HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem VI (C) Discussion re: West Orange Jaycees Public Seating Program AGENDA 5-18-93 Item VI C "CENTER OF GOOD LIVING-PRIDE OF WEST ORANGE" MAYOR•COMMISSIONER Ocoee j S.SCOTT VANDERGRIFT ;?/ : Fat CITY OF OCOEE RUSTY JOHNSON Q 150 N.LAKESHORE DRIVE PAUL W.FOSTER OCOEE,FLORIDA 34761 VERN COMBS so (4_3 V (407)656-2322 SAM WOODSON y404, Of G OOH •J` CITY MANAGER ELLIS SHAPIRO MEMORANDUM TO: The Honorable Mayor and Board of City Commissioners FROM: Ellis Shapiro, City Manager DATE: May 14, 1993 RE: BENCH PROGRAM On today's date I received a call from Commissioner Woodson requesting that the Bench Program from the Jaycees be placed on the Agenda. I have copied all the information that I have currently for discussion. Respectfully Sub p itted, ES:fdg Attachments ES.25 "CENTER OF GOOD LIVING-PRIDE OF WEST ORANGE" MAYOR•COMMISSIONER (Pc,,Ocoee S.SCOTT VANDERGRIFr CITY OF OCOEE COMMISSIONERS OH ON w r • Q. 150 N.LAKESHORE DRIVE PAUL W.FOSTER OCOEE,FLORIDA 34761 VERN COMBS (407)656-2322 SAM WOODSON F'P OF 0000 N`� QTY MANAGER ELLIS SHAPIRO March 31, 1993 Mr. Rich Kroesen Metropolitan Systems, Inc. 1050 W. Robinson Orlando, FL 32805 Dear Mr. Kroesen: As a result of our discussion concerning the placement of benches of your Company or the Jaycee's in rights-of-way of the City, I discussed this matter with Individual members of the City Commission to determine whether or not they wish to change the current sign ordinance. As a result of the individual discussions it appears that at the present time the majority of the City Commission as well as staff do not wish to change the current ordinance. To this end you may either accept this letter as a position of the City or request to appear before the City Commission by letter to further discuss this issue. If you have any questions regarding the reasons behind this decision or any other discussions, please contact me. Sincerely, 8"-'11/ E girepiro G anager ES:fdg cc: S. Scott Vandergrift, Mayor City Commission }STORY OF THE JAYCEE BENCH PROGRAM 1 History of Jaycee Public Seating Service in Florida In 1950 a group of Florida Jaycees meeting at a state conference recognized a clear public need. There was no seating being provided at the transit stops 'in any city in the state or, as far as they could determine, anywhere else. Those Jaycees of that time undertook to fill that need. The Jaycees recognized that they could provide an essential community service while at the same time giving to the Jaycee chapters the name exposure necessary to attracting new members . Because the Jaycees are young men and young women who in time must leave active membership, new members are the lifeline of every chapter. By the middle of the 1980 ' s the Jaycee public seating service had not only spread the length and breadth of the state of Florida. but was to be found in every section of .the country. It wasn't easy. Jaycees found it necessary to persuade the state legislatures to change the law as well as to persuade local governments. In addition, Jaycees made numerous trips to Washington seeking legislative exemptions and favorable interpretations for the seating service from the federal government. The Jaycees were always welcomed and the response favorable. The public seating service is the most visible of Jaycee projects. Without the seating service all Jaycee chapters would suffer and some would not survive. Jaycees everywhere are proud of the service that they divised, nurtured and defended.. The project has evolved through the following sequence of events: 1950: Florida Jaycee State Conference in West Palm Beach. A plan was conceived to establish a public seating service as a community project. 1951 : Several small service companies were organized by groups of individual Jaycees to install and maintain the public seating service as a project of the Jaycees . 1951 to 1974 : It was a difficult period for the Jaycees with the State Road Department (since renamed Department of Transportation) . The department did not favor a seating service being installed along the state road system. On numerous occasions it was necessary to ask the members of the State Road Board to intervene in disputes with the depart- ment. The State Road Board was made up of five members , one from each district in the state. They were appointed by. the governor. It was abolished upon the adoption of the .ti new constitution in 1968 . On one occasion Governor Charley Johns ordered the department not to interfere with the conduct of the seating service and on another Governor Haydon Burns did so. 1974 : In March the State Department of Transportation announced, through the press, its intention to install and maintain public seating at all of the transit stops along the state road system in the state. There was an immediate call to arms by the Jaycees. Committees were formed statewide to meet with every member of the legislature for the session which was to begin in April. Proposed legislation was drafted to remove the public seating service from any possible interfer- ence by the DOT. The bill known as the "Jaycee Bench Bill , " was adopted. It was FS 335 . 13 and in June at the Jaycee State Convention in Gainesville was presented by Governor Reuben Askew to a standing ovation. 1979 : The Jaycees counselled with the DOT in the drafting and the adoption of administrative rules 14-20. 03 pertaining to public seating: 1984 : In the early 1980 ' s some transit authorities in the state began to take an interest in the Jaycee public seating service. Those transit authorities interpreted the legislation that was caused to be enacted in 1974 by the Jaycees as empower- ing transit authorities to engage in a seating service, either directly or indirectly. The Jaycees returned to the state legislature and sought an amendment specifying that any authority as to a .public seating service would be found only in the cities or counties not in quasi-governmental entities . The { amendment was adopted. While attempting to obtain this amendment the Jaycees uncovered another bill that would have negated the Jaycee Bench Bill of 1974. It was unintended but fatal. It was corrected. 1985 : Following the great and successful Jaycee effort with the state legislature in 1974 , business concerns unconnected with the Jaycees began demanding from local governments rights as to public seating similar to those given to the Jaycees . They supported such demands with the provisions of the Federal Sherman Anti-Trust Act. In order to remove this new threat to the Jaycee ' s project Jaycees asked the state legislature to again re-visit the bench statute and to empower local governments to enter into exclusive arrangements for public seating. This amendment was adopted and the statute re- numbered s337 . 407. 1986 : The 99th Congress undertook to amend the Highway Beautifi- cation Act. During the deliberations Jaycees made many trips • to Washington as well as repeatedly writing every member of Congress . As a result of the substantial effort by Jaycees with members of Congress , with staff members and with attorneys of the Federal Department of Transportation it was entered into the committee minutes that public seating was not within • - 2 - the intent of the legislation. But for this effort on the part of the Jaycees the bill would have forbidden any messages to be displayed upon seating along the federal highway system anywhere in the United States. The bill passed both the Senate and the House but in the conference committee the conferees could not agree. It was near the end of the session and Congress adjourned without passage. Since 1974 every year when the Florida legislature is in session Jaycees monitor proposed new legislation that could affect the Jaycee public seating service and during every session a Jaycee representative visits in Tallahassee with members of -the legislature and staff. Florida Jaycees together with other Jaycees around the nation attempt to keep up with proposed legislation in Congress that could have an adverse affect upon the seating project. When requested, the national Jaycee office in Oklahoma assists with the Jaycee efforts at the federal level. - 3 - FLORIDA JAYCEE PUBLIC SEATING SERVICE History of Statutory Authorization Florida Statutes 335. 13 1.974 original provision for benches read: "provided that written permission has been secured from the pertinent political subdivision. . . " 1984 renumbered 337. 407 and amended to read: "provided written permission has been secured from the local governmental entity. . . " 1985 amended to read: "provided written authorization has been secured by a qualified private supplier or suppliers of such service from the appropriate city or county government. . . " Florida Statutes 163. 01(4) "A public agency of this state may exercise jointly with any other public agency of the state, of any other state, or of the United States Government any power, privilege, or authority which such agencies share in common and which each might exer- cise separately. " . ( • s. 337.276 1992 SUPPLEMENT TO FLORIDA STATUTES 1991 s. 337,407 f, jr338.001 ties that are not revenue-producing.The proceeds from (c) The department may not authorize the erection, 338.001 Florida Intrast the sale of these bonds shall be allocated by the depart- of signs where such signs are prohibited by the local ,;338.223 Proposed turr ment onlyto fund advanced right-of-way projects Idengovernmental entityhaving1 Turnpike reve g y p j jurisdiction. 338,227 tified pursuant to the programs contained in subsection (2)(a) The provisions of subsection (1)do not apply 338.2275 Approved turn (2).No more than$300 million of the bond proceeds may to benches or transit shelters, or to advertising drs '338.250 Central Florid be allocated to fund projects identified pursuant to the played on benches or shelters,installed within the right. 338.251 Toll Facilities program contained in paragraph (2)(a), and no more of-way limits of any municipal, county, or state road, ; .. than$200 million of the bond proceeds may be allocated except a limited access highway; provided that such tiv• 338.001 Florida Intra: to fund projects identified pursuant to the program con- benches or shelters are for the comfort or convenience , ri;(e The department sed Florida Intrastate tained in paragraph (2)(b). of the general public, or at designated stops on official shall delineate a statewi (4)(a) Notwithstanding subsections (2) and (3), the bus routes; and provided further that written authoriza :i a},cilities and controlled a department is authorized to expend bond proceeds pur- tion has been secured by a qualified private supplier of p•Drovide a statewide trans suant to this section to acquire right-of-way for a proj- such service from the appropriate municipal or county rLor high-speed and hig ect in the department's adopted work program that government.A municipality or county may authorize the '`within the state. The prin does rot fall within the parameters established in sub- installation, without public bid, of benches and shelters - 'xjp provide such traffic me section (2), if: together with advertising displayed thereon, within the and is subordinate to th 1. The acquisition of such right-of-way is neces- right-of-way limits of such roads within its jurisdiction .,must be prohibited or hic sary to ensure the continued availability of previously Any contract for the installation of benches or shelters .:. '(2) This system shall c donated right-of-way for such project; or advertising on benches or shelters which was entered 'jomponents: 2. The majority of the costs for the construction into before April 8, 1992, without public bidding is rate "(' a) Interstate highway phase of a project will be financed by local or private fled and affirmed, if such contract is otherwise valid :;i (b) The Florida Turnpi funds; or Such benches or transit shelters may not interfere with ,,a (c) Interregional and : 3. A local government enters into an agreement to right-of-way preservation and maintenance. sties, advance the construction phase in accordance with the (b) The provisions of subsection (1)do not apply to - ,f (d) Existing interregior provisions set forth in s. 339.12. waste disposal receptacles of less than 110 gallons in . ys previously upgrade( (b) Any use of bond proceeds pursuant to this sub- capacity,or advertising on such receptacles,erected or . •lntrolled access facility section must be specifically and separately identified in placed on the right-of-way of any municipal,county,or ' : (e) New limited acces the tentative work program. state road, except a limited access highway; provided :`, ete a balanced statewid History.—s.34,ch.90-136;s. 114,ch.92-152;s.282,ch.92-279:s.55,ch. written authorization has been given to a qualified pn• (3) The department sh 92-326. vate supplier or suppliers of such service by the appro. '• guidelines in the devek 337.407 Regulation of signs and lights within priate city or county government.Such receptacles may (a) Make capacity imp rights-Of-way.— not interfere with right-of-way preservation and mainle• , i-,-.1.,-,a where feasible to minir (1)(a) No person shall erect any sign, as defined in nance. i'pacts. chapter 479,or light within the right-of-way limits of any (c) The department has the authority to direct the ;.. (b) Identify appropriat road on the interstate highway system, the federal-aid immediate relocation or removal of any bench, transit . ,:^.I;.,asportation corridors fc primary highway system,the State Highway System,the shelter, or waste disposal receptacle which endangers • L,g these facilities up State Park Road System, or the county road system; life or property, except that transit bus benches which ,. t:,,_: dards. however, the department is authorized to adopt rules have been placed in service prior to April 1,1992,donolf#:+c)o Coordinate prop( acce concerning the placement of signs,canopies,and other have to comply with bench size and advertising display `.1 ,i,j� Pessrwaye limited i iteidties an overhanging encroachments along and over any state size requirements which have been established by the ' (d) Maximize the use o: roads which are within municipalities, or which are of department prior to March 1, 1992. kr: p ,ds when constructing nc curb-and-gutter construction outside municipalities, (d) No bench, transit shelter, or waste disposals 1 .•s provided no supports are located within the rights-of- receptacle,or advertising thereon,shall be erectedorso : a d nti.y a,prcprut way placed on the right-of-way of any road which conflicts ,:� Y for inclusion as a par (b) The department has the authority to direct with the requirements of federal law, regulations, a ..:i :.' j safetystandards,therebycausingthe state or any Pd'� �) To the maximum ex removal of any violation of paragraph (a) as provided cal subdivision the loss of federal funds. Competiliatff ,.ed system projects ar ac herein. „ '-:!government 1. The removal of a sign from the right-of-way of among persons seeking to provide bench, transit$f) • 9 vernment compreh the interstate highway system, the federal-aid primary ter,or waste disposal receptacle services or advertis�0 41li the ins transportation on h such f rr highway system, the State Highway System, or the on such benches,shelters,or receptacles may be regi ;:. '-• : r000litan P State Park Road System shall be in accordance with the lated,restricted,or denied by the appropriate local 9o'r' ; ; are to be located.anning orga provisions of chapter 479. ernmental entity consistent with the provisions of tM ' 4) Projects in the prop the cou2. lf a nt Soad system ign or ht sn�located on of e paragraph ara right-of-way a h(a), the 69-sto sn1,s. 71 36 s 65,c1 i:s.1ch.63-011:s.5.s h.67 461,5S5z, e 0 `let to contract for cons 0. y p g p 24 years.Each project cc department shall direct the immediate removal of the 84-x:S.20.ch.85-180:S.160.ch.92-152. :''F `I have a projected dat€ sign or light. However, if the value of the sign or light is Note.—Former S.335.13. _, 5) The department sr greater than$500 and the sign or light bears the name »''. e' 'criteria for the function of the owner or of the person or firm the advertisement ,.ti facilities proposed as p of which is on the sign, such sign or light shall not be CHAPTER 338 ` .hway System. I removed until such owner, person, or firm, as shown r y: ,��' For the purposes c thereon, has received a 30-day notice as provided by FLORIDA INTRASTATE HIGHWAY t.; ': _ `the department sr chapter 479. SYSTEM AND TOLL FACILITIES ! unls: •946 :;� rt_ ( V. 7, p. 337 PRI VATS USE OF RIGHT OF WAY 14-10.003 C1IAI'TER 14-20 (9) "Transit Bus Stop"moans a site designated PRIVATE USE OF RIGIITOF WAY and approved by the operating transit agency (or 1420-001 Policy Regarding Private Use of • the purpose of loading and unloading passengers. Right of Way. (10) "Transit Bus Bench" means a long scat 14-20-002 Commercial Radio Broadcasting designed for seating two or more persons, which is Permitted—When /authorized. placed along a regular transit bus route at or near designated transit bus stops. (Repealed). Specific Authority 20.01(11. 314.044(2) F.S. Law 14-20.0025 Definitions. • lmplemnentrd 137.407(2!. 337.408 FS. tumor).—Kew 14-20.003 Placement of Transit Bus 11-16-90. Shelters. 14-20.0031 Placement of School Bus Shelters. 