HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem V (B) Public Hearing Silver Glen PUD Phase II, Village I - Preliminary Subdivision Plans AGENDA 4-20-93 Item V B "CENTER OF GOOD LIVING-PRIDE OF WEST ORANGE" Bell, V,.-�.viruvaaa lk.frw Ocoee S.SCOTT VANDERGRIFT 61( • '" tiS4. CITY OF OCOEERUSTYJOH oN ... 4 IPD. 150 N.LAKESHORE DRIVE PAUL W.FOSTER v OCOEE,FLORIDA 34761 VERN COMBS (407)656-2322 SAM WOODSON 0f G p00 CITY MANAGER SRP EL�L} SHAPIRO STAFF REPORT TO: THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND BOARD OF CITY COMMISSIONERS FROM: BRUCE C. BEHRENS, DIRECTOR OF PLANNING KO DATE: APRIL 15 , 1993 SUBJ : SILVER GLEN P.U.D. , PHASE II , VILLAGE I PRELIMINARY SUBDIVISION PLANS ISSUE: Should the Honorable Mayor and City Commissioners approve the Preliminary Subdivision Plans for Silver Glen, Phase II , Village I? BACKGROUND: Zoning: PUD Site Area: 16 . 35 Acres No. of Lots : 61 Min. Lot Size: 65 ' x 110 ' Min. Living Area: 1200 S.F. Building Setbacks : Front - 25 ' (Corner lots may be 15 ' adjacent to roadway - see site plan detail ) REAR - 25 ' SIDE - 7 . 5 ' Projected School Age Population: 61 Units x 3 . 25 Persons/Unit Proj . Traffic Generation: 61 Units x 9 . 53 ADT = 583 ADT 100 Year Flood: 100 Yr . Flood Elev. is 121 . 00 Feet Water/Sewer: City of Ocoee STORMWATER MANAGEMENT: Stormwater pond constructed with Phase I of Silver Glen. The pond is sized for complete retention from a 100 year/24 hour storm. The lots abutting Spring Lake shall discharge through an environmental swale to Spring Lake as per the previously approved construction plans . Ow-. GGa✓ Staff Report - Silver Glen, Phase II , Village I (PSP) April 15 , 1993 Page 2 DISCUSSION : The Land Use Plan for this Planned Unit Development was approved on October 7 , 1986 . The approval included the provision for 15 ' sideyard setbacks on corner lots having common rear lot lines . The minimum lot width approved was 60 ' , except along the Brentwood subdivision where it is 70 ' . Building setbacks are 25 ' front , 25 ' rear, and 7 . 5 ' side. The minimum lot square footage is 6500 square feet . The minimum required living space is 1200 square feet . The maximum number of approved units was 275 . (See attached minutes from the October 7 , 1986 City Commission Meeting. ) While approved for 275 single family units , Silver Glen PUD has been vested for only 231 single family units . This is because the Final Engineering approved October 17 , 1989 showed 231 single family units . Any additional units over and above 231 units will be subject to concurrency. So far 126 lots have been platted, (Phase I , Village I = 57 lots) (Phase I , Village II = 69 lots) . This proposed phase calls for 61 additional lots . This would bring the developed lot total to 187 , leaving 44 vested remaining lots . The Final Subdivision Plans approved on October 17 , 1989 for Phase I I , Village I called for 51 units on 80 ' x 125 ' lots . The proposed amended plans call for 61 units , on 65 ' x 110 ' lots . CONCURRENCY MANAGEMENT : See the attached staff report on concurrency from Janet Resnik. DRC RECOMMENDATION : The Development Review Committee reviewed and approved the revised Preliminary Subdivision Plans on March 18 , 1993 . PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION: On April 13 , 1993 , the Planning and Zoning Commission recommended approval of the revised Preliminary Subdivision Plans for Silver Glen, Phase II , Village I , the vote was 4-1 . Staff Report - Silver Glen, Phase II , Village I (PSP) April 15 , 1993 Page 3 RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the Honorable Mayor and City Commission approve the Preliminary Subdivision Plans for Silver Glen, Phase II , Village I . BCB/emk Attachment "CENTER OF GOOD LIVING-PRIDE OF WEST ORANGE" MAYOR•COMMISSIONER Ocoee S.SCOTT VANDERGRIFT '9v " ,'�° CITY OF OCOEE COMMISSIONERS RUSTY JOHNSON ... D. 150 N.LAKESHORE DRIVE PAUL W.FOSTER v 0 OCOEE,FLORIDA 34761 VERN COMBS (407)656-2322 SAM WOODSON °4?