) To protect historical and archeological resources through appropriate land use and development controls. (3), It is intended that this Article be considered to present minimum standards and be / interpreted strictly to ensure protection of the public health, safety, and welfare of the inhabitants of the City of Ocoee. er mend 4 bowever,that this Article 1 shall notbe app�i' str as tt d-eny,the rea"sona-bfe and beneficial use oflargr / by property owners within the communal" 1 B. Administration (1) The principal authority for the administration of this Article shall be delegated to the IDirector of Planning. (2) The Director of Planning shall have the following duties and responsibilities: I (a) To review all permit applications for land development and land alteration activity within the City of Ocoee and to determine whether such activity is I located within a Natural Resources Management Area or will have an adverse impact on such an area; (b) To review applications for site plan review and/or subdivision plans and I make recommendations to the City Commission as to the consistency of such applications with the provisions of this Article and on any conditions or modifications which may be required to ensure compliance with this IArticle; IAdopted July 21, 1992 1817 in 2ARTICLE VII • } (4) Where the City Commission determines that one or more restrictions would have • the effect of depriving the property owner of the reasonable, beneficial use of his �r land, the Commission may consider alternative restrictions, provided that any variation from the standards herein constitute the minimum variation necessary to / II \ prevent confiscation of the property: (5) The City Commission shall set, and shall periodically review, fees necessary to 1111 cover the cost of the administration of the permit issuance procedures under this Article. § 7-4 STANDARDS FOR MANAGEMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES IA. Generally I (1) The purpose of these standards is to protect and properly manage the use of certain important natural resources for the overall benefit of the public. Toward that end, these standards shall be considered the minimum standards necessary to 4 provide for adequate protection and management of natural resources. Where the specific facts indicate the need for greater protection, and the type of action being considered is legislative, the City Commission shall consider the need for additional conditions and/or may require a higher standard. 111 (2) Development proposed on or near resource management areas shall be designed so as to maximize the ability of the resource management area to function in an I undisturbed natural condition. The following general standards shall be applied to all resource management areas: I (a) Uses and activities within resource management areas shall be limited to those uses and activities which by their nature must be located within these areas, or which are compatible with the need for resource • management and protection. Uses and activities on other lands which I might create an adverse impact on resource management areas shall be designed so as to reduce or eliminate such impacts. The City Commission may require the rearrangement of uses or activities, including density, on 11 a site plan or the rearrangement of lots within a subdivision in order to minimize the impact of such uses on resource management areas. I (b) Use of Planned Unit Development design and permitting procedures is encouraged for development located within or near resource management areas. The City Commission may require use of this technique if it finds such use necessary to ensure adequate protection of these areas. I (3) Where a site is affected by more than one resource (such as a wellfield located in a wetland), the appropriate standards shall apply collectively, with the more I restrictive standard applying in the case of a conflict. Where meeting one standard would have the effect of violating another, the City Commission shall determine how the standards shall apply. IB. Wetlands (1) No excavation or filling shall be undertaken within a wetland unless the City Commission finds, on the basis of reasonable evidence, that there are no practical alternatives to the filling. Examples of situations where such activities may be permitted include the need to provide access to property, to provide utilities, and Ito create a building site on an approved lot. Where any such disturbance of a wetland is permitted, it shall be the minimum disturbance necessary to meet the IIAdopted July 21, 1992 18181 3. ARTICLE VII needs of the use. No excavation or other disturbance shall be permitted in a floodway. Except where specifically permitted by the City Commission, no native 1 wetland vegetation shall be disturbed. (2) Where disturbance is permitted, new wetland areas shall be created at a minimum rate of two (2) times the area of wetlands destroy h. New wetland areas shall be in the vicinity of the areas destroyed and, at maturity, shall be functionally related (in terms of elevation, hydrology, and vegetation) to the remaining wetlands in the area. Where the City Commission finds that it Is Impractical to create suchr replacement wetlands, it may make alternative mitigation requirements. p (3) A buffer area shall be retained in its natural state surrounding connected (i.e., FDER jurisdictional) wetlands. Such buffer shall be a minimum of seventy-five (75) feet in width except where the City Commission finds that it is impractical to maintain that width. Buffer areas shall not be disturbed except to provide for surface water management areas. (4) Modifications to wetlands shall ensure that predevelopment water flow (rate and quantity) is maintained to preserve wetland viability. (5) Wetlands management shall conform to standards included in the Comprehensive Plan (specifically including Conservation Element Policies 2.3 and 4.2). 