14-20.003 Placement of Transit Bus 14-20.0032 Placement of Transit Bus Shelters. The appropriate city or county Benches. government in whose jurisdiction a transit bus 14-20.0031 Competitive Public Bidding of shelter is to be located may seek a permit from the Advertising. Dcpartmcnt fur the erection and maintenance of a •14-20.004 Public Transit Bus Stops. shelter. A shelter may be crcctcd on the right of 14-20.005 Forms. way of a Federal-Aid I lighway or State I lighway when it complies with the following: 14-20.001 Private Use of Right of Way. It is (I) Transit bus shelters may be mooted upon the intent of the Department to clear all rights of Department approval of proposed shc:tcr locations way throughout the state of all private or and building plans, and the issuance of a written vtnnmcrcial users.except to the extent that they are permit. Application of written permits shall be specifically permitted by Department rules or submitted to the District Maintenance Office or policy. The District Secretaries are hereby authorized representative using Form Number directed,in conjunction with the General Counsel's 725-030-20-it,"Transit Bus Shelter and School Bus - Office,well-eel removal of all encroachments at the Shcltcr Permit." earliest possible date. (2) Permits shall be issued only to the Specific Authority 20.0.5(11. 314.044(21 FS. '-" appropriate city or wanly government in whusc Implemented 334.044(11). 311.01(1). 337.407. 317.408 jurisdiction the shelters will be erected. The PS. llirrorv—Formerly 11-3.01, Amended 7-9-71, permittee may enter into agreement with others to F'urn,erh•1.4-20.01.Amended 12-16-90. construct and maintain the shelter. 14-20.0(12 Commercial Radio Broadcasting (3) The permittee is responsible to the Permitted—When Authorized. Department of Transportation for the maintenance Specific Authority 20.01 FS. law implemented 333.13. of the transit bus shelter. If the shelter is nut 339.301 FS. History—Formerly 14-5.01. Amended properly maintained as to aesthetics,function,and • 7-9-75.formerly 14-10.01. Repealed 11-26-90. safety, the permittee will be required to correct the 14-20.0025 Definitions. deficiency within 30 days after written notice or (I) "Department" means the Florida remove the shelter. Failure to remove the shelter Department of Transportation. after notification by the Department will constitute (2) "Permittee"means the city or county which non-compliance with the permit and the receives a permit to erect a shelter. Department will cause the shelter to be removed (3) "School Bus" means any motor vehicle that and seek the cost of removal from the permittee. complies with the color and identification (4) A transit bus shelter may be erected only at requirements of Chapter 234, Florida Statutes,and bus stops designated by a public transit agency. is used to transport children to or from school or in (5) Transit bus shcltcrs arc prohibited in connection with school activities. medians. (4) "School Bus Shelter"'means a structure or (6) The transit bus shelter location must meet facility located at a site designated and approved by the set back and nt nitnunt clear recovery zone the local school board to protect awaiting school requirements as detailed in the Florida Ueparuticmt children front the elements. of Transportation's Roadway and Traffic Design (5) "School Bus Slop" means a site designated Standards. Index Number 700, entitled "Design and approved by the locni school board for the Criteria Related to Highway Safety.' purpose of loading and unloading school children. (7) Advertising on a transit bus shelter shall be (6) "Shelter" refers to both public transit bus no greater than 72 inches by 60 inches per side of shelters and school bus shelters. the shelter including the roof. There shall be no (7) "Transit Bus" means any motor vehicle more than one advertisement per side. designed for carrying more than ten passengers and (l() Companies engaged in the business of . used for the transportation of persons and any outdoor advertising shall obtain and maintain u motor vehicle, other than u taxicab, designed and current license pursuant to Section 479.04, Florida used for the transportation of persons for Statutes,and rule 14-10.003, FAC. • compensation. (9) The permit applicant shall notify the (It) "Transit Bus Shelter" means a structure or abutting property owner by certified mail of the facility located at a site designated and approved by proposed shelter location and any proposed the operating transit agency to protect passengers advertising, and provide an opportunity to from the elements. comment. (R. 1/91) 14-20.0031 DEPARTMENTOFTRANSPORTATION V. 7, p. 338 (10) A transit busshelter shall not infringe upon into agreement with others to construct and or obstruct any sidewalk, bike path.or pedestrian maintain the shcltcr. path,driveway,drainage structure(ditch).etc.and (3) School bus shcltcrs -erected on the Federal shall provide at (east three lee( clearance for I highway System.or portion of the State I Iighway palesttian traffic. System. constructed with Federal-Aid funds. shall (1 I) Prior to permitting the installation of the be subject to the approval of the Federal Iligliway shelter, the impacted utility ' tunics and Administration. municipalities must be notified by the permit (4) School bus shcltcrs erected outside of the applicant to determine location of utilities and urban limits shall bc spaced so that no more than prevent conflicts. two shelters arc erected per mile of two-lane (12) All shcltcr utility connections must be highway and no inure than four shelters arc erected approved by the appropriate city or county building per mile on highways with four or more lanes department. having a minimum live-foot unpaved median or a (I3) Flashing lights on a transit bus shcltcr arc physical barrier. prohibited.All lights must bc placed or shielded so (S) The permittee is responsible to the they do not interfere with motorists on the roadway. Department of l'ransportation for the maintenance Lights arc not permitted for the sole purpose of of the school bus shelter. If the shcltcr is nut illuminating advertising. properly maintained as to aesthetics, function, and (14) Transit bus shelters shall not be located Tess safety,the permittee will be required to correct the than 12 feet from an intersection, as measured deficiency within 30 days after written notice or along the tangent line of the state road beginning at remove the shelter. Failure to remove the shcltcr the point of the intersection of the radius of the after notification by the Department will constitute connecting road and tangent of the state highway. noncompliance with the permit and the (1 S) Sides and internal dividers in transit bus Department will cause the shelter to be removed shelters shall be constructed to provide visibility of and will sock the cost of removal from the waiting passengers to passing traffic and permittee. pedestrians. All transparent materials will be (6) A school bus shelter may be crcctcd only at. shatter proof. No shelter shall be located in such a bus stops designated by the local school board and manner, or be constructed of such materials to identified as having service a minimum of ten times adversely affect sight distance at any intersection or in a five-day period, excluding weekends and obstruct the view of traffic signs or other traffic holidays. control devices. (7) School bus shelters arc prohibited in (16) The maximum height of a transit bus medians. 'shelter cannot exceed 10 feet. (8) A school bus shelter location shall meet the (17) Transit bus shelters must be securely set back and minimum clear recovery zone 'attached to their foundations and trust provide fur requirements as detailed in the Department's a clear opening between the structure and Roadway and Trallic Design Standards. Index foundation to facilitate cic. Hing and preclude the Number 700. entitled "Design Criteria Related to accumulation of debris. I highway Safety". (I 8) Transit bus shelters shall not be located (9) Advertising on school bus shelters shall bc within live feet of any lire hydrant or handicapped no greater than 72 inches by and 60 inches per side parking space. of shelter including the roof.There shall be no more Specific Amniotic 334.044(2) FS. 1.aa' Implemented than one advert isment per side. .1.14 044(131. +33.01(11, 3)7.407, 117.408 F.S. History-- (10) Companies engaged in the business of New 11-11-79. Amended 6-2441. Formerly 14-10.03. outdoor advertising shall obtain and maintain a • Amended 11-16-911• current license pursuant to Section 479.04, Florida 14-20.0031 Placement of School Bus Statutes,and rule 14-10.003, FAC. Shelters. The appropriate city or county (I 1) The permit applicant shall notify the owner government in whose juridiction a shelter is to be of the abutting property by certified mail of the located may seek a permit from the Dcpartrnent for proposed school bus shelter location and • any the erection and maintenance of a school bus proposed advertising. and provide an opportunity shelter. A shcltcr may be erected on the right of fur the property owners) to comment. way of a Federal-Aid I highway when it complies (12) A school bus shelter shall not infringe upon with thy following: or obstruct any sidewalk, pedestrian or bicycle (I) School bus shcltcrs may be erected upon path. drivew; y.'or drainage structure (ditch) and Department approval of proposed shelter locations shall provide at least three feet clearance for and building plans, and the issuance of a written pedestrian traffic. permit. Application of a written permit shall be (13) Prior to permitting the installation of a submitted to the District Maintenance Office or school bus shelter, the appropriate impacted utility authorized representative using Form companies and municipalities shall be notified by 725-030-20-a."Transit Ilus Shelter amid School Iles the permit applicant to ascertain utility locations Shelter Permit". that may conflict with the erection of the shelter. (2) Permit(%)shall be issued only to appropriate (14) All shelter utility connections shall be city or county government in whose jurisdiction the approved by the appropriate city or county building shelter(s) will be erected. The permiuec may enter department. V. 7, p. 339 t'RIVATE USE OF R1(:IIT OF WAY 14-20.0()4 I (1S) Flashing lights on a school bus shelter arc accommodate thc comfort and convenience of the prohibited.All lights shall be located or shielded so general public shall be erected or maintained. theydo not intcrfcre with motorists on the roadway. (6) Any bench deemed by the Florida lights arc not permitted for the sole purpose of Department of Transportation to be a hazard shall illuminating advertising. be removed immediately upon written notice. If the (16) School bus shelters shall be located a bus. bench is not properly maintained as to minimum of 50 feet from an intersection. as aesthetics. function. and safety. thc appropriate measured along the tangent line of the state road city or county government shall bc required to beginning at the point of thc intersection of the correct the deficiency within 30 days after notice or radius of the connecting road and the tangent of the remove the bus bench. slate highway. (7) Commercial advertising shall bc displayed • (17) School bus shelters that arc constructed upon a transit bus bench only on either the front or with sides and dividers shall provide visibility of rear surface of the backrest arca. ;waiting passengers to passing traffic and (K) Advertising displayed on a transit bus bench pedestrians. All transparent materials shall be shall not be L:rcatcr than 72 inches in length nor shatterproof.Shelters shall nut be located in such a greater than 24 inches in height.and no advertising manner, or be constructed of materials that displayed upon a bench shall be of a rcllcctoriied adversely affect sight distance at any intersection or material. obstruct the view of traffic signs or other traffic (9) The transit bus bench location must meet control devices. thc set back and minimum clear recovery ionc (18) The maximum height of a school bus requirements as detailed in the Florida Department shelter shall not exceed ten feet. of Transportation's Roadway and Traffic Design (19) School bus shelters shall be attached Standards. Index Number 700, entitled "Design securely to their foundations and shall provide for a Criteria Related to Highway Safety." clear opening between the structure and ground or (10) Transit bus benches currently located on foundation to facilitate cleaning and preclude the the state right of way and not meeting the sive accumulation of debris. requirements of this rule chapter shall he brought (20) School bus shelters shall not be located into compliance or removed from the state right of within five feet of any lire hydrant or handicapped way by July I, 1992. parking space. (I I) Any transit bus bench or bench placed at Specific Authority 334 044(2) ES. Law Iniplentenied points of public convenience which violates any 334 OJJ. 331.02(1). 337.407, 137.408 ES. Hillary—New portion of this rule shall be subject to removal upon 114640. 30 days notice if the violation is not corrected. Spec s/i( Authurtti' 134 0440) F.S. lam' Iniplesnrnted 14-20.0032 Placement of Transit Bus 337.407. J.17.4(11 1-1S.//truer -New/2-16-vn Benches. The Department allows placement and 14-20.0033 Competitive Public Bidding of maintenance of transit bus benches on the right of way of a Federal-Aid highway or state highway Advertising. pursuant to approval of the appropriate city or (I) Competition among persons seeking to obtain transit bus shelter. school bus shelter. ur county government in whose jurisdiction the bench transit bus bench advertising contractual rights is to be located. All bus benches shall be subject to may be regulated. restricted, or denied by the the following: (I) Transit bus benches placed on the right of appropriate city or county government. at their way shall not exceed 74 inches in length, 28 inches discretion. in depth,and 44 inches in height. (2) Companies engaged in the business of (2) Any bench placed On any part of a sidewalk outd(xtr advertising outside an incorporated area, shall obtain and maintain a license, pursuant to shall leave at least three (ecu clearance for Section 479.04, Florida Statutes, and Rule pedestrian traffic. 14-10.00), F.A.C. (3) Transit bus benches shall not be placed in Spc c i/ir .loth„purr 114(1440) I'.V I,riv buil 1,nuc turd the median of any divided highway. 117.407. 1.17 40.r, 47v(14 ES /hung;' Ner L.' :A Vu (4) Unless otherwise herein provided, transit bus benches shall be placed only at designated 14-20.004 Public Transit Bus Stops. transit slops. However,only the minimum number (I) Fhie olcr;ttor of a public tr,i nsnt system may of benches ucctssary to acconunaarlale the comfort designate a "Iles Stop.' within; the bountlaites of and convenience of the general public shall be the right of way of a State highway in accordance erected or maintained. with the provisions of Section .1.17.4117, I Iotitl,t (5) llenches in:iy be placed at points of Statutes. pedestrian convenience other than designated (2) The location of a public bus stop site on a transit bus stops, where, in the judgment of the Slate highway right u(way is dictated by the needs appropriate city or county government, there exists of the riding public and the route avatlahility of the a necessity fur such scaling or where such seating public transit system. would otherwise serve the public interest and shall (.1) l he billowing restr.unis and Lino/ills ire comply with all oilier requirements placed upon established iii aid in ilentilying, mitigating •1111 transit bus benches in rule 14-20.0 032. However. ininunvuig hai.rduus conditions .11 cci•iint: ,ind only the minimum number of benches necessary to proposed hits stop sites .1 he silo scicction ,ind (R. 1/91) 14-20.005 DEPARTMENT OFTRANSPORTATION V. 7. p. 340 establishment of a public bus stop shall provide the (a) It can be located in accordance with height maximum safety to the users of the public transit and lateral placement requirements of the system and vehicular and pedestrian traffic. If n Department's Roadway and Traffic Design public bus stop is located at a site deemed to be Standard Index Number 17302. entitled "Typical unsafe by the Department.modification or removal Sections for One Column Sign Placement." shall be required by the Department. (b) There is no more than one other (4) With the exception of Sections 14.70.004(X) supplementary sign already in place. . and (9)(a) the operator of it public transit system (111) inspections may be conducted by the shall indicate or mark the bus stop in accordance Department to assist in the implementation and with the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control administration of this rule chapter. Devices incorporated by reference in the rules of Specific Authority 334.044(11. 341.041(31 FS. Law the Department in Rule 14-15.010. Implemented 333.01(11. 337.407. 337.408 FS. History— (5) The identification of existing hazardous New 10-6-81.Formerly 14-20.04.Amended 12-26-90. conditions at publie'bus stop sites shall be brought 14-20.005 Forms. The following form is to the attention of the Department by the respective incorporated by reference and made a part of the operator of a transit system so that the Department rules of the Department. can take corrective action. Verbal notification shall Form Number Revision Date Title be followed up in writing within 24 hours. 