/4 � Of G060 CITY MANAGER ELLIS SHAPIRO STAFF REPORT TO: THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND BOARD OF CITY COMMISSIONERS FROM: JANET RESNIK, DEVELOPMENT ADMINISTRATOR, CONCURRENCY MANAGEMENT DATE: APRIL 14, 1993 SUBJECT: CONCURRENCY ISSUES REGARDING SILVER GLEN, PHASE 2, VILLAGE 1 ISSUE Should the Honorable Mayor and Board of City Commissioners approve the Preliminary Subdivision Plans for Silver Glen, Phase 2 , Village 1? BACKGROUND Silver Glen PUD received a Certificate of Vesting on November 23 , 1992 which granted the development vested rights for traffic circulation and solid waste disposal (for up to 231 single family units) and for all of the property for stormwater drainage and recreation and open space (subject to the Final Engineering Plans and payment of applicable recreational impact fees) . Potable water and sanitary sewer capacity has been obtained through separate Developer Agreements . These agreements provide sufficient reserved capacity for this phase of the development . DISCUSSION The developer has sufficient capacity reserved, either through the Certificate of Vesting (CV-92-09) or independent Developer Agreements (water and sewer) for this phase of the development . This evaluation and the recommendation below is for Phase 2 , Village 1 only. Future phases may have to obtain additional capacity in the areas listed above before development orders or permits may be issued. RECOMMENDATION There are no outstanding concurrency issues for this phase that prohibit the City Commission from approving the Preliminary Subdivision Plans for Silver Glen, Phase 2 , Village 1 . cc : Montye Beamer, Administrative Services Director Page 4 City Coaaiaaion fleeting October 7, 1944 of land available at the mating treatment plant has net bean complatad. Problemm with ingra.alagrasa to the land are net cleared up. The primary ia.ua is that the City is "under the. gun" from DER to have the system replaced or an-lino, and hopes to have a draft a£ an agreement available at the next *eating. PRELIMINARY MASTER PLAN APPROVAL P.U.D. - STORY PROPERTIES • City Planner Russ Wagner clarifiad the. language of the Develapaent Review Committee Report with aadi£ications made as suggested in the. October 7, 1986 warkahap. Thaa+a madi£icatians primarily apaci£y that the casts oL all additional paving required by the City north oL the. entry paint to the davelapaent and extending na further than the northern boundary of the property to the east of the mita, ahall be borne by the developer but alma will be credited againat any transportation impact feaa imposed by the City which the developer would atherwiaa be regaairad to pay. The developer .hall be reimbur.ed far 314 of the coat of amid improvementa as the other three corner. a£ the intersection are permitted and develapead. All lots abutting the waaterly perimeter oL the davelopaent and axtanding mouth to the natural landacapead buffer arca ahall conform to standard R1A zoning rarguireaenta to buffer the pro3act £ram murrounding d.velopaenta. All other Iota in the pro3act ahall provide a minimum 60 Loot lot width and maintain minimum 7 112 Loot .ideyarda. Commissioner Jahnsan saved to approve the Preliminary Mast.r Plan P.U.D. far Story Propertica as aaandead by Mr. Wagner, Coamiasianear Dabbs .seconded, and the martian carriad unaniaaualy. MIDDEN GLEN SUBDIVISION FINAL CONSTRUCTION PLANS APPROVAL City Engineer Rick Merkle