HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem III (A) Acceptance and Approval of Minutes of Regular Commission Meeting of April 6, 1993 AGENDA 4-20-93
j(i I Item III A
Mayor Vandergrift called the regular meeting of the Board of City Commissioners to order at
7:30 p.m. in the commission chambers. Pastor Jerry Miller, Victory Baptist Church, led in the
prayer and Mrs. Frances Watts led in the pledge of allegiance. The roll was called and a
quorum declared.
PRESENT: Mayor Vandergrift, Commissioners Combs, Foster, Johnson, and Woodson.
Also present were City Manager Shapiro, Assistant City Attorney Woodson, City
Engineer/Utilities Director Shira, Administrative Services Director Beamer,
Building Official Flippen, Planning Director Behrens, and City Clerk Grafton.
Mayor Vandergrift read a proclamation proclaiming April 11-17 to be NATIONAL
The consent agenda consisted of items A, B, C, and D. Commissioner Combs wished to discuss
items C and D before the vote, and he asked (re: item C) if the option to extend the use of the
modular unit a month at a time at the end of the nine month lease, if necessary, had been
included in the agreement. Administrative Services Director Beamer said that it had been
included. For item D, Commissioner Foster asked if it were possible that the bidders found
something that PEC overlooked in their estimate as all of the bids appeared to be very close and
all were considerably higher than PEC's estimate, and further that the cost of preparing a new
bid would very likely use up any savings anticipated by re-bidding. City Engineer Shira advised
that, in preparing for re-bid, much of the material can be reused and that he would redesign and
possibly get used equipment from Stark. There was discussion regarding permitting a
representative from the low bidder speak. Assistant City Attorney Woodson advised that it is not
really appropriate for one bidder to have the opportunity to speak without affording all bidders
the same opportunity. City Engineer Shira said that all bidders were informed that this item
would be on this meeting's agenda but that he had not specifically invited them to speak. Upon
establishing that there were no staff objections to the low bidder speaking, Commissioner
Foster seconded b Commissioner Johnson moved to lull item III D from the a.enda.
Motion carried 4-1 with Commissioner Woodson voting no.
Commissioner Woodson seconded b Commissioner Combs, moved to approve the pro.osed
consent agenda as presented. Motion carried with unanimous vote in favor.
A. Acceptance and Approval of Minutes of Regular Commission Meeting of
March 16, 1993. (Minutes of Trailer Park Public Forum are included for
information only.)
Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting
April 6, 1993
B. Approval and Authorization for Mayor to Execute Amendment to Developer's
Agreement for Albertson's Shopping Center.
C. Approval and Authorization for Mayor and City Clerk to Execute the Lease
Agreement with Diamond Engineered Space, Inc. for 60'x48' Modular Unit
as modified by City Attorney.
D. Approval of Staff Recommendation to Reject All Five Bids for the Forest Oaks Water
Plant Supply Well No. 3.
Commissioner Foster said that all his questions had been answered and Mayor Vandergrift
invited Larry Gomez, representing low bidder Meredith Associates, to address Commission.
Mr. Gomez said that any further delay will inflate the bid as the prices of materials are
increasing and asked that Commission table consideration of the bids rather than reject them at
this time. City Manager Shapiro said that he was convinced that redesign could offset the cost
associated with re-bidding. Commissioner Combs concurred with Mr. Gomez's statements as
far as the price of steel is concerned, but he had faith in the CityEngineer and his decision.
Commissioner Woodson, seconded by Commissioner Combs, moved to reject all bids. Motion
carried 4-1 with Commissioner Foster voting no.
Mrs. Frances Watts, 43 Shell Key Court, thanked Commissioners Combs and Foster, City
Manager Shapiro and staff for the meeting held March 20 and Mr. Rostiser for the work he has
done in the front of Pioneer Key Park I. Mrs. Watts said that, although the park is looking
much better, there is still much to be done. Mrs. Watts asked that the community center
meeting room continue to be made available to the West Orange Senior Citizens for their
City Manager Shapiro reported that the requested "No Parking" signs will be included in the
mid-year budget. Mayor Vandergrift suggested that the City also give petunias to this park,
and Mr. Shapiro said that would cause a problem as the park is not the only community in the
City. Mrs. Watts expressed appreciation for the thought but said they only needed a police
officer to come when they call.