725-0)0-020-a 6/90 Transit Bus (6) Bus stops are prohibited in medians. Shcltcr and (7) The arca adjoining the edge of pavement or School Bus back of curb at any bus stop used by passengers Shelter Pctnut boarding and departing the public transit vehicle Copies of this form may be obtained by contacting shall be maintained in a flat, smooth, and even any of the Department's Districts at Bartow. Lake condition without obvious hazards by the transit City. Chiplcy, Fort Lauderdale, DcLand. Miami. system operator. or Tampa: or from the Director of Florida's (K) The support for attaching bus stop signs Turnpike. shall be placed in accordance with the Sprrifir Authority 134.044(1) ES. Law Implemented Department's Roadway and Traffic Design 120:34181.337.407.337.408 FS.llistury—New 12-26-90. Standard Index Number 17302. (9) Bus stop signs may be attached to a sign support provided that: • i s. } . � • . • t. :.� WEST ORANGE JAYCEES • -• P . O . BOX 770008 'tom Mt* Mrct[S Winter Garden , Florida 34777 Offered Technical Amendment to City of Ocoee City Code By the West Orange Jaycees , Inc . To enable their Public Seating Service Article VIII Section 8-4 - General Standards B(9) Bench Signs - A bench upon which a sign is drawn painted, printed, or otherwise affixed thereto and when authorized in writing by action of the City Commission pursuant to Section 337 . 407 (2) (a) Florida Statutes shall be exempt from the provisions of the Code . B OUTLINE OF PUBLIC SEATING PROPOSAL (benches) 1 . The service company will install at no cost to the city or county a quantity of benches sufficient, in the judg- ment of the city or county, to meet the need for public seating. The seating service will be funded by the display of commercial messages on some of the benches. 2. General criteria: a. Dimensions of the benches are specified. b. Type of materials is specified. c. Location of benches is controlled by city or county. d. Site placement of benches is specified. e. Limit of only one commercial message per site. f. Size of display is specified and subject to removal upon Abjection of city or county. ` Abutting property owner can cause bench to be removed. 3 . City or county can order any bench removed. 4 . Service company will maintain benches. 5 . Insurance provided. 6. Clubs shall sponsor the seating service thereby main- taining a strong community orientation. 7. In the event of default, city or county can terminate. 8. Notice. 9. Initial period of twelve years. 10 . Any individual provision can be severed if ruled invalid. • 11 . Supersedes all previous agreements. 12. Effective date. BE PROPOSAL-AGREEMENT • WHEREAS, it is everywhere recognized that physical rest is essential to human well being as well as welcomed by all people, the CITY OF OdOG e. /",/r/P4VAI , hereinafter referred to as the "City," has determined that the installation and presence of a public seating service within the corporate limits of the City would fulfill a collateral public transportation need and be of continuing benefit to the general traveling public, and to others, and WHEREAS, the City is charged with the public interest and, accordingly, as a proprietary function is desirous of having placed within its corporate limits, at transit stops and/or at other points of pedestrian convenience or necessity, benches designed for comfortable seating in order that such benches may inure to the convenience and enjoyment of those who use public transportation, and of others; and WHEREAS, METROPOLITAN SYSTEMS, INC. , a corporation, hereinafter referred to as the "Service Company," is engaged in the manufacture and installation of benches as an ordinary and desirable incident of city and county streets; and WHEREAS, the l(" / G)/(4 t.C 1Y L S iz-A" ( • and the hereinafter referred to as the "Clubs," are desirous of sponsor- ing or co-sponsoring as a community project for the benefit and accommodation of the general traveling public, and of others, the placement of benches at transit stops and/or at other points of pedestrian convenience or necessity within the corporate limits of the City and, to that end, have en- tered into agreements with the Service Company. NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the premises, the Clubs and the Service Company join in making the follow- ing proposal to the City, whereby, upon the acceptance of such proposal by the City, the said desires of the City and of the Clubs can be realized: 1. The Service Company, its successors and assigns, shall install and at all times hereunder shall continue to furnish benches, as hereinafter provided, upon public space within the corporate limits of the City (as now constituted or hereafter enlarged) in a quantity sufficient, in the judg- ment of the City reasonably exercised, to establish a public seating service within the City for the benefit of the gener- al traveling public as well as for the benefit of others. In order to fund such public seating service, the Service Company, its successors and assigns, shall have the right to lease display space on said benches, as hereinafter pro- vided for both public service and commercial messages. 2. Benches placed within the corporate limits of the City, as herein provided, shall be governed by and subject to the following general criteria: a. No bench shall be more than forty-three (43) inches high nor more than seventy-four (74) inches long nor more than twenty-eight (28) inches wide. b. Construction shall be of concrete and wood or of equivalent materials. BE c. Benches shall be placed at transit stops and/or at other points of pedestrian convenience or necessity and such placement shall be subject to review by the City so that no bench shall be permitted to cause a public sidewalk to be closed to pedestrian passage or to create a hazard or to otherwise be detrimental to the public safety. d. No bench, unless otherwise authorized, may be placed so that the angle of its long di- version in relation to the curb line shall be greater than thirty degrees (30°) , and no bench, unless otherwise authorized, may be placed so that it is closer than eighteen (18) inches to the face of the curb. e. Not more than one (1) bench displaying a commercial message or intended for the dis- play of a commercial message shall be per- mitted at a particular location. f. Display space shall be restricted to the backrest area of the bench and shall not be greater than six (6) feet in length and two (2) feet in height. No commercial message displayed thereon shall appear other than on the front or rear surface of such backrest area. Should any message be deemed objection- able in the judgment of the City reasonably exercised, then, upon notice to the Service Company such message shall forthwith be re- moved by the Service Company. Should any bench fail to conform to the above gener- al criteria or should a property owner object to the presence of a bench abutting his property then the City may order the Service Company to remove such bench and, that failing, may remove same at the expense of the Service Company. 3. The City shall reserve the right to, upon notice to the Service Company, order the removal of any particular bench which the City, in its judgment reasonably exercised, believes not to be located to the public benefit. Should the Service Company fail to remove such bench then the City may remove same at the expense of the Service Company. 4. At all times hereunder the benches which are the Sersubject of this vice Company andpthelremain shall ServiceCompanyhshe allpmaintaintsaid benches in a good and substantial state of repair. At all times hereunder the land upon which the benches are placed shall not be in the legal possession or control of the Ser- vice Company but shall only be subject to the necessary in- stallation and maintenance of the benches. 5. The Service Company shall at all times hereunder maintain public liability insurance and shall provide the • City with a Certificate of Insurance as evidence of same; the insurance shall be in the minimum amount of One Hundred Thousand Dollars ($100,000.00) for individual injury and Five Hundred Thousand Dollars ($500,000.00) for more than one injury resulting from one accident and Fifty Thousand Dollars ($50,000.00) for property damage and if and when such minimum amounts become deficient, in the judgment of the City reasonably exercised, then such amounts shall be appropriately increased upon the written request of the City. Further, within the above stated insurance limits, the Service Company shall indemnify and save harmless the City from and against all claims, losses and expenses, including court - 2 - BE costs and reasonable attorney's fees, arising out of or re- sulting from any wrongful or negligent act on the part of the Service Company in the installation and maintenance of benches hereunder. 6. It is intended that the program for the placement and continued maintenance of benches established by the accep- tance of this proposal by the City be quasi-commercial in nature, accordingly, such program shall be sponsored or co- sponsored by the Clubs, however, notwithstanding anything herein to the contrary, such sponsorship shall be the Clubs' only right and obligation hereunder. The benches shall be referred to as the "Clubs' benches." Should the Clubs at any time and for any reason be compelled to withdraw as spon- sors of the public seating service established by the accept- ance of this program by the City so as to leave no sponsoring organization for such program then the Service Company shall within a reasonable time thereafter join with another civic, service or charitable organization or organizations as spon- sor of such service and the City shall be notified of such sponsorship. 7. Should the Service Company be found to be in default of any of the conditions herein, it shall be given notice in writing and a reasonable time, not to exceed thirty (30) days, to correct same. In the event that the Service Company should fail to correct such default within a reasonable time after receipt of notice of same the City may, at its option, terminate the rights and obligations created by the acceptance of this in writi (90) days notice ngotostheupon Clubsthe andgiving thefService Company. Should such termination duly occur, or should the rights and obliga- tions to provide public seating as set forth herein cease • for any other reason, then the Service Company shall be allowed an additional six (6) month period to remove its benches. 8. Where notice to the Service Company and/or to the Clubs is required or otherwise given pursuant to the agree- ment created by the acceptance of this proposal by the City it shall be in writing, sent by registered or certified mail, to the relevant principal office(s) with return receipt(s) requested. 9. It is expressly understood and agreed that the rights and obligations created by the acceptance of this proposal by the City shall remain in full force and effect for a period of twelve (12) years from and after the date of such acceptance and, thereafter, so long as the Service Company performs as provided herein and so long as the Clubs, or either of them including successors, if an r the public seating service established herein, then,sandsin that event, such rights and obligations shall self-extend and renew for like periods without restriction upon the same terms, covenants and conditions. 10. Should any one or more of the provisions hereof be found invalid or unenforceable by a court of competent jurisdiction then such provision or provisions shall be null and void and shall be deemed severed from the whole and such finding shall be without effect upon the remaining provisions which remaining provisions shall continue in full force and effect provided that the rights and obligations of the parties contained herein are not materially prejudiced and that the intentions of the parties continue to be effective. 11. The agreement created by the acceptance of this proposal by the City supersedes all prior negotiations, under- standings, representations or agreements between the parties hereto, whether written or oral, with respect to the subject matter contained herein and with respect to the area intended hereunder. - 3 - 15.E. 12. It is understood and agreed that the agreement created by the acceptance of this proposal by the City shall take effect one hundred and twenty (120) days from and after the date of such acceptance and that time shall be of the essence of such agreement. It is further understood and agreed that the rights and obligations created by the accept- ance of this proposal by the City shall be exclusive and shall not be conditioned upon the City being served by a mass transit system. 13. Should the City desire to have transit shelters installed at designated transit stops (within its corporate limits which shelters are to be funded by the display of commercial messages, the Clubs, together with the Service Company, shall have the right of first refusal for the in- stallation and operation of such shelters together with the display space thereon. 14. And the further conditions: IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this instrument to be executed in their respective corporate names by the persons duly authorized to sign in their behalf. SIGNED, SEALED AND DELIVERED IN THE PRESENCE OF: CLUB /� ,/ • By1- �%.).. �, �:��?�. `., (SEAL) ATTES4,,ij ! �l��. aag.C/ Presidenj /" Secretary J CLUB ATTEST: By (SEAL) President Secretary METROPOLITANiSYSTEMS,INC. ATTEST: j �� By -----(SEAL) S cretar 410/- ice President Y CITY OF CCC' [: C" /',t CA//I/J ABy (SEAL) ATTEST: Mayor City Clerk • Date of Acceptance by City of c'Cf!'l 1, /4'e/;1,),/ Approved as to form and legal sufficiency: City Attorney - 4 - • "CENTER OF GOOD LIVING-PRIDE OF WEST ORANGE" MAYOR•cOMNIISSIONER Ocoee S.SCOTT VANDERGRIFT ' ° CITY OF OCOEE COMMISSIONERS p-44 CITY JOHNSON 6vaiO( 150 N.LAKESHORE DRIVE PAUL W.FOSTER OCOEE,FLORIDA 34761 VERN COMBS o4, �� (407)656 2322 SAM WOODSON ylF�P O N>,` QTY MANAGER G00 ELLIS SHAPIRO TO: The Honorable Mayor and Board of City Commissioners FROM: Montye Beamer, Director of Administrative Services ?)-; DATE: May 13 , 1993 RE: REVIEW OF CURRENT FLEET MAINTENANCE PROCEDURES During the Summer, 1992 , the Police Department received written quotes from three vendors for maintenance of their vehicles . This was a time period when many of their vehicles were in need of specific repair as well as tires and regular maintenance. Attachment 1 shows examples of the inspections on these vehicles . Problems with the actual cost vs . original quotes led to new quotes as shown in Attachment 2 . Tires , on the other hand, are best bought off of the State Contract . Currently, there are only two local vendors who will supply these on those terms . Action Gator is the closer of the two. Attachment 3 lists not only the tires mounted and balanced but also those repairs purportedly based on the written quotes (Attachment 1) . When the decision was made to review types of repairs , demand, and availability before advertising for formal bids; this procedure was verbally outlined to each department . Utilities reduced it to writing, the result of which is included as Attachment 4 . Attachment 5 details a few examples of how the quoting procedure has worked successfully. In requesting types of automotive repair needed from all directors with vehicles and other rolling stock, the following Directors responded: Protective Inspections , Fire, Utilities , and Recreation. Their responses are shown in Attachment 6 . From these, the type of repairs have been categorized: 1 . Vehicles with dealer-only repairs such as warranty work or specific parts; 2 . Vehicles too large, too heavy, or too specialized for local vendors; 3 . Servicing which requires special handling and/or disposal such as air conditioning servicing or repair; 4 . Scheduled preventive maintenance; 5 . Repairs common to all vehicles such as transmissions and body repair but not handled at all shops; and 1 . 6. Repairs common to all vehicles such as belt replacement , headlights , and batteries which are handled by all shops . During the latter months of the third quarter, advertising for bids on Fleet Maintenance will be completed. cc: Ellis Shapiro, City Manager Department Directors I I .4 ATTACHMENT 1 THIS IS NOT AN INVOICE Vl-ILV ` `'""""111` NO. � 0V) FOR USE IN STATE OF FLORIDA ONLY PLEASE READ CAREFULLY THE STATEMENTS BELOW - CHECK YOUR SELECTION AND SIGN. ' I UNDERSTAND THAT UNDER STATE LAW THAT I AM ENTITLED TO A WRITTEN ESTIMATE IF MY FINAL REPAIR BILL WILL EXCEED $50. ❑ I REQUEST A WRITTEN ESTIMATE. ❑ I DO NOT REQUEST A WRITTEN ESTIMATE AS LONG AS THE REPAIR COSTS DO NOT EXCEED $ YOU MAY NOT EXCEED THIS AMOUNT WITHOUT MY WRITTEN OR ORAL APPROVAL. ❑ I DO NOT REQUEST A WRITTEN ESTIMATE. SIGNED DATE //�G4'2- TO KEEP YOUR FINAL BILL DOWN,SOME PARTS MAY BE RETURNED TO THE MANUFACTURER,BUT ALL PARTS WILL BE NEW UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED. NAMEse-N - STORE ADDRESS STAMP P ___ r i Lk I\-c CcrliL/- R ADDRESS 3 _ NCITY ! /' -T / STATE ZIP `!?1.- .J T PHONE NO. DATE TIME MAKE/YEAR OF CAR MODEL MILEAGE UCENSE NO. PROPOSED COMPLETION DATE EST.PREPARED BY(NAME) Cr, 7J3& 7 i ."/ c( . METHOD OF PAYMENT NAME AND PHONE NO.OF ANOTHER PERSON WHO MAY AUTHORIZE REPAIR WORK. NAME PHONE ECASH ❑CHARGE n CREDIT CARD QUAN. %� DESCRIPTION , PARTS LABOR TOTAL 2 L/47/•1i 5 412(M-75 A2c'Q B.?A,6'3 . 1 (1 P) 11 GgiG/e ( . 7S.(/712/0. c .c. 9 H c Cah a _ / 7M s. D76,04 f- as F)morn.r? mcg,,.f- / .die /4Xn, . G/ .hoe,F S (2) FA,2 Vii' S . &/7 1 4„e idApir -2 FWor.f f/oSF 5 (1- 2 n V-CA. SUB-TOTALS BALL JOINT TOLERANCESH ESTIMATED PRICE FIRM FOR 10 DAYS St LEFTSALES .410.