reported that the developer agrees to initially install at hia malar carat a 12 inch water main, to be dedicated to the City al Ocaea, moutherly along Jahio Shares Road to the south line al Phases I al this pra3ect along with an on-mite internally looped water .yatarm on Phaae I am shown an the approved water system plans. Trurtharacre, the. developer agree. to casplata the extension of the. 12 inch water gain along Jahia Shares Raad to the mouth line of Phase II al this pro3act within 1S aontha along with an internally looped water .yatea on the Phases II part ion al the pra3ect. A letter of credit will be provided by the developer to the City of Ocaae in an amount to cover the total pra3eact coats of thia Phase II water main axtenaion to the mouth line of Phase II, with the Lunda to ba utilized by the City al Ocaea 4 • The Orlando Sentinel Published Daily $46.80 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING rare of loriba S.S. d the COUNTY OF ORANGE of willPubk oonnApril 13 199 atttheira s ", tied meeting, and the Board of City �AN,TA ROSA DO Commissioners MN hold a Pubic Her Before the undersigned authorityIn' meApill ZOsu'rg ec*i toss rge`°g'�°ww g personally appeared °11ebe held aat 7:30 p.m.,or as soon ther- , who on oath says salter as poselbie, in the Community that he/she is the Legal Advertising Representative of The Orlando Sentinel, a daily Center, located at 125 N. Lakeshore Drive, Ocoee, Florida to consider lip- newspaper published at ORE 4NDO in ping SILVER GLEN, PHASE II,VIL- O R AN G E County, Florida; LADE I, PREUMINARY SUBDMSION PLANSthat the attached copy of advertisement,being a N OTI C F OF PURI_TC H me le l description and site location is in the matter of CT! VCR &! FN , PHASE II, VTT.rA I as follows:A 18.35 acres more or less portion of Section 16,Township 22. Ran a 28 and being subject to any in the O R A NL E Court, way or Easements a Record. A metes-and-bounds legd de- was published in said newspaper in the issue;of n4/174/9R satiption is available for at the Planning Department,150 N.Lake- shore Drive.Ocoee,Florida.The site is located at the northwest corner of Silver Star and Clarke Roads, and may be further described as ng inthe north- Affiant Affiant further says that the said Orlando Sentinel is a newspaper published at west of � Glen Subdv- O RL AN be/ , in said sion immediately adjacent to Spring Lake. ORpNf, County, lorida, the w be Ciined in the P Depof and that the said newspaper has heretofore been continuously published in Han, between the hours of 8:00 a.m. said ORANGE County, Florida, and 5:00 p.m.,Monday through Friday, or phone 8567489. Interested panties each Week Day and has been entered as second-class mail matter at the post may appear at the hearing and be office in O RL ATO in said heard with respect to the O R A N , person who desires to appeal any deco- County, Florida, slasmy need made during the record public m for a period of one year next preceding the first publication of the attached and for this purpose may need to sn- oopy of advertisement; and affiant further says that he/she has neither paid ; Burs that a verbatim record othte nor promised any person, firm or corporation any discount, rebate, O 'I ie made.testimonyhaand at' record cludes the dl g( evidence commission or refund for t - • rpose of securi g thi - ertisement or i upon which the appeal isbased. publication in the said new caper. ; Jean On City Clerk April o1s385043 Apr.4,1 983 The foregoing instrument was ackn.)ledged befo e me this 6 day of APRIL 9 93 by . r , ,, who is personally known to me and o did to�,r an oars. �tx� 1 ,try (SEAL) BEVERLY C. SiMMONS NOTARY My C'o m Exp. .3/10/97 PUBLIC 1 Bonded By Service Ins ''F