HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem V(A) Approval of City Response to Orange County Verified Complaint - Asst City Atty John Horan 4 c AGENDA 2-02-93 Item V A 1 ' MEMORANDUM TO: The Honorable Mayor and City Commissioners of the City of Ocoee FROM: John P. Horan, Esquire DATE: January 29, 1993 RE: Verified Complaint Filed by Orange County with Respect to Allegedly Unlawful Rezonings on Properties Annexed by the City Attached hereto is a copy of a proposed Response to the Verified Complaint filed by Orange County with the City of Ocoee on January 13, 1993 . I invite your attention to Paul Rosenthal's memo to you of January 14, 1993, concerning this matter. The City is required to serve a response to the County's Verified Complaint within thirty (30) days after receipt thereof (i.e. by February 12, 1993) . The attached proposed Response raises certain procedural defenses and denies the substantive allegations of the Verified Complaint. As you know, Orange County also has filed a companion proceeding challenging many of the City's annexations of the properties which are the subjects of the rezonings challenged by the Verified Complaint. Since these matters are in litigation, all communications by City officials and staff concerning same should be made through the City's legal representative. I advise you that anything stated in the public record concerning these matters might be used to compromise the City's position, so we caution City officials and staff to be discrete and prudent when discussing these matters on the record. I will advise you further on this matter at the City Commission Meeting on Tuesday, February 2, 1993, at 7: 30 p.m. cc: Mr. Ellis Shapiro, City Manager w/enclosure Mr. Bruce Behrens, Planning Director w/enclosure Paul Bradshaw, Esquire w/enclosure Paul E. Rosenthal, City Attorney w/enclosure R. Duke Woodson, Assistant City Attorney w/enclosure PROPOSED DRAFT FOR DISCUSSION PURPOSES ONLY BEFORE THE CITY COUNCIL FOR THE CITY OF OCOEE, FLORIDA RE: UNLAWFUL REZONINGS APPROVED BY CITY OF OCOEE FOR TERRITORIES ANNEXED BY CITY OF OCOEE PURSUANT TO CITY OF OCOEE ORDINANCE NOS. 92-32, 92-34, 92-36, 92-38, 92-42, 92-44, 92-46, 92-50, 92-54, 92-56, 92-60, 92-70, 92-72, 92-74, and 92-76 RESPONSE OF CITY OF OCOEE Pursuant to Section 163 . 3215 (4) , Florida Statutes (1992) , the CITY OF OCOEE, FLORIDA, a municipal corporation (the "City") , responds to the Complaint filed by ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA, a Charter County and a political subdivision of the State of Florida (the "County") , and states: 1. The County has failed to comply with Section 163 . 3215 (4) , Florida Statutes (1992) , by failing to file a Verified Complaint with the local government within 30 days after the alleged inconsistent action has been taken. The County has filed an Unverified Complaint which has not been signed by the appropriate officer through which the County is required to take action. Accordingly, the purported Verified Complaint is defective on its face and a nullity. It should be stricken and a Court should dismiss and strike any subsequent court action for failure to comply with the required statutory condition precedent. 2. Alternatively, and without waiving the grounds raised above and without acknowledging the purported "Verified" Complaint (and the unsigned purported Amended "Verified" Complaint previously provided to counsel for the City) , the City denies the substantive allegations of the Complaint and affirmatively asserts that all actions taken by the City have been in accordance with Florida Law. I HEREBY CERTIFY that a true and correct copy of the foregoing has been furnished by Hand Delivery to LINDA W. CHAPIN, Orange County Chairman, 201 South Rosalind Avenue, Orlando, Florida 32801; THOMAS J. WILKES, County Attorney, A. BRYANT APPLEGATE, Assistant County Attorney, JOEL D. PRINSELL, Assistant County Attorney, and ALLISON M. YURKO, Assistant County Attorney, 201 South Rosalind Avenue, Orlando, Florida 32801; this day of February, 1993 . JOHN P. HORAN Florida Bar No. 229830 Foley & Lardner 111 North Orange Avenue Suite 1800 Post office Box 2193 Orlando, Florida 32802 Telephone: 407/423-7656 Attorneys for City of Ocoee Horan/Response/db AGENDA 1-19-93 Item VI C FOLEY & LARDNER III NORTH ORANGE AVENUE,SUITE 1800 POST OFFICE BOX 2193 ORLANDO. FLORIDA 32802-2193 JACKSONVILLE, FLORIDA TELEPHONE 