�} bf ALL REPAIRS WARRANTED FOR MINIMUM OF 90 DAYS ESTIMATED COST ClPr C/` (),PE”j7 OR 3000 MILES.SEE LIMITED WARRANTY FOLDER. OF REPAIRS AUTOMOTIVE REPAIR PRICES SHOWN ARE OUR CURRENT ADVERTISED OR PRINTED RETAIL PRICE FOR THE SERVICE. IF NO PRINTED PRICE HAS BEEN ESTABLISHED,PRICES ARE BASED ON A FLAT RATE MANUAL DUE TO SPACE UMITATIONS WE REQUEST THAT YOU PICK UP YOUR VEHICLE AT THE PROMISED COMPLETION TIME OR WITHIN A REASONABLE TIME AFTER NOTIFICATION THAT THE REPAIRS HAVE BEEN COMPLETED. SHOULD YOU FAIL TO PICK UP YOUR VEHICLE WITHIN THREE (3) WORKING DAYS AFTER NOTIFICATION OF ITS COMPLETION, A STORAGE RATE OF$15.00 PER DAY WILL BE CHARGED. ❑ I WANT OLD PARTS RETURNED. ❑ I DO NOT WANT OLD PARTS RETURNED. ADDITIONAL REPAIRS AUTHORIZED AUTHORIZED BY(NAME) THIS ACKNOWLEDGES RECEIPT OF THE ESTIMATE AND AUTHORIZES YOU TO DATE TIME AMOUNT DESCRIPTION RECEIVED BY PROCEED WITH REPAIRS, BUT CALL ME IF ADDITIONAL REPAIRS ARE REQUIRED. CUSTOMER SIGNATURE G-322(11-80) 0 \ 701104475 1/ "r STORE FILE .. _._ _....._ ........ ,., _ - _ __ . THIS IS NOT AN INVOICE `"••IIS... "'••, 683881 FOR USE IN STATE OF FLORIDA ONLY NO• PLEASE READ CAREFULLY THE STATEMENTS BELOW - CHECK YOUR SELECTION AND SIGN. I UNDERSTAND THAT UNDER STATE LAW THAT I AM ENTITLED TO A WRITTEN ESTIMATE IF MY FINAL REPAIR BILL WILL EXCEED $50. n I REQUEST A WRITTEN ESTIMATE. ❑ I DO NOT REQUEST A WRITTEN ESTIMATE AS LONG AS THE REPAIR COSTS DO NOT EXCEED $ . YOU MAY NOT EXCEED THIS AMOUNT WITHOUT MY WRITTEN OR ORAL APPROVAL. n I DO NOT REQUEST A WRITTEN ESTIMATE` ` `(` ' r-+ \' 4? ' (7 c 1,V r, ; ')SFGNED. ` - ` /... / DATE TO KEEP YOUR FINAL BILL DOWN,SOME PARTS MAY BE RETURNED TOTH9 MANUFACTURER BUT ALL PARTS WILL BE NEW UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED. -' ( r, NAME ( �� �I `�/ \ STORE ADDRESS STAMP P \�-`-1 l�- fi •e. c 9 .-, R ADDRESS i, =1/_, - N CITY N ��-, { 7e,/ ,\ v\ T PHONE NO. •C21 DATE \, TIME ' -/\ MAKE/YEAR OF CAR MODEL 4;...--;MILEAGE . / SE NO:'--- _ PROPOSED COMPLETION DATE EST.PREPARED BY(NAME) S WI. METHOD OF PAYMENT -.1 fo �/ / NAME AND PHONE NO.OF ANOTHER PERSON WHO MAY AUTHORIZE REPAIR WORK. -. _rt., NAME PHONE ❑CASH • a CHARGE v61EDIT CARD ✓ \ QUAN. � i\ DESRRIPTION . _ - PARTS LABOR TOTAL C.E<. a ‘ /2 Pl;c K/ c 0 . L..{L.. r1Sv ('LI2.a(V._, 14��z 7 5 ) -7•\,\e \Z\2_.-N-v---\ .......c.‘ p\\\,,,,..) l9-3,...\--\-RA,-\ \ ' L.. ---------- -2- e_\,_ ` ( ,- . SUB-TOTALS • M Q.\ SALES BALL JOINT TOLERANCES STAXS ESTIMATED PRICE FIRM FOR 10 DAYS Q TAX LEFT RIGHT ALL REPAIRS WARRANTED FOR MINIMUM OF 90 DAY �,O ESTI ATED COST OR 3000 MILES.SEE LIMITED WARRANTY FOLDER. Cf\42� - F REPAIRS AUTOMOTIVE REPAIR PRICES SHOWN ARE OUR CURRENT ADVERTISED OR PRINTE RETAIL PRICE FOR THE SERVICE. IF NO PRINTED PRICE HAS BEEN ESTABLISHED,PRICES ARE BASED ON A FLAT RATE MANUAL DUE TO SPACE LIMITATIONS WE REQUEST THAT YOU PICK UP YOUR VEHICLE AT THE PROMISED COMPLETION TIME OR WITHIN A REASONABLE TIME AFTER NOTIFICATION THAT THE REPAIRS HAVE BEEN COMPLETED. SHOULD YOU FAIL TO PICK UP YOUR VEHICLE WITHIN THREE (3) WORKING DAYS AFTER NOTIFICATION OF ITS COMPLETION, A STORAGE RATE OF$15.00 PER DAY WILL BE CHARGED. ❑ I WANT OLD PARTS RETURNED. 0 I DO NOT WANT OLD PARTS RETURNED. ADDITIONAL REPAIRS AUTHORIZED AUTHORIZED BY(NAME) THIS ACKNOWLEDGES RECEIPT OF THE ESTIMATE AND AUTHORIZES YOU TO DATE TIME AMOUNT DESCRIPTION RECEIVED BY PROCEED WITH REPAIRS, BUT CALL ME IF ADDITIONAL REPAIRS ARE REQUIRED. //-�`k CUSTOMER SIGNATURE G-322111-80) �-/ 701104475 ` STORE Fl J • THIS IS NOT AN INVOICE • acnv1‘. wIInvnhlNO - 6 8 v 9 FOR USE IN STATE OF FLORIDA ONLY PLEASE READ CAREFULLY THE STATEMENTS BELOW - CHECK YOUR SELECTION AND SIGN. I UNDERSTAND THAT UNDER STATE LAW THAT I AM ENTITLED TO A WRITTEN ESTIMATE IF MY FINAL REPAIR BILL WILL EXCEED $50. E I REQUEST A WRITTEN ESTIMATE. ❑ I DO NOT REQUEST A WRITTEN ESTIMATE AS LONG AS THE REPAIR COSTS DO NOT EXCEED $ • YOU MAY NOT EXCEED THIS AMOUNT WITHOUT MY WRITTEN OR ORAL APPROVAL. ❑ I DO NOT REQUEST A WRITTEN ESTIMATE. SIGNED DATE TO KEEP YOUR FINAL BILL DOWN,SOME PARTS MAY BE RETURNED TO THE MANUFACTURER,BUT ALL PARTS WILL BE NEW UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED. NAMES STORE ADDRESS STAMP p \-�-� ' 1 0 C 2.�_ R ADDRESS f: -CN) GOOD/YEAR N CITY STATE ) ZIP GATOR-ACTION TIRE T PHONE NO. DATE TIE r `G 2625 W. STATE RD. 50 1 OCOEE, FLORIDA 34761 (E/YEAR OF CAR MODEL MILEAGE LICENSE NO. PROPOSED COMPL 179T67 51RED BY(NAME) METHOD OF PAYMENT NAME AND PHONE NO.OF ANOTHER PERSON WHO MAY AUTHORIZE REPAIR WORK. - F NAME PHONE ECASH ❑CHARGE I I CREDIT CARD QUAN. DESCRIPTION ` PARTS LABOR TOTAL s-c•`e5 \c I�.c) -7 A , /1S�nen�'C Sb ,22 �(-,D4.5 L \ .IBJ oK — \ .`\Q src) c \� . O.Vii: _ ( c.x . •• 1 C ._.) \c c_ke_c \.Dii, '- . \-rr-05' 7 N./C., . C «key L - foss bye •.cec‘..c- t-4N- �$�\ 1 -'f-•L( e Co%�\ SUB-TOTALS r BALL JOINT TOLERANCES SALES ESTIMATED PRICE FIRM FOR 10 DAYS TAX LEFT RIGHT ALL REPAIRS WARRANTED FOR MINIMUM OF 90 DAYS ESTIMATED COST 000. OR 3000 MILES.SEE UMITED WARRANTY FOLDER. OF REPAIRS AUTOMOTIVE REPAIR PRICES SHOWN ARE OUR CURRENT ADVERTISED "OR PRINTED RETAIL PRICE FOR THE SERVICE. IF NO PRINTED PRICE HAS BEEN ESTABLISHED,PRICES ARE BASED ON A FLAT RATE MANUAL. DUE TO SPACE LIMITATIONS WE REQUEST THAT YOU PICK UP YOUR VEHICLE AT THE PROMISED COMPLETION TIME OR WITHIN A REASONABLE TIME AFTER NOTIFICATION THAT THE REPAIRS HAVE BEEN COMPLETED. SHOULD YOU FAIL TO PICK UP YOUR VEHICLE WITHIN THREE (3) WORKING DAYS AFTER NOTIFICATION OF ITS COMPLETION, A STORAGE RATE OF$15.00 PER DAY WILL BE CHARGED. E I WANT OLD PARTS RETURNED. ❑ .DO NOT WANT OLD PARTS RETURNED. ADDITIONAL REPAIRS AUTHORIZED AUTHORIZED BY(NAME) THIS ACKNOWLEDGES RECEIPT OF THE ESTIMATE AND AUTHORIZES YOU TO PROCEED WITH REPAIRS, BUT CALL ME DATE TIME AMOUNT DESCRIPTION RECENED BY IF ADDITIONAL REPAIRS ARE REQUIRED. CUSTOMER SIGNATURE G-322(71 80) C 701104475 '' STORERL THIS IS NOT AN INVOICE FOR USE IN STATE OF FLORIDA ONLY NO. b ;; Li 8 PLEASE READ CAREFULLY THE STATEMENTS BELOW — CHECK YOUR SELECTION AND SIGN. I UNDERSTAND THAT UNDER STATE LAW THAT I AM ENTITLED TO A WRITTEN ESTIMATE IF MY FINAL =EPAIR BILL WILL EXCEED $50. ❑ I REQUEST A WRITTEN ESTIMATE. ❑ I DO NOT REQUEST A WRITTEN ESTIMATE AS LONG AS THE REPAIR COSTS DO NOT EXCEED $ . YOU MAY NOT EXCEED THIS AMOUNT WITHOUT MY WRITTEN OR ORAL APPROVAL. ❑ I DO NOT REQUEST A WRITTEN ESTIMATE. SIGNED DATE TO KEEP YOUR FINAL BILL DOWN,SOME PARTS MAY BE RETURNED TO THE MANUFACTURER,BUT ALL PARTS WILL BE NEW UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFED. NAME-Th ADDR - 1?Or i \ 1. r��� <� c.. R ADDRESS �� _..0` GATOR-ACTION TIRE CT—Y—' STATE ZIP _ 2625 W. STATE RD. 50 T (- .Lf\) ;A-- --2,<_-_ S OCOEE, FLORIDA 34761 T PHONE NO. DATE TIME (407) 877-0445 MAKE/YEAR OF CAR MODEL MILEAGE LICENSE NO. PROPOSED COMPLETION DATE EST.PREPARED BY(NAME) L"\ \ METHOD OF PAYMENT I NAME AND PHONE NO.OF ANOTHER PERSON WHO MAY AUTHORIZE REPAIR WORK. NAME PHONE — ❑CASH • ❑CHARGE _CREDIT CARD DUAN. DESCRIPTION PARTS LABOR TOTAL .\ c' ...... •,- S. , \. -c . t"m,.—.1\� !- '' . r'-- F -V:r.a . . SUB—TOTALS • BALL JOINT TOLERANCES — ' SALES :_ ESTIMATED PRICE.FIRM FOR 1DDAYS . . .. _ TAX LEFT RIGHT ALL REPAIRS WARRANTED FOR MINIMUM OF90 DAYS ESTIMATED COST OR 3000 MILES.SEE LIMITED WARRANTY FOLDER. - . OF REPAIRS ' AUTOMOTIVE. REPAIR PRICES SHOWN ARE OUR CURRENT. ADVERTISED OR PRINTED RETAIL PRICE FOR-THE SERVICE. IF NO PRINTED PRICE HAS BEEN ESTABUSHED,PRICES-ARE BASED ON.A FLAT RATE MANUAL DUE TO SPACE UMITATIONS WE REQUEST THAT YOU.PICK UP YOUR VEHICLE AT THE PROMISED COMPLETION TIME OR WITHIN A REASONABLE TIME AFTER NOTIFICATION THAT THE.REPAIRS HAVE BEEN'COMPLETED. -- SHOULD YOU•FAIL TO PICK UP YOUR VEHICLE WITHIN THREE (3) WORKING DAYS-AFTER NOTIFICATION OF ITS COMPLETION, A STORAGE RATE OF$15.00 PER DAY WILL BE CHARGED. - .- ❑ I WANT OLD PARTS RETURNED. , - ❑ I DO NOT WANT OLD PARTS RETURNED. ADDITIONAL'REPAIRS AUTHORIZED AUTHORIZED BY(NAME) . THIS ACKNOWLEDGES RECEIPT OF THE ESTIMATE AND AUTHORIZES YOU TO DATE • TIME AMOUNT DESCRIPTION RECEIVED BY PROCEED WM4 REPAIRS, BUT CALL ME -- IF ADDITIONAL REPAIRS ARE REQUIRED: CUSTOMER SIGNATURE G-322(11-80) C -70110u75k 1 .i`. — aa.a. ai:'ai. •>.'a.a' a..— THIS IS NOT AN INVOICE '""' "" `""' '"'` b FOR USE IN STATE OF FLORIDA ONLY NO. , PLEASE READ CAREFULLY THE STATEMENTS BELOW - CHECK YOUR SELECTION AND SIGN. I UNDERSTAND THAT UNDER STATE LAW THAT I AM ENTITLED TO A WRITTEN ESTIMATE IF MY FINAL REPAIR BILL WILL EXCEED $50. I REQUEST A WRITTEN ESTIMATE. ❑ I DO NOT REQUEST A WRITTEN ESTIMATE AS LONG AS THE REPAIR COSTS DO NOT EXCEED $ YOU MAY NOT EXCEED THIS AMOUNT WITHOUT MY WRITTEN OR ORAL APPROVAL. ❑ I DO NOT REQUEST A WRITTEN ESTIMATE. SIGNED DATE 6 - ) TO KEEP YOUR FINAL BILL DOWN,SOME PARTS MAY BE RETURNED TO THE MANUFACTURER,BUT ALL PARTS WILL BE NEW UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED. P NAI�E� ,�(� STORE ADDRESS STAMP �"C` CC (.7 ADDRESS • CITY STATE � T PHONE NO. DATE C/V' TIME MAKE/YEAR OF CAR MODEL MILE/A/GE LICENSE NO. PROPOSED COMPLETION DATE EST.PREPARED BY(NAME) IY' METHOD OF PAYMENT NAME AND PHONE NO.OF ANOTHER PERSON WHO MAY AUTHORIZE REPAIR WORK. NAME PHONE ❑CASH ❑CHARGE n CREDIT CARD OUAN. DESCRIPTION PARTS LABOR TOTAL • . f� r J • PA L SUB-TOTALS SALES BALL JOINT TOLERANCES ,, --,• • TAX.- .. •• E�MATED'pRICEFIRM FOFL10 DAYS." _ — _ LEFT - RIGHT ALL REPAIRS WARRANTED FOR MINIMUM OF 90 DAYS ESTIMATED COST' ' • -- • OR 3000 MILES.SEE LIMITED WARRANTY FOLDER OF REPAIRS ' ' AUTOMOTIVE.REPAIR SHOWN ARE OUR CURRENT ADVERTISED OR• PRINTED RETAIL PRICE. FOR FINE SERVICE: IF NO • PRINTED PRICE HAS BEEN ESTABLISHED,PRICES ARE BASED ON KFLAT RATE MANUAL ' 'DUE TO SPACE LIMITATIONS WE REQUEST THAT YOU PICK UP YOUR VEHICLE AT THE PROMISED"COMPLETION TIME OR WITHIN A REASONABLE TIME AFTER NOTIFICATION THAT THE REPAIRS HAVEBEEN COMPLETED. SHOULD YOU FAIL TO PICK UP YOUR VEHICLE WITHIN-THREE (3) WORKING`DAYS AFTER NOTIFICATION OF ITS COMPLETION; A.STORAGE RATE OF$15.00 PER DAY WILL BE CHARGED. a1 WANT OLD PARTS RETURNED. • - IAO NOT WANT OLD PARTS RETURNED. . .-•. ___..._ - ADDITIONAL REPAIRS AUTHORIZED`.. AUTHORIZED BY(NAME) .. ' _ .' — THIS. ACKNOWLEDGES RECEIPT OF-THE - ESTIMATE AND AUTHORIZES YOU TO DATE"' TIME =AMOUNT DESCRIPTION • . ' RECEIVED BY'` PROCEED.WITH REPAIRS, BU _rGA—Il:AAE IF ADDITIONAL REPAIRS ARE REQUIRED. • - - .-. . _._. _�..- -• _ -. _ — _ — .. --- CUSTOMER SIGNATURE • G-322(11-80) ' s. _... • 701104475 � �`P ':,`.'>';:::::i♦'a�`::::.'.'.`:.'��:','::ai'::::a'>•a.f .`.'.'.`a':f'::.'.'. aa t`�:;`.::�•17.�w�i .'� . .�a.`!;�a i:��a:'!:`..'�a:i a`.'i.ilai`i i i 1•• 1a\t\>\.•lat ..\tf11f♦aaaa.\... ,1.,,•fftf a...W.V..... . \ • a \f'f•. `. •a \ aa>�f,f at•141aa afaf\-f atafatff 1faaf!>•a 1 1,\f.a..\..;-'!'aL':.�a,t,'f>.>.•, aa_f.>.,'a..,S.> aata,' r.♦ ''e\ '•'.':.'.��,'r t...., i...►♦..\..!...!\.1 f\>♦a>\\.>>1♦1.. ' THIS IS NOT AN INVOICE JtrIVII.0 COI IIVIHIC 8'''7 A FOR USE IN STATE OF FLORIDA ONLY NO. 6. v F PLEASE READ CAREFULLY THE STATEMENTS BELOW - CHECK YOUR SELECTION AND SIGN. , 'I UNDERSTAND THAT UNDER STATE LAW THAT I AM ENTITLED TO A WRITTEN ESTIMATE IF MY FINAL REPAIR BILL WILL EXCEED $50. ❑ I REQUEST A WRITTEN ESTIMATE. ❑ I DO NOT REQUEST A WRITTEN ESTIMATE AS LONG AS THE REPAIR COSTS DO NOT EXCEED $ YOU MAY NOT EXCEED THIS AMOUNT WITHOUT MY WRITTEN OR ORAL APPROVAL. ❑ I DO NOT REQUEST A WRITTEN ESTIMATE. • SIGNED DATE TO KEEP YOUR FINAL BILL DOWN,SOME PARTS MAY BE RETURNED TO THE MANUFACTURER BUT ALL PARTS WILL BE NEW UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED. • NAME STORE ADDRESS STAMP ��. �- RADDRESS — J - CITY \ STATE ZIP T PHONE NO. DATEr TIME Pis\ 42 n MAKE/YEAR OF CAR MODEL MILEAGE LICENSE NO. PROPOSED COMPLETION DATE EST.PREPARED BY(NAME) METHOD OF PAYMENT NAME AND PHONE NO.OF ANOTHER PERSON WHO MAY AUTHORIZE REPAIR WORK. NAME PHONE ❑CASH ❑CHARGE I I CREDIT CARD DUAN. DESCRIPTION PARTS LABOR TOTAL -1-121 L=;2 / 7:77C//,° #A7. r,. „ SUB-TOTALS • TAX .,_ BALLJOINT TOLERANCES. - A _ __..... ----ESTIMATED PRICE FIRM FOR 10 DAYS .. • . . :-''f;~ ..; ' �..` _ . ,. . LEFT -„ RIGHT -_ ti -.- _ •'ALL REPAIRS WARRANTED FOR MINIMUM OF 90 DAYS - '- ESTIMATED COST • • ' - n''' OR 3000 MILES.SEE UMITED WARRANTY FOLDER. - OF REPAIRS AUTOMOTIVE REPAIR PRICES SHOWN ARE OUR CURRENT ADVERTISED OR PRINTED RETAIL.PRICE.EOR THE.SERVICE. IF..NO ."';'PRINTED-PRICE HAS BEEN-ESTABLISHED,PRICES ARE BASED ON A FLAT RATE MANUAL - - - - -• DUE TO SPACE UMITATIONS WE REQUEST THAT YOU PICK UP YOUR VEHICLE AT THE PROMISED-COMPLETION TIME OR; WITHIN . A REASONABLE•TIME AFTER NOTIFICATION-THAT THE REPAIRS HAVE BEEN COMPLETED. " SHOULD YOU"FAIL TO PICK UP .YOUR VEHICLE WITHIN THREE (3) WORKING DAYS AFTER-NOTIFICATION OF ITS COMPLETION, - A STORAGE RATE OF$15.00 PER DAY WILL BE CHARGED. 0.1,WANT.OLD•PARTS RETURNED.; - •`•- ❑ I DO NOT WANT OLD PARTS RETURNED.• . ADDITIONAL REPAIRS AUTHORIZED • • AUTHORIZED BY(NAME) THIS ACKNOWLEDGES RECEIPT OF THE ESTIMATE AND AUTHORIZES .YOU TO DATE- TIME • AMOUNT " - - - DESCRIPTION ' '. - - RECEIVED BY ' • PRESCEED ALR -REPAIRS, BUT'IRE ME IF ADDITIONAL REPAIRS ARE REQUIRED. • _—. _-- —• ---• _ _-- .—.- _ CUSTOMER SIGNATURE - G-322(11-80) IF 701104475 • /•i Baa-ia•a 1'a i{a�;s tws saki a,s,a`i.s'�a•!i;`S s`i�i,:s :`i,1�•a ,taw`♦`a a 1 was. a..sta.`J-Lfl •' ,si•T, �w.i\ai fat hlr 1`~.wf i a aii`- r i i :aw 1::fa1 4 1s. pfwat t.1�wit i!t�wa:ttt!a i 1-sT t a 1 taliltf 1 t�s t a t t v•t t t 1 r t. _--`- .__'•. `1`a' 'ta'•``' _ _. .. .t i=a a.. ., a.w_t.a!..i...w,'....— 1 t`...a.''a'.S•S_' a.".'_.a. LL s s w i c s i l:s: a�s!:i a:t i s c:,a 1 1 t ti. �ww: +'1a• ♦a 1 •a w'a`: :1'.i-i a s 1 tas i L 1 t s 1 a a s t i a a tai s!i.a iwa ' THIS IS NOT AN INVOICE ORUS Nt: T OF IIIVIHIt 6 8 3 3 r7 FOR USE IN STATE OF FLORIDA ONLY NO• o J PLEASE READ CAREFULLY THE STATEMENTS BELOW - CHECK YOUR SELECTION AND SIGN. J UNDERSTAND THAT UNDER STATE LAW THAT I AM ENTITLED TO A WRITTEN ESTIMATE IF MY FINAL REPAIR BILL WILL EXCEED $50. ❑ I REQUEST A WRITTEN ESTIMATE. ❑ I DO NOT REQUEST A WRITTEN ESTIMATE AS LONG AS THE REPAIR COSTS DO NOT EXCEED $ YOU MAY NOT EXCEED THIS AMOUNT WITHOUT MY WRITTEN OR ORAL APPROVAL. ❑ I DO NOT REQUEST A WRITTEN ESTIMATE. SIGNED DATE TO KEEP YOUR FINAL BILL DOWN,SOME PARTS MAY BE RETURNED TO THE MANUFACTURER,BUT ALL PARTS WILL BE NEW UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED. NAME4� R STORE ADDRESS STAMP ADDRESS J NCITY STATE ZIP TPHONE NO. DATE " TIME �1e. ` MAKE/YEAR OF CAR MODEL MILEAGE UCENSE NO. PROPOSED COMPLETION DATE EST.PREPARED BY(NAME) METHOD OF PAYMENT ••• NAME AND PHONE NO.OF ANOTHER PERSON WHO MAY AUTHORIZE REPAIR WORK. NAME PHONE CCASH I (CHARGE E CREDIT CARD QUAN. DESCRIPTION PARTS LABOR TOTAL / /4 p Fn ///�� 1 6/ -raJ�-le e-e/ ./--A /i/4/ • 2 A'4--/-1/? _---77_k"i= s j L/ // % S • 2 If hz/Az/ ` ` 0 /P/v%r S • 1 R, -77.--/Z Gkt— LE..c-!- (�,v\A�In CcJlc-r) 2 Q/zc.v2,7 A"i (Zen2-- • �I,7 � -Tr, '.. c.Q l Ac,r 1�1 \ 111 15 k, SUB-TOTALS BALL JOINT TOLERANCES , t SIS.".ESTIMATED PRICE FIRM FOR 10 DAYS LEFT RIGHT AU.REPAIRS WARRANTED FOR MINIMUM OF 90 DAYS ESTIMATED COST OR 3000 MILES.SEE LIMITED WARRANTY FOLDER. OF REPAIRS AUTOMOTIVE REPAIR PRICES SHOWN ARE OUR CURRENT ADVERTISED OR PRINTED RETAIL PRICE FOR THE SERVICE. IF NO- PRINTED PRICE HAS BEEN ESTABLISHED,PRICES ARE BASED ON A FLAT RATE MANUAL - DUE TO SPACE LIMITATIONS WE REQUEST THAT,.YOU PICK UP YOUR VEHICLE AT THE PROMISED COMPLETION TIME OR WITHIN A REASONABLE TIME AFTER NOTIFICATION THALTHE REPAIRS HAVE BEEN COMPLETED. SHOULD YOU FAIL TO PICK UP YOUR VEHICLE WITHIN THREE.(3) 1NORKING DAYS AFTER NOTIFICATION OF ITS COMPLETION, A STORAGE RATE OF$15.00 PER DAY WILL BE CHARGED. ;,, •aJ WANT OL•D,PARTS RETURNED. Li I DO NOT WANT OLD PARTS RETURNED. ----L ADDITIONAL REPAIRS AUTHORIZED AUTHORIZED BY(NAME) THIS ACKNOWLEDGES RECEIPT OF THE ESTIMATE AND AUTHORIZES YOU TO TIME AMOUNT DESCRIPTION ' RECEIVED BY PROCEED WITH REPAIRS, BUT CALL ME IF ADDITIONAL REPAIRS ARE REQUIRED.-- CUSTOMER SIGNATURE •..�.�Vit. •�' .. •,-i a.-.. .{.{.-a s::c ry� v-x{a... tia a a.y.a��.... .e•a a tiw, �.e-. �*l., l . . Y aM.Y:V..; ti. }s: e4S fits ` =:e� { , .f a• t :- . rr►{S=. t .,t{'' 1. .. ,.•i".1Q ;{ a►4y:•-i4{{Y.1 .Sa - Ye',‘ :• .. •T, {1l'`4t L4 .f li }tf 94T'{ l• {tfu. .. hiaiA♦-� - F o 1. 1.•..�_ �. . .�-.� ��. ... ...r.r���.r...w...�.4w�.G...J..�.+A.�..4.� THIS IS NOT AN INVOICE }�U FOR USE IN STATE OF FLORIDA ONLY NO. t v L PLEASE READ CAREFULLY THE STATEMENTS BELOW - CHECK YOUR SELECTION AND SIGN. I UNDERSTAND THAT UNDER STATE LAW THAT I AM ENTITLED TO A WRITTEN ESTIMATE IF MY FINAL REPAIR BILL WILL EXCEED $50. I REQUEST A WRITTEN ESTIMATE. ❑ I DO NOT REQUEST A WRITTEN ESTIMATE AS LONG AS THE REPAIR COSTS DO NOT EXCEED $ YOU MAY NOT EXCEED THIS AMOUNT WITHOUT MY WRITTEN OR ORAL APPROVAL ❑ I DO NOT REQUEST A WRITTEN ESTIMATE. nn n SIGNED TO KEEP YOUR ANAL BILL DOWN,SOME PARTS MAY BE RETURNED TO THE MANUFACTURER,BUT ALL PARTS WILL BE NEW UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED. NAME STORE ADDRESS STAMP ( GOODT ADDRE YEAR GATOR-ACTION TIRE N CITY STATE --�ZIP 2625 W. STATE RD. 50 PHONE NO. DATE��N! ? OCOEE, FLORIDA 34761 MAKE/YEAR OF CAR MODEL MILEAGE UCENSE NO. PROPOSED COMPLEcIOItTDATEg-/EST.PREPARED BY(NAME) (Y\L L\ 1 l 7L-( 1C RL-( • METHOD OF PAYMENT NAME AND PHONE NO.OF ANOTHER PERSON WHO MAY AUTHORIZE REPAIR WORK. NAME PHONE F-1 CASH ❑CHARGE CREDIT CARD QUAN. DESCRIPTION PARTS LABOR TOTAL (S\ C' t,ta2�r C, s �• SCC\ A�M, KS . - 1_1 t'c`�s 'Ct —"1 S 2 ) •� SUB-TOTALS ' -' BALL JOINT TOLERANCES TAX:.