Mr. R.P. Mohnacky, 1820 Prairie Lake Boulevard, said that since Clarke Road opened the
traffic has increased and there is no way to turn left onto A.D. Mims Road from Apopka-
Vineland Road and a turn lane is definitely needed. City Manager Shapiro said that the real
solution would be a traffic signal.
Mr. Mohnacky asked when Hackney-Prairie Road will be started. City Engineer Shira said
the developer plans to begin in June/July this year and it should be a one year project.
Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting
Lid 113
April 6, 1993
Mr. Mohnacky said that when they restriped A.D. Mims Road the "no passing" stripes were
omitted at the intersection. City Engineer Shira said that such striping is not mandatory but
that he would check to see if the County did the striping.
2 Clerk Rule Ordinance, repealing Chapter 57 of the Code of Ordinances which provides
for security standards for convenience businesses.
This Ordinance was presented by title for the second reading and public hearing. City Manager
Shapiro explained that Florida Statute supersedes our ordinance requiring that 2 clerks be on
duty if an establishment remains open all night. Chief Boyd explained further that the state
ruling provides that 2 clerks are not necessary until after there has been a problem at that
address. The public hearing was opened and, as no one wished to speak, the hearing was
closed. Commissioner Woodson seconded b Ma or Vander' ift moved to enact Ordinance
No. 93-03 as presented. On roll call Commissioner Combs voted "aye," Commissioner Foster
"a e " Commissioner Johnson "a e " Commissioner Woodson "a e " and Ma or Vander rift
"aye." Motion carried.
Discussion re: Golf Course
Approval of Name of Golf Course Facility.
Administrative Services Director Beamer noted that the Golf Course Ground Lease Agreement
stated that the Commission, as Lessor, should select a name for the golf course facility, subject
to the reasonable approval of the Lessee. Mr. Ken Ezell said that they had submitted three
possible names with different types of print for consideration. Commissioner Johnson,
seconded by Commissioner Combs, moved to choose the name "FOREST LAKE GOLF
CLUB OF OCOEE". Motion carried 4-1 with Commissioner Woodson voting no.
RECESS 8:20 - 8:30 P.M.
Ground Lease Agreement for Golf Course.
Administrative Services Director Beamer explained the modifications to the ground lease
agreement which have been prepared by Assistant City Attorney Mark Extein and advised that
the permit regarding the gopher tortoise has been obtained. Mr. Ken Ezell said that Mr.
Extein's report reflected the discussions they have had and he felt that the golf course facility
would be able to use all the water the City would be providing. Mr. Ezell said that they should
be breaking ground by May 15 and that the commitment letter has been extended through the
middle of May. The site plan has already been reviewed by DRC and is scheduled for Planning
Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting
April 6, 1993
and Zoning Commission review on April 13. Consideration for this agenda item resulted in
4 motions:
1. Commissioner Combs, seconded by Commissioner Johnson, moved to ap.rove the
Third Amendment to the Ground Lease with Riverbend Golf Grou. Inc. as .resented
by staff. Motion carried unanimously.
2. Commissioner Johnson, seconded by Commissioner Foster, moved to consent to
the .ro.osed assi.nment from Riverbend Golf Grou. Inc. to the Assignee a limited
partnership in which the General Partner is a corporation made up of the shareholders
of Riverbend Golf Group, Inc., and the remaining partners are Wayne Rich, Ed Me er
and Dick McDonald. Motion carried unanimously.
3. Commissioner Combs, seconded by Commissioner Woodson, moved to approve
the mort.a.e of Lessee's leasehold interest to First Union as described in the staff re.ort
sub Sect to review b le.al counsel. Motion carried unanimousl .
4. Commissioner Foster seconded b Commissioner Johnson moved to a..rove the
Easement A.reement in substantiall the form .resented and authorize execution b the
Mayor and City Clerk. Motion carried unanimously.
Discussion re: Construction Documents for City Hall/Police Dept. Facility
Administrative Services Director Beamer presented the material for discussion on the
Construction Documents for City Hall/Police Department Facility and asked for guidance in the
form of a motion on each issue.