o � No. CC2e3839 1 Pawxi y Known I)Ottrr I.D. r ' 4 P.U. Box 1330 Salisbury, North Carolina 28145-1330 Telephone 704-633-8250 April 6, 1993 Sergeant Ken Fisher Ocoee Police Department 175 Bluford Avenue Ocoee, FL 34761 Dear Sergeant Fisher: I have had an opportunity to discuss with our Supervisors in the Ocoee, Florida area the problem concerning shopping carts being removed from our premises which you have made us aware of. Food Lion certainly wants to cooperate with your department in an attempt to eliminate this situation. However, we also are concerned about our customer relations, since while the carts should not be removed, nevertheless many of the people doing so are good customers who have no other means of transportation. In an effort to resolve this problem, I understand local management is posting the warning signs at the store advising customers that they are subject to prosecution for removing carts from the premises. In addition, I have been advised that the store regularly undertakes inspection of the surrounding area and retrieves all stray shopping carts that are found. We would prefer to avoid across the board prosecution at this time to see if these other measures do not work to resolve the problem. Again, we are attempting to balance the obvious importance of compliance with the city ordinance with the need of our customers who have no alternative means of transportation. Thank you for making us aware of this situation. We look forward to resolving this matter through the action steps outlined above. Best regards, EXTRA LOW PRIC.S s L McC ESS Director of Legal & Tax BM/jj cc: Ray Seamans, Area Supervisor ,9-T -)pv•C' d C0F c- caoDL/ oN. ��� /745K(;,-- MC-- .5-40 ,�� �:- �� I�(SCvss Talc=- S40/'r'/ d4 OE-% 00e-0/"l. •c'Cc� 7V.4— /S 7F/47c- GJ aFUSE .� � nli) /v V O c C rt/ 00 CII c:./ /2/1/4-i Re' c�', 1�'� 7-,crL,._- �,�r7 C L� 5-4 //> -r-1//9/ . 0/1 47o�t/)% C�Atre`-. ,c-o(/rid etef P0% 7- - C'/.7-Ty -/ool "/✓�� '2 v'e �'Ot-4 cot,,i ON TilC-/'V T?I' C/ i / y /%C;cJNo /9Oc%)ct//1-Ex' y' et/0u���iv �- 6 1 Y ci✓s"C�/ //J c'c',e/i�,�..� tD - 601-61cvo v c 0 /r / ti's- . gv �� O r�6"r ,�uJi mess Sio A/ 4 osc,S rig c��� /an/ m� tiy v77C r //0 Ox---•c' c=am k%' lf-! /VO �,E'9lGlf0/'4Tt`►v 4-N/) 1-00t.) i ") . 00/77/17 c.., 6-E'ST (tie- Ce�O�/� � t <So c ✓6! �f fET 7'1'6'8I Eye)- . /47 C )L i C ,4 ,26" ,9?-5-0 A/ Ov 7 C.jCJ37 41 (//'UI'7 /1./Ix e6 e,ev sv 6' . Do cA%'4A1- <. Y WN r-&" Sd en.6,o^t /N T-/C Cy s / v t17F6�?e& e N�` 7 S l l}/-(/ c,cL 44s �r'z3'1/ C./9G L S TC) �-C 7- � tIki Gi ir►� o�c� G�t/i'' ?6 G'f i ;sev7 S inc 6-mf /-�cr i 7C'c r-7/// _0=n •� ��c/� %y' //1/Vet.1�cyntic� i/ Cc/f �E�t-'`-% I �5J/ C Or ND-7 /iit/es • z 0 Al �nA;.41/4 At ,,, (),7- C14 '�S- -7/1(d • 9fC i--k' (buyer /t,' ect/'t/ Vs-6- .'6 ��� L OC1F?) 6/1e' /4 7�/!� 7'��/--lac �fjrS 4;) v�'i /�U/� C/01\1tdovG� /;S �C',� %f//� ..s-e/6; e•c %/fi 0\,/ A /¢/J/) .4c-s-0 .-)e)/v-41-7-9 L ofej Ac 6 U< c/gk''W/il/C,. 407; -7(-1 �ZC�,�C T. � e4i'c'rs i/e b '� C'ev.!'T j i V .4 ef '7— `/(O,i'1 CSU.e /71 E= C /--i CSE //L' C".Q,0 Ti ku k.'6-Y4-°/ 7744 r e(61--5 -Sem/7--70 SF y' ‘!"6> '7 XE=iv F "' "riffC 61°111/Y74 14(62- 7 Sell.V677 /7'o/Z NOT A1.4%(-- tero4C,eyis, INDEX OF DRAWINGS I COVER SHEET 2 KEY SHEET 3 PRELIMINARY SITE PLAN 4 PRELIMINARY GRADING AND DRAINAGE 5 PRELIMINARY WATER AND SEWER CITY PHASE Il VILLAGE I OF OCOEE, LOCATION MAP N.T.S. NORTH Y 0000, AGENDA 4-20-93 Item V B OWNER / DEVELOPER U S. HOME, CORPORATION/ BROOKSHIRE DEVELOPMENT COMPANY 2600 MAITLAND CENTER PARKWAY SUITE 262 MAITLAND, FLORIDA 32751 ( 407) 660- 0881 ENGINEER / SURVEYOR CCL CONSULTANTS, INC. 2600 LAKE LUC I E N DRIVE SUITE 105 MAITLAND, FLORIDA 32751 (407) 660-2120 i -41a7e : )w-0 fW"A-frn/ezy sU�r�ivrs�o,(/,�l,G,r/ Fo,2.5'�Lv�PGCE�/ P,�GSELj r�f�ESTE�%S�CEOl�T covC t1- /of -o9 n/� Caryrs sU cr- ro r</� reeW6/ )Wodrsrotis "19.1 1sT,�icr�aw..5 A-- c,or�,P�co3 GavcE,P,�i.