• -`� � '•' _ ESTIMATED PRICEFIRM FOR 10.DAYS . ' "' '" _-�� LEFT RIGHT .,• . AU.REPAIRS WARRANTED FOR MINIMUM-OF 90 DAYS . ESTIMATED COST • • • OR 3000 MILES.SEE UMITED WARRANTY FOLDER OF REPAIRS AUTOMOTIVE-REPAIR:PRICES SHOWN ARE-OUR--CURRENT-ADVERTISED OR PRINTED RETAIL_PRICE FOR .THE-SERVICE.IF.NO PRINTED PRICE HAS BEEN ESTABUSHED;•PRICES ARE BASED ON A FLAT RATE MANUAL • 3"'.. DUE TO SPACE UMITATIONS WE-REQUEST THAT YOU PICK UP YOUR VEHICLE AT THE PROMISED COMPLETION TIME"OR'WITHIN i.T.:.A REASONABLE TIME AFTER NOTIFICATION THAT THE REPAIRS HAVE BEEN COMPLETED. -,t7.:SHOULD YOU FAIL TO PICK UP_ YOUR VEHICLE -WITHIN THREE"(3) WORKING' DAYS AFTER NOTIFICATION OF ITS-COMPLETION, A STORAGE RATE OF$15.00 PER DAY WILL BE CHARGED. I WANT.OLD/PARTS RETURNED.: .-,.. D DO NOT WANT OLD PARTS RETURNED. - _. ADDITIONAL REPAIRS AUTHORIZED - AUTHORIZED BY(NAME) . •- . . •THIS-ACKNOWLEDGES RECEIPT OF THE. ESTIMATE AND 'AUTHORIZES_ YOU.--TO DATE TIME ' AMOUNT • 'r .DESCRIPTION: '" RECEIVED BY PROCEED:MITH— JRSR. BU1 DIRE ME.. - IF ADOMONAL-REPAIRS ARE REQUIRED, r '1 CUSTOMER SIGNATURE G-322(11-80) . 701104475 ,:S:Ltt.':.,:.•'i'ai!i 1:iat ial'.i'ai1'• 1.••l•a'�a'31'a'{•0's'i '!•i'!S•s'1'!t•ts'•'t •'1'i!'••ia•a i•'!S?ORE Lam.a s +.ii• t•'f l.t'..! .SF G •�L•�a a a}'•: - t♦t ftf�af•!•.t..+••t •• i• aaf•a:.!: •f• {•• .!:s= tt• ..♦ •7J V�a4 s�!!i•s.�!fi>`afta!af a..1 !:�!!a!34 ►aa. l t t! a•a{a f•a t a f at{l1 t a t!f,i i t 1)s f t!t!f t l'1♦f lit• '••t• • 1 3 :a i i ♦!• •{i t♦f L{a t t{a f f 1 L\7 f f i•I t•a f f f'{ •t.t•t t f !1 1 1 1 ' l• •••t•ii• •!is •S:s a L a{i{L{{a L}a 1 3 t a a i s f.L t i t a•i}{f}{t t t 1 1 a}{ THIS IS NOT AN INVOICE acnvn.c caiuvibuic NO. 683377 FOR USE IN STATE OF FLORIDA ONLY PLEASE READ CAREFULLY THE STATEMENTS BELOW - CHECK YOUR SELECTION AND SIGN. I UNDERSTAND THAT UNDER STATE LAW THAT I AM ENTITLED TO A WRITTEN! ESTIMATE IF MY FINAL REPAIR BILL WILL EXCEED $50. ❑ I REQUEST A WRITTEN ESTIMATE. ❑ I DO NOT REQUEST A WRITTEN ESTIMATE AS LONG AS THE REPAIR COSTS DO NOT EXCEED $ YOU MAY NOT EXCEED THIS AMOUNT WITHOUT MY WRITTEN OR ORAL APPROVAL. ❑ I DO NOT REQUEST A WRITTEN ESTIMATE. - T`). \ SIGNED DATE• ! TO KEEP YOUR FINAL BILL DOWN,SOME PARTS-MAY BE RETURNED TO THE MANUFACTURER BUT ALL-PARTS WILL BE NEW UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED. NAME ;moi STORE ADDRESS/STAMP �'L. �.` (`, 1 l �( `C 1� l Y iJ•' 1 . ....,---„.1-(/ P ADDRESS ,..\\ �I ' (,l �-- NCITY STATE k,_ I ZIP T PHONE NO. DATE 1 TIMECf , C_\ \_ 7 F__ J MAKE/YEAR OF CARg7 MODEL MILEAGE LICENSE NO. PROPOSED COMPLETION DATE 'EST.PREPARED BY(NAME) /y 1 METHOD OF PAYMENT - - NAME AND PHONE NO..OF ANOTHER PERSON WHO MAY AUTHORIZE REPAIR WORK. - NAME PHONE 'DASH ❑CHARGE _CREDIT CARD • QUAN. DESCRIPTION ""- . - PARTS LABOR I TOTAL ge-lTS . e.,i r ��'4 sal Q �m r� /y1/�i/�/ . ,, ." 4 y 7 e. /-0 0 0 /� s/ //A-/_ 1/P f'D l e., G�4x X o Ts' �G'o o U a 0v . . ..4)3...k ; f 7,/ ! - i " f .iM e % ,';i/A/ - ; .;so_4/-711/J 1• 14Y L, .A/r`` . ,b"r. rC ."7 i'1 , ? ;/7!J S - SUB-TOTALS BALL JOINT TOLERANCESSTARS ESTIMATED PRICE FIRM FOR 10 DAYS LEFT RIGHT ALL REPAIRS WARRANTED FOR MINIMUM OF 90 DAYS ESTIMATED COST OR 3000 MILES.SEE LIMITED WARRANTY FOLDER. OF REPAIRS AUTOMOTIVE REPAIR PRICES SHOWN ARE OUR CURRENT ADVERTISED OR PRINTED•-RETAIL`CE-FO / HESRVICE. IF NO PRINTED PRICE HAS BEEN ESTABLISHED,PRICES ARE BASED ON A FLAT RATE MANUAL . - ,)L-1 DUE TO SPACE UMITATIONS WE REQUEST THAT YOU PICK UP YOUR VEHICLIF AT THE PROM EDtC LET1O TIME.O9 W.ITHin r A REASONABLE TIME AFTER NOTIFICATION THAT THE REPAIRS HAVE BEEN COMPLETED:v! ./ ' 1 I. '_ ‘r-jr*. --S OKUP ULD YOU FAIL TO PICh�QS'IR VEHICLE WITHIN THREE (3) WORKING DAYS AFTER NOTIFICATION' OF ITS COMPLETION, 1 T9RAGE RATE OF$15.Qra PE D3 WILL BE CHARGED. .' \/ . 0 I WiNT OLD PARTS RETURNED. 0 I DO NOT WANT OLD PARTS RETURNED. --//+7 ..1/—//,'',,, AUTHORIZED BY(NAME) THIS ACKNOWLEDGES RECEIPT OF THE ADDITIONAL REPAIRS AUTHORIZED : ---• ESTIMATE AND AUTHORIZES YOU TO DATE- TIME AMOUNT DESCRIPTION RECENED BY PROCEED WITH REPAIRS, BUT CALL ME • IF ADDITIONAL REPAIRS ARE REQUIRED. CUSTOMER SIGNATURE . - G-322(11-80) � �� 701704475 r • : THIS IS NOT AN INVOICE ""'""" """""'" ` NO r; `: z FOR USE IN STATE OF FLORIDA ONLY PLEASE READ CAREFULLY THE STATEMENTS BELOW - CHECK YOUR SELECTION AND SIGN. I UNDERSTAND THAT UNDER STATE LAW THAT I AM ENTITLED TO A WRITTEN ESTIMATE IF MY FINAL REPAIR BILL WILL EXCEED $50. C I REQUEST A WRITTEN ESTIMATE. n I DO NOT REQUEST A WRITTEN ESTIMATE AS LONG AS THE REPAIR COSTS DO NOT EXCEED S L-! YOU MAY NOT EXCEED THIS AMOUNT WITHOUT MY WRITTEN OR ORAL APPROVAL. I DO NOT REQUEST A WRITTEN ESTIMATE. • SIGNED DATE TO KEEP YOUR FINAL BILL DOWN,SOME PARTS MAY BE RETURNED TO THE MANUFACTURER,BUT ALL PARTS WILL BE NEW UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED. NAME STORE ADDRESS STAMP P R ADDRESS CITY STATE ZIP • T PHONE NO. DATE TIME MAKE;YEAR OF CAR MODEL MILEAGE LICENSE NO. PROPOSED COMPLETION DATE I EST.PREPARED BY(NAME) METHOD OF PAYMENT NAME AND PHONE NO.OF ANOTHER PERSON WHO MAY AUTHORIZE REPAIR WORK. NAME PHONE CASH n CHARGE CREDIT CARD QUAN. DESCRIPTION PARTS LABOR TOTAL ./ _ _ .� /tea. (i'•-v f"1. -+��7a �.• — :T 0 /7:t-- ✓ ;i^ . 'u - • !rte•' ✓% • _ . ' . .� -+�J .7• . / .._ /(7i' ; / SUB-TOTALS BALL JOINT TOLERANCES SALES ESTIMATED PRICE FIRM FOR 10 DAYS LEFT RIGHT ALL REPAIRS WARRANTED FOR MINIMUM OF 90 DAYS ESTIMATED COST OR 3000 MILES.SEE UMITED WARRANTY FOLDER. OF REPAIRS AUTOMOTIVE REPAIR PRICES SHOWN ARE OUR CURRENT ADVERTISED OR PRINTED RETAIL PRICE FOR THE SERVICE. IF NO PRINTED PRICE HAS BEEN ESTABLISHED, PRICES ARE BASED ON A FLAT RATE MANUAL. DUE TO SPACE LIMITATIONS WE REQUEST THAT YOU PICK UP YOUR VEHICLE AT THE PROMISED COMPLETION TIME OR WITHIN A REASONABLE TIME AFTER NOTIFICATION THAT THE REPAIRS HAVE BEEN COMPLETED. SHOULD YOU FAIL TO PICK UP YOUR VEHICLE WITHIN THREE (3) WORKING DAYS AFTER NOTIFICATION OF ITS COMPLETION, A STORAGE RATE OF$15.00 PER DAY WILL BE CHARGED. I WANT OLD PARTS RETURNED. ❑ I DO NOT WANT OLD PARTS RETURNED. ADDITIONAL REPAIRS AUTHORIZED AUTHORIZED BY(NAME) THIS ACKNOWLEDGES RECEIPT OF THE ESTIMATE AND AUTHORIZES YOU TO DATE TIME AMOUNT I DESCRIPTION RECEIVED BY PROCEED WITH REPAIRS. BUT CALL ME IF ADDITIONAL REPAIRS ARE REQUIRED. CUSTOMER SIGNATURE 0-322111-80) 701104475 •. •STORE FILE- . = PAINT & BODY SHOP ,,y `C 7^7 ... r E'ER PKWY. VI 0(:t.:. 217:, .'\ , F_ . 34761 �.�` . ESTIMATE OF REPAIRS NAME 'r 7 iii) ADDRESS MAKE___ __ ___. YEAR "71 MODEL I.D.NUMBER 7 y��BOD STYLE a Ll' L�`a?lr' LICEi i INSURANCE CO. ADJUSTER u ^- Z 4 4 ESTIMATE OF DAMAGE PAINT NET 8 LABOR PARTS HOURS SUBLET 2 I - i • k::'.4' `f" 3 I 4 i 1 - �7` /;:v. _- /.?"// / C 17, 5 I 1 ni6 ' 8 I ,)ee::- i -., . .•' . ,..i I 10 _ .._..__ _.---- ----- . _ 12 r-1 eiylIY /r 113 • H4 1 f 15 I i16 i i_ n 18 1 - }p - 1s� I (�`.l\ v., y 21 j 23 i ! QIP 24 I 25 �7 TOTAL // /1 c:� THIS ESTI Tc;S.;,,;;€ ON OUR INSPECTION AND OOESNOT COVER ADDITIONAL PARTS ORLABOR i� P HAS @$ .3..0 U S J /r; v(L LABOR WHIG,...,.Y Li:I+E'QUIREO AFTER THE WORK HAS BEEN STARTED.AFTER THE WORK HAS SIAM rE;.:,.r;Li..J OR DAMAGED PARTS WHICH ARE NOT EVIDENT ON FIRST INSPECTION. PAINT if,/ -' <d J� :lAY i3E OIL C' Eii¢C NATURALLY.THIS ESTIMATE CANNOT COVER SUCH CONTINGENCIES. ' HRS @s S , °ARTS PHICcS';IVu„i:Ci TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE.THIS ESTIMATE IS FOR IMMEDIATE PARTS(SUBJECT TO INVOICE) _ -) ACCEPTANCE..E..IE;JOT RESPONSIBLE FOR LOST OR DAMAGED PERSONAL ITEMS LEFT IN PAINT/MATERIALS $ .S q pd /OUR CAR. ESTIMA,s E :;JOG FOR 30 DAYS. SUBLET ITEMS $ THE UNCr'.=.c,:ONED AUTHORIZE THE ABOVE REPAIRS FOR TOWING/STORAGE S .OF THIS AMOUNT THE ABOVE NAMED INSURED SUB TOTAL ;3 TO?a,.;• : S INSURANCE DEDUCTIBLE SALES TAX ., .1.// S- s 00 4./106' 'Y' GRAND TOTAL j00../rti,ty) $ 4/ 3 9 lo'I THIS IS NOT AN INVOICE SERVICE ESTIMATE NO. FOR USE IN STATE OF FLORIDA ONLY 68 '3371 PLEASE READ CAREFULLY THE STATEMENTS BELOW - CHECK YOUR SELECTION AND SIGN. I UNDERSTAND THAT UNDER STATE LAW THAT I AM ENTITLED TO A WRITTEN ESTIMATE IF MY FINAL REPAIR BILL WILL EXCEED $50. ❑ I REQUEST A WRITTEN ESTIMATE. ❑ I DO NOT REQUEST A WRITTEN ESTIMATE AS LONG AS THE REPAIR COSTS DO NOT EXCEED $ YOU MAY NOT EXCEED THIS AMOUNT WITHOUT MY WRITTEN OR ORAL APPROVAL. 1 El DO NOT REQUEST A WRITTEN ESTIMATE. SIGNED DATE ` : , - TO KEEP YOUR FINAL BILL DOWN,SOME PARTS MAY BE RETURNED TO THE MANUFACTURER,BUT ALL PARTS WILL BE NEW UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED. NAME ,-- STORE ADDRESS STAMP RADDRESc: NCITY STATE ZIP T PHONE NO. DATE TIME MAKE/YEAR OF CAR,..) ,, MODEL MILEAGE LICENSE NO<A-=`� PROPOSED COMPLETION DATE EST.PREPARED BY(NAME) v= ••.4..,`• -'•,, ? L, I k( b t . • • �i METHOD OF PAYMENT r � NAME AND PHONE NO.OF ANOTHER PERSON WHO MAY AUTHORIZE REPAIR WORK. _ NAME PHONE nCASH _CHARGE [1CREDIT CARD OUAN. DESCRIPTION PARTS LABOR I TOTAL " � ;`J�`.1 n t 1, �. •^.n i\�• N 1 `.1 1 ) ,`. \�- \1: 'r'.1 `1..-P N ,.r ~___. __ .(rpt t It_ •- ( r.,':2:-2. \\„ .-. . 1�-\. 1• . -_ _ �1-- � ^yF`,�J t c - \ t� // s-- \ e '� C t1.r--:. r S SUB-TOTALS BALL JOINT TOLERANCES SALESTAX ESTIMATED PRICE FIRM FOR 10 DAYS LEFT RIGHT ALL REPAIRS WARRANTED FOR MINIMUM OF 90 DAYS ESTIMATED COST OR 3000 MILES.SEE LIMITED WARRANTY FOLDER. OF REPAIRS AUTOMOTIVE REPAIR PRICES SHOWN ARE OUR CURRENT ADVERTISED OR PRINTED RETAIL PRICE FOR THE SERVICE. IF NO PRINTED PRICE HAS BEEN ESTABLISHED, PRICES ARE BASED ON A FLAT RATE MANUAL. DUE TO SPACE LIMITATIONS WE REQUEST THAT YOU PICK UP YOUR VEHICLE AT THE PROMISED COMPLETION TIME OR WITHIN A REASONABLE TIME AFTER NOTIFICATION THAT THE REPAIRS HAVE BEEN COMPLETED. SHOULD YOU FAIL TO PICK UP YOUR VEHICLE WITHIN THREE (3) WORKING DAYS AFTER NOTIFICATION OF ITS COMPLETION, A STORAGE RATE OF$15.00 PER DAY WILL BE CHARGED. ❑ I WANT OLD PARTS RETURNED. ❑ I DO NOT WANT OLD PARTS RETURNED. ADDITIONAL REPAIRS AUTHORIZED AUTHORIZED BY(NAME) THIS ACKNOWLEDGES RECEIPT OF THE ESTIMATE AND AUTHORIZES YOU TO I DATE I TIME AMOUNT I DESCRIPTION I RECEIVED BY PROCEED WITH REPAIRS, BUT CALL ME IF ADDITIONAL REPAIRS ARE REQUIRED. I CUSTOMER SIGNATURE I I G-322(1 t-80) �. r 1 701104475 i STORE FILE JCfV1t.0 coIIIVIMI C • THI6ISNOTANINVOICE "` •• O. I , , , , . FOR USE IN STATE OF FLORIDA ONLY N .-• PLEASE READ CAREFULLY THE STATEMENTS BELOW - CHECK YOUR SELECTION AND SIGN. I UNDERSTAND THAT UNDER STATE LAW THAT I AM ENTITLED TO A WRITTEN ESTIMATE IF MY FINAL REPAIR BILL WILL EXCEED $50. ❑ I REQUEST A WRITTEN ESTIMATE. I ❑ I DO NOT REQUEST A WRITTEN ESTIMATE AS LONG AS THE REPAIR COSTS DO NOT EXCEED $ YOU MAY NOT EXCEED THIS AMOUNT WITHOUT MY WRITTEN OR ORAL APPROVAL. ❑ I DO NOT REQUEST A WRITTEN ESTIMATE. SIGNED DATE - TO KEEP YOUR FINAL BILL DOWN,SOME PARTS MAY BE RETURNED TO THE MANUFACTURER.BUT ALL PARTS WILL BE NEW UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED. NAME `" STORE ADDRESS STAMP P ADDRESS N'CITY STATE ZIP T PHONE NO. DATE TIME MAKE.YEAR OF CAR MODEL MILEAGE LICENSE NO. PROPOSED COMPLETION DATE EST.PREPARED BY(NAME) METHOD OF PAYMENT . • NAME AND PHONE NO.OF ANOTHER PERSON WHO MAY AUTHORIZE REPAIR WORK. -`- • NAME PHONE nCASH _CHARGE n CREDIT CARD QUAN. DESCRIPTION PARTS jI LABOR TOTAL • ii <' SUB-TOTALS BALL JOINT TOLERANCES STAXS .100.ESTIMATED PRICE FIRM FOR 10 DAYS LEFT RIGHT ALL REPAIRS WARRANTED FOR MINIMUM OF 90 DAYS ESTIMATED COST OR 3000 MILES.SEE UMITED WARRANTY FOLDER. OF REPAIRS AUTOMOTIVE REPAIR PRICES SHOWN ARE OUR CURRENT ADVERTISED OR PRINTED RETAIL PRICE FOR THE SERVICE. IF NO PRINTED PRICE HAS BEEN ESTABLISHED,PRICES ARE BASED ON A FLAT RATE MANUAL. DUE TO SPACE LIMITATIONS WE REQUEST THAT YOU PICK UP YOUR VEHICLE AT THE PROMISED COMPLETION TIME OR WITHIN A REASONABLE TIME AFTER NOTIFICATION THAT THE REPAIRS HAVE BEEN COMPLETED. SHOULD YOU FAIL TO PICK UP YOUR VEHICLE WITHIN THREE (3) WORKING DAYS AFTER NOTIFICATION OF ITS COMPLETION, A STORAGE RATE OF$15.00 PER DAY WILL BE CHARGED. I WANT OLD PARTS RETURNED. ❑ I DO NOT WANT OLD PARTS RETURNED. ADDITIONAL REPAIRS AUTHORIZED AUTHORIZED BY(NAME) THIS ACKNOWLEDGES RECEIPT OF THE ESTIMATE AND AUTHORIZES YOU TO DATE TIME AMOUNT DESCRIPTION RECEIVED BY PROCEED WITH REPAIRS, BUT CALL ME IF ADDITIONAL REPAIRS ARE REQUIRED. CUSTOMER SIGNATURE G-322111-80) 701104475 (• i STORE FILE -, . . • THIS IS NOT AN INVOICE 4 y SERVICE ESTIMATE No. 5 8 3 3 0 7 `. ._' . _ FOR USE IN STATE OF FLORIDA ONLY PLEAD CAREFULLY THE STATEMENTS BELOW - CHECK YOUR SELECTION AND SIGN. • F UNDERSTAND THAT UNDER STATE LAW THAT.I. AM ENTITLED TO A WRITTEN ESTIMATE IF MY FINAL REPAIR BILL WILL EXCEED $50. ❑ I REQUEST A WRITTEN ESTIMATE. I r� I DO NOT REQUEST A WRITTEN ESTIMATE AS LONG AS THE REPAIR COSTS DO NOT EXCEED $ ❑ YOU MAY NOT EXCEED THIS AMOUNT WITHOUT MY WRITTEN OR ORAL APPROVAL. ❑ I DO NOT REQUEST A WRITTEN ;STIMATE. , -4 SIGNED DAT TO KEEP YOUR FINAL BILL DOWN,SOME PARTS MAY BE RETURNED TO THE MANUFACTURER,BUT ALL PARTS WILL.BE NEW UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED. NAME 1�:. - STORE ADDRESS STAMP R ADDRESS '`4 ." • NCITY a STATE ZJP T - PHONE NO. DATE TIME • MAKE/YEAR OF CAR MODEL MILEAGE LICENSE NO. PROPOSED COMPLETION DATE EST.PREPARED BY(NAME) _to6( g''S 0 pL - Li 102. .4 C,z-(3E T METHOD OF PAYMENT - ( 1'kJ/T ... _,33`� NAME AND PHONE NO.OF ANOTHER PERSON WHO MAY AUTHORIZE REPAIR WORK. lJ / NAME N.. (PHONE ❑CASH 1 1 CHARGE n CREDIT CARD QUAN. DESCRIPTION PARTS LABOR TOTAL y� - � -� YQ e/ �[/ _ -2-;/]nle Sh W-7,--: /-776zge r - ,-7%.,-.__. /�. -7zsh; -,s 7 :71: -'..-''--- " - , T SUB-TOTALS h ` SALES BALL JOINT TOLERANCES ESTIMATED PRICE FIRM FOR 10 DAYS ± TAX LEFT 1RIGHT ALL REPAIRS WARRANTED FOR MINIMUM OF 90 DAYS ESTIMATED COST 40. OR 3000 MILES.SEE UNITED WARRANTY FOLDER/ OF REPAIRS • AUTOMOTIVE REPAIR PRICES SHOWN ARE OUR CURRENT ADVERTISED OR PRINTED RETAIL PRICE FOR THE SERVICE. IF NO PRINTED PRICE HAS BEEN ESTABLISHED,PRICES ARE BASED ON A FLAT ATE MANUAL ,- DUE TO SPACE LIMITATIONS WE REQUEST THAT YOU PICKUP YOUR . EHICLE AT THE PROMISED COMPLETION TIME OR WITHIN A REASONABLE TIME AFTER NOTIFICATION THAT THE REPAIRS HAVE BEEN COMPLETED. SHOULD YOU FAIL TO PICK UP YOUR VEHICLE WITHIN THREE (3) WORKING DAYS AFTER NOTIFICATION OF ITS COMPLETION, i . A STORAGE RATE OF$15.00 PER DAY WILL BE CHARGED. { ❑ I WANT OLD PARTS RETURNED. 1 II DO NOT WANT OLD PARTS RETURNED. � AUTI•IOpIZED 8Y(NAME1 THIS ACKNOWLEDGES RECEIPT OF THE ADDITIONAL REPAIRS AUTHORIZED ESTIMATE AND AUTHORIZES YOU TO DESCRIPTION RECEIVED BY LL.PROCEED WITH REPAIRS, BUT CAME DATE TIME AMOUNT IF ADDITIONAL REPAIRS ARE REQUIRED. - • • t .. I- F CUSTOMER SIGNATURE • G-322 01-80) #.! 701104475 THIS IS NOT AN INVOICE - Jtr1VIt.t tbIIIVI/ 1CP {� 2f1 FOR USE IN STATE OF FLORIDA ONLY NO. (r Ui u .,! PLEASE READ CAREFULLY THE STATEMENTS BELOW - CHECK YOUR SELECTION AND SIGN. _ I UNDERSTAND THAT UNDER STATE LAW THAT I AM ENTITLED TO A WRITTEN ESTIMATE IF MY FINAL REPAIR BILL WILL EXCEED $50. ❑ I REQUEST A WRITTEN ESTIMATE. ❑ I DO NOT REQUEST A WRITTEN ESTIMATE AS LONG AS THE REPAIR COSTS DO NOT EXCEED $ YOU MAY NOT EXCEED THIS AMOUNT WITHOUT MY WRITTEN OR ORAL APPROVAL. I ❑ I DO NOT REQUEST A WRITTEN ESTIMATE. • SIGNED DATE CI [-7 )R TO KEEP YOUR FINAL BILL DOWN,SOME PARTS MAY BE RETURNED TO THE MANUFACTURER BUT ALL PARTS WILL BE NEW UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED. a P NAME 0 CO e€ ���L l C t-J STORE ADDRESS STAMP R ADDRESS • NCITY STATE ZIP T PHONE NO. DATE TIME MAKE/YEAR OF CAR MODEL MILEAGE Co �AUCENSE+ NO. PROPOSED COMPLET N DATE EST.PREPARED BY(NAME) r)C�,a. Q/ \1 yAn�' ( \3c(O )V \--..\- am J METHOD OF PAYMENT S'u p& u S U)2. NAME AND PHONE NO.OF ANOTHER PERSON WHO MAY AUTHORIZE REPAIR WORK. _ J 1 NAME PHONE —CASH ❑CHARGE ❑CREDIT CARD • QUAN. DESCRIPTION PARTS L981QR TOTAL 1 \ - �A\`ii_ -.._-_-,..„\\1,..,•.43,. •C_ F1 \_\0.,‹.., t, \Ct. �Jv 1,l/1 , \_.���- J `v.N2 �o51Q. cZAVea 'IPo.11. F"(Z) ` C.-, SUB-TOTALS BALL JOINT TOLERANCES - SALES - _ .__ ESTIMATED PRICE FIRM FOR 10 DAYS ' LEFT _ - RIGHT . ALL REPAIRS WARRANTED FOR MINIMUM OF 90 DAYS.. - - ESTIMATED COST - :• OR 3000 MILES.SEE LIMITED WARRANTY FOLDER - OF REPAIRS • • AUTOMOTIVE REPAIR..PRICES SHOWN. ARE OUR CURRENT ADVERTISED OR. PRINTED RETAIL ,PRICE FOR._THE/SERVICE IF NO PRINTED PRICE HASBEEN-ESTABUSHED,PRICES ARE BASED ON A FLAT RATE MANUAL - DUE TO SPACE UMITATIONS WE REQUEST THAT YOU PICK UP YOUR VEHICLE AT THE PROMISED COMPLETION TIME OR WITHIN A REASONABLE TIME AFTER NOTIFICATION THAT THE REPAIRS HAVE BEET OMPLETED. ' ": --; .. - • - - SHOULD YOU FAIL TO PICK-UP YOUR VEHICLE WITHIN THREE (3) WORKING DAYS AFTER"NOTIFICATION OF ITS COMPLETION, A STORA?ERATE.OF-$15.00 PER DAY WILL BE CHARGED. .. • - . ❑ I WANT OLD PARTS.RETURNED. ,----- • E I DO NOT WANT OLD PARTS RETURNED. - • ADDITIONAL REPAIRS AUTHORIZED A1THORIZED BY(NAME). - THIS ACKNOWLEDGES-RECEIPT OF THE. ESTIMATEAND AUTHORIZES YOU TO DATE ' TIME "AMOUNT - • -" DESCRIPTION . • ._-' ,: RECEIVED BY .- PROOFED_WIT: .REPAIRS,.BUT-CALL-ME IE.ADDMONAL REPAIRS ARE REQUIRED. 1 CUSTOMER SIGNATURE . G-322(11-80) 701104475 1 - .aat•4•!••a as X41 i�a4a41`:�aalylia44144�aa•�a4t a•f 1.••a.a• • .a•-• •-,`Q'MOC —•a a..•.. ..'..:.%s,' • �! 4s f 4 T s 4 i` .•.s••Yf 4 s+.4 4 a!•♦ ••a•'a.i 4 •4\4 4••• 4: •:,i•-!•...a'•4a • .a•a t ••I II I..•a a1 f.,..•.',':..',:`.•4••1st•i'1'•:`,•.,•a!*4a45 t�;. a •a441t,?T`y t i a s•Ta••a T••sa*, • 1 4•s 1•44a t•••11 4.1�•!t•••• -`4`� •!al 4144• •.••a a••a•a••4 1 a a 4 4♦ t a•a a a•i a•'••\yaia i.•.e'- ' - ...,.a•.a .•a a•a.a a♦4 a.r.••s:1:A-wt.r,a.ki•_�s_. . .. ▪ . . . .... ................. .. ......