Mr. C.T. Hsu advised that the use of architectural shingles rather than preformed metal roofing
would provide a cost savings of $50,000. Commissioner Woodson, seconded by
Commissioner Foster, moved to use architectural shingles. Motion carried unanimously.
Ms. Beamer asked for discussion regarding the dormers. Mari Haeflin explained that the
original elevation showed several dormers which Commission found attractive. The current
mock-up displays a plainer rooftop as each dormer is an additional $3,000 to $5,000.
Commissioner Combs, seconded by Commissioner Johnson, moved that add alternates for
tower structures and dormers be made. Motion carried unanimously.
Ms. Beamer noted that it may be desirable to increase the size of the conference room by
shifting 3' from the Mayor's office to that room. Commissioner Johnson, seconded by
Commissioner Combs moved to a.prove this change. Motion carried unanimously.
Ms. Beamer noted the awkward position of the presentation table and it was suggested that the
table could be placed in an L position with the dais. City Manager Shapiro advised that he
does not intend to have a staff table as during daytime meetings staff will be in their offices
watching the meetings on a monitor and will only be present for their portion of the meetings.
Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting
April 6, 1993
Commissioners Foster and Combs said they preferred to have staff present at the meetings, and
Commissioner Johnson said he preferred to have staff facing the audience also. Commissioner
Woodson moved to not make this a part of the plan. Motion died for lack of a second.
Commissioner Johnson said he would object to daytime meetings.
Ms. Haeflein pointed out the 2 voice-activated camera locations and suggested that a 3rd
manually operated camera providing a view of the audience may be desired.
Ms. Beamer said there will be speakers in the lobby and on the porch. Commissioner Combs
was concerned about the effect of the weather on the speakers outside and it was determined that
it may be appropriate to put jacks for the speakers instead.
Mr. Peter McDonald gave a brief description of the cooling system and zones.
Mr. Rod McKey asked several technical questions and suggested a solar system be considered.
Mr. Shapiro asked Mr. McKey to contact Ms. Beamer to review his suggestions.
Ms. Beamer asked about the placement of a trophy case. It was determined that there was one
wall available and the architects would only block in the space.
Ms. Beamer asked about the provisions for increase in staff. Ms. Haeflein explained that the
building was designed responding to information on staff projection to the year 2003.
Mayor Vandergrift expressed concern about the muck and the amount of concrete that had been
pumped under the east end of the old city hall. Mr. Shapiro said there were no records to be
found which show how much concrete was used. Mayor Vandergrift asked where the dirt and
grout will be stockpiled. Mr. Rick Merkle said that any unusable material will be removed
immediately. Mayor Vandergrift said that there is no drain area. Mr. Merkle said that the
water will continue just as it does now down to the lake area. Mayor Vandergrift asked if the
cost of the sewer line was coming out of the budget for the project and the response was that
the capital account for sewer will be paying for this. Mayor Vandergrift suggested arranging
so that the sewer facilities be available to serve the other houses in the area and City Engineer
Shira advised that it would not be cost effective at this time.
Ma or Vander. ift seconded by Commissioner Combs moved to ,o ahead beyond 50% on
the •lans with Cit Hall/Police De.artment. Motion carried unanimous) .
Appointments to Boards - the following terms expire May 1993.
Board of Adjustment (3 year terms) Cliff Rhodes, Lowell Boggs, Tanya Miller.
Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting U n
April 6, 1993 J U Ln1
As Mr. Rhodes died on March 23rd and Mr. Boggs did not wish to be reappointed,
Commissioner Johnson seconded b Commissioner Combs moved to a..oint Alternate
Members Miller and Resnik to the .ositions vacated b Mr. Rhodes and Mr. Bo s and to table
the appointment of two alternates until a later date. Motion carried with unanimous vote in
favor. Commissioner Johnson expressed the Board's appreciation for Mr. Rhodes' years of
service on the Board of Adjustment since its beginning. There was consensus that there should
be a cross section of residents serving on the boards and that Commissioners should invite
citizens from each district to complete the application forms to be considered for appointment
of alternate members.
Recreation Advisory Board - (2 year term) Ileana Tripp.
Commissioner Foster, seconded by Commissioner Combs, moved to reap i oint Ms. Ileana
Tri I s for another 2 ear term on the Recreation Adviso Board. Motion carried with
unanimous vote in favor.