�� �a.Qejoc�rU�.s afDaA341r4or�6 PE.�.G�iTs U�t/aE, I GE.rZT.rJ�.{/ GI,PCU,ysT<rr�cES . T�/� IsTY.U45 ,410 ff,,,6"Z'!/yr✓PG/Cer�o�/ D�sdc�/ sT.dTE LE�isG4rroc/<%vo.>'✓orN�,� ,��,�z�id..aye�� �covsjed,Eo ,�5 sl/Gr� .4,(/ EXE.tilPr/moi✓ APR ® 2 9993 CITY OF ®COFr , rri CCL CONSULTANTS, INC. 2600 LAKE LUCIEN DRIVE SUITE 105 MAITLAND, FLORIDA 32T51 (40T ) 660 - 2120 Job No 7007-03 Q O WURST RD. ci Ojos ¢ f p O PEA C p'.0. LAKEBENNETT 00 LAKE SITE 437 � MC GEE LAKE RD. RD. 50 OTT Y Q MO MP SPR/NG n c ARO�N l� /LL I LAKE' FLORA AV. p RE�\g LAK & ✓Oh/O RD. Q - w o SILVER STAR. R a SI LV R -� STAR 438 LAKE STARKE WOODSMERE Q ROUGE LAKE o OCOEE ocrMPi Y W 439 ICE PR/MA V/STA 1J ENTERPRISE\ST11 ORLAN AV. WHI_ql E _RD. LOCATION MAP N.T.S. NORTH Y 0000, AGENDA 4-20-93 Item V B OWNER / DEVELOPER U S. HOME, CORPORATION/ BROOKSHIRE DEVELOPMENT COMPANY 2600 MAITLAND CENTER PARKWAY SUITE 262 MAITLAND, FLORIDA 32751 ( 407) 660- 0881 ENGINEER / SURVEYOR CCL CONSULTANTS, INC. 2600 LAKE LUC I E N DRIVE SUITE 105 MAITLAND, FLORIDA 32751 (407) 660-2120 i -41a7e : )w-0 fW"A-frn/ezy sU�r�ivrs�o,(/,�l,G,r/ Fo,2.5'�Lv�PGCE�/ P,�GSELj r�f�ESTE�%S�CEOl�T covC t1- /of -o9 n/� Caryrs sU cr- ro r</� reeW6/ )Wodrsrotis "19.1 1sT,�icr�aw..5 A-- c,or�,P�co3 GavcE,P,�i.�� �a.Qejoc�rU�.s afDaA341r4or�6 PE.�.G�iTs U�t/aE, I GE.rZT.rJ�.{/ GI,PCU,ysT<rr�cES . T�/� IsTY.U45 ,410 ff,,,6"Z'!/yr✓PG/Cer�o�/ D�sdc�/ sT.dTE LE�isG4rroc/<%vo.>'✓orN�,� ,��,�z�id..aye�� �covsjed,Eo ,�5 sl/Gr� .4,(/ EXE.tilPr/moi✓ APR ® 2 9993 CITY OF ®COFr , rri CCL CONSULTANTS, INC. 2600 LAKE LUCIEN DRIVE SUITE 105 MAITLAND, FLORIDA 32T51 (40T ) 660 - 2120 Job No 7007-03 U O W f O G' LAKEBENNETT o O MC GEE HWY. (LAK 50 OTT OLD W/,VT ER FLA. TURNPIKE n c ARO�N l� /LL 526 RO LOCATION MAP N.T.S. NORTH Y 0000, AGENDA 4-20-93 Item V B OWNER / DEVELOPER U S. HOME, CORPORATION/ BROOKSHIRE DEVELOPMENT COMPANY 2600 MAITLAND CENTER PARKWAY SUITE 262 MAITLAND, FLORIDA 32751 ( 407) 660- 0881 ENGINEER / SURVEYOR CCL CONSULTANTS, INC. 2600 LAKE LUC I E N DRIVE SUITE 105 MAITLAND, FLORIDA 32751 (407) 660-2120 i -41a7e : )w-0 fW"A-frn/ezy sU�r�ivrs�o,(/,�l,G,r/ Fo,2.5'�Lv�PGCE�/ P,�GSELj r�f�ESTE�%S�CEOl�T covC t1- /of -o9 n/� Caryrs sU cr- ro r</� reeW6/ )Wodrsrotis "19.1 1sT,�icr�aw..5 A-- c,or�,P�co3 GavcE,P,�i.�� �a.Qejoc�rU�.s afDaA341r4or�6 PE.�.G�iTs U�t/aE, I GE.rZT.rJ�.{/ GI,PCU,ysT<rr�cES . T�/� IsTY.U45 ,410 ff,,,6"Z'!/yr✓PG/Cer�o�/ D�sdc�/ sT.dTE LE�isG4rroc/<%vo.>'✓orN�,� ,��,�z�id..aye�� �covsjed,Eo ,�5 sl/Gr� .4,(/ EXE.tilPr/moi✓ APR ® 2 9993 CITY OF ®COFr , rri CCL CONSULTANTS, INC. 2600 LAKE LUCIEN DRIVE SUITE 105 MAITLAND, FLORIDA 32T51 (40T ) 660 - 2120 Job No 7007-03 I 12 AF 53677 f ------------------------------------------- - - - - - - — — — - - - --- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 9-11- El BOAD NOTE: EXISTING LOT CONFIGURATION AS SHOWN ON APPROVED FINAL ENGINEERING PLANS WITH THE CITY OF OCOEE'S STAMPED AND SIGNED APPROVAL DATED 1-10-90. SCALE: 1" = 200" — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — - — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — —VF—R -TAfIBOAD s - - - - - - - - - - - - - NOTE: SUBSEQUENT FINAL ENGINEERING PLANS FOR THIS SECTION WILL REPLACE ALL OR PORTIONS OF SHEETS 3,.4,6,12,13,14, 15,21,22,23, AND 24 OF THE ORIGINAL APPROVED FINAL ENGINEERING PLANS. PROPOSED PHASE 11 VILLAGE I * SEE SHEET 3 FOR SITE DATA * REVISES LOTS 177 THROUGH 227 ( INCLUSIVE ) ON PREVIOUSLY APPROVED FINAL ENGINEERING PLANS. PREVIOUSLY 51 LOTS PROPOSED AS 61 LOTS. SCALE: 1" = 200" u SCALE III = 