• . .. .a.r• .. THIS IS NOT AN INVOICE ocnVI..c Ca71IIYIMIc - FOR USE IN STATE OF FLORIDA ONLY NO. ly+ PLEASE READ CAREFULLY THE STATEMENTS BELOW — CHECK YOUR SELECTION AND SIGN. I UNDERSTAND THAT UNDER STATE LAW THAT I AM ENTITLED TO A WRITTEN ESTIMATE IF MY FINAL REPAIR BILL WILL EXCEED $50. E I REQUEST A WRITTEN ESTIMATE. ❑ I DO NOT REQUEST A WRITTEN ESTIMATE AS LONG AS.THE REPAIR COSTS DO NOT EXCEED $ • YOU MAY NOT EXCEED THIS AMOUNT WITHOUT MY WRITTEN OR ORAL APPROVAL E I DO NOT REQUEST A WRITTEN ESTIMATE. _/() SIGNED DATE / (I, TO KEEP YOUR FINAL BILL DOWN,SOME PARTS MAY BE RETURNED TO THE MANUFACTURER,BUT ALL PARTS WILL BE NEW UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED. STORE ADDRESS STAMP NAM , 1 P (� tom` �� �Ce` P ` : , C� � , R ADDRESS N CITY ZIP ZIP T PHONE NO. • DATE TIME • r MAKE/YEAR OF CAR MODEL MILEAGE UCENSE NO. PROPOSED COMPLETION DATE EST.PREPARED BY(NAME) Q.)1 '' �� Fl {' Q '• LoLl 3q • METHOD OF PAYMENT . NAME AND PHONE NO.OF ANOTHER PERSON WHO MAY AUTHORIZE REPAIR WORK. NAME PHONE CASH ❑CHARGE n CREDIT CARD ,�- '. ` ....MAN. /DESCRIPTION PARTS LABOR - -TOTAL / ! C)-e l a2- 571.(r 1.kJ LQ tt, /4 -- ./s.Y ,,/ - l•- &ice..- j/ , ,� _. .�Yc c — . • 1 t - _` "-, (-\ n usi IR 'In-Ma,Ly< l Vi V C.\Y1_ tit 4.S 1_-1—, I SUB-TOTALS \ •.. W\t T/' r •r-V V. l.l-r u -'`'Cil .wV lVL, . - - SALES BALL JOINT TOLERANCES,.: __. ..- --- ..t - .. -:_ TAX_. - . ... ESTIMATED PRICE FIRM FOR 1D DAYS. - LEFT RIG " ALL REPAIRS WARRANTED FOR MINIMUM OF 90 DAYS '- - - ESTIMATED COST 1� (' t • V' oR 3Dao r I� S aSE LIMITED WARRANTY FOLDER - OF REPAIRS • AUTOMOTIVE_IREPAIR PRICES SHOWN ARE- OUR-CURRENT ADVERTISED OR PRINTED RETAIL PRICE FOR"THE SERVICE. IF NO • - _ PRINTED PRICE HAS-BEEN'ESTABUSHED,PRICES ARE BASED ON A FLAT RATE MANUAL ---. — - •--- --DUE ---DUE TO SPACE LIMITATIONS WE REQUEST.THAT YOU PICK UP YOUR VEHICLE AT THE PROMISED COMPLETION TIME OR WITHIN 'A REASONABLE TIME AFTER NOTIFICATIONFTH•AT THE REPAIRS HAVE BEEN COMPLETED.•- . • _.SHOULD YOU FAIL TO PICK UP YOUR-PVEHICLE-WITHIN THREE (3) WORKING DAYS AFTER NOTIFICATION OF. ITS COMPLETION, - • A STORAGE RATE OF$15.00 PER DAY WILL BE CHARGED. 0 I WANT OLD PARTS RETURNED:'_., 0 I DO NOT WANT.OLD PARTS RETURNED.-.....-- - ADDITIONAL REPAIRS AUTHORIZED - AUTHORRED BY(NAME) • .- '. THIS ACKNOWLEDGES RECEIPT OF THE ESTIMATE AND AUTHORIZES YOU-TO -:..--7. DATE TIME'' AMOUNT DESCRIPTION RECEIVED BY --- ..PRCCEEi} WITH REPAIRS, BUT-IALL_.ME IF ADDIGONAL REPAIRS.ARE REQUIRED. • CUSTOMER SIGNATURE G-322(11410F..-.';"r•%'G-322( 1410 i•S l `ai,.•t.i f a a i •i •• i.♦ Q•�/rpp •f•a\,',•.f,••♦•♦,a•r a .•.1,1aaa►••a�A�1 1fii- i s a,���•,f��•�1�a♦.�♦••a aft a`�a♦a i a,t��a,,�:sat�t"a s t f ,`f•, •• s •\L•L•i l•f i aY a"a i±• y.f i• • a ♦.•ayi i. a•. ♦♦f♦Yf'R1 f f.,')• Zi ,♦•i i 1•f •♦••L f f,f a•l,..1:1.:{:• a a .>a L L S • i ,•,f,♦,♦♦ ♦i,,\S♦,f WI lly,y ,S f'. ,,♦,,♦,•♦f♦ f! :,..YY•♦a•,��i�• ,,i.Y t..�_!���.1..:4'.%.".,,s i `,i. �♦♦7♦,L4iSy,♦%.y..41......::...L" • aL.L♦ ♦1 1•.,i L, iLLL.I iL' .,y• •AL ••�tea:}s-,L a`t i i a i a,i t i L L i a a,S •♦�f�, � •ce.♦_rte...=.t�— ,�, _ .... ..._ .. _ .....� .,.•- _,_�..,a_.. ..1.:_a.r.._:_.;-_�,..::t.,1::::::... .........",, _:._y.. • ' THIS IS NOT AN INVOICE • SERVICE ESTIMAIt NO. O 683366 FOR USE IN STATE OF FLORIDA ONLY • PLEASE READ CAREFULLY THE STATEMENTS BELOW - CHECK YOUR.SELECTION AND SIGN. I UNDERSTAND'THAT UNDER STATE LAW THAT I AM ENTITLED TOA WRITTEN ESTIMATE IF MY FINAL REPAIR • BILL WILL EXCEED $50. • ❑ I REQUEST A WRITTEN ESTIMATE. • ❑ I DO NOT REQUEST A WRITTEN ESTIMATE AS LONG AS THE REPAIR COSTS DO NOT EXCEED $ . YOU MAY NOT EXCEED THIS AMOUNT WITHOUT MY WRITTEN OR ORAL APPROVAL. ❑ I DO NOT REQUEST A WRITTEN ESTIMATE. 1,3 SIGNED DATE lr1 • I u� � al TO KEEP YOUR FINAL BILL DOWN,SOME PARTS MAY BE RETURNED TO THE MANUFACTURER BUT ALL PARTS WILL BE NEW UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED. NAME' 'STORE ADDRESS STAMP P C 6---•\ / _.-'Th c-C (7-lye'Q C) R ADDRESS NCITY STATE ZIP • T - PHONE NO. 'DATE TIME MAKE/YEAR OF CAR MODEL MILEAGE LICENSE NO. PROPOSED COMPLETION DATE EST.PREPARED BY(NAME) CiC- ,- C\NQ-i' c.: ate (,(Nt I � METHOD OF PAYMENT m 1ICC 3 63'4(. NAME AND PHONE NO.OF ANOTHER PERSON WHO MAY AUTHORIZE REPAIR WORK. _ NAME PHONE CASH ❑CHARGE ❑CREDIT CARD — • DUAN. DESCRIPTION PARTS LABOR TOTAL 1 P,c-P,\- rL - ..... i 5e(p e 1-- , 1 1-1'OL -4-/c:J (' • 1 1-(4 itit° Cf C)E P1 (t5cS - E S k-'if, , I^Ies ? T---;..,_-\ Rc4-cyz s 7c/a,-.) FOSS Depy_,cP P�►,-is- GZea' v 19 p:1 -712¢ 0S 2t,/Ke Prn SUB-TOTALS • • S -. - •_ • BALL JOINT TOLERANCES ESTIMATED'PRICE'F]RMFOR_10 DAYS, TAT(_- LEFT• - RIGHT - - AU.REPAIRS WARRANTED FOR MINIMUM OF90 DAYS -s ESTIMATED COST-iiiiiip '• .- OR 3000 MILES.SEE UMITED WARRANTY FOLDER. - . . OF REPAIRS -'-:::AUTOMOTIVE REPAIR. PRICES SHOWN• ARE OUR CURRENT ADVERTISED OR•PRINTED RETAIL PRICE FOR•THE SERVICE. 1F.,NO " •.-.'=PRINTED PRICE HAS BEEN ESTABUSHED;PRICES ARE BASED ON A FLAT RATE MANUAL - . • - - -- DUE TO SPACE LIMITATIONS WE REQUEST THAT YOU. PICK:-UP YOUR VEHICLE AT THE PROMISED"-COMPLETION TIME OR WITHIN A-REASONABLE TIME-AFTER NOTIFICATION THAT THE REPAIRS.HAVEBEEN COMPLETED. - . .:. ` SHOULD YOU FAIL TO PICK UP YOUR VEHICLE-WITHINTHREE.(G -WORKING DAYS AFTER NOTIFICATION. OF ITS COMPLETION, -A.STORAGE RATE OF$T - 5.00 PER DAY WILL BE CHARGED: ; _. . '..--V:,...4«:-7."—.—•*. ..I:=1I WANT-OLD PARTS RETURNED. • •- ) ' tr...., ❑ I DO.NOT.WANT OLD PARTS RETURNED. : - '......••:._ ._. - .. . _ - ADDITIONAL REPAIRS AUTHORIZED • - . A`THORIZED BY(NAME), . -- -- . THIS ACKNOWLEDGES RECEIPT OF THE I ESTIMATE AND'•AUTHORIZES YOU TT71 :,..--_-._ __ . PROCEED.ma..WAIRS.:BU'f:CALL.ME I DATE TIME AMOUNT DESCRIPTION --RECEIVED 8Y . IF ADDITIONAL REPAIRS ARE REQUIRED. -- ---- ._ CUSTOMER SIGNATURE • G01104-322(115 80/ . .- . 747 ' .ti,tat'.tat,t.•.!tae\•...,a tti tata:... t:tatat . . '\at 1 6..'t't't't!!t'.-.at't .•t;..t•. t.!W Vf16 1!.t 1tt t 1 Ott .t.. ..e t .tat'-..tt!it tttt+:+t....-: t t.t 7! t t t!t t!t. t 1 S!i .t t tat'atatat f t. .a♦t..• y\t t t ."tt*.t '.%',.•i i t t t t t t/t t t t.t t)t t f l t t t t tat tat 1-t i..t t-L_I.l•-a�:�_.t�tTt-t.•.t�_/yt��:al.ati ii i ait.t..t t'LLtst�tit:�ta..f tat .�t+"!�! ��-t� - tt tt L.�t.t{t f 1-tit 1 i-i t•.�.::t.t:t..�.L.La•. .-.t.i i i�Lat.i:.t f i i'. THIS 15 NOT,AN INVOICE - QIcnVMAL G,r7IIIYI''.1` ' NO. 6 833 6 7 FOR USE IN STATE OF FLORIDA ONLY PLEASE READ CAREFULLY THE STATEMENTS BELOW - CHECK YOUR SELECTION AND SIGN. I UNDERSTAND THAT UNDER STATE LAW.THAT I AM ENTITLED TO A WRITTEN ESTIMATE IF MY FINAL REPAIR 1 BILL WILL EXCEED $50. 0 I REQUEST A WRITTEN ESTIMATE. n I DO NOT REQUEST A WRITTEN ESTIMATE AS LONG AS THE REPAIR COSTS DO NOT EXCEED $ YOU MAY NOT EXCEED THIS AMOUNT WITHOUT MY WRITTEN.OR ORAL APPROVAL.;' 0 I DO NOT REQUEST A WRITTEN ESTIMATE. /• SIGNED ! DATR�^ 78 9) TO KEEP YOUR FINAL BILL DOWN,SOME PARTS MAY BE RETURNED TO THE MANUFACTURER BUT ALL PARTS WILL BE NEW UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED. t NA STORE_ STAM/4.4Vki AA •`1‘4) R ADDRERE SS d • r-- N CITY STATE ZIP ✓/r 4/61 Jrn • T PHONE NO. DATE TIME -- 9,1V C /� MAKE/YEAR OF R MODEL MI LICENSE NO. PROPOSED COMPLETION DATE EST. BY(NAME) Lkt iiL ?aJ1 • METHOD OF PAYMENT. . A NAME AND PHONE NO.OF ANOTHER PERSON WHO MAY AUTHORIZE REPA RK`b - — NAME PHONE ❑CASH a CHARGE _CREDIT CARD QUAN. DESCRIPTION PARTS LABOR TOTAL 1 A ; iFi' i4e / 1 `1' In iP l �1 r m s -�c2 I 7 fAc�- 'Zo�,J�-- co i(N&-4 r 1 i-2. .vS v►)Ov► \ \ \ 5\I-\O(. . . • • • 7 L--(Z i\a q\ . k �h� kecc , D._ DMZ(/� c .ge�faz ,n;�co - LB-- ` I IUo� c-C D(Lum S ARQ . U) Qn aTen > BALI.JOINT TOLERANCES I ` ° s'STAXS 140. ESTIMATED ESTIMATED PRICE FIRM FOR 10 DAYS LEFT RIGHT ALL REPAIRS WARRANTED FOR MINIMUM OF 90 DAYS ESTIMATED COST • OR 3000 MILES.SEE LIMITED WARRANTY FOLDER. OF REPAIRS - AUTOMOTIVE REPAIR PRICES SHOWN ARE OUR CURRENT ADVERTISED OR-PRINTED RETAIL PRICE FOR THE SERVICE. IF NO. PRINTED PRICE HAS BEEN ESTABUSHED,PRICES ARE BASED ON A FLAT RATE MANUAL - DUE TO SPACE UMITATIONS WE REQUEST THAT YOU PICK UP YOUR VEHICLE AT THE PROMISED COMPLETION TIME OR WITHIN' A REASONABLE TIME AFTER NOTIFICATION THAT THE REPAIRS HAVE BEEN COMPLETED. SHOULD YOU FAIL TO PICK UP YOUR VEHICLE WITHIN THREE (3) WORKING DAYS AFTER NOTIFICATION OF ITS COMPLETION, A STORAGE RATE OF$15.00 PER DAY WILL BE CHARGED. • ill I WANT OLD PARTS RETURNED. ❑ I DO NOT WANT OLD PARTS RETURNED. . ADDITIONAL REPAIRS AUTHORIZED AUTHORIZED BY(NAME) . THIS ACKNOWLEDGES RECEIPT OF THE ` ESTIMATE AND AUTHORIZES YOU TO ' DATE TIME AMOUNT • DESCRIPTION • RECEIVED BY PROCEED WITH REPAIRS, BUT CALL ME IF ADDITIONAL REPAIRS ARE REQUIRED. - - CUSTOMER SIGNATURE G-322(11-80) • :•' e ) . kRC ' ' ,p) ry♦ sem- 1 S r.z' 701104475 '.S,r•.y`lia•a%-e4yram, a <�� .'v <YT1r- ','! 'rsr• rr• :sr•�r+4�ea'•RE.. .rt r • Via:' a • •i: fir ..W .,R,4. y,�� ATTACHMENT 2 Ocoee 0� / , o Ocoee • p A ,=pa tment 17S�tk �e:• V . E John H. Boyd OgpE ,' LO!D.� 47 1 Y \ (407)656-1313 Chief of Police \"*. ,,,..7;;-- 0--0 *''' "Service With Honor And Pride" MEMORANDUM TO: Montye Beamer , Administrative Services Director I FROM: John H. Boyd , Cnief of Police_ ., DATE: February 26 , i993 _ " SUBJECT: PRICE QUOTES FOR VEHICLE MAINTENANCE Attached are copies of quotes from local businesses regarding their labor cost and price range for vehicle maintenance. xIt appears Ali American Tire has the best quote . Any warranty work on the new vehicles would be done at applicable dealerships . The only place , locally , that can do frame work is Traywicks in Winter Garden . x Ali American Tire (Good Homes and S . R. 50 ) will come out at any time to replace flat tires and batteries ( this includes weekends , Holidays , etc . ) at a rate of $20 (Gator and Crawford Tire charges $35 ) . Plus , All American Tire will buy back a new tire that has gone flat for the price they can sell it for used. The City Shop doesn ' t want these tires and Gator Tire nas never agreed to do this `____ tor us . Ail American also works on motors , electrical , transmissions , rear ends . etc . In other words , they can do it all at $30 per hour plus parts . ( See attached on Labor ) . JHB/rmh. , .. Z 1.• P "u.' \ •E., E.; r! .- .... :.:.i ..) ..,... ,..... ... , ' — .,., .—.. ...) 3 r) ...—, ... .. 2 .-. _... -.. •..-. /' -. .- _,.i :,.....]., ...... -. :. . ... ',.. .... ..t_.. ... p }.... - 7".1 :—; •,...' :j7i i'..! — ...., 7) -I 1' •11 . _ (.1 a . L7 ! .... - _ ,. .. a i . ui •::-.J -.-.-., -:.,, !TI 'I,. :1) 1": -71 7% , .-.. ,... , IX) x 3 .3 • X ..... ....' ....' ..... ' —. .1' _J U1 ;:ii .-I ..t. .-74" :.T.' 1 • Z i Z 3 :, a a .,., r•- • a 1..0 ._..• .47.•, ,-, ..- x x !i:1 ft , !!!.. !!!•: !-r, ',71 SI 'T..; / 't '..... -' -•-' .:J ..j.; •,:j ?... ,.:: ''.E-777::: P. CI \ .! -, •-• -. .„ ,._ , , , :-, ..... - .•!!!. ;Ti : •4-2, .41 P Cr i 4.4 ....: 74. !,. rG i . P i 4-, !.:: -• "D .2 •--, 1, . -.• ..,: ,... :- :-.- :,. •• ,-; ,•,, i .:.. - L.i -...• •.... 1 •-••• iit P Lq '.1- •-i !, . .,, ' .4.. : ..= f• :- •,i ,-- ! •••,! _p al -.' --. --' ,..-.1E .-1... :7-: '.-- ir: 1.1 !: II u !I.! CT '-_'! ....-1 3 ;- ,7-•,- -.!-; ,-.1.^, -.]: ,T.i.'i j_ a: I '..-. :::: :;.: .T.i ;:r3 -.. c_7: :"-:': :I CL. ATTACHMENT 3 ATTACHMENT 3 Department Amount Descriptio Police 211.64 Brake Pads Fire 37.00 Tire repair Police 100.60 Tire replacement, balance Fire 8.00 Tire patch Water 14.95 Lube/Oil/Filter Police 52.91 Tire/Balance 290.57 Tires, brakes, rotor shims 51.54 Tires, balance _ 103.08 Tires, balance 115.82 Tires, balance 111 6.50 Flat 6.50 Flat 129.41 Accelerator problems, tune-up, filters, distributor cap Building 11.00 Patch Police 18.95 Brakes checked 417.54 Hoses, gaskets, lube, labor, radiator 107.00 Brakes 81.95 A/C problems, clutch 9.50 Flat repair City Manager 29.90 Diagnostic PPTD 35.30 Tires City Manager 131.85 Starter Police 154.19 Belts, diagnostic, electrical 52.91 Tires 103.08 Tires 152.91 Tires, calipers 52.91 Tires, balance Department Amount Description Police 446.83 Tires, alternator, brakes align 70.50 Electrical PPTD 13.25 Mower tire 16.95 Tire Water 14.95 Lube/oil Police 383.75 Electrical, tires, shocks, lube, misc. parts 184.62 Tires, balance 408.59 Tires, brakes, align center link 19.88 Diagnostic 30.60 Electrical 542.40 A/C (major), evaporator core 51.91 Tire 97.00 Steering hoses 90.30 Door Handle 41.35 Tire 231.15 Brakes, rotor, drum PPTD 589.91 Brakes, wheel cyl., joints, shocks- struts align Water 128.88 Tires, balance 14.95 Lube/oil Wastewater 14.95 Lube/oil Police 66.60 Water leak, hoses 345.15 Tires, alternator, regulator 141.30 Distributor cap, rotor, wiring (electrical) 385.41 Brakes, rotor, drum Water 195.00 Re-build carb, thermostat City Manager 261.91 Fuel injection, diagnosis, struts, tune- up, A/C 1!!1!!!1Department :•••". Police 65.40 Diagnosis, volt regulator 230.00 Re-build carb 53.41 Tires 562.77 Tune-up, gas sender, door handle, control value, filters, etc. Building 209.80 Brakes (complete) Police 204.58 Brakes, battery, filter 126.08 Tires Water 14.95 Lube/oil 14.95 Lube/oil Police 222.96 Fuel pump, tune-up, filters, electrical --- Building 14.95 Lube/oil Police 51.91 Tires 82.30 Brakes 32.10 Transmission line 29.95 Diagnosis 82.36 Trans. svc. 51.91 Tires 229.76 Tires, brakes, alignment 126.95 Brakes, lube 101.08 Tires Fire 401.66 Tires Building 22.82 Air filter, oil/lube 16.95 Oil change Police 75.38 Carb. adj., filters Wastewater 29.90 Diagnosis 590.61 Brakes (complete) 224.37 Electrical (gas, fuel), steering problems, lube Police 638.85 Brake overhaul (front & back) Dep�a7rtment Amount Descri tion Sanitation 1,095.66 Brakes, idler arm, shocks Police 230.27 Alternator, belt, belts 99.82 Tires Water 5.00 Patch Police 17.90 Wiring 188.75 Brakes, electrical 382.24 Tires, idler arm, rod, ball joint, align. 145.62 Tires Water 148.79 Electrical (Dist. stat.) - Sanitation 58.56 Tube Fire 1,445.16 Tires Police 370.15 Frame adj., diagnosis, housing 245.95 Compressor clutch, shocks Fire 267.93 Fuel Injection, electrical 378.48 Tires Wastewater 367.42 Idler arm, brakes, lube, align., tires 919.94 Major brakes, lube Fire 30.00 Diagnosis Recreation 57.02 Tractor tire Police 161.58 Tires, electrical 22.50 Headlight 18.95 Lube/oil 22.50 Headlamp Water 16.95 Lube/oil Wastewater 16.95 Lube/oil Police 247.74 Tires, electrical, lube 169.91 Brakes, tire 373.04 Brakes, hoses, rotor Department Amount Description Building 116.90 Diagnosis, belts, electrical Police 638.48 Gaskets, tires, major brakes, align, lube 186.15 Tires, diagnosis, belt, lube 982.55 Brakes, shocks, electrical, belts, filters, tune-up Fire 737.03 Tires, brakes Wastewater 9.00 Plug PPTD 36.00 Mower tires Wastewater 146.62 P.S. pump Water 245.10 Tune-up, carb, filters Police 493.29 A/C svc., ball joints, lube, tires 24.66 Tire 48.54 Tire " 700.99 Water pump, A/C, brakes, struts, lube 664.53 A/C, compressor, evap. core " 297.46 Alternator • " 48.54 Tire Wastewater 185.52 Diagnosis, alternator Police 15.00 Diagnosis Sanitation 16.95 A/C maintenance Wastewater 298.96 Tires 623.59 Brakes, axle, wheel Sanitation 72.39 Tubes, flaps City Manager 285.23 Ties, filter, brakes, struts, align . . I , f i 1 i 1 ATTACHMENT 4 --, •- ..,. .,- - - --. ..- Date : December 30, 1992 To : John Cockrell, Distribution & Collection Supervisor Dave Gosnell, Chief Water Plant Operator Fred Ostrander, Chief Wastewater Plant Operator From: Robert Holland, Utility Superintendent RE: Vehicle Repair Procedure The following procedure in repairing City vehicles has been established by the Finance Department . Step l Y. __ Have Roger from the City garage analyze the problem • Step 2 If the repair is under $50 . 00 use a petty P .O. If the repair is over $50 . 00 three price quotes will be needed Mark Brace will then issue a P .O . for the repair . Step 3 Take vehicle for repair . No repairs are permitted without purchase order number . Price quotes must include a . ) Name of Company b . ) Name of person given quote c . ) Phone number of Company d . ) Cost break down Labor - Parts /Lf'lJl/1, L� 406A- J T, • ?G."Ci i ATTACHMENT 5 PURCHASE ORDER CITY OF OCOEE No. 5448 • 150 N. LAKESHORE DRIVE OCOEE,FLORIDA 34761 (407) 656-2322 VrENDOR:(NOT TRANSFERABLE) SALES TAX EXEMP. #58-11-094593-54C I ALL AMERICAN D1STO::N'T TIRE & :?I' CTR. A43 Good Hoes Plaza Date: 0'12=793 3805 `N . Colonial Drive Orlando, FL 32318 Bid Number: SHIP INVOICE TO TO N/A, statff -rill bring in an . CITY OF OCOEE ACCOUNTING DEPARTMENT pick U 150 N.Lakeshore Drive Ocoee,FL 34761 - F.O.B Destination -- To Be Delivered: Terms: Req: 2563 Dept. ` D i7.-�, QUANTITY 4 UNIT ._ • DESCRIPTION UNIT PRICE TOTAL Below items are for a ' 81 Fore' pick—up Truck: 2 eachRadladias ArmB2Bsh 43 .95 87. 90 1 each Right Outer Tie 61 . 89 61 . 39 1 each Riaht Inner Tie 123 . 00 1123. 00 1 each Left Outer Tie Rod 61 . 89 61 . 89 1 job Alignment 19. 99 19.99 354. 67 POSTED MPR 2 41993 CITY OF OCOEE NOTIFY ACCOUNT NO. r)(1 1 —5 11 —4 A r= This Purchase Order subject to the Terms and Conditions as stated on the reverse side. CITY OF OCOEE THE CA OT Is �> �T CC AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY OPPP ORTUNITY EMPLOYER PURCHASING PURCHASING AGENT ;ga ,.5(i0 CITY OF OCOEE REQUISITION TO THE PURCHASING DEPT. `} n D _ CHARGEpACCOUNT NUMBER P PLEASE ORDER FOR DEPT. r. ) i D. # DOI-511-4(6 SUGGESTED SUPPLIER Ail A rn€,r L e0..r\ FINANCE SIGN OFF: �4- ✓t TO BE USED AT LOCATION C rt--u - w( (,tem TO BE USED FOR PURPOSE J DATE NEED BY: 3/ e f Q-% JUSTIFICATION To r-e. a-k r cur& res-Lore_ -Er s e f e g -&iJa ells u a i cle__. traikfc.frei. m .tY'L Ter,. -fro P. P. ID. Tk s tori (8i) P1cx if -6ruc.k wt I I E use r Qax sous yro3eois 4--hrou_ef\oL-i `Lk e Et N QUANTITY/UNIT ITEM DESCRIPTION UNIT PRICE ` ESTIMATED COST a e dna s -Rim- B,(J_s L 43 95 El) 90 Ea. Rink+ Q e r Ti (v 18 9 6 I $R I e_A R Le* Inner T I Q 3 00 1 a3 00 1 e4 . Lep- 0u--�e.r Ti RoA C� ( 89 %oI gcj Nf i3n amen± _ 19 9 35 q (ie, - • _ •.) E @ a L `lJ i 1, I i i �l+ , I4AR 21293 39 h �i .J_ PLEASE CHECK ONE 3--- ZZ , 5' SHIP DATE LOCATION SIGNE WILL PICK UP !