First Reading of Ordinances - Second Reading and Public Hearing will be held April 20,
1993 at 7:30 p.m.
Ordinance No. 93-04, relating to Shopping Carts.
This Ordinance was presented by title for the first reading. City Manager Shapiro explained
that shopping carts are being removed from the stores and parking lots and are being abandoned
at the trailer parks and by the roadside. This Ordinance will place the responsibility of keeping
the shopping carts on the owner's premises with the owner. Mayor Vandergrift announced
the date and time of the second reading and public hearing.
Ordinance No. 93-05, relating to Water/Sewer Capacity Purchase.
This Ordinance was presented by title for the first reading. Administrative Services Director
Beamer explained that this Ordinance will provide for the resale of purchased but unused
water/sewer capacity. Mayor Vandergrift announced the date and time of the second reading
and public hearing.
STAFF REPORTS - There were no staff reports at this time.
Commissioner Woodson:
1) Announced that Lynx comes into Ocoee at Health Central and stops at CVI, Sysco,
VoTech, then into Winter Garden and returns to CVI and the Shopping Center.
2) Said that Recreation Director Beech had asked the Lions Club to build shelters and
benches with signs noting that they were provided by the Lions Club.
3) Asked for the six-month report on the garage as scheduled. City Manager Shapiro
advised that it would be a part of the mid year budget review.
it L-,\ .T
Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting
April 6, 1993
4) Announced that 55 Alive (a driver training course) is at the Hospital and when he took
the course he received a rebate on his insurance.
Commissioner Johnson:
1) Asked when the older part of town would be switched over to new water lines. City
Engineer Shira responded that there are some details to be worked out still.
2) Announced that on last Friday night the West Orange High School honored the 1973
State Baseball Champions from Ocoee High School, most of whom still live in this area.
Commissioner Combs:
1) Thanked Commissioner Johnson for inviting him to share in the awards evening for the
above mentioned occasion.
2) Expressed sympathy to the Henry family in their loss of Roger Henry.
3) Said he is not happy with the Lynx route in that it left out Ocoee and he wishes to be on
a committee to change the route. Mayor Vandergrift said that Jacob Stuart will be the
featured speaker at the Tri-County League of Cities luncheon sponsored by the City of
Ocoee on Thursday, May 20 and there will be an opportunity to speak to him then.
4) Announced the Senior Safety Seminar on April 21 at the Fran Carlton Recreation Center.
5) Said it had been called to his attention that the lack of a sidewalk on the south side of
Silver Star Road at the intersection with Bluford Avenue is a hazard for children who
cross at the traffic light, as there is no place to walk safely.
6) Corrected Mayor Vandergrift's announcement on the radio re: the WalkAmerica walk
which is to be on April 17.
Commissioner Foster: •
1) Said that he did not attend the ribbon cutting ceremony for the Lynx system as an act of
protest because they bypassed the City of Ocoee.
2) Announced that Bill Breeze is recovering nicely after his surgery.
3) Called attention to a picture of a park in the Orlando Sentinel and said it is a sad
commentary on our society when the opening of a park is news.
Mayor Vandergrift:
1) Said that 97 Deer Key Court has been reported to Code Enforcement and nothing has
happened. Building Official Flippen advised that this address has been cited and they are
now awaiting the required time before further action.
2) Announced that the police department has apprehended the people responsible for an
armed robbery at McDonalds.
3) Invited Gary Young of WOCTV to talk about his station, and explained that we have
expanded media coverage beginning April 19, 1993.
Ocoee City Commission Re gu
April 6, 1993
4) Reported some road signs are leaning. City Manager Shapiro said that those have been
5) Announced the sunrise Easter service at the Gazebo April 11 at 6:45 a.m.
6) Announced the Merchants' Association meeting Wednesday, April 7 at 7:00 p.m.
7) Asked when the staples/nails ordinance would be ready. City Manager Shapiro advised
that it will be on the next agenda.
8) Wants to form a committee made up of knowledgeable citizens to review the building
9) Had the Ocoee Rent-a-Choir sing Happy Birthday to Jim Gleason in the audience.
The meeting adjourned at 11:01 p.m.
Jean Grafton, City Clerk S. Scott Vandergrift, Mayor