200' PROJECT NO. 7007_ SHEET 2 OF 5 "mo UJ a r P% UJ 3: cn uC4 LQ 3: z mi—poeig CL - z < •In ce ,7 In 71 z Z" < 0 U v) 01� t uj cc LAJ UW m 0 LAJ Z LU L) Lu O O 04 u SCALE III = 200' PROJECT NO. 7007_ SHEET 2 OF 5 "mo UJ a r P% UJ 3: cn 3: u SCALE III = 200' PROJECT NO. 7007_ SHEET 2 OF 5 e AF 53677 SITE DATA © MoTE: TIAe fogL_ItAlt�Al2`( 5UPJDiV1SlO1J Pt -AM �D12 S1LV�12 �aL�lJ rt�AS�Ir OOT i Nay FSeR Rr--vIEWeD IN ACC01Z9A9(-E WIT -IA VS 61T� OF Silver Glen Phase II PSP OGOEI✓ VS5TEA lzl6aTe) 6eeTtt•16ATe CIV -91-01. NOt15E FAV 61 -IAL- Ila( E9600Q61a 100'(12. FLoo17 OF- I21 dkLr-55 GOMPt✓nISAC1►JE+ 5j'OP- ,Arz 115 Moi imt? I✓ov. EXISTING ZONING: PROPOSED LAND USE: SITE AREA: NUMBER OF LOTS: GROSS RESIDENTIAL DENSITY MINIMUM LOT SIZE: MINIMUM NET LIVING AREA: BUILDING SETBACKS: PROJECTED SCHOOL AGE POPULATION: PROJECTED TRAFFIC GENERATION: 100 YEAR FLOOD DATA: POTABLE WATER SUPPLY: FIRE PROTECTION: SANITARY SEWER FACILITY: CONSERVATION AREAS: STORMWATER MANAGEMENT: PUD Single Family Residential 16.35 acres 61 3.7 Lots per acres 65' X 110' 1200 Sq. Ft. Front 25' Rear 25.' Side 7.5' (Corner lots may be 15' adjacent to roadway see detail on site plan.) 61 units x 3.25 persons/unit x 20% @ school age = 40 persons @ school age. 61 units x 9.55 ADT = 583 Average Daily Trips The 100 year flood elevation of Spring Lake is 121.00, see sheet 4 for the location of the 121.00 contour. Water Service shall be provided by the City of Ocoee by connection to the existing water main on Abbeyridge Court. The water system shall be designed and constructed to satisfy domestic requirements and fire protection requirements as outlined by the City of Ocoee. Hydrant spacing shall not exceed 500 feet with a fire flow objective of 500 g.p.m. @ 20 psi. Domestic waste service shall be provided by the City of Ocoee by a gravity system connected to the existing gravity system of Silver Glen located on Abbeyridge Court. There are no conservation areas on this site per the City of Ocoee comprehensive plan. The stormwater pond was constructed with Phase I of Silver Glen which accommodates this phase. The pond was sized for complete retention from a 100 year/24 hour storm. The lots abutting Spring Lake shall discharge through an environmental swale to Spring Lake as per the previously approved construction plans. APPROVED PLAN VS. PROPOSED AMENDED PLAIN TABLE FOR THE SAME AREA WITHIN SILVER GLEN PUD :�:��AT�EG:QRX:�:�:�:�::�:�:�:�:��PPRQVED:•:::�:. LAND DESCRIPTION :..:.2EVTSED...:.:.:DhF..2EI`ICE:�:�:: 08° 28' 07 " LAND AREA 16.35 AC 16.35 AC 0 # UNITS 51 61 +10 NET DENSITY 3.1 U A / 3.7 U / A +0.6 U/A MIN. LOT SIZE 80' x 125' 65' x 110' -15' x -15' SCHOOL CHILDREN 33 40 +7 TRAFFIC GENERATION 487 583 +96 ADT'S DAILY WATER FLOW 17850 21350 _ +3500 GPD DAILY SEWER FLOW 15300 18300 -1.3000 GPD _r-- Cor1Gr e+e. - wall (typ•) Chan L14. Fen -e, (-?DLL O�ATti PAQEME NT 17 30' Properh Li vie Temporar.� end o� "iervlporar.� end of Side wa I k, Lot 22. Sid e W4 t k , L.ot 23 2' Curb iCvt-I'er C.-feAAMIZAzy 5o RW 5 1(1s�1 -Mals sa�ET - GONG WALL AT fE I _ &4 I zOE,lED u ® GALE Iu=loo' TEMPORARY T TURNAROUND t►Ict- W ,0 e 0/1 A ;0CANT ° _ o' I_N lore: Tumaro0r> to be reMoQed b� deOeloper o� ad Jacenf �5 Y120 j DF GATS TO4 s ro rt Road 5ec�aon 4 idewalk �'o be expended /� aflJG�JJ� t ROPI!(�C`/ 04C1U�25 � 0 alo g l deJetopWn'f off ad j4Cevl{ proper%l . Im I ° 4'1' S 00 SP.P/A/G ZZ i �$o /2/ �I`� 2Q' AGGE55 ESMZ• -� 1- - -_ _ - "-' Qz oo \ lu V1~ 0WNEd V LOT 3d• J" (- - - - L I"Lj I - 23 \ s- R' ,41 � PROPERTY OWNER AV42 ' I _ ( i[lo� \ 2e., �\ MA.11TAlUEe 8� TN 0t1TPAt?CeL OW9EtZ PA IPC 61, Q o O PLOT P1 A (T E D� i PARK 8 2�' 40" E F -19 I � � I� ( 30 5to°22` 45' E -I I I 8I Z% .2 ( I I ' 3 I / 30' 30' $3• x} 3 P Pj. 25, N-5.121 F 128 - -) I- �_ I ---- f- ,� I � S q3o TRACT \\C- I- - - - - IIg�-I 52' las' (v5 ` !