/ ESTIMATE 90 2 - Radias brim bush 87 /9 1 - Right Outter Tie ccs 1 - Right Inner Tie /L'' 1 - Left Outter Tie Rod 6 I 1 - Alignmentper .d-49 D�- GZ_ r ' cc„, "Li THIS IS NOT AN INVOICE SERVICE ESTIMATE h , ry FOR USE IN STATE OF FLORIDA ONLY NO• �' ` ' PLEASE READ CAREFULLY THE STATEMENTS BELOW - CHECK YOUR SELECTION AND SIGN. I UNDERSTAND THAT UNDER STATE LAW THAT I AM ENTITLED TO A WRITTEN ESTIMATE IF MY FINAL REPAIR BILL WILL EXCEED $50. 0 I REQUEST A WRITTEN ESTIMATE. - I DO NOT REQUEST A WRITTEN ESTIMATE AS LONG AS THE REPAIR COSTS DO NOT EXCEED $ - YOU MAY NOT EXCEED THIS AMOUNT WITHOUT MY WRITTEN OR ORAL APPROVAL. - I DO NOT REQUEST A WRITTEN ESTIMATE. 1 -r SIGNED DATE TO KEEP YOUR FINAL BILL DOWN,SOME PARTS MAY BE RETURNED TO THE MANUFACTURER,BUT ALL PARTS WILL BE NEW UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED. P iJAMEC.A-A � STORE ADDRESS STAMP R ADDRESS N CITY STATE ZIP • PHONE NO. DAT. (1_ I `.J TIME MAKE/YEAR OF CAR MODEL MILEAGE LICENSE NO. PROPOSED COMPLETION DATE EST.PREPARED BY(NAME) F'QN(Na S N931 METHOD OF PAYMENT NAME AND PHONE NO.OF ANOTHER PERSON WHO MAY:AUTHORIZE REPAIFf li/ORK. _ NAME PHONE CASH _CHARGE ri CREDIT CARD QUAN. DESCRIPTION PARTS LABOR TOTAL tZ4S`A a ��� NiC4r c) \3 \r\ %k 91? l II- I eS �\f\V c�kA-\4 �il� S`1 ` cx- '),r)711.1— 0\5‘-\ \-1-- `6Z c Scc1. 42. `V' -[-1`0L- SUB-TOTALS BALL JOINT TOLERANCES SALES ESTIMATED PRICE FIRM FOR 10 DAYS TAX LEFT RIGHT ALL REPAIRS WARRANTED FOR MINIMUM OF 90 DAYS ESTIMATED COST ��c S' OR 3000 MILES.SEE LIMITED WARRANTY FOLDER. OF REPAIRS AUTOMOTIVE REPAIR PRICES SHOWN ARE OUR CURRENT ADVERTISED OR PRINTED RETAIL PRICE FOR THE SERVICE. IF NO PRINTED PRICE HAS BEEN ESTABLISHED, PRICES ARE BASED ON A FLAT RATE MANUAL. DUE TO SPACE LIMITATIONS WE REQUEST THAT YOU PICK UP YOUR VEHICLE AT THE PROMISED COMPLETION TIME OR WITHIN A REASONABLE TIME AFTER NOTIFICATION THAT THE REPAIRS HAVE BEEN COMPLETED. SHOULD YOU FAIL TO PICK UP YOUR VEHICLE WITHIN THREE (3) WORKING DAYS AFTER NOTIFICATION OF ITS COMPLETION, A STORAGE RATE OF $15.00 PER DAY WILL BE CHARGED. El I WANT OLD PARTS RETURNED. El I DO NOT WANT OLD PARTS RETURNED. ADDITIONAL REPAIRS AUTHORIZED AUTHORIZED BY(NAME) THIS ACKNOWLEDGES RECEIPT OF THE ESTIMATE AND AUTHORIZES YOU TO DATE TIME AMOUNT DESCRIPTION RECEIVED BY PROCEED WITH REPAIRS, BUT CALL ME IF ADDITIONAL REPAIRS ARE REQUIRED. CUSTOMER SIGNATURE G-322111-80) 70104475 De 0 3'177 .s-- `/+'aT0 CUSTOMER COPY PURCHASE ORDER CITY OF OCOEE No. 5 418 150 N. LAKESHORE DRIVE OCOEE,FLORIDA 34761 (407)656-2322 VENDOR:(NOT TRANSFERABLE) SALES TAX EXEMP. #58-11-094593-54C RU?SSET T AUTOM'OTI r�,. , D `OWT,.t.^ ry7 J LL �' 07 532 P' b t.on nrt y:n _. .. � '.'1�. r Date: j ,r-; / 3i Bid Number: L SHIP INVOICE TO TO N/A, s ta .: brig;-in CITY OF OCOEE " ACCOUNTING DEPARTMENT and p/u 150 N.Lakeshore Drive Ocoee, FL 34761 F.O.B Destination To Be Delivered: Terms: Req: 2582 Dept. T,{; u; ,4w-i t P_ QUANTITY - UNIT DESCRIPTION UNIT PRICE :' -1 iL jot R place engine bets on ' 86 Ford 150 4-wheel Cori r including parts and. labor 60. 00 60 , 03 POSTED MAR 0 81993 CITY OF OCOEE NOTIFY ACCOUNT NO. 403_535-4603 This Purchase Order subject to the Terms and Conditions as stated on the reverse side. CITY OF OCOEE THE CITY OF OCOEE IS 1 •�'/� AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER ,/ By'- PURCHASING AGENT PURCHASING •• PURCHASE ORDER CITY OF OCOEE No. 5 418 150 N. LAKESHORE DRIVE OCOEE,FLORIDA 34761 (407)656-2322 VENDOR:(NOT TRANSFERABLE) SALES TAX EXEMP. #58-11-094593-54C RITSS=LL P.U.<ON STV_ A.ND Pemberton Drive Date: 270 * LT 3 -, Bid Number: L SHIP INVOICE TO TO N/A, staff it 1 brin -in CITY OF OCOEE and. �;�Ll ACCOUNTING DEPARTMENT 150 N.Lakeshore Drive Ocoee,FL 34761 F.O.B Destination To Be Delivered: Terms: Req: 2582 Dept. yl. ,= t?ii 3 t t QUANTITY UNIT y ` DESCRIPTION UNIT PRICE jo7, Replace engine belts on = 86 Ford 150 4-wheel drive , including r3arts an-, labor 60. 00 60 . 00 POSTED ASR 0 81993 CITY OF OCOEE NOTIFY ACCOUNT NO. 4 03-53'5-460 This Purchase Order subject to the Terms and Conditions as stated on the reverse side. CITY OF OCOEE THE CITY OF OCOEE IS f— AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER PURCHASING PURCHASING AGENT CITY OF OCOEE � �� V • REQUISITION TO THE PURCHASING DEPT. — ' 1 CHARGE ACCOUNT NUMBER PLEASE ORDER FOR DEPT. (,OR; L(�PA:-.7s11— ---0e • SUGGESTED SUPPLIER - (3J-6 S FI AN E SIGN OFF: TO BE USED AT LOCATION c� . TO BE USED FOR PURPOSE �� 1-\( c )C L-, de !� (D-Z) DATE NEED BY: JUSTIFICATION <— l QUANTITY/UNIT ITEM DESCRIPTION UNIT PRICE " ESTIMATED COST • J 1 I),j + . MAR - 3 (93 • 1 t r PLEASE CHECK ONE DATE SHIP J LOCATION SIGNED ^ ( WILL PICK UP To : Montye Beamer, Director of Administrative Services From: Robert Holland, Utility Superintendent Date : March 1, 1993 RE: Repair Vehicle #300 The engine belts have started cracking so before a failure occurs we would like to have belts replaced . Below is a list estimates the belts to be replacement : Hudson Tire - 656-6646 - Reggie - Labor & Parts $64 . 50 Gator Tire - 877-0445 - Tom - Labor & Parts $69 . 95 -geI?ussell Auto - 298-2853 - Steve - Labor & Parts $60 . 00 Please advise if you want repair quotes to be directed to other personnel . PURCHASE ORDER CITY OF OCOEE No. 53 fl 3 150 N. LAKESHORE DRIVE OCOEE,FLORIDA 34761 (407) 656-2322 VENDOR:(NOT TRANSFERABLE) I YO SALES TAX EXEMP. #58-11-094593-54C RUSSELL AUTOMOTIVE AND TOWING o_ 2532 Fere,,,-ton Drive Date: D2,/Q:: /93 Apopka, FL 32703 Bid Number: L� J SHIP INVOICE TO N/A,, staf_ will bring i.:1 TO CITYOFOCOEE ACCOUNTING DEPARTMENT 150 N.Lakeshore Drive Ocoee,FL 34761 F.O.B Destination To Be Delivered: Terms: Req: 2050 Dept.-•".ii 4",'r QUANTITY 's ;UNIT. DESCRIPTIOW ' UNIT PRICE ""' job Major tune-u7 and replacement of of Spukk plug wires and exhaust gasket including labor 00. 46 190.46 POSTED cm( OF OCOEE NOTIFY ACCOUNT NO. d ) This Purchase Order subject to the Terms and Conditions as stated on the reverse side. CITY OF OCOEE THE CITY OF OCOEE IS AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER eyy .. 77)->, �l l/-j j PURCHASING PURCHASING AGENT • CITY OF OCOEE s's4 y7 REQUISITION TO THE PURCHASING DEPT. CHARGE ACCOUNT NUMBER PLEASE ORDER FOR DEPT. �v� �2 �,_/�/ # ViOr' ,, (S , 6p�� �,�,, -Y SUGGESTED SUPPLIER ./.SJ"=-�� A � `r f c, FINANCE SIGN OFF: TO BE USED AT LOCATION TO BE USED FOR PURPOSE DATE NEED BY: JUSTIFICATION • /4 6"` de l/�J• r/Z QUANTITY/UNIT ITEM DESCRIPTION UNIT PRICE ESTIMATED COST PLEASE CHECK ONE DATE SHIP LOCATION SIGNED - WILL PICK UP Date : January 4, 1992 To : Jim Shira, City Engineer-Utility Director From: Robert Holland, Utility Superintendent Subject : Repair Vehicle 512 Vehicle 512 is running rough and has a exhaust leak -- that , is =f.. emitting dangerous fumes into cab area. Roger recommended having a tune-up and a exhausted gasket replaced . Below are thre:e _ " telephone quotes, Steve at Russell Automotive Inc . Major tune-up $75 . 00 plus $29 . 66 spark plug wires, exhaust gasket $12 . 80 and $73 . 00 total repair cost $190 . 46 Don at Gator Goodyear Major tune-up $90 . 00 plus $68 . 22 parts, $35 . 95 for exhaust gasket and labor total repair cost $194 . 17 Rick at Orlando Dodge Major tune-up $175 . 00 and $55 . 00 for exhaust gasket and labor for a total repair cost of $230 . 00 � f ATTACHMENT 6 To: Montye Beamer, Director of Administrative Services From: D.W. Flippen, Building and Zoning Official Z• 9 Date: April 9, 1993 Subj : Vehicle Repairs As per your request, the following is a list of the type of automotive repair vendors needed by the Protective Inspections Department. 1 . Oil changes and lubrication 2 . Replacement of tires and repair of tires _'•.<<= 3. Replacement batteries 4 . motor tune-ups 5 . Minor engine repair such as radiator hoses, fan belts, windshield wiper blades, replace head lights and accessory lights. 6. Major motor repairs 7 . Transmission repairs and service 8. Paint and body repairs 9 . Car wash 10. Suggestion: Have all city vehicles professionally detailed and cleaned once a year. O c_c> a c. F--i_-'z.c_ 1.7 .a-p 125 N. Byford Avenue - Ocoee, Florida 34761 RON STROSNIDER BUSINESS 656-7796 Fire Chief EMERGENCY 911 MEMORANDUM TO: Montye Beamer , Director of Administrative Services FROM: Ron Strosnider , Fire Chief izQS DATE: April 12 , 1993 `/ RE: VEHICLE MAINTENANCE As you requested in the meeting held on April 8 , 1993 regarding the" - above issue, the following is the requirements necessary for this department to run smoothly and efficiently : 1 . Certified pump repair and valve for Hale and Waterous pumps . 2 . Tires (new and repair) for fire engines , light trucks and cars . Must have 24 hour service capability . 3 . In-house battery service and alternator repair . 4 . Air brakes , brake repair for light trucks and cars . 5 . Radiator repair 6 . Electrical repair service 7 . Front-end alignment for large trucks and light vehicles 8 . Diesel , light and heavy engine repair . 9 . General auto repair ( in example; tune-ups , belts , air condition hoses , etc . ) 10 . Preventive maintenance , oil change , lube and filters . Montye Beamer 2 April 12 , 1993 11 . Small engine repairs for Briggs and Stratton and Honda Motors , also , Echo chain saws . Attached is more information on each fire department. vehicle . If we may be of further assistance please let us know . RDS/bjs ATTACHMENTS 02/21/93 FireSoft Equipment Manager 01 :07 am City of Ocoee Fire Department -__= Main ===- -__= Add/Update =__- Add/Update Transaction Log Reports Personnel Roster Utilities Address Book Equipment Roster Vehicle Reference Category : Vehicles Type : SQUAD 1 ID : 359 Description : MINI PUMPER \HEAVY RESCUE Year: 92 Make : FORD Model : B120 Serial # : 2FDLF47M4NCA455 Engine Make : NAVISTAR 7 . 3 New/Used : New Model : DIESEL Date Acquired : 04/01/92 Serial # : Date in Service : 04/01/92 Expected Life : 10 Years Fuel Type : DIESEL Fuel Capacity : Purchase price : $109 , 000 . 00 Replacement cost : $ 109000 . 00 Odometer: 0 . 0 Use cost : $ 0 . 000 per Run pg- <F1> g<F1> Help <F10> Options 1132 Days Since Last.:_-Ba'ckup TIRE SIZE: LT235 85R16 02/20/93 FireSoft Equipment Manager 01 : 57 am City of Ocoee Fire Department -__= Main =__- ___= Add/Update =__- Add/Update Transaction Log Reports Personnel Roster Utilities Address Book Equipment Roster . - Vehicle Reference Category : Vehicles Type : RESCUE BOAT ID : 380 Description : WATER SEARCH &RESCUE Year : 89 Make : BONITO Model : BOAT Serial # : BNTZ1214B888 Engine Make : MERCURY New/Used : New Model : 115 Date Acquired : 01/01/89 Serial # : Date in Service : 01/01/89 Expected Life : 10 Years Fuel Type : UNLEADED Fuel Capacity : Purchase price : $ 0 .00 Replacement cost : $ 0 .00 Odometer: 0 . 0 Use cost : $ 0 . 000 per Run P9- 1, -0 f =3 °==_= <F1> Help <F10> Options 1131 Days Since Last,:B40cup 02/20/93 FireSoft Equipment Manager 01 : 49 am City of Ocoee Fire Department -__= Main =__- -__= Add/Update =__- Add/Update Transaction Log Reports Personnel Roster Utilities Address Book Equipment Roster Vehicle Reference Category : Vehicles Type : RESCUE 3 ID : 361 Description : UTILITY/HAZ-MAT VEHICLE Year : 74 Make : GMC Model : DELIVERY VAN Serial # : TPY354V505090 Engine Make : CHEVY New/Used : New Model : 350 Date Acquired : 01/01/74 Serial # : Date in Service : 01/01/74 Expected Life : 20 Years Fuel Type : UNLEADED Fuel Capacity : 15+ GALLONS Purchase price : $ 0 . 00 Replacement cost : $ 0 .00 Odometer: 0 . 0 Use cost : $ 0 . 000 per Run Pg 1._ afs':3- ___= <F1> Help <F10> Options 1131 Days Since .L•ast-`Ba:ckup TIRE SIZE: 8R-19.5 02/20/93 FireSoft Equipment Manager 01 : 48 am City of Ocoee Fire Department -__= Main =___ ___= Add/Update =_ Add/Update Transaction Log Reports Personnel Roster Utilities Address Book Equipment Roster Vehicle Reference Category : Vehicles Type : RESCUE 1 ID : 362 Description : BLS TRANSPORT RESCUE Year: 91 Make : FORD Model : E-350 Serial # : DKE30MXMHA24937 Engine Make : NAVISTAR New/Used : New Model : 7 . 3 Date Acquired : 01/04/91 Serial # : Date in Service : 01/04/91 Expected Life : 10 Years Fuel Type : DIESEL Fuel Capacity : 20+ GALLONS Purchase price : $ 0 . 00 Replacement cost : $ 0 . 00 Odometer : 0 .0 Use cost : $ 0 .000 per Run <F1> Help <F10> Options 1131 Days Since Last- '=Backup TIRE SIZE: LT215-85R16 02/20/93 FireSoft Equipment Manager 01 : 53 am City of Ocoee Fire Department -__= Main ===- -__= Add/Update =___ Add/Update 1 Transaction Log Reports Personnel Roster Utilities Address Book Equipment Roster Vehicle Reference Category : Vehicles Type : WOODS 2 ID : 372 Description : BRUSH FIRE TRUCK 4X4 Year: 53 Make : DODGE Model : CARGO TRUCK Serial # : 80258347 Engine Make : 6 CYL New/Used : Used Model : DODGE Date Acquired : 01/01/88 Serial # : Date in Service : 01/01/88 Expected Life : 10 Years Fuel Type : UNLEADED Fuel Capacity : Purchase price : $ 0 . 00 Replacement cost : $ 0 . 00 Odometer : 0 .0 Use cost : $ 0 .000 per Run <Fl> Help <F10> Options 1131 Days Since Last -Bac:kup TIRE SIZE: 900-16LT 02/20/93 FireSoft Equipment Manager 01 : 50 am City of Ocoee Fire Department -__= Main === -__= Add/Update =__- Add/Update Transaction Log Reports Personnel Roster Utilities Address Book Equipment Roster Vehicle Reference Category : Vehicles Type : SQUAD 2 ID : 360 Description : EXTRICATION\EMS Year : 88 Make : FORD Model : F-350 Serial # : DKF38MXJNB48575 Engine Make : NAVISTAR New/Used : New Model : 6 .8 Date Acquired : 01/01/89 Serial # : Date in Service : 01/01/89 Expected Life : 10 Years Fuel Type : DIESEL Fuel Capacity : 20+ GALLONS Purchase price : $ 0 .00 Replacement cost : $ 0 . 00 Odometer : 0 .0 Use cost : $ 0 .000 per Run 3 Pg .L af:= ===- <F1> Help <F10> Options 1131 Days Since La-st-=Ba.ckup TIRE SIZE: LT235 85-R16 02/20/93 FireSoft Equipment Manager 01 : 51 am City of Ocoee Fire Department -__= Main ===_ ___= Add/Update =__- Add/Update Transaction Log Reports Personnel Roster Utilities Address Book Equipment Roster Vehicle Reference Category : Vehicles Type : ENGINE 1 ID : 353 Description : PUMPER Year: 74 Make : JAYCO Model : CLASS A PUMPER Serial # : HCC527007414 Engine Make : DETROIT New/Used : Used Model : DIESEL Date Acquired : 01/01/74 Serial # : Date in Service : 01/01/74 Expected Life : 100 Years Fuel Type : DIESEL Fuel Capacity : 25+GALLONS Purchase price : $ 1 . 00 Replacement cost : $160 , 000 . 00 Odometer : 0 . 0 Use cost : $ 800 . 000 per Mile 1__a_f::` - <F1> Help <F10> Options 1131 Days Since Last-=Ba-c..kup TIRE SIZE: 11.00-R20 02/20/93 FireSoft Equipment Manager 01 : 52 am City of Ocoee Fire Department ___= Main ===- ___= Add/Update =__ Add/Update Transaction Log Reports Personnel Roster Utilities Address Book Equipment Roster Vehicle Reference Category : Vehicles Type : ENGINE 2 ID : 351 Description : PUMPER\EXTRICATION Year: 85 Make : FORD Model : D-803 Serial # : DYD8OU3FVA06259 Engine Make : CAT New/Used : New Model : DIESEL Date Acquired : 01/01/85 Serial # : Date in Service : 01/01/85 Expected Life : 15 Years Fuel Type : DIESEL Fuel Capacity : 25+ GALLONS Purchase price : $ 0 .00 Replacement cost : $ 0 .00 Odometer : 0 .0 Use cost : $ 0 . 000 per Run <F1> Help <F10> Options 1131 Days Since Last--=Backup TIRE SIZE: 11.00-R20 02/20/93 FireSoft Equipment Manager 01 : 54 am City of Ocoee Fire Department -__= Main === -__= Add/Update =__- Add/Update Transaction Log Reports Personnel Roster Utilities Address Book - = Equipment Roster Vehicle Reference - Category : Vehicles Type : ENGINE 11 ID : 354 Description : RESERVE PUMPER Year: 80 Make : GMC Model : FIRE TRUCK Serial # : T17DGAV607524 Engine Make : GMC New/Used : New Model : DIESEL Date Acquired : 01/01/80 Serial # : Date in Service : 01/01/80 Expected Life : 15 Years Fuel Type : DIESEL Fuel Capacity : Purchase price : $ 0 .00 Replacement cost : $ 0 .00 Odometer: 0 .0 Use cost : $ 0 . 000 per Mile Pg - 1_.of3 ___= <F1> Help <F10> Options 1131 Days Since Last- Backup TIRE SIZE: 10.00-20 02/20/93 FireSoft Equipment Manager 01 : 56 am City of Ocoee Fire Department ___= Main ===- === Add/Update ===- Add/Update Transaction Log Reports Personnel Roster Utilities Address Book Equipment Roster Vehicle Reference Category : Vehicles Type : CHIEF TRUCK ID : 350 Description : CHIEF TRUCK Year: 88 Make : DODGE Model : RAMCHARGER Serial # : 3B4HW12W5JM8235 Engine Make : DODGE New/Used : New Model : Date Acquired : 01/01/88 Serial # : Date in Service : 01/01/88 Expected Life : 10 Years Fuel Type : UNLEADED Fuel Capacity : 20 Purchase price : $ 0 .00 Replacement cost : $ 0 .00 Odometer : 0 .0 Use cost : $ 0 .000 per Run Pg- 1 _of <Fl> Help <F10> Options 1131 Days Since Last-Backup TIRE SIZE: 31x10-R15 02/20/93 FireSoft Equipment Manager 01 : 56 am City of Ocoee Fire Department -__= Main ===- === Add/Update ===- Add/Update Transaction Log Reports Personnel Roster Utilities Address Book Equipment Roster Vehicle Reference Category : Vehicles Type : CAPTAIN CAR ID : 397 Description : CAPT . CAR Year : 86 Make : BUICK Model : 2DOOR Serial # : IG4HH513XHH4380 Engine Make : BUICK New/Used : New Model : 6CYL Date Acquired : 01/01/90 Serial # : Date in Service : 01/01/90 Expected Life : 10 Years Fuel Type : UNLEADED Fuel Capacity : 15 Purchase price : $ 0 .00 Replacement cost : $ 0 . 00 Odometer : 0 . 0 Use cost : $ 0 . 