1 C. Critical Habitats (1) Habitats for threatened or endangered species shall be protected to ensure the viability of the habitat to support the continued functioning of the species. This shall be done by preserving the habitat itself from change, including reduction in size, destruction of major features or vegetation within the habitat, changes in surface water flow patterns, and/or introduction of pollutants. In addition, land development and land uses in areas near the habitat shall be restricted as needed to prevent adverse impacts. Where development in or near a critical habitat will substantially reduce its viability, the City Commission may require mitigation. 1111 Mitigation may include such actions as restoration of contiguous or disturbed areas (either on-site or off-site) to a condition which provides satisfactory habitat, or relocation of the species to appropriate non-contiguous areas dedicated forIP permanent use as habitat areas. Mitigation shall be subject to the approval by the Florida Game and Freshwater Fish Commission. The following specific standards shall be applied to protect habitat areas: (a) Where specific management and recovery strategies for key listed species have been developed by the Florida Game and Freshwater Fish Commission and/or the United States Fish and Wildlife Service,any activity within an environmentally sensitive area shall conform to the strategy. (b) Exotic nuisance vegetation within environmentally sensitive areas and within nearby areas which may affect environmentally sensitive areas shall be removed and replaced with native plant species. Native vegetation shall be preserved and/or provided along river banks. (c) Examples of upland native plant communities, both within and near the habitat area, shall be preserved. (d) Where new planting or landscaping areas are provided in or near habitats, xeriscape landscaping utilizing native plant species shall be used. Adopted July 21, 1992 18182 • Bruce C. Behrens Hudson Commercial Subdivision March 31, 1993 Page 2 regime of the mitigation area including inflow quantities of water provided. What is the target hydroperiod? Provide calculations which demonstrate that the wetland hydroperiod will function as proposed. Provide documentation indicating type of substrate, location of the substrate source, specifications for substrate installation including depth, disbursement, and a dewatering plan if dewatering is proposed during stormwater retention pond excavation. (4) . The monitoring proposal shall be modified to include an eighty-five (85%) coverage rate of all planted areas will be maintained. 2 . Evaluation criteria, Section 15-419 The degree of impact to the wetland functions, whether the impact to these functions can be mitigated, and the feasibility of cost-effective design alternatives which could avoid impact are all factors in determining whether a proposed mitigation measure will be acceptable. \b OIAIX The site plan submitted/denotes the removal of a Class II wetland in the southwest' corner of the site. Section 15-362 (5) , Legislative findings of the Board of County Commissioners finds that "Where wetlands serve a significant and productive --Environmental function, the public health, safety and welfare require that any alteration or development affecting such lands should be so designed and regulated so as to minimize or eliminate any impact upon the beneficial environmental productivity of such lands, consistent with the development rights of property owners. Preservation of this wetland which extends offsite does not appear to preclude the applicant from obtaining reasonable use of the remaining portion of the site. Impacts to a portion of this wetland have the potential to negatively impact wetland viability extending offsite onto properties adjoining the Hudson Commercial Development site. On Class III wetlands are mitigated for at a type for type creation ratio of 1: 1. Class II hydric hammocks, bayheads and ';, mixed hardwood swamps are required to mitigate at a 2 .5: 1 type 0 for type ratio. As proposed the mitigation ratio for wetland 11 creation is deficient 0. 07 acres. In the case of Class II wetlands, the applicant shall provide reasonable assurance that the proposed wetland creation will be n ..- -‘).e• I.•.1.:011.• ,11.i.„21114,,,0114i.;.1,.." fle..*4..4..A.,‘,„,.f.i 4 r- -'''' q -.4.•. . $ ',.', . "it ...'." ''::.. 6. 1''': 4.-:''.'.1''''''.• 4W4',.: :1;;;; ,.. in, , - • .4"T')7.,7.,r ,.• i ' "„b'i ., )4,, ,, ?,4:21,,r;‘,•! ..',;•• 1:'7 -.A.Verik4• ' 1 , ',•• -; 1-.......-" • .;i 'r;•'',,,r 41/ • I% 't, ' t.