°5' -- J 32 ©l l � l \\ 'T✓y3 � l�03, 9" �' E I ^i B@ILDIfSC� SET BAc log / 3'� a l� �� 65- - P.O. B. 1-1066 (ry P) 8, / 4 40/ -- c b les' / V l\`� < - - - L' -'S -Ster/n) 108' ti0 , / 3 �v t 3 F-7 r�V� �\l 3,�- / BRED TvJoo � �1 :� ��� l I'1 i � � � �� I � - � � �5, e s• � � - M M ab �I 14'1 MI i 4to _ �-�/ He I C•NT5 I - - -M I � 120' � o I I -I. 1 I I 1 � 45 N/ 44 �� � � ' » /s' L5 OtJED (Z 1 d ofl Ito -- -- -� -� L --1 / '/ / 43 m// 1 ��� 65, l l 67 / T 4, P� 3/ P113-614 p I 72 �# loo' toy$ soo �,11o' 25. - -J / / 42 41 l l�� 4o 5 45 00W �l 6, 5- fl I 13'. 15 t, o 5o NI 51 �I I 52 „) 53 N' 54 �/ \�/ G5 ���/ l/ 39 m� 1 c f nt ( I'►"..a ' �- J l-- I f N/ / 55 / l �� \ 65 6s- � / l 3,5 I _ iss. bo' `// 68' \ I / 'R / /\ 6/ ' 569°411 2�"hl I �s' 5 / 51/ / �/� \ �5 ,�� (a5 (o 4- 58 m I 14 N � � � 14 (- -- - S I ryo�// -- (--- _ 90, Street (00 65 \ �l / l ia0 �X'l l . 11 I �'e I �� 13 N) ( I2 � � I I -I � 10 �, 10(0.10` (05' (05' 1T 43' J / l b � 7ro t N 6�° 5 I(°"inl 333.1 c.o' 6 ="�/ >+ 4a �- �i J 5 Z(0°33'00" > E----- ( �� 83°ZZ'12'1V� 102 42 / 65. -tel �• �- Nl l�6-7. Q (bo. 00 4(a 41 I 46 19 tio.Zb- � / sp, o �[ 77 51 / 3 n° .5(03 Z7' oo" E m 4% I 5o 52 46.33 / / / 2 ) l� \ 9 1 . (v0 'ZZ" 14 Ito' �9' .\ / / � /N 43 C N (n8° Z6` 41/vl, 5'1.33 ' - 53 / 54 5 \ I I Center St / 55 �6/ /�2, 22' So' 42 - - J i1 N N N m N [ F F- U 15' I 1 B.S.L in I I O Z O( O 25' L L 25' •2, - B.S.L. B.S.L. Q�Iz U in GARAGES MUST BE ON L J Q J W N °1 1A STREET SIDE OF THESE 75 B.S.L O LOTS. { b.- 43 4 V V N M N m i 0. i lu 25in ' 15'L I I I I R- IW" B.S. NM 1\1-'Q , v! ® V ®®a eWC N m N m �A Z U, V Z m Z Q N N � BUILDING SETBACK _ DETAIL 7 s 3 / ,_ (o304(O'r2 400.00' D = 22°ZI'04" A = 15(0.04 2 = LAND DESCRIPTION O = 08° 28' 07 " \ 51.29 • C- = r eet 22, 41.81' 0 � W I 4e, (�Q t!) Z) Z � 58 Z BEGIN AT THE NORTHWESTERLY CORNER OF LOT 69, SILVER GLEN PHASE I 0 Q ..- t U o 5ca � VILLAGE 2, ACCORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF, AS RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK o Z • T ..J C i� og U? N L UW > 25, PAGES 127 AND 128 OF THE PUBLIC RECORDS OF ORANGE COUNTY, 0 'a I_ I- r J FLORIDA; THENCE SOUTH 17035'04" WEST 129.15 FEET; THENCE SOUTH w Q -} OREIlJTWOOD 144-I N / 5,1111 42055100" WEST 54.56 FEET TO A POINT ON A CURVE CONCAVE 0 0 a _ - , ill I I UQ IT z, F. 0. P(. 131 a / SOUTHWESTERLY HAVING A RADIUS OF 25.00 FEET, A CHORD BEARING OF �4 1 , 50 SOUTH 38055'52" EAST AND A CHORD DISTANCE OF 26.42 FEET; THENCE ( ll I 41 SOUTHEASTERLY ALONG THE ARC OF SAID CURVE THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE $I �o�E� I R1- A 1 - - - - OF 63046'53" A DISTANCE OF 27.83 FEET TO A POINT OF COMPOUND CURVATURE OF A CURVE CONCAVE WESTERLY AND HAVING A RADIUS OF 400.00 I I --I F - + I - - - -- - - / - / 40FEET; �' I THENCE SOUTHERLY ALONG THE ARC OF SAID CURVE THROUGH A OF 22021'04" A DISTANCE OF 156.04 FEET TO A POINT OF j I CENTRAL ANGLE REVERSE CURVATURE OF A CURVE CONCAVE EASTERLY AND HAVING A RADIUS OF 550.00 FEET; THENCE SOUTHERLY ALONG THE ARC OF SAID CURVE \ THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 08028'07" A DISTANCE OF 81.29 FEET TO A 15T -I Q "I POINT OF REVERSE CURVATURE OF A CURVE CONCAVE NORTHWESTERLY AND HAVING A RADIUS OF 25.00 FEET; THENCE SOUTHWESTERLY ALONG THE ARC OF SAID CURVE THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 109042'28" A DISTANCE OF 47.87 FEET TO A POINT ON SAID CURVE; THENCE SOUTH 26033'00" WEST G>ILJE�Z GLEN \< \ \ 50.00 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 6302710011 EAST 45.91 FEET TO A POINT OF CURVATURE OF A CURVE CONCAVE SOUTHWESTERLY AND HAVING A RADIUS OF 1L -LACE 1 \ 25.00 FEET; THENCE SOUTHEASTERLY ALONG THE ARC OF SAID CURVE PB. 25, P65. 125 4 ►Z(p THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 64034121" A DISTANCE OF 28.18 FEET TO A \ POINT OF COMPOUND CURVATURE OF A CURVE CONCAVE WESTERLY AND HAVING \ \ A RADIUS OF 450.00 FEET; THENCE SOUTHERLY ALONG THE ARC OF SAID \ \ CURVE THOUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 02041'43" A DISTANCE OF 21.17 FEET \ TO A POINT OF REVERSE CURVATURE OF A CURVE CONCAVE EASTERLY HAVING A RADIUS OF 1035.00 FEET; THENCE SOUTHERLY ALONG THE ARC OF SAID \ CURVE THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 05036137" A DISTANCE OF 101.35 f \ FEET TO A POINT ON SAID CURVE; THENCE NORTH 63027'41 WEST 261.22 / FEET; THENCE NORTH 6802841" WEST 57.33 FEET; THENCE NORTH 76°43'22" WEST 140.26 FEET; THENCE NORTH 73018158" WEST 99.92 FEET; THENCE NORTH 83022112" WEST 102.42 FEET; THENCE NORTH 89054'16" WEST 333.10 FEET; THENCE NORTH 00006'26" WEST 208.38 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 89041126" WEST 17.00 FEET; THENCE NORTH 00°32'36" WEST 543.25 FEET; THENCE NORTH 8904759" EAST 258.78 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 45044'28" EAST 269.65 FEET; THENCE NORTH 3100038" EAST 495.99 FEET; THENCE SOUTH r 0001512011 WEST 461.29 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 89029'40" EAST 150.00 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 56022145" EAST 83.43 FEET; THENCE SOUTIi 73003159" EAST 1150.01 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING. (CONTAINING 16.35 ACRES MORE OR LESS) J i1 N N N m N [ F F- U 15' I 1 B.S.L in I I O Z O( O 25' L L 25' •2, - B.S.L. B.S.L. Q�Iz U in GARAGES MUST BE ON L J Q J W N °1 1A STREET SIDE OF THESE 75 B.S.L O LOTS. { b.- 43 4 V V N M N m i 0. i lu 25in ' 15'L I I I I R- IW" B.S. NM 1\1-'Q , v! ® V ®®a eWC N m N m �A Z U, V Z m Z Q N N � BUILDING SETBACK _ DETAIL 7 s 3 / ,_ (o304(O'r2 400.00' D = 22°ZI'04" A = 15(0.04 2 = 550.00' O = 08° 28' 07 " A = 51.29 • C- = 109° 4z,:? 8 A = 41.81' R = ZS. 00' A - 28.16' SILJER QLP-0 P14A SE 1 V I L L A (W 7- 45 0. 00' 50.00' 6= OZ041' 0" A= 21. 17' Q = 1035.00' 0 = 06" 3(o' 37" A = 101. 35' Z 5 W U W a 0 U D • C- W r C Ln C4N t 0 0 � W t!) Z) Z > Z 0 Q ..- 4 U o o Z • T ..J C i� og U? N L UW > 0 Z W J w Q J 0 N 0 0 a 0 a Z 5 W U W a 0 U D SCALE 1" = 100' PROJECT NO. 7007-03 SHEET 3 OF 5 C- W 0 0 > L ..- 4 L SCALE 1" = 100' PROJECT NO. 7007-03 SHEET 3 OF 5 \ \ N �. 13 Sb' \ 1 it Sitif5 � SEAM t� 4� �►. �` TYP. SECTION ENVIRONMENTAL SWALE 0 SPRING LAKE 100 YR.ELEV.( F.I.R.M.) 121.0 NORMAL; WATER LEVEL - ORANGE COUNTY 112.0 T.O, (BYHOME BWLDERS) TYPE'B' CURB RIGHT OF WAY L 80 ROW �l TYPE Sl ASPHALT 6'LIMEROCK BASE 12'COMPACfED SUSGRADE 70P6•STAB)LIZED TOFBV 80 .INTERIOR ROAD SECTION lLT,S. • ' ' ' C_0&1k1EC'r TO EX15T 146 51LVER GLI -0 TOOMWATE2 COtJQE1YANCE s15TEM (T,/R) Ma�cln �Gs-�in� PaJemeh Retention Pond 120 -j TYPE "B° CURB SIDEWALK (BY HOME BUILDERS) RIGHT OF WAY Road way Grading / Pr4in498 Wi ll mclt6A Pre✓io051y approved. Cov\0y-0c, hi on Pla 115 -�vr fifer I 'r n 9 rake Pr i Je a nd St reef ' L3 J N Z O 0 Z W Y c 0 U � a N uj vQ J N `Q. ltd N c.� Vz U m Z� N� CL 4 N � Z < E" C4 Q 1 N M V J Z" Z Q J OQ H V o 2 ...1 c • 0 C W Uz = 0 UW > 0 Z W U J W Y J O N • O a Z 0 a J N Z ce 0 Z W Y c 0 U LEGEND / ----� • d • Cen) �� C ter 3tre / / I m \r — - - EXISTING STORM DRAINAGE �± PROPOSED STORM DRAINAGE Qy DRAINAGE FLOW ARROW r La � W Solis Legend u, Ba BLANTON FINE' -SAND -LEVEL Qi fA BLANTON FINE SAND- \` \ / woo .. BC VERY GENTLE SLOPE •� o. •: \ La L.AKELAND FINE SAND -LEVEL U Lf LEON FINE SAND •• 0! Sb ST. L.UCIE FINE SAND C- SOILS BOUNDARY SCALE 1 = 100' PROJECT NO. 70107-03 SH EET 4oF5