14071 423-7656 IS A MEMBER OF GLOBALEX TALLAHASSEE, FLORIDA FACSIMILE 14071 648-1743 WITH MEMBER OFFICES IN TAMPA, FLORIDA WEST PALM BEACH, FLORIDA LONDON, ENGLAND MILWAUKEE, WISCONSIN _ PARIS, FRANCE MADISON. WISCONSIN BERLIN, GERMANY CHICAGO, ILLINOIS STUTTGART, GERMANY WASHINGTON, D.C. DRESDEN, GERMANY ALEXANDRIA. VIRGINIA SINGAPORE ANNAPOLIS, MARYLAND MEMORANDUM TAIPEI, TAIWAN TO: The Honorable Mayor and City Commissioners of the City of Ocoee r FROM: Paul E. Rosenthal, Esq. , City Attorneye-21L. DATE: January 14, 1993 RE: Verified Complaint filed by Orange County with Respect to Allegedly Unlawful Rezonincgs on Properties Annexed by the City Attached hereto is a copy of the Verified Complaint served by Orange County on the City of Ocoee on January 13 , 1993 . The Complaint has been served pursuant to the provisions of Section 163 . 3215, Florida Statutes (copy attached) and requests that the City void certain zoning decisions for the reasons set forth therein. This is the first instance in which a Complaint has been filed with the City under the provisions of the Local Government Comprehensive Planning & Land Development Regulation Act. The filing of the Complaint is a condition precedent to the institution by the County of an action for injunctive or other relief to prevent the City from taking action pursuant to the zoning ordinances which are the subject of the Complaint. The City is required to respond to the Complaint within thirty (30) days after receipt (i.e. , by February 12 , 1993) . After receipt of a response from the City, the County may then institute legal proceedings against the City. However, any such proceeding must be instituted no later than thirty (30) days after the expiration of the thirty (30) day period within which the City may act in response to the Complaint (i.e. , by March 15, 1993) . The County alleges the following with respect to the zoning decisions which are the subject of the Complaint: (1) The annexed territories are not subject to the jurisdiction of the City for the purposes of Chapter 163 , T O } A• Q , ikr n Z Y A 14 $ _ � 1)U di Florida Statutes and, as a result, the City lacks authority to adopt the rezoning ordinances with respect to such annexed territories. (2) The zoning classifications established by the. City for the annexed territories materially alter the use, density and intensity of use thereof in a manner which conflicts with the County Comprehensive Plan. The County has not filed documentation, legal memoranda or other data in support of these allegations. We have requested that the County Attorney advise us where he intends to submit such documentation for consideration by the City. We are in the process of reviewing and analyzing the Complaint filed by Orange County. John Horan, a litigation partner in my firm, will be the lead attorney in connection with this matter. We will also be assisted by Paul Bradshaw in our Tallahassee office. As we have previously advised you, it is our opinion that the City has complied with all of the requirements of Chapters 163 , 166 and 171, Florida Statutes. We have further advised you that, in our opinion, upon annexation of lands they become subject to the jurisdiction of the City and the Ocoee Comprehensive Plan and, as a result, inconsistency with the Orange County Comprehensive Plan is not a legal impediment to the adoption of zoning ordinances which are consistent with the Ocoee Comprehensive Plan. The purpose of the procedure established by Section 163 . 3215, Florida Statutes, is to attempt to resolve differences prior to the filing of litigation. It is my recommendation that discussion and possible action on the issues raised by the Complaint be added to the agenda for the Special Session Joint Meeting with the County Commission scheduled for January 25, 1993 . Based upon direction from the City Commission, a response to the Complaint would be prepared for consideration by the City Commission at its meeting of February 2 , 1993 . enclosures cc: Mr. Ellis Shapiro, City Manager (w/encl) Mr. Bruce Behrens, Planning Director (w/encl) Ms. Montye Beamer, Adminstrative Services Director (w/encl) Paul Bradshaw, Esquire (w/encl) John P. Horan, Esquire (w/encl) C:\WPSI\DOCS\OCOE\MEMOS\COMMIS.MEM 11/14/93 1 GINNYE1 PER:ge -2- XEROX TELECOPIER 295 ; ??-??-??;??:?? ??; 407 666 5725 + ; # 2 01/13/93 15:48 13 407 656 5725 CITY OF OCOEE ••»•• FOLEY & LARDNER 002/008 s. BEFORE THE CITY COUNCIL FOR THE CITY OF OCOEE, FLORIDA RE: UNLAWFUL REZONINGS APPROVED BY CITY OF OCOEE FOR TERRITORIES ANNEXED BY CITY OF OCOEE PURSUANT TO CITY OF OCOEE ORDINANCE NOS. 92-32, 92-34 , 92-36, 92-38, 92-42, 92-44, 92-46, 92-50, 92-54, 92-56, 92-60, 92-70, 92-72, 92-74 , and 92-76. VERIFIED COMPLAINT Pursuant to Section 163 .3215, Florida Statutes, ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA, a Charter County and a political subdivision of the State of Florida (the "County") , by and through the undersigned, hereby files this verified Complaint with the CITY OF OCOEE, FLORIDA, a municipal corporation (the "City") , and alleges as follows: 1. The original of this Verified Complaint is filed with the Mayor of the City Council of the City, the Honorable S. Scott Vandergrift, and a copy is filed with the City Clerk. 2. For purposes of this case, the City is the "local government" within the meaning of Section 163.3215(1) , Florida Statutes. 3 . For purposes of this case, the County is the local government with the "comprehensive plan, " within the meaning of Section 163 .3215(1) , Florida Statutes . 4 . The County' s comprehensive plan is commonly known as the 1990-2010 Orange County Comprehensive Plan. It`>was. saopted •'jzbr17 • .+. 4 XEROX TELECOPIER 295 ; ??-??-??:??:?? ??; 407 656 6725 + ; 0 3 01/13/93 15:49 $407 656 5725 CITY OF OCOEE yyy FOLEY & LARDNER e003/008 by Orange County Ordinance No. 91-16, and amended by Orange County Ordinance No. 92-24 . 5. On December 14, 15, and 16, 1992, the City adopted Ordinance Nos. 92-32, 92-34, 92-36, 92-38, 92-42, 92-44 , 92-46, 92-50, 92-54, 92-56, 92-60, 92-70, 92-72, and 92-74 , and on January 5, 1993, the City adopted Ordinance No. 92-76 (the "annexation ordinances") . 6 . The annexation ordinances annexed territories situated within the unincorporated area of the County. • 7. Upon adopting the annexation ordinances, the City also adopted Ordinance Nos . 92-33 , 92-35, 92-37, 92-39, 92-43, 92-45, 92-47, 92-51, 92-55, 92-57, 92-61, 92-71, 92-73 , 92-75, and 92-77 (the "rezoning ordinances") . 8 . The rezoning ordinances rezoned the territories annexed by the annexation ordinances in the following manner: (a) The territory annexed by the City pursuant to Ordinance No. 92-32 was rezoned by the City by Ordinance No. 92-33 from County A-1, Agricultural District, and A-2, Agricultural District, to City R-:.-A, Single-Family Residential District, R-1-AA, Single-Family Residential District, R-3 , Multi-Family Residential District, and C-2, Community Commercial District. (b) The territory annexed by the City pursuant to Ordinance No. 92-34 was rezoned by the City by Ordinance No. 92-35 from County A-1 and . A-2 to -2- XEROX TELECOPIER 295 ; ??-??-??;??:?? ??; 407 656 5726 + ; # 4 01'13'93 15:50 $407 656 5725 CITY OF OCOEE yyy FOLEY & LARDNER Vb 004'008 City I-1, Light Industrial and Manufacturing District . (c) The territory annexed by the City pursuant to Ordinance No. 92-36 was rezoned by the City by Ordinance No. 92-37 from County A-1 and A-2 to City R-1-AA. (d) The territory annexed by the City pursuant to Ordinance No. 92-38 was rezoned by the City by Ordinance No. 92-39 from County A-1 and A-2 to ' City C-2 . (e) The territory annexed by the City pursuant to Ordinance No. 92-42 was rezoned by the City by Ordinance No. 92-43 from County A-1 and M-1, Light Manufacturing District, to City A-1, General Agricultural District, and R-1-A. (f) The territory annexed by the City pursuant to Ordinance No. 92-44 was rezoned by the City by Ordinance No. 92-45 from County A-1 to City R-1-A. (g) The territory annexed by the City pursuant to Ordinance No. 92-46 was rezoned by the City by Ordinance No. 92-47 from County R-CE, Rural Country Estate, to City R-1-A. (h) The territory annexed by the City pursuant to Ordinance No. 92-50 was rezoned by the City by -3- XEROX TELECOPIER 295 ; ??-??-??;??:?? ??; 407 656 5725 9 ; 0 5 01/13/93 15:50 V407 656 5725 CITY OF OCOEE FOLEY & LARDNER Whee5reea fit a ,4• 1 q 6 Ordinance No. 92-51 from County1 0` t0 �T pro. ? -1-AA. i ...... L. yam" `, 9 _ •_yt'Tn (i) The territory annexed by the City pur1$LA Ordinance No. 92-54 was rezoned by theCi =i Ordinance No. 92-55 from County A-1 to Ci Y R-1-AA. (j ) The territory annexed by the City pursuant to Ordinance No. 92-56 was rezoned by the City by Ordinance No. 92-57 from County A-1 to City A-1. (k) The territory annexed by the City pursuant to Ordinance No . 92-60 was rezoned by the City by Ordinance No. 92-61 from County A- 1 to City R-1-AA. (1) The territory annexed by the City pursuant to Ordinance No . 92-70 was rezoned by the City by Ordinance No . 92-71 from County A-1 to City A•-1 . (m) The territory annexed by the City pursuant to Ordinance No . 92-72 was rezoned by the City by Ordinance No . 92-73 from County A-1 to City A-1. (n) The territory annexed by the City pursuant to Ordinance No . 92-74 was rezoned by the City by Ordinance No. 92-75 from County A-1 •'to Ci aC•r *-s (o) The territory °annexed by the City 1 1).,391%x= -� . -'�%. n4.k rte{ ,�'.� • �) ) �1 �.� Ordi�an e a � --- -a_ x. txs. _ 47 r -r',��"Ly'"o t..C • y XEROX TELECOPIER 295 ; ??-??-??;??:?? ??; 407 656 5725 9 6 01/13/93 15:51 $407 656 5725 CITY OF OCOEE yyy FOLEY & LARDNER 10066008 9 . A decision by a local government to rezone prOpOltyM- WFe is a "development order, " within the meaning of BsotiOos .� ,w 163 . 3215( 1) and 163 .3164 (6) and (7) , Florida Statutes . 10 . The annexed territories are not subject to ,the rr� jurisdiction of the City for the purposes of the Local Government Comprehensive Planning and Land Development Regulation Act, Sections 163 . 3161 - 163 . 3243 , Florida Statutes . 11 . The unincorporated territory annexed by the City pursuant to Ordinance Nos . 92-32 , 92-34 , 92-36, 92-38, 92. 40 , 92-42, 92-44 , 92-46, 92-50 , 92-56 , and the northern half of the unincorporated territory annexed pursuant to Ordinance No. 92-70, are designated on the future land use map of the County' s comprehensive plan as "Rural/Agricultural. " The Rural/Agricultural designation permits a maximum density of one dwelling unit per ten acres . 12 . The unincorporated territory annexed by the City pursuant to Ordinance Nos . 92-54 , 92-72, 92-74 , 92-76, and the southern half of the unincorporated territory annexed pursuant to Ordinance No . 92-70, are designated on the future land use map of the County' s comprehensive plan as "Rural Settlement. " The Rural Settlement designation for this territory permits a maximum density of one dwelling unit per acre. 13 . The unincorporated territory annexed by the City pursuant to Ordinance No . 92-60 is designated An a as&-'"Rural land use map of the County' s comprehensive 1,18 _=. -5- R aT XEROX TELECOPIER 295 ; ??-??-??;??:?? ??; 40? 666 5725 + ; # 7 0.143/93 15:51 12407 656 5725 CITY OF OCOEE *44 FOLEY & LARDNER R1007i008 Settlement. " The Rural Settlement designation for this territory permits a maximum density of one dwelling unit per five acres. 14 . Even assuming (without conceding) that the City had the authority to adopt the rezoning ordinances, the subject rezonings by the City materially alter the use, density and intensity of use of the annexed territories in a manner that conflict with and are not consistent with the future land use designations for those territories as set forth in the County' s comprehensive plan. 15. Therefore, for purposes of this case, the County is an "aggrieved or adversely affected party" within the meaning of Section 163 .3215(2) , Florida Statutes . 16 . As a result of the foregoing unlawful rezonings, the County requests that the City void the rezoning decisions . EL-_, VI c4-004.-2 - BRUCE McCLENDON, as Manager of the Orange County Planning Department STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF ORANGE The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this 13th day of January, 1993, by BRUCE McCLENDON, who is personally known to me and who did not t an oath. P 11411 ted/Typed Name: . 4'otK z N• ary Public/State of Florida Commission r Numbg • NOTARY nem STATE Or R.ORidR AT LA:w MY COMMISSION ORBS MAY Of, 1,N4 BONDED THRU NLICKLIBUIRY A AMOnAW -6- XEROX TELECOPIER 295 ; ??-??-??;??:?? ??; 407 666 5726 9 ; # 8 . 01/13/93 15:52 12407 656 5725 CITY OF OCOEE ••• FOLEY & LARDNER Q008/008 • ORANGE COUNTY ATTORNEY'S OFFICE Orange County Administration Center 1 P.O. Box 1393 Orlando, Florida 32802-1393 - Phone No. (407) 836-7320 Attorneys for ORANGE COUNT', FLORIDA P C6 �` A. Bry t Appl •4 to Assista County Attorney Florida Bar No. 346926 PrattD. . - nsell.. l1 Assistant County Attorney Florida Bar No. 329101 ja41//711. Alison M. Yurko Assistant County Attorney Florida Bar No. 0772186 JDP:sac2071 • F tet. c:4} 1Ri -7-• ;• y ;�t 'Via. .�. l -art `y6