•ki% 1 .'.611,40%.;..,p4,:),14%...4,*;,..:" 1/.1.•tit%.,;.9.• •.4 1/ •a , ,.,ki ••• ,..' ,y,>:':. , ••• 6 :.:Pti ' ' ,...„.,I,-itA ...-...'! ) , ;AT. F.1',:!i-14,1 • ,%i It .• . elr.ty 7 .. . )..,,,.,.. , ..,,../,,e'...,A 1,,1..r 1 S T.A-..2.5 0 '.-:.i.'4'1: fel- .• ,,?,..c.,‘,-,-4. 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'lc. ! ., 4 • e . w "111.• _ • ",,.f r • 1Ill 1. !...., ..._ 4.,. 11A•• ' •• 1141;11 Iiiiii•;II'ii...ii!!!!:Ir.f.14Til'h tt • DRC Report - Hudson Commercial Subdivision September 17 , 1992 Page 5 The SJRWMD "letter and report" was not found in the September 3 "Revised Preliminary Subdivision Plan" packet , per Project Engineer ' s cover letter regarding reply #4 , whereby the C 0.1( "wetland "wetland lines" etc . proposed by Environmental Systems have 410 been "accepted" . Such SJRWMD approval letters , , correspondence , etc . have been requested previously and herein as to what they have agreed too , but not received to date, but Staff needs to review any such "approvals" , before or concurrently with Applicant ' s placement on Subdivision Plans . 5 . General Note #5 is acceptable but by way of comment clarification , this does apply to all construction, unless otherwise provided for by approved plans , and only then when demonstrated clearly as to be absolute necessity to violate the wetlands or 100-year floodplains identified in the i Comprehensive Plan. A 3-1 uplands/wetlands mitigation ratio CO / is to be provided. 6 . O .K. , accept reply #6 but include as General Note #9 and performance bonding for Phase II as described above in #1 . 7 . O. K. 8 . O .K. , see #1 and #6 above . 9 . Julian Harper , Senior Planner said that a full Arbor Ordinance Tree Survey would not be required at Preliminary Subdivision, but that at Final Subdivision Plan review , a minimum of detailed vegetative type groupings would be required, i . e. - ' willow and loblolly bay; laurel oak and live oak; red maple and other wetlands transitional species ; etc . in sufficient detail to carry-out an overall site review in terms of habitats alteration . CONCURRENCY MANAGEMENT : Janet Resnik , 656-7489 1 . I have no objection to the approval of the Preliminary Subdivision Plan for Hudson Commercial Park; however , prior to the approval of Final Subdivision Plans for the project , or any portion thereof , the applicant/owner will need to apply (;' for and obtain a Final Certificate of Concurrency pursuant to '! Article IX of the Ocoee Land Development Code . Neither the C � x review of the application/project by the City nor the granting of any approvals in connection with such review shall be / construed to grant the applicant/owner any entitlement to obtain a Final Certificate of Concurrency with respect to all or any portion of the project or to create any exemption from the provisions of Article IX of the Ocoee Land Development Code . %14,15 . DRC Report - Hudson Commercial Subdivision February 24 , 1993 Page 4 BUILDING AND ZONING DEPARTMENT: Don Flippen, 656-6403 1 . The elimination of the driveway from State Road 50 will create a lot (Lot 3 ) with out road frontage . Our City Land Development Code requires all lots to front on a paved street . 2 . Please refer to July 9 , and September 17 , 1992 comment #3 . It is the applicant ' s responsibility to prove his assertions of wetlands and floodplain location, to justify wetlands intrusion, and to generally document buildable structure locations especially on questionable hydric soils . The three submitted aerial photographs do not document the existence of the so-called "borrow pit" but do depict scrapping and clearing of wetlands in 1947 . 3 . Provide copy of SJRWMD approval of wetlands boundary 3/4 delineation. Also, please explain how (a ditch connection to- the) "Waters of the State" is identified at the west property boundary, while other similarly elevated or lower portions of the property are not designated as "Waters of the State" , reference F.A. C. soils and vegetative indices ad proof or denial of applicant 's claim. Provide SJRWMD documentation and correspondence regarding their site plan review, including evidence of their "insistence" on any potential site plan issues . See comment #4 below. 4 . 1 Please reference Comment #6 herein of September 17 , 1992 which is repeated verbatim, which has not been appropriately addressed by applicant , to wit : See Comment #4 above. Wetland vegetative species are not ' identified by Applicant 's Environmental Consultant by location as related by Applicant ' s Engineer in his September 3 , 1992 Building and Zoning Response #6 , enumerated incorrectly as (the second) #4 . (Assuming the Environmental Consultants vegetative and wetlands line assessment to be correct , the Applicant is proposing to destroy "the only natural area wetland lines in the N.W. v corner of the site. . . equal to 0 . 36 acres in size" . The present project has been under the City' s consideration since at least April 1992 , when will "all WMD written correspondence pertaining to this permit application (will ) be provided to the City as it is available"? If SJRWMD "has agreed with the wetland delineation" , then the City Staff needs to be provided with all of these letter or approvals .