000 per Run <F1> Help <F10> Options 1131 Days Since Last= Backup TIRE SIZE: P195=75R14 02/20/93 FireSoft Equipment Manager 01 : 59 am City of Ocoee Fire Department __= Main === -=== Add/Update ===- Add/Update Transaction Log Reports Personnel Roster Utilities Address Book Equipment Roster Vehicle Reference Category : Vehicles Type : INSPECT CAR ID : 348 Description : INSPECTOR VEHICLE Year: 92 Make : FORD Model : TAURUS Serial # : ACP55UONA188348 Engine Make : 6CYL New/Used : New Model : Date Acquired : 02/19/92 Serial # : Date in Service : 02/20/92 Expected Life : 15 Years Fuel Type : UNLEADED Fuel Capacity : 15 Purchase price : $ 11 , 801 . 00 Replacement cost : $ 11 , 801 . 00 Odometer: 0 . 0 Use cost : $ 0 . 000 per Run Pg:. 1 `Q+f ___= <Fl> Help <F10> Options 1131 Days Since Last= Backup TIRE SIZE: P205-701R-14 Date : April 15, 1993 To : Jim Shira, City Engineer-Utility Director From: Robert Holland, Utility Superintendent Subject : Vehicle List and Estimated Service The Utility Department presently has 14 vehicles that need gen,era;l; servicing, such as oil changes and minor tune-ups . These vehic-eS are pickup trucks and can be serviced at most local garaes Approximately 55 oil and filter changes are needed, this is dan ;' every 3, 000 miles . Approximately 5 minor tune-ups will also be needed . Four vehicles will need to have tires replaced . Along with four vehicles having a transmission service . The Utility Department has four vehicles that require special maintenance . a . ) the Ford L8000 (sludge truck ) is normally serviced twice a year at the Ford Truck Dealership, this is because of the size of the truck . b. ) John Deere Backhoe is serviced three times at year by the John Deere Dealership. This is to keep warranty valid . c . ) Kubota Tractor is serviced twice a year through Trail Saw & Mower because they are the only authorized dealer . d . ) International Dump Truck has not been serviced yet but will need servicing twice a year . The backhoe and tractor have required mobile service since no trailer was available . The Utility Department is purchasing a trailer which will enable us to deliver this equipment to the shop which normally charges a lower rate . Attached is the recent up-dated vehicle list . If any further information is needed please advise . 401 1990 Chevy K1500 VIN# 1GCDK14H1LZ196306 500 1987 Chevy C-10 VIN# 1GCEV14H2HS155064 501 1988 GMC 2300 VIN# 1GTFC24HOJZ539180 502 1993 Ford F150 VIN# 1FTDF15Y7PNA71343 503 1993 FORD F150 VIN# 1FTDF15Y5PNA71342 504 DOGDE RAM 511 1987 FORD RANGER VIN# 1FTBR10A3HUC27703 514 1984 DODGE VIN# 1B7FD14H3ES283736 515 1985 JEEP VIN# 1JTNE27S5FT102460 800 1986 FORD 150 VIN# 1FTEF14N1GLA45537 801 1988 DODGE DAKOTA VIN# 1B7GN14X7JS775866 802 1988 DODGE D150 VIN# 1B7FD14Y8JS776273 804 1979 DODGE VIN# D14AN9S149839 805 1989 FORD VIN# 1FDZW82A9KVA17973 INFORMATION UP-DATED 4/15/93 vehicle 401 is a 1990 Chevy K1500, four wheel drive, automatic transmission, air-condition . The vehicle has the primary use for the Utility Dept . inspector . Averages 1, 000 miles a month Vehicle milage 30, 000 Vehicle 500 is a 1987 Chevy C-10, four wheel drive, automatic tramission, air-condition . The vehicle has the primary `use :_in the Distribution Dept . Averages 2, 000 miles a month Vehicle 501 is a 1988 GMC 2300, automatic transmission, air condition . The vehicle has the primary use for the Utility Backflow Technican. Averages 1, 500 miles a month Vehicle milage 70, 000 Vehicle 502 is a 1993 Ford F150, automatic transmission, air- condition, service body. The vehicle has the primary use for the Distribution Dept . Estimated 1, 500 miles a month Vehicle milage 80 Vehicle 503 is a 1993 Ford F150, automatic transmission, air- condition, service body. The vehicle has the primary use for the Distribution Dept . Estimated 1, 500 miles a month Vehicle milage 82 Vehicle 504 is a Dodge Ram, automatic transmission . The vehicle has the primary use for the meter reading . Averages 1, 000 miles a month Vehicle milage Vehicle 511 is a 1987 Ford Ranger, automatic transmission, air- condition . The vehicle has the primary use of meter reading . Averages 1, 000 miles a month Vehicle milage Vehicle 514 is a 1984 Dodge 1/2 ton, automatic transmission, air- condition . The vehicle has the primary use of the Water plant operations . Averages 800 miles a month Vehicle milage 117, 00 Vehicle 515 is a 1985 Jeep CJ-10, four wheel drive, automatic tansmission, air-condition, service body, small bumper crane . The vehicle has the primary use of the Distribution Dept . Averages 1, 500 miles a month Vehicle milage 77, 000 Vehicle 800 is a 1986 Ford XL F159, four wheel drive, auto-mat . transmission, air-condition . The vehicle has the primary use of `th`z wastewater plant operations . Averages 800 miles a month Vehicle milage 111, 000 Vehicle 801 is a 1988 Dodge Dakota, 4 speed transmission, air- condition . The vehicle has the primary use of the water plant operations . Averages 800 miles a month Vehicle milage 80, 000 • Vehicle 802 is a 1988 Dodge D150, 3 speed transmission, air- condition, service body, pipe rack . The vehicle has the primary use of the Distribution Dept . Averages 300 miles a month Vehicle milage Vehicle 804 is a 1980 F350, 4 speed transission, air-condition, service body. The vehicle has the primary use of the Lift Station maintenance crew. Averages 2, 000 miles a month Vehicle milage Vehicle 805 is a 1989 Ford L8000, automatic transmission, air- condition, 4, 000 gallon tank with a vacuum pump . Vehicle 803 is a 1987 Kubtoa tractor L3750 "CENTER OF GOOD LIVING-PRIDE OF WEST ORANGE" MAYOR•COMMISSIONER Ocoee S.SCOTT VANDERGRIFT °_ CITY OF OCOEE COMMISSIONERS JOHNSON d 150 N.LAKESHORE DRIVE PAUL W.FOSTER O OCOEE,FLORIDA 34761 VERN COMBS Vt` 4.1 (407)656-2322 SAM WOODSON yreip V �� CITY MANAGER F 000V ELLIS SHAPIRO MEMORANDUM TO: Montye Beamer, Director of Administrative Services FROM: • Jim Beech, Recreation Director � '� DATE: April 13 , 1993 RE: CITY BARN FOR VEHICLE MAINTENANCE The Recreation Department, with its limited number of vehicles4, - . could survive by having a list of contracted services . However, I strongly feel that there are times that could save down time if the City Barn was staffed. There are times that a body from the barn could go into the field to get a truck, tractor, or other started without having to wait for road service from contracted services . Changing of flats would fall in same situation. A positive maintenance schedule to be followed and recorded will eliminate some problems . JB : f dg Beech/7 BE PROPOSAL-AGREEMENT . WHEREAS, it is everywhere recognized that physical rest is essential to human well being as well as welcomed by all people , the CITY OF OC�OC'e-f ./r/'� 4 , hereinafter referred to as the "City, " has determined that the installation and presence of a public seating service within the corporate limits of the City would fulfill a collateral public transportation need and be of continuing benefit to the general traveling public , and to others , and WHEREAS, the City is charged with the public interest and, accordingly, as a proprietary function is desirous of having placed within its corporate limits , at transit stops and/or at other points of pedestrian convenience or necessity, benches designed for comfortable seating in order that such benches may inure to the convenience and enjoyment of those who use public transportation, and of others ; and WHEREAS, METROPOLITAN SYSTEMS , INC. , a corporation, hereinafter referred to as the "Service Company, " is engaged in the manufacture and installation of benches as an ordinary and desirable incident of city and county streets ; and WHEREAS, the /C / Z2/-(d'f: e and the hereinafter referred to as the "Clubs ," are desirous of sponsor- ing or co-sponsoring as a community project for the benefit and accommodation of the general traveling public, and of others , the placement of benches at transit stops and/or at other points of pedestrian convenience or necessity within the corporate limits of the City and, to that end, have en- tered into agreements with the Service Company. NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the premises , the Clubs and the Service Company join in making the follow- ing proposal to the City, whereby, upon the acceptance of such proposal by the City, the said desires of the City and of the Clubs can be realized: 1 . The Service Company, its successors and assigns , shall install and at all times hereunder shall continue to furnish benches , as hereinafter provided, upon public space within the corporate limits of the City (as now constituted or hereafter enlarged) in a quantity sufficient, in the judg- ment of the City reasonably exercised, to establish a public seating service within the City for the benefit of the gener- al traveling public as well as for the benefit of others . In order to fund such public seating service, the Service Company, its successors and assigns , shall have the right to lease display space on said benches , as hereinafter pro- vided for both public service and commercial messages . 2 . Benches placed within the corporate limits of the City, as herein provided, shall be governed by and subject to the following general criteria: a. No bench shall be more than forty-three (43) inches high nor more than seventy-four (74) inches long nor more than twenty-eight (28) inches wide . b. Construction shall be of concrete and wood or of equivalent materials . BE c . Benches shall be placed at transit stops and/or at other points of pedestrian convenience or necessity and such placement shall be subject to review by the City so that no bench shall be permitted to cause a public sidewalk to be closed to pedestrian passage or to create a hazard or to otherwise be detrimental to the public safety. d. No bench, unless otherwise authorized, may be placed so that the angle of its long di- version in relation to the curb line shall be greater than thirty degrees (30° ) , and no bench, unless otherwise authorized, may be placed so that it is closer than eighteen (18) inches to the face of the curb. e. Not more than one (1) bench displaying a commercial message or intended for the dis- play of a commercial message shall be per- mitted at a particular location. f. Display space shall be restricted to the backrest area of the bench and shall not be greater than six (6) feet in length and two (2) feet in height. No commercial message displayed thereon shall appear other than on the front or rear surface of such backrest area. Should any message be deemed objection- able in the judgment of the City reasonably exercised, then, upon notice to the Service Company such message shall forthwith be re- moved by the Service Company. Should any bench fail to conform to the above gener- al criteria or should a property owner object to the presence of a bench abutting his property then the City may order the Service Company to remove such bench and, that failing, may remove same at the expense of the Service Company. 3. The City shall reserve the right to, upon notice to the Service Company, order the removal of any particular bench which the City, in its judgment reasonably exercised, believes not to be located to the public benefit. Should the Service Company fail to remove such bench then the City may remove same at the expense of the Service Company. 4 . At all times hereunder the benches which are the subject of this proposal shall remain the property of the Service Company and the Service Company shall maintain said benches in a good and substantial state of repair. At all times hereunder the land upon which the benches are placed shall not be in the legal possession or control of the Ser- vice Company but shall only be subject to the necessary in- stallation and maintenance of the benches . 5 . The Service Company shall at all times hereunder maintain public liability insurance and shall provide the City with a Certificate of Insurance as evidence of same ; the insurance shall be in the minimum amount of One Hundred Thousand Dollars ($100 , 000 . 00) for individual injury and Five Hundred Thousand Dollars ($500 , 000 . 00) for more than one injury resulting from one accident and Fifty Thousand Dollars ($50 , 000 . 00) for property damage and if and when such minimum amounts become deficient , in the judgment of the City reasonably exercised, then such amounts shall be appropriately increased upon the written request of the City. Further, within the above stated insurance limits , the Service Company shall indemnify and save harmless the City from and against all claims , losses and expenses , including court - 2 - BE costs and reasonable attorney ' s fees , arising out of or re- sulting from any wrongful or negligent act on the part of the Service Company in the installation and maintenance of benches hereunder. 6. It is intended that the program for the placement and continued maintenance of benches established by the accep- tance of this proposal by the City be quasi-commercial in nature , accordingly, such program shall be sponsored or co- sponsored by the Clubs , however, notwithstanding anything herein to the contrary , such sponsorship shall be the Clubs ' only right and obligation hereunder. The benches shall be referred to as the 'Clubs ' benches . " Should the Clubs at any time and for any reason be compelled to withdraw as spon- sors of the public seating service established by the accept- ance of this program by the City so as to leave no sponsoring organization for such program then the Service Company shall within a reasonable time thereafter join with another civic , service or charitable organization or organizations as spon- sor of such service and the City shall be notified of such sponsorship . 7 . Should the Service Company be found to be in default of any of the conditions herein, it shall be given notice in writing and a reasonable time , not to exceed thirty (30) days , to correct same . In the event that the Service Company should fail to correct such default within a reasonable time after receipt of notice of same the Cityma terminate the rights and obligations crated�bytthe itsacceptance of this proposal upon the giving of ninety (90) days notice in writing to the Clubs and to the Service Company. Should such termination duly occur, or should the rights and obliga- tions to provide public seating as set forth herein cease for any other reason, then the Service Company shall be allowed an additional six (6) month period to remove its benches . 8 . Where notice to the Service Company and/or to the Clubs is required or otherwise given pursuant to the agree- ment created by the acceptance of this proposal by the Cit it shall be in writing , sent by registered or certified mail , to the relevant principal office(s) with return receipt (s) requested. 9 . It is expressly understood and agreed that the rights and obligations created by the acceptance of this proposal by the City shall remain in full force and effect for a period of twelve ( 12) years from and after the date of such acceptance and, thereafter, so longas the Company performs as provided herein and so long as thevice Clubs , or either of them including successors , if any, sponsor the public seating service established herein, then, and in that event , such rights and obligations shall self-extend and renew for like periods without restriction upon the same terms , covenants and conditions . 10 . Should any one or more of the provisions hereof be found invalid or unenforceable by a court of competent jurisdiction then such provision or provisions shall be null and void and shall be deemed severed from the whole and such finding shall be without effect upon the remaining provisions which remaining provisions shall continue in full force and econtained ffect provided that the rights and obligations of the parties intentions hofetheare partiesmaterially torbeudfed and that the effective. 11 . The agreement created by the acceptance of this proposal by the City supersedes all prior negotiations , under- standings , representations or agreements between the parties hereto, whether written or oral , with respect to the subject matter contained herein and with respect to the area intended hereunder. - 3 - BE 12 . It is understood and agreed that the agreement created by the acceptance of this proposal by the City shall take effect one hundred and twenty (120) days from and after the date of such acceptance and that time shall be of the essence of such agreement. It is further understood and agreed that the rights and obligations created by the accept- ance of this proposal by the City shall be exclusive and shall not be conditioned upon the City being served by a mass transit system. 13 . Should the City desire to have transit shelters installed at designated transit stops within its corporate limits which shelters are to be funded by the display of commercial messages , the Clubs , together with the Service Company , shall have the right of first refusal for the in- stallation and operation of such shelters together with the display space thereon. 14 . And the further conditions : IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this instrument to be executed in their respective corporate names by the persons duly authorized to sign in their behalf. SIGNED , SEALED AND DELIVERED IN THE PRESENCE OF: CLUB ATTES By ly�..�.�,. 1, �.�(?�,., (SEAL) ,C,,rlC�iZ(I Preside Secretary CLUB By (SEAL) ATTEST: President Secretary METROPOLITAN SYSTEMS, INC. Byl --(SEAL) ATTEST: .ct�Jlt. Z.i1e.-✓ /gs,t.'Vice President S cretary CITY OF CCS C' C"e- i'( . A 11)4 ABy (SEAL) ATTEST: Mayor City Clerk • Date of Acceptance by City of (-?Ct Approved as to form and legal